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Presidential Decree No. 22844, Apr. 5, 2011

Amended by Presidential Decree No. 23282, Nov. 1, 2011

Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013

Presidential Decree No. 25751, Nov. 19, 2014

Presidential Decree No. 26509, Sep. 8, 2015

Presidential Decree No. 27506, Sep. 22, 2016

Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017

 Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Decree is to provide for matters delegated by the Special Act on Establishment of and Support for International Science and Business Belt and matters necessary for the enforcement thereof.
 Article 2 (Composition of the Committee on the International Science and Business Belt)
(1) "Public officials at the level of Vice Minister in the related central administrative agencies prescribed by Presidential Decree" in Article 5 (3) 1 of the Special Act on Establishment of and Support for International Science and Business Belt (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") means the following persons: <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013; Presidential Decree No. 25751, Nov. 19, 2014; Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. The Vice Minister of Strategy and Finance designated by the Minister of Strategy and Finance;
2. The Vice Minister of Education;
3. The Vice Minister of Science and ICT designated by the Minister of Science and ICT;
4. The Vice Minister of the Interior and Safety;
5. The Vice Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy designated by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy;
6. The Vice Minister of Health and Welfare;
7. The Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport designated by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
(2) The committee members under Article 5 (3) 2 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "commissioned members") shall be persons commissioned by the chairperson of the Committee from among experts in the fields related to the international science and business belt, such as science and technology, urban development, commercialization of research outcomes, education, culture, art, and environment.
(3) The term of office for each commissioned member shall be two years.
 Article 3 (Operation of the Committee on International Science and Business Belt)
(1) The chairperson of the Committee on the International Science and Business Belt under Article 5 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") shall represent the Committee and exercise overall control over its affairs.
(2) If the chairperson is unable to perform his/her duties due to an unavoidable cause, the committee member designated by the chairperson in advance shall act on behalf of him/her.
(3) The chairperson shall convene and preside over the Committee's meetings.
(4) When the chairperson intends to convene a meeting of the Committee, he/she shall inform committee members of the date, time, and venue of the meeting and items on the agenda for the meeting in writing by not later than seven days before opening the meeting: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply to cases of urgency or where there exist extenuating circumstances.
(5) A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum, and any decision thereof shall require the concurring vote of at least a majority of those present.
(6) The Committee shall have one secretary to have him/her carry out its administrative affairs, and the secretary shall serve as the head of the administrative organization under Article 6 of the Act. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013>
(7) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) through (6), matters necessary for the operation of the Committee shall be determined by the chairperson after resolution by the Committee.
 Article 4 (Hearing of Opinions)
(1) If necessary, the head of a central administrative agency (excluding the central administrative agencies to which the persons under any of the subparagraphs of Article 2 (1) belong) may attend a meeting of the Committee to express his/her opinions.
(2) If deemed necessary for deliberation on agenda items, the Committee may require a Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Do Governor, or a Special Self-Governing Province Governor having jurisdiction over the central district or functional districts or an interested party to attend a meeting of the Committee so that his/her opinion may be heard.
 Article 5 (Subcommittees)
(1) Subcommittees under Article 5 (4) of the Act may be organized by sector.
(2) Each subcommittee by sector under Article (1) shall be comprised of not more than 15 members including one chairperson, and the chairperson and other members of each subcommittee shall be commissioned by the chairperson of the Committee from among persons with vast expertise and experience in the relevant sector.
(3) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2), matters necessary for the operation of subcommittees shall be determined by the chairperson of the Committee after resolution by the Committee.
 Article 6 (Allowances, etc.)
Committee members and related experts, etc. who attend a meeting of the Committee or a subcommittee may be provided with allowances and travel expenses within budgetary limits: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply where a public official attends a meeting of the Committee or a subcommittee in direct connection with duties under his/her jurisdiction.
