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Presidential Decree No. 19142, Nov. 30, 2005

Amended by Presidential Decree No. 19606, Jul. 4, 2006

Presidential Decree No. 20740, Feb. 29, 2008

Presidential Decree No. 20793, May 27, 2008

Presidential Decree No. 22936, May 30, 2011

Presidential Decree No. 22977, Jun. 24, 2011

Presidential Decree No. 23286, Nov. 7, 2011

Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013

Presidential Decree No. 25532, Aug. 6, 2014

Presidential Decree No. 25751, Nov. 19, 2014

Presidential Decree No. 25796, Dec. 3, 2014

Presidential Decree No. 26405, Jul. 20, 2015

Presidential Decree No. 26844, Dec. 31, 2015

Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017

Presidential Decree No. 29100, Aug. 21, 2018

Presidential Decree No. 31516, Mar. 2, 2021

Presidential Decree No. 32106, Nov. 9, 2021

Presidential Decree No. 32170, Nov. 30, 2021

Presidential Decree No. 33016, Dec. 6, 2022

 Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Decree is to provide for matters delegated by the Space Development Promotion Act and matters necessary for the enforcement thereof.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 1-2 (Quasi-Orbital Launch Vehicle)
"Quasi-orbital launch vehicle which meets the performance prescribed by Presidential Decree" in subparagraph 3-2 of Article 2 of the Act means an artificial space object that ascends and descends by its own propulsion system and is designed and built to have the capability to ascend to a height of 100 kilometers or more above sea level.
[This Article Added on Dec. 6, 2022]
 Article 2 (Formulation of Master Plan for Promotion of Space Development)
(1) A master plan for the promotion of space development under Article 5 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as “master plan for the promotion of space development”) shall be formulated by the Minister of Science and ICT in consultation with the heads of related central administrative agencies (including the National Intelligence Service; hereinafter the same shall apply). The same shall also apply to any revision of the master plan for the promotion of space development already formulated. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 3, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017; Dec. 6, 2022>
(2) When the Minister of Science and ICT intends to formulate a master plan for the promotion of space development, he or she shall notify the heads of related central administrative agencies of the schedule and guidelines for the formulation thereof and may request the heads of related central administrative agencies to submit necessary data if necessary for the formulation of the master plan for the promotion of space development. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 3, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) “Matters prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 5 (2) 12 of the Act means the following: <Amended on Dec. 3, 2014>
1. Policies on the protection and management of intellectual property rights;
2. Facilitation of exchange between and among industrial circles, academic circles, and research institutes;
3. Commercialization of technologies for space development.
(4) “Minor matter prescribed by Presidential Decree” in the proviso to Article 5 (3) of the Act means any of the following matters: <Amended on Dec. 3, 2014>
1. Details of the plan for the promotion of space development;
2. Matters having no significant impact on the master plan for the promotion of space development, which are specified by the National Space Committee under Article 6 of the Act.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 3 (Formulation of Action Plans for Advancement of Space Development)
(1) An action plan for the advancement of space development prescribed by Article 5-2 (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as “action plan for the advancement of space development”) shall include the following: <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 3, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017; Dec. 6, 2022>
1. Outline of the projects;
2. A report on the outcomes from implementation of the projects in the preceding year and the business plan for the pertinent year;
3. A detailed action plan to advance space development for each project;
4. Matters concerning the adjustment of satellite orbits and satellite radio frequencies (referring to radio frequencies used in satellite networks) between satellites;
5. Other matters deemed necessary by the Minister of Science and ICT.
(2) "Heads of relevant central administrative agencies prescribed by Presidential Decree" in the proviso to Article 5-2 (1) of the Act means the following persons: <Added on Dec. 3, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
1. The Minister of Science and ICT;
2. The Minister of National Defense;
3. The Director of the National Intelligence Service.
(3) The Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate an action plan for the promotion of space development by the end of February each year following deliberation by the Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development under the main clause of Article 6 (5) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Working Committee”) and notify the heads of relevant central administrative agencies of the action plan for the promotion of space development: Provided, That the Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate the action plan for the promotion of space development under the proviso to Article 5-2 (1) through consultation with a consultative body comprised of the heads of relevant central administrative agencies under paragraph (2). <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 3, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017; Nov. 9, 2021>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 3-2 (Formulation of Master Plans for Utilization of Satellite Information)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate a master plan for the utilization of satellite information (hereinafter referred to as "master plan for the utilization of satellite information") under Article 5-3 of the Act, in consultation with the heads of relevant central administrative agencies. The same shall also apply where he or she amends the master plan for the utilization of satellite information formulated. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) Where the Minister of Science and ICT formulates a master plan for the utilization of satellite information, he or she shall notify the heads of relevant central administrative agencies of his or her schedule for the formulation of the master plan for the utilization of satellite information and guidelines for the preparation thereof, and where necessary for formulating the master plan for the utilization of satellite information, he or she may request the heads of relevant central administrative agencies to submit necessary data. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) "Insignificant matters prescribed by Presidential Decree" in the proviso to Article 5-3 (3) of the Act means the following:
1. Matters concerning the detailed implementation of the system for the dissemination of satellite information and the plan for the utilization of satellite information;
2. Matters determined by the National Space Committee under Article 6 of the Act, which fails to significantly influence the content of the master plan for the utilization of satellite information.
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 3-3 (Formulation of Action Plan for Utilization of Satellite Information)
(1) An action plan for the utilization of satellite information (hereinafter referred to as "action plan for the utilization of satellite information") under Article 5-4 of the Act shall include the following matters: <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Outline of the projects;
2. Outcomes from implementation of the project in the preceding year and a project plan for the relevant year;
3. Detailed action plan for the utilization of satellite information for each project;
4. Matters concerning the construction of the integrated system for the dissemination and utilization of satellite information under Article 17 (4) 1 of the Act;
5. Other matters deemed necessary by the Minister of Science and ICT.
(2) The Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate an action plan for the utilization of satellite information by the end of February each year following deliberation by the working committees for the utilization of satellite information (hereinafter referred to as the "working committees for the utilization of satellite information") under the main clause of Article 6 (5) of the Act, and notify the heads of relevant central administrative agencies of the action plan for the utilization of satellite information. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017; Nov. 9, 2021>
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 4 (Composition of National Space Committee)
(1) Deleted. <Nov. 9, 2021>
