Wholly Amended by Act No. 9772, Jun. 9, 2009
Amended by Act No. 10272, Apr. 15, 2010
Act No. 10303, May 17, 2010
Act No. 10331, May 31, 2010
Act No. 10445, Mar. 9, 2011
Act No. 10599, Apr. 14, 2011
Act No. 11020, Aug. 4, 2011
Act No. 11794, May 22, 2013
Act No. 12014, Aug. 6, 2013
Act No. 12246, Jan. 14, 2014
Act No. 12248, Jan. 14, 2014
The purpose of this Act is to prescribe matters necessary for the comprehensive coordination of policies for land transport, marine transport, and air transport and the efficient development, management, administration, etc. of the national transport system, including various transport facilities, means of transport, etc. to improve the efficiency, unification and interconnection of transport systems, and thereby to promote convenience in people’s lives and contribute to the development of the national economy.
The definitions of the terms used in this Act shall be as follows: <Amended by Act No. 12248, Jan. 14, 2014>
1. | The term 'transport' means any act, activity, function, process, etc. of carrying people or goods from one place to another; |
3. | The term 'means of transport' means any automobiles, trains, aircraft, vessels, etc. that are used to transport people or goods; |
4. | The term 'transport facilities' means any roads, railroads, airports, harbors, terminals, etc. necessary for the operation of the means of transport, and other appurtenant facilities and structures supporting the smooth operation of the means of transport; |
5. | The term 'public transport facilities' means any transport facilities developed, operated or managed by any of the public institutions provided for in subparagraph 18 of this Article or any of the project operators provided for in subparagraph 7 of Article 2 of the Act on Private Participation in Infrastructure; |
6. | The term 'transport system' means the means of transport, transport facilities, transport management and other related industries and systems, which are organically connected so as to allow activities related to the transportation of people or goods to be effectively performed; |
7. | The term 'national core transport facilities' means any transport facilities falling under any of the following items, which perform the functions of arterial transport between regions: |
(e) | Other transport facilities prescribed by Presidential Decree; |
8. | The term 'national core transport network' means any transport network which is systematically organized so as to allow national core transport facilities to function organically and the means of transport using such facilities to be operated in a speedy, safe and convenient way; |
9. | The term 'transport survey' means any fact-finding survey on the operational realities of the means of transport and transport facilities, traffic volume, etc. conducted to reasonably establish and implement transport-related plans as well as to efficiently manage the means of transport and transport facilities; |
10. | The term 'transport and logistics hub' means any airport, harbor, railroad station, terminal, industrial complex, etc. that functions as a hub for major transport and logistics activities, such as the connected transport or transfer of passengers or the connected transport, transshipment, loading, unloading or keeping of goods on a large scale using at least one means of transport, which falls under any of the following items: |
(a) | Class I transport and logistics hub: Any transport and logistics hub in which transport and logistics activities related to international exchange or trade or between major domestic regions are performed on a large scale as designated and published pursuant to Article 37 (1) 1 to manage and support the establishment, etc. of a transport system in connection with the national core transport network at a nationwide level; |
(b) | Class II transport and logistics hub: Any transport and logistics hub in which transport and logistics activities are performed mainly between areas or within a region on a small or medium scale as designated and published pursuant to Article 37 (1) 2 to manage and support the establishment, etc. of a transport system in connection with the national core transport network, or a local transport network at a national or local level; |
(c) | Class III transport and logistics hub: Any transport and logistics hub, other than items (a) and (b), as designated and published pursuant to Article 37 (1) 3 to manage and support the establishment, etc. of connected transport systems at a local level; |
11. | The term 'connected transport facilities' means any transport facilities, including roads, railroads, etc., that are designed to facilitate a smooth connection between major transport and logistics hubs or between a transport and logistics hub and the nearby national core transport network, etc.; |
12. | The term 'transfer facilities' means any facilities that function as parking lots, airport passenger terminals, harbor waiting rooms, railroad stations, urban railroad stations, bus stations, passenger vehicle terminals, etc. to allow passengers, etc. using land, marine or air transport to conveniently transfer to other routes or means of transport; |
13. | The term 'transfer center' means any center in which certain transfer facilities are gathered in mutual connection for the purpose of facilitating connected transport and transfer between the means of transport, falling under any of the following items: |
(a) | Parking lot transfer center: Any transfer center that mainly serves to support the parking and transfer of public transport users; |
(b) | Public transport connection transfer center: Any transfer center that mainly serves to support connecting transport and transfer between the means of public transport; |
(c) | Terminal transfer center: Any transfer center that mainly serves to support terminals and transfer activities; |
14. | The term 'transfer support facilities' means any supporting facilities other than transfer facilities that are installed in an intermodal transfer center, such as convenience facilities, commercial facilities, cultural facilities, business facilities, lodging facilities and residential facilities, to meet the demands of daily life and social and economic activities; |
15. | The term 'intermodal transfer center' means any center in which transfer facilities and transfer support facilities are gathered in mutual connection, for combined support with connected transport and transfer activities between the various means of transport such as trains, aircraft, vessels, subway trains, buses, taxies and automobiles and other social and economic activities including commerce, business, etc., falling under any of the following items: |
(a) | National core intermodal transfer center: Any intermodal transfer center designated pursuant to Article 45 to efficiently meet the demands of large-volume transfer traffic between regions for establishing the national core transport network and to provide necessary support for commerce, culture, residence, lodging, etc.; |
(b) | Metropolitan intermodal transfer center: Any intermodal transfer center that is designated pursuant to Article 45 to meet the demands of transfer traffic, mainly within a region and to provide necessary support for commerce, culture, residence, lodging, etc.; |
(c) | General intermodal transfer center: Any intermodal transfer center, other than items (a) and (b), designated pursuant to Article 45 to meet the demands of traffic transport, mainly within an area; |
16. | The term 'intelligent transport systems' means any transport system enabling the scientific and automated operation and management of the transport system, and the improvement of the efficiency and safety of transport, by developing and utilizing the means of transport and transport facilities with high-tech transport technology and transport information, including electronic controls, communications, etc.; |
17. | The term 'transport technology' means any technology that is used to develop, operate and manage the means of transport and transport facilities; |
18. | The term 'public institutions' means any central administrative agencies, local governments or other legal entities falling under any of the following items: |
(b) | Public enterprises or corporations that take charge of the development, operation or management of transport facilities among those established pursuant to the Local Public Enterprises Act or any other Acts so prescribed by Presidential Decree; |
Article 3 (Relationship to other Acts) |
With respect to the development and management of transport systems, this Act shall prevail over other Acts.
Article 4 (Establishment, etc. of Plan for National Core Transport Network) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall develop a 20-year plan for a national core transport network (hereinafter referred to as 'national core transport network plan') to make the national transport system more efficient: Provided, That the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may alter such plan, if necessary, in consideration of changes in social and economic circumstances. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The national core transport network plan shall factor into the following matters: |
1. | Forecast of future transport conditions and prediction of transport demand; |
2. | Overall direction of transport policy and transport facility investments; |
3. | Objectives of national core transport network construction and implementation strategy at each stage; |
4. | Projects for the establishment, expansion or maintenance of national core transport facilities (hereinafter referred to as 'national core transport facilities development projects') and connected transport systems; |
5. | Basic direction for securing the financial resources required for national core transport facilities development project and a rough order of investment priority; |
6. | Development and utilization of transport technology; |
7. | Management, development and cooperation on links between the national core transport network and foreign transport networks; |
8. | Other matters concerning the improvement of transport systems. |
(3) | Upon receipt of a request from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the head of a competent central administrative agency or a Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor, Do Governor, or the Governor of Special Self-Governing Province concerned (hereinafter referred to as the 'heads of the administrative agencies concerned') shall submit to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport a draft agency plan necessary for the establishment of the national core transport network plan provided for in paragraph (1). <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall draw up a draft national core transport network plan based on the draft agency plans submitted under paragraph (3) and finalize such plan subject to deliberation by the National Transport Commission (hereinafter referred to as the 'National Transport Commission') referred to in Article 106 after consultation with the heads of the administrative agencies concerned. The same shall apply to cases where any revision is to be made to the finalized national core transport network plan (excluding cases where it is intended to alter minor matters prescribed by Presidential Decree). <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | Where the national core transport network plan is finalized or altered pursuant to paragraph (4), the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall report such details to the State Council before notifying the heads of the administrative agencies concerned of such fact, and publish it in the Official Gazette: Provided, That this shall not apply to modification of minor matters prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 5 (Relationship to other Plans) |
(2) | The national core transport network plan shall prevail over, and form a basis for, the basic transport plan for metropolitan areas under the Special Act on the Management of Metropolitan Transport in Metropolitan Areas, the basic plan for national logistics under the Framework Act on Logistics Policies, and any other plans for transport and logistics under other statutes. |
(3) | The heads of central administrative agencies concerned and the heads of local governments shall preferentially reflect the national core transport network plan in developing a land use plan. |
(4) | Where a transport and logistics plan or a land use plan under paragraphs (2) and (3) is deemed inconsistent with the national core transport network plan, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may request the head of the competent central administrative agency or the head of the local government concerned to adjust the plan, and the head of the central administrative agency or the head of the local government so requested shall comply with such request unless there is a compelling reason not to do so. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 6 (Establishment of Mid-Term Plan for Investment in Transport Facilities) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall develop a five-year mid-term plan for investment in transport facilities (hereinafter referred to as 'mid-term investment plan') to effectively carry out the national core transport facilities development projects factored into the national core transport network plan, the projects for the establishment, expansion or maintenance of transport facilities under the jurisdiction of local governments (hereinafter referred to as 'local transport facilities development projects') connected with such national projects and so on. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The mid-term investment plan shall factor into the following matters: |
1. | Objectives of supply of transport facilities and the basic direction of investment; |
2. | Scale of the national core transport facilities development projects, the order of investment priority and the funds required; |
3. | Setting proper sharing of transport burden to invested funds among transport facilities; |
4. | Development of links between the national core transport facilities development projects and local transport facilities development projects; |
5. | Plan for investment in local transport facilities development projects; |
6. | Other necessary matters concerning investment in transport facilities. |
(4) | The provisions of Article 4 (3) through (5) shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to the establishment and revision of the mid-term investment plan. |
Article 7 (Implementation, etc. of Mid-Term Investment Plan) |
(1) | A head of the public institution concerned shall reflect the matters factored into the mid-term investment plan in any transport-related plan provided for in other statutes and the relevant business plan of the institution. |
(2) | In consultation with the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall ensure that the revenue sources of the special accounts for traffic facilities stipulated under the Act on Special Accounts for Traffic Facilities properly are allocated to each of the said accounts in a manner that is consistent with the mid-term investment plan. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The Government shall reflect the ratio of investment resources distributed among transport facilities that have been set in accordance with the mid-term investment plan in compilation of the relevant budget. |
(4) | Where a transport facilities development project factored into the mid-term investment plan comes under a private capital inducement project, the head of the public institution concerned shall reflect such in the basic plan for the private investment facility project provided for in Article 10 of the Act on Private Participation in Infrastructure. |
(5) | Where it is necessary to promote linked development of a national core transport facilities development project and a local transport facilities development project, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may devise and implement measures for linked management of investment funds related to the said projects, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 8 (Assistance to Local Governments) |
The State may provide necessary support within the limits of its budget to any local government that carries out the local transport facilities development project included in the mid-term investment plan.