 Article 7 Deleted. <by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 8 (Composition and Operation of Administrative Organization)
(1) In order to provide assistance to the Committee for facilitating administration of its affairs, an administrative organization shall be established under the Ministry of Science and ICT in accordance with Article 6 of the Act: <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Drafting and planning of policies and systems in relation to the international science and business belt;
2. Managing statutes in relation to the international science and business belt;
3. Providing assistance with the operation of the Committee;
4. Affairs regarding the establishment and implementation of the master plan for the international science and business belt (hereinafter referred to as “master plan”) under Article 8 of the Act and the implementation plan (hereinafter referred to as “implementation plan) under Article 11 of the Act;
5. Data research, public relations, and international cooperation in relation to the international science and business belt;
6. Establishing and supporting for a research-friendly environment in the international science and business belt;
7. Inviting research institutes, enterprises, etc. into the central district;
8. Inviting, fostering, and exchanging outstanding human resources in the international science and business belt;
9. Developing a site for industrial facilities in the central district and providing relevant assistance;
10. Promoting commercialization of the research outcomes from the international science and business belt, support for cooperation between industry, universities and research institutes, and spreading the operational outcomes;
11. Creating a global-standard residential environment in the central district;
12. Operating and supporting the Council of the International Science and Business Belt (hereinafter referred to as the “Council”) pursuant to Article 7 of the Act;
13. Developing the central district and functional districts (hereinafter referred to as “district”);
14. Consolidating connectivity between the central district and functional districts;
15. Other matters necessary for the development and support of the international science and business belt.
[This Article Wholly Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013]
 Article 9 (The Council)
(1) The Council shall be comprised of not more than 30 members, including one chairperson.
(2) The chairperson of the Council shall serve as the head of the administrative organization under Article 8. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013>
(3) Council members other than the chairperson shall be commissioned by the chairperson of the Council from among the following persons:
1. Public officials of a local government having jurisdiction over a district;
2. Executive officers and employees recommenced by research institutes in a district, a management agency or an occupying enterprise in an industrial complex, or any other related agency or organization.
(4) The Council shall discuss the following matters:
1. Matters regarding the improvement of systems in the international science and business belt;
2. Matters regarding mediation of disputes in the international science and business belt;
3. Matters regarding links between industry, universities, and research institutes in the international science and business belt;
4. Other matters necessary for the collaborative development of related institutions or organizations in the international science and business belt.
(5) The Council shall have one secretary to carry out its administrative affairs, and the secretary shall be designated by the Minister of Science and ICT from among Grade-III or IV public officials of the Ministry of Science and ICT. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013; Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
(6) The chairperson of the Council shall have overall control over its administrative affairs and may convene a meeting of the Council when he/she deems it necessary or upon requests from council members.
(7) The Council may present its opinion to the Committee with regard to an important matter that has been discussed in connection with a scheme for the collaborative development of related institutions or organizations in the international science and business belt.
(8) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) through (7), matters necessary for the operation of the Council shall be determined by the chairperson after resolution by the Council.
 Article 10 (Modification of Minor Matters in Master Plan)
"Minor matters specified by Presidential Decree" in Article 8 (1) of the Act means any of the following matters:
1. A change in the area of a district by less than 10 percent;
2. A change in the total project cost by less than 10 percent;
3. A change in the total project cost due to price fluctuations, a change of a construction method, or settlement of accounts;
4. The reduction of the project period or extension of the period by not more than one year.
 Article 11 (Designation and Public Notification of International Science and Business Belt and Districts)
When the Minister of Science and ICT designates and gives public notification of the international science and business belt and its districts pursuant to Article 10 (1) of the Act, he/she shall publish the following matters through the Official Gazette: <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013; Presidential Decree No. 26509, Sep. 8, 2015; Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Purposes of the designation of the international science and business belt and its districts;
2. The name, location, and area of each district;
3. The method of perusing data related to the designation and public notification of the international science and business belt and its districts;
4. Other matters deemed necessary by the Committee.
 Article 12 (Establishment of Implementation Plans, etc.)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT shall establish guidelines for the establishment of implementation plans for the next year (hereinafter referred to as "guidelines for the establishment of implementation plans") and shall notify the heads of related central administrative agencies and the heads of local governments of the guidelines by December 21 each year so that the heads of related central administrative agencies and the heads of local governments can establish and implement an implementation plan accordingly. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013; Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) The heads of related central administrative agencies and the heads of local governments shall establish an implementation plan for the affairs within their remit in accordance with the guidelines for the establishment of implementation plans, and shall submit the implementation plan for each year and business achievements of the previous year to the Minister of Science and ICT by January 31 of the year. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013; Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) Upon receipt of implementation plans or business achievement report pursuant to paragraph (2), the Minister of Science and ICT shall synthesize the plans or achievement reports and report them to the Committee. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013; Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
(4) When the head of a related central administrative agency or the head of a local government intends to revise any essential matter in a finalized implementation plan, he/she shall consult with the Minister of Science and ICT thereon in advance and submit the revised implementation plan to the Committee. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013; Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
 Article 12-2 (Establishment, etc. of Plan for Management and Development of Districts)
(1) "The heads of related central administrative agencies prescribed by Presidential Decree” in the former part of Article 12-2 (1) of the Act means the heads of central administrative agencies falling under any of the following: <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. The Minister of Strategy and Fiance;
2. The Minister of Education;
3. The Minister of the Interior and Safety;
4. The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy;
5. The Minister of Health and Welfare;
6. The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
(2) “Where he/she changes insignificant matters prescribed by Presidential Decree” in the proviso to Article 12-2 (1) of the Act means any of the following cases:
1. Where he/she changes the area of a district by less than 10 percent due to change in the boundary of the district caused by land survey, combination of lots, partition of a lot, etc.;
2. Where he/she changes the area or size of the infrastructure, such as water supply, energy, communications, transport and distribution facilities, in a central district by less than 10 percent;
3. Where he/she changes the use of any part of the land, the uses of which are classified in accordance with the subparagraphs of Article 12-3 (1) of the Act, by less than 10 percent of the area of such land.