(2) The term of office of the members commissioned pursuant to Article 6 (4) 2 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "commissioned members") shall be two years: Provided, That the term of office of a member newly commissioned due to resignation, etc. of another member shall be the remainder of his or her predecessor's term of office. <Amended on Nov. 9, 2021; Nov. 30, 2021>
(3) Commissioned members may perform their duties despite the expiration of their terms under the main clause of paragraph (2), until their successors are commissioned. <Added on Nov. 30, 2021>
(4) Where a commissioned member falls under any of the following cases, the President may dismiss the member: <Amended on Dec. 31, 2015; Mar. 30, 2021; Nov. 30, 2021>
1. Where he or she becomes unable to perform his or her duties due to any mental or physical disabilities;
2. Where he or she commits misconduct in relation to his or her duties;
3. Where it is deemed that he or she is not suitable as a member due to neglect of duties, injury to dignity, or other reasons;
4. Where he or she voluntarily expresses his or her intention that it is difficult for him or her to perform his or her duties.
(5) The National Space Committee under Article 6 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”) shall have one secretary to carry out its administrative affairs, who shall be appointed by the chairperson of the Committee from among public officials of the Ministry of Science and ICT. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017; Nov. 30, 2021>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 5 (Operation of Committee)
(1) The chairperson of the Committee (hereafter referred to as the "Chairperson" in this Article) shall preside over its affairs and, if the Chairperson deems it necessary or at the request of a member, shall convene a meeting. <Amended on Jul. 20, 2015>
(2) When the Chairperson convenes a meeting, he or she shall notify the time, date, and place of the meeting and the agenda items to each member and the heads of relevant central administrative agencies by no later than seven days prior to the holding of the meeting: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply in an emergency situation or in any other exceptional situation. <Amended on Aug. 21, 2018>
(3) The Chairperson may request the head of a relevant central administrative agency to submit an agenda item or opinions, or may have the staff of the agency attend a meeting to hear their opinions, if he or she deems it necessary. <Newly Established by Aug. 21, 2018>
(4) A meeting of the Committee shall be duly formed with the attendance of a majority of current members, and a resolution shall be adopted by affirmative votes of a majority of the members present at the meeting.
(5) The Chairperson shall take and preserve minutes of a meeting of the Committee. <Amended on Aug. 21, 2018>
(6) Members and interested persons who attend a meeting of the Committee and persons who express or present their opinions at a meeting of the Committee may be reimbursed for allowances and travel expenses within budgetary limits: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply where a member who is a public official attends a meeting of the Committee in direct connection with any of his or her duties. <Amended on Aug. 21, 2018>
(7) Where the Committee deliberates on matters concerning national security, the Chairperson shall prepare and implement measures necessary for security, such as the preparation of an oath to protect security taken by members of the Committee and meeting attendees and the collection of copies of the items on the agenda. <Added on Jul. 20, 2015; Aug. 21, 2018>
(8) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) through (7), matters necessary for the operation of the Committee shall be determined by the Chairperson following deliberation by the Committee. <Amended on Jul. 20, 2015; Aug. 21, 2018>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 6 (Composition and Operation of Working Committee for Promotion of Space Development)
(1) The Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development shall be composed of not more than 25 members, including one chairperson. <Amended on Dec. 3, 2014; Aug. 21, 2018>
(2) The members of the Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development shall consist of the following persons: <Amended on Dec. 3, 2014; Dec. 6, 2022>
1. Persons appointed by the chairperson of an agency to which public officials belong from among public officials who are members of the Senior Executive Service in charge of affairs relating to space in a related central administrative agency to which a committee member under Article 6 (4) 1 of the Act belongs, or who are at an equivalent position appointed;
2. Public officials appointed by the chairperson of the Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development from among public officials who are members of the Senior Executive Service and in charge of affairs relating to space in a related central administrative agency to which a committee member under Article 6 (4) 1 of the Act does not belong, or who are at an equivalent position;
3. Persons commissioned by the Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development from among persons with considerable expertise and experience in the field of space.
(3) The term of office of each member commissioned under paragraph (2) 3 shall be two years.
(4) Where any member under each subparagraph of paragraph (2) falls under any of the following, the head of the Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development may discharge or dismiss the relevant member: <Added on Dec. 31, 2015; Dec. 6, 2022>
1. Where he or she becomes unable to perform his or her duties due to any mental or physical disabilities;
2. Where he or she commits misconduct in relation to his or her duties;
3. Where it is deemed that he or she is not suitable as a member due to neglect of duties, injury to dignity, or other reasons;
4. Where he or she voluntarily expresses his or her intention that it is difficult for him or her to perform his or her duties.
(5) The Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development shall have one secretary to carry out its administrative affairs, who shall be appointed by the chairperson of the Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development from among public officials of the Ministry of Science and ICT. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 3, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
(6) Article 5 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the operation of the Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development. In such cases, the “Committee” shall be construed as the “Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development”. <Amended on Dec. 3, 2014>
(7) The Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development may organize and operate subcommittees if necessary to conduct expert reviews of agenda items with respect to space objects, international cooperation, etc. <Amended on Dec. 3, 2014>
(8) Matters necessary for the composition and operation of the subcommittees under paragraph (7) shall be determined by the chairperson of the Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development following deliberation by the Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development. <Amended on Dec. 3, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 6-2 (Composition and Operation of Working Committee for Utilization of Satellite Information)
(1) The working committees for the utilization of satellite information shall be comprised of up to 21 members, including one chairperson.
(2) The members of the working committees for the utilization of satellite information shall consist of the following persons: <Amended on Dec. 6, 2022>
1. Persons appointed by the chairperson of an agency to which public officials belong from among public officials who are members of the Senior Executive Service in charge of affairs relating to utilization of satellite information in a related central administrative agency to which a committee member under Article 6 (4) 1 of the Act belongs, or who are at an equivalent position appointed;
2. Public officials appointed by the chairperson of the working committees for the utilization of satellite information Information among public officials in the Senior Executive Service, in charge of affairs relating to the utilization of satellite information in the relevant central administrative agencies to which no member under Article 6 (4) 1 of the Act belongs, or public officials corresponding thereto;
3. Persons commissioned by the working committees for the utilization of satellite information among persons who have expertise and extensive experience in the utilization of satellite information.
(3) The term of office of each member commissioned under paragraph (2) 3 shall be two years.
(4) Where any member under each subparagraph of paragraph (2) falls under any of the following, the head of the working committees for the utilization of satellite information may discharge or dismiss the relevant member: <Added on Dec. 31, 2015; Dec. 6, 2022>