Article 9 (Performance Appraisal of Mid-Term Investment Plan) |
(1) | The heads of public institutions shall draw up annual appraisal reports on the results and effects of implementing the mid-term investment plan under their jurisdiction and submit them to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall prepare an appraisal report on the comprehensive performance of the mid-term investment plan after conducting a comprehensive analysis of the reports submitted by the individual public institutions under paragraph (1) and notify the heads of public institutions of the results thereof after deliberation of the National Transport Commission. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The heads of public institutions shall take necessary measures to efficiently implement the mid-term investment plan according to the results of deliberation notified under paragraph (2). |
Article 10 (Setting National Transport and Logistics Competitiveness Indicator) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall set and publish an indicator of competitiveness of national transport and logistics (hereinafter referred to as ‘national transport and logistics competitiveness indicator') to facilitate the mobility and accessibility of passengers and goods in the fields of land, marine and air transport and to secure optimum transport facilities necessary to support social and economic activities. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | In setting the national transport and logistics competitiveness indicator, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall take into consideration the following matters: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | Efficient development and management of transport and logistics facilities; |
2. | Ensuring the speedy handling and mobility of passengers and goods; |
3. | Ensuring accessibility and convenience for passengers and goods; |
4. | Improvement of the competitiveness of the transport and logistics industry. |
(3) | In setting the national transport and logistics competitiveness indicator, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall consult in advance with the head of the competent central administrative agency and refer such to the National Transport Commission for deliberation. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 11 (Survey, Appraisal, etc. of National Transport and Logistics Competitiveness) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall conduct a survey and appraisal of the competitiveness of national transport and logistics on a regular basis in order to efficiently establish and implement national transport policies, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The heads of public institutions shall cooperate in submitting materials, etc. necessary to survey and appraise the competitiveness of national transport and logistics under paragraph (1), and endeavor not to repeatedly conduct any survey similar thereto. |
Article 12 (Survey of National Transport) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall conduct a transport survey at the national level (hereinafter referred to as 'national transport survey'), as prescribed by Presidential Decree, in order to reasonably develop and implement national transport policies including the national core transport network plan, the mid-term investment plan, etc. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall establish a plan for the national transport survey including survey objectives and strategies, details and methods of the survey, etc. every five years after deliberation by the National Transport Commission, to prevent the overlapping of the national transport survey with any institutional transport survey referred to in Article 16 (1), conduct an efficient survey of transport, and promote the joint use of the results of such survey, etc. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may request the head of a public institution to provide the necessary materials or assistance that may help establish the national transport survey or the national transport survey plan provided for in paragraph (2). In this case, the head of the public institution concerned shall comply with such request unless there is a compelling reason not to do so. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 13 (Temporary Suspension, etc. of Operation of Means of Transport) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may, in conducting the national transport survey, have public officials under his/her control take any of the measures falling under any of the following subparagraphs: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | Temporary suspension of the operation of the means of transport, such as motor vehicles; |
2. | Survey of persons or goods on board the means of transport, such as motor vehicles; |
3. | Entry into and temporary use of transport facilities, and the installation of transport survey equipment therein; |
4. | Entry into or use of another person's land, etc. other than transport facilities (limited to cases where a consent thereto is given by the owner, occupant or manager of the land); |
5. | Other measures to conduct the transport survey, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | In taking any measures referred to in paragraph (1), the public official concerned shall carry a document indicating his/her authority, and show it to interested persons. |
Article 14 (Transport Survey Using Means of Information and Communication, etc.) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may conduct a transport survey by using information communication devices, such as mobile phones and radio frequency identification systems, electronic fare payment and settlement cards, and other media (hereinafter referred to as ‘traffic cards'). <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall, when conducting a transport survey using mobile phones under paragraph (1), obtain a written consent thereto in advance from the owners or users thereof. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may request telecommunications service providers under Article 2 (1) 1 of the Telecommunications Business Act, traffic card business entities, etc. to submit materials concerning the users’ total traffic volume by time zone and by origin and destination. In such cases, telecommunications service providers, traffic card business entities, etc. shall process and submit the materials in a form that does not reveal the identity of the users. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall, when gathering transport survey materials using information communication network, etc. under paragraph (1), take institutional and technical security measures to protect the identity, business secrets, etc. of the persons surveyed. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 15 (Guidelines for Transport Surveys) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall prepare and publish guidelines for transport surveys (hereinafter referred to as 'transport survey guidelines') to ensure the objectiveness and standardization of transport surveys. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall, in preparing transport survey guidelines, consult in advance with the heads of the administrative agencies concerned. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The coverage of transport survey guidelines and methods for preparation thereof, the basic matters to be included therein, and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 16 (Consultation, etc. on Institutional Transport Surveys) |
(1) | Where the head of a public institution intends to conduct an institutional transport survey in order to carry out its business affairs (hereinafter referred to as 'institutional transport survey'), he/she shall prepare a plan for the institutional transport survey (hereinafter referred to as 'institutional transport survey plan') in conformity with the transport survey guidelines and consult it in advance with the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport: Provided, That this shall not apply to minor institutional transport surveys, as so prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | Where it is deemed that an institutional transport survey plan overlaps with the national transport survey, or any other transport survey, or otherwise obstructs the efficient conduct of such transport survey, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may request the head of the public institution concerned to take any measures necessary for prevention thereof. In such cases, the head of the institution concerned shall comply with such request unless there is a compelling reason not to do so. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The head of a public institution shall notify the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the results of the institutional transport survey within 30 days of the completion of the survey. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | Matters to be included in the institutional transport survey plan, the deadline for submission of such plan, and other matters for consultation, etc. with the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 17 (Comprehensive Management of Transport Survey Materials) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall build and manage a national transport database to collect, analyze and offer materials, information, etc. regarding the national transport survey and other institutional transport surveys in a systematic and comprehensive way, and publish and announce the results of the national transport surveys on a regular basis, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | In building and managing materials regarding institutional transport surveys in the national transport database pursuant to paragraph (1), the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall comprehensively examine the appropriateness of the surveyed materials, the connection between such materials and the national transport survey materials, etc. and may, if necessary, adjust them in consultation with the national transport database council provided for in paragraph (5), after conducting an additional technical analysis. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The head of a public institution shall utilize the national transport database and the national transport survey referred to in paragraph (1) as a base material when carrying out policies, plans, projects, etc. related to transport. |
(4) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may have relevant experts or specialized institutions inspect the national transport database, in a manner prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, to ensure the reliability and objectiveness of the national transport database. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may organize and operate a national transport database council consisting of the public institutions concerned as prescribed by Presidential Decree in order to ensure smooth build-up of a national transport database. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(6) | Necessary matters concerning the build-up and management of a national transport database shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 18 (Evaluation of Appropriateness) |
(1) | The head of a public institution and the project operator provided for in the Act on Private Participation in Infrastructure (including any person who makes a project proposal pursuant to Article 9 (1) of the said Act; hereinafter referred to as ‘transport facilities development project operator') shall, when he/she intends to develop a national core transport network plan, a mid-term investment plan, etc. including a project to establish, expand, or improve public transport facilities (hereinafter referred to as ‘public transport facilities development project') or to undertake a public transport facilities development project, evaluate in advance the appropriateness of the plan or project in accordance with the investment evaluation guidelines under paragraph (2). |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall prepare and publish guidelines for the evaluation of investments in public transport facilities development projects (hereinafter referred to as 'investment evaluation guidelines') in order to conduct analyses and evaluation of investments in the public transport facilities development projects in a reasonable and objective manner in light of transport demands, costs and benefits, etc., as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | In preparing the investment evaluation guidelines, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall, in advance, consult with the heads of the administrative agencies concerned. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | Necessary matters regarding the type, scale, etc. of the public transport facilities development projects subject to evaluation of appropriateness under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 19 (Submission, etc. of Appropriateness Evaluation Statement) |
(1) | A transport facilities development project operator shall, after evaluating the appropriateness of the public transport facilities development project pursuant to Article 18 (1), draw up a written evaluation of project appropriateness (hereinafter referred to as ‘appropriateness evaluation statement') and submit it to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and to the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries (in cases of the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries, it shall be limited to public transport facility development projects relating to harbors; hereinafter the same shall apply in paragraph (4)), as prescribed by Presidential Decree: Provided, That in the case of a private investment project under the Act on Private Participation in Infrastructure, he/she shall submit the appropriateness evaluation statement (including a project plan or proposal therefor) to the proper authorities provided for in subparagraph 4 of Article 2 of the said Act. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | In submitting the appropriateness evaluation statement, the transport facilities development project operator shall attach documents evidencing that the evaluation of appropriateness is properly conducted in compliance with the investment evaluation guidelines, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | Where a significant difference prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is found between the results of the evaluation of appropriateness of a public transport facilities development project under Article 18 (1) and the results of a preliminary examination of appropriateness under Article 38 of the National Finance Act, the transport facilities development project operator may request the head of the administrative agency concerned to take necessary measures in consultation with the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries shall post the major contents of the appropriateness evaluation statement submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) on the Internet sites of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries in order to allow the transport facilities development project operators concerned and the general public to inspect them: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply where it may adversely affect the national security or where there is any unavoidable cause prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | When necessary to minimize the gap between the results of evaluation of appropriateness of a project for the development of public transport facilities referred to in Article 18 (1) and the results of preliminary feasibility survey referred to in Article 38 of the National Finance Act, the Minister of Strategy and Finance and the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may enact and operate investment evaluation guidelines and operating guidelines for preliminary feasibility survey in an integrated manner. <Added by Act No. 12014, Aug. 6, 2013> |
Article 20 (Reevaluation) |
(1) | With respect to projects subject to the evaluation of appropriateness, where any problem prescribed by Presidential Decree has occurred, such as a sudden change in transport demand, unexpected at the time of preparing the appropriateness evaluation statement, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may request the transport facilities development project operator concerned to have the project reevaluated by a specialized institution, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (hereinafter referred to as ‘specialized institution'): Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply where the project has undergone a reexamination or reevaluation of appropriateness pursuant to any other statutes. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The head of a specialized institution, who has conducted a reevaluation, shall notify the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the transport facilities development project operator concerned of the results thereof. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may, when he/she is notified of the results of a reevaluation pursuant to paragraph (2), request the transport facilities development project operator concerned to take necessary measures. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 21 (Vicarious Evaluation, etc. of Appropriateness) |
(1) | A transport facilities development project operator may have any evaluation agent provided for in paragraph (2) vicariously perform the evaluation of appropriateness of the public transport facilities development project concerned. |
(2) | Any person who intends to vicariously conduct the evaluation of appropriateness of a public transport facilities development project pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be registered as a person acting as an agent to evaluate appropriateness of the public transport facilities development project (hereinafter referred to as ‘evaluation agent') with the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport after meeting the standards for registration, such as technical manpower, including persons, etc. who have acquired transport-related qualification under the National Technical Qualifications Act, capacity on the performance of evaluation, etc. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | Where modifications to important matters among those registered pursuant to paragraph (2) including technical capacity, etc. as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport are made, the evaluation agent concerned shall register such alteration. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | The standards and procedures for registration of evaluation agents and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 22 (Grounds for Disqualification of Evaluation Agents) |
Any person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall be prohibited from registering himself/herself as an evaluation agent:
1. | A person who is incompetent or quasi-incompetent; |
2. | A person in whose case two years have not elapsed since his/her registration was revoked under Article 25; |
3. | A person in whose case two years have not passed since his/her imprisonment with labor or greater punishment declared by a court was completely executed or exempted; |
4. | A legal entity any of whose executive officers falls under any of subparagraphs 1 through 3. |
Article 23 (Matters to be Observed by Evaluation Agents) |
(1) | Every evaluation agent shall keep appropriateness evaluation statements and the materials used as a basis for the preparation thereof for a period determined by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | An evaluation agent who prepares an appropriateness evaluation statement shall observe the matters provided for in the following subparagraphs: |
1. | An appropriateness evaluation statement shall not be prepared by reproducing the major contents of an appropriateness evaluation statement of another without the consent or permission; |
2. | An appropriateness evaluation statement and the materials used as a basis for the preparation thereof shall not be falsely prepared nor shall an appropriateness evaluation statement be poorly prepared; |
3. | His/her certificate of registration or his/her title shall not be lent to another person nor shall the business of appropriateness evaluation which has been contracted out to him/her be subcontracted in bulk; |
4. | Transport demand shall not be surveyed, analyzed or forecast without compliance with the transport survey guidelines or the investment evaluation guidelines; |
5. | The national transport database and the national transport survey provided for in Article 17 (1) shall be utilized as basic materials when analyzing and forecasting transport demand; |
6. | An appropriateness evaluation statement shall not be prepared without compliance with the investment evaluation guidelines. |
Article 24 (Report of Business Closure) |
Where an evaluation agent intends to close his/her business, he/she shall report such intention to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 25 (Revocation of Registration, Suspension of Business, etc. of Evaluation Agent) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall revoke the registration of an evaluation agent if he/she falls under any of the following subparagraphs: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | Where he/she has obtained registration by fraud or other improper means; |
2. | Where he/she falls under any of the following subparagraphs of Article 22: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply to a legal entity falling under subparagraph 4 of the said Article where the executive officer in question is replaced within six months; |
3. | Where he/she has committed again an act that justifies imposition of a disposition to suspend business again after receiving such disposition twice within the last two years; |
