Wholly Amended by Presidential Decree No. 20289, Sep. 27, 2007
Amended by Presidential Decree No. 20428, Nov. 30, 2007
Presidential Decree No. 20544, Jan. 11, 2008
Presidential Decree No. 20789, May 21, 2008
Presidential Decree No. 21105, Nov. 5, 2008
Presidential Decree No. 21565, Jun. 26, 2009
Presidential Decree No. 21571, Jun. 26, 2009
Presidential Decree No. 21590, Jun. 30, 2009
Presidential Decree No. 21626, Jul. 7, 2009
Presidential Decree No. 21629, Jul. 16, 2009
Presidential Decree No. 21744, Sep. 21, 2009
Presidential Decree No. 21904, Dec. 24, 2009
Presidential Decree No. 22420, Oct. 1, 2010
Presidential Decree No. 22663, Feb. 9, 2011
Presidential Decree No. 22967, Jun. 8, 2011
Presidential Decree No. 23193, Sep. 30, 2011
Presidential Decree No. 23267, Oct. 28, 2011
Presidential Decree No. 23313, Nov. 23, 2011
Presidential Decree No. 23464, Dec. 30, 2011
Presidential Decree No. 23783, May 14, 2012
Presidential Decree No. 23967, Jul. 20, 2012
Presidential Decree No. 24155, Oct. 29, 2012
Presidential Decree No. 24242, Dec. 20, 2012
Presidential Decree No. 25050, Dec. 30, 2013
Presidential Decree No. 25358, May 22, 2014
Presidential Decree No. 25478, Jul. 16, 2014
Presidential Decree No. 25532, Aug. 6, 2014
Presidential Decree No. 26105, Feb. 16, 2015
Presidential Decree No. 26205, Apr. 20, 2015
Presidential Decree No. 27444, Aug. 11, 2016
Presidential Decree No. 27445, Aug. 11, 2016
Presidential Decree No. 27496, Sep. 13, 2016
Presidential Decree No. 27751, Dec. 30, 2016
Presidential Decree No. 27792, Jan. 17, 2017
Presidential Decree No. 27806, Jan. 26, 2017
Presidential Decree No. 28583, Jan. 16, 2018
Presidential Decree No. 29360, Dec. 11, 2018
Presidential Decree No. 29950, Jul. 2, 2019
Presidential Decree No. 30509, Mar. 3, 2020
Presidential Decree No. 31162, Nov. 17, 2020
Presidential Decree No. 31176, Nov. 24, 2020
Presidential Decree No. 31380, Jan. 5, 2021
Presidential Decree No. 31887, Jul. 13, 2021
Presidential Decree No. 32317, Jan. 4, 2022
Presidential Decree No. 33025, Dec. 6, 2022
Presidential Decree No. 33192, Dec. 30, 2022
The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe matters mandated by the Sewerage Act and those necessary for enforcing the same.
Article 2 (Authority for Formulating Framework Plans for Sewerage Maintenance) |
Where a sewerage system spans at least two jurisdictions or in extenuating circumstances, persons classified as follows shall formulate a 20-year framework plan for sewerage maintenance (hereinafter referred to as "framework plan for sewerage maintenance") pursuant to Article 5 (2) of the Sewerage Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”): 1. | Where it is determined following consultations with the Mayor of the relevant Special Metropolitan City, the Mayor of the relevant Metropolitan City, or the head of the relevant Si or Gun (excluding the head of a Gun within a Metropolitan City; hereafter in this Article and Article 3 the same shall apply): The relevant Special Metropolitan City Mayor, the relevant Metropolitan City Mayor, or the head of the relevant Si or Gun; |
2. | In cases of the relevant Si or Gun belonging to jurisdictions of mutually different Dos, where consultations prescribed in subparagraph 1 have been unsuccessfully held: The Do Governor or the head of a Si or Gun determined following consultations between the competent Do Governors; |
3. | Where consultations prescribed in subparagraph 1 or 2 have not been initiated or have been unsuccessfully held: The Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor or the head of the Si or Gun designated by the Minister of Environment if the party to such consultation is a Special Metropolitan City Mayor or a Metropolitan City Mayor; and the head of the Si or Gun designated by the Do Governor, if the party to such consultation is the head of a Si or Gun. |
Article 3 (Formulation of Framework Plans for Sewerage Maintenance) |
(1) | Where the authority for formulating the framework plan for sewerage maintenance pursuant to Article 6 (1) of the Act intends to formulate or amend a framework plan for sewerage maintenance, he or she shall first hear opinions of the relevant Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor, and the head of a Si or Gun. |
(2) | Where the Minister of Environment intends to approve a framework plan for sewerage maintenance or any amendment thereto pursuant to Article 6 (1) of the Act, if deemed necessary for reviewing related technical matters, he or she may first hear opinions of the Korea Environment Corporation established under the Korea Environment Corporation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Korea Environment Corporation”). <Amended on Dec. 24, 2009> |
Article 4 (Areas subject to Application of Strict Standards for Effluent Water Quality) |
“Area determined by Presidential Decree” in Article 7 (1) 1 of the Act means any of the following districts or areas: <Amended on Jan. 11, 2008; Oct. 1, 2010; Jul. 20, 2012; Dec. 20, 2012> 10. | Other areas determined and publicly announced by the Minister of Environment as areas that affect the quality of the waters, where it is deemed necessary for preserving the environmental standards for the water quality and aquatic ecosystem to meet Grade Ia as referred to in subparagraph 3 of the Appendix of the Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Environmental Policy. |
Article 5 (Access to Land of others) |
“Notice may be given as prescribed by Presidential Decree” in the proviso of Article 8 (2) of the Act, means providing notice by posting it in daily newspapers and the relevant public gazette or by publicly announcing it on the bulletin board or through broadcasting facilities and on the website of the Eup, Myeon, or Dong office having jurisdiction over the relevant land. In such cases, no access to the relevant land shall be allowed within 14 days from the date of posting or publicly announcing the relevant notice. <Amended on Nov. 24, 2020>
Article 6 (Compensation for Damage) |
(1) | An application for adjudication prescribed in Article 9 (3) of the Act shall be filed with the Central Land Tribunal if it is to be filed regarding any disposition or restriction imposed by the Mayor of a Special Metropolitan City, the Mayor of a Metropolitan City, the Mayor of a Self-Governing City, the Do Governor, or the Governor of a Special Self-Governing Province (hereinafter referred to as "Mayor/Do Governor"); and such application shall be filed with a local Land Tribunal if it is to be filed regarding any disposition or restriction imposed by the head of a Si, Gun, or autonomous Gu (hereinafter referred to as the “head of a Si/Gun/ Gu”). <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014> |
(2) | Any person who intends to apply for adjudication pursuant to paragraph (1) shall submit a written application for adjudication, stating the following matters, to the competent Land Tribunal (including submission via the information and communications network): |
1. | The name and address of the applicant and the other party; |
3. | Details of the loss incurred; |
4. | Details concerning the amount of compensation for loss determined by the disposition agency and the amount of loss claimed by the applicant for compensation for loss; |
5. | Progress of consultations. |
Article 6-2 (Standards and Methods for Compensation for Use of Underground Portion of Land) |
(1) | Standards for compensation for using the underground portion of land of other persons under Article 10-2 (1) of the Act shall be as specified in Appendix 1. |
(2) | Where a person who intends to install a public sewerage system provides compensation under Article 10-2 (1) of the Act, he or she shall pay the relevant land owner such compensation in a lump sum. |
[This Article Added on Jan. 4, 2022]
Article 7 (Application for Authorization for Installation of Public Sewerage Systems) |
(1) | Where the head of a Si/Gun/Gu intends to obtain authorization for installation (including authorization for changes or abolition) prescribed in Article 11 (3) and (4) of the Act, he or she shall submit a written application for authorization, stating the following matters, to a Mayor/Do Governor: <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009; May 14, 2012; Jul. 16, 2014> |
1. | The name and address of the project implementer; |
2. | The business objectives; |
3. | The location and area of the site for project implementation; |
4. | The type, name and capacity of facilities to be installed; |
5. | The area planned for drainage and the area planned for sewage treatment (excluding waste treatment plants); |
5-2. | Whether the project is to be implemented under a framework plan for sewerage maintenance; |
6. | The period for project implementation; |
7. | The names and addresses of the land owner, etc. and interested parties. |
(2) | A written application for authorization referred to in paragraph (1) shall include the following drawings or documents: Provided, That when applying for authorization for change or abolition, only the drawings or documents corresponding to the relevant part may be attached: <Amended on May 14, 2012; Jul. 16, 2014> |
1. | Drawings showing the topography and purpose of land of the area planned for drainage or the area planned for sewage treatment, and its neighboring areas (excluding foul waste treatment plants); |
2. | Documents concerning the estimated amount of sewage or foul waste, and the basis for calculating the same; |
3. | Documents concerning the estimated water quality of sewage or foul waste and effluent water to be treated at public sewage treatment plants; simplified public sewage treatment plants or foul waste treatment plants; and the grounds for such estimation; |
3-2. | Documents concerning the basis of calculating the capacity of sewage retention facilities based on the purpose of installation, the methods for operating such facilities, and the methods for treating sewage discharged into such facilities; |
3-3. | Documents examining the influence of the sewerage system to be installed on the flow of the existing sewerage systems or on public sewage treatment plants, simplified public sewage treatment plants, etc.; |
4. | Drawings showing the status of the areas for discharging treated water; |
5. | Documents concerning funding and the construction costs estimated for each fiscal year; |