1. Where he or she becomes unable to perform his or her duties due to any mental or physical disabilities;
2. Where he or she commits misconduct in relation to his or her duties;
3. Where it is deemed that he or she is not suitable as a member due to neglect of duties, injury to dignity, or other reasons;
4. Where he or she voluntarily expresses his or her intention that it is difficult for him or her to perform his or her duties.
(5) To conduct administrative affairs of the working committees for the utilization of satellite information, one person shall be designated as its administrative secretary, who shall be designated by the chairperson of the Working Committee for the Utilization of Satellite Information from among public officials of the Ministry of Science and ICT. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(6) Article 5 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the operation of the working committees for the utilization of satellite information. In such cases, the "Committee" shall be construed as "working committees for the utilization of satellite information".
(7) Where necessary to technically review the items on an agenda related to the operation of the satellite and the utilization of satellite information, the working committees for the utilization of satellite information may form and operate subcommittees.
(8) Matters necessary for the formation and operation of subcommittees under paragraph (7) shall be determined by the chairperson of the working committees for the utilization of satellite information following deliberation by the working committees for the utilization of satellite information. <Amended on Dec. 31, 2015>
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 6-3 (Composition and Operation of Working Committee for the Space Development for Security)
(1) The working committee for the space development for security under the proviso of Article 6 (5) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "working committee for the space development for security") shall deliberate on the following matters:
1. Matters concerning space development promoted solely by the heads of relevant central administrative agencies with regard to national security;
2. Matters on the national security, on which the Chairperson of the Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development and the Joint Chairpersons of the working committee for the space development for security reach an agreement on deliberation thereon by the working committee for the space development for security, comprehensively taking into account the objectives of projects, the necessity for security, the degree of involvement of relevant central administrative agencies in such projects in terms of financial burden, the effect of fostering of the space industry, and other relevant matters.
(2) The working committee for the space development for security shall be composed of not more than 15 members including the Vice Minister of National Defense as the co-chairpersons under the proviso of Article 6 (5) of the Act and the Director General of the National Intelligence Service in charge of affairs related to the development of space for national security.
(3) The members of the working committee for the space development for security shall consist of the following persons: <Amended on Dec. 6, 2022>
1. Persons appointed by the chairperson of an agency to which public officials belong from among public officials who are members of the Senior Executive Service in charge of affairs relating to space development for security in a related central administrative agency to which a committee member under Article 6 (4) 1 of the Act belongs, or who are at an equivalent position appointed;
2. Public officials appointed by the co-chairperson of the working committee for the space development for security, from among public officials who are members of the Senior Executive Service and in charge of affairs relating to space development in a related central administrative agency to which a committee member under Article 6 (4) 1 of the Act does not belong, or who are at an equivalent position;
3. Persons commissioned by the co-chairperson of the working committee for the space development for security from among those with extensive knowledge of and experience in the field of space development for national security purposes.
(4) The term of office of each member commissioned appointed pursuant to paragraph (2) 3 shall be two years.
(5) Where any member under each subparagraph of paragraph (3) falls under any of the following, the co-chairperson of the working committee for the space development for security may discharge or dismiss the relevant member: <Amended on Dec. 6, 2022>
1. Where he or she becomes unable to perform his or her duties due to any mental or physical disabilities;
2. Where he or she commits misconduct in relation to his or her duties;
3. Where the member is deemed incompetent for the office due to neglect of duty, injury to dignity or other grounds;
4. Where he or she voluntarily expresses his or her intention that it is difficult for him or her to perform his or her duties.
(6) The working committee for the space development for security shall have two assistant secretaries to handle its affairs, each of whom shall be designated by each of the co-chairpersons of the working committee for the space development for security from among the public officials belonging to the Ministry of National Defense and the National Intelligence Service.
(7) Article 5 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the operation of the working committee for the space development for security. In such cases, the "committee" shall be construed as "working committee for the space development for security," and the "chairperson" shall be construed as "co-chairperson."
(8) The working committee for the space development for security may organize and operate subcommittees if necessary to conduct expert reviews of agenda items for space development for national security.
(9) Matters necessary for the composition and operation of subcommittees under paragraph (8) shall be determined by the co-chairperson of the working committee for the space development for security following deliberation by the working committee for the space development for security.
[This Article Added on Nov. 9, 2021]
 Article 7 (Activities of Institutions Specializing in Space Development)
“Duties prescribed by Presidential Decree with regard to space development projects” in Article 7 (2) 3 of the Act means the following: <Amended on Nov. 9, 2021>
1. Activities for international cooperation in space development;
2. Activities for international cooperation and assistance in the investigation of space accidents.
3. Support for the formulation of policies for space development.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 8 (Criteria for Designation of Institutions Specializing in Space Development)
(1) An institution entitled to be designated as an institution specializing in space development under Article 7 (1) of the Act shall meet any of the following requirements: <Amended on Jul. 20, 2015; Nov. 9, 2021>
1. It shall have human resources and facilities capable of designing and producing artificial space objects;
2. It shall have achievements and direct experience in conducting research and development related to space or a space development project;
3. It shall have human resources and facilities needed to launch, track, and operate artificial space objects (hereinafter referred to as “space center”).
4. It shall have human resources and facilities capable of performing duties regarding the formulation of policies for space development.
(2) An entity designated as an institution specializing in space development according to the designation criteria set forth in paragraph (1) 3 shall formulate a space center operation plan by the end of January each year and shall obtain approval thereof from the Minister of Science and ICT. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 9 (Details of Support for Institutions Specializing in Space Development)
(1) In order to ensure the efficient management of institutions specializing in space development pursuant to Article 7 (3) of the Act, the Government shall prepare and implement various supportive measures, including supply of human resources and provision of government contributions.
(2) The Minister of Science and ICT may subsidize a space center for expenses necessary for its operation. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 10 (Preliminary Registration of Artificial Space Objects)
