The purposes of this Act are to increase the fitness of people by promoting national sports and to assist people to lead a happy life by cultivating a sound mind, and further to contribute to the promotion of national prestige through sports.
The terms used in this Act shall be defined as follows: <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008; Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012>
1. | The term "sports" means activities to cultivate a healthy mind and body through physical activities, such as sports events and outdoor sports, and to make good use of leisure time; |
2. | The term "professional sports" means activities of sports events conducted by players; |
3. | The term "sports for all" means sports activities conducted voluntarily in daily life for the promotion of health and fitness; |
4. | The term "player" means a person registered as a player in an athletic affiliate; |
6. | The term "certified sports leader" means a person qualified under this Act as one of the following, in order to instruct sports at schools, workplaces, local communities, other sports organizations, etc.: |
(a) | A certified sports instructor; |
(b) | A certified fitness trainer; |
(c) | A certified sports instructor for the disabled; |
(d) | A certified youth sports instructor; |
(e) | A certified senior sports instructor; |
7. | The term "sports club" means a gathering of persons who participate on an ongoing basis in the same sports-for-all activities; |
8. | The term "sports team" means a sporting group at a school or place of work, comprised of players; |
9. | The term "sports organization" means a corporation or organization established for the purposes of conducting sports-related activities or businesses; |
10. | The term "doping" means ingesting or using forbidden drugs or methods listed and announced by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism for enhancing players' physical capabilities; |
11. | The term "athletic affiliate" means a corporation or organization established for the purposes of conducting activities and businesses relating to a specific sport and affiliated with the Korea Olympic Committee or the Korea Sports Association for the Disabled; |
12. | The term "sports betting ticket" means a ticket to issue a refund to a person who correctly predicted the outcome of a sports game and in which the method and amount of betting and other matters prescribed by Presidential Decree are entered. |
Article 3 (Policies and Encouragement for Sports Promotion) |
The State and local governments shall take measures for the promotion of national sports and shall encourage, protect and develop voluntary sports activities of people.
Article 4 (Formulation of Basic Policies, etc.) |
(1) | The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall formulate and implement basic policies for the promotion of national sports. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(2) | The heads of local governments shall formulate and implement plans for the promotion of sports for their respective local governments in accordance with the basic policies under paragraph (1). |
Article 5 (Regional Sports Promotion Councils) |
(1) | A regional sports promotion council (hereinafter referred to as "council") may be established under the authority of a local government to establish a plan for the promotion of sports of the local government and consult on other important matters concerning the promotion of sports. |
(2) | Matters necessary for the organization and operation of a council shall be determined by Municipal Ordinance of the relevant local government. |
In cases of a request by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism or the head of a local government with respect to the formulation and implementation of basic policies and plans for the promotion of sports under Article 4, the relevant agencies and organizations shall provide cooperation with regard thereto. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008>
Article 7 (Sports Day and Sports Week) |
(1) | In order to impart awareness of people regarding sports and propagate sports, Sports Day and Sports Week shall be held annually. |
(2) | Matters necessary for Sports Day and Sports Week and programs relating thereto shall be determined by Presidential Decree. |
Article 8 (Promotion of Local Sports) |
(1) | Local governments shall create environments for local residents to make sound sports activities part of their daily lives, such as facilities, and support them for the promotion of health and fitness of the local residents. |
(2) | Local governments shall directly hold sports meets arranged through their administrative district units at least once a year, or shall support sports organizations to hold such sports meets. |
(3) | Local governments shall hold employees' sports meets at least once annually. |
Article 9 (Promotion of School Sports) |
Schools shall take necessary measures to enhance students' fitness and to encourage their sports activities.
Article 10 (Promotion of Workplace Sports) |
(1) | The State and local governments shall formulate policies necessary for promoting workplace sports. |
(2) | The head of each workplace shall take measures necessary for promoting employees' fitness and encouraging their sports activities by establishing sports clubs and sports promotion management committees, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(3) | In order to promote employees' fitness and instruct and encourage their sports activities, certified sports leaders shall be placed at a workplace prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012> |
(4) | Institutions prescribed by Presidential Decree among public institutions under the Act on the Management of Public Institutions (hereinafter referred to as "public institutions") and workplaces prescribed by Presidential Decree shall establish and operate at least one sports team and have certified sports leaders. <Amended by Act No. 9490, Mar. 18, 2009; Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012> |
(5) | Affairs concerning workplace sports under paragraphs (2) through (4) shall be directed and supervised by the head of the competent Si/Gun/Gu (referring to the head of an autonomous Gu). |
Article 11 (Fostering of Certified Sports Leaders) |
(1) | The State shall formulate policies necessary for fostering certified sports leaders and for improving their capacity to promote national sports. |
(2) | The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall issue a certificate of qualification as a certified sports leader to a person who meets the requirements prescribed by Presidential Decree, has passed a qualifying examination for sports leaders (hereinafter referred to as "qualifying examination"), and has completed a training course for sports leaders (hereinafter referred to as "training course"), as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Culture, Sports and Tourism: Provided, That a person prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as a physical education teacher at a school, a player (including a professional sports player registered at a professional sports organization designated by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism), may be exempt from sitting part of a qualifying examination or training course, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012> |
(3) | A person who intends to take a qualifying examination or training course, or to be issued or reissued a certificate of qualification pursuant to paragraph (2) shall pay relevant fees prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Culture, Sports and Tourism. <Added by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012> |
(4) | The kinds, grades, examinations, issuing of qualifications, etc. of certified sports leaders shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012> |
[Enforcement Date: Jan. 1, 2015]
Article 11-2 (Designation, etc. of Qualifying Examination Institutions and Training Institutions) |