6. | Drawings of city areas, and the ground plan and design documents of the public sewerage system (excluding foul waste treatment plants); |
7. | Reports on the land or buildings to be expropriated or used; and the statements on the lot number and land category thereof and rights thereto other than ownership; |
8. | Other drawings and documents prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. |
(3) | Deleted. <Jul. 16, 2014> |
(4) | A Mayor/Do Governor may hear opinions of the Korea Environment Corporation in advance, if it is deemed necessary for reviewing technical matters related to the written application, drawings, documents, etc. prescribed in paragraphs (1) and (2). <Amended on Dec. 24, 2009; Jul. 16, 2014> |
Article 8 (Public Announcement on Installation of Public Sewerage Systems) |
Where a Mayor/Do Governor intends to publicly announce the installation or authorization for installation of a public sewerage system pursuant to Article 11 (2) or (7) of the Act, he or she shall publish the matters prescribed in the subparagraphs of Article 7 (1) and paragraph (2) 7 of the same Article in the official report of the relevant local government or in daily newspapers. <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009; Jul. 16, 2014>
Article 9 (Consultations on Raising and Spending Funds) |
(1) | Where a Mayor/Do Governor intends to consult with the Minister of Environment about raising and spending funds pursuant to Article 11 (6) of the Act, he or she shall submit to the Minister of Environment documents stating the matters prescribed in Article 7 (1) 1 through 5, 5-2 and 6 and the document prescribed in paragraph (2) 5 of the same Article. <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009; May 14, 2012> |
(2) | Where it is deemed necessary for reviewing technical matters related to the documents prescribed in paragraph (1), the Minister of Environment may hear opinions of the Korea Environment Corporation. <Added on May 14, 2012> |
Article 10 (Standards for Installation) |
(1) | “Standards prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 12 (1) 2 of the Act means as follows: <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009; May 14, 2012; Jul. 16, 2014> |
1. | The scale and placement of facilities of a public sewerage system: The facilities shall ensure a smooth flow of sewage, the quantity of which shall be estimated based on urban development, population increases or decreases, climate conditions, such as rainfall, flood damage, and other relevant factors; |
2. | The discharge areas of a public sewerage system: The degree of water pollution in public waters due to effluent water and potential changes in conditions of receiving water bodies shall be considered; |
3. | Public sewage treatment plants, simplified public sewage treatment plants, or foul waste treatment plants: The plants shall be installed in places where there is no risk of flooding, and shall be capable of efficiently treating the sewage and foul waste of the relevant sewage treatment area; |
4. | Sewage retention facilities: The facilities shall be installed in places suitable for achieving their installation purposes, such as preventing flood damage and water pollution, reusing sewage, etc., as well as by considering other detailed matters prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. |
(2) | The materials used to install sewerage systems referred to in Article 12 (3) of the Act shall meet any of the following requirements for quality and performance: <Amended on May 21, 2008; Nov. 5, 2008; Feb. 9, 2011; Oct. 28, 2011; Nov. 23, 2011; Dec. 20, 2012; May 22, 2014; Jul. 16, 2014; Sep. 13, 2016; Jan. 26, 2017> |
7. | Deleted; <Apr. 20, 2015> |
11. | Other materials publicly notified by the Minister of Environment as having appropriate quality and performance to be used as materials for installing sewerage systems. |
Article 11 (Public Announcement on Commencement of Services) |
(1) | “Matters prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 15 (1) of the Act means the following matters: <Amended on May 14, 2012; Jul. 16, 2014> |
1. | The location of the public sewerage system; |
2. | The design quality and quantity of water to be discharged into public sewage treatment plants or simplified public sewage treatment plants; |
3. | Whether the public sewerage system has combined sewage culverts or separate sewage culverts; |
3-2. | The installation purpose and capacity of a sewage retention facility, and the methods for treating sewage discharged into the sewage retention facility; |
4. | Other matters deemed needed to be publicly announced, regarding use of the public sewerage system. |
(2) | Where any public sewerage management authority prescribed in Article 18 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as “public sewerage management authority”) has publicly announced the timing for opening the service of a public sewerage system prescribed in Article 15 of the Act, the public sewerage management authority shall notify details thereof to the head of the competent basin environmental office or the head of a regional environmental office (hereinafter referred to as "head of a local environmental agency") and to a Mayor/Do Governor (applicable only when the public sewerage management authority is the head of a Si/Gun/Gu) within 30 days from the date of the public announcement. <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014> |
Article 12 (Execution of Construction Works by Persons, other than Public Sewerage Management Authority) |
(1) | Where any person, other than the public sewerage management authority, intends to obtain permission prescribed in the main clause of Article 16 (1) of the Act (including revised permission; hereafter in this Article, the same shall apply) to execute any construction or maintenance work related to a public sewerage system, he or she shall submit a written application for permission stating the matters prescribed in the subparagraphs of Article 7 (1), to the competent public sewerage management authority (including submission via the information and communications network). |
(2) | A written application for permission referred to in paragraph (1) shall be attached by the drawings and documents provided for in the subparagraphs of Article 7 (2). |
(3) | Deleted. <Jul. 16, 2014> |
(4) | “Minor maintenance work specified by Presidential Decree” in the proviso of Article 16 (1) of the Act means cleaning sewage culverts, manholes and downspouts. <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014> |
(5) | Where the public sewerage management authority has permitted any construction or maintenance work related to a public sewerage system by any person, other than the public sewerage management authority, pursuant to Article 16 (2) of the Act, it shall publicly announce or notify the matters prescribed in the subparagraphs of Article 7 (1) and paragraph (2) 7 of the same Article in the official report of the relevant local government or in daily newspapers. |
Article 13 (Legal Fiction of Authorization and Permission) |
(1) | Where the head of the relevant administrative agency receives a request for consultations prescribed in Article 17 (2) of the Act, he or she shall submit its opinions within 30 days from the date of receipt of such request. |
(2) | Any administrative agency that fails to submit its opinions within the period for submitting opinions referred to in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to have consented to such consultation. |
Article 14 (Public Sewerage Management Authority) |
(1) | Where a public sewerage system spans jurisdictions of at least two local governments, or where any extenuating circumstance exists as prescribed in Article 18 (2) of the Act, the Mayor/Do Governor who has publicly announced the installation of the public sewerage system pursuant to Article 11 (2) of the Act or the head of a Si or Gun who has obtained authorization prescribed in paragraphs (3) and (4) of the same Article shall serve as the public sewerage management authority: Provided, That where it is impractical or unreasonable in managing the relevant public sewerage system to determine the management authority depending on who has publicly announced the installation of the public sewerage system or who has obtained authorization for installation, a person determined or designated as prescribed in the subparagraphs of Article 2 shall serve as the public sewerage management authority. <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009; Jul. 16, 2014> |
(2) | A person to serve as the public sewerage management authority pursuant to paragraph (1) shall publicly announce the location of the relevant public sewerage system; drainage area or sewage treatment area; the name of the public sewerage management authority and other necessary matters in the official report of the relevant local government or in daily newspapers. |
Article 15 (Standards for Operating and Managing Public Sewerage Systems) |
(1) | “Standards prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 19 (1) of the Act means any of the following standards: <Amended on May 14, 2012; Jul. 16, 2014> |
1. | Public sewage treatment plants, simplified public sewage treatment plants, and foul waste treatment plants: Each plant shall meet appropriate requirements in terms of the scale of facilities, treatment capacity, treatment methods, quality of sewage discharged thereto, quality of effluent water, weather conditions such as rainfall, etc.; |
2. | Sewage culverts: Each treatment area of the sewage culverts shall meet appropriate requirements in terms of the discharged sewage and climatic conditions, such as rainfall, etc.; |
3. | Sewage retention facilities: Each facility shall meet appropriate requirements in terms of its installation purposes, facility scale, the timing and methods for receiving and discharging sewage, the methods for treating sewage discharged into sewage retention facilities, surrounding conditions such as the water level of river as at the time of discharging. |
(2) | Deleted. <Jun. 26, 2009> |
(3) | The effluent water quality tests at a public sewage treatment plant, simplified public sewage treatment plant or foul waste treatment plant prescribed in Article 19 (4) of the Act shall be conducted at the following intervals: Provided, That the ecotoxicological test among the items for testing the quality of effluent water at a public sewage treatment plant shall be conducted at least monthly: <Amended on Nov. 5, 2008; Feb. 9, 2011; Jul. 16, 2014; Jan. 4, 2022> |