4. | Where he/she has entered into a new contract for the business of evaluating appropriateness as an agent during the period of business suspension. |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may revoke the registration of an evaluation agent or order suspension of his/her business for a fixed period not exceeding six months if he/she falls under any of the following subparagraphs: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | Where he/she no longer meets the standards for registration under Article 21 (2); |
2. | Where he/she has failed to record important matters to be modified in violation of Article 21 (3); |
3. | Where he/she has failed to keep an appropriateness evaluation statement or the materials used as a basis for the preparation thereof in violation of Article 23 (1); |
4. | Where he/she has prepared an appropriateness evaluation statement by reproducing the contents of any other appropriateness evaluation statement in violation of Article 23 (2) 1; |
5. | Where he/she has falsely prepared an appropriateness evaluation statement or the materials used as a basis for the preparation thereof, or poorly prepared an appropriateness evaluation statement, in violation of Article 23 (2) 2; |
6. | Where he/she has lent his/her certificate of registration or his/her title to another person or subcontracted in bulk the contracted business of appropriateness evaluation as an agent in violation of Article 23 (2) 3; |
7. | Where he/she has failed to commence the business of executing appropriateness evaluations as an agent within two years after being registered or to produce any actual results after execution of an appropriateness evaluation as an agent for three or more consecutive years. |
(3) | The standards and procedures for the administrative disposition provided for in paragraphs (1) and (2) and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 26 (Continuation of Business by Evaluation Agent Whose Registration has been Revoked or Whose Business has been Suspended) |
(1) | An evaluation agent who has received a disposition to revoke registration or the disposition to suspend business pursuant to Article 25 may continue to execute the business of appropriateness evaluation as an agent within the limits of a contract for executing an appropriateness evaluation as an agent which was concluded prior to such disposition. |
(2) | Where an evaluation agent whose registration has been revoked or whose business has been suspended continues to perform the business of executing an appropriateness evaluation as an agent pursuant to paragraph (1), he/she shall be deemed an evaluation agent under this Act until the business concerned is completed. |
Article 27 (Standards for Calculating Expenses Required for Appropriateness Evaluation as Agent) |
The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall set and publicly notify the standards for calculating expenses required for the appropriateness evaluation as an agent. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 28 (Report and Investigation) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may have an evaluation agent submit any materials or reports as may be necessary, or order public officials under his/her control to investigate the agent's compliance with registration standards, in order to verify whether or not the agent performs properly the business of appropriateness evaluation as an agent. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The public official who conducts an investigation pursuant to paragraph (1) shall carry a document indicating his/her authority and show it to interested persons. |
(3) | In conducting an investigation pursuant to paragraph (1), the reasons for and the details of such investigation or other investigation plan shall be notified to the evaluation agent concerned at least seven days before it is conducted: Provided, That such notice may be skipped where urgent disposition is required or where such notice is likely to undermine efforts to achieve purposes of the investigation due to fears of possible attempts to destroy evidence, etc. should a prior notice be issued. |
Article 29 (Report, etc. on Performance of Appropriateness Evaluation as Agent) |
(1) | An evaluation agent shall make a report on the actual results of appropriateness evaluations as an agent in the preceding year to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport by no later than January 31 every year, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | In order to improve the capacity of evaluation agents to implement their jobs, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall publicly announce the actual results of appropriateness evaluation as agents and the details of administrative dispositions at least once a year, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 30 (Establishment of Transport Investment Evaluation Association) |
(1) | Evaluation agents and other persons engaged in any business related to transport investment evaluation may establish a Transport Investment Evaluation Association (hereinafter in this Chapter referred to as the ‘Association'), with authorization from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, to promote the sound development of businesses related to transport investment evaluation. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Association shall be a legal entity. |
(3) | The Association shall be established at the time when it registers such establishment at the location of its main office. |
(4) | Executive officers of the Association and matters which are necessary for membership shall be determined by the Association's articles of incorporation. |
(5) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may order the Association to alter its articles of incorporation or business plan or to replace any of its executive officers when it is deemed that the management of the Association is in violation of any Act or subordinate statute or its articles of incorporation. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(6) | Except as provided in this Act, the provisions of the Civil Act governing incorporated associations shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Association. |
Article 31 (Tasks of Association) |
The Association shall perform the following tasks: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013>
1. | Research and study of transport investment evaluation; |
2. | Public relations to boost understanding of transport investment evaluation systems; |
3. | Promotion of the welfare, and other rights and interests, of evaluation agents; |
4. | Tasks entrusted by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to efficiently implement a transport investment evaluation business; |
5. | Other tasks determined by its articles of incorporation. |
Article 32 (Development and Management of System Supporting Decision-Making on National Transport Policies) |
The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may develop and manage a system that supports decision-making on national transport policies in the areas of land, marine and air transport in order to analyze such policies in a comprehensive and systematic manner, and to support reasonable decisions thereon, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, in consultation with the heads of the relevant administrative agencies of the central government. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 33 (Establishment of Special Transport Measures) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may establish emergency transport measures (hereinafter referred to as 'special transport measures') to effectively cope with any serious problem in the national transport management that occurs or might occur for any reason falling under any of the following subparagraphs: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | Wartime, accident, natural disaster, or any other urgent situations similar thereto; |
2. | Rapid increase in transport demand during a specific period such as the New Year's holidays, the Korean Thanks-giving holidays, etc.; |
3. | Other reasons determined by Presidential Decree such as damage to transport facilities, the occurrence of a disaster, or disruptions to energy supply and demand. |
(2) | The special transport measures shall include the following matters: |
1. | Current conditions and transport outlook; |
2. | Measures for the decentralization and adjustment of transport demand; |
3. | Operational control of the means of transport, operation of alternative means of transport, and increase in the number and operating frequency of vehicles for business use, and adjustment of service routes thereof; |
4. | Measures for improvement in the management of transport facilities such as the designation and management of exclusive lanes and the designation of alternative transport routes; |
5. | Measures for transport safety; |
6. | Other matters that may be necessary for the efficient implementation of special transport measures. |
Article 34 (Establishment of Headquarters for Special Transport Measures) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may, when special transport measures are required, organize and operate a headquarters for special transport measures under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may, where necessary to implement special transport measures, request the head of a public institution to provide necessary cooperation, including dispatching, etc. its personnel, to the headquarters for special transport measures. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 35 (Measures in the Event of Emergency) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may have the managers, users, operators, etc. of various means of transport and transport facilities implement any adjustment, order or measure pursuant to the following subparagraphs to effectively cope with any urgent situation, such as a rapid increase in transport demand or the occurrence of a serious accident or disaster during the period of implementation of special transport measures which has caused, or could possibly cause, serious disruptions to the national transport management: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | Measures to designate and use alternative transport routes; |
2. | Measures to enable the urgent transport, transshipment, connected transport, etc. of passengers and goods; |
3. | Increasing the number and operating frequency of vehicles for business use, and adjustment of service routes thereof; |
4. | Other measures prescribed by Presidential Decree to cope with urgent situations. |
(2) | To take the measures pursuant to paragraph (1), the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may request the necessary cooperation from the head of the administrative agency concerned, and the head of the administrative agency so requested shall comply with such request. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall cancel the measures taken pursuant to paragraph (1) without delay when the cause thereof is deemed to be removed. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 36 (Establishment of Mid-Term Plan for Building Connected Transport Systems) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall establish and implement a mid-term plan for building connected transport systems (hereinafter referred to as 'mid-term plan for building connected transport systems') every five years to build comprehensive interconnected transport systems on a national scale, including the building of connected transport systems pursuant to Article 37 (2) and the establishment, implementation, etc. of measures for building connected transport systems pursuant to Article 38 (1), subject to deliberation by the National Transport Commission after consulting with the heads of the relevant administrative agencies of the central government. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013>. |
(2) | The mid-term plan for building connected transport systems shall include the following matters: |
1. | Objective and basic direction of the plan; |
2. | Status and forecast for various development projects and transport and logistics hubs that require the connected transport systems; |
3. | Selection of projects for connecting transport facilities and decisions regarding the order of investment priorities; |
4. | Financial resources required for building connected transport systems, and plans for increasing such; |
5. | Other matters necessary to efficiently build connected transport systems. |
(3) | Necessary matters concerning the establishment, procedures for revision, etc. of the mid-term plan for building connected transport systems shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 37 (Designation of Transport and Logistics Hubs and Establishment of Connected Transport Systems) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor, Do Governor or Governor of a Special Self-Governing Province (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Mayor/Do Governor') shall designate and publish transport and logistics hubs according to the following classification in order to efficiently establish and manage connected transport systems: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | Class I transport and logistics hubs: Designation and publication by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport after consultation with the head of the central administrative agency concerned, subject to deliberation by the National Transport Commission; |
2. | Class II transport and logistics hubs: Designation and publication by the Mayor/Do Governor with approval from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. In such cases, with respect to harbor zones referred to in subparagraph 4 of Article 2 of the Harbor Act, a request for submission of opinions shall be made to the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries before applying for approval from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and once opinions are submitted, they shall be considered; |
3. | Class III transport and logistics hubs: Designation and publication by the Mayor/Do Governor. |
(2) | A person who designates a transport and logistics hub pursuant to the subparagraphs of paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as ‘designator of a transport and logistics hub') shall establish connected transport systems for the transport and logistics hub concerned. |
(3) | In establishing connected transport systems in accordance with paragraph (2), the designator of the transport and logistics hub shall designate and publish the connected transport facilities after consultation with the head of the administrative agency concerned. |
(4) | The designation and publication of the transport and logistics hubs and connected transport facilities and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 38 (Establishment, etc. of Measures for Building Connected Transport Systems) |
(1) | In implementing the development works prescribed in the following subparagraphs related to transport facilities, the head of the administrative agency concerned shall devise and implement measures for building connected transport systems for connection with the relevant national core transport facilities and improvement of traffic flow (hereinafter referred to as 'measures for building connected transport systems'): <Amended by Act No. 11020, Aug, 4, 2011> |
6. | Other large-scale development works prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | The head of the administrative agency concerned shall finalize the measures for building connected transport systems subject to deliberation by the National Transport Commission. The same shall apply where any modification is to be made to such finalized measures (excluding modification of minor matters prescribed by Presidential Decree). |
(3) | The details of the measures for building connected transport systems, the timing to establish such measures, etc. shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 39 (Burdens of Costs Required for Building Connected Transport Systems) |
(1) | The State or a local government may bear all or part of the costs required for the building of connected transport systems pursuant to Article 37 (2) and the establishment and implementation of measures for building connected transport systems pursuant to Article 38 (1), as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | A local government shall appropriate an amount it has to bear pursuant to paragraph (1) in the relevant year's budget before making appropriations for any other projects to ensure the smooth construction of connected transport facilities. |
(3) | When a local government fails to appropriate the amount it has to bear pursuant to paragraph (1) in the relevant year's budget, the State may withdraw the amount it has borne and suspend or reduce financial support for other connected transport facilities. |
Article 40 (Establishment of Influence Zones of Connected Transport Systems) |
(1) | The head of the administrative agency concerned shall, in establishing a mid-term plan for building connected transport systems pursuant to Article 36 or the measures for building connected transport systems pursuant to Article 38 (1), set in advance the influence zones to estimate and analyze positive and negative impacts, etc. associated with connected transport systems for project zones and adjacent areas caused by development projects (hereinafter referred to as ‘influence zones of connected transport systems') and establish the said plan and measures within the scope of the influence zones. |
(2) | The scope, timing, etc. of establishment of the influence zones of connected transport systems shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 41 (Guidelines for Connected Transport Systems) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall establish guidelines for connected transport systems governing the building of connected transport systems and the standards, methods, etc. for the connection, transfer, etc. between transport facilities, and notify the heads of the administrative agencies concerned thereof. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The heads of the administrative agencies concerned shall implement the development projects, plans and measures concerned in accordance with the guidelines for connected transport systems referred to in paragraph (1). |
Article 42 (Recognition of Road Routes Following Measures for Building Connected Transport Systems) |
With respect to roads built according to the measures for building connected transport systems established pursuant to Article 38, the Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (referring to an autonomous Gu; hereinafter the same shall apply) shall recognize and publicly announce routes under the Road Act in compliance with the functions and usage of roads specified in the measures for building connected transport systems.
Article 43 (Support, etc. for Building International Intermodal Transport Network) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall devise plans for building and managing an international intermodal transport network (hereinafter referred to as ‘international intermodal transport network') that connects the national core transport network and foreign land, marine and air transport networks in a systematic and combined way to cope with any changes in existing conditions, such as the globalization of social and economic activities and the development of intermodal services in land, marine and air transport. In such cases, he/she shall consult matters concerning marine transport with the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries in advance. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries may implement the following projects to promote the building, etc. of the international intermodal transport network referred to in paragraph (1): <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | Research and study on the development and management of an international intermodal transport network; |
2. | International exchange of human resources and information related to the development and management of an international intermodal transport network; |
3. | Holding of exhibitions and seminars related to the development and management of an international intermodal transport network; |
4. | Holding of bilateral or multilateral conferences or establishment of consultative bodies related to transport policies with the relevant States; |
5. | Development of overseas markets through utilization of an international intermodal transport network; |
6. | Other projects recognized as necessary to promote the building of an international intermodal transport network. |
(3) | The State may provide necessary financial, administrative or technical support for agencies, organizations, business operators, etc. that take part in the building and management of an international intermodal transport network. |
Article 44 (Basic Plan for Development of Intermodal Transfer Centers) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall establish a basic plan for developing intermodal transfer centers every five years to promote a systematic development of intermodal transfer centers, subject to deliberation by the National Transport Commission. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The basic plan for developing intermodal transfer centers under paragraph (1) shall include the following matters: |
1. | The general direction of efforts towards efficient development of intermodal transfer centers; |
2. | Research and analysis of existing major connected and transfer facilities; |
3. | Basic plans for the development of intermodal transfer centers; |
4. | Rough estimation of project expenses required for building intermodal transfer centers; |
5. | Other matters prescribed by Presidential Decree for the development and active use of intermodal transfer centers. |
(3) | Necessary matters concerning the establishment, procedures for modification, etc. of the basic plan for developing intermodal transfer centers under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 45 (Designation of Intermodal Transfer Centers) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or a Mayor/Do Governor shall designate intermodal transfer centers according to the following classification in order to systematically develop and manage them for the purpose of supporting smooth transfers between the means of transport: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | National core intermodal transfer centers: Designation by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport; |
