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Wholly Amended by Act No. 6450, Mar. 28, 2001

Amended by Act No. 6656, Feb. 4, 2002

Act No. 6654, Feb. 4, 2002

Act No. 6841, Dec. 30, 2002

Act No. 7456, Mar. 31, 2005

Act No. 7678, Aug. 4, 2005

Act No. 8211, Jan. 3, 2007

Act No. 8338, Apr. 6, 2007

Act No. 8370, Apr. 11, 2007

Act No. 8352, Apr. 11, 2007

Act No. 8346, Apr. 11, 2007

Act No. 8733, Dec. 21, 2007

Act No. 8950, Mar. 21, 2008

Act No. 8976, Mar. 21, 2008

Act No. 9313, Dec. 31, 2008

Act No. 10000, Feb. 4, 2010

Act No. 10001, Feb. 4, 2010

Act No. 10272, Apr. 15, 2010

Act No. 10331, May 31, 2010

Act No. 10978, Jul. 28, 2011

Act No. 12248, Jan. 14, 2014

Act No. 14228, May 29, 2016

Act No. 14480, Dec. 27, 2016

Act No. 14492, Dec. 27, 2016

Act No. 14782, Apr. 18, 2017

Act No. 15198, Dec. 12, 2017

Act No. 15830, Oct. 16, 2018

Act No. 15838, Oct. 16, 2018

Act No. 16596, Nov. 26, 2019

Act No. 17326, May 26, 2020

Act No. 17425, jun. 9, 2020

Act No. 19089, Dec. 13, 2022

Act No. 19117, Dec. 27, 2022

 Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Act is to preserve the natural ecosystem, nature and cultural scenery, etc. and to promote the sustainable utilization thereof by prescribing matters concerning the designation, conservation and management of natural parks.
 Article 2 (Definitions)
The terms used in this Act are defined as follows: <Amended on Jul. 28, 2011; May 29, 2016>
1. The term "natural parks" means national parks, Do parks, Gun parks, and geoparks;
2. The term "national parks" means parks, as regions worthy of representing the natural ecosystem, nature and cultural scenery (hereinafter referred to as "scenery") of the Republic of Korea, designated pursuant to Articles 4 and 4-2;
3. The term "Do parks" means parks, as regions worthy of representing the natural ecosystem or the scenery of a Do and Special Self-Governing Province (hereinafter referred to as "Do"), designated pursuant to Articles 4 and 4-3;
3-2. The term "Metropolitan City parks" means parks, as regions worthy of representing the natural ecosystem or the scenery of a Special Metropolitan City, Metropolitan City and Special Self-Governing City (hereinafter referred to as "Metropolitan City"), designated pursuant to Articles 4 and 4-3;
4. The terms "Gun parks" means parks, as regions worthy of representing the natural ecosystem or the scenery of a Gun, designated pursuant to Articles 4 and 4-4;
4-2. The term "Si parks" means parks, as regions worthy of representing the natural ecosystem or the scenery of a Si, designated pursuant to Articles 4 and 4-4;
4-3. The term "Gu parks" means parks, as regions worthy of representing the natural ecosystem or the scenery of an autonomous Gu, designated pursuant to Articles 4 and 4-4;
4-4. The term "geoparks" means parks which are important in terms of earth science and have outstanding scenery, which are accredited by the Minister of Environment pursuant to Article 36-3 to conserve and utilize them for the education industry, tourism industry, etc.;
5. The term "park areas" means areas designated as natural parks;
6. The term "parks master plan" means a master plan presenting a long-term development direction toward the conservation, utilization and management of natural parks, which provides guidance for park planning and planning for the conservation and management of each park;
7. The term "park planning" means a plan on the decision of special- purpose districts, construction of park facilities, demolition or removal of buildings, restrictions on other acts and utilization of land, etc. in order to preserve, manage and appropriately utilize natural parks;
8. The term "planning for the conservation and management of each park" means a plan for the conservation and management of each park, in addition to park planning, including the protection of animals and plants, restoration of a destroyed area, the safe control for visitors, the prevention of environmental contamination, etc.;
9. The term "park projects" means projects implemented according to park planning and planning for the conservation and management of each park;
10. The term "park facilities" means facilities prescribed by Presidential Decree as those (including access roads, parking facilities or park offices constructed outside the natural parks according to park planning) constructed in the natural parks according to park planning in order to preserve, manage and utilize the natural parks.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 2-2 (Basic Principles)
Natural parks shall be designated, conserved, and managed in compliance with the following basic principles:
1. Natural parks shall be the assets of all citizens and shall be conserved for the present and future generations;
2. Ecological systems shall be designated and managed so that parks can contribute to the soundness of the ecosystem, the conservation and restoration of the ecological network, and response to climate change;
3. A natural park shall be managed in accordance with the characteristics of the relevant park based on scientific knowledge and the results of objective investigations.
4. Natural parks shall be managed so as to create mutual benefits in a cooperative relationship with local communities;
5. International cooperation for conservation and sustainable use of natural parks shall be promoted.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Jun. 9, 2020]
 Article 3 (Obligations to Protect Natural Parks)
(1) Persons referred to in the following subparagraphs shall make every effort to protect natural parks and to maintain and restore the order of nature:
1. The State;
2. A local government;
3. A person who conducts park project or manages park facilities;
4. A person who occupies or uses a natural park;
5. A person who enters a natural park;
6. A person who resides in a natural park.
(2) The State or a local government shall designate a region with an excellent natural ecosystem or superb scenic beauty as natural park, and preserve and manage it so that it may be utilized continuously.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 3-2 (National Park Day)
(1) In order to enhance citizens' interest and understanding in national parks, the third day of March each year shall be designated as National Park Day.
(2) The State may hold events and conduct programs appropriate for the National Park Day pursuant to paragraph (1).
[This Article Newly Inserted on Jun. 9, 2020]
 Article 4 (Designation of Natural Parks)
(1) National parks shall be designated and managed by the Minister of Environment, Do parks by a Do Governor or the Governor of a Special Self-Governing Province, Metropolitan City parks by a Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor or Special Self-Governing City Mayor, Gun parks by the head of a Gun, Si parks by the head of a Si, and Gu parks by the head of an autonomous Gu, respectively. <Amended on Jul. 28, 2011; May 29, 2016>
(2) Where the Minister of Environment, a Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor, Special Self-Governing City Mayor, Do Governor or the Governor of a Special Self-Governing Province, and the head of a Si/Gun/autonomous Gu who designates and manages natural parks prescribed in paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as “park management agency"), intends to designate a natural park, he or she shall investigate matters necessary for the designation, such as the present status and characteristics of natural ecosystem, biological resources and scenery, topography, conditions of land utilization, etc. in a region subject to such designation. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
(3) A park management agency may, in order to conduct a scientific and specialized investigation, request a related specialized agency to conduct an investigation pursuant to paragraph (2).
(4) A park management agency may request the head of a relevant administrative agency or the relevant local government to cooperate in presenting materials necessary for designating a natural park, etc. In such cases, the head of a relevant administrative agency or the relevant local government shall actively cooperate in such request, except in extenuating circumstances.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 4-2 (Procedures for Designation of National Parks)
(1) The Minister of Environment shall, where he or she intends to designate a national park, go through each of the following formalities in due order with documents necessary for the designation of a national park prepared based on the outcomes of an investigation, etc. pursuant to Article 4 (2). The same shall also apply to cases where he or she alters significant matters prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as the cancellation of designation of a national park or alteration of a district, etc.: <Amended on May 29, 2016>
1. Holding meetings for explanation to inhabitants and public hearings;
2. Hearing opinions of the competent Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor, Special Self-Governing City Mayor, Do Governor or the Governor of a Special Self-Governing Province (hereinafter referred to as “the Mayor/Do Governor”) or the competent head of a Si/Gun/autonomous Gu (hereinafter referred to as “the head of a Gun);
3. Consultation with the head of a relevant central administrative agency;
4. Deliberation of the National Park Committee pursuant to Article 9.
(2) The Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Gun who is requested to offer opinions or the head of a relevant central administrative agency requested to hold consultation pursuant to paragraph (1), shall offer his or her opinion to the Minister of Environment within 30 days from the date he or she received such request, unless there is a compelling reason not to do so.
(3) Documents necessary for the designation of a national park defined in paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 4-3 (Procedures for Designation of Do Parks or Metropolitan City Parks)
(1) The Mayor/Do Governor shall, where he or she intends to designate a Do park or Metropolitan City park (hereinafter referred to as “Do park”), go through each of the following formalities in due order with documents necessary for the designation of a Do park prepared based on the outcomes of an investigation, etc. pursuant to Article 4 (2). The same shall also apply to cases where he or she alters significant matters prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as alteration of a Do park district, etc.: <Amended on May 29, 2016>
1. Hearing opinions of the relevant local residents and the competent head of a Gun;
2. Consultation with the head of a relevant central administrative agency;
3. Deliberation of the Do Park Committee pursuant to Article 9.
(2) Where the Mayor/Do Governor intends to cancel the designation of a Do park or reduce it below the scale prescribed by Presidential Decree, he or she shall obtain approval from the Minister of Environment after going through formalities referred to in paragraph (1): Provided, That where he or she intends to designate newly or incorporate a Do park of a scale which is at least the scale by which the designation is to be canceled or reduced, he or she need not obtain approval from the Minister of Environment. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
(3) The head of a Gun who is requested to offer an opinion and the head of a relevant central administrative agency who is requested to hold consultation pursuant to paragraph (1), shall offer his or her opinion to the Mayor/Do Governor within 30 days from the date he or she received such request, unless there is a compelling reason not to do so.
(4) Documents necessary for the designation of a Do park pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
[Title Amended on May 29, 2016]
 Article 4-4 (Procedures for Designation of Gun Parks, Si Parks or Gu Parks)
(1) The head of a Gun shall, where he or she intends to designate a Gun park, Si park or Gu park (hereinafter referred to as “Gun park”), go through each of the following formalities in due order with documents necessary for the designation of a Gun park prepared based on the outcomes of an investigation, etc. pursuant to Article 4 (2). The same shall also apply to cases where he or she alters significant matters prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as alteration of a Gun park district, etc.: <Amended on May 29, 2016>
1. Hearing opinions of the relevant local residents;
2. Consultation with the head of a relevant central administrative agency;
3. Deliberation of the Gun Park Committee pursuant to Article 9.
(2) Where the head of a Gun intends to cancel the designation of a Gun park or reduce it below the scale prescribed by Presidential Decree, he or she shall obtain approval from the Mayor/Do Governor after going through formalities referred to in paragraph (1): Provided, That where he or she intends to designate newly or incorporate a Gun park of a scale which is at least the scale by which the designation is to be canceled or reduced, he or she may not obtain approval from the Mayor/Do Governor. <Amended on May 29, 2016; Oct. 16, 2018>
(3) The head of a relevant administrative agency who is requested to hold consultation prescribed in paragraph (1), shall offer his or her opinion to the head of a Gun within 30 days from the date he or she received such request, unless there is a compelling reason not to do so.
(4) Documents necessary for the designation of a Gun park pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