1. | Public sewage treatment plants with the daily treatment capacity of at least 500 cubic meters or foul waste treatment plants with the daily treatment capacity of at least 100 cubic meters: At least daily; |
2. | Public sewage treatment plants with the daily treatment capacity of at least 50 cubic meters and less than 500 cubic meters or foul waste treatment plants with the daily treatment capacity of at least 50 cubic meters and less than 100 cubic meters: At least weekly; |
3. | Public sewage treatment plants or foul waste treatment plants with the daily treatment capacity of less than 50 cubic meters: At least monthly; |
4. | Simplified public sewage treatment plants: At least once whenever it is activated. |
(5) | Matters necessary for the targets, items, frequency, etc. of sludge composition tests at public sewage treatment plants, simplified public sewage treatment plants or foul waste treatment plants prescribed in Article 19 (4) of the Act shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Amended on Nov. 5, 2008; Jul. 16, 2014; Jan. 4, 2022> |
(6) | Where effluent water quality tests or sludge composition tests have been conducted pursuant to Article 19 (4) of the Act, the results thereof shall be recorded and retained in a management register prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Amended on Nov. 5, 2008; Jan. 4, 2022> |
[Title Amended on Jul. 16, 2014]
Article 15-2 (Standards for Registering Business for Vicariously Conducting Public Sewerage Management) |
(1) | The equipment and technical personnel to be secured by any person who intends to register himself or herself as a business for vicariously conducting public sewerage management (hereinafter referred to as "management agent") pursuant to Article 19-2 (1) 1 of the Act shall be as specified in Appendix 1-2. <Amended on Jan. 4, 2022> |
(2) | The matters to be observed by any management agent prescribed in Article 19-2 (3) of the Act shall be as specified in Appendix 1-3. <Amended on Jan. 4, 2022> |
[This Article Added on Dec. 20, 2012]
Article 15-3 (Conclusion of Contracts on Outsourcing Public Sewerage Management) |
(1) | Where the head of a local government intends to have a management agent conduct businesses of managing public sewerage systems on its behalf pursuant to Article 19-5 (1) of the Act, he or she shall contract to outsource management as follows: <Amended on Dec. 20, 2012> |
1. | Outsourcing management service that does not include making improvements to public sewerage systems: Simple management outsourcing contract; |
2. | Outsourcing management service that includes making improvements to public sewerage systems: Complex management outsourcing contract. |
(2) | The term of a simple management outsourcing contract provided for in paragraph (1) 1 shall be up to five years, but may be renewed by up to five years, based on the outcomes of performance evaluation prescribed in Article 19-5 (4). <Amended on Dec. 20, 2012; Jan. 4, 2022> |
(3) | The term of a complex management outsourcing contract provided for in paragraph (1) 2 shall be at least five years and not exceed 20 years. <Amended on Dec. 20, 2012> |
(4) | The Minister of Environment may determine and publicly announce matters necessary for the criteria, procedures, etc. for selecting management agents for vicariously managing public sewerage systems. <Amended on Dec. 20, 2012> |
(5) | Deleted. <Jan. 4, 2022> |
[This Article Added on Sep. 30, 2011]
[Title Amended on Dec. 20, 2012]
[Moved from Article 42-3 <Dec. 20, 2012>]
Article 15-4 (Performance Evaluation) |
1. | In cases of simple management outsourcing contracts under Article 15-3 (1) 1: One year; |
2. | In cases of complex management outsourcing contracts under Article 15-3 (1) 2: Five years. |
(2) | Performance evaluation under Article 19-5 (4) of the Act shall be conducted by means of document evaluation and on-site evaluation. |
(3) | Except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2), matters necessary for methods, procedures, etc. for performance evaluation shall be determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Environment. |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Jan. 4, 2022]
Article 16 (Technical Diagnosis) |
(1) | After conducting a technical diagnosis prescribed in Article 20 (1) and (2) of the Act, the public sewerage management authority shall report findings of the relevant technical diagnosis and an improvement plan formulated based thereon respectively to the head of a local environmental agency and the competent Mayor/Do Governor (applicable only when the public sewerage management authority is the head of a Si/Gun/Gu) within 30 days from conducting the relevant technical diagnosis. <Amended on May 14, 2012; Jul. 16, 2014> |
(2) | Where it is deemed necessary for reviewing technical matters related to findings of the technical diagnosis and improvement plan reported by the public sewerage management authority prescribed in paragraph (1), he or she may hear opinions of the Korea Environment Corporation, the Korea Water and Wastewater Works Association under Article 56 (1) of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act, etc. <Added on May 14, 2012; Jul. 16, 2014; Dec. 6, 2022> |
Article 17 (Requirements for Registration of Specialized Technical Diagnostic Institutes) |
(1) | The classification of and requirements for filing for registration of specialized technical diagnostic institutes referred to in Article 20-2 (2) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as “specialized technical diagnostic institute”) shall be as specified in Appendix 1-4. <Amended on Dec. 20, 2012; Feb. 16, 2015; Jan. 4, 2022> |
(2) | The matters to be observed by the Korea Environment Corporation and specialized technical diagnostic institutes referred to in Article 20-2 (4) of the Act shall be as specified in Appendix 1-5. <Amended on Dec. 20, 2012; Jan. 4, 2022> |
[This Article Added on May 14, 2012]
Article 18 (Installation of Hazard-Preventive Facilities) |
(1) | Where any public sewerage management authority places orders to install facilities for preventing hazards from sewage pursuant to Article 23 (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "hazard-preventive facilities"), it shall determine important matters concerning such hazard-preventive facilities; the date of commencing construction; the date of completing construction, etc. <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009> |
(2) | A person ordered to install hazard-preventive facilities prescribed in Article 23 (1) of the Act shall obtain approval for executing construction from the public sewerage management authority by preparing and submitting a plan for installing the relevant hazard-preventive facilities within 20 days from the date of receiving the relevant order. <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009> |
(3) | Where a person in receipt of an order to install the hazard-preventive facilities prescribed in paragraph (1) completes works for installing the relevant hazard-preventive facilities, he or she shall report it to the competent public sewerage management authority within three days from the date of completion of construction and undergo a completion inspection. |
Article 19 (Permission for Occupation and Use) |
(1) | “Act that constitutes occupation and use prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 24 of the Act means any of the following acts conducted on the site of public sewerage systems: |
1. | Constructing buildings; |
2. | Installing structures; |
(2) | Any person who intends to obtain permission for occupation and use pursuant to Article 24 of the Act shall submit a written application for permission for occupation and use, stating the following matters, along with the relevant drawings and documents, to the public sewerage management authority (including submission via the information and communications network): |
1. | The name or title, and address of the applicant for permission for occupation and use; |
2. | The purposes of occupation and use; |
3. | The duration, location and area of occupation and use; |
4. | The period of construction; |
5. | The methods for recovering public sewerage systems. |
(3) | Where the public sewerage management authority has granted permission to the application prescribed in paragraph (2), it shall publicly announce the details of such permission in the official report of the relevant local government or in daily newspapers. |
Article 20 (Orders to Improve Public Sewerage Systems) |
(1) | Where the Minister of Environment or a Mayor/Do Governor orders improvements, etc. to any public sewerage system pursuant to Article 25 (2) of the Act, he or she shall determine a period of up to one year for making the relevant improvements, taking into account the measures required to make such improvements, the types of machines or facilities, etc. In such cases, he or she shall hear opinions of persons who install, maintain or manage public sewerage systems in advance. <Amended on May 14, 2012> |
(2) | With respect to persons who are unable to complete necessary measures within the period for making improvements prescribed in paragraph (1) due to natural disasters or any other extenuating circumstances, the Minister of Environment or a Mayor/Do Governor may extend the improvement period by up to one year based on applications. <Amended on May 14, 2012> |
(3) | Where the Minister of Environment or a Mayor/Do Governor places an improvement order prescribed in paragraph (1), he or she shall issue a written order for improvement stating the following matters: <Amended on May 14, 2012> |
1. | Records on violations of the installation standards, management standards or effluent water quality standards; |
3. | Matters concerning the timing for reporting the implementation of the improvement order; |
4. | Matters concerning a plan for treating sewage or foul waste during the improvement period; |
5. | Other matters to be considered regarding improvement measures. |
(4) | Where the Minister of Environment has issued an improvement order prescribed in paragraph (1), he or she shall inform the competent Mayor/Do Governor of details thereof without delay, and shall inspect and verify the progress of measures taken during the improvement period so as to ensure that improvements are made appropriately. |