2. | Metropolitan intermodal transfer centers: Designation by the Mayor/Do Governor with approval of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport: Provided, That the designation of any metropolitan intermodal transfer center, the size of which is not less than that determined by Presidential Decree, shall be subject to approval of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport after deliberation by the National Transport Commission; |
3. | General intermodal transfer centers: Designation by the Mayor/Do Governor. |
(2) | After hearing the opinions of the competent Mayor/Do Governor and consulting with the head of the central administrative agency concerned, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall, when intending to designate a national core intermodal transfer center pursuant to paragraph (1), establish a plan for the development of the intermodal transfer center (hereinafter referred to as ‘plan for development of the intermodal transfer center') which shall go through deliberation by the National Transport Commission. The same shall apply where he/she intends to alter any important matters, as prescribed by Presidential Decree, in the plan for development of the intermodal transfer center. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The Mayor/Do Governor shall, when intending to designate a metropolitan intermodal transfer center or a general intermodal transfer center pursuant to paragraph (1), establish a plan for the development of the intermodal transfer center, and hear the opinions of the head of the competent Si/Gun/Gu and consult with the head of the administrative agency concerned. The same shall also apply when any revision is to be made in the plan for development of the intermodal transfer center. |
(4) | The head of the administrative agency concerned or a person falling under Article 49 (2) 1 through 6 may, where deemed necessary, request the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or the Mayor/Do Governor concerned to designate an area as an intermodal transfer center, as a national core intermodal transfer center, a metropolitan intermodal transfer center or a general intermodal transfer center. In this case, any person other than the head of a central administrative agency shall prepare and submit a plan for the development of the intermodal transfer center. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | The Mayor/Do Governor shall, when intending to alter any important matters determined by the Presidential Decree among the details of designation as a metropolitan intermodal transfer center pursuant to the proviso to paragraph (1) 2, obtain approval from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport therefor after deliberation by the National Transport Commission. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(6) | The Mayor/Do Governor, who has designated a metropolitan intermodal transfer center or a general intermodal transfer center, shall notify the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport thereof. The same also apply when any modification is made in the designated matters. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(7) | The plan for development of the intermodal transfer center under paragraphs (2) through (4) shall factor into the following matters: Provided, That when the project operator referred to in subparagraph 3 is not yet determined or it is difficult to prepare the detailed list of subparagraph 8 until the plan for the development of the intermodal transfer center is established, the relevant matters may be factored into the plan for the development of the intermodal transfer center after designating the intermodal transfer center: |
1. | The name, location and area of the intermodal transfer center; |
2. | The purposes of designating the intermodal transfer center; |
3. | The operator of the development project for the intermodal transfer center; |
4. | The period and methods of implementing the development project for the intermodal transfer center; |
5. | Plan for use of land, plan for connected transport, and plan for major infrastructures; |
6. | Matters relating to the establishment and management of major facilities; |
7. | Plan for procuring financing; |
8. | Detailed list of the land, buildings and other things or rights to be expropriated or used, if any; |
9. | The scale based on the use of the intermodal transfer center; |
10. | Other matters prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(8) | The standards for permissible scale based on use as provided for in paragraph (7) 9 shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 46 (Hearing Opinions from Residents, etc.) |
(1) | A person who is entitled to designate intermodal transfer centers (hereinafter referred to as ‘intermodal transfer center designator') shall, when intending to designate an intermodal transfer center, hear the opinions of residents and experts concerned and reflect such if deemed reasonable: Provided, That the hearing of opinions may be omitted with respect to any minor matters prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | Necessary matters concerning hearing opinions from residents and experts concerned under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 47 (Public Notification, etc. of Designation as Intermodal Transfer Centers) |
(2) | The detailed list of the land, buildings or other things or rights, if any, to be expropriated or used in an area designated as the intermodal transfer center shall be factored into the contents of public notification made pursuant to paragraph (1). |
(3) | The intermodal transfer center designator shall, when including the matters referred to in Article 45 (7) 3 and 8 in a plan for the development of the intermodal transfer center after designating the intermodal transfer center pursuant to the proviso to Article 45 (7) with the exception of subparagraphs thereof, give an additional public notification pursuant to paragraph (1) including the said matters. |
(4) | The head of Si/Gun/Gu who receives relevant documents pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (3) shall make the details thereof available for public inspection for no less than 14 days. |
Article 48 (Cancellation, etc. of Designation of Intermodal Transfer Centers) |
(1) | Where an application for approval of an implementation plan for the development of an intermodal transfer center under Article 50 is not filed in whole or in part within a period fixed by Presidential Decree from the day of designation and publication as an intermodal transfer center, the designation of the relevant area as the intermodal transfer center shall be deemed cancelled on the day following the date when the said period expires. |
(2) | The intermodal transfer center designator may cancel the designation as an intermodal transfer center of an area that, in whole or in part, has no chance to be developed as such, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(3) | When the designation of an intermodal transfer center is cancelled or is deemed cancelled pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2), the intermodal transfer center designator shall notify such fact to the head of the competent central administrative agency and the Mayor/Do Governor concerned, and publishing such, and the Mayor/Do Governor so notified shall without delay have the head of a Si/Gun/Gu make the details thereof available for public inspection for no less than 14 days. |
(4) | When the alteration of a specific-use area is decided in accordance with the National Land Planning and Utilization Act following the designation of an intermodal transfer center and then the designation of the intermodal transfer center is cancelled pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2), the area in which the intermodal transfer center concerned is located shall be deemed restored to the previous specific-use area prior to the decision of such alteration, notwithstanding the provisions of the said Act: Provided, That when the designation of the intermodal transfer center is cancelled after the development thereof is completed, the area in question shall not be restored to the previous specific-use area prior to the decision of such alteration. |
(5) | When an area is restored to the previous specific-use area pursuant to paragraph (4), the Governor of a Special Self-Governing Province or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall promptly publish such fact. |
Article 49 (Operator of Project for Development of Intermodal Transfer Center) |
(1) | A person who intends to operate a project for development of an intermodal transfer center shall be designated as a project operator by the intermodal transfer center designator, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | Those who are entitled to be designated as operators of projects for development of intermodal transfer centers pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be as follows: |
1. | The State and local governments; |
4. | Legal entities established under any special Act; |
(3) | Any person who intends to be designated as an operator of a project for the development of an intermodal transfer center pursuant to paragraph (1) shall prepare a plan for development of the intermodal transfer center and file an application for such designation with the intermodal transfer center designator, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(4) | Where a person falling under any of paragraph (2) 5 and 6 among those designated as operators of projects for development of intermodal transfer centers pursuant to paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as ‘project operators'), fails to complete the development of the intermodal transfer center concerned within a period fixed in an implementation plan for development of an intermodal transfer center approved pursuant to Article 50, the intermodal transfer center designator may have any other project operator designated among those referred to in subparagraphs of paragraph (2) implement the project for development of the intermodal transfer center. |
(5) | Where it is deemed necessary to efficiently implement a project for development of an intermodal transfer center, the project operator provided for in paragraph (2) 1 through 4 may have the operators of facilities located or to be located in the intermodal transfer center (hereinafter referred to as ‘enterprises located in the intermodal transfer center') vicariously execute part of the project for development of the intermodal transfer center, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 50 (Approval of Implementation Plan for Development of Intermodal Transfer Center) |
(1) | A project operator shall develop an implementation plan for the development of an intermodal transfer center (hereinafter referred to as ‘implementation plan for development of an intermodal transfer center') and obtain approval therefor from the intermodal transfer center designator, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. The same shall apply when any alteration is to be made in any important matters prescribed by Presidential Decree, among the approved matters. |
(2) | In developing an implementation plan for the development of an intermodal transfer center, the project operator shall do so in compliance with the standards for the design and layout of transfer centers (including information facilities) determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The implementation plan for development of an intermodal transfer center shall factor into matters relating to the disposal of developed land, facilities, etc. |
Article 51 (Publication of Approval of Implementation Plan for Development of Intermodal Transfer Center) |
(1) | In approving an implementation plan for the development of an intermodal transfer center, or approving any alteration in the approved matters pursuant to Article 50, the intermodal transfer center designator shall publish the matters as prescribed by Presidential Decree in the Official Gazette or the official report of the City/Do and send copies of relevant documents to the head of Si /Gun/Gu concerned. |
(2) | The head of Si/Gun/Gu who receives copies of relevant documents pursuant to paragraph (1) shall make the details thereof available for public inspection for no less than 14 days. |
Article 52 (Legal Fiction of Authorization, Permission, etc.) |
(1) | In approving an implementation plan for the development of an intermodal transfer center or approving any modification of the approved matters, the authorization, permission, approval, decision, etc. falling under any of the following subparagraphs (hereinafter referred to as "authorization, permission, etc.") with respect to the said implementation plan, about which the intermodal transfer center designator has consulted with the head of the administrative agency concerned under paragraph (2), shall be deemed to have been granted, and with respect to the matters which have been publicly notified in accordance with Article 51 (1), the authorization, permission, etc. pursuant to such Act as provided for in any of the following subparagraphs shall be deemed to have been publicly notified or publicly announced: <Amended by Act No. 9763, Jun, 9, 2009; Act No. 10272, Apr, 15, 2010; Act No. 10331, May, 31, 2010; Act No. 10599, Apr, 14, 2011; Act No. 12248, Jan. 14, 2014> |
3. | Deleted; <by Act No. 10272, Apr. 15, 2010> |
(2) | In approving an implementation plan for development of an intermodal transfer center or approving any alteration in the approved matters pursuant to paragraph (1), if the matters falling under any subparagraph of paragraph (1) are factored therein, the intermodal transfer center designator shall consult in advance with the head of the administrative agency concerned. |
(3) | In the event that the authorization, permission, etc. under any other Act is deemed to have been granted pursuant to paragraph (1), any processing fee for such authorization, permission, etc., which is imposed in accordance with the relevant Act or the Municipal Ordinance of the local government concerned, shall be exempted. |
(4) | The head of the central administrative agency who takes charge under any related Act and subordinate statute governing the matters falling under any subparagraph of paragraph (1) shall notify the standards for handling such matters to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. The same shall apply in cases where any revision is made in the said standards. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall, upon receipt of notification of the standards pursuant to paragraph (4), publicly notify such standards after consolidating them. The same shall apply in cases where any revision is notified with respect to the publicly notified standards. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 53 (Entrustment of Intermodal Transfer Center Development Project) |
(1) | A project operator may entrust the State, a local government or any such public institution prescribed by Presidential Decree with the affairs concerning the construction of irrigation facilities and other public facilities determined by Presidential Decree with respect to the intermodal transfer center development project concerned, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 54 (Expropriation and Use of Land, etc.) |
(1) | A project operator may expropriate or use land, etc. necessary for the development of the intermodal transfer center concerned: Provided, That a project operator falling under any of Article 49 (2) 5 and 6 may do so on the condition that he/she purchases 2/3 or more of the land area used for the project. |
(2) | In expropriating or using land, etc. pursuant to paragraph (1), the notification of an intermodal transfer center designation made under Article 47 (1) (referring to the notification made under Article 47 (3) when the project operator and the detailed list of the land, etc. to be expropriated or used are factored into a plan for the development of the intermodal transfer center after the intermodal transfer center is designated pursuant to the proviso to Article 45 (7) with the exception of the subparagraphs thereof) shall be deemed the notification of project approval under Article 22 of the Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land, etc. for Public Works Projects, which is made after obtaining the project approval under Article 20 (1) of the same Act. |
(3) | An adjudication on the expropriation or use of land, etc. located in an intermodal transfer center designated by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall be under the jurisdiction of the Central Land Expropriation Committee, and an adjudication on the expropriation or use of land, etc. located in an intermodal transfer center designated by the Mayor/Do Governor shall be under the jurisdiction of the competent local land expropriation committee. In such cases, an application for such adjudication may be filed within the fixed period of project implementation set forth in the plan for the development of the intermodal transfer center concerned, notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 23 (1) and 28 (1) of the Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land, etc. for Public Works Projects. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | Except as provided for in this Act, the Act on the Acquisition of Land, etc. for Public Works and the Compensation therefor shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to the expropriation or use of land, etc. under paragraph (1). |
Article 55 (Special Cases concerning Application of National Land Planning and Utilization Act, etc.) |
(1) | The provisions of Article 118 of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act shall not apply with respect to any contract for transaction of land located in an intermodal transfer center which is concluded by the project operator concerned after obtaining approval of an implementation plan for development of the intermodal transfer center pursuant to Article 50 (1). |
Article 56 (Land Substitution to Land Owner) |
(1) | Where a person who owns land in an intermodal transfer center seeks to manage any facilities determined in a plan for development of the intermodal transfer center, the project operator may implement a project for development of the intermodal transfer center including the said land and give substituted land to the land owner after the project is completed, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 57 (Access to Land, etc.) |
(1) | A project operator may, if necessary to construct an intermodal transfer center, make access to or temporary use of another's land and alter or remove trees, earth, stones or other obstacles. |
Article 58 (Limitation on Disposal of State-Owned Land and Public Land) |
(1) | The land owned by the State or a local government located in a site on which an intermodal transfer center is to be developed, and required for the intermodal transfer center development project concerned, may not be sold or transferred for any purpose other than to carry out the intermodal transfer center development project, after the designation of the intermodal transfer center is publicly notified pursuant to Article 47 (1). |
(2) | Notwithstanding the provisions of the State Property Act, the Public Property and Commodity Management Act and other statutes, the property owned by the State or a local government located within a site on which an intermodal transfer center is to be developed may be sold by a private contract to the project operator concerned. In this case, with respect to the abolition of use (applicable only for administrative property; hereinafter the same shall apply) and the sale of such property, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or the Mayor/Do Governor shall consult in advance with the head of the administrative agency concerned. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The head of the administrative agency concerned shall, upon receipt of a request for consultation pursuant to the latter part of paragraph (2), abolish the use of or sell such property or take other necessary measures within 30 days from the day on which such request is received. |
(4) | The property, among those to be sold to the project operator pursuant to paragraph (2) for which the managing agency is unclear shall be managed or disposed of by the Minister of Strategy and Finance, notwithstanding the provisions of other statutes. |
Article 59 (Devolvement of Public Facilities, Land, etc.) |
(1) | Where a project operator falling under any of Article 49 (2) 1 through 4 installs new public facilities or public facilities replacing existing public facilities as part of the intermodal transfer center development project concerned, the existing public facilities shall devolve gratuitously on the project operator, and the new public facilities on the State or a local government, which shall manage them, irrespective of the provisions of the State Property Act and the Public Property and Commodity Management Act. |
(2) | Any new public facilities installed by the project operator mentioned in any of Article 49 (2) 5 and 6 as part of the intermodal transfer center development project shall devolve gratuitously on the State or a local government which shall manage the facilities, and the property of the State or a local government, the use of which is abolished due to the implementation of the intermodal transfer center development project, may be transferred to the project operator gratuitously to the extent that its value is equal to the cost of installing the new public facilities, irrespective of the provisions of the State Property Act and the Public Property and Commodity Management Act. |