(1) | The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism may designate schools referred to in Article 2 of the Higher Education Act, sports organizations, athletic affiliates, etc. as qualifying examination institutions of certified sports leaders or training institutions. |
(2) | Qualifying examination institutions and training institutions designated pursuant to paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as "designated institutions") shall formulate plans for the qualifying examinations of certified sports leaders or plans for training courses, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Culture, Sports and Tourism and submit them to the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism. If such institutions intend to revise the submitted plans, they shall, beforehand, submit revised plans. |
(3) | Matters necessary for standards for designating institutions, plans for qualifying examinations, plans for training courses, implementation thereof, etc. shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
[This Article Added by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
[Enforcement Date: Jan. 1, 2015]
Article 11-3 (Evaluation of Designated Institutions) |
In order to improve the training system for certified sports leaders, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism may evaluate designated institutions, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
[This Article Added by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
[Enforcement Date: Jan. 1, 2015]
Article 11-4 (Cancellation, etc. of Designation) |
(1) | Where a designated institution falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism may cancel designation or fully or partially suspend operation of its business for a specified period of up to six months: Provided, That where a designated institution falls under subparagraph 1 or 2, he/she shall cancel the designation: |
1. | Where it obtains designation by deceit or fraudulent means; |
2. | Where it conducts a qualifying examination or provides a training course during the period during which suspension of operation of its business is ordered; |
3. | Where it arbitrarily revises a plan for qualifying examinations or training courses submitted under Article 11-2 (2), or poorly operates qualifying examinations or training courses; |
4. | Where it ceases to meet a designation standard under Article 11-2 (3); |
5. | Where it is deemed inappropriate for a designated institution as a result of evaluation under Article 11-3. |
(2) | The standards for disposition by violation under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Culture, Sports and Tourism in consideration of the degree of, and grounds for, a violation. |
[This Article Added by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
[Enforcement Date: Jan. 1, 2015]
Article 11-5 (Grounds for Disqualification of Certified Sports Leaders) |
None of the following persons shall be eligible to be a certified sports leader:
1. | Incompetent or quasi-incompetent; |
2. | A person who has been sentenced to an imprisonment without prison labor or heavier punishment and for whom two years have not passed since the execution thereof was completed or remitted; |
3. | A person who has been sentenced to a stay of execution of imprisonment without prison labor or heavier punishment and who is during a period of such stay; |
4. | A person for whom three years have not passed since his/her qualification was cancelled pursuant to Article 12 (1) or his/her qualifying examination was suspended or nullified pursuant to paragraph (3) of the same Article. |
[This Article Added by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
Article 12 (Cancellation, etc. of Qualification of Certified Sports Leaders) |
(1) | Where a person who is issued a certificate of qualification as a certified sports leader falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall cancel the qualification: |
1. | Where he/she becomes qualified as a certified sports leader by deceit or fraudulent means; |
2. | Where he/she performs business during the period during which suspension of his/her qualification is ordered; |
3. | Where he/she lends his/her certificate of qualification to a third person; |
4. | Where he/she falls under any of the subparagraphs of Article 11-5. |
(2) | Where a person who was issued a certificate of qualification as a certified sports leader has committed any dishonest or illegal act in the course of performing his/her duties, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism may suspend his/her qualification for a specified period of up to six months. |
(3) | Where a person who takes a qualifying examination for certified sports leader has engaged in an unlawful act in such qualifying examination, such qualifying examination shall be suspended or nullified on the spot. |
(4) | A person whose qualification has been cancelled pursuant to paragraph (1) shall return his/her certificate of qualification as a certified sports leader to the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Culture, Sports and Tourism. |
(5) | Detailed standards and procedures for disposition under paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Culture, Sports and Tourism in consideration of the degree of, and grounds for, a violation. |
[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
Article 13 (Establishment of Sports Facilities, etc.) |
(1) | The State and local governments shall formulate policies necessary for the appropriate securing and utilization of sports facilities necessary for the sports activities of people. |
(2) | The State and local governments shall formulate policies necessary for the establishment and operation of facilities necessary for the sports activities of the disabled. |
(3) | The heads of workplaces shall install and operate facilities necessary for the sports activities of employees, and sports facilities at schools shall be open to local residents for their use to the extent that does not interfere with school education. <Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012> |
(4) | The State and local governments shall encourage the establishment of private sports facilities and ensure they are operated in a sound manner. |
(5) | Matters necessary for the establishment, utilization, etc. of sports facilities under paragraphs (1) through (4) shall be provided for separately by other Acts. |
Articles 14 (Protection and Fostering of Players, etc.) |
(1) | The State and local governments shall protect and foster players and certified sports leaders as required. |
(2) | The State and local governments shall prepare an award system necessary for fostering outstanding players and certified sports leaders. |
(3) | If the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism requests to enable outstanding players determined by Presidential Decree to lead an amateur sports life, the State, local governments, public institutions and other organizations determined by Presidential Decree shall employ such outstanding players and certified sports leaders. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008; Act No. 9490, Mar. 18, 2009> |
(4) | The State shall pay a bounty or stipend to players who have won a medal in the Olympics, Paralympics, or prize in other competitions determined by Presidential Decree or persons who coached them, and senior athletes who have contributed substantially to the promotion of sports, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 15 (Anti-Doping Activities) |
(1) | The State shall formulate policies to prevent doping in order to protect players from drugs, etc. in conducting sporting activities and promote sportsmanship through fair competition. |
(2) | The State shall provide players and certified sports leaders with education and information to prevent doping, and shall direct and supervise the anti-doping activities of sports organizations and athletic affiliates. |
Article 16 (Promotion of Recreational Sports) |
(1) | The State and local governments shall formulate necessary policies to promote and support recreational sports activities in order to enable people to make good use of their leisure time. |