Section 1 Drainage Systems
Article 21 Deleted. <Jun. 8, 2011> |
Article 22 (Installation of Drainage Systems) |
(1) | “Person meeting the requirements prescribed by Presidential Decree” in the main clause, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of Article 27 (2) of the Act means any of the following persons: <Added on Jun. 26, 2009> |
1. | A person who has registered a category of business undertaking general construction works (excluding the landscape architecture construction business) prescribed in Appendix 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on the Construction Industry or a person who has registered a business for installing water supply and sewerage facilities among a category of businesses undertaking specialized construction works; |
2. | A person who has registered a business specializing in planning and constructing private sewage treatment facilities prescribed in Article 51 of the Act (applicable only when constructing drainage systems associated with private sewage treatment facilities prescribed in Article 34 of the Act). |
(2) | Any person who intends to install a drainage system pursuant to Article 27 (3) of the Act shall submit a report on installation of a drainage system stating the following matters to the competent public sewerage management authority (including submission via the information and communications network): <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009> |
1. | The materials and capacity of the drainage system; |
2. | The design description of the drainage system; |
3. | The methods for construction and the constructor; |
4. | The methods for recovering public sewerage systems. |
(3) | Where the public sewerage management authority intends to directly install or modify a drainage system pursuant to Article 32 (2) of the Act, it shall directly prepare and manage documents prescribed in paragraph (2) 1 and 2, and notify details of the relevant installation or modification of the drainage system to the owner or caretaker of the relevant land (referring to the owner or caretaker of a facility on the land, if any) and to the manager of the State or public owned facilities within 10 days from completing the construction. <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009; Dec. 30, 2016> |
(4) | “Quality and ... <omitted>... prescribed by Presidential Decree” in the former part of Article 27 (4) of the Act means any of the following: <Amended on Nov. 30, 2007; Jun. 26, 2009; Jan. 16, 2018> |
1. | Sewage with the biochemical oxygen demand not exceeding the effluent quality standard separately determined and publicly announced by the Minister of Environment pursuant to Article 32 (8) of the Water Environment Conservation Act and with suspended solids at a rate of at least 80 milligrams per liter (excluding where the maximum amount of wastewater discharged per day is less than 50 cubic meters); |
2. | Sewage with a maximum amount of wastewater of at least 100 cubic meters per day. |
Article 23 (Types of Specific Industrial Products) |
“Specific industrial product specified by Presidential Decree” in the main clause of Article 33 (1) of the Act means a kitchen waste grinder that grinds food residues, etc. generated in kitchens to discharge them together with wastewater. <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009>
Section 2 Private Sewage Treatment Facilities
Article 24 (Installation of Private Sewage Treatment Facilities) |
(1) | “Important matters prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as the scale of the facility or the treatment method” in the former part of Article 34 (2) of the Act means any of the following: <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014> |
1. | The scale or treatment capacity of private sewage treatment facilities; |
2. | The structure of private sewage treatment facilities; |
3. | The replacement of the body of private sewage treatment facilities. |
(2) | The standards for installing private sewage treatment facilities referred to in Article 34 (4) of the Act shall be as follows: <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009; Jul. 16, 2014; Jul. 13, 2021> |
1. | Out of the sewage treatment area: |
(a) | Any person who intends to build buildings, facilities, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "buildings, etc.") that generate wastewater exceeding two cubic meters per day shall install a wastewater treatment facility (referring to a facility for treating wastewater generated at buildings, etc. as a private sewage treatment facility; hereinafter the same shall apply); |
(b) | Any person who intends to build buildings, etc. that generate wastewater of up to two cubic meters per day shall install a septic tank (referring to a facility for treating wastewater from flush toilets installed at buildings, etc. as a private sewage treatment facility; hereinafter the same shall apply); |
2. | Within the sewage treatment area (applicable only to areas where combined sewage culverts are installed): Any person who intends to install flush toilets shall install a septic tank. |
(3) | Detailed matters necessary for the standards for installing private sewage treatment facilities referred to in paragraph (2) shall be as specified in attached table 1-6. <Amended on May 14, 2012; Dec. 20, 2012; Jan. 4, 2022> |
(4) | Notwithstanding paragraph (2) 1, a wastewater treatment facility shall be installed by a person who intends to install flush toilets or to build buildings, etc. that generate wastewater exceeding one cubic meter per day in a special measures area prescribed in Article 38 (1) of the Framework Act on Environmental Policy or in a riparian zone prescribed in Article 4 (1) of the Act on the Improvement of Water Quality and Support for Residents of the Han River Basin; Article 4 (1) of the Act on Water Management and Resident Support in the Nakdong River Basin; Article 4 (1) of the Act on Water Management and Resident Support in the Geum River Basin; and Article 4 (1) of the Act on Water Management and Resident Support in the Yeongsan and Seomjin River Basins. <Amended on Jul. 20, 2012> |
(5) | The standards for calculating the amount of generated wastewater applicable to standards for installing private sewage treatment facilities prescribed in paragraphs (2) through (4) shall be determined and publicly announced by the Minister of Environment. |
Article 24-2 (Methods for Publicly Announcing Designation of Private Sewerage Management Areas) |
(1) | Where a Mayor/Do Governor has designated a private sewerage system management area pursuant to Article 34-2 (2) of the Act (hereafter in this Article referred to as “management area”), he or she shall publicly announce the following matters in the official report of the relevant local government or in daily newspapers: |
1. | The location and boundary of the management area; |
2. | The purposes of and grounds for designating the management area; |
3. | The installation status of private sewage treatment facilities, etc. in the management area; |
4. | Other relevant matters. |
(2) | "Standards set by Presidential Decree” in the latter part of Article 34-2 (5) of the Act means the following criteria: <Amended on Jul. 2, 2019> |
1. | The cost incurred in jointly managing private sewerage systems, recovered from private sewerage system owners shall not exceed the sum of various costs incurred in maintaining and managing the relevant private sewerage systems; |
2. | The rate of apportionment shall be determined for each private sewerage system owner, based on the scale of his or her private sewerage system and equipment subject to joint management and the standards for effluent water quality, etc. referred to in Article 7 (1) of the Act. |
(3) | “Circumstances prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as where it is recognized that an owner of a private sewerage system has made clear errors” in the proviso of Article 34-2 (6) of the Act means any of the following cases: |
1. | When the owner of a private sewerage system has failed to connect power to the relevant facility or equipment; |
2. | When the owner of a private sewerage system has received a request to improve the relevant facility or equipment from a manager of treatment facilities who vicariously performs management duties but has failed to comply with such request without good cause. |
[This Article Added on Jul. 16, 2014]
Article 25 (Special Exceptions for Extension of Building) |
(1) | Cases where it is required to install a private sewage treatment facility or expand the treatment capacity of the existing private sewage treatment facility when the owner of buildings, etc. intends to extend the buildings, etc. or alter their purpose of use pursuant to the main clause of Article 35 (1) of the Act, means where the existing private sewage treatment facility exceeds its treatment capacity due to the relevant extension or alteration of purpose or where it becomes necessary to install a new private sewage treatment facility (applicable only to wastewater treatment facilities) since the amount of wastewater generated outside the sewage treatment area exceeds two cubic meters per day. |
(2) | “Which falls under the requirements prescribed by Presidential Decree” in the proviso of Article 35 (1) of the Act means any of the following cases: <Amended on Oct. 29, 2012; Jul. 16, 2014> |
1. | Out of the sewage treatment area: |
(a) | When the total amount of wastewater generated from flush toilets in buildings, etc. with a septic tank does not exceed 120/100 of the capacity of the septic tank. In such cases, the inside of the septic tank shall be cleaned at least six monthly; |
(b) | When it is possible to comply with the effluent water quality standards without extending the private sewage treatment facility. In such cases, a report on examination of the appropriateness of improvement details prepared by a person who has registered a business specializing in planning and constructing private sewage treatment facilities referred to in Article 51 of the Act or a person who has registered a manufacturing business of private sewage treatment facilities pursuant to Article 52 of the Act shall be submitted to the Mayor of a Special Self-Governing City, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu; |
2. | Within the sewage treatment area: |