(3) | The intermodal transfer center designator shall hear in advance the opinions of the agency in charge of managing the public facilities mentioned in paragraphs (1) and (2) (hereinafter in this Chapter referred to as the ‘managing agency') when he/she intends to approve an implementation plan for the development of the intermodal transfer center concerned including matters relating to the devolvement and assignment of the public facilities. The same shall apply where he/she intends to modify the implementation plan for the development of the intermodal transfer center. |
(4) | The project operator shall notify the managing agency of the types and detailed items of the public facilities supposed to devolve to the State or a local government and the property supposed to devolve or be transferred to the project operator pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) before completion of the intermodal transfer center development project, and those facilities and property shall be deemed to devolve to the State or a local government or to devolve or be transferred to the project operator when the notification of authorization is issued to the project operator after completion of the project pursuant to Article 61 (3). |
(5) | With respect to the registration of the public facilities and property mentioned in paragraph (4), the approval certificate of the implementation plan for the intermodal transfer center development project and the documents certifying the authorization of completion thereof may be used in lieu of the documents certifying the cause of registration provided for in the Registration of Real Estate Act. |
(6) | The scope of the public facilities mentioned in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 60 (Support for Intermodal Transfer Center Development Project) |
(1) | The project expenses required for development of an intermodal transfer center shall be borne by the project operator concerned. |
(2) | The State or a local government may reimburse or loan part of expenses required for development and management of an intermodal transfer center, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(3) | The State or a local government shall provide preferential support for the installation of connected transport facilities, irrigation facilities and other infrastructures necessary to facilitate the development and management of intermodal transfer centers. |
Article 61 (Completion Authorization of Intermodal Transfer Center Development Project) |
(1) | A project operator shall, upon completion of the whole or part of the intermodal transfer center development project concerned, obtain the authorization of completion from the intermodal transfer center designator, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | Where the project operator files an application for the authorization of completion under paragraph (1), the intermodal transfer center designator may request an inspection necessary for the authorization of completion from the head of the central administrative agency or local government concerned or the head of any public institution, research institute or other specialized institution prescribed by Presidential Decree. In this case, a request for the inspection of public facilities shall be made, in principle, to the State or a local government which takes charge of managing such facilities. |
(3) | Depending on the result of the inspection of completion under paragraph (2), the intermodal transfer center designator shall grant the authorization of completion when deemed that the intermodal transfer center development project is performed in compliance with the implementation plan thereof, notify the project operator and the managing agency thereof, and publish it in accordance with Presidential Decree, or otherwise shall order necessary measures such as the execution of supplemental works without delay when deemed that the intermodal transfer center development project is not performed in compliance with the implementation plan thereof. |
(4) | When the project operator is granted the authorization of completion pursuant to paragraph (1), he/she shall be deemed to be completed the inspection, authorization, report, confirmation, etc. concerning the completion of the intermodal transfer center development project based on the authorization, permission, etc. which is deemed the approval of the implementation plan for development of the intermodal transfer center under Article 52 (1). |
(5) | Neither land developed nor facilities installed through the intermodal transfer center development project may be used before the authorization of completion pursuant to paragraph (1): Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply in cases where the use thereof is permitted by the intermodal transfer center designator as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 62 (Revocation, etc. of Designation, Approval or Authorization) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or the Mayor/Do Governor may revoke the designation, approval or authorization under this Act or order the suspension of construction works, the remodelling or relocation of structures or other necessary measures where a project operator falls under any of the following subparagraphs: Provided, That in cases of subparagraphs 1 through 4, the designation, approval or authorization shall be revoked: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | Where the designation of an intermodal transfer center under Article 45 (4) is obtained by fraud or other improper means; |
2. | Where the designation of a project operator under Article 49 (1) is obtained by fraud or other improper means; |
3. | Where the approval of the implementation plan for development of an intermodal transfer center under Article 50 (1) is obtained by fraud or other improper means; |
4. | Where the authorization of completion under Article 61 (1) is obtained by fraud or other improper means; |
5. | Where it becomes impossible to continue an intermodal transfer center development project due to change in circumstances. |
(2) | Where a disposition is taken pursuant to paragraph (1), the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or the Mayor/Do Governor concerned shall publicly notify such fact, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 63 (Disposal of Developed Land, Facilities, etc.) |
(1) | A project operator shall directly use, sell in lots or lease any land, facilities, etc. developed pursuant to the intermodal transfer center development project concerned. |
(2) | Necessary matters regarding the methods and procedures for disposal of land, facilities, etc., the pricing standards, etc. under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 64 (Limitation on Disposal of Developed Land, Facilities, etc.) |
(1) | Where an enterprise located in an intermodal transfer center seeks to dispose of the land, facilities, etc. purchased in lots before the installation of transfer facilities or transfer support facilities is completed, it shall assign them to the project operator or the managing agency of the intermodal transfer center provided for in Article 66: Provided, That when the project operator or the managing agency of the intermodal transfer center can not purchase them, they shall be assigned to another enterprise located in the intermodal transfer center or any such person as falling under any of the following subparagraphs that is selected by the project operator or the managing agency of the intermodal transfer center on application, as prescribed by Presidential Decree: <Amended by Act No. 10303, May, 17, 2010> |
3. | Other persons prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | The assignment price of land mentioned in paragraph (1) shall be an amount calculated by adding interest and expenses determined by Presidential Decree to the price of acquisition, and the assignment price of facilities, etc. may be determined in consideration of the amount appraised by an appraisal business operator under the Public Notice of Values and Appraisal of Real Estate Act. |
(3) | Necessary matters regarding the selling price, selling procedure, etc. of the land, facilities, etc. purchased by a person referred to in any subparagraph of paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 65 (Permission for Construction, and Approval for Use, of Intermodal Transfer Center, etc.) |
(1) | Where a person who intends to construct any transfer facilities or transfer support facilities in an intermodal transfer center obtains construction permission under Article 11 of the Building Act, the authorization, permission, etc. mentioned below shall be deemed granted: <Amended by Act No. 10599, Apr, 14, 2011; Act No. 12246, Jan. 14, 2014; Act No. 12248, Jan. 14, 2014> |
(2) | Where matters falling under any subparagraph of paragraph (1) are subject to the jurisdiction of an administrative agency other than the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor or Governor or a Special Self-Governing Province concerned or the head of Si/Gun/Gu concerned, the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor or Governor or a Special Self-Governing Province concerned or the head of Si/Gun/Gu concerned shall consult in advance with the head of the said administrative agency. |
(3) | Where a person who has constructed any transfer facilities or transfer support facilities in an intermodal transfer center pursuant to paragraph (1), or who has constructed any transfer facilities or transfer support facilities after being granted the legal fiction of construction permission following the approval of the implementation plan for development of an intermodal transfer center under Article 50 (1), obtains approval for use of such facilities under Article 22 of the Building Act, the inspection, report, etc. mentioned below shall be deemed to have been completed: |
(4) | The head of the central administrative agency who takes charge under any related Act and subordinate statute governing the matters falling under any subparagraph of paragraph (1) shall notify the standards for handling such matters to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. The same shall apply where any revision is made in the said standards. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall, upon receipt of notification of the standards pursuant to paragraph (4), publish such standards after consolidating them. The same shall apply where any revision is notified with respect to the publicly notified standards. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 66 (Managing Organ of Intermodal Transfer Center) |
(1) | An intermodal transfer center shall be managed by a council voluntarily constituted by the enterprises located in the intermodal transfer center (hereinafter referred to as the ‘occupant enterprise council'): Provided, That the intermodal transfer center may be managed by the project operator until the occupant enterprise council is constituted. |
(2) | Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), if deemed especially necessary to efficiently manage the intermodal transfer center, the intermodal transfer center designator may have a managing organ prescribed by Presidential Decree manage the intermodal transfer center. |
(3) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall prepare guidelines for managing intermodal transfer centers (hereinafter referred to as ‘intermodal transfer center management guidelines') and publicly notify them in the Official Gazette. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | In preparing the intermodal transfer center management guidelines, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall hear opinions of the Mayor/Do Governor concerned and consult with the head of the competent central administrative agency. The same shall apply where modification of any matters prescribed by Presidential Decree in the intermodal transfer center management guidelines is intended. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | Necessary matters regarding the organization and management of the occupant enterprise council and managing organ pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) and the details, preparation, etc. of the intermodal transfer center management guidelines pursuant to paragraph (3) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 67 (Intermodal Transfer Center Management Plan, etc.) |
(1) | The managing agency provided for in Article 66 (1) or (2) (hereinafter referred to as the ‘managing organ of the intermodal transfer center') shall develop a plan for managing the intermodal transfer center that factor into the following matters and submit it to the intermodal transfer center designator: |
1. | Matters relating to the size and scope of the intermodal transfer center to be managed; |
2. | Matters relating to the installation and management of transfer facilities and transfer support facilities; |
3. | Other necessary matters relating to the management of the intermodal transfer center. |
(2) | The managing organ of the intermodal transfer center may collect management expenses or common charges from enterprises located in the intermodal transfer center, as prescribed by Presidential Decree, to efficiently manage the intermodal transfer center. |
(3) | Matters regarding the preparation, etc. of a plan for managing the intermodal transfer center shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 68 (Reduction of or Exemption from Tax, etc.) |
To facilitate the development of intermodal transfer centers and attract enterprises thereto, the State or a local government may reduce or exempt local taxes, farmland preservation charges, substituted forest resource creation expenses, development charges, overcrowding charges, etc. as prescribed by the Local Tax Act, the Framework Act on Agriculture and Fisheries, Rural Community, and Food Industry, the Farmland Act, the Mountainous Districts Management Act, the Restitution of Development Gains Act, the Seoul Metropolitan Area Readjustment Planning Act or any Municipal Ordinance on the reduction of or exemption from local tax.
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or a Mayor/Do Governor may order a project operator to file a report or submit materials necessary for the development and management of the intermodal transfer center, and have public officials under his/her control inspect the affairs concerning the development and management of the intermodal transfer center. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | In conducting an inspection under paragraph (1), the public officials concerned shall carry an identification indicating their authority, and show it to interested persons. |
(3) | In conducting an inspection under paragraph (1), the plan for such inspection including the reasons, contents, etc. shall be notified to the project operator concerned no later than seven days before the conduct of such inspection: Provided, That such notice may be omitted in case of an emergency or where it is deemed impossible to achieve the goals of the inspection due to anticipated destruction of evidence, etc. should a prior notice be given. |
Article 70 (Establishment and Management of Intermodal Transfer Center Service Standards) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may establish and publicly notify the standards for services of intermodal transfer centers (hereinafter referred to as ‘intermodal transfer center service standards'), if necessary, to maintain and improve the quality of such services. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | Necessary matters regarding the establishment, publication, etc. of the intermodal transfer center service standards shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 71 (Model Projects on Development of Intermodal Transfer Centers) |
(1) | Where necessary to facilitate connected transport and transfer between the means of transport, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may, ex officio or upon request of the Mayor/Do Governor concerned, designate model projects for the development of intermodal transfer centers for the purpose of providing financial, administrative, technical or other necessary support. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may request the head of the competent central administrative agency or the Mayor/Do Governor concerned to submit necessary materials for the designation of model projects under paragraph (1). <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | Necessary matters regarding the standards and procedures for the designation of model projects, the details of support, etc. under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 72 (Facilities, etc. for Transshipment of Freight) |
(1) | The State and a local government shall devise necessary policies, such as the enlargement of transshipment and storage facilities, to support the smooth movement of freight and other logistics activities. |
Article 73 (Establishment, etc. of Basic Plan for Intelligent Transport Systems) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall establish a basic plan for intelligent transport systems on a national scale (hereinafter referred to as 'basic plan for intelligent transport systems') every ten years to promote the development and spread of intelligent transport systems in the fields of land, marine and air transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The basic plan for intelligent transport systems shall factor into the following matters: |
1. | Objectives and basic direction of building intelligent transport systems; |
2. | Strategies and systems for building and managing intelligent transport systems for each transport service; |
3. | Strategies and systems for building and managing intelligent transport systems organized by land, marine, and air transport sectors; |
4. | Research, development, industrialization and standardization of the intelligent transport systems; |
5. | Financial resources required for building intelligent transport systems; |
6. | Other necessary matters regarding the building and management of intelligent transport systems including the improvement of transport-related systems. |
(3) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall conduct a general review of the basic plan for intelligent transport systems every five years in consideration of changes in the existing conditions of intelligent transport systems and, if necessary, adjust the details thereof. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (excluding subparagraph 3) or the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries (limited to subparagraph 3) shall establish intelligent transport systems plans by sector covering each of the following subparagraphs (hereinafter referred to as 'plans by sector'), which are based on the basic plan for intelligent transport systems, to promote the development and dissemination of intelligent transport systems in land, marine, and air transport sectors: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | Motor vehicle and road transport sector; |
2. | Railroad transport sector; |
3. | Marine transport sector (including harbors); |
4. | Air transport sector (including airports). |
(5) | The provisions of Article 4 (3) through (5) shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to the establishment and revision of the basic plan for intelligent transport systems. |
(6) | Necessary matters concerning the establishment, revision, etc. of the plans by sector shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 74 (Establishment, etc. of Intelligent Transport Systems Plan by Local Government) |
(1) | The Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun (excluding a head of the Gun located in a Metropolitan City; hereinafter referred to as the ‘head of Si, etc.') may establish a basic plan for intelligent transport systems covering the relevant area (hereinafter referred to as ‘local plan for intelligent transport systems') by reflecting the basic plan for intelligent transport systems and the plans by sector: Provided, That where he/she intends to implement the project for establishment of intelligent transportation system provided for in Article 77 within his/her jurisdiction, he/she shall establish a local plan for intelligent transport systems prior to the commencement of the project. |
(2) | Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), the Mayor/Do Governor or the head of Si, etc. may, when deemed necessary in light of regional conditions, establish a local plan for intelligent transport systems covering the entire or partial area of the adjacent Special Metropolitan City, Metropolitan City, Si or Gun (excluding a Gun located within the jurisdiction of a Metropolitan City). In this case, he/she shall consult in advance with the head of the local government concerned. |
(3) | In establishing a local plan for intelligent transport systems, the Mayor/Do Governor or the head of Si, etc. shall consult with the head of the administrative agency concerned, the managing agency of relevant transport facilities, and the Mayor/Do Governor or the head of Si, etc. concerned. |
(4) | In developing a local plan for intelligent transport systems, the Mayor/Do Governor shall submit a draft local plan for intelligent transport systems to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries (in cases of the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries, only when the area of marine transport is included; hereafter the same shall apply in paragraph (5)), and the head of Si, etc. to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries and the Do Governor concerned, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport/the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries or Do Governor, who has received a draft local plan for intelligent transport systems pursuant to paragraph (4), may request the Mayor/Do Governor or the head of Si, etc. concerned to adjust the draft local plan for intelligent transport systems if it is deemed that it is not compatible with the basic plan for intelligent transport systems and the plans by sector or if deemed necessary to maintain the connection and consistency with other local plans for intelligent transport systems. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(6) | The Mayor/Do Governor or the head of Si, etc. shall, upon receipt of a request for adjustment under paragraph (5), finalize and publicly notify the local plan for intelligent transport systems by reflecting such a request unless there is a compelling reason not to do so and shall make the details thereof available for public inspection for no less than 14 days. |