(2) | The State and local governments shall ensure the propagation of recreation and fostering of sound professional sports, and shall guide the sound performance of national recreational sports activities, such as horse racing, cycling racing and boat racing. |
Article 17 (Encouraging Production of Sporting Goods, etc.) |
(1) | The State and local governments shall take measures necessary to encourage the production of sporting goods or equipment determined by Presidential Decree (hereinafter referred to as "sporting goods, etc.") in order to promote national sports. |
(2) | If deemed particularly necessary for the promotion of national sports, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism may direct the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation to lend money from the National Sports Promotion Fund to exemplary manufacturers designated from among those producing sporting goods, etc. under paragraph (1). <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(3) | If deemed necessary for the establishment of sports facilities and for the promotion of the following business which provides sports-related services, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism may direct the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation to lend money from such Foundation for such purposes: <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
1. | Business specializing in holding and supporting sports events; |
2. | Business related to planning sports events, vicarious operation of profit-making business, acting on behalf of athletes, etc. when they enter into contracts; |
3. | Business producing or providing sports-related information; |
4. | Other business determined by Presidential Decree. |
(4) | The Government may take measures for tax reduction or exemption as prescribed by the Restriction of Special Taxation Act for sporting goods, etc. which must be inevitably imported due to their high level of accuracy. |
(5) | Any person who intends to be designated as an exemplary manufacturer under paragraph (2) shall file an application with the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008; Act No. 9490, Mar. 18, 2009> |
(6) | Upon receipt of application under paragraph (5), when the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism intends to designate an exemplary manufacturer, he/she shall consult with the Minister of Knowledge Economy in advance. In such cases, the Minister of Knowledge Economy shall present his/her opinion to the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism within 20 days after receiving the request of consultation unless exceptional circumstances exist. <Added by Act No. 9490, Mar. 18, 2009> |
(7) | When a person designated as an exemplary manufacturer under paragraph (2) has used money lent from the National Sports Promotion Fund for any purpose other than for which the money was lent, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism may cancel such designation. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(8) | Local governments may provide for matters concerning measures necessary to encourage the production of sporting goods, etc. under paragraph (1) by their Municipal Ordinances. |
Article 18 (Subsidies to Local Governments, Schools, etc.) |
(1) | The State shall provide local governments, schools, etc. with subsidies to cover some of expenses incurred in promoting sports within budgetary limits each fiscal year. |
(2) | The State and local governments shall provide the Korea Olympic Committee, the Korea KSAD, the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation and other sports organizations and sports science research institutes with subsidies to cover some of necessary expenses or research costs. |
Article 19 (Establishment of Fund, etc.) |
(1) | The National Sports Promotion Fund (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund") shall be established to subsidize facility costs and other expenses necessary for the promotion of sports. |
(2) | The Fund shall be operated and managed as independent accounts by the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation. |
(3) | Matters necessary for the operation and management of the Fund shall be determined by Presidential Decree. |
Article 20 (Formation of Fund) |
(1) | The Fund shall be formed with each of the following financial resources: <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
1. | Contributions by the Government and other persons; |
2. | Revenues from advertising business approved by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism; |
3. | Surcharges imposed on admission fees to golf courses (referring to golf courses operated with a membership system; hereinafter the same shall apply); |
4. | Revenues from the operation of the Fund; |
6. | Revenues from investment, etc. in business referred to in Article 22 (3) 3 and 4; |
8. | Other revenues determined by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | The Government shall include contributions prescribed in paragraph (1) 1 in the budget expenditure of each fiscal year. |
(3) | Where a person, other than the Government, makes contributions prescribed in paragraph (1) 1, he/she may make such contributions by specifying their use: Provided, That the contributions shall not be used for assistance to a specific individual. |
Article 21 (Business Using Olympic Insignia) |
(1) | A person who intends to use the Olympic rings or any mark, design or slogan which includes the Olympic rings, or others similar thereto for commercial purposes shall obtain approval from the Korean Olympic Committee. |
(2) | The Korean Olympic Committee may have the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation exercise vicarious authority for the purposes of granting approval under paragraph (1). |
(3) | Any person who has obtained approval for use under paragraph (1) shall pay relevant fees prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 22 (Appropriation of Funds, etc.) |
(1) | The Fund shall use its funds for the following purposes or projects: <Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012> |
1. | R&D projects to promote national sports and projects to disseminate the results thereof; |
2. | Projects to support the expansion of national sports facilities; |
3. | Projects to train players and certified sports leaders; |
4. | Projects to improve the welfare of players, certified sports leaders and athletes; |
5. | Advertising and other projects for the creation of the Fund; |
6. | Projects to provide subsidies for living costs under Article 14 (4); |
7. | Projects to lend money under Article 17 (2) and (3); |
8. | Projects to commemorate the 24th Seoul Olympic Games and the 8th Seoul Paralympic Games; |
9. | Projects to cultivate school sports teams; |
10. | Operation and support of the Korea Olympic Committee, the Korea Sports Association for the Disabled, the Korea Anti-Doping Agency, sports-for-all organizations and sports science research institutes; |
11. | Support for the sports activities of low-income groups; |
12. | Other projects prescribed by Presidential Decree for the promotion of sports. |
(2) | Where an agency which manages the Fund under Article 19 (2) (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund management agency") operates and manages the Fund, the State or local governments may, in order to support the formation of the Fund, allow the Fund management agency to use, profit from or lease State-owned or publicly-owned facilities, assets or other property rent-free within the extent that does not impede their use or objectives. |
(3) | The Fund management agency may contribute or invest some of the funds of the Fund or some of its own facilities, assets or other property to or in the following Funds, business, etc. for the purposes of the promotion of national sports, fostering of juveniles, or the formation of the Fund: |
2. | Basic property of athletic affiliates; |
3. | Cycling racing and boat racing business, or integrated cable broadcasting business; |