[Title Amended on May 29, 2016]
 Article 5 (Designation and Management of Natural Parks Spanning at Least Two Administrative Areas)
(1) Where a region intended to be designated as a Do park or a Gun park pursuant to Articles 4 and 4-3 or 4-4 spans at least two administrative areas of a Special Metropolitan City, Metropolitan City, Special Self-Governing City, Do, and Special Self-Governing Province (hereinafter referred to as "City/Do") or a Si/Gun and an autonomous Gu (hereinafter referred to as "Gun"), the relevant Mayors/Do Governors or the relevant heads of Guns shall hold consultation about the designation of a natural park, the park management agency and methods of management. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
(2) Where the relevant Mayors/Do Governors or the relevant heads of Guns fail to reach an agreement pursuant to paragraph (1), with respect to a Do park, the relevant Mayors/Do Governors may file an application for decision with the Minister of Environment, and with respect to a Gun park, the relevant heads of Guns may file an application for decision with the Mayor/Do Governor.
(3) Where the Minister of Environment or the Mayor/Do Governor makes a decision on the application pursuant to paragraph (2), an agreement prescribed in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to have been reached.
(4) Where an agreement has been reached pursuant to paragraph (1) or a decision has been made pursuant to paragraph (3), the park management agency shall publicly announce the details thereof.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 6 (Public Notice of Designation of Natural Parks)
The park management agency shall, where it has designated a natural park, publicly notify the name, kind, district, area, the date of designation and the park management agency of the natural park and other necessary matters, under conditions prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment. In such cases, where it publicly notifies a topographic map and cadastral map, Article 8 (2) and (6) through (9) of the Framework Act on the Regulation of Land Use shall apply mutatis mutandis to the methods and procedures, etc. for the preparation thereof. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 7 (Standards for Designating Natural Parks)
Standards for designating natural parks shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree in consideration of the natural ecosystem and scenery, etc.
 Article 8 (Cancellation of or Change in Districts of Natural Parks)
(1) No designation of a natural park shall be canceled, nor its district be reduced except for any of the following cases: <Amended on May 29, 2016; May 26, 2020>
1. Cases prescribed by Presidential Decree, as cases inevitable for military purposes or public interest;
2. Cases where it can no longer be used as a natural park due to any natural disaster or other grounds;
3. Cases where it is deemed unnecessary to be maintained as a natural park because it is considerably out of the standards for designating a natural park pursuant to Article 7, as a result of an examination of the feasibility of a park district pursuant to Article 15 (2).
(2) Where there exist an area surrounding a natural park meeting the standards for designating natural parks prescribed in Article 7, the park management agency may incorporate such area in the natural park.
(3) Where the designation of a natural park is canceled under paragraph (1), the head of a Gun having jurisdiction over the relevant district shall endeavor to ensure that natural ecosystem, nature and cultural scenery are preserved by formulating an environment management plan for the relevant park area. <Newly Inserted on May 29, 2016>
(4) Articles 5 and 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the procedures for cancellation of the designation of a natural park, reduction of its district and incorporation therein pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2). <Amended on May 29, 2016>
(5) Where an area designated as a Do park is designated as a national park or an area designated as a Gun park is designated as a Do park or a national park, designation of such Do park or Gun park shall be deemed to have been canceled. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
[Title Amended on May 29, 2016]
 Article 9 (Establishment and Organization of Park Committee)
(1) The National Park Committee shall be established in the Ministry of Environment, a Do Park Committee in a Do, a Metropolitan City Park Committee in a Metropolitan City, a Gun Park Committee in a Gun, a Si Park Committee in a Si, and a Gu Park Committee in an autonomous Gu, respectively to deliberate on matters prescribed in Article 10. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
(2) Organization, operation and other necessary matters of each park committee pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree in cases of the National Park Committee, and by Municipal Ordinance of the respective local government in accordance with the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree in cases of a Do Park Committee or Metropolitan City Park Committee (hereinafter referred to as “Do Park Committee”) and a Gun Park Committee, a Si Park Committee or a Gu Park Committee (hereinafter referred to as “Gun Park Committee”). In such cases, members who are not public officials shall be a majority of the members of each park committee. <Amended on May 29, 2016; Jun. 9, 2020>
(3) The park management agency may appoint any person who donates land above the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree for the purpose of getting such land designated as natural park or his or her general successor as a member of the relevant park committee.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 10 (Matters to Be Deliberated on by Park Committee)
Each park committee shall deliberate on each of the following matters: <Amended on May 29, 2016; Jun. 9, 2020>
1. Matters concerning the designation and cancellation of a natural park and the alteration of its district;
2. Matters concerning the formulation of the parks master plan (only applicable to the National Park Committee);
3. Matters concerning decision and alteration of park planning;
4. Matters concerning projects having a serious impact on the environment of a natural park;
5. Other important matters concerning the conservation and management of a natural park.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 10-2 (Expert Advisers)
The National Park Committee may have expert advisers for investigation into and research in important matters concerning projects subject to deliberation of the said Committee and for professional advice and suggestion, under conditions prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 11 (Formulation of Parks Master Plan)
(1) The Minister of Environment shall formulate a parks master plan every 10 years subject to deliberation of the National Park Committee.
(2) The parks master plan referred to in paragraph (1) shall conform to the basic principles prescribed in Article 2-2, and the details thereof shall include the current status of designation of natural parks, the current status of natural ecosystems, the management strategy of natural parks and other matters prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Newly Inserted on Jun. 9, 2020>
(3) Matters necessary for procedures for formulating a parks master plan under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Jun. 9, 2020>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 12 (Determination of Park Planning for National Parks)
(1) The Minister of Environment shall determine park planning for national parks.
(2) The Minister of Environment shall, when he or she intends to determine park planning under paragraph (1), go through formalities referred to in the following subparagraphs in due order:
1. Hearing opinions of the competent Mayor/Do Governor;
2. Consultation with the head of a relevant central administrative agency;
3. Deliberation of the National Park Committee.
(3) The Minister of Environment may have the head of a relevant central administrative agency and the competent Mayor/Do Governor submit a written request for park planning prior to hearing opinions or holding consultation under paragraph (2).
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 13 (Determination of Park Planning for Do Parks)
(1) The Mayor/Do Governor shall determine park planning for Do parks.
(2) The Mayor/Do Governor shall, when he or she intends to determine park planning for Do parks under paragraph (1), go through formalities referred to in the following subparagraphs in due order:
1. Hearing opinions of the competent head of a Gun;
2. Consultation with the head of a relevant central administrative agency;
3. Deliberation of a Do Park Committee.
(3) With respect to any Do park which extends over the administrative districts of not less than two Cities/Dos, the relevant Mayors/Do Governors shall jointly formulate park planning in consultation with one another or designate any person who will formulate such park planning.
(4) Where the relevant Mayors/Do Governors fail to reach agreement pursuant to paragraph (3), the Minister of Environment shall designate and announce any person who will formulate park planning.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 14 (Determination of Park Planning for Gun Parks)
(1) The head of a Gun shall determine park planning for Gun parks.
(2) The head of a Gun shall, when he or she intends to determine park planning under paragraph (1), consult with the head of a relevant administrative agency and undergo deliberation by the Gun Park Committee.
(3) With respect to any Gun park that extends over the administrative districts of not less than two Guns, the relevant heads of Guns shall jointly formulate park planning in consultation with one another or designate any person who will formulate park planning.
(4) Where the relevant heads of Guns fail to reach agreement pursuant to paragraph (3), the Mayor/Do Governor shall designate and publicly notify any person who will formulate park planning.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 15 (Alteration of Park Planning)
(1) The provisions of Articles 12 through 14 shall apply mutatis mutandis to alteration of park planning: Provided, That where minor matters prescribed by Presidential Decree are altered, the procedures provided for in Articles 12 (2), 13 (2) or 14 (2) may be omitted.
(2) The park management agency shall collect opinions of local residents, experts and other interested persons, examine the feasibility of the park planning (including the feasibility of a park district) and then reflect the outcomes thereof in changing park planning every 10 years: Provided, That where it is deemed necessary by the Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Gun, it may examine whether a park plan is feasible every five years for Do parks and Gun parks. <Amended on May 29, 2016; May 26, 2020>
(3) Standards for examining the feasibility of park planning shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree, in consideration of park resources, management conditions and environmental impact, etc.
(4) Where the park management agency intends to amend its park planning, it may reflect necessary matters of a plan for conservation and management of each park.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 16 (Public Notice of Park Planning)
The park management agency shall, when it determines or alters park planning under the provisions of Articles 12 through 15, publicly notify such determination or alteration under conditions prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 17 (Details of Park Planning)
(1) Park planning shall include a plan of special purpose district for park and a plan for park facilities.
(2) The park management agency shall, where it determines park planning or alters important matters prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment of park planning, evaluate in advance the impact of such plan on the natural environment and reflect the outcomes thereof in park planning under conditions prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 17-2 (Invalidation of Plans for Park Facilities Not Started)
Where a business regarding the establishment of park facilities has not yet started until 10 years from the date of public notice of a park plan prescribed in Article 17 (1), a plan for park facilities included in the relevant park plan shall lose its effects from the next day of the date when 10 years have passed from the date of public notice. <Amended on May 26, 2020>
[This Article Newly Inserted on May 29, 2016]
[Previous Article 17-2 moved to Article 17-3 <May 29, 2016>]
 Article 17-3 (Formulation of Plans for Conservation and Management of Each Park)
(1) The park management agency shall formulate a plan for the conservation and management of each park every 10 years in coordination with park planning decided pursuant to Articles 12 through 14: Provided, That the park management agency may revise the plan every five years, where it is deemed necessary to revise the plan due to any change in conditions for the conservation of natural environment.
(2) The park management agency shall, in order to formulate the plan for the conservation and management of each park, prepare documents including the following matters, and consult with the head of the competent Gun and the head of a relevant administrative agency after hearing opinions of local residents, relevant experts, local organizations, etc.:
1. Name and area of the natural park;
2. Type and area of special-purpose districts;
3. The present status of natural environment, such as natural ecosystem, natural resources, natural scenery, etc.;
4. Conditions of utilization of land and the current status of park facilities;
5. A plan for conservation and management of park environment, including park resources;
6. A plan for conservation and management of each special-purpose district;
7. A plan for sustainable utilization of natural parks;
8. A plan for cooperation with local communities;
9. Other matters deemed necessary by the park management agency for conservation and management of the park.
(3) Matters necessary for a plan for conservation and management of each park, such as the standards for the formulation of plan for conservation and management of each park, modification thereof, shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
[Moved from Article 17-2; previous Article 17-3 moved to Article 17-4 <May 29, 2016>]
 Article 17-4 (Hearing Opinions from Traditional Temples)
Where a park management agency determines park planning prescribed in Articles 12 through 14, alters park planning prescribed in Article 15, or formulates a plan for the conservation and management of each park prescribed in Article 17-3 with respect to any traditional temple preservation area prescribed in subparagraph 3 of Article 2 of the Korean Traditional Temples Preservation and Support Act (hereinafter referred to as “traditional temple preservation area”), he or she shall in advance hear opinions of the chief monk of the relevant traditional temple. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
[This Article Newly Inserted on Apr. 5, 2011]
[Moved from Article 17-3 <May 29, 2016>]
 Article 18 (Special-Purpose Districts)
(1) A park management agency shall determine the following special-purpose districts in park planning in order to preserve and utilize natural parks, effectively: <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011; May 29, 2016; Nov. 26, 2019>
1. Nature conservation district in a park: Any of the following areas, which is specially required to be protected:
(a) The place where biodiversity is especially abundant;
(b) The place where the natural ecosystem maintains aboriginality;
(c) The place where wild animals and plants highly worthy of special protection live;
(d) The place where the scenery is especially beautiful;
2. Natural environment district in a park: An area which needs to be preserved as a buffer space of the nature conservation district in a park;
3. Village district in a park: An area where a village has been formed, which is required for residents to lead their life;
4. Deleted; <Apr. 5, 2011>
5. Deleted; <Apr. 5, 2011>
6. Cultural heritage district in a park: An area where it is designed to install facilities necessary for preserving cultural heritage or holding Buddhist rituals and services among the traditional temple preservation areas and any traditional temples prescribed in Article 2 (3) of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act.
(2) Standards for acts permissible in special-purpose districts referred to in paragraph (1) shall be as follows: Provided, That standards for acts permissible on the coast and islands prescribed by Presidential Decree may be differently prescribed by Presidential Decree within the limits of the standards for the following acts: <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011; May 29, 2016; May 26, 2020>
1. Nature conservation district in a park:
(a) Minimum acts deemed necessary for scientific research, conservation of nature or the conservation and management of cultural property;
(b) Construction of minimum park facilities and park projects in accordance with standards prescribed by Presidential Decree;
(c) Construction of minimum facilities in accordance with standards prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as military installations, telecommunications facilities, navigation aid facilities, riverhead protection facilities, forest fire prevention facilities, etc. deemed impracticable to be constructed in any other area than the relevant area;
(d) Restoration of temples which have undergone historical research formalities prescribed by Presidential Decree and construction of facilities for Buddhist services and incidental facilities thereof in the traditional temple preservation area: Provided, That construction of business facilities, such as a teahouse, store, etc. among incidental facilities shall be limited to land on which structures owned by the temple are built and land attached thereto;
(e) Remodeling and reconstruction of buildings, which have existed prior to the designation of a natural park, among facilities of a religious organization permitted as a religious corporation by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, restoration of facilities which have undergone historical research formalities prescribed by Presidential Decree and construction of incidental facilities below the scale prescribed by Presidential Decree;
(f) Minimum project implemented as an erosion control project prescribed in the Work against Erosion Control Work Act in order to prevent destruction of nature where nature is apprehended to be seriously destroyed if nature is left in the state of nature as it is;
(g) Gathering forest products by an agreement voluntarily concluded between a park management agency and local residents (referring to those who reside in the relevant park area with resident registration) in accordance with subject areas and the permissible standards prescribed by Presidential Decree among areas transformed into a nature conservation district in a park from natural environment district in a park;
2. Natural environment district in a park:
(a) Acts permissible in the nature conservation district in a park;
(b) Construction of park facilities in accordance with standards prescribed by Presidential Decree and park projects;
(c) Development of farmland or grassland and construction of incidental facilities thereon within the extent of permissible standards prescribed by Presidential Decree;
(d) Acts of the primary industry, such as farming, livestock industry, etc. and construction of facilities necessary for the national economy in accordance with standards prescribed by Presidential Decree;
(e) Construction of forest roads (limited to extenuating circumstances, such as putting out forest fire, etc.), afforestation, forestation, felling, restoration of ecosystem and an erosion control project prescribed in the Work against Erosion Control Work Act;
(f) Extension, renovation and reconstruction below the scale prescribed by Presidential Decree of existing buildings prior to the designation as a natural park and construction of facilities incidental thereto and removal and reconstruction of buildings which shall be inevitably relocated due to any natural disaster or park project within the extent harmonizing themselves with the surrounding scenery;
(g) Construction of erosion control facilities, bank protection facilities, fire prevention facilities, stockade and protection facilities, etc., in order to protect natural parks and to keep safety of persons entering natural parks;
(h) Minimum acts or construction of facilities necessary for national defense and public interest in accordance with standards prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as military drills and building of farm roads and banks, etc.;
(i) Making private graveyards prescribed in the Act on Funeral Services (only applicable to cases where inhabitants of islands prescribed by Presidential Decree die);
(j) Acts of stacking articles or establishing a temporary building in a region other than the project area within a period prescribed by Presidential Decree to conduct the project permitted under Article 20 or 23;
(k) Acts of establishing management offices, medical treatment facilities, bathhouses and other facilities prescribed by Presidential Decree within a period prescribed by Presidential Decree to provide convenience to guests in coast or island area;
3. Village district in a park:
(a) Acts permissible in the natural environment district in a park;
(b) Construction of residential buildings below the scale prescribed by Presidential Decree and construction of infrastructure of living environment;
(c) Construction of facilities prescribed by Presidential Decree as facilities necessary for a village district in a park to perform its own functions;
(d) Acts prescribed by Presidential Decree as necessary for a village district in a park to perform its own functions;
(e) A household industry that does not cause any environmental pollution;
4. Deleted; <Apr. 5, 2011>
5. Deleted; <Apr. 5, 2011>
6. Cultural heritage district in a park:
(a) Acts permissible in the natural environment district in a park;
(b) Acts of constructing, extending, remodeling, reconstructing, or removing and reconstructing facilities, including incidental facilities thereof, which are installed for the purposes of Buddhist rites, discipline and living of monks, and edification of believers;
(c) Other acts prescribed by Presidential Decree to preserve and manage temples.
(3) Deleted. <Apr. 5, 2011>
(4) Any person who has obtained permission prescribed in Article 20 or 23 as at the time park planning regarding the designation and alteration of a special-purpose district is determined and publicly notified, may continue his or her work or project, etc., in accordance with permission even if the matters permitted do not fall under acts permissible in a new special-purpose district.
(5) Any building built in the relevant area as at the time park planning to transform a village district in a park into a natural environment district in a park or a nature conservation district in a park is determined and publicly notified, may be expanded, renovated and reconstructed below the scale prescribed by Presidential Decree and their special purposes may be changed, depending on facilities necessary for their own functions. <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011; May 26, 2020>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 18-2 (Consultation on Designating Regions and Districts under other Statutes)
Where the heads of central administrative agencies or the heads of local governments intend to designate a national park area as a region, district, area or division or change it, he or she shall consult with the Minister of Environment.
[This Article Newly Inserted on May 29, 2016]
 Article 19 (Implementation of Park Projects and Management of Park Facilities)
(1) The park management agency shall implement park projects and manage park facilities, except for cases where any express provision exists to the contrary.
(2) Where the park management agency intends to implement a park project, it shall determine and publicly notify a plan for implementation of a park project in accordance with the standards prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 20 (Implementation of Park Projects and Management of Park Facilities by Persons, other than Park Management Agency)
(1) Where any person, other than a park management agency, intends to conduct a park project or manage park facilities built by the park management agency, he or she shall obtain permission from the park management agency.
(2) Where any person who has obtained permission pursuant to paragraph (1) intends to modify matters permitted, he or she shall obtain permission from the park management agency: Provided, That this shall not apply to cases where he or she modifies insignificant matters prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.
(3) Any person who intends to obtain permission for a park project pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) shall, where land which is not in his or her possession is in the land subject to a park project, obtain the landowner's consent to use: Provided, That where he or she intends to make land substitution in a village district in the park pursuant to Article 70 (2), he or she shall obtain approval from landowners corresponding to at least 2/3 of the area of land and the total number of owners of land subject to a park project, respectively. <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011>
(4) A park management agency may promote a project to recover ecosystem in consultation with a person who obtains permission granted under paragraph (1) for the damage of ecosystem and scenery caused by the implementation of park projects prescribed in paragraph (1). <Newly Inserted on May 29, 2016>
(5) Standards for permission pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2), and other matters necessary for permission shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 20-2 (Conclusion of Park Protection Agreements)
(1) A park management agency may conclude a park protection agreement with the owner of land and other persons prescribed by Presidential Decree (hereinafter referred to as “owner, etc.”) and promote the project to implement such agreement in order to conserve and manage the scenery of natural parks, effectively.
(2) Where a park management agency concludes a park protection agreement prescribed in paragraph (1), if the area subject to the agreement is at least 100,000 square meters, it shall go through the deliberation of the relevant park committee prescribed in Article 9.