[This Article Added by Presidential Decree No. 26509, Sep. 8, 2015]
 Article 12-3 (Eligibility for Taking Occupancy of Basic Research Area and Industrial Area)
(1) A person who intends to take occupancy of a basic research area in accordance with Article 12-4 (1) of the Act shall be any of the following research institutes, etc.: <Amended by Act No. 27506, Sep. 22, 2016; Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. A science and technology research institute funded by the Government or a local government;
2. A university, industrial college, or technical college under the Higher Education Act;
3. An educational institution established in accordance with other Acts, which provides bachelor’s degree courses or higher related to science and engineering;
4. An affiliated research institute of an enterprise recognized under Article 14-2 (1) of the Basic Research Promotion and Technology Development Support Act;
5. A research institute that is a corporation in the field of science and technology established in accordance with the Civil Act or other Acts;
6. A foreign research institute which conducts the function of basic research similar to that of any of the entities referred to in subparagraphs 1 through 5;
7. A person who is deemed necessary by the Minister of Science and ICT to promote the welfare of the persons engaged in an occupying institution under Article 12-4 (3) and operate and manage such an institution.
(2) A person who intends to take occupancy of an industrial area in accordance with Article 12-4 (1) of the Act shall fall under any of the following: <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. A person who intends to establish a knowledge industry center under the subparagraph 13 of Article 2 of the Industrial Cluster Development and Factory Establishment Act in the relevant industrial area;
2. A person who operates any industry or facility satisfying the use classification of the land determined and publicly notified in a plan for management and development under the former part of Article 12-2 (1) of the Act, by the Minister of Science, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Future Planning in accordance with the paragraphs (2) 3 and (3) of the same Article.
[This Article Added by Presidential Decree No. 26509, Sep. 8, 2015]
 Article 12-4 (Application for Approval of Occupancy of Basic Research Area or Industrial Area, and Other Related Matters)
(1) A person who intends to obtain approval of occupancy in accordance with Article 12-4 (1) of the Act shall file an application for approval of occupancy in attached Form 1 containing the following matters with the Minister of Science and ICT: <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Purpose of occupancy;
2. Field of research or business;
3. Location of the site intended to be occupied;
4. Total area of the site;
5. Plan for land use;
6. Plan for installation of buildings.
(2) In applying for approval for occupancy in accordance with paragraph (1), the following documents shall be attached:
1. Business plan;
2. Document proving eligibility for occupancy under Article 12-3.
(3) A person who obtains approval for occupancy in accordance with Article 12-4 (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as an “occupying institution”) shall utilize land and buildings according to the plan for land use and the plan for installation of buildings specified in the application for occupancy. In this case, the occupying institution shall not lease out 50 or more percent of the total construction floor area of buildings (excluding a knowledge industry center under the subparagraph 13 of Article 2 of the Industrial Cluster Development and Factory Establishment Act).
(4) Where an occupying institution intends to change any important matter falling under any of the following, it shall obtain approval therefor from the Minister of Science and ICT in accordance with Article 12-4 (2) of the Act: <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Case of intending to change the purpose of occupancy or the field of research or business;
2. Case of intending to change not less than 20 percent of the area of land or of the total construction floor area;
3. Case of intending to change the purpose of a building, such as conversion of a part of the building installed in a basic research area into a test factory under the subparagraph 2 of Article 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Special Act on Promotion of Special Research and Development Zones.