4. | Establishment, management, and operation of sports facilities under Article 36 (1) 3. |
Article 22-2 (Requests for Provision of Information and Use of Computer Networks) |
(1) | Where necessary to verify eligibility to receive support or a subsidy under Article 22 (1) 6 and 11 and the appropriateness of the maintenance of such eligibility, the Fund management agency may request the heads of relevant agencies to provide information prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as information, etc. on family relations, national tax, local tax, land, buildings, health insurance and national pensions, and the head of the agency upon receipt of such request shall comply with the request unless exceptional circumstances exist: Provided, That matters that can be verified through administrative data matching under Article 36 (1) of the Electronic Government Act shall be excluded. |
[This Article Added by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
Article 23 (Collection of Surcharges) |
(1) | If the Fund management agency intends to collect a surcharge under Article 20 (1) 3, it shall obtain approval from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism in advance. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(2) | No amount of surcharge referred to in paragraph (1) shall exceed one tenth of an admission fee to a golf course. |
(3) | Where the Fund management agency obtains approval under paragraph (1), it shall notify the operator of the relevant golf course as to the details of such approval, and such operator of the relevant golf course in receipt of such notification shall remit surcharges under paragraph (1) collected from the golf course users to the Fund management agency. |
(4) | When the operator of a golf course subject to collection of surcharges under paragraph (3) remits collected surcharges, he/she shall also submit documents related to the collection of surcharges, such as duplicates of surcharge collection books, to the Fund management agency. |
(5) | Matters necessary for the method of collection and time of payment of surcharges, documents related to collection of surcharges, etc. shall be determined by Presidential Decree. |
Article 24 (Business, etc. of Issuing Sports Betting Tickets, etc.) |
(1) | The Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation may issue sports betting tickets in order to create financial resources necessary for fostering national recreational sports, promotion of sports, etc. |
(2) | Types of sports betting tickets, betting method, minimum stake per bet, sports game for betting, all kinds of sports games in Korea and other countries, and other necessary matters shall be determined by Presidential Decree: Provided, That the number of times that sports betting tickets can be issued in a year shall be determined by the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation in consultant with the entrusted business operators under Article 25 and approved by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism. <Amended by Act No. 10557, Apr. 5, 2011> |
(3) | The issuing of sports betting tickets under paragraph (1) shall not be governed by the Act on Special Cases concerning Regulation and Punishment of Speculative Acts, etc. |
Article 25 (Entrustment of Issuance of Sports Betting Tickets, etc.) |
(1) | For the purposes of efficiently issuing sports betting tickets, the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation shall entrust the issuing of sports betting tickets to an organization or individual under approval of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(2) | An organization or individual entrusted with the issuing of sports betting tickets under approval referred to in paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as "entrusted business operator") shall satisfy all of the following requirements: |
1. | It is required to have economic and technical means to issue sports betting tickets; |
2. | It shall not have any criminal record of having been punished for issuing sports betting tickets or other similar business by false or other unjust means inside or outside Korea; |
3. | Other matters prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 26 (Prohibition, etc. of Similar Acts) |
(1) | No person, other than the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation or an entrusted business operator, may issue sports betting tickets or similar things (or issue them by means of information and communications networks) and provide property or financial benefits (hereinafter referred to as "similar act") to persons who win at the betting. |
(2) | No person shall engage in any of the following activities: |
2. | Providing information concerning sports games for similar acts; |
3. | Publicizing similar acts, or mediating or recommending the purchase of sports betting tickets or similar things. |
(3) | No player, manager, coach, or referee of an authorized sports betting event nor any executive or employee of an athletic affiliate shall receive, request or promise property or financial benefits in response to an unlawful request concerning an authorized sports betting event. |
(4) | No player, manager, coach, or referee of an authorized sports betting event nor any executive or employee of an athletic affiliate shall provide, request or promise to provide, a third party with property or financial benefits in response to an unlawful request concerning an authorized sports betting event. |
[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
(1) | The entrusted business operator shall refund an amount of not less than 50/100 of the sales of sports betting tickets to persons who have purchased sports betting tickets and correctly predicted the results of games, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | The extinctive prescription of claims for a refund under paragraph (1) shall be complete if the refund is not claimed within one year from the date on which entitlement to such refund commences, and the refunds of which extinctive prescription has completed shall revert to the Fund. |
Article 28 (Operating Expenses for Entrusted Business) |
The entrusted business operator may appropriate the amount calculated by multiplying the sales of sports betting tickets by a percentage determined by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism as operating expenses incurred in issuing sports betting tickets and expenses incurred in operating the relevant entrusted business, including commissions. In such cases, the amount of appropriation shall not exceed 25/100 of the sales of sports betting tickets. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008>
Article 29 (Use of Profits) |
(1) | The entrusted business operator shall transfer the total amount of sales of sports betting tickets to the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation, excluding the refunds referred to in Article 27 and expenses incurred in operating the relevant entrusted business under Article 28 each year, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Culture, Sports and Tourism. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(2) | The Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation shall use the amount transferred by the entrusted business operator under paragraph (1) for each of the following purposes, after obtaining approval from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism: <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008; Act No. 9490, Mar. 18, 2009; Act No. 9976, Jan. 27, 2010> |
1. | Support for improvement and repair of public sports facilities of local governments as prescribed by Presidential Decree: Provided, That the rate of distribution of profits out of the financial resources for improvement and repair shall be designated by Presidential Decree; |
2. | Contributions to the Fund; |
3. | Subsidization of an organization holding an authorized sports betting events: Provided, That the organization to be subsidized shall be determined by Ministerial Decree of Culture, Sports and Tourism; |
4. | Support for any of the following cultural and sports projects: |