(1) A person who intends to file for preliminary registration pursuant to Article 8 (1) or (2) of the Act shall submit an application for preliminary registration on the form prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT and a launching plan under Article 8 (3) of the Act to the Minister of Science and ICT, and a person who intends to file for registration pursuant to Article 8 (5) of the Act shall submit an application for registration on the form prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT to the Minister of Science and ICT. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) When a person who has completed preliminary registration or registration pursuant to Article 8 (1), (2), or (5) of the Act makes a change in regard to the details of the preliminary registration or registration, he or she shall submit a notice of change in registration to the Minister of Science and ICT on the form prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) “Matters prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 8 (3) 5 of the Act means the following: <Amended on Jul. 20, 2015>
1. The lifespan and service life of the artificial space object;
2. The launching site and projected launch date of the artificial space object;
3. The provider of the space launch vehicle to be used in launching the artificial space object and the specification and performance of the vehicle;
4. The manufacturer of the artificial space object and the manufacturing number and date of the artificial space object;
5. Data (referring to weight, size, produced power, consumed power, etc.) about the artificial space object;
6. Security for the use and management of the artificial space object.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
[Title Amended on Jul. 20, 2015]
 Article 10-2 (Application for Registration of Meteorites)
(1) Any person who intends to apply for registration of a meteorite pursuant to Article 8-2 (1) of the Act shall submit an application for registration prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT to the Minister of Science and ICT along with the following documents, etc.: Provided, That where an applicant so requests and the Minister of Science and ICT deems it difficult to move or transport the relevant meteorite based upon its size or characteristics under subparagraph 1, the applicant may choose not to submit the relevant meteorite: <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
1. The relevant meteorite;
2. Relevant data where the applicant possesses an appraisal or analyzed data of the meteorite.
(2) Where the relevant meteorite has not been submitted pursuant to the proviso to paragraph (1), the Minister of Science and ICT may require a relevant public official (where affairs under Article 8-2 of the Act are entrusted, referring to the relevant public official or an employee of the entrusted institution) check, inspect, or analyze the meteorite at the site. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) The Minister of Science and ICT shall ascertain the authenticity of a meteorite within 30 days from the date he or she receives an application for registration under paragraph (1) and take the following measures: <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Where it is proven to be a meteorite: Issuance of a certificate of registration prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT pursuant to Article 8-2 (2) of the Act and the return of the relevant meteorite;
2. Where it is not proven to be a meteorite: Notification of the fact that it is not registerable as a meteorite, and the return of matter submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) 1.
(4) Any person who intends to report an alteration to information registered pursuant to Article 8-2 (3) of the Act shall submit a report on alteration prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT to the Minister of Science and ICT, along with the following documents: <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Certificate of registration under paragraph (3) 1;
2. Documents evidencing an alteration.
(5) The Minister of Science and ICT who receives a report on alteration under paragraph (4) shall reissue a certificate of registration reflecting such alteration. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(6) Where the Minister of Science and ICT issues a certificate of registration pursuant to paragraph (3) or reissues a certificate of registration pursuant to paragraph (5), he or she shall record and manage the details thereof in the register of meteorites under Article 10 (2) of the Act. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added on Jul. 20, 2015]
 Article 10-3 (Application for Taking Meteorites out of Republic of Korea)
(1) Any person who intends to take a meteorite out of the Republic of Korea pursuant to the proviso to Article 8-3 (1) of the Act shall submit an application for taking a meteorite out of the Republic of Korea prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT 90 days prior to the scheduled date for taking the meteorite out of the Republic of Korea to the Minister of Science and ICT along with the following documents: <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Data explaining the meteorite;
2. Data related to the purpose of taking the meteorite out of the Republic of Korea;
3. A copy of a certificate of registration of the meteorite (only applicable to where an application for taking the meteorite registered pursuant to Article 8-2 (2) of the Act out of the Republic of Korea is filed);
4. Data under the subparagraphs of Article 10-2 (1) (only applicable where an application for taking the meteorite not registered out of the Republic of Korea is filed).
(2) The Minister of Science and ICT shall take the following measures within 60 days from the date he or she receives an application filed under paragraph (1): <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Where an application for taking the meteorite registered pursuant to Article 8-2 (2) of the Act out of the Republic of Korea is filed: He or she shall examine whether it is possible to take the meteorite out of the Republic of Korea and give notice to the applicant;
2. Where an application for taking an unregistered meteorite out of the Republic of Korea is filed: He or she shall ascertain the authenticity of the meteorite and take the following measures:
(a) Where it is proven to be the meteorite: He or she shall examine whether it is possible to take the meteorite out of the Republic of Korea and give notice to the applicant;
(b) Where it is not proven to be the meteorite: He or she shall notify the applicant that it is not the meteorite, and return the matter submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) 4.
[This Article Added on Jul. 20, 2015]
 Article 11 (Application for Permission to Launch Space Launch Vehicles)
(1) A person who intends to obtain permission to launch a space launch vehicle pursuant to Article 11 (1) of the Act shall file an application for permission with the Minister of Science and ICT on the form prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT. The foregoing shall also apply where he or she intends to obtain revised permission. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) Upon receipt of an application under paragraph (1), the Minister of Science and ICT shall notify the applicant of the propriety of the application and of the examination plan within 30 days. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) If the Minister of Science and ICT finds it necessary as a result of examination of an application for permission, he or she may demand the applicant to supplement or correct the application within a specified period. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 12 (Reporting of Modification of Minor Matters)
“Minor matters prescribed by Presidential Decree” in the proviso to Article 11 (1) of the Act means the following:
1. The name and address of the applicant (including the name of the corporation and the name and address of its representative, if the applicant is a corporation);
2. The period of service life of the payload in the payload operations plan.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 13 (Launch Plan)
A launch plan under Article 11 (2) of the Act shall contain each of the following matters, and the content of the plan, description methods, and other details shall be determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Science and ICT: <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Projected launch date and the trajectory in the atmosphere;
2. Data and performance of the launch vehicle;
3. Safety analysis report:
(a) Measures for the safety of the launch vehicle;
(b) Measures for safety control in the launching site;
(c) Measures for security control;
4. Payload operations plan:
(a) Purpose of use of the payload;
(b) Owner and licensees of the payload;
(c) Service life of the payload;
(d) Manufacturer, manufacturing number, and manufacturing date of the payload;
5. Indemnity plan:
(a) Estimated loss incurred to a third party as a consequence of death, injury, or property damage caused by an accident in launching;