(5) Where an occupying institution intends to change an important matter falling under any of the subparagraphs of paragraph (4) among approved matters, it shall file an application for permission for a changed matter related to occupancy in attached Form 2 with the Minister of Science and ICT, attaching the following documents: <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Business plan;
2. Document proving the changed matter.
(6) Where the Minister of Science and ICT receives an application for approval of occupancy or an application for approval of occupancy-related change in accordance with paragraph (1) or (5), he/she may refer the propriety of the business plan, the appropriateness of the location and area of the subject site of application, and justification of the reason for any occupancy-related change for deliberation by a deliberative council composed of experts in those matters. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
(7) Matters concerning the composition of the deliberative council under paragraph (6) shall be determined by the Minister of Science and ICT. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
(8) Where the Minister of Science and ICT grants approval of occupancy or approval of any occupancy change in accordance with Article 12-4 (1) or (2), he/she shall issue a written approval in attached Form 3. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added by Presidential Decree No. 26509, Sep. 8, 2015]
 Article 12-5 (Revocation of Approval of Occupancy of Basic Research Area or Industrial Area)
(1) Where the Minister of Science and ICT intends to revoke approval of occupancy in accordance with Article 12-4 (3) of the Act, he/she shall take the following matters into account: <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Whether there has been any delay of the installation of facilities or the construction of buildings due to an inevitable reason such as delay in the process of site development, design review, or various kinds of authorization and permission;
2. Whether the commencement or performance of various kinds of installations and works, or business has been delayed due to a cause not imputable to the occupying institution.
(2) The occupying institution whose approval of occupancy is revoked in accordance with Article 12-4 (3) of the Act shall suspend the performance of its business affairs except remaining affairs and other affairs incidental thereto, which can be completed within six months and cannot be performed in any other district, among ongoing business affairs.
[This Article Added by Presidential Decree No. 26509, Sep. 8, 2015]
 Article 13 (Business Plans, etc. of the Institute for Basic Science)
(1) The Institute for Basic Science under Article 14 of the Act shall describe the objectives and policies of its business, details of main projects, and necessary budget separately in the business plan submitted to the Minister of Science and ICT pursuant to Article 24 (1) of the Act. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013; Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) "By the deadline specified by Presidential Decree" in Article 24 (1) of the Act means "until before the beginning of a fiscal year".
(3) "Period specified by Presidential Decree" in Article 24 (2) of the Act means three months.
 Article 14 (Exemption from Rents for State-Owned or Public Property, etc.)
(1) A foreign-capital invested institution that desires to be exempted from rents for State-owned or public property pursuant to Article 29 (3) of the Act shall file an application for exemption with the head of the competent central governmental authority for the relevant State-owned property (including a person to whom the authority for the State-owned property is delegated or entrusted pursuant to Article 28 or 42 (1) of the State Property Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) or the head of the competent local government.
(2) The rent for State-owned or public property under Article 29 (3) of the Act shall be an amount calculated by multiplying the value of the State-owned or public property by a rate of not less than 10/1000.
(3) The exemption rate of the rent for State-owned or public property under Article 29 (3) of the Act shall be determined by the head of the competent central governmental authority for the relevant State-owned property within the limit of 100/100 of the rent for the relevant State-owned property.
(4) The projects subject to the exemption from rents for public property under Article 29 (3) of the Act, the exemption rate of such rents, and other detailed matters shall be prescribed by ordinance of the relevant local government, taking into account the effects of job creation and boosting of local economy and other relevant factors.
 Article 15 (Guidelines for Calculation of Usage Fee and Rent for State-Owned Property, etc.)
(1) The usage fee or rent for State-owned property under Article 31 (4) of the Act shall be an amount calculated by multiplying the value of the relevant property by a rate of not less than 10/1000.
(2) Where it is found impracticable for a person to pay the purchase price for State-owned property in a lump sum, the payment deadline may be deferred by not more than one year or the person may be permitted to pay it in installments within not more than 20 years pursuant to Article 31 (5) of the Act. In such cases, the interest rate applicable to the installment payment period shall not exceed four percent per year.