(a) | Nurturing human resources in the field of sports, culture, and arts, training experts, and supporting the facilities and equipment therefor; |
(b) | Funding unpopular sports games and nurturing weak sectors of culture and arts; |
(c) | Boosting school sports, such as funding and promotion of school sports teams; |
(d) | Other projects which especially require any support to promote sports, culture and arts. |
(3) | Matters necessary for the rate, timing, method, etc. of distribution of profits under paragraph (2) shall be determined by Presidential Decree. |
(4) | The Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation shall submit details of the expenditure of the profits under paragraph (2) to the competent standing committee of the National Assembly by not later than May 31 of the following year. <Added by Act No. 9976, Jan. 27, 2010> |
Article 30 (Restrictions, etc. on Purchase of Sports Betting Tickets) |
(1) | No entrusted business operator shall sell a sports betting ticket or issue a refund to any juvenile as defined under subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the Juvenile Protection Act. <Amended by Act No. 10557, Apr. 5, 2011> |
(2) | Any of the following persons shall be prohibited from purchasing, arranging for the purchase of or acquiring sports betting tickets: |
1. | A business operator who issues sports betting tickets and its entrusted business operator; |
2. | A person who is in a position to supervise the issuing of sports betting tickets; |
3. | A player, manager, coach, or referee of an authorized sports betting event and an executive or employee of an athletic affiliate; |
4. | An executive or employee of an organization holding an authorized sports betting event; |
5. | Other persons engaged in issuing sports betting tickets. |
(3) | No entrusted business operator shall issue a refund under Article 27 to a person falling under any of the subparagraphs of paragraph (2). <Added by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012> |
(4) | Where necessary to confirm whether a person to be issued a refund in an amount in excess of the amount under subparagraph 1 of Article 84 of the Income Tax Act is prohibited from being issued a refund pursuant to paragraph (3), an entrusted business operator may request athletic affiliates or organizations holding sports events pursuant to Article 29 (2) 3 to submit data concerning personal information, such as the names, resident registration numbers, etc. of persons falling under paragraph (2) 3 and 4. <Added by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012> |
(5) | The scope of persons falling under paragraph (2) 2 and 5 shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012> |
Article 31 (Approval of Business Plans, Supervision, etc.) |
(1) | The Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation shall have the entrusted business operator submit a plan for issuing sports betting tickets and budgetary documents on revenues and expenditures for the following year and obtain approval from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism therefor by the end of each year. The same shall apply where it intends to make modifications thereto. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(2) | The entrusted business operator shall submit reports on the results of business and settlement of accounts to the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism through the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation within two months from the closing date of each business year. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(3) | Where the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism deems it necessary for the enforcement of this Act, he/she may issue an order or take measures necessary for the supervision of the entrusted business operator. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
Article 32 (Nullification of Sale of Sports Betting Tickets, etc.) |
(1) | Where a certain number of sports events subject to the issuance of sports betting tickets fails to be held after the sale of the relevant sports betting tickets while such sports events are to be held or it is impossible to determine the outcomes of such sports events despite being held, the sale of such sports betting tickets may be nullified or a particular instance in which a person has correctly predicted the outcome of such sport events, may be established as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | Any person who has purchased a sports betting ticket, the sale of which has been nullified under paragraph (1) may claim the refund of the purchase price to the entrusted business operator. |
(3) | The period of prescription of a claim for the refund of the purchase price under paragraph (2) shall expire unless it is exercised within one year following the date on which the sale of the relevant sports betting ticket is nullified, and the amount of such purchase price shall revert to the Fund. |
Article 33 (Korea Olympic Committee) |
(1) | The Korea Olympic Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "KOC") shall be established by obtaining authorization from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism to conduct the following business activities and affairs related to the promotion of sports: <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008; Act No. 9490, Mar. 18, 2009> |
1. | Guidance and support for the business activities and affairs of athletic affiliates; |
2. | Organization and international exchange of sports meets; |
3. | Promotion of professional sports, such as fostering of players and enhancing of their performance; |
4. | Improvement of welfare of athletes; |
5. | Support for retired players of national teams; |
6. | Other business activities necessary to promote sports. |
(2) | For the purposes of covering expenses necessary for achieving the purposes under paragraph (1), the KOC may conduct profit-making business activities, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(3) | The KOC shall be a corporate entity. |
(4) | The KOC may have branch offices, local branch offices, or overseas branch offices, as prescribed by the articles of association. |
(5) | Matters necessary for members and collection of membership fees of the KOC shall be prescribed by the articles of association. |
(6) | The president, executives of the KOC shall be appointed as prescribed by the articles of association after obtaining approval from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(7) | Except as otherwise provided for in this Act, the provisions of the Civil Act pertaining to incorporated associations shall apply mutatis mutandis to the KOC. |
Article 34 (Korea Sports Association for the Disabled) |
(1) | The Korea Sports Association for the Disabled (hereinafter referred to as the "KSAD") shall be established upon authorization of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism to conduct the following business activities and affairs related to the promotion of sports of the disabled: <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
1. | Guidance and support for the business activities and affairs of athletic affiliates of the disabled; |
2. | Organization and international exchange of disabled sports meets; |
3. | Promotion of professional disabled sports, such as fostering of disabled players and enhancing of their performance; |
4. | Fostering and propagation of sports-for-all for the disabled; |
5. | Improvement of the welfare of disabled players, certified disabled sports leaders, and persons of distinguished services to disabled sports; |
6. | Other matters necessary for the promotion of disabled sports. |
(2) | For the purposes of covering expenses necessary for the achievement of the purposes under paragraph (1), the KSAD may engage in profit-making business activities, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(3) | The KSAD shall be a corporate entity. |
(4) | The KSAD may have branch offices, local branch offices or overseas branch offices, as prescribed in the articles of association. |
