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Wholly Amended by Act No. 8370, Apr. 11, 2007

Amended by Act No. 8466, May 17, 2007

Act No. 8820, Dec. 27, 2007

Act No. 8819, Dec. 27, 2007

Act No. 8805, Dec. 27, 2007

Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008

Act No. 8976, Mar. 21, 2008

Act No. 9401, Jan. 30, 2009

Act No. 9774, Jun. 9, 2009

Act No. 10272, Apr. 15, 2010

Act No. 10317, May 25, 2010

Act No. 10331, May 31, 2010

Act No. 10359, Jun. 8, 2010

Act No. 10599, Apr. 14, 2011

Act No. 10976, Jul. 28, 2011

Act No. 11020, Aug. 4, 2011

Act No. 11085, Nov. 14, 2011

Act No. 11690, Mar. 23, 2013

Act No. 11862, Jun. 4, 2013

Act No. 12141, Dec. 30, 2013

Act No. 12248, Jan. 14, 2014

Act No. 12518, Mar. 24, 2014

Act No. 12738, Jun. 3, 2014

Act No. 12844, Nov. 19, 2014

Act No. 13166, Feb. 3, 2015

Act No. 13529, Dec. 1, 2015

Act No. 13878, Jan. 27, 2016

Act No. 14532, Jan. 17, 2017

Act No. 14839, Jul. 26, 2017

Act No. 15193, Dec. 12, 2017

Act No. 15624, Jun. 8, 2018

Act No. 16082, Dec. 24, 2018

Act No. 16607, Nov. 26, 2019

Act No. 17178, Mar. 31, 2020

Act No. 17326, May 26, 2020

Act No. 18284, Jun. 15, 2021

Act No. 18419, Aug. 17, 2021

Act No. 18750, Jan. 11, 2022

Act No. 19662, Aug. 16, 2023

Act No. 20036, Jan. 16, 2024

Act No. 20118, Jan. 23, 2024

Act No. 20172, Jan. 30, 2024

 Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Act is to improve public sanitation and thereby contribute to the improvement of a living environment by means of the development of a comprehensive plan for water supply and waterworks installation and, at the same time, the appropriate and reasonable installation and management of waterworks.
 Article 2 (Responsibilities)
(1) In order to provide all citizens with high-quality water, the State shall formulate a comprehensive plan for water supply and waterworks installation, formulate reasonable measures thereof, and endeavor to supply financial and technical support to waterworks business operators.
(2) The Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Do Governor, and a Special Self-Governing Province Governor (hereinafter referred to as the "Mayor/Do Governor"), and the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (the head of a Gu means the head of an autonomous Gu; hereinafter the same shall apply) shall endeavor to manage water sources in order to supply residents in their jurisdictional areas with the water of good quality. <Amended on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011>
(3) The Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, the Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, and the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City) shall endeavor to manage waterworks facilities in order to supply residents in their jurisdictional areas with tap water in a sustainable manner and Do Governors shall technically and financially support waterworks business operators under their jurisdictional areas. <Amended on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011>
(4) Any waterworks business operator shall maintain waterworks systematically, manage waterworks business rationally and endeavor to supply tap water safely and appropriately.
(5) All citizens shall cooperate with measures concerning the water supply and waterworks installation initiated and executed by the State, and contribute to the universal supply of tap water.
(6) The State, local governments and waterworks business operators shall contribute to the universal supply of tap water to all citizens, including the poor strata, and endeavor to raise awareness of tap water and drinking rate. <Added on May 25, 2010; Nov. 26, 2019>
 Article 3 (Definitions)
The terms used in this Act are defined as follows: <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; May 25, 2010; Jul. 28, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 30, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018; Nov. 26, 2019; Mar. 31, 2020; May 26, 2020>
1. The term "raw water" means natural water that is provided for drinking or industrial purposes: Provided, That the water for agricultural and fishing villages under subparagraph 3 of Article 2 of the Rearrangement of Agricultural and Fishing Villages Act shall be excluded; but such water shall be deemed raw water, where the Minister of Environment determines to use such water as raw water in consultation with the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs or the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries in an emergency, such as a drought, as prescribed by Presidential Decree;
2. The term "water source" means the rivers, lakes, marshes, groundwater, seawater, etc. within an area where water intake facilities are installed so that the water for drinking or industrial purposes can be supplied;
3. The term "wide-area water source" means water source which supplies the water to two local governments or more;
4. The term "processed water" means water that is properly treated for drinking or industrial use;
5. The term "waterworks" means the whole of facilities with pipelines and other constructions for providing the raw water or processed water, and it is divided into "general waterworks", "industrial waterworks", and "exclusive waterworks": Provided, That the waterworks installed for temporary purposes and agricultural infrastructure under subparagraph 6 of Article 2 of the Rearrangement of Agricultural and Fishing Villages Act shall be excluded herefrom;
6. The term "general waterworks" means the wide-area waterworks, local waterworks, and village waterworks;
7. The term "wide-area waterworks" means a general waterworks that is operated by the State, a local government, the Korea Water Resources Corporation, or a person who is authorized by the Minister of Environment to provide raw or processed water to two or more local governments (including where water is supplied to general consumers pursuant to Article 43 (4)). In such cases, the scope of the wide-area waterworks that may be installed by the State or a local government shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree;
8. The term "local waterworks" means the general waterworks, excluding the wide-area waterworks and the village waterworks, which is operated by a local government to provide the raw or processed water to its own residents, its neighboring local governments or their residents;
9. The term "village waterworks" means the waterworks prescribed by Presidential Decree, which is operated by the local government to provide the processed water of not less than 20 but less than 500 cubic meters a day to not less than 100 but not more than 2500 persons or any waterworks corresponding thereto, which is designated by the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor and the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City);