(3) Where a park management agency concludes a park protection agreement prescribed in paragraph (1), it may provide support necessary for the implementation of the park protection agreement to the other party to the agreement.
[This Article Newly Inserted on May 29, 2016]
 Article 21 (Constructive Permission under Other Statutes)
Where a park management agency determines or alters park planning, it shall be deemed to have obtained authorization, permission, a license, approval or consent or to have held consultation referred to in the following subparagraphs, and where it grants permission for acts pursuant to Article 23, it shall be deemed to have obtained permission referred to in subparagraph 12: <Amended on Apr. 15, 2010; May 31, 2010; Apr. 5, 2011; Jan. 14, 2014; Dec. 27, 2016; Dec. 27, 2022>
1. Authorization of installing exclusive waterworks prescribed in Articles 52 and 54 of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act;
2. Permission for implementation of river conservation work prescribed in Article 30 of the River Act and permission for occupying river prescribed in Article 33 of the same Act and permission for use of river water prescribed in Article 50 of the same Act;
3. Permission for occupying and using public waters prescribed in Article 8 of the Public Waters Management and Reclamation Act, and license to reclaim public waters prescribed in Article 28 of the same Act;
4. Deleted; <Apr. 15, 2010>
5. Permission for implementation of road construction prescribed in Article 36 of the Road Act and permission for occupying a road prescribed in Article 61 of the same Act;
6. Permission for opening a private road prescribed in Article 4 of the Private Road Act;
7. Permission for and reports on the diversion of a mountainous district prescribed in Articles 14 and 15 of the Mountainous Districts Management Act and permission for and reports on the temporary use of a mountainous district prescribed in Article 15-2 of the same Act;
8. Permission for or reports on felling trees, etc. prescribed in Articles 19 (5) and 36 (1) and (5) of the Creation and Management of Forest Resources Act;
9. Permission for felling, etc. in an erosion-control area prescribed in Article 14 of the Work against Erosion Control Work Act;
10. Permission for access to a restricted and protected area prescribed in Article 9 (1) 1 of the Protection of Military Bases and Installations Act;
11. Permission for the diversion of farmland and consultation thereon under Article 34 (1) of the Farmland Act;
13. Permission for or reports on felling standing trees or bamboo, etc. prescribed in Article 9 (2) of the Forest Protection Act;
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 22 (Expropriation of Land)
(1) When it is necessary to implement a park project, the park management agency may expropriate or use the ownership and other rights in the land included in the park project and articles attached thereto.
(2) When the park management agency has determined and publicly notified a plan for implementation of a park project pursuant to Article 19 (2), the park management agency shall be deemed to have recognized the project pursuant to Article 20 (1) and to have publicly notified the project recognition pursuant to Article 22 of the Act on the Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works therefor, and an application for adjudication may, notwithstanding Articles 23 (1) and 28 (1) of the same Act, be filed within a designated period of project under the plan for implementation of the park project.
(3) Where the park management agency, after having expropriated land pursuant to paragraph (1), fails to implement a park project for the land within the period prescribed by Presidential Decree, the owner of the land or his or her general successor may request the park management agency to repurchase the land, under conditions prescribed by Presidential Decree. In such cases, the park management agency shall comply with such request unless any special reason exists to the contrary.
(4) The Act on the Acquisition of Land for Public Works and the Compensation therefor shall apply mutatis mutandis to the expropriation or use pursuant to paragraph (1), except for cases where any special provision exists in this Act to the contrary.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 23 (Permission of Acts)
(1) Any person who intends to perform an act falling under any of the following subparagraphs, other than a park project, in the park area, shall obtain permission of the park management agency under conditions prescribed by Presidential Decree: Provided, That he or she may perform insignificant acts prescribed by Presidential Decree with a report to the park management agency under conditions prescribed by Presidential Decree, or may perform them without permission or a report:
1. New construction, extending, remodeling, reconstructing or removing and reconstructing buildings or other structures;
2. Mining minerals and collecting earth, stones, sand or aggregate;
3. Clearing land or changing the form and quality of land (including excavating the ground and changing the form and quality of the seabed);
4. Reclaiming the surface of the water or reclaiming land by drainage;
5. Increasing or decreasing the quantity and level of water in rivers or lakes and marshes;
6. Catching wild animals (including sea animals; hereinafter the same shall apply);
7. Cutting timbers or collecting wild plants (including sea plants; hereinafter the same shall apply);
8. Putting domestic animals out to pasture;
9. Piling up or tying objects;
10. Acts prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as change of the special purpose of buildings which are feared to impair the scenery or to impede the conservation and management of a natural park, and other acts.
(2) Upon receipt of a report under the proviso, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of paragraph (1), the park management agency shall review the details thereof and accept the report if it conforms to this Act. <Newly Inserted on Dec. 13, 2022>
(3) The park management agency may grant permission pursuant to paragraph (1) only where the standards referred to in the following subparagraphs are met: <Amended on Dec. 13, 2022>
1. To meet the standards for acts permissible in the special-purpose district pursuant to Article 18 (2);
2. Not to impede the implementation of any park project;
3. Not to affect the natural state that needs to be preserved;
4. Not to significantly impede the utilization of ordinary people.
(4) The park management agency shall, where it intends to grant permission under paragraph (1), consult with the heads of the relevant administrative agencies under conditions prescribed by Presidential Decree. In such cases, with respect to any act above the scale prescribed by Presidential Decree, it shall additionally undergo deliberation by the relevant park committee. <Amended on Dec. 13, 2022>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 23-2 (Principles of Precedence of Ecological Network)
Neither Facilities nor structures prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as roads, railways, tramways, telecommunication facilities and energy supply facilities, shall pass through by cutting any ecological network and corridor in a natural park: Provided, That where the head of a relevant administrative agency has submitted inevitable reasons and evidentiary materials to a park management agency for minimum facilities or structures which he or she deems inevitable due to regional circumstances, they may pass through by cutting the ecological network and corridor. <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011; Jun. 9, 2020>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 24 (Reinstatement)
(1) Any person who has occupied or used a natural park shall restore the natural park to the original state when the period of occupation or use expires or he or she ceases to occupy or use it: Provided, That this shall not apply to cases where he or she has obtained approval of the park management agency because the reinstatement is impossible or inappropriate.
(2) The park management agency may, when it is deemed necessary to guarantee the performance of the duty of reinstatement under paragraph (1), get any person who intends to occupy or use any natural park to take necessary steps to guarantee his or her duty of reinstatement, such as deposit funds for expenses incurred in reinstatement with the park management agency in advance, under conditions prescribed by Presidential Decree: Provided, That this shall not apply to cases where he or she has guaranteed the performance of the duty of reinstatement in accordance with other statutes and regulations.
(3) Expenses incurred in reinstatement, which the park management agency may get any person who has the duty of reinstatement to deposit under paragraph (2) (hereafter in this Article referred to as "deposit"), shall be determined and publicly notified by the relevant park management agency.
(4) Where any person who has occupied or used a natural park has failed to perform his or her duty of reinstatement under paragraph (1), the park management agency shall take steps necessary to restore to the original state, under conditions prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as reinstatement using the funds deposited.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 24-2 (Removal of Derelict Objects)
(1) Where waste materials or any other derelict objects occupy a natural park repeatedly or routinely, or where such waste materials or derelict objects are anticipated to cause a trouble to the conservation and management of the natural park, and thus a prompt action is required, but it is deemed difficult to achieve the intended goal of such action if the park management agency go through formalities pursuant to Article 3 (1) and (2) of the Administrative Vicarious Execution Act, the park management agency may take necessary measures, such as removal of waste materials or other derelict objects (hereafter referred to as "objects, etc." in this Article) without going through formalities.
(2) Measures pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be taken to the minimum necessary for the conservation and management of a natural park.
(3) Matters necessary for the storage and disposal of objects, etc. removed with measures under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 24-3 (Investigation into Relevant Persons)
(1) In cases falling under any of the following subparagraphs, the park management agency may, if necessary for the efficient conservation and management of a natural park, have its public official to have access to a place of business or any other place, as necessary, of any person who occupies or uses an area of the natural park and investigate into relevant persons and relevant documents, etc.:
1. Cases where it is necessary to perform affairs pertaining to authorization or permission under this Act, such as implementation of a park project, the management of park facilities and permission for alteration thereof under Article 20 (1) and (2), and permission for acts under Article 23 (1);
2. Cases where it is necessary to ascertain the actual status of the performance of orders, disposition, etc. pursuant to this Act, such as an order to take measures for reinstatement under Article 24 (4), the revocation of permission or the suspension or change of business under Article 30, an order to take necessary measures or vicarious execution for the removal under Article 31;
3. Cases where the park management agency deems it necessary for preventing destruction or contamination of a natural park.
(2) In cases of paragraph (1), its public official shall carry identification indicating his or her authority and present it to relevant persons.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 24-4 (Relocation Measures)
(1) If it is inevitable to conserve and manage natural parks, such as the prevention of environmental pollution, maintenance of visiting order, and conservation of scenery, a park management agency may formulate measures for the residents in the park area or provide financial aid for relocation under the park plan and order necessary measures, such as the eviction of such residents.
(2) Where it is necessary to create a relocation place other than a park area in accordance with the relocation measures taken under paragraph (1), the project to create such relocation place shall be deemed a park project prescribed in this Act.
(3) Article 78 of the Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works Projects shall apply mutatis mutandis to the formulation of relocation plans or financial aid for relocation prescribed in paragraph (1).
[This Article Wholly Amended on May 29, 2016]
 Article 25 Deleted. <Dec. 31, 2008>
 Article 26 (Consultations on Changing Configurations of Natural Parks)
If a park management agency intends to grant permission (only applicable to cases where it is intended to change the configuration of a natural park) pursuant to Article 23 for a region where any of the following objects is included, it shall consult with the head of a relevant central administrative agency: <Amended on Feb. 4, 2010; May 29, 2016>
1. The traditional temple preservation area;
2. Cultural heritage pursuant to Article 2 (1) of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act (including articles and areas subject to protection pursuant to Article 27 of the same Act; hereinafter the same shall apply);