When the total amount of wastewater generated including the increased amount of wastewater does not exceed 200/100 of the capacity of the septic tank. In such cases, the inside of the septic tank shall be cleaned as follows:
(a) | When the total amount of generated wastewater does not exceed 150/100 of the capacity of the septic tank: At least nine-monthly; |
(b) | When the total amount of generated wastewater exceeds 150/100 but does not exceed 200/100 of the capacity of the septic tank: At least six-monthly. |
Article 25-2 (Designing and Construction of Private Sewage Treatment Facilities) |
[This Article Added on Jan. 4, 2022]
Article 26 (Operation and Management of Private Sewage Treatment Facilities) |
(1) | “Unavoidable cause or event prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 39 (3) of the Act means any of the following cases: <Amended on Dec. 6, 2022> |
1. | When it is necessary to improve, modify or repair a private sewage treatment facility; |
2. | When a private sewage treatment facility cannot be operated normally due to incidents such as failure of any of its major mechanical devices; |
3. | When a private sewage treatment facility cannot be operated normally due to power outage or water outage; |
4. | When a private sewage treatment facility cannot be operated normally due to climate change, the influx of foreign matter, etc.; |
5. | When a private sewage treatment facility cannot be operated normally due to natural disasters, fire or any other extenuating circumstances. |
(3) | The Mayor of a Special Self-Governing City, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may recommend that the owners of multi-family housing prescribed in the proviso of paragraph (2) establish an operating organization for jointly managing and maintaining a private sewage treatment facility installed for common use (hereinafter referred to as “operating organization”). <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014> |
(4) | "Important matter prescribed by Presidential Decree" in the latter part of Article 39 (7) of the Act means the representative of the operating organization. <Amended on Jul. 13, 2021> |
(5) | "Where there is any ground specified by Presidential Decree, such as where an obvious fault is found on the side of the owner of a private sewage treatment facility” in the proviso of Article 39 (12) of the Act means any of the following cases: <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014; Jul. 13, 2021> |
1. | Where the owner of a private sewage treatment facility fails to connect power to the relevant facility; |
2. | Where the owner of a private sewerage system has received a request to improve the relevant facility from a person entrusted with its management duties but fails to comply with such request without good cause. |
Article 27 (Order to Improve Private Sewage Treatment Facilities) |
(1) | Where the Mayor of a Special Self-Governing City, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu issues an order to improve a private sewage treatment facility pursuant to Article 40 (1) and (2) of the Act, he or she shall determine an improvement period of up to three months, based on measures necessary for improvement, the types of machines and facilities, etc. <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014> |
(2) | Regarding a person unable to complete the necessary measures within the improvement period prescribed in paragraph (1) due to natural disaster or any other extenuating circumstances, the Mayor of a Special Self-Governing City, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may extend the improvement period by up to three months upon an application by such person. <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014> |
(3) | Where the Mayor of a Special Self-Governing City, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu issues an improvement order pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she shall issue a written order for improvement, stating the following matters: <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014> |
1. | Details concerning violations of the installation standards, the management standards or the effluent water quality standards; |
2. | The period for improvement; |
3. | Matters concerning the timing for reporting the implementation of the improvement order; |
4. | Other matters to be considered regarding the measures for improvement. |
(4) | The Mayor of a Special Self-Governing City, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall inspect and verify the progress of improvement measures during the improvement period prescribed in paragraph (1) in order to ensure that improvements are made appropriately. <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014> |
Article 28 (Order to Improve Facilities for Recycling Foul Waste) |
(1) | Where the Mayor of a Special Self-Governing City, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu issues an order to improve facilities for recycling foul waste pursuant to Article 44 (5) of the Act, he or she shall determine an improvement period of up to three months, based on measures necessary for improvement, the types of machines and facilities, etc. <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014; Jul. 13, 2021> |
(2) | Article 27 (2) through (4) shall apply mutatis mutandis to extending the improvement period prescribed in paragraph (1), matters to be included in the improvement order, and inspecting and verifying the progress of improvement measures. |
Article 29 (Business of Collecting and Transporting Foul Waste) |
(1) | Attached Table 2 shall apply to the license requirements for the facilities, equipment, technical personnel, etc. that anyone who intends to obtain a license for a foul waste collection and transportation business prescribed in Article 45 (1) of the Act shall satisfy. |
(2) | In granting a license for a foul waste collection and transportation business pursuant to Article 45 (5) of the Act, the Mayor of a Special Self-Governing City, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may designate a business territory or attach a condition as necessary based upon the amount of foul waste generated in his or her jurisdiction; the treatment capacity of foul waste treatment plants; the regional distribution of foul waste collection and transportation business entities; the current status of equipment held by foul waste collection and transportation business entities; the regional distribution of the sources generating foul waste; the difficulty of collecting and transporting foul waste, etc. <Amended on Sep. 30, 2011; Jul. 16, 2014> |
Article 30 (Imposition of Administrative Fines) |
(1) | The types of violations subject to administrative fines prescribed in Article 50 (1) and (2) of the Act and the amount of administrative fines shall be as prescribed in Appendix 3. <Amended on Dec. 20, 2012> |
(2) | Where the Minister of Environment or the Mayor of a Special Self-Governing City, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu imposes an administrative fine pursuant to Article 50 (1) or (2) of the Act, he or she shall order a person subject to the imposition of the administrative fine to pay the relevant administrative fine by detailing in writing the type of the relevant violation and the amount of the relevant administrative fine. <Amended on Dec. 20, 2012; Jul. 16, 2014> |
(3) | Any person in receipt of notice prescribed in paragraph (2) shall pay the relevant administrative fine within 30 days from the date of giving such notice to the receiving agency determined by the Minister of Environment or the Mayor of a Special Self-Governing City, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu: Provided, That where such person is unable to pay the relevant administrative fine within such period due to natural disasters or any other extenuating circumstances, he or she shall pay it within seven days from the date the relevant ground ceases to exist. <Amended on Dec. 20, 2012; Jul. 16, 2014> |
(4) | The receiving agency that has received the administrative fine pursuant to paragraph (3) shall issue a receipt to the payer, and shall notify receipt of the relevant administrative fine, without delay, to the Minister of Environment or the Mayor of a Special Self-Governing City, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu. <Amended on Dec. 20, 2012; Jul. 16, 2014> |
(5) | The procedures for collecting administrative fines shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. |
Article 31 (Business Specializing in Planning and Constructing Private Sewage Treatment Facilities) |
(1) | "Standards prescribed by Presidential Decree" in Article 51 (1) of the Act means the standards specified in Appendix 4. <Amended on Jan. 4, 2022> |
(2) | Deleted. <Jan. 4, 2022> |
(3) | “Public sewage treatment plants with the scale, characteristics of work classifications, etc. specified by Presidential Decree” in Article 51 (7) of the Act means public sewage treatment plants with a daily sewage treatment capacity of less than 100 cubic meters. <Amended on Jan. 4, 2022> |
Article 32 (Business Manufacturing Private Sewage Treatment Facilities) |
(1) | Attached Table 5 shall apply to the requirements for the facilities, equipment, technical personnel, etc. that anyone who intends to obtain a license for a business of manufacturing private sewage treatment facilities prescribed in Article 52 (1) of the Act shall satisfy. |
(2) | Any inspection that anyone who has obtained a license for a business manufacturing private sewage treatment facilities (hereinafter referred to as a “manufacturer of treatment facilities) shall undergo pursuant to Article 52 (4) of the Act, means an inspection conducted to verify whether the private sewage treatment facilities to be manufactured and sold by a person who intends to obtain a license for a business manufacturing private sewage treatment facilities pursuant to Article 52 (1) of the Act or a manufacturer of treatment facilities satisfy the standards for materials and performance prescribed in Article 52 (3) of the Act, and the target of the inspection shall be as prescribed in Appendix 6. |
Article 33 (Management Business of Private Sewage Treatment Facilities) |
Attached Table 7 shall apply to the requirements for the facilities, equipment, technical personnel, etc. that anyone who intends to obtain a license for a business managing private sewage treatment facilities prescribed in Article 53 (1) of the Act shall satisfy.