 Article 16 (Exchange and Cooperation between Research Institutes, Universities, and Enterprises)
"Affairs specified by Presidential Decree" in Article 33 (2) 6 of the Act means the following matters:
1. Joint research and development between research institutes, universities, and enterprises;
2. Facilitation of transfer of technology possessed by research institutes and universities.
 Article 16-2 (Establishment, Designation, etc. of International Science and Business Belt Support Headquarters)
(1) Where the international science and business belt support headquarters is established in accordance with Article 35-2 (1) of the Act, the articles of association containing the following matters shall be prepared:
1. Objectives;
2. Name;
3. Location of the office;
4. Matters concerning assets;
5. Matters concerning the appointment and dismissal of directors;
6. Matters concerning the organization and organs;
7. Matters concerning the plan for conducting a project for creating an international science and business belt;
8. Matters concerning methods for revising the articles of association.
(2) The Minister of Science and ICT may designate any of the following persons as a specialized institution that provides support under Article 35-2 (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as an "specialized support institution"): <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. A person with experience creating a research environment and implementing a support project for the research-related specialized zone or district;
2. A person who is suitable for conducting the affairs of connecting and proliferating between research institutes in the field of science and technology and enterprises, for the purpose of commercialization of the outcomes of research;
3. A person with experience in the inducement, and management and operation of occupying institutions in an industrial complex, a special zone for research and development, etc.;
4. A person with experience in support for research, and promotion of and support for academic activities;
5. A person with an appropriate ability for affairs for inviting exemplary research institutes and creating an international living environment, for the purpose of creating a center for basic research.
(3) The head of the international science and business belt support headquarters or a specialized support institution (hereinafter referred to as a “support agency”) which is established or designated in accordance with Article 35-2 (1) of the Act shall submit the report of business achievements of the previous year and the business plan for the relevant year to the Minister of Science and ICT by the end of February every year. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added by Presidential Decree No. 26509, Sep. 8, 2015]
 Article 16-3 (Affairs of Support Institutions)
“Other matters prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 35-2 (2) 6 of the Act means the following affairs: <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Affairs concerning support for creating the infrastructure linking domestic and overseas research institutes, university and colleges, and enterprises;
2. Affairs concerning the sale, lease, ex post facto management and occupancy of land and facilities in basic research areas and industrial areas located within the central districts;
3. Affairs concerning the promotion of and support for functional districts;
4. Affairs concerning the support for the creation and publicity of the outcomes of international science and business belts;
5. Other affairs entrusted by the Minister of Science and ICT, the head of the relevant central administrative agency, or the head of the competent local government with respect to the promotion of research, the promotion of international science and business belts, and the management of districts.
[This Article Added by Presidential Decree No. 26509, Sep. 8, 2015]
 Article 17 (Scope of Services Provided in Foreign Languages, etc.)
(1) The scope of services provided in foreign languages pursuant to Article 37 of the Act, including issuance, acceptance, and processing of documents in foreign languages, shall be as follows:
1. Statutes related to the development and support of an international science and business belt;
2. The master plan and implementation plans;
3. Various service manuals and informative materials prepared by administrative agencies in connection with the development and support of an international science and business belt;
4. Documents dispatched to foreigners (including foreigners' organizations; the same shall apply hereinafter) who are involved in the development and support of an international science and business belt in the central district;
5. Addressing civil claims submitted by foreigners in connection with a project for the development and support of an international science and business belt in the central district;
6. The processing of, and counselling on, inquiries and grievances of foreigners in connection with a project for the development and support of the international science and business belt in the central district;
7. Various kinds of public announcement and notification given pursuant to this Act.
(2) In principle, the foreign language used in providing services pursuant to Article 37 of the Act shall be English, but other languages may be used, if necessary.
(3) Upon receiving a request from a foreigner, the head of a related administrative agency (including the head of the local government having jurisdiction over the central district; hereafter the same shall apply in this Article) may translate materials related to the subparagraphs of paragraph (1) into a foreign language to provide such translated materials or provide interpretation services, if necessary.
(4) In order to provide services in foreign languages under the subparagraphs of paragraph (1), the heads of related administrative agencies shall place translators, interpreters, and other professional human resources as necessary, or prepare and retain relevant materials.
(5) Upon receiving a request from a foreigner in connection with a project for the development and support of the international science and business belt, the head of a related administrative agency may assist the foreigner in preparing and submitting documents for a civil petition or processing other civil petition work.
 Article 18 (Re-Transmission of Foreign Broadcasts)
The ratio of channels through which a cable TV broadcasting business entity is permitted to re-transmit foreign broadcasts pursuant to Article 38 of the Act shall not exceed 30/100 for TV channels, radio channels, and data broadcasting channels respectively.
 Article 19 (Qualifications for Employment of Foreign Teaching Staff Members, etc.)