(5) | Matters necessary for members and the collection of membership fees of the KSAD shall be determined by the articles of association. |
(6) | The KSAD shall have a president, vice president, directors and an auditor as its officers. |
(7) | The number, term of office, method of election, etc. of the officers provided for in paragraph (6) shall be determined by the articles of association after obtaining approval from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(8) | Except as otherwise provided for in this Act, the provisions of the Civil Act pertaining to incorporated associations shall apply mutatis mutandis to the KSAD. |
Article 35 (Establishment of Korea Anti-Doping Agency) |
(1) | The Korea Anti-Doping Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Anti-Doping Agency") shall be established upon the authorization of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism to engage in the following doping-related business activities and affairs: <Amended by Act No. 8522, Feb. 29, 2008> |
1. | Education, public relations, collection of information and research for anti-doping; |
2. | Establishment and implementation of doping test programs; |
3. | Management of test results and imposing sanctions according to such results; |
4. | Exchanges and cooperation for the prevention of doping inside and outside Korea; |
5. | Establishment of permissible levels for the exceptional use of the drugs and methods under subparagraph 10 of Article 2 for the purpose of medical treatment, and implementation thereof; |
6. | Other business activities and affairs necessary for anti-doping. |
(2) | The Anti-Doping Agency shall be a corporate entity. |
(3) | The Anti-Doping Agency shall be comprised of not more than 11 members, including one chairperson and one vice chairperson, and the term of office, method of election, etc. of members shall be determined by the articles of association. |
(4) | For the purposes of covering expenses incurred in conducting business activities and affairs referred to in paragraph (1), the Anti-Doping Agency may engage in profit-making business activities, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(5) | Except as otherwise provided for in this Act, the provisions of the Civil Act pertaining to incorporated foundations shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Anti-Doping Agency. |
(6) | If necessary for the performance of its duties, the Anti-Doping Agency may request relevant administrative agencies or relevant agencies or organizations agencies to dispatch their public officials or employees or executives. |
Article 36 (Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation) |
(1) | For the purposes of commemorating the 24th Seoul Olympic Games and performing the following activities to promote national sports, the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the "Promotion Foundation") shall be established upon the authorization of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism: <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
1. | Business for the commemoration of the 24th Seoul Olympic Games; |
2. | Creation, management and operation of the Fund and business related thereto; |
3. | Establishment and management of sports facilities and performance of operational business, such as the acquisition, lease, etc. of real estate belonging thereto; |
4. | Research into sports science; |
5. | Other business approved by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism. |
(2) | The Promotion Foundation shall be a corporate entity. |
(3) | Except as otherwise provided for in this Act, the provisions of the Civil Act pertaining to incorporated foundations shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Promotion Foundation. |
(4) | The Promotion Foundation may collect admission fees from persons who enter the sports facilities referred to in paragraph (1) 3 which are established for the 24th Seoul Olympic Games to cover the expenses incurred in maintaining and managing such facilities. |
(5) | When the Promotion Foundation intends to collect admission fees under paragraph (4), it shall obtain approval from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The same shall apply where it intends to modify them. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(1) | The Promotion Foundation shall have not more than fifteen directors, including one president and one full-time director, and two auditors. |
(2) | The president shall be appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Korea upon the recommendation of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism; the directors, by the Minister of Culture and Tourism upon the recommendation of the president; and the auditors, by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(3) | The term of office of the president, full-time director, directors and auditors shall be three years. |
(4) | The president shall represent the Promotion Foundation and supervise the affairs of the Promotion Foundation. |
(5) | When the president cannot perform his/her duties due to an inevitable cause, the full-time director shall act on his/her behalf according to the order prescribed in the articles of association. |
(6) | The auditors shall audit the performance of duties and the accounts of the Promotion Foundation. |
Article 38 (Grounds for Disqualification of Executives) |
None of the following persons shall be an executive of the Promotion Foundation:
1. | An incompetent or quasi-incompetent; |
2. | A person who was declared bankrupt and has yet to be reinstated; |
3. | A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment without prison labor or a heavier punishment and for whom three years have not elapsed since the execution of such punishment was terminated or since the final judgement was rendered that the sentence on him/her would be suspended; |
4. | A person whose qualification is forfeited or suspended pursuant to Acts or by court order. |
Article 39 (Supervision of Accounts, etc.) |
(1) | The Promotion Foundation shall obtain approval from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism for its business plan and budget each fiscal year as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(2) | The Promotion Foundation shall submit reports on the performance of its business and settlement of accounts, to the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism within two months from the end of each fiscal year. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(3) | The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism may inspect business activities or financial status of the Promotion Foundation or issue orders necessary for supervisory purposes. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
Article 40 (Borrowing Funds, etc.) |
When necessary for the achievement of the purposes of business, the KOC, the KSAD, the Anti-Doping Agency or the Promotion Foundation may borrow funds (including the borrowing of funds from international organizations, foreign governments or foreigners) or import materials, upon approval of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008>
Article 41 (Tax Reduction or Exemption, etc.) |
(2) | A special case of inclusion of income shall apply to property donated to the KOC or contributed or donated to the Promotion Foundation as prescribed in the Restriction of Special Taxation Act. |
(3) | Where the KOC, the KSAD, the Anti-Doping Agency or the Promotion Foundation acquires movable or immovable property for its operation or activities, it shall be exempted from the obligation to purchase various kinds of bonds, etc. to be purchased under relevant Acts and subordinate statutes in accordance with the precedents of State organs. |
Article 42 (Prohibition from Use of Similar Names) |
No person, other than the KOC, the KSAD, the Anti-Doping Agency or the Promotion Foundation, shall be allowed to use the words "Korea Olympic Committee", "Korea Sports Association for the Disabled", "Korea Anti-Doping Agency" "Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation" or any name similar thereto in his/her business title.