Article 33-2 (Grounds for Providing Support for Permanent Business Closure of Foul Waste Collection and Transportation Business Entities) |
“Reasons prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as worsening management performance, etc.” in Article 56-2 (1) of the Act means where it becomes impracticable to continue to operate a foul waste collection and transportation business due to worsening management conditions caused by a significant decrease in the amount of foul waste collected in the relevant business area after rearrangement of sewage culverts based on a framework plan for sewerage maintenance. <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014> [This Article Added on Sep. 30, 2011]
Article 34 (Order of Apportionment to Si/Gun) |
Where a Do Governor intends to require a Si or Gun to pay expenses incurred regarding a public sewerage system prescribed in Article 59 of the Act, he or she shall issue a written order attached with details of the relevant expenses and a copy of design documents.
Article 35 (Charges on Cost-incurring Entities) |
(1) | “Increases wastewater by not less than the amount prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 61 (1) of the Act means where the amount of wastewater increases by at least 10 cubic meters per day. <Amended on Jul. 16, 2014> |
(2) | “Accompanying construction works prescribed by Presidential Decree or development activity accompanying with the new construction, extension, etc. of public sewerage systems” in Article 61 (2) of the Act means activities classified as follows: <Amended on May 14, 2012> |
1. | Accompanying construction works: |
Construction for installing water supply pipes except a public sewerage system, gas pipes, communication lines, electric poles, roads, railways, etc. that has provided the ground for relocating, reconstructing, or repairing the public sewerage system;
2. | Any of the following development activities accompanying new construction, extension, etc. of a public sewerage system: |
(c) | Airport construction projects; |
(e) | Other activities requiring new construction, extension, etc. of a public sewerage system upon request by a developer of an area not included in the sewage treatment area to be included in the sewage treatment area. |
Article 36 (Rent and Use Fees) |
(1) | Where the public sewerage management authority determines the amount of rent pursuant to Article 65 (1) of the Act, it shall do so within the total amount of benefits gained by the person who has rented the relevant public sewerage system, based on the period, location, method and type of rent. |
(2) | Where the public sewerage management authority determines the amount of a use fee pursuant to Article 65 (1) of the Act, it shall do so within the amount gained by aggregating the maintenance expenses of the relevant public sewerage system, depreciation costs, interest on borrowings for the relevant facilities, and other expenses incurred in maintaining the continuity of the business based upon the amount of sewage discharged to the public sewerage system by the relevant user, and the quality and usage pattern of the sewage. |
(3) | Where the total amount of rent or use fees collected under Article 65 (1) of the Act exceeds 500,000 won, the public sewerage management authority may allow such rent or use fees to be paid in up to four installments within one year. <Added on Dec. 6, 2022> |
Article 37 (Technical Managers) |
(1) | The scale of a private sewage treatment facility that requires a technical manager responsible for technical affairs related to maintaining and managing the relevant private sewage treatment facility pursuant to Article 66 (1) of the Act shall be as follows: |
1. | A wastewater treatment facility with the daily treatment capacity of at least 50 cubic meters (when at least two wastewater treatment facilities are installed in one building, including where the total treatment capacity of such facilities is at least 50 cubic meters); |
2. | A septic tank installed for at least 1,000 users (when at least two septic tanks are installed in one building, including where the total treatment capacity of septic tanks is for at least 1,000 users). |
(2) | Notwithstanding paragraph (1), no technical manager may be employed at a private sewage treatment facility in areas where wastewater is received by and treated at public sewage treatment plants or public wastewater treatment plants prescribed in Article 48 of the Water Environment Conservation Act. <Amended on Nov. 30, 2007; Jan. 17, 2017; Jan. 16, 2018> |
(1) | Each of the following persons shall undergo training prescribed in Article 67 of the Act: <Amended on Dec. 20, 2012> |
1. | The operating personnel of public sewage treatment plants or foul waste treatment plants; |
2. | The technical personnel of management agents (including where the business operator is technical personnel); |
3. | The technical personnel of foul waste collection and transportation businesses, operators of a business specializing in planning and constructing treatment facilities, manufacturers of treatment facilities, and managers of treatment facilities (including where the business operator is technical personnel); |
(2) | Any person subject to training pursuant to paragraph (1) shall undergo training according to the following classification: <Amended on Jun. 30, 2009; Feb. 9, 2011; Dec. 20, 2012> |
Initial training shall be conducted once within one year from the date of initial employment in the relevant field of a person falling under any subparagraph of paragraph (1);
(a) | In cases of the operating personnel and technical personnel referred to in paragraph (1) 1 and 2, retraining shall be conducted at least once every five years from the date of the relevant person’s initial training; |
(b) | In cases of technical personnel falling under paragraph (1) 2 or 3 employed by a person subject to a disposition of business suspension prescribed in Articles 19-4, 49 and 54 of the Act (including where the business operator is technical personnel), retraining shall be conducted once within three years from the date of the relevant disposition of business suspension. |
1. | The training course for the operating personnel of public sewage treatment plants and foul waste treatment plants; |
2. | The training course for the technical personnel of management agents; |
3. | The training course for the technical personnel of foul waste collection and transportation businesses; |
4. | The training course for the technical personnel of businesses specializing in planning and constructing private sewage treatment facilities, manufacturers of private sewage treatment facilities, and managers of private sewage treatment facilities; |
5. | The training course for the technical personnel of private sewage treatment facilities. |
Article 39 (Training Plans) |
(1) | The heads of institutions falling under any subparagraph of Article 42 (1) (hereinafter referred to as the "heads of training institutions") shall formulate training plans for the following year (hereinafter referred to as “training plans”) for each training course provided for in Article 38 (4) by no later than November 30 of each year. |
(2) | Each training plan shall contain the following matters: |
1. | Basic direction-setting for training; |
2. | The outcomes of a survey on demand for training, and long-term trend of demand for training; |
3. | The plan for establishing training courses; |
4. | The objectives, subjects, periods and number of trainees by training course; |
5. | The criteria and plans for selecting persons subject to training; |
6. | The plan for preparing teaching materials; |
7. | The methods for evaluating performance of trainees; |
8. | Other matters deemed necessary for training. |
(3) | The heads of training institutions shall notify their training plans to Mayors/Do Governors by no later than January 31 of each year. |
(4) | The Mayors/Do Governors shall select persons subject to training prescribed in Article 67 (1) and (2) of the Act according to the submitted training plans, and shall notify the list of such persons to the heads of training institutions by no later than at least 15 days prior to the commencement of the relevant training courses. |
(5) | Where the Mayors/Do Governors have selected persons subject to training pursuant to paragraph (4), he or she shall notify details thereof to the persons who have hired them without delay. |
(6) | In order to effectively conduct training prescribed in Article 67 of the Act, where the Mayors/Do Governors request submission of any of the following materials, the persons who have hired those subject to training shall comply with such request: |
1. | The list of their technical personnel; |
2. | Information on the status of persons who have completed training; |
3. | Other materials deemed necessary for training. |
Article 40 (Reports and Inspection) |
“Other cause or event specified by Presidential Decree” in the provision, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of Article 69 (1) of the Act means any of the following cases: 1. | Where it is necessary to comply with the guidance and inspection plan determined by the Minister of Environment, a Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu to appropriately manage wastewater or foul waste; |