(1) The qualifications for the employment of a foreign teaching staff member at a high school under Article 42 (5) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "international high school") shall be as follows:
1. A person who meets the qualification criteria for secondary school teachers under Article 21 (2) and Appendix 2 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act;
2. A person who has acquired the qualification for teaching staff members under the law of his/her country with a teaching experience of not less than three years.
(2) If necessary for the operation of curricula, an international high school may employ a foreigner as an instructor.
(3) The qualification criteria for foreign instructors under paragraph (2) shall be the same as either subparagraph of paragraph (1): Provided, That a person who has acquired a bachelor or higher degree pursuant to the law of his/her country shall be included herein.
(4) When a foreigner under the proviso to paragraph (3) is employed as an instructor, he/she shall finish a training course conducted by the head of the relevant international high school for not less than one week within six months after he/she is employed.
 Article 20 (Employment Period of Foreign Teaching Staff Members, etc.)
(1) A foreign teaching staff member under Article 19 (1) shall make an employment contract for five years each time, and may be employed only for a subject regarding his/her native language or a subject that the head of the international high school considers necessary.
(2) The employment period of a foreign instructor under Article 19 (2) shall not exceed one year, but may be extended to not more than three years, if necessary.
 Article 21 (Remuneration, etc. for Foreign Teaching Staff Members, etc.)
The remuneration and service of a foreign teaching staff member and a foreign instructor under Article 19 shall be stipulated in the relevant employment contract.
 Article 22 (Amount of Capital of Corporation under the Commercial Act for Establishment of Foreign Medical Institution)
The amount of capital under Article 44 (1) 3 of the Act shall be at least five billion won.
 Article 23 (Scope of Incidental Business of Medical Institutions)
"Incidental business specified by Presidential Decree" referred to in Article 45 of the Act means any of the following business:
1. A public bath business under Article 2 (1) 3 of the Public Health Control Act;
2. The development and operation of a recuperative hot spring under Article 9 of the Hot Spring Act;
3. A tourist accommodation business, a tourist facility business, or an international conference business under Article 3 (1) 2 through 4 of the Tourism Promotion Act.
 Article 24 (Qualifications for Private Investors)
"Private investor who meets the capital requirements or other qualifications prescribed by Presidential Decree" referred to in Article 47 (3) of the Act means a person who has completed the registration of his/her type of business of executing general construction works under subparagraph 5 of Article 2 of the Framework Act on the Construction Industry in accordance with Article 9 of the said Act, and whose capital or appraised value of execution capacity publicly announced pursuant to Article 23 of the said Act is at least the annual average project cost (excluding compensation) required for the relevant construction project. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 23282, Nov. 1, 2011>
 Article 25 (Delegation, Entrustment, etc. of Authority)
(1) Pursuant to Article 48 (1) of the Act, the Minister of Health and Welfare shall delegate administrative affairs for the registration of pharmacies exclusively for foreigners under Article 44 (2) of the Act to the competent Metropolitan City Mayor or the competent Do Governor (hereinafter referred to as the "Mayor/Do Governor").
(2) When the Mayor/Do Governor carries out an affair delegated pursuant to paragraph (1), he/she shall forward copies of relevant documents to the Minister of Science and ICT. <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013; Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) The Minister of Science and ICT shall entrust the following affairs to a specialized support institution in accordance with Article 48 (2) of the Act: <Added by Presidential Decree No. 26509, Sep. 8, 2015; Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Receipt and confirmation of applications for approval of occupancy of a basic research area or industrial area under Article 12-4 (1) of the Act and Article 12-4 (1) of this Decree;
2. Receipt and confirmation of applications for approval of any occupancy-related change of a basic research area or an industrial area under Article 12-4 (2) of the Act and Article 12-4 (5) of this Decree.
 Article 26 (Imposition Standards for Administrative Fines)
Imposition standards for administrative fines under Article 52 (2) of the Act shall be as listed in the Appendix.
[This Article Added by Presidential Decree No. 26509, Sep. 8, 2015]
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on April 5, 2011.
Article 2 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23282, Nov. 1, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on November 25, 2011. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25751, Nov. 19, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That among Presidential Decrees amended pursuant to Article 5 of the Addenda, amended provisions of Presidential Decrees which were promulgated before this Decree enters into force but their enforcement dates have yet to come shall enter into force on their respective enforcement dates of the Presidential Decrees.
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 26509, Sep. 8, 2015>
This Decree shall enter into force on September 12, 2015.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27506, Sep. 22, 2016>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on September 23, 2016.
Articles 2 through 4 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.