The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall supervise the KOC, the KSAD, the Anti-Doping Agency and the Promotion Foundation. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008>
Article 44 (Reporting, Inspection, etc.) |
(1) | The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism or the heads of local governments may, if necessary for the enforcement of this Act, order the KOC, the KSAD, the Anti-Doping Agency, the Promotion Foundation, entrusted business operators and others, such as sports organizations and places of work, under the regulation of this Act to report on the performance of their duties, or may have public officials belonging thereto enter such offices, places of business, etc. and inspect relevant books of account, documents, or other materials. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(2) | A public official conducting the duty of inspection under paragraph (1) shall carry a certificate indicating his/her authority and present it to relevant persons. |
Where any of the following cases arises, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall hold a hearing:
1. | Where he/she intends to cancel the designation of a designated institution pursuant to Article 11-4 (1); |
2. | Where he/she intends to cancel the qualification of a certified sports leader pursuant to Article 12 (1); |
3. | Where he/she intends to cancel the designation of an exemplary manufacturer pursuant to Article 17 (7). |
[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
Article 45-2 (Granting Monetary Rewards) |
(1) | The Promotion Foundation may grant monetary rewards to those who report or accuse any of the following persons to the relevant administrative agency, the Promotion Foundation, an entrusted business operator or an investigative agency: |
2. | A person who plays for money by committing an offence prohibited under Article 26 (1); |
3. | The player, manager, coach, or referee of an authorized sports betting event or the executive or employee of an athletic affiliate who receives property or financial benefits, in violation of Article 26 (3); |
5. | A person who fraudulently or forcibly interferes with the fair performance of an authorized sports betting event. |
(2) | Matters necessary for the standards, methods and procedures for granting monetary rewards under paragraph (1), specific amount of monetary rewards, etc. shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Culture, Sports and Tourism. |
[This Article Added by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
Article 46 (Delegation or Entrustment of Authority) |
The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism may partially delegate of his/her authority provided for in this Act to the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor, Do Governor, or Special Self-Governing Province Governor or the superintendent of the office of education of the Special Metropolitan City, Metropolitan City, Do or Special Self-Governing Province, or may entrust it to the relevant administrative agency or organization, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008; Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012>
Article 47 (Penal Provisions) |
Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than seven years or by a fine not exceeding 70 million won:
2. | The player, manager, coach or referee of an authorized sports betting event, or the executive or employee of an athletic affiliate who engages in any unlawful act, in violation of Article 26 (3). |
[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
Article 48 (Penal Provisions) |
Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than five years or by a fine not exceeding 50 million won:
1. | A person who plays for monetary reward by committing an offence prohibited under Article 26 (1); |
2. | A person who engages in any activity referred to in Article 26 (2) 1; |
3. | A person who promises to provide, provides or express his/her intention to provide property or financial benefits under Article 26 (3) and (4); |
4. | The player, manager, coach or referee of an authorized sports betting event, or the executive or employee of an athletic affiliate who violates Article 26 (3) or (4); |
6. | A person who fraudulently or forcibly interferes with the fair performance of an authorized sports betting event. |
[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
Article 49 (Penal Provisions) |
Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than three years or by a fine not exceeding 30 million won:
1. | A person who engages in any activity referred to in Article 26 (2) 2 or 3; |
[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
Article 50 Deleted.<by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012> |
Article 51 (Confiscation and Collection as Penalty) |
(1) | Devices, equipment or other things that a person punished pursuant to subparagraph 1 of Article 47 owns or possesses with intent to do any similar act, and property that such person obtains by doing any similar act shall be confiscated. |
(2) | Property under subparagraph 2 of Article 47 and subparagraphs 3 and 4 of Article 48 shall be confiscated. |
(3) | Where it is impossible to confiscate things or property pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) or a person has obtained financial benefits, the value equivalent thereto shall be collected as a penalty. |
[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
Article 52 (Concurrent Imposition of Suspension of Qualification) |
Any person who violates subparagraph 2 of Article 47 or subparagraphs 3 and 4 of Article 48 shall be punished by the suspension of qualification for a period of up to ten years in addition to the punishments provided for in the respective provisions. <Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012>
Article 53 (Concurrent Imposition of Imprisonment and Fines) |
[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012]
Article 54 (Joint Penal Provisions) |
If the representative of a corporation, or an agent, employee or worker employed by a corporation or individual commits a violation referred to in subparagraph 1 of Article 47 in connection with the affairs of such corporation or individual, not only shall such violator be punished accordingly, but the corporation or individual also shall be punished by a fine prescribed in the corresponding provisions, respectively: Provided, That where such corporation or individual has not been negligent in giving due attention and supervision concerning such duties in order to prevent violations, this shall not apply. [This Article Wholly Amended by Act No | [This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012] |
Article 55 (Fines for Negligence) |
(1) | Any person who, without just cause, fails to submit, or falsely submits, a document related to the payment of surcharges to the Fund management agency in violation of Article 23 (4) shall be punished by a fine for negligence not exceeding five million won. |
(2) | Any person who violates Article 10 (3), 21 (1), 29 (1), or 31 (1) or (2) shall be punished by a fine for negligence not exceeding two million won. |