3. Seed-growing forests, excellent trees, reserved forests, forests for protection of genetic resources in mountains and forests, experiment forests and nurse trees pursuant to Article 19, 43 or 47 of the Creation and Management of Forest Resources Act;
4. State forests prescribed in the State Forest Administration and Management Act.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 27 (Prohibited Acts)
(1) No one shall perform an act falling under any of the following subparagraphs in a natural park: <Amended on Dec. 12, 2017>
1. Damaging the configuration of a natural park or destroying park facilities;
2. Getting trees blighted;
3. Laying explosives, laying snares or setting traps, or dusting toxic substances and agricultural chemicals to catch wild animals;
4. Carrying hunting guns or crossbows, or setting nets without obtaining permission, for catching wild animals under Article 23 (1) 6;
5. Commercial transactions outside a designated place;
6. Camping outside a designated place;
7. Parking outside a designated place;
8. Cooking outside a designated place;
9. Smoking outside a designated place;
10. Drinking alcohol in a place or facilities designated by Presidential Decree, including an evacuation shelter;
11. Acts giving other persons a sense of aversion by recklessly dumping garbage or wastes, or giving out a bad smell, etc.;
12. Other acts prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as significantly impeding the utilization of a natural park by ordinary people and the conservation of a natural park.
(2) The park management agency shall, when it designates a place where an act is prohibited pursuant to paragraph (1) 5 through 9, publicly announce such place by methods of putting up an information signboard thereon. <Amended on Dec. 12, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 28 (Prohibition against Access)
(1) A park management agency may designate a certain area in a park area as a special protection area or temporary access control area within the natural park to prohibit or restrict access of persons or passage of vehicles for a fixed period, or designate a certain area therein as a zone subject to visit reservation to restrict the number of visitors, in any of the following cases: <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011; Apr. 18, 2017; May 26, 2020>
1. Cases for the protection of a natural park, such as natural ecosystem and natural scenery, etc.;
2. Cases for the restoration of nature destroyed by natural or artificial reasons;
3. Cases for the safety of persons entering a natural park;
4. Cases for the systematic conservation and management of a natural park;
5. Other cases where a park management agency deems it necessary for the public interest.
(2) A park management agency may implement necessary measures, such as restoration of endangered species and elimination of exotic animals and plants, in a special protection area within a natural park designated under paragraph (1). <Newly Inserted on Apr. 5, 2011>
(3) If a park management agency intends to prohibit access of persons or passage of vehicles or restrict the number of visitors under paragraph (1), it shall publish the details thereof in advance on the Internet homepage and publicly announce the details by methods of displaying information signboards thereon. <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 29 (Restrictions on Business)
(1) The park management agency may, where it is necessary for the implementation of a park project or for the conservation, utilization, safety and management of a natural park, restrict or ban any business and other acts in a park area, under conditions prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) The park management agency shall, where it intends to restrict or ban any business and other acts under paragraph (1), publish the contents thereof in advance on the Internet homepage and publicly announce the contents by methods of displaying information signboards thereon.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 30 (Dispositions Imposed for Violation of Statutes or Regulations)
(1) The park management agency may, in any of the following cases, revoke permission granted under this Act or suspend or change a project: <Amended on May 29, 2016>
1. Cases where the details of permission, reports or consultations pursuant to the followings have been violated:
(a) Implementation of a park project, management of park facilities and permission for modification pursuant to Article 20 (1) and (2);
(b) Permission for or a report on acts pursuant to Article 23 (1);
(c) Permission for collection of rent pursuant to the latter part of Article 37 (3);
(d) Consultations on permission pursuant to Article 71 (1);
2. Cases where permission has been obtained or consultation has been held pursuant to the items of subparagraph 1 by fraud or other improper means;
3. Cases where it is necessary due to modification of park planning;
4. Cases where it is necessary for public works pursuant to Article 4 of the Act on the Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works therefor.
(2) The park management agency may, in any of the following cases, request the head of a relevant central administrative agency to take measures, such as the revocation of permission, etc., suspension or change of a project, etc. In such cases, the head of the central administrative agency who has been requested to do so shall comply with such request, except in extenuating circumstances:
1. Cases where the details of consultation have been violated with respect to a project on which consultation has been held pursuant to Article 71 (2);
2. Cases where consultation has been held pursuant to subparagraph 1 by fraud or other improper means;
3. Cases where it falls under paragraph (1) 3 or 4.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 31 (Vicarious Execution)
(1) In cases falling under any of the following subparagraphs, the park management agency may order the owner or occupant of the relevant building or structure, etc. to take necessary measures, such as the removal thereof:
1. Cases where permission pursuant to Article 20 (1) and (2) has not been obtained;
2. Cases where permission for acts pursuant to Article 23 (1) has not been obtained;
3. Cases where permission has been revoked pursuant to Article 30.
(2) Where any person who has received an order to take measures, such as removal, etc. pursuant to paragraph (1) fails to obey the order, when it is deemed to be detrimental to the public interest or impede the management of a natural park if such failure is left as it is, the park management agency may execute by proxy or the Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Gun may execute by proxy according to the request of the park management agency, under conditions prescribed by the Administrative Vicarious Execution Act.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 32 (Supervisory Dispositions)
In cases falling under any of the following subparagraphs, with respect to a national park or a Do park, the Minister of Environment may order the relevant park management agency to revoke or alter a disposition taken by it or to take necessary steps, and with respect to a Gun park, the Mayor/Do Governor may order the same, respectively:
1. Cases where the disposition taken by the relevant park management agency is in violation of statutes and regulations or inconsistent with park planning of the natural park;
2. Cases where complying with the disposition of the park management agency is apprehended to seriously destroy the natural park.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 33 (Hearings)
The park management agency shall, if it intends to revoke permission under Article 30 or 32, hold hearings thereon.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 34 (Judicial Police Power)
National and local public officials of Grades IV through IX in their ranks who work for the park management agency and are engaged in the affairs of management of a park shall perform duties of judicial police officers according to the Act on the Persons Performing the Duties of Judicial Police Officials and the Scope of their Duties with respect to flagrant offenders of crimes prescribed by this Act and the Punishment of Minor Offenses Act, which are committed in their jurisdictional natural parks.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 35 (Park Ledgers)
(1) Each park management agency shall form and keep its park ledger.
(2) Matters necessary for preparation and keeping of park ledgers shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 36 (Investigation of Natural Resources)
(1) A park management agency shall investigate natural resources of natural parks every five years.
(2) Where a park management agency deems that special investigation or observation is necessary as a result of an investigation conducted under paragraph (1), it may conduct a detailed investigation.
(3) A park management agency shall observe the change of natural resources of natural parks resulting from natural or artificial causes constantly.
(4) The details and methods of the investigation or observation prescribed in paragraphs (1) through (3) and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on May 29, 2016]
 Article 36-2 (Scope of Application)
(1) The provisions of this Act applicable to geoparks shall be Article 1, subparagraphs 1 and 4-4 of Article 2, and Articles 3, 36-2 through 36-8, 80 and 86: Provided, That where a geopark overlaps with any other category of a natural park, all relevant provisions of this Act shall apply. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
(2) Except in cases falling under the proviso of paragraph (1), no geoparks shall be deemed natural parks in the application of any other Act. <Amended on May 26, 2020>
[This Article Newly Inserted on Jul. 28, 2011]
 Article 36-3 (Accreditation of Geoparks)
(1) The Mayor/Do Governor may file an application with the Minister of Environment for accreditation of any area representing an earth science interest and having outstanding scenery as a geopark via procedures for holding local residents' public hearing and for hearing opinions of the competent head of a Gun.
(2) If an area for which the Mayor/Do Governor has filed an application for accreditation as a geopark under paragraph (1) meets the following standards, the Minister of Environment may grant such accreditation after consulting with the head of a relevant central administrative agency:
1. It shall be an area representing a special earth science interest and having rare natural features and outstanding scenic values;
2. It shall have high conservation value by virtue of its outstanding archeological, ecological and cultural factors related to geology;
3. The protection and utilization of its geological heritage shall serve to promote the economic development of the relevant region;
4. It shall meet other standards prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(3) Any geopark accredited pursuant to paragraph (2) shall be managed and operated by the Mayor/Do Governor, as prescribed by municipal ordinance of the relevant local government, except for prescribed in this Act as duties of the Minister of Environment.
(4) Where the Minister of Environment has accredited an area as a geopark prescribed in paragraph (2), he or she shall publicly notify the name, area, size, date of accreditation, and an agency in charge of the management of the geopark and other necessary information, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.
(5) Where the Mayor/Do Governor intends to register the area prescribed in paragraph (1) as Global Geoparks of the UNESCO under the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Activities Act, he or she shall first obtain an accreditation of geopark prescribed in paragraph (2). <Newly Inserted on May 29, 2016>
[This Article Newly Inserted on Jul. 28, 2011]
 Article 36-4 (Revocation of Accreditation as Geoparks)
(1) The Minister of Environment shall inspect and examine the current state of management and operation of geoparks accredited pursuant to Article 36-3 (2) every four years. In such cases, if a geopark is found to be managed and operated in a manner inconsistent with standards for accreditation under each of the subparagraphs of Article 36-3 (2), the Minister of Environment may request the Mayor/Do Governor to correct such inconsistency within the period prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) The Minister of Environment may revoke his or her accreditation after consulting with the head of a relevant central administrative agency in any of the following cases. In such cases, the Minister of Environment shall publicly notify the details thereof as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment:
1. Where the Mayor/Do Governor receives a request for correction under paragraph (1) but fails to comply therewith within the prescribed period;
2. Where the relevant geopark has been severely spoiled due to any man-made damage, natural disaster, etc. and so significantly falls short of standards for accreditation under Article 36-3 (2).
[This Article Newly Inserted on Jul. 28, 2011]
 Article 36-5 (Support for Geoparks)
The Minister of Environment shall perform the following duties to efficiently support the management and operation of geoparks: <Amended on May 29, 2016>
1. Survey of geological heritage;
2. Scientific research and studies of geoparks;
3. Dissemination of knowledge and information on geoparks;