2. | Where any hazardous pollution has occurred or is likely to occur due to leakage of wastewater or foul waste; |
3. | Where there is a legitimate request from another administrative agency or a complaint has been filed; |
4. | Where it is necessary to verify any specific industrial product has been manufactured, imported or sold in violation of an order issued under Article 33 of the Act; |
Article 40-2 (Payment of Rewards) |
Based on the outcomes of an inspection on the actual operation and management conditions of public sewerage systems conducted pursuant to Article 69-2 (1) of the Act, the Minister of Environment may provide necessary support, including paying a reward, to the public sewerage management authority that has received a favorable evaluation. [This Article Added on May 14, 2012]
Article 41 (Delegation of Authority) |
(1) | Deleted. <May 14, 2012> |
(2) | In accordance with Article 74 (1) of the Act, the Minister of Environment may delegate the following authority to the head of a local environmental agency: <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009; May 14, 2012; Dec. 20, 2012; Jul. 16, 2014; Jan. 4, 2022; Dec. 6, 2022> |
1. | Approving framework plans for sewerage maintenance referred to in Article 6 (1) of the Act and approving any amendment thereto (excluding approval of a framework plan for sewerage maintenance formulated by a Mayor/Do Governor and approval of any amendment thereto); |
2. | Deleted; <Jul. 16, 2014> |
4. | Deleted; <Jul. 16, 2014> |
4-6. | Revoking the registration of a specialized technical diagnostic institute and the suspension of its business operation prescribed in Article 20-4 (1) of the Act; |
6. | Issuing order for improvement or any other necessary measures regarding public sewage treatment plants, simplified public sewage treatment plants and foul waste treatment plants prescribed in Article 25 (2) 1 of the Act; |
9. | Any of the following matters among the matters subject to imposing and collecting administrative fines prescribed in Article 80 (6) of the Act: |
(a) | Matters related to Article 80 (2) 1 of the Act (applicable only to imposing and collecting administrative fines for violating the effluent water quality standards by public sewage treatment plants, simplified public sewage treatment plants or foul waste treatment plants); |
Article 42 (Entrustment of Authority) |
(1) | “Specialized institutions specified by Presidential Decree” in Article 74 (2) of the Act means the following institutions: <Amended on Jul. 20, 2012; Dec. 20, 2012> |
(2) | “Specialized institutions specified by Presidential Decree” in Article 74 (3) of the Act means any of the following institutions: <Amended on Jun. 26, 2009; Sep. 21, 2009; Dec. 24, 2009; Dec. 20, 2012> |
1. | The Korea Environment Corporation; |
4. | Deleted; <Sep. 21, 2009> |
5. | Local government-invested public corporations and local government public corporations established under the Local Public Enterprises Act; |
7. | Institutions capable of operating and managing sewerage systems, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment (applicable only when entrusting duties related to management); |
8. | Institutions that may be entrusted with constructing public sewerage systems pursuant to other statutes. |
(3) | "Specialized institutions prescribed by Presidential Decree" in Article 74 (4) and (5) of the Act means the Korea Environment Corporation, respectively. <Added on Dec. 6, 2022> |
Article 42-2 (Processing of Personally Identifiable Information) |
The Minister of Environment (including persons entrusted with any authority of the Minister of Environment pursuant to Article 41 or 42), or the Mayor of a Special Self-Governing City, the Governor of a Special Self-Governing Province or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (when the authority has been delegated or entrusted, including persons delegated or entrusted with the relevant authority) may process data that includes resident registration numbers or alien registration numbers referred to in subparagraph 1 or 4 of Article 19 of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act, if essential for performing duties related to verifying the grounds for disqualification prescribed in Article 19-3, 20-3 or 48 of the Act. [This Article Added on Aug. 6, 2014]
[Previous Article 42-2 moved to Article 42-3 <Aug. 6, 2014>]
Article 42-3 (Re-Examination of Regulation) |
The Minister of Environment shall review the appropriateness of the following matters every three years from the base dates classified as follows (referring to the period that ends on the day before every third anniversary from the relevant base date), and shall take measures, such as making improvements:
1. | The installation standards, etc. prescribed in Article 10: January 1, 2014; |
2. | Executing construction works, etc. by persons other than the public sewerage management authority pursuant to Article 12: January 1, 2014; |
3. | The requirements for filing for registration of specialized technical diagnostic institutes prescribed in Article 17: January 1, 2014; |
4. | Installing, etc. drainage systems prescribed in Article 22: January 1, 2014; |
6. | The license requirements for the business collecting and transporting foul wastes provided for in Article 29 and Appendix 2: January 1, 2014; |
7. | The license requirements for the business specializing in planning and constructing private sewage treatment facilities provided for in Article 31 (1) and Appendix 4: January 1, 2014; |
8. | The requirements for registering the business manufacturing private sewage treatment facilities provided for in Article 32 (1) and Appendix 5: January 1, 2014; |
9. | The requirements for registering the business managing private sewage treatment facilities provided for in Article 33 and Appendix 7: January 1, 2014; |
10. | Deleted. <Mar. 3, 2020> |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 30, 2013]
[Moved from Article 42-2; previous Article 42-3 moved to Article 42-4 <Aug. 6, 2014>]
Article 42-4 Deleted. <Dec. 6, 2022> |
Article 43 (Criteria for Imposing Administrative Fines) |
[This Article Wholly Amended on May 14, 2012]
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20289, Sep. 27, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on September 28, 2007.
Article 2 (Repeal of other Statutes)
Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Wastewater Treatment Facilities)
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Private Sewage Treatment Facilities Required to Employee Technical Managers)
The installers and operators of private sewage treatment facilities required to newly employee a technical manager pursuant to the amended provisions of Article 37 (1) shall employee the relevant technical managers by no later than December 31, 2008. Article 5 Omitted.
Article 6 (Relationship with other Statutes)
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20428, Nov. 30, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20544, Jan. 11, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 20, 2008. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20789, May 21, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on May 26, 2008.
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 21105, Nov. 5, 2008>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21565, Jun. 26, 2009>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on June 30, 2009; provided,...<Omitted.>...Article 3 of the Addenda shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. Articles 2 through 4 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 21571, Jun. 26, 2009>
This Decree shall enter into force on July 8, 2009.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21590, Jun. 30, 2009>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on July 1, 2009: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 8 and 9 shall enter into force on January 1, 2010. Article 2 (Effective Period, etc. under Amendment of Enforcement Decree of the Farmland Act) (1) | The amended provisions of subparagraph 46 of Appendix 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Farmland Act shall remain in effect until June 30, 2011. |
(2) | The amended provisions of subparagraph 46 of Appendix 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Farmland Act shall apply to applications for permission to divert farmland (including revised permission and any authorization, permission, etc. deemed permission to divert farmland or revised permission granted under other statutes; hereafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or reports on diversion of farmland (including alteration reports; hereafter in this paragraph the same shall apply) made after this Decree enters into force; and the aforementioned amended provisions shall also apply to permission to divert farmland or reports on diversion of farmland made until June 30, 2011. |
Article 3 (Applicable Examples Following Amendment of Enforcement Decree of the Tourism Promotion Act) Article 5 (Transitional Measures Following Amendment of Enforcement Decree of the Employment Insurance Act) Article 6 (Transitional Measures Following Amendment of Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Management and Promotion of Real Estate Development Business) The former provisions shall apply to imposing administrative fines for violations committed before this Decree enters into force.