(3) | Any of the following persons shall be punished by a fine for negligence not exceeding one million won: |
2. | Any person who fails to submit a report under Article 44 (1) or submits a false report; |
3. | Any person who refuses, interferes with or evades an inspection under Article 44 (1). |
(4) | The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism or the heads of local governments shall impose and collect fines for negligence under paragraphs (1) through (3), as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008> |
(5) | through (7) Deleted <by Amended by Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012> |
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of subparagraph 10 of Article 2 and Articles 11 (2), 12, 15, 18 (2), 22 (1) 10, 35, 40, 41 (3), 42, 43, and 44 (1) shall enter into force on April 27, 2007. Article 2 (Transitional Measures Concerning Enforcement Date)
Before the amended provisions of Articles 18 (2), 22 (1) 10, 40, 41 (3), 42, 43 and 44 (1) enter into force, the former provisions equivalent thereto of Articles 17 (2), 20 (1) 10, 25, 26 (3), 27, 28 and 29 (1) shall remain in force in accordance with the proviso to Article 1 of this Addenda. Article 3 (Applicability to Term of Office of Auditors)
The amended provisions of Article 24-2 (3) of the National Sports Promotion Act, amended by Act No. 7234, shall apply, starting from the auditors in office as at the time such provisions enter into force. In such cases, the term of office taken by auditors under the former provision as at the time the same Act is in force shall be added thereto. Article 4 (Transitional Measures Concerning Korea Anti-Doping Agency)
(1) | The Korea Anti-Doping Foundation established under the permission of the Minister of Culture and Tourism under Article 32 of the Civil Act on April 27, 2007 on which the National Sports Promotion Act, partially amended by Act No. 8276, enters into force shall prepare the articles of association of the Korea Anti-Doping Agency under the same Act by June 26, 2007, being when two months have passed since the National Sports Promotion Act, partially amended by Act No. 8276, and obtain the authorization of the Minister of Culture and Tourism therefor. |
(2) | The Korea Anti-Doping Foundation shall, when it has obtained authorization under paragraph (1), make a registration of establishment of the Korea Anti-Doping Agency under the National Sports Promotion Act, partially amended by Act No. 8276. |
(3) | The Korea Anti-Doping Foundation shall, when it has completed the registration of establishment of the Korea Anti-Doping Agency under paragraph (2), shall be deemed to have been dissolved, despite the provisions pertaining to the dissolution and liquidation of corporations under the Civil Act. |
(4) | The Korea Anti-Doping Agency under the National Sports Promotion Act, partially amended by Act No. 8276, shall succeed all the rights, obligations and property of the Korea Anti-Doping Foundation on the date of registration of its establishment. |
(5) | The officers and employees of the Korea Anti-Doping Foundation on April 27, 2007 on which the National Sports Promotion Act, partially amended by Act No. 8276, enters into force shall be deemed the officers and employees of the Korea Anti-Doping Agency under the same Act, and the term of office of the officers shall be calculated from the former date of appointment. |
Article 5 (Transitional Measures Concerning Regional Sports Promotion Council, etc.)
The Regional Sports Promotion Council, the National Sports Promotion Fund, sports betting tickets, the KOC and the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation under the former provisions as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed the Regional Sports Promotion Council, the National Sports Promotion Fund, sports betting tickets, the KOC and the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation under this Act, respectively.
Article 6 (General Transitional Measures Concerning Dispositions, etc.)
Acts by or against administrative organs under the former provisions as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed acts by and against administrative organs corresponding thereto under this Act.
Article 7 (Transitional Measures Concerning Penal Provisions or Fines for Negligence)
For the purposes of the penal provisions or fines for negligence against acts conducted before this Act enters into force, the former provisions shall prevail.
Article 8 Omitted.
Article 9 (Relations with Other Acts and Subordinate Statutes)
Where other Acts and subordinate statutes cited the former National Sports Promotion Act or the provisions thereof as at the time this Act enters into force, if provisions corresponding thereto exist in this Act, they shall be deemed to have cited this Act or the corresponding provisions of this Act in lieu of the former provisions.
ADDENDA<Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That …
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA<Act No. 9490, Mar. 18, 2009>
(1) | (Enforcement Date) This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation. |
(2) | (Applicability) The amended provisions of Article 17 (5) and (6) shall apply from the first application submitted after this Act enters into force. |
ADDENDA<Act No. 9976, Jan. 27, 2010>
(1) | (Enforcement Date) This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. |
(2) | (Period of Validity) The amended provisions of Article 29 (2) 1 shall remain effective until December 31, 2014. |
ADDENDUM<Act No. 10557, Apr. 5, 2011>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA<Act No. 11309, Feb. 17, 2012>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 10 (3) and (4), 12, 13 (3), 45 and 45-2 shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation, and the amended provisions of subparagraph 6 of Article 2, Article 11, and Articles 11-2 through 11-4 shall enter into force on January 1, 2015. Articles 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Qualification of Certified Sports Leaders)
Sports leaders certified under the former provisions of subparagraph 6 of Article 2 as at the time the amended provisions of subparagraph 6 of Article 2 enters into force shall be deemed certified sports instructors or certified fitness trainers pursuant to the amended provisions of subparagraph 6 (a) and (b) of Article 2, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. Articles 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Ground for Disqualification of Certified Sports Leaders)
Where a certified sports leader is disqualified under the amended provisions of Article 11-5 for a reason occurred before this Act enters into force as at the time this Act enters into force, the former provisions shall apply, notwithstanding such amended provisions. Articles 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Penal Provisions)
For the purposes of the penal provisions, the former penal provisions shall apply to any act done before this Act enters into force.