(7) | The provisions of paragraphs (3) through (6) shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to any revision of the local plan for intelligent transport systems. |
(8) | The details of the local plan for intelligent transport systems and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 75 (Reflection in Other Plans) |
(1) | The heads of the central administrative agencies concerned and the heads of local governments shall endeavor to reflect the contents of the basic plan for intelligent transport systems, the plans by sector and the local plans for intelligent transport systems in establishing transport-related plans. |
Article 76 (Establishment, etc. of Implementation Plan for Intelligent Transport Systems) |
(1) | The heads of the central administrative agencies concerned and the heads of local governments shall establish annual plans for implementing intelligent transport systems under their jurisdiction according to the basic plan for intelligent transport systems, the plans by sector and the local plans for intelligent transport systems and submit them to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall, upon receipt of the plans for implementing intelligent transport systems under paragraph (1), establish the implementation plan for intelligent transport systems (hereinafter referred to as 'implementation plan for intelligent transport systems') by consolidating and coordinating such plans according to the basic plan for intelligent transport systems, and then notify the heads of the administrative agencies concerned after deliberation by the National Transport Commission. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The State may provide necessary support within the limits of its budget to any local government that carries out the project for establishment of intelligent transport systems under Article 77 in accordance with the implementation plan for intelligent transport systems. |
(4) | Necessary matters concerning the establishment, implementation, etc. of the implementation plan for intelligent transport systems shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 77 (Implementation of Project for Establishment of Intelligent Transport Systems) |
(1) | Projects to build, manage and utilize intelligent transport systems using the means of transport and public transport facilities (hereinafter referred to as 'project for establishment of intelligent transport systems') shall be implemented by any person listed in each of the following subparagraphs: |
1. | The heads of central administrative agencies and the heads of local governments who take charge of the building and management of intelligent transport systems by field according to the basic plan for intelligent transport systems (hereinafter referred to as 'managing agencies of intelligent transport systems'); |
2. | Public institutions and government-contributed institutions, as prescribed by Presidential Decree; |
(2) | Where necessary to efficiently implement a project for establishment of intelligent transport systems, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may designate an organ to take exclusive charge of that project to deal with the affairs of the planning, assessment, management, etc. thereof. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | Necessary matters concerning the implementation of projects for establishment of intelligent transport systems shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 78 (Guidelines for Implementing Projects for Establishment of Intelligent Transport Systems) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may establish and publicly notify guidelines for implementing projects for establishment of intelligent transport systems (hereinafter referred to as ‘guidelines for implementing projects for the establishment of intelligent transport systems') with respect to the structure, functions, design, building, management, maintenance, etc. of the intelligent transport systems in consultation with the head of the agency concerned in order to implement projects for the establishment of intelligent transport systems in a more efficient and systematic manner. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | A person who implements a projects for the establishment of intelligent transport systems (hereinafter referred to as ‘implementor of the projects for the establishment of intelligent transport systems') shall comply with the guidelines for implementing the projects for the establishment of intelligent transport systems, unless there is a compelling reason not to do so, when implementing the projects for the establishment of intelligent transport systems. |
(3) | The establishment, amendment, details, etc. of the guidelines for implementing the projects for the establishment of intelligent transport systems and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 79 (Establishment, Approval, etc. of Implementation Plan) |
(1) | The implementor of the project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system shall establish a plan for the implementation thereof as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | In case of paragraph (1), the implementor of the project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system who is not an agency managing intelligent transport systems shall establish a plan for the implementation thereof and obtain approval therefor from the managing agency of intelligent transport systems concerned. The foregoing shall apply where modification of any such matters as prescribed by Presidential Decree among those for which approval is granted is intended. |
(3) | The agency managing intelligent transport systems shall consult in advance with the head of the competent central administrative agency and the head of the local government concerned when it seeks to develop the implementation plan under paragraph (1) or to grant approval therefor or approval for the revision thereof under paragraph (2). |
(4) | Where the agency managing intelligent transport systems establishes the implementation plan under paragraph (1) or grants approval therefor or approval for the revision thereof under paragraph (2), it shall publicly notify the details thereof and notify the central administrative agency and the local government with which it has consulted pursuant to paragraph (3). |
(5) | Procedures for the approval of the implementation plan and for the approval of modification thereof, the notification of the implementation plan, and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 80 (Legal Fiction, etc. of Authorization, Permission, etc. under Other Acts) |
(1) | In the event that the managing agency of intelligent transport systems develops an implementation plan or approves an implementation plan or any revision thereof, the authorization, permission, etc. falling under any of the following subparagraphs with respect to such implementation plan, about which the managing agency has consulted with the head of the administrative agency concerned under paragraph (2), shall be deemed to have been obtained by the implementor of the project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system, and the authorization, permission, etc. under the following Acts shall be deemed to have been publicly notified or publicly announced when the implementation plan has been published in accordance with Article 79 (4): <Amended by Act No. 9763, Jun, 9, 2009; Act No. 10331, May, 31, 2010; Act No. 10599, Apr, 14, 2011; Act No. 12248, Jan. 14, 2014> |
2. | Permission for occupation of roads referred to in Article 61 of the Road Act (excluding the occupation of roads for excavation works); |
(2) | In developing an implementation plan, or approving an implementation plan or any revision thereto pursuant to paragraph (1), the agency managing intelligent transport systems shall consult in advance with the head of the administrative agency concerned when it involves matters falling under any subparagraph of paragraph (1). |
(3) | An implementor of the project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system, other than an agency managing intelligent transport systems, who intends to be granted the legal fiction of authorization, permission, etc. under paragraph (1) shall, in filing an application for approval of the implementation plan, submit relevant documents as prescribed by the relevant Act. |
(4) | The head of the administrative agency who has the powers of authorization, permission, etc. referred to in any subparagraph of paragraph (1) shall notify the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the standards for handling such authorization, permission, etc. The foregoing shall apply where such standards are altered. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall consolidate and publicly notify the standards notified pursuant to paragraph (4). The foregoing shall apply where any revisions in the standards publicly notified is notified. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 81 (Completion Inspection) |
(1) | An implementor of the project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system who is not a managing agency of intelligent transport systems shall, upon completion of the project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system, submit a report on the project completion without delay to the managing agency of intelligent transport systems concerned to undergo a completion inspection, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | The managing agency of intelligent transport systems which receives a report on project completion pursuant to paragraph (1) shall issue a certificate of the completion inspection immediately following the completion inspection when it is deemed that the project is implemented as approved pursuant to Article 79. |
(3) | Where an implementor of the project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system, who is not a managing agency of intelligent transport systems, is issued a certificate of completion inspection under paragraph (2), it shall be deemed that the inspection, authorization, report, confirmation, etc. of the completion of the relevant project pursuant to authorization, permission, etc. under Article 80 (1) has been completed. |
(4) | The procedures and methods for the project completion inspection and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 82 (Standardization of Intelligent Transport Systems) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may establish and publicly notify the standards for intelligent transport systems (hereinafter referred to as 'intelligent transport system standards') in consultation with the heads of the central administrative agencies concerned to ensure the compatibility and interoperability of intelligent transport systems and to promote the convenience of the users thereof: Provided, That the following standards shall be subject to the provisions of the relevant Act: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | An implementor of the project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system shall comply with the intelligent transport system standards, if any, which are established and publicly notified by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport pursuant to the main sentence of paragraph (1) with the exception of its subparagraphs. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may request or recommend any person other than the implementor of the project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system to use the intelligent transport system standards or to manufacture equipment related thereto in order to promote the dissemination of such standards. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may designate and operate an organ taking exclusive charge of the standardization of intelligent transport systems under paragraph (1) to efficiently implement the affairs of such standardization, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | The implementor of the project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system shall determine whether the intelligent transport system standards have been observed in implementing the project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system as published by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in consultation with the heads of the administrative agencies concerned and, if necessary, may request the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to make such determination as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(6) | As a result of the determination under paragraph (5), if the intelligent transport system standards are not observed, the implementor of the project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system shall devise necessary measures, such as supplemental measure, etc. |
Article 83 (Standards and Quality Certification of Intelligent Transport Systems, etc.) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may grant certification of standards and quality for equipment, products, services, etc. related to the intelligent transport systems in order to promote the dissemination of intelligent transport system standards and to maintain and improve the quality thereof. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may designate a standards certification institution and a quality certification institution to grant certification of standards and quality under paragraph (1). <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | Where a person who manufactures or supplies equipment, products, services, etc. related to intelligent transport systems intends to obtain a certification of standards or quality, he/she shall pay fees assessed by the head of the standards certification institution or the head of the quality certification institution under paragraph (2) according to the standards publicly notified by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | The standards certification institution and the quality certification institution shall, upon receipt of an application for certification under paragraph (3), grant the certification when it conforms to the standards for certification determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | A person who is granted a certification of standards or quality under paragraph (4) may put a standards or quality certification mark (hereinafter referred to as 'certification mark') on the relevant equipment, products, documents, etc. or publicize such fact, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(6) | A person who is not granted the certification of standards or quality under paragraph (4) shall be prohibited from putting a certification mark or any other marks similar thereto on the relevant equipment, products, documents, etc., and from selling equipment or products on which a certification mark or any other similar marks are put in violation of such prohibition or from exhibiting or publicizing them for purpose of sale. |
(7) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may order any violator of paragraph (6) to remove, recall or suspend the relevant equipment, products, services, etc., to remove the certification mark, or to implement other necessary corrective measures such as attaching the certification mark after obtaining such certification. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(8) | Necessary matters regarding the objects of the certification of standards and quality and the procedures, methods, etc. for such certification shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(9) | Necessary matters regarding the standards and procedures for designation, and the scope of business, of a standards certification institution and an quality certification institution shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 84 (Revocation of Standards and Quality Certification for Intelligent Transport Systems) |
Where a person who is granted certification under Article 83, or any equipment, product, service, etc. related to intelligent transport systems falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may revoke the certification: Provided, That in cases falling under subparagraph 1, such certification shall be revoked: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> 1. | Where the certification of standards or quality was granted by fraud or other improper means; |
2. | Where a certified equipment, product or service is found to be significantly inconsistent with the standards for certification as a result of investigation into goods, etc. for sale on trial; |
3. | Where it is deemed impossible to normally carry on his/her business on account of the cessation of business, or other reasons. |
Article 85 (Revocation of Designation as Standards Certification Institution and Quality Certification Institution for Intelligent Transport Systems) |
(1) | Where a standards certification institution or a quality certification institution falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may revoke its designation or order it to suspend its business in whole or in part for a fixed period of no more than six months: Provided, That in cases falling under subparagraph 1 or 2, the designation shall be revoked: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | Where the designation of the standards certification institution or quality certification institution was obtained by fraud or other improper means; |
2. | Where the institution has granted a certification of standards or quality during a period of business suspension in violation of a business suspension order; |
3. | Where the institution has failed to carry on the business of certification for one or more consecutive years without good cause; |
4. | Where the institution no longer meets any more the standards for designation of the standards certification institution or the quality certification institution as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport; |
5. | Where the institution is found to have granted, intentionally or by gross negligence, a certification of standards or quality with respect to any equipment, product or service not conforming to the standards for certification. |
(2) | Necessary matters regarding the revocation of designation, suspension of business, continuation of business, etc. of the standard certification institution and the quality certification institution shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 86 (Performance Evaluation of Intelligent Transport Systems) |
(1) | To ensure the performance, reliability, etc. of intelligent transport systems, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may establish and publicly notify standards for evaluating the performance, reliability, etc. of related equipment, systems and services (hereinafter referred to as ‘standards for evaluating the performance of intelligent transport systems'). <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | Where the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport establishes and publicly notify the standards for evaluating the performance of intelligent transport systems pursuant to paragraph (1), an implementor of a project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system shall ascertain whether or not related equipment, systems and services conform to the standards for evaluating the performance of intelligent transport systems (hereinafter referred to as ‘performance evaluation of intelligent transport systems'). <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | Where, as a result of a performance evaluation of intelligent transport systems, any equipment, system or service which is up and running fails to meet the standards for evaluating the performance of intelligent transport systems, the implementor of a project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system shall devise necessary measures, such as supplemental measure, etc. |
(4) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may designate and manage an institution to take exclusive charge of the business of implementing performance evaluation of intelligent transport systems (hereinafter referred to as ‘performance evaluation institution') to ensure the efficient performance of the business. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | The implementor of a project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system may have the performance evaluation institution carry on the business provided for in paragraph (2). |
(6) | The procedures and methods for evaluating the performance and reliability of intelligent transport systems, the performance evaluation institution and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 87 (Safety Control of Intelligent Transport Systems) |
(1) | No person shall remove, move or destroy the intelligent transport systems without justifiable reason. |
(2) | No person shall forge or alter any transport information included in the database of the managing agency of intelligent transport systems or the implementor of a project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system or use a document stating transport information so forged or altered. |
(3) | No person shall impair any transport information included in the database of the managing agency of intelligent transport systems or the implementor of a project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system. |
Article 88 (Provision, etc. of Transport Information Using Intelligent Transport Systems) |