4. Development and dissemination of field and education programs for geoparks;
5. International cooperation on geoparks;
5-2. Organization and operation of the network of geoparks;
6. Other matters recognized by the Minister of Environment as necessary for the management and operation of geoparks.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Jul. 28, 2011]
 Article 36-6 (Geopark Guides)
(1) The Minister of Environment may select and utilize geopark guides to systematically disseminate knowledge on geoparks to citizens and to professionally take charge of explanations, public relations, education, field guidance, etc. for geoparks.
(2) Qualification criteria for geopark guides under paragraph (1) and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Jul. 28, 2011]
 Article 36-7 (Reimbursement of Expenses)
The State may reimburse local governments, etc. within budgetary limits for all or some of expenses incurred by them in managing and operating geoparks.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Jul. 28, 2011]
 Article 36-8 (Prohibited Acts)
No person shall perform any act that may cause damage to any geopark facility.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Jul. 28, 2011]
 Article 37 (Collection of Admission Fees and Rents)
(1) A park management agency may collect admission fees from persons entering a natural park and rents from persons making use of park facilities built therein by the park management agency: Provided, That collection of admission fees may be exempted from persons prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.
(2) The chief monk of a temple under Article 18 (1) 6 may collect admission fees from persons entering a cultural heritage district in the park after consulting with a park management agency. In such cases, no temple that collects such admission fees may collect any admission fees under Article 49 of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act. <Newly Inserted on Apr. 5, 2011>
(3) Any person who conducts a park project or manages park facilities under Article 20 may collect rents from persons making use of such park facilities within the extent of earnings: Provided, That if he or she intends to collect rents for park facilities prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment, he or she shall obtain permission from the park management agency. <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011>
(4) A park management agency shall notify an applicant of whether to grant permission within the period prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment from the date of receipt of an application for permission under the latter part of paragraph (3). <Newly Inserted on Dec. 13, 2022>
(5) Where a park management agency fails to notify an applicant of whether to grant permission within the period prescribed in paragraph (4) or of whether to extend the processing period under statutes or regulations related to the processing of civil petitions, permission shall be deemed granted on the date following the date such period (where the processing period is extended or re-extended under statutes or regulations related to the processing of civil petitions, referring to such extended or re-extended period) ends. <Newly Inserted on Dec. 13, 2022>
(6) Matters necessary for the collection of admission fees and rents under paragraphs (1) through (3) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment in cases of national parks and by municipal ordinance of a local government to which the park management agency belongs in cases of Do parks and Gun parks. <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011; Dec. 13, 2022>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 38 (Collection of Occupancy Fees)
(1) The park management agency may collect occupancy fees or rent from any person managing park facilities with permission under Article 20 and any person occupying or using a natural park with permission under Article 23 (including any person who is deemed to have obtained permission under Article 71 (2)): Provided, That this shall not apply to cases where the right property subject to the occupancy or the use does not belong to the park management agency.
(2) Matters necessary for the standards for occupancy fees or rent and the collection thereof under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment in case of national parks and by Municipal Ordinance of a local government to which the park management agency belongs in cases of Do parks and Gun parks.
(3) The park management agency may collect an amount of money equivalent to occupancy fees and rent as ill-gotten gains from any person who has occupied or used a natural park without obtaining permission under Article 20 or 23: Provided, That this shall not apply to cases where the right on property subject to such occupancy or use does not belong to the park management agency.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 39 (Principle of Cost Apportionment)
Costs involved with natural parks, except for cases where special provisions exist in this Act or other Acts, shall be borne by the State in case of national parks and by relevant local governments in cases of Do parks or Gun parks: Provided, That where the Mayor/Do Governor manages a national park under Article 80 (1) and the head of a Gun manages a Do park under Article 80 (2), the whole or part of the cost shall be borne by the local government.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 40 (Consultation and Decisions on Costs)
(1) With respect to costs for a Do park or a Gun park which extends over administrative districts of not less than two Cities/Dos or Guns, the relevant Mayors/Do Governors and the relevant heads of Guns may, notwithstanding Article 39, separately determine amount to be borne by them and method of bearing such amount in consultation with one another.
(2) Article 5 (2) and (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis to consultation pursuant to paragraph (1).
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 41 (Expenses Incurred in Park Project Conducted by Persons, other than Park Managing Agency)
Expenses incurred by a person other than the park management agency in conducting park project or managing park facilities built by the park management agency, pursuant to Article 20, shall be borne by such person who conducts park project and manages park facilities.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 42 (Reversion of Admission Fees)
(1) Admission fees and rents of a natural park and other proceeds generated from a natural park shall be the revenues of the State or a local government to which belongs a park management agency imposing and collecting them: Provided, That admission fees or rents collected by any person other than the park management agency prescribed in Article 37 (2) or (3) shall be the income of a person who collects them, and admission fees and rents of natural parks which are entrusted to and managed by the Korea National Park Service under the Korea National Park Service Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") and other proceeds generated from natural parks shall be the revenues of the Service. <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011; May 29, 2016; Oct. 16, 2018>
(2) Revenues referred to in paragraph (1) shall be used only to cover expenses incurred in managing the natural parks and managing and repairing cultural property in the natural parks: Provided, That revenues prescribed in Article 37 (2) shall be used only to cover expenses incurred in maintaining and managing the cultural heritage district in the park. <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011>
(3) Expenses incurred in managing and repairing cultural property prescribed in paragraph (2) shall be subsidized for those who possess cultural property in accordance with the amount of admission fees of the relevant year and the degree of contribution of cultural property to the revenue accruing from admission fees.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 43 (Subsidies)
The State may, within budgetary limits, provide subsidies to cover all or some of the following expenses: <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011>
1. Expenses incurred by local governments in relation to natural parks;
2. Expenses required to improve the environment of temples under Article 18 (1) 6;
3. Expenses incurred by persons who take charge of the implementation of park projects or the management of park facilities in national parks under Article 20 in implementing or managing such park projects or park facilities.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 44 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 45 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 46 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 47 Deleted. <Dec. 31, 2008>
 Article 48 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 49 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 50 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 51 Deleted. <Dec. 31, 2008>
 Article 52 Deleted. <Dec. 31, 2008>
 Article 53 Deleted. <Dec. 31, 2008>
 Article 54 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 55 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 56 Deleted. <Dec. 31, 2008>
 Article 57 Deleted. <Dec. 31, 2008>
 Article 58 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 59 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 60 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 61 Deleted. <Dec. 31, 2008>
 Article 62 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 63 Deleted. <Dec. 31, 2008>
 Article 64 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 65 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 66 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 67 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 68 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 69 Deleted. <May 29, 2016>
 Article 70 (Relationship to Other Statutes)
(1) Neither of the following provisions shall apply to natural parks: <Amended on Jan. 14, 2014>
2. The provisions on road-access districts under conditions prescribed in Article 40 of the Road Act: Provided, That the same shall be limited to cases where a park project is implemented.
(2) Where it is required to make land substitution according to park planning or it is required to make land substitution to efficiently manage a natural park, Articles 13 through 16, 28 through 34, 40 through 43, 46, 47, 51 and 66 of the Urban Development Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to such land substitution. In such cases, if it is intended to establish an association, it shall obtain approval from the park management agency which grants permission for the implementation of a park project pursuant to Article 20 (1) and (2).
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 71 (Consultation on Permission)
(1) With respect to a project implemented by the State, a local government or a public institution, which requires permission from a park management agency prescribed in this Act, the head of the relevant central administrative agency, the head of the relevant local government or the head of the relevant public institution (hereafter in this Article referred to as "project implementation agency") shall consult with the park management agency and, where an agreement has been concluded, it shall be deemed to have obtained permission granted under this Act. In such cases, if the project area includes any traditional temple preservation area, the project implementation agency shall consult with the chief monk of the relevant traditional temple prior to holding consultations with the park management agency. <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011; May 29, 2016>
(2) The head of an administrative agency, who intends to grant permission or authorization, etc. in respect of a natural park in accordance with the following statutes and regulations, shall consult with the relevant park management agency, as prescribed by Presidential Decree, and any permission or authorization granted by the head of a relevant administrative agency as a result of an agreement reached by the consultation shall be deemed to have obtained permission from the park management agency for matters which require permission from the park management agency prescribed in this Act: Provided, That extension, renovation, reconstruction, or removal and reconstruction, and painting the exterior of the designated cultural property and their protective materials referred to in Article 2 (3) of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act and acts referred to in Article 18 (2) 6 (a) and (b) do not require consultation with the park management agency, and permission obtained from the head of a relevant administrative agency shall be deemed permission obtained from the park management agency prescribed in this Act. In such cases, the head of an administrative agency who intends to grant permission or authorization or such in respect of a cultural heritage district in a park under Article 18 (1) 6 shall promptly send a copy of an application for the permission or authorization, etc. to the relevant park management agency, which, in turn, may present a supplementary opinion to the head of the relevant administrative agency, if it finds that granting the permission or authorization, etc. is likely to considerably impede the maintenance and management of the natural park: <Amended on Feb. 4, 2010; Apr. 15, 2010; Apr. 5, 2011; Nov. 26, 2019; May 26, 2020>