Article 7 (Transitional Measures Following Amendment of Enforcement Decree of the New Harbor Construction Promotion Act) The amended provisions of the latter part of Article 9 (5) of the Enforcement Decree of the New Harbor Construction Promotion Act shall apply to persons granted an extension of the period of applying for approval of a plan to implement a new harbor construction project pursuant to the former provisions in whose case such extended period has not yet expired as at the time this Decree enters into force; and the period for application shall be deemed extended once pursuant to the aforementioned amended provisions. The former provisions shall apply to imposition of administrative fines for violations committed before this Decree enters into force.
Article 9 (Transitional Measures Following Amendment of Enforcement Decree of the Sewerage Act)
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 21626, Jul. 7, 2009>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21629, Jul. 16, 2009>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21744, Sep. 21, 2009>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on October 1, 2009.
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21904, Dec. 24, 2009>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 2010.
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22420, Oct. 1, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 22663, Feb. 9, 2011>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 10 (2) shall enter into force on January 1, 2014.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22967, Jun. 8, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on June 9, 2011.
Articles 2 through 4 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 23193, Sep. 30, 2011>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 33-2 shall enter into force on October 6, 2011; and the amended provisions of Articles 42-3 and 42-4 shall enter into force on April 6, 2012.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23267, Oct. 28, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on October 29, 2011.
Articles 2 and 3 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23313, Nov. 23, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on November 25, 2011.
Articles 2 through 10 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23464, Dec. 30, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Septic Tanks)
The amended provisions of the proviso to subparagraph 8 of Appendix 1 shall begin to apply from the first septic tanks installed after this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23783, May 14, 2012>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on May 15, 2012: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 15 (1) 2 shall enter into force on May 15, 2013. Article 2 (Applicability to Applications for Authorization of Installation of Public Sewerage Systems)
The amended provisions of Article 7 shall begin to apply from the first application for authorization to install public sewerage systems made after this Decree enters into force. Article 3 (Transitional Measures Following Amendment of other Statutes)
“Precision inspection prescribed in Article 11 of the same Act” referred to in the amended provisions of subparagraph 6 of Appendix 1-2 shall be construed as “precision control prescribed in Article 14 of the Environmental Technology and Industry Support Act” until August 1, 2012.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23967, Jul. 20, 2012>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on July 22, 2012. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 and 3 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24155, Oct. 29, 2012>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on November 1, 2012. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 11 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24242, Dec. 20, 2012>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning License Requirements for Businesses Collecting and Transporting Foul Wastes and Registration Requirements for Businesses Managing Private Sewage Treatment Facilities)
Any person who has obtained a license for a business collecting and transporting foul wastes or who has registered a business managing private sewage treatment facilities pursuant to the former provisions as at the time this Decree enters into force, shall secure a multipurpose gas meter prescribed in the amended provisions of Appendixs 2 and 7 within six months from the date this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 25050, Dec. 30, 2013>
This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 2014. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25358, May 22, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on May 23, 2014.
Articles 2 through 13 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25478, Jul. 16, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on July 17, 2014.
Article 2 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 25532, Aug. 6, 2014>
This Decree shall enter into force on August 7, 2014.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 26105, Feb. 16, 2015>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 26205, Apr. 20, 2015>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on April 29, 2015.
Articles 2 and 3 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27444, Aug. 11, 2016>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on August 12, 2016.
Articles 2 through 8 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27445, Aug. 11, 2016>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on August 12, 2016.
Articles 2 through 22 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27496, Sep. 13, 2016>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Lids on Private Sewage Treatment Facilities)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of subparagraph 3-2 of Appendix 1-5, the former provisions shall apply to the standards for installing lids on private sewage treatment facilities installed pursuant to the main body of Article 34 (1) of the Act before this Decree enters into force: Provided, That where any modification of private sewage treatment facilities is reported pursuant to Article 34 (2) of the Act after this Decree enters into force, a lid that meets the criteria in the amended provisions of subparagraph 3-2 of Appendix 1-5 shall be installed. Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Installation of Facilities for Removing Malodorous Substances of Septic Tanks)
(1) | Notwithstanding the amended provisions of subparagraph 8 of Appendix 1-5, the former provisions shall apply to the standards for installing any of the following septic tanks that have been installed pursuant to the main body of Article 34 (1) of the Act before this Decree enters into force: Provided, That in cases of decomposition-type septic tanks that discharge effluent water into public sewage treatment plants by using a pump facility for treatment facilities for removing malodorous substances shall be installed pursuant to the amended provisions of the proviso to subparagraph 8 of Appendix 1-5 within two years from the date this Decree enters into force: |
1. | Septic tanks with daily treatment capacity for at least 200 people (excluding septic tanks falling under subparagraph 2); |
(2) | Notwithstanding the proviso to paragraph (1), facilities for removing malodorous substances need not be installed, where the septic tank becomes an area subject to installation of separate sewage culverts within two years from the date this Decree enters into force pursuant to public notice of installation of a public sewerage system referred to in Article 11 (2) of the Act or authorization of installation of a public sewerage system referred to in paragraph (3) of the same Article. |
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27751, Dec. 30, 2016>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 2017. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 11 Omitted.
Article 12 (Transitional Measures concerning Amendment of Enforcement Decree of the Sewerage Act) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 22 (3), the former provisions shall apply when the public sewerage management authority has completed works for installing or modifying drainage systems before this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27792, Jan. 17, 2017>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 28, 2017.
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27806, Jan. 26, 2017>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 28, 2017.
Articles 2 through 4 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 28583, Jan. 16, 2018>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 18, 2018.
Article 2 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 29360, Dec. 11, 2018>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on December 13, 2018. (Proviso Omitted.)
Article 2 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 29950, Jul. 2, 2019>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 30509, Mar. 3, 2020>
This Decree shall enter into on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 31162, Nov. 17, 2020>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Appendix 1-3 shall enter into force on January 1, 2021.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 31176, Nov. 24, 2020>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (General Applicability to Public Announcement)
This Decree shall begin to apply to a public announcement, publication, disclosure, or public notice made after this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 31380, Jan. 5, 2021>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 31887, Jul. 13, 2021>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 32317, Jan. 4, 2022>
This Decree shall enter into force on January 6, 2022.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 33025, Dec. 6, 2022>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on December 11, 2022: Provided, That the amended provisions of subparagraph 1 (e) of Appendix 8 shall enter into force on January 1, 2024, and the amended provisions of subparagraphs 7-2 and 7-3 of Appendix 1-6 shall enter into force on December 11, 2025.
Article 2 (Applicability to Installment Payments of Rent or Use Fees)
The amended provisions of Article 36 (3) shall also apply to the collection of rent or use fees imposed before this Decree enters into force. Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Standards for Installation of Private Sewage Treatment Facilities)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of subparagraphs 7-2 and 7-3 of Appendix 1-6, the previous provisions shall apply to private sewage treatment facilities installed under the main clause, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of Article 34 (1) of the Act, before this Decree enters into force. Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Changes in Standards for Imposing Administrative Fines)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of subparagraph 1 (e) of Appendix 8, the previous provisions shall apply to the imposition of administrative fines for violations of the standards for effluent water quality committed before this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 33192, Dec. 30, 2022>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Administrative Dispositions, Penalty Surcharges, or Administrative Fines)
The amended provisions of Articles 1 through 18 shall also apply where administrative dispositions are made or penalty surcharges or administrative fines are imposed after this Decree enters into force with regard to violations committed before this Decree enters into force.