(b) Plan for indemnity for the estimated loss.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 13-2 (Formulation of Master Plan for Preparation against dangers from outer space)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate a master plan for preparation against the dangers from outer space (hereinafter referred to as "master plan for preparation against the dangers from outer space") under Article 15 of the Act in consultation with the heads of relevant central administrative agencies. The same shall also apply to cases where he or she alters the master plan for preparation against the dangers from outer space formulated. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) Where the Minister of Science and ICT formulates a master plan for preparation against the dangers from outer space, he or she shall notify the heads of relevant central administrative agencies of his or her schedule for the formulation of the master plan for preparation against the dangers from outer space and guidelines for the preparation thereof, and where necessary to formulate the master plan for preparation against the dangers from outer space, he or she may request the heads of relevant central administrative agencies to submit necessary data. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) "Insignificant matters prescribed by Presidential Decree" in the proviso to Article 15 (3) of the Act means the following matters:
1. Matters concerning the detailed implementation of the protection and monitoring of the environment of outer space;
2. Matters determined by the Committee, which do not have significant influence on the content of the master plan for preparation against the dangers from outer space.
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 13-3 (Formulation of Action Plan for Preparation against dangers from outer space)
(1) An action plan for preparation against the dangers from outer space (hereinafter referred to as "action plan for preparation against the dangers from outer space") under Article 15-2 of the Act shall include the following matters: <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Outline of the projects;
2. Outcomes from implementation of the project in the preceding year and a project plan for the relevant year;
3. Detailed action plan for preparation against dangers from outer space for each project;
4. Others matters the Minister of Science and ICT deems necessary.
(2) The Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate an action plan for preparation against the dangers from outer space by the end of February each year following deliberation by the Working Committee for the Promotion of Space Development, and notify the heads of relevant central administrative agencies of the action plan for preparation against the dangers from outer space. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 13-4 (Criteria for Designation of Space Environment Monitoring Institution)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT may designate a space environment monitoring institution from among institutions or organizations falling under any of the following pursuant to Article 15-3 (1) of the Act: <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) A space environment monitoring institution under Article 15-3 (1) of the Act shall meet all the following requirements:
1. Human resources and facilities to prevent and prepare against the dangers from outer space;
2. Direct performance of and experience in research and development activities related to the dangers from outer space or related prevention and preparation activities.
(3) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2), detailed criteria and procedures for designation of a space environment monitoring institution shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 13-5 (Affairs of Space Environment Monitoring Institution)
"Affairs prescribed by Presidential Decree" in Article 15-3 (1) 3 of the Act means the following affairs: <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Planning of research and development related to technology responding to dangers;
2. Support for the construction and operation of an integrated response system of relevant institutions and civilian, government and military authorities;
3. Other matters deemed necessary by the Minister of Science and ICT.
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 13-6 (Composition and Operation of Headquarters for Countermeasures against Dangers from Outer Space)
(1) The Headquarters for Countermeasures against dangers from outer space under Article 15-3 (3) of the Act shall be composed of public officials appointed by the heads of the relevant central administrative agencies among public officials in the Senior Executive Service, in charge of relevant affairs in central administrative agencies related to preparation against the dangers from outer space or public officials corresponding thereto, and relevant experts commissioned by the Minister of Science and ICT. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) The Headquarters for Countermeasures against dangers from outer space shall be established and operated where a situation falling under any of the following takes place: <Amended on Jul. 20, 2015>
1. Where damage to the Korean Peninsula and the neighboring waters is expected due to the fall of an object from outer space;
2. Where the effect of solar activity is deemed to have significant influence on artificial space objects of the Republic of Korea;
3. Where a satellite of the Republic of Korea is destroyed or its serious malfunction thereof is anticipated due to the collision of space objects.
(3) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) through (3), matters necessary for the composition and detailed operation of the Headquarters for Countermeasures against dangers from outer space shall be determined by the Minister of Science and ICT. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 14 (Scope of Space Accidents subject to Investigation)
“Space accidents prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 16 (1) of the Act means any of the following accidents into which the Minister of Science and ICT deems it necessary to conduct investigation because of severe damage inflicted on human life, body or property, or on any other grounds: <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 20, 2015; Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Accidents caused by artificial space objects preliminarily or finally registered under Article 8 of the Act;
2. Accidents caused by space launch vehicles the launch of which has been permitted under Article 11 of the Act;
3. Accidents caused by artificial space objects of a foreign country, which occur in the territory of the Republic of Korea or in an area or structure within jurisdiction of the Republic of Korea;
4. Accidents caused by artificial space objects of a foreign country to the property of the Republic of Korea or to a national (including a juristic person) of the Republic of Korea.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 15 (Organization of Space Accident Investigation Committee)
(1) The chairperson of the Space Accident Investigation Committee under Article 16 (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Investigation Committee”) shall represent the Investigation Committee and administer all business affairs of the Investigation Committee.
(2) To be qualified for a member of the Investigation Committee, a person shall meet any of the following requirements: <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
1. A person who has been working or has worked for a university as an associate or higher-ranking professor for at least five years;
2. A person who has been working or has worked for a research institute or industry related to space for at least ten years;
3. A person who has been holding a law license for at least ten years;
4. A person who has served as a Grade-IV or higher-ranking public official or a public official in an equivalent position (including a public official who is a member of the Senior Executive Service) for at least two years;
5. Other persons acknowledged by the Minister of Science and ICT.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 16 (Management of Investigation Committee)
(1) A meeting of the Investigation Committee shall be duly formed with the attendance of a majority of current members, and a resolution shall be adopted by affirmative votes of a majority of the members present at the meeting.
(2) The chairperson of the Investigation Committee shall take minutes of a meeting of the Investigation Committee.
(3) The members and interested persons who attend a meeting of the Investigation Committee and the persons who express or submit an opinion may be reimbursed for allowances and travel expenses within budgetary limits: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply where a public official makes an appearance before the Investigation Committee in direct connection with any of his or her duties.
(4) The operational period of the Investigation Committee shall be from the date on which it is formed to the point of time at which the Minister of Science and ICT determines that the Investigation Committee completes its missions under Article 17. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(5) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) through (4), matters necessary for the management of the Investigation Committee shall be determined by the chairperson of the Investigation Committee, after deliberation by the Investigation Committee.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 17 (Missions of Investigation Committee)