1. The Building Act;
3. Deleted; <Apr. 15, 2010>
7. The Farmland Act;
8. The Road Act;
9. The Cultural Heritage Protection Act, and Act on the Protection and Investigation of Buried Cultural Heritage;
11. The Work against Erosion Control Work Act;
14. The Grassland Act;
15. The River Act;
16. Other statues and regulations.
(3) Where subjects of consultations held under paragraph (1) or (2) fall under acts above the scale prescribed by Presidential Decree, the park management agency shall undergo deliberation by the relevant park committee.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 72 (Access to and Use of Land)
(1) The park management agency or any person who has been ordered or entrusted by or has obtained permission of the park management agency may, if it is necessary to make an investigation into and a survey of a natural park or to implement a park project, have access to land of others or temporarily use another person's land and remove or alter trees or other obstacles, if inevitable.
(2) Any person who intends to have access to another person's under paragraph (1) shall notify the occupant of the land of his or her intention and any person who intends to temporarily use another person's land, or remove or alter obstacles thereon shall notify in advance the owner or the occupant of the land of his or her intention.
(3) No one shall have access to another person's land surrounded by housing sites, walls or fences before sunrise or after sunset without consent of the occupant of the relevant land.
(4) The owner, occupant or manager of land shall not reject, obstruct or dodge access or use, etc. under paragraph (1) without any justifiable grounds.
(5) Any person who intends to have access to another person's land or temporarily use the land under paragraph (1) shall carry a certificate showing his or her authority and produce it to relevant persons.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 73 (Compensation for Losses)
(1) With respect to any person who suffers a loss incurred by a disposition taken under Article 30 (1) 3 and 4, 32 or 72 (1), the park management agency, etc. that has taken such disposition shall compensate him or her for such loss.
(2) In cases of paragraph (1), the loss has been incurred by a disposition taken on the grounds of Article 30 (1) 4, the park management agency may have a person who bears costs for the public-interest project to compensate all or part of the loss.
(3) With respect to the compensation for the loss under paragraphs (1) and (2), the park management agency, etc. (referring to a person who bears costs for the public-interest project in cases of paragraph (2); hereafter in this Article the same shall apply) shall consult with a person who suffers such loss.
(4) Where agreement under paragraph (3) has not been reached, the park management agency, etc. or the person who suffers the loss may apply to the competent Land Expropriation Committee for an adjudication under conditions prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 73-2 (Resident Assistance Projects)
(1) The park management agency may implement a resident assistance project for the improvement of the living environment and promotion of welfare, etc. of residents living in the park area.
(2) Where local residents (limited to those who reside in a natural environment district and village district in a park) build, extend or renovate residential housing (limited to detached houses) pursuant to Article 18 (2) 2 and 3, the park management agency may subsidize all or part of expenses incurred in installing water supply and drainage facilities, sewage and excreta disposal facilities, etc. under the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act, the Sewerage Act, the Act on the Disposal of Sewage, Excreta and Livestock Wastewater, etc., as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011>
(3) The Minister of Environment may request the head of a relevant administrative agency to take measures necessary for fostering eco-friendly farming, forestry, and fishery in a park area.
(4) Matters necessary for kinds, procedures, and methods, etc. of resident assistance projects under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 73-3 (Field Natural Park Programs)
(1) The park management agency may operate a field natural park program to help citizens utilize natural parks in a sound manner. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
(2) Any field natural park program prescribed in paragraph (1) shall be operated to the extent not impairing the scenery and ecological and cultural environment of a natural park, and the detailed scope and types of such programs, the collection of fees, and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
(3) Where the park management agency operates any field natural park program prescribed in paragraph (1), it shall post the details thereof on its website, etc. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
(4) Where the cultural heritage district in a park prescribed in Article 18 (1) 6 is included in the area subject to the field natural park program prescribed in paragraph (1), a park management agency shall consult with the chief monk of the relevant temple in advance. <Newly Inserted on May 29, 2016>
[This Article Newly Inserted on Apr. 5, 2011]
[Title Amended on May 29, 2016]
 Article 73-4 (Field Guidance at Natural Parks)
The park management agency may employ and utilize a guide on the natural environment pursuant to Article 59 of the Natural Environment Conservation Act to provide visitors with field guidance to promote their understanding of the conservation of the natural parks and natural environment.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Apr. 18, 2017]
 Article 74 (Succession to Rights and Obligations)
Persons referred to in the following subparagraphs shall succeed to rights and duties due to permission or a report under this Act:
1. A transferee;
2. An inheritor;
3. A corporation which continues to exist after a merger or a corporation incorporated by a merger.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 75 (Restrictions on Disposal)
National or public land in a natural park which the park management agency deems necessary for the efficient management of a natural park, such as the implementation of a park project and protection of a natural park, etc., shall not be disposed of, except for cases prescribed by Presidential Decree as cases inevitable for a park project, military purposes or the public interest. <Amended on May 26, 2020>
 Article 76 (Purchase of Land through Consultation)
(1) The park management agency may, if it is necessary to conserve and manage a natural park, purchase land in the natural park and articles attached thereto or exchange it with State-owned or publicly owned land in consultation with the owner. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
(2) Where the park management agency purchases land and articles attached thereto under paragraph (1), the Act on the Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works therefor shall apply mutatis mutandis to the calculation of the purchase price, etc.
(3) The provision of the State Property Act or the Public Property and Commodity Management Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the procedures, etc. necessary for the exchange with State-owned or publicly owned land prescribed in paragraph (1). <Newly Inserted on May 29, 2016>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
[Title Amended on May 29, 2016]
 Article 77 (Requests for Purchase of Land)
(1) Any person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs, as the owner of land (hereinafter referred to as "land subject to purchase") the utility of which has been remarkably decreased or the use of or benefit from which is practically impossible because he or she cannot use land in a natural park for the original purpose due to the designation as natural park, may request the park management agency to purchase such land: <Amended on Jun. 9, 2020>
1. A person who owns the land continuously from the time when the natural park is designated;
2. A person who has acquired the relevant land before it became practically impossible to use, or make profits from, such land and who has continued to own such land;
3. Where he or she continues to own the land after inheriting it from any person falling under subparagraph 1 or 2.
(2) Where land subject to a request for purchase pursuant to paragraph (1) meets standards pursuant to paragraph (3), a park management agency shall purchase it, within the budget. <Amended on Jun. 9, 2020>
(3) Specific standards for determining land to be purchased shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 78 (Procedures for Request for Purchase)
(1) The park management agency shall notify a requester for purchasing to whether land is subject to purchase and of estimated purchase price, etc. within three months from the date when it has received a request for purchase of land.
(2) Where the park management agency serves a notice on the applicant that his or her land is subject to purchase pursuant to paragraph (1), it shall formulate a purchase plan and purchase such land subject to purchase within five years from the date of notice.
(3) Where the park management agency purchases land subject to purchase, the Act on the Acquisition of Land for Public Works and the Compensation therefor shall apply mutatis mutandis to time, method and standards, etc. of calculating the price thereof.
(4) In cases of purchasing land pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2), procedures for purchasing land and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 79 (Special Case for Designating Natural Park)
Matters of which permission has been obtained and a report of which has been made under other statutes and regulations before the designation as a natural park, as matters of which permission should be obtained from the park management agency or a report of which should be made to the park management agency under this Act, shall be deemed to have obtained permission of the park management agency or to have been reported to the park management agency.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 80 (Delegation and Entrustment of Authority)
(1) The Minister of Environment may delegate part of his or her authority prescribed in this Act to agencies under his or her control or the Mayor/Do Governor or entrust it to the Service, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) The Mayor/Do Governor may delegate the duties of the park management agency on the management of a Do park to the head of a Gun, or entrust it to the Service under conditions prescribed by ordinance of the City/Do. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
(3) The head of a Gun may entrust the duties of the park management agency on the management of a Gun park to the Service under conditions prescribed by ordinance of the Gun. <Newly Inserted on May 29, 2016>
(4) Where the Service, the Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Gun manages a natural park by delegation or entrustment prescribed in paragraphs (1) through (3), it or he or she shall be deemed the park management agency within the extent of the affairs delegated or entrusted. <Amended on May 29, 2016>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 81 (Establishment of Korea Natural Park Association)
(1) The Korea Natural Park Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Association") shall be established to manage public relations and guidance on the conservation and utilization of natural parks, to survey resources of natural parks, and to carry out other activities prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment. <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011>
(2) The Association shall be a corporation.
(3) The Minister of Environment may reimburse all or some of the expenses incurred by the Association in carrying out activities under paragraph (1). <Newly Inserted on Apr. 5, 2011>
(4) The provisions on an incorporated association of the Civil Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Association except for those as provided for in this Act. <Amended on Apr. 5, 2011>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 82 (Penalty Provisions)
Each of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for up to three years or by a fine not exceeding 30 million won:
1. A person who implements a park project without obtaining permission of the park management agency in contravention of Article 20;
2. A person who performs an act subject to permission without obtaining permission of the park management agency in contravention of Articles 23 (1) 1 through 7;
3. A person who spoils the form of a natural park or destroys park facilities in contravention of Article 27 (1) 1.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 83 (Penalty Provisions)
Either of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than two years or by a fine not exceeding 20 million won:
1. A person who performs an act subject to permission without obtaining permission of the park management agency in contravention of Article 23 (1) 8 through 10;
2. A person who fails to comply with a disposition taken to suspend or alter his or her project under Article 30;
3. A person who obtains permission under this Act by fraud or other improper means.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 84 (Penalty Provisions)
Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for up to one year or by a fine not exceeding 10 million won: <Amended on May 29, 2016; Jun. 10, 2022>
1. A person who performs an act subject to reporting without making a report prescribed in the proviso of Article 23 (1);
2. A person who causes trees to be blighted, in contravention of Article 27 (1) 2;
3. A person who lays explosives, sets snares or dug traps or dumps toxic substances and agricultural chemicals to catch wild animals, in contravention of Article 27 (1) 3;
3-2. A person who fails to comply with an order to take measures, such as removal, under Article 31 (1);
4. A person who collects rents without obtaining permission from the park management agency, in contravention of the latter part of Article 37 (3).
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 85 (Joint Penalty Provisions)
If the representative of a corporation, or an agent, employee or any other employed person of a corporation or an individual commits an offense falling under any of Articles 82 through 84 regarding the affairs of the corporation or the individual, not only shall an offender be punished but also such corporation, etc. individual shall be punished by a fine referred to in the relevant Articles: Provided, That this shall not apply to cases where the corporation or individual has not neglected to pay reasonable attention to and supervise the relevant affairs in order to prevent such offense.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
 Article 86 (Administrative Fines)
(1) Any of the following persons shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding two million won: <Amended on Jul. 28, 2011; May 29, 2016; Dec. 12, 2017>
1. A person who hinders or refuses access and investigation pursuant to Article 24-3 without any justifiable grounds;
2. A person who fails to comply with an order to take measures, such as eviction, etc. pursuant to Article 24-4 (1);
3. A person who carries a hunting gun or crossbow or lays nets, in violation of Article 27 (1) 4;
4. A person who engages in commercial transactions outside a designated place, in violation of Article 27 (1) 5;
5. A person who smokes outside a designated place, in violation of Article 27 (1) 9;
6. A person who is engaged in restricted or prohibited business under Article 29 (1) or performs any other acts;
6-2. A person who causes damage to a geopark facility, in violation of Article 36-8.
(2) Any of the following persons shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding 500,000 won:
1. A person who camps outside a designated place, in contravention of Article 27 (1) 6;
2. A person who has access to or passes through a restricted or prohibited area with a vehicle, in contravention of Article 28 (1);
3. A person who rejects, obstructs, or evades access or use, etc. without any justifiable grounds, in contravention of Article 72 (4).
(3) A person who performs a prohibited act, in contravention of Article 27 (1) 7, 8, or 10 through 12, shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding 200,000 won: <Amended on Dec. 27, 2016; Dec. 12, 2017>
1. Deleted; <Dec. 27, 2016>
2. Deleted. <Dec. 27, 2016>
(4) A person who enters natural parks or uses park facilities without paying admission fees or rents prescribed in Article 37 (1) shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding 100,000 won. <Newly Inserted on Dec. 27, 2016>
(5) Administrative fines prescribed in paragraphs (1) through (4) shall be imposed and collected by the head of a Gun, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2016>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 31, 2008]
ADDENDA <Act No. 6450, Mar. 28, 2001>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Special Purpose Districts)
The village districts from among special purpose districts under the previous provisions at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed to be the natural village districts determined by this Act.
Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning National Park Association)
The National Park Association established under the previous provisions at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed the Natural Park Association established under this Act.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Pending Act)
Dispositions, such as permission and other acts, taken by any park management authority under the previous provisions at the time that this Act enters into force shall be deemed to be performed by such park management authority under this Act, and any application filed with any park management authority for permission and other acts performed under the previous provisions at the time that this Act enters into force shall be deemed to be filed with and performed by such park management authority under this Act.
Article 5 (Transitional Measures concerning Penal Provisions, etc.)
The application of the penal provisions and the for negligence to any act performed prior to this Act enters into force shall be governed by the previous provisions.
Article 6 (Relation with Other Acts)
Where other Acts and subordinate statutes quote the provisions of the Natural Parks Act at the time of the entry into force of this Act, and if corresponding provisions exist in this Act, the corresponding provisions of this Act shall be deemed to have been cited instead of the previous provisions.
ADDENDA <Act No. 6654, Feb. 4, 2002>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on January 1, 2003.
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 6656, Feb. 4, 2002>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on January 1, 2003.
Articles 2 through 12 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 6841, Dec. 30, 2002>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force nine months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 12 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 7456, Mar. 31, 2005>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicable Cases concerning Permission for Acts)
The amended provisions of Articles 21 and 23 (1) 3 shall apply to acts for which permission application is made under the amended provisions of Article 23 on or after this Act enters into force.
Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Special Purpose Districts of Natural Park)
The nature conservation district, nature environment district, natural village district, overpopulated village district, and facility-concentrated district under the previous provisions at the time that this Act enters into force shall be deemed the nature conservation district, nature environment district, natural village district, overpopulated village district, and facility-concentrated district in a park, respectively, under the amended provisions of Article 18.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Officer of Korea National Park Service)
The vice president who is in active service at the Korea National Park Service at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed to be appointed as a standing director under the amended provisions of Article 50 until his term of office expires.
Article 5 (Transitional Measures concerning Natural Park Association)
The Natural Park Association established under the previous provisions at the time that this Act enters into force shall be deemed the Korea Natural Park Association established under the amended provisions of Article 81.
Article 6 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 7678, Aug. 4, 2005>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 12 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 8211, Jan. 3, 2007>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8338, Apr. 6, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 17 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8346, Apr. 11, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 13 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8352, Apr. 11, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 16 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8370, Apr. 11, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 20 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8733, Dec. 21, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force nine months after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 11 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 8950, Mar. 21, 2008>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8976, Mar. 21, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 10 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 9313, Dec. 31, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Penal Provisions)
The previous provisions shall apply in the application of the penal provisions to acts which have violated the previous Natural Parks Act in a park protection area before this Act enters into force.
Article 3 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10000, Feb. 4, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10001, Feb. 4, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10272, Apr. 15, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 14 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10331, May 31, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 13 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10548, Apr. 5, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Changes of Special Purpose Districts in Natural Parks)
(1) Any natural village district in a park, densely populated village district in a park, and collective facility district in a park that is determined in park planning under the previous provisions as at the time this Act enters into force shall each be deemed a village district in a park under the amended provisions of Article 18.
(2) The standards for acts permissible within a densely populated village district in a park and a collective facility district in a park that are determined in park planning under the previous provisions among special purpose districts each of which is deemed a village district in a park under paragraph (1) shall each be governed by the previous provisions.
Article 3 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 10978, Jul. 28, 2011>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of subparagraph 3 of Article 2 and Article 4 (1) shall enter into force on July 1, 2012.
ADDENDA <Act No. 12248, Jan. 14, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 25 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 14228, May 29, 2016>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 4-3, 4-4 and 15 (2) shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability concerning Registration of Global Geoparks)
The amended provisions of Article 36-3 (5) shall apply, beginning with cases where an application for the registration for Global Geoparks was filed with the UNESCO after this Act enters into force.
Article 3 (Special Cases concerning Initial Date of Calculating Annulment of Decision of Plans for Park Facilities)
Where the amended provisions of Article 17-2 applies to the decision of a plan for park facilities publicly notified under Article 16 as at the time this Act enters into force, the enforcement date of this Act shall be deemed the date of public notice.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Investigation of Natural Resources)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 36, the former provisions shall apply to the timing for the first investigation of natural resources conducted after this Act enters into force.
ADDENDA <Act No. 14480, Dec. 27, 2016>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 14492, Dec. 27, 2016>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Fines for Negligence)
The former provision shall apply to the application of fines for negligence against the acts before this Act enters into force.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 14782, Apr. 18, 2017>
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 15198, Dec. 12, 2017>
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 15830, Oct. 16, 2018>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 and 3 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 15838, Oct. 16, 2018>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 16596, Nov. 26, 2019>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 10 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 17326, May 26, 2020>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDA <Act No. 17425, Jun. 9, 2020>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Composition of Members of the Committee)
(1) Where the Committee fails to meet the amended provisions of the latter part of Article 9 (2) as at the time of commissioning or appointing its members after this Act enters into force, it shall commission non-public official members until the requirements under the amended provisions are met.
(2) The previous provisions shall apply to the composition of the Committee until the amended provisions of the latter part of Article 9 (2) are met as prescribed in paragraph (1).
ADDENDUM <Act No. 18909, Jun. 10, 2022>
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 19089, Dec. 13, 2022>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Permission for Collection of Rents for Park Facilities)
The amended provisions of Article 37 (4) and (5) shall begin to apply to applications for permission filed on or after the date this Act enters into force.
ADDENDA <Act No. 19117, Dec. 27, 2022>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 and 3 Omitted.