(1) | To promote convenience in the use of transport services including real-time transport information, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall develop transport information on a national scale (hereinafter referred to as ‘nationwide transport information') using the intelligent transport systems in the fields of land, marine and air transport, and collect, analyze and manage such information in a comprehensive and systematic way for the purpose of making it available to the general public. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | An agency managing intelligent transport systems or an implementor of a project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system may collect, analyze and manage transport information on the means of transport and transport facilities in relation to its or his/her business by using intelligent transport systems, and offer it to the general public: Provided, That when it or he/she seeks to provide the general public with the transport information gathered by any other agency managing intelligent transport systems or implementor of a project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system, it or he/she shall consult in advance with the other agency managing intelligent transport systems or implementor of a project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system. |
(3) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, an agency managing intelligent transport systems and an implementor of a project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system may provide the transport information under their control to those who are engaged in the business of gathering, processing or offering transport information (hereinafter referred to as ‘transport information service providers'), as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the agency managing intelligent transport systems or the implementor of a project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system may collect fees according to the standards publicly notified by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in consultation with the head of the agency concerned, when it or he/she provides transport information to a transport information service provider pursuant to paragraph (3). <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries (in cases of the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries, limited to the area of marine transport; hereinafter the same shall apply in paragraph (6)) shall devise policies to spread the transport information developed through the use of the intelligent transport systems to a variety of sectors and to promote the distribution thereof. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(6) | Necessary matters regarding the provision and distribution of transport information, the fees therefor, etc. shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or by the Ministerial Decree of Oceans and Fisheries. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 89 (Encouragement of Private Participation and Advancement into Overseas Markets) |
(1) | The State and a local government shall encourage and vitalize private participation in developing and managing intelligent transport systems in the sectors of land, marine and air transport. |
(2) | The State and a local government may provide any administrative or financial support for private project operators who participate in developing and managing intelligent transport systems. |
(3) | To encourage international cooperation and advancement into overseas markets with respect to the industries related to intelligent transport systems, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries (in cases of the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries, limited to the area of marine transport) may provide necessary support for the exchange of relevant technology and personnel, publicity and survey, technical and policy counsel, etc. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 90 (Establishment, etc. of National Intelligent Transport System Information Center) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall establish and manage a national intelligent transport systems information center (hereinafter referred to as ‘national transport information center') to collect, analyze, manage and provide national-level transport information on the fields of land, marine and air transport pursuant to Article 88 (1) and to promote the widespread use and distribution of transport information pursuant to paragraph (5) of the said Article. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | To efficiently collect, analyze, manage and provide national-level transport information, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may establish and manage or designate a regional intelligent transport systems information center (hereinafter referred to as ‘regional transport information center') to collect, analyze, manage and provide transport information on a regional scale by using the intelligent transport systems in the fields of land, marine and air transport. In this case, the regional transport information center shall be operated in mutual connection with the national transport information center with respect to transport information. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | Where an agency managing intelligent transport systems or an implementor of a project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system establishes and manages an intelligent transport systems information center (hereinafter referred to as ‘local transport information center') to collect, analyze, manage and provide transport information on the means of transport and transport facilities under its or his/her control by the use of the intelligent transport systems, such center shall be operated in mutual connection with the regional transport information center or the national transport information center with respect to transport information. |
(4) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may designate and manage an institution to take exclusive charge of the business of establishing and managing the national transport information center under paragraph (1) in order to ensure the efficient performance of the business, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may reimburse all or part of the expenses required for linking transport information between intelligent transport systems information centers under paragraphs (2) and (3), to the extent that the budget permits. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(6) | Matters necessary for the establishment and management of the national transport information center, a regional transport information center or a local transport information center, the linking of transport information, etc. shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 91 (Establishment of Korea Intelligent Transport System Association) |
(1) | The persons who operate projects for the establishment of an intelligent transport system or are engaged in any business related thereto may establish a Korea intelligent transport systems Association (hereinafter in this Chapter referred to as the ‘Association'), with authorization from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, to efficiently establish and manage the intelligent transport systems in the fields of land, marine and air transport and to create a foundation for the development of the intelligent transport systems. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Association shall be a legal entity. |
(3) | The Association shall be established at the time when it registers such establishment at the location of its main office. |
(4) | Matters relating to the membership, executive officers, etc. of the Association shall be determined by its articles of incorporation. |
(5) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may order the Association to revise its articles of incorporation or business plan or to replace any of its executive officers when it is deemed that the management of the Association is in violation of any statute or its articles of incorporation. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(6) | Except as provided in this Act, the provisions of the Civil Act governing an incorporated association shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Association. |
Article 92 (Functions of Association) |
(1) | The Association shall perform the following functions: |
1. | Research and study to promote the development and widespread use of intelligent transport systems; |
2. | Publicity and education to improve the understanding and specialized knowledge of intelligent transport systems; |
3. | Survey of technology trends and international cooperation with respect to intelligent transport systems; |
4. | Research and development, and the management of projects, concerning intelligent transport systems; |
5. | Projects entrusted by the State or a local government to efficiently establish intelligent transport systems; |
6. | Other projects determined by its articles of incorporation. |
(2) | The State or a local government may provide any contribution or subsidy to cover part of the expenses involved to the extent that its budget permits. |
Article 93 (Management of Information on Transport Technology) |
The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall manage and disseminate information on transport technology in a systematic and comprehensive way so as to promote transport technology. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 94 (Establishment of National Transport Technology Development Plan) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall establish a five-year plan for the development of national transport technology (hereinafter referred to as 'national transport technology development plan') to promote the research and development of transport technology and the efficient use of the outcomes thereof. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The national transport technology development plan shall factor into the following matters: |
1. | Overall direction and objectives of transport technology development; |
2. | Analysis of the domestic and foreign transport technology environments; |
3. | Strategy for mid and long-term priority technology development; |
4. | Mid and long-term investment plans to promote transport technology, and financing program therefor; |
5. | Plan for training and supply of transport technology manpower; |
6. | Plan for dissemination and utilization of transport technology including the practical use of developed transport technology; |
7. | Plan for supporting the research institutes, etc. related to transport technology development. |
(3) | In developing or revising the national transport technology development plan, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall do so in a manner that is consistent with the following plans: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013; Act No. 11794, May 22, 2013> |
(4) | The heads of the public institutions concerned shall, upon receipt of a request for the submission of draft plans necessary for establishing the national transport technology development plan from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, submit such plans to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | After consultation with the heads of the public institutions concerned, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall prepare a draft national transport technology development plan based on the draft plans submitted under paragraph (4) and finalize such subject to deliberation by the National Transport Commission. The same shall apply where revisions to the finalized national transport technology development plan are intended (excluding cases where alterations to any minor matters prescribed by Presidential Decree are intended). <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(6) | Where the national transport technology development plan is finalized or altered, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall report such to the National Science and Technology Deliberation Council under Article 9 of the Framework Act on Science and Technology, then notify the heads of the public institutions concerned thereof, and publicly notify it in the Official Gazette: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply where alterations to any minor matters prescribed by Presidential Decree are intended. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013; Act No. 11713, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 95 (Establishment, etc. of Implementation Plan for National Transport Technology Development) |
(1) | The heads of the public institutions concerned shall establish annual plans for the implementation of transport technology development pursuant to the national transport technology development plan and submit such to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, who receives institutional plans for the implementation of transport technology development submitted under paragraph (1), shall prepare an implementation plan for national transport technology development by consolidating and adjusting such plans, and shall notify the heads of the public institutions concerned after finalizing such plan subject to deliberation by the National Transport Commission. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | Matters necessary for the establishment, implementation, etc. of institutional plans for the implementation of transport technology development and the implementation plan for national transport technology development under paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 96 (Standardization of Transport Technology) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may establish and publish the standards for transport technology in consultation with the head of the central administrative agency concerned to ensure the compatibility and interoperability of transport technology and to make it readily available to the users: Provided, That the following standards shall be subject to the provisions of the relevant Act: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may request or recommend public institutions and the operators of projects on transport technology to utilize the transport technology standards under paragraph (1) or to manufacture related equipment so as to promote the dissemination of the transport technology standards. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may designate and operate an institution to take exclusive charge of the standardization of transport technology under paragraph (1) in order to efficiently implement the affairs of such standardization, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 97 (Support for Research Institutes, etc.) |
In order to promote transport technology, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may designate an institution to take charge of the affairs of research, development, education or training related to transport technology and provide it with support prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 98 (Implementation of Projects for Research and Development of Transport Technology) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may select projects for the research and development of transport technology organized by field each year to efficiently implement the national transport technology development plan, etc. and have the institutions, organizations, etc. listed in the following subparagraphs carry out such projects after concluding with them agreements thereon: <Amended by Act No. 10445, Mar, 9, 2011; Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | National or public research institutes; |
5. | Legal entities established under the Civil Act or any other Act that are engaged in transport-related research; |
6. | Other research institutes or organizations that specialize in transport technology prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
(2) | When it is necessary to efficiently implement transport technology research and development projects, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may designate institutions to take exclusive charge of such projects organized by field and have such institutions plan, assess and manage the transport technology research and development projects after concluding with them agreements thereon. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | Expenses involved in the transport technology research and development projects referred to in paragraph (1) and in the planning, assessment and management provided for in paragraph (2) shall be covered with contributions from the Government or other persons and with the technology development funds of the enterprises concerned in accordance with the agreements concluded under paragraphs (1) and (2). |
(4) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall every year conduct research, analysis and assessment (hereinafter referred to as 'assessment, etc.') of the transport technology research and development projects performed by the heads of the institutions that take exclusive charge of such projects organized by field pursuant to paragraph (2). <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(5) | Institutions that take exclusive charge of projects by fields under paragraph (2) shall implement the transport technology research and development projects in consideration of the results of assessment, etc of such projects. |
(6) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may request the institutions that take exclusive charge of projects organized by field pursuant to paragraph (2) to submit materials necessary to conduct the assessment, etc. of the transport technology research and development projects. In that case, such institutions shall comply with such request unless there is a compelling reason not to do so. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(7) | Necessary matters concerning the conduct of the following business affairs shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree: |
1. | Scope and methods of implementation of projects for the research and development of transport technology, the methods of conclusion and contents of agreements, etc. under paragraph (1); |
2. | Scope of affairs to be dealt with by institutions that take exclusive charge of projects organized by field pursuant to paragraph (2), the standards and procedures for designation of such institutions, etc.; |
3. | Payment, management, etc. of contributions under paragraph (3); |
4. | Scope, methods, procedures, etc. of assessment, etc. under paragraph (4). |
Article 99 (Restrictions on Participation in Transport Technology Research and Development Projects) |
(1) | Where a legal entity, an organization, or an executive or employee thereof that participates in a transport technology research and development project falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may restrict its or his/her participation in such transport technology research and development project for a period not exceeding five years: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
1. | Where it or he/she shows extremely poor results of research and development; |
2. | Where it or he/she divulges or leaks the contents of research and development without justifiable reason; |
3. | Where it or he/she gives up on a research and development project without good cause; |
4. | Where it or he/she uses research and development funds for any purpose other than those prescribed; |
5. | Where it or he/she makes an application for registration of an intellectual property right that results from research and development, or has it registered, in the name of the executive officer or employee without good cause; |
6. | Where it or he/she commits any illegal act in conducting research such as forging, altering or plagiarizing the data or results of research and development; |
7. | Where it or he/she fails to pay a royalty without good cause. |
(2) | In putting restrictions on participation under paragraph (1), the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall notify the head of the central administrative agency concerned, and the head of the central administrative agency so notified shall place restrictions on the participation in national research and development projects by the relevant legal entity, organization, or executive or employee thereof. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | Necessary matters regarding the detailed standards for setting the period of participation restriction with respect to each subparagraph of paragraph (1), the procedures for notification under paragraph (2), etc. shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 100 (Management, etc. of Transport Technology Manpower) |
The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may establish and implement policies for the management, education, training, etc. of transport technology manpower where necessary for the efficient utilization of such manpower and improvement of technical skills. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 101 (International Exchange and Cooperation in Transport Technology Development) |
The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may provide necessary supports for the performance of the following affairs, if necessary, to promote the international cooperation and advancement into overseas markets related to transport technology development: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013>
1. | Research and study on international cooperation in transport technology development; |
2. | International exchange of personnel and information concerning transport technology development; |
3. | Technology development in collaboration with foreign universities, research institutes and organizations; |
4. | Tapping into overseas markets for developed transport technology; |
5. | Other matters necessary to promote international exchange and cooperation. |
Article 102 (Designation, Protection, etc. of New Transport Technology) |