The Investigation Committee’s missions are as follows: <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Discovery of the causes of space accidents;
2. Collection and analysis of data about space accidents;
3. Preparation of investigation reports on space accidents;
4. Other missions that the Minister of Science and ICT deems necessary for the investigation and analysis of space accidents.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 18 (Procedure for Investigations of Accidents)
(1) When a space accident under Article 14 occurs, the Minister of Science and ICT shall organize the Investigation Committee without delay and request the investigation thereof. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) The Investigation Committee shall conduct investigation and submit an investigation report to the Minister of Science and ICT. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 19 (Investigation of Accidents that Involve National Security)
(1) “Matters prescribed by Presidential Decree in view of national security” in the proviso to Article 16 (2) of the Act means space accidents caused by an artificial space object launched by the head of an administrative agency responsible for national security (hereinafter referred to as “related administrative agency; the same shall apply hereinafter) according to its own project plan, in which cases the disclosure of the course and results of the investigation of such space accidents is likely to be dangerous or harmful to the national security. <Amended on Jul. 20, 2015>
(2) Pursuant to the proviso to Article 16 (2) of the Act, the head of a related administrative agency shall organize a separate national security-related inquiry group under his or her supervision, which shall be comprised of members commissioned from among related experts by the head of the related administrative agency and the chairperson appointed from among those members by the head of the related administrative agency.
(3) Articles 15 through 18 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the organization and management of the inquiry group under paragraph (2). In such cases, the “Minister of Science and ICT” shall be construed as the “head of a related administrative agency”. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(4) When the head of a related administrative agency intends to determine matters regarding the organization and management of the inquiry group under paragraph (2) and other necessary matters, he or she shall consult with the Minister of Science and ICT thereon. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 19-2 (Satellite Information concerning National Security)
Where the Minister of Science and ICT intends to take measures necessary to advance the dissemination and utilization of satellite information pursuant to Article 17 (1) of the Act, he or she shall consult about information on national security with a consultative body under Article 3 (3). <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 19-3 (Construction of Integrated Satellite Information Dissemination and Utilization System)
(1) To construct an integrated system for the dissemination and utilization of satellite information under Article 17 (4) 1 of the Act, the Minister of Science and ICT may require an dedicated organization (hereinafter referred to as "dedicated organization") under Article 17 (1) of the Act to implement matters concerning the integrated management, dissemination, utilization, etc. of satellite information owned by the State. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) A dedicated organization shall conduct the following affairs: <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017; Dec. 6, 2022>
1. Construction of satellite information databases (referring to the collection of satellite information systematically integrated and processed so that users of information may search and utilize such information; hereinafter the same shall apply);
2. Support for the matters regarding planning, coordination and implementation of the satellite information utilization project throughout the whole of the Government;
3. Advancement and support of the nongovernmental satellite information industry, such as support to businesses involved in utilizing satellite information;
4. Reproduction and processing, and provision and sale of satellite information;
5. Support for inspection of the status of the utilization of satellite information;
6. Other matters determined by the Minister of Science and ICT to efficiently construct an integrated system for the dissemination and utilization of satellite information.
(3) The head of relevant central administrative agencies, the head of local governments and the heads of public institutions under Article 4 of the Act on the Management of Public institutions shall be careful endeavor to prevent investments should take place in relation to the dissemination and utilization of satellite information.
(4) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) through (3), matters necessary for the construction of an integrated system for the dissemination and utilization of satellite information shall be determined and announced by the Minister of Science and ICT. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 19-4 (Receipt, Processing and Disclosure of Satellite Information)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT shall construct an integrated receiving and processing system and prepare a disclosure clearing system for users of information to efficiently conduct affairs concerning the receipt, processing and disclosure of satellite information under Article 17 (4) 2 of the Act. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) Detailed matters necessary for the receipt, processing and disclosure of satellite information shall be determined and announced by the Minister of Science and ICT. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 19-5 (Reproduction and Sale of Satellite Information)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT may provide or sell satellite information reproduced or processed to users of information pursuant to Article 17 (4) 3 of the Act: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply to information prohibited from disclosure or divulging pursuant to the Framework Act on National Spatial Data Infrastructure and the security regulations prepared pursuant to Article 19-7. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017; Dec. 6, 2022>
(2) Detailed matters necessary for the provision and sale of satellite information shall be determined and announced by the Minister of Science and ICT. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 19-6 (Inspection of Current Status of Utilization of Satellite Information)
The Minister of Science and ICT may request the heads of relevant central administrative agencies to submit data necessary for inspection of the current status of the utilization of satellite information under Article 17 (4) 4 of the Act. In such cases, the heads of relevant central administrative agencies shall cooperate in the submission of data, etc. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 19-7 (Satellite Information Security)
(1) The heads of relevant central administrative agencies shall prepare and implement the security regulations necessary to prevent illegal access to or transfer of satellite information or satellite information databases prohibited from disclosure or the divulging of information (hereinafter referred to as "security regulations for satellite information") pursuant to Article 17 (4) 5 of the Act. <Amended on Dec. 6, 2022>
(2) In order to maintain the unity among the security regulations for satellite information, the Minister of Science and ICT may recommend that the head of a related central administrative agency modify or supplement the security regulations for satellite information (excluding the security regulations for satellite information related to national defense) after consultation with the Director of the National Intelligence Service. <Added on Dec. 6, 2022>
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 19-8 (Supply of Exceptional Human Resources for Space Development)
The Minister of Science and ICT may prepare a policy concerning the following matters to supply exceptional human resources for space development under Article 18 (1) of the Act: <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Conducting education and training through schools, research institutes, other related institutions or organizations, and designation of an agency in charge of education and training;
2. Conducting startup support programs;
3. Other matters determined by the Minister of Science and ICT to foster and support exceptional human resources for space development.
[This Article Added on Dec. 3, 2014]
 Article 19-9 (Opening and Utilization of Space Development Infrastructure)
(1) "Other institutions prescribed by Presidential Decree" in Article 18-2 (1) 7 of the Act means any of the following institutions:
1. National or public universities;
3. Other institutions notified by the Minister of Science and ICT in consultation with the head of the relevant central administrative agency.
(2) The Minister of Science and ICT may request a space business entity to submit data on the types, locations, conditions of utilization, opening hours, opening procedures, etc. of the space development infrastructure subject to opening and utilization of the space development infrastructure, to the agencies referred to in the subparagraphs of Article 18-2 (1) of the Act.
(3) The Minister of Science and ICT shall comprehensively manage information or data under paragraph (2) and disclose them on the website of the Ministry of Science and ICT.
[This Article Added on Dec. 6, 2022]
 Article 19-10 (Penalty for Delay in Space Development Projects)
In the case of a contract falling under any of the following, the total amount of penalty for delay payable by the other party to the contract who delays the performance of the contract without good cause shall be limited to an amount equal to 10/100 of the contract amount (if the ready-made part or the paid part has been inspected and accepted, the amount corresponding to that part shall be deducted from the contract amount):
1. A contract to manufacture prototypes through research and development among the contracts under Article 18-3 (5) 1 and 2 of the Act, ;
2. A contract to manufacture the first finished product for a prototype manufactured through research and development among the contracts under Article 18-3 (5) 1 and 2 of the Act.
[This Article Added on Dec. 6, 2022]
 Article 19-11 (Procedures for Designation of New Space Technology)
(1) A person who intends to receive the designation of a new space technology pursuant to Article 18-7 (2) of the Act shall submit to the Minister of Science and ICT an application for designation prescribed by the Ministry of Science and ICT, accompanied by the following documents:
1. A copy of the business registration certificate;
2. Statements on the performance and functions of the technology covered by the application as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT;
3. Other documents prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT.
(2) Any person who intends to apply for the designation of a new space technology pursuant to paragraph (1) shall pay expenses incurred for examinations publicly notified by the Minister of Science and ICT: Provided, That where the Minister of Science and ICT deems that the reduction or exemption is necessary to encourage the development of new space technology, the expenses therefor may be fully or partially exempted.
(3) Where the Minister of Science and ICT receives an application for designation of a new space technology pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she shall examine whether the technology, for which an application is filed, constitutes a new space technology and shall decide whether to designate it within 120 days from the date such application is filed.
(4) Where deemed necessary for examination under paragraph (3), the Minister of Science and ICT may seek opinions from related central administrative agencies, related institutions and experts.
(5) Where the Minister of Science and ICT designates a new space technology pursuant to paragraph (3), he or she shall issue a certificate of designation of a new space technology prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT to the relevant applicant, and publicly notify the fact of designation in the Official Gazette or post it on the website of the Ministry of Science and ICT.
(6) Where the Minister of Science and ICT revokes the designation of a new space technology under Article 18-7 (4) of the Act, he or she shall publicly notify the fact in the Official Gazette or post it on the website of the Ministry of Science and ICT.
(7) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) through (6), matters necessary for the designation or revocation of a new space technology shall be determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Science and ICT.
[This Article Added on Dec. 6, 2022]
 Article 20 (Request for Assistance or Cooperation in Space Development)
Matters for which the Minister of Science and ICT may request the head of a related administrative agency or the head of a local government to render assistance or cooperation pursuant to Article 20 (1) of the Act shall include the following: <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 20, 2015; Jul. 26, 2017>
1. The following activities for the control of access to the areas surrounding the place where a domestic artificial space object is to be launched (including the territorial waters and airspace):
(a) Surveillance over the land, waters, and airspace by surveillance radars;
(b) Patrol and vigilance on the perimeters of the launching site;
(c) Control of people, vehicles, and fishing boats on the perimeters of the launching site;
(d) Control of vessels along the over-water flight path;
(e) Control of aviation along the airspace flight path;
(f) Deployment of patrol ships;
(g) Maintenance of telecommunications systems and sharing of information as necessary for vigilance;
2. The following activities for fire-fighting and emergency relief and rescue:
(a) Deployment of fire engines and fire-fighting ships;
(b) Assistance in emergency relief and rescue;
3. Notification of the scheduled time to launch an artificial space object to domestic and foreign aircraft;
4. Provision of weather forecasts.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 20-2 (Criteria and Procedure for Compensation)
(1) A person who intends to claim compensation pursuant to Article 20-2 (1) of the Act shall prepare a written claim for damage in the form prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Science and ICT and shall file it with the Minister of Science and ICT within three months from the date of imposition of access control under Article 20 (1) 1 of the Act, along with documents proving his or her losses. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) Upon receipt of a written claim under paragraph (1), the Minister of Science and ICT shall negotiate with the claimant on the compensation criteria and procedure, methods for the payment of damages, etc., with cooperation from the head of the competent local government and the launcher of the artificial space object concerned, and shall pay the damages based on the agreement made by the negotiation parties. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 20, 2015; Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) If the parties fail to reach an agreement under paragraph (2), Article 68 of the Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works Projects shall apply mutatis mutandis to the criteria and procedure for compensation for losses, the method for the payment of damages, etc. In such cases, the “project implementor” shall be construed as the “Minister of Science and ICT”. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 21 (Establishment and Implementation of Security Measures)
(1) Pursuant to Article 21 (2) of the Act, the Minister of Science and ICT shall prescribe and publicly notify guidelines for the establishment and implementation of security measures. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) The guidelines mentioned in paragraph (1) shall include the following:
1. Basic principles and methods for security control of space development projects;
2. The security control system, including designation of the department and officers in charge of security control of space development projects;
3. Criteria for the classification of and procedure for the security control of satellite information;
4. Procedure and methods of measures to be taken when any important document related to a space development project is leaked out or lost;
5. Requirements and procedure for disclosure of space development projects to the public;
6. Procedure for the establishment and alteration of security measures;
7. Other measures necessary for the security control of space development projects.
(3) A person who intends to participate in a space development project under Article 21 (1) of the Act shall prepare and implement his or her own security measures in accordance with the guidelines mentioned in paragraph (1).
(4) The Minister of Science and ICT shall consult with the Director of the National Intelligence Service on the guidelines mentioned in paragraph (1) before their publication: Provided, That he or she shall consult with the Minister of National Defense on the matters related to military secrets. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(5) Except as otherwise provided for in this Decree, the Regulations on Security and other relevant regulations shall apply to the security measures under paragraph (3).
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 21-2 (Designation of Space Industry Cluster)