(1) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may designate any transport technology which is initially developed in the Republic of Korea or improved after being introduced from abroad, the dissemination and utilization of which are required with respect to the national transport system because it is judged to be novel and non-obvious in this country, as a new transport technology (hereinafter referred to as 'new transport technology') upon request by the person who has developed such technology (hereinafter referred to as 'technology developer'): Provided, That when it is designated as a new technology pursuant to any other statute, it shall be governed by such other statute. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may provide the financial and administrative support necessary for the practical use, etc. of a new transport technology designated under paragraph (1). <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may, when deemed necessary to protect a technology developer, allow the technology developer to receive a royalty in return for the use of the new transport technology or provide him/her with other protection for a fixed period, and extend the period of its protection after verifying the practical application results, etc. of the new transport technology upon application by the technology developer. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(4) | Necessary matters concerning the designation and the substance of protection of new transport technologies, royalties therefor, the period of protection and the methods of utilization thereof, etc. shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 103 (Revocation of Designation as New Transport Technology) |
The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall revoke the designation of a new transport technology designated under Article 102 (1) where the technology falls under any of the following subparagraphs: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> 1. | Where it was designated by fraud or other improper means; |
2. | Where it is impossible to utilize it as a transport technology due to any serious defects found in the details thereof. |
Article 104 (Model Project) |
(1) | When deemed necessary to promote the use and dissemination of newly developed transport technologies, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may conduct model projects for the dissemination of such transport technologies, the development of model areas therefor, the designation of model cities therefor, etc., as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport may provide necessary financial, administrative and technical support, etc. to those who take part in the model projects referred to in paragraph (1). <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 105 (Recommendation of Investment, etc. in Research and Development) |
Article 106 (Establishment, Functions, etc. of National Transport Commission) |
(1) | The National Transport Commission shall be established under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to deliberate on important policies, etc. regarding the national transport system and transport-related policies prescribed by other statutes. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The National Transport Commission shall deliberate on the following matters: |
1. | Establishment and modification of the national core transport network plan; |
2. | Establishment and modification of the mid-term investment plan and appraisal of the practical results of implementation thereof; |
3. | Securing financial resources for investment in transport facilities development projects; |
4. | Establishment and modification of the national transport survey plan under Article 12 (2); |
5. | Establishment of the national transport and logistics competitiveness indicator; |
6. | Establishment and modification of the mid-term plan for building connected transport systems; |
7. | Establishment and modification of measures for building connected transport systems; |
8. | Designation and change of a ClassⅠtransport and logistics hub; |
9. | Establishment and modification of the basic plan for developing intermodal transfer centers under Article 44 (1); |
10. | Designation of metropolitan intermodal transfer centers under Article 45 (1) 2 and alteration of any important matters among those designated under paragraph (5) of the said Article; |
11. | Establishment and modification of the plan for development of intermodal transfer centers (applicable only for a national core intermodal transfer center); |
12. | Establishment and modification of the basic plan for intelligent transport systems; |
13. | Establishment and modification of the national transport technology development plan and the implementation plan for national transport technology development referred to in Article 95 (2); |
14. | Renovation of institutions associated with the transport system; |
15. | Comprehensive adjustment of national transport policies including the national core transport facilities development projects, projects for the establishment of intelligent transport systems and projects for the research and development of transport technology (including any model projects therefor), which are carried out on a scale prescribed by Presidential Decree or larger; |
16. | Matters subject to the deliberation of the National Transport Commission pursuant to other Acts and subordinate statutes; |
17. | Other important national policies regarding the transport system, which are referred by the Chairperson thereof for deliberation. |
Article 107 (Organization, etc. of National Transport Commission) |
(1) | The National Transport Commission shall be comprised of no more than 30 members including one Chairperson and one Vice Chairperson. |
(2) | The Chairperson of the National Transport Commission shall be the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and the Vice Chairperson shall be the Vice Minister 2 of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(3) | The members of the National Transport Commission shall be the Vice Ministers (including Vice Minister-level public officials) of the central administrative agencies concerned and the heads of public institutions, as prescribed by Presidential Decree, and persons commissioned by the Chairperson (hereinafter referred to as 'commissioned members') from among those who have substantial professional knowledge and experience in transport-related fields. |
(4) | The term of office of a commissioned member shall be two years. |
Article 108 (Establishment, etc. of Working Committees on National Transport) |
(1) | There shall be established Working Committees on National Transport (hereinafter referred to as 'Working Committees') by fields under the National Transport Commission according to field of work and comprised of public officials of related administrative agencies and those who have substantial professional knowledge and experience in transport-related fields. |
(2) | The Working Committees shall deliberate on the following matters: |
1. | Examination and adjustment of the matters to be deliberated on by the National Transport Commission; |
2. | Matters delegated by the National Transport Commission to the Working Committees by resolution. |
Article 109 (Organization, Operation, etc. of National Transport Commission and Working Committees Thereof) |
Except as provided for in this Act, necessary matters concerning the organization, operation, etc. of the National Transport Commission and the Working Committees thereof shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
Article 110 (Local Transport Committees) |
(1) | Local transport committees shall be established under the jurisdiction of the Mayors/Do Governors to deliberate on important transport policies, etc. of local governments. |
(2) | Necessary matters regarding the organization, operation, etc. of local transport committees shall be determined by Municipal Ordinances of the local governments concerned, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. |
Article 111 (Hearing Opinions from Citizens, etc.) |
When formulation of a transport plan, etc. is intended according to the following classifications, a public hearing may be held to seek opinions from citizens, experts concerned, etc. and if the opinions presented at the public hearing are deemed appropriate, such opinions shall be reflected in the formulation of the transport plan or transport policies: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013>
1. | The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport: National core transport networks, transport plans and transport policies; |
2. | The Minister of Oceans and Fisheries: Transport plans and transport policies in marine areas. |
The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall hold a hearing when he/she intends to take a disposition that falls under any of the following subparagraphs: <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013>
1. | When he/she intends to revoke the registration of an evaluation agent pursuant to Article 25 (1); |
2. | When he/she intends to revoke the designation, approval or authorization of a project operator pursuant to Article 62 (1); |
3. | When he/she intends to revoke the certification of standards or quality pursuant to Article 84; |
4. | When he/she intends to revoke the designation of a standards certification institution or a quality certification institution pursuant to Article 85 (1); |
5. | When he/she intends to revoke the designation of a new transport technology pursuant to Article 103. |
Article 113 (Prohibition of Divulgence, etc. of Secrets Acquired in Performance of Duty) |
A person who is engaged in the affairs of a transport survey using the means of information and communication, etc. under Article 14, the affairs of appraising appropriateness of a public transport facilities development project under Article 18 or the affairs of designating and protecting a new transport technology under Article 102 is prohibited from divulging or appropriating any secrets acquired in the course of performing his/her duty.
Article 114 (Delegation and Entrustment of Powers) |
(1) | The powers of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries under this Act may be partially delegated to the head of his/her affiliated agency or the Mayor/Do Governor as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
(2) | The duties of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport/the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries or the Mayor/Do Governor under this Act may be partially entrusted to related institutions, organizations or legal entities as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 115 (Penalty Provisions) |
A person who divulges or steals any secrets acquired in the course of performing his/her duty in violation of Article 113 shall be punished by imprisonment with labor not exceeding three years or by a fine not exceeding twenty million won.
Article 116 (Penalty Provisions) |
A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall be punished by imprisonment with labor not exceeding two years or by a fine not exceeding twenty million won:
1. | A person who vicariously conducts an evaluation of appropriateness without registering himself/herself as an evaluation agent in violation of Article 21 (2); |
2. | A person who is registered as an evaluation agent by fraud or other improper means in violation of Article 21 (2); |
3. | An evaluation agent who prepares an appropriateness evaluation statement by duplicating the major contents of an appropriateness evaluation statement of another without the consent or permission in violation of Article 23 (2) 1; |
4. | An evaluation agent who falsely prepares an appropriateness evaluation statement or materials that form the basis for the preparation thereof in violation of Article 23 (2) 2; |
5. | An evaluation agent who fails to utilize the national transport database and the national transport survey provided for in Article 17 (1) as basic materials when analyzing and forecasting transport demand in violation of Article 23 (2) 5; |
6. | A person who concludes a new contract for implementing an appropriateness evaluation as an agent after he/she has been subject to the disposition of a revocation of registration or a suspension of business, in violation of Article 26 (1). |
Article 117 (Penalty Provisions) |
A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall be punished by imprisonment with labor not exceeding than two years or by a fine not exceeding ten million won:
1. | A person who obtains a certification of standards or quality under Article 83 (1) by fraud or other improper means; |
2. | A person who obtains a designation of a standards certification institution or a quality certification institution under Article 83 (2) by fraud or other improper means; |
3. | A person who puts a certification mark or any other such mark, or sells, exhibits or publicizes any equipment or product to which a certification mark or any other such mark is attached, in violation of Article 83 (6); |
4. | A person who fails to comply with an order issued under Article 83 (7); |
5. | A person who performs his/her business during the period of business suspension under Article 85 (1); |
6. | A person who removes, moves or destroys an intelligent transport system without good cause, in violation of Article 87 (1); |
7. | A person who forges or alters any transport information contained in the database of the agency managing intelligent transport systems or the implementor of a project for the establishment of an intelligent transport system, or who uses a document stating transport information so forged or altered, with intent to obstruct the performance of duties in violation of Article 87 (2). |
Article 118 (Penalty Provisions) |
A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall be punished by imprisonment with labor not exceeding one year or by a fine not exceeding 20 million won:
1. | A person who obtains the designation of a project operator under Article 49 (1) by fraud or other improper means; |
2. | A person who obtains approval of an implementation plan for development of an intermodal transfer center under Article 50 (1) by fraud or other improper means; |
3. | A person who obtains a completion authorization under Article 61 (1) by fraud or other improper means; |
4. | A person who disposes of land or facilities in violation of Article 64 (1). |
Article 119 (Penalty Provisions) |
A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall be punished by imprisonment with labor not exceeding one year or by a fine not exceeding one million won:
1. | An evaluation agent who lends his/her certificate of registration or his/her title to another person or subcontracts in bulk the business of an appropriateness evaluation for which he/she has contracted, in violation of Article 23 (2) 3; |
2. | A person who refuses to submit materials, make a report or go through an investigation under Article 28 (1) without good cause. |
Article 120 (Legal Fiction as Public Officials in Application of Penalty Provisions) |
1. | A person who performs the business of reevaluation under Article 20 (1); |
2. | A person who vicariously conducts the evaluation of appropriateness under Article 21 (1); |
3. | A person who performs the business of certifying standards or quality at a standards certification institution or a quality certification institution under Article 83 (2). |
Article 121 (Joint Penalty Provisions) |
Where the representative of a corporation or an agent, employee or other person employed by the corporation or an individual commits an offence as prescribed in any of Articles 115 through 119 in connection with the business of the said corporation or individual, not only shall the offender be punished accordingly, but the corporation or individual shall be punished by a fine as prescribed in each Article: Provided, That this shall not apply where the said corporation or individual has not been negligent in giving due attention and supervision concerning the relevant duties to prevent such offence.
Article 122 (Administrative Fines) |
(1) | An evaluation agent who unfaithfully prepares an appropriateness evaluation statement in violation of Article 23 (2) 2 shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding ten million won. |
(2) | Any person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding five million won: |
1. | A person who fails to register an alteration in violation of Article 21 (3); |
2. | A person who fails to keep an appropriateness evaluation statement or materials used as a basis for the preparation thereof in violation of Article 23 (1); |
3. | An evaluation agent who fails to comply with the transport survey guidelines or the investment evaluation guidelines in surveying, analyzing, or forecasting transport demand in violation of Article 23 (2) 4; |
4. | An evaluation agent who fails to comply with the investment evaluation guidelines in preparing an appropriateness evaluation statement in violation of Article 23 (2) 6; |
5. | A person who fails to make a report on the actual results of an appropriateness evaluation as an agent in violation of Article 29 (1). |
(3) | A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding three million won: |
1. | A person who violates any adjustment, order or measure under any of Article 35 (1) 1 through 4; |
2. | A person who violates Article 69 (1) by failing to submit a report or materials, by submitting a false report or materials, or by obstructing or refusing an inspection. |
(4) | The administrative fines provided for in paragraphs (1) through (3) shall be imposed and collected by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or the Mayor/Do Governor, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended by Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013> |
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force nine months after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 8 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 9772, Jun. 9, 2009>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Establishment, etc. of Measures for Building Connected Transport Systems)
The amended provisions of Article 38 shall apply with respect to any development project under the amended provisions of the subparagraphs of paragraph (1) of the said Article which is developed or implemented pursuant to relevant statutes on or after the enforcement date of this Act. Article 3 (General Transitional Measures)
Any disposition taken, act done or report filed by an administrative agency or any act done in relation to an administrative agency pursuant to the previous provisions at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed to be the act performed by or in relation to an administrative agency corresponding thereto under this Act.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning ITS Korea Which is Incorporated Association)
(1) | ITS Korea which is an incorporated association established with permission of the Minister of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs pursuant to Article 32 of the Civil Act (hereinafter referred to as ‘incorporated association') at the time this Act enters into force may file an application with the Minister of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs for approval which would allow the Korea intelligent transport systems Association established pursuant to the amended provisions of Article 91 to succeed to all of its property, rights and duties by a resolution of its general meeting as prescribed by its articles of incorporation. |
(2) | The incorporated association approved pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be dissolved at the time the Korea intelligent transport systems Association is established pursuant to the amended provisions of Article 91, notwithstanding the provisions of the Civil Act governing the dissolution and liquidation of a legal entity. |
(3) | All property, rights and duties of the incorporated association dissolved pursuant to paragraph (2) shall be comprehensively succeeded to by the Korea intelligent transport systems Association under the amended provisions of Article 91, and the title of the incorporated association indicated in the registry of the property, rights and duties and other official books shall be read as the title of the Korea intelligent transport systems Association under the amended provisions of Article 91. |
Article 5 Omitted.
Article 6 (Relationship to other Statutes)
At the time this Act enters into force, references in other statutes to the former Transport System Efficiency Act or to the provisions thereof, if this Act factors into any provisions corresponding thereto, shall be deemed references to this Act or the corresponding provisions thereof in lieu of the previous provisions.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10272, Apr, 15, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 14 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10303, May, 17, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 10 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10331, May, 31, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 13 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10445, Mar, 9, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 4 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10599, Apr, 14, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 9 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 11020, Aug, 4, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 11 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 11708, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Designation and Announcement of Transport and Logistics Hubs)
The amended provisions of the latter part of Article 37 (1) 2 shall apply, starting with the announcement of designation made after this Act enters into force.
ADDENDA <Act No. 11713, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of promulgation.
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 11794, May 22, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after promulgation.
Articles 2 through 26 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 12014, Aug. 6, 2013>
This Act shall enter into force on January 1, 2014.
ADDENDA <Act No. 12246, Jan. 14, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 12248, Jan. 14, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after promulgation.
Articles 2 through 25 Omitted.