(1) Pursuant to Article 22 (1) of the Act, the Minister of Science and ICT may designate an area meeting all of the following requirements as a space industry cluster:
1. It shall conform to the direction of a master plan for the promotion of space development;
2. It shall have the effect of concentrating and converging space industries;
3. It shall have the infrastructure necessary for a space industry cluster;
4. It shall meet other requirements deemed necessary for the designation of a space industry cluster and publicly notified by the Minister of Science and ICT.
(2) When the Minister of Science and ICT designates a space industry cluster pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she shall notify the heads of relevant central administrative agencies and the competent Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayors, Special Self-Governing City Mayors, Do Governors, and Special Self-Governing Province Governor of the following matters, and publicly notify them through the Official Gazette or post them on the website of the Ministry of Science and ICT:
1. Name and location of a space industry cluster;
2. The objectives of designating a space industry cluster and the date of such designation;
3. Topographic map of a space industry cluster;
4. Other matters related to a space industry cluster that the Minister of Science and ICT deems necessary.
[This Article Added on Dec. 6, 2022]
 Article 21-3 (Revocation of Designation of Space Industry Clusters))
Where the Minister of Science and ICT fully or partially revokes the designation of a space industry cluster under Article 22 (2) of the Act, he or she shall notify the heads of relevant central administrative agencies and the relevant Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor, Special Self-Governing City Mayor, Do Governor, or Special Self-Governing Province Governor of the following matters, and publicly notify them through the Official Gazette or post them on the website of the Ministry of Science and ICT:
1. The name and location of a space industry cluster whose designation is to be revoked;
2. Reasons for the revocation of designation of a space industry cluster and the date of the revocation thereof;
3. Topographic map of a space industry cluster whose designation is to be revoked;
4. Matters regarding the transitional measures against the previous business conducted in a space industry cluster whose designation is to be revoked;
5. Other matters deemed necessary by the Minister of Science and ICT.
[This Article Added on Dec. 6, 2022]
 Article 22 (Timing of Collection of Data, and Surveys of Actual Conditions)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT shall, every year, collect data and conduct survey of actural conditions necessary for the analysis of the current status of space development and the relevant industries and the analysis of trends in space development under Article 24 of the Act and reflect the results thereof in the master plan for the promotion of space development and the action plan for the promotion of space development. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 3, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) In order to collect data and conduct surveys of actual conditions, the Minister of Science and ICT may direct public officials under his or her supervision to pay a visit to related administrative agencies, etc. or conduct surveys by questionnaire or analyze statistics concurrently. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 23 (Designation of Contractor Institutions)
(1) A person who intends to be entrusted with business affairs pursuant to Article 26 of the Act shall file an application after writing in the following information thereon with the Minister of Science and ICT: Provided, That the business affairs referred to in subparagraph 3 of Article 26 of the Act may be entrusted in the form of a research and development project as defined in the Basic Research Promotion and Technology Development Support Act: <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 20, 2015; Jul. 26, 2017>
1. The name and address of the applicant and the name of its representative;
2. The name and location of the office in which the entrusted business affairs will be performed;
3. The names of business affairs that the applicant intends to be entrusted with;
4. The scheduled date of commencement of the entrusted business affairs;
5. The business plan and budgetary documents for the first and second years of undertaking the entrusted business affairs;
6. The names and work experiences of executive officers;
7. A list of personnel to handle the entrusted business affairs (the name, work experience, and the license or qualification held by each person shall be stated in detail);
8. The type and quantity of machines, instruments, or other facilities used to perform the entrusted business affairs;
9. The types and overview of other business activities, where the applicant engages in any business activities other than the entrusted business affairs.
(2) When a contractor institution completes the entrusted business affairs, it shall report to the Minister of Science and ICT on the results thereof within 30 days from the date of completion. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) When the Minister of Science and ICT entrusts business affairs pursuant to Article 26 of the Act, he or she may grant contributions or subsidies to the contractor institution to cover expenses to be incurred for collecting data and conducting surveys of actual conditions. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(4) If the Minister of Science and ICT deems it necessary, he or she may give instructions necessary to perform the entrusted business affairs to the contractor institution or order the contractor institution to take necessary measures. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 7, 2011]
 Article 23-2 (Management of Personally Identifiable Information)
Where it is inevitable for performing affairs concerning the confirmation of grounds for disqualification of permission to launch a space launch vehicle under Article 12 of the Act, the Minister of Science and ICT may manage data containing resident registration numbers under subparagraph 1 of Article 19 of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added on Aug. 6, 2014]
 Article 23-3 Deleted. <Mar. 2, 2021>
 Article 24 (Criteria for Imposition of Administrative Fines)
Criteria for the imposition of administrative fines under Article 29 (3) of the Act shall be as specified in the Appendix.
[This Article Added on Nov. 7, 2011]
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 19142, Nov. 30, 2005>
(1) (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on December 1, 2005.
(2) Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 19606, Jul. 4, 2006>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20740, Feb. 29, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20793, May 27, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 and 3 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 22936, May 30, 2011>
This Decree shall enter into force on June 10, 2011.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22977, Jun. 24, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 and 3 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 23286, Nov. 7, 2011>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 25532, Aug. 6, 2014>
This Decree shall enter into force on August 7, 2014.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25751, Nov. 19, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 25796, Dec. 3, 2014>
This Decree shall enter into force on December 4, 2014.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 26405, Jul. 20, 2015>
This Decree shall enter into force on July 21, 2015.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 26844, Dec. 31, 2015>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 28210, Jul. 26, 2017>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 29100, Aug. 21, 2018>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 31516, Mar. 2, 2021>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 32106, Nov. 9, 2021>
This Decree shall enter into force on November 11, 2021.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 32170, Nov. 30, 2021>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (General Applicability to Continuation of Duties by Commissioned Members)
This Decree shall begin to apply to the first commissioned member whose term of office expires after this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 33016, Dec. 6, 2022>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on December 11, 2022.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Members of Working Committee for Space Development for Security)
The members belonging to the central administrative agency to which the vice chairperson of the National Space Committee belongs, from among the members of the working committee for the space development for security commissioned under the previous provisions of Article 6-3 (3) 2 at the time this Decree enters into force, shall be deemed the members under the amended provisions of Article 6-3 (3) 1.