10. The term "industrial waterworks" means the waterworks which is operated by industrial waterworks business operators to provide the raw or processed water properly treated for industrial use;
11. The term "exclusive waterworks" means the private-use waterworks and private-use industrial waterworks;
12. The term "private-use waterworks" means the waterworks for private use in dormitories, company housing quarters, sanatoriums, or other institutions which accommodate at least 100 persons, and the waterworks, other than those for waterworks business operators, which provide the raw or processed water to at least 100 but not more than 5,000 persons (including the migratory population of schools, churches, etc.): Provided, That waterworks in whose case daily water supply volume and the scale of their facilities fall short of the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree, among waterworks that supply water only from another waterworks, shall be excluded herefrom;
13. The term "private-use industrial waterworks" means the waterworks, other than those operated by waterworks business operators, which provides the raw or processed water that is properly treated for industrial use: Provided, That waterworks in whose case daily water supply volume and the scale of their facilities fall short of the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree, among waterworks that supply water only from another waterworks, shall be excluded herefrom;
14. The term "small water supply system" means any water supply system designated by the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor and the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City) which supplies water for a population of less than 100 persons or supply water less than 20 cubic meters a day, and which is jointly installed and managed by residents;
15. Deleted; <May 25, 2010>
16. Deleted; <Jun. 8, 2010>
17. The term "waterworks facilities" means the water intake facilities, the water reservation facilities, the raw-water conveyance facilities, the water purification facilities, the processed-water conveyance facilities, the drainage facilities, the final-stage water supply facilities, and other waterworks for the purpose of providing the raw or processed water;
18. The term "waterworks business" means the business, the purpose of which is to provide, by means of the waterworks, the raw or processed water to general consumers or other waterworks business operators, and it shall be divided into the general waterworks business and the industrial waterworks business;
19. The term "general waterworks business" means the business, the purpose of which is to provide, by means of the general waterworks, the raw or processed water to general consumers or other waterworks business operators;
20. The term "industrial waterworks business" means the business, the purpose of which is to provide, by means of the industrial waterworks, the raw or processed water to general consumers or other waterworks business operators;
21. The term "waterworks business operators" means the general waterworks business operators and the industrial waterworks business operators;
22. The term "general waterworks business operator" means a person who runs the general waterworks business after having obtained authorization under Article 17 (1);
23. The term "industrial waterworks business operator" means a person who runs the industrial waterworks business after having obtained authorization under Article 49 (1);
24. The term "final-stage water supply facilities" means the water-supply pipes (including indoor water-supply pipes), the water meter, the water tank, faucets, and other water supply equipment connected to the water supply pipes which a waterworks business operator has installed to provide the raw or processed water to general consumers;
25. The term "waterworks construction" means the construction work, the purpose of which is to newly install, enlarge or remodel the waterworks facilities;
26. The term "waterworks management right" means the right to manage and maintain the waterworks facilities and to impose on and collect from the beneficiaries of the waterworks service charges for the raw or processed water produced from the waterworks facilities;
27. The term "renovation" means the restoration of the water-flow functions of pipes by coating the pipes after removing rusts and impurities from such pipes;
28. The term "certified operation manager of water purification facilities" means a person who is in charge of the operation and management of water purification facilities after having acquired a certificate of qualifications under Article 24;
29. The term "certified operation manager of water pipe network facilities" means a person who is in charge of the operation and management of water pipe network and its affiliated facilities (hereinafter referred to as "water pipe network facilities") after having acquired a certificate of qualifications under Article 25-2;
30. The term "water-using appliances" means appliances that use water supplied through water supply facilities, such as an electric washing machine and dishwasher;
31. The term "water-saving fixtures" means fixtures prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment, such as a faucet and toilet that is manufactured to meet standards, such as structure and specification prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment to help people reduce water use;
32. The term "water-saving devices" means devices additionally fixed on fixtures prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment, such as a faucet and toilet, to meet the standards prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment to help people reduce water use;
33. The term "seawater desalination facilities" means the waterworks facilities that collect and desalinate seawater or saline groundwater resulting from seawater intrusion to supply processed water.
 Article 4 (Formulation of Master Plan for National Waterworks)
(1) The Minister of Environment shall formulate a master plan for national waterworks (hereafter in this Article referred to as the "master plan") every 10 years for the systematic development of national waterworks policy, effective use of water, and stable supply of tap water. <Amended on Jan. 11, 2022>
(2) A master plan shall include the following: <Amended on Nov. 14, 2011; Mar. 31, 2020; Jan. 11, 2022>
1. Matters relating to the conditions of water supply and waterworks installation, such as population, industry, and land;
2. Prospect for demand for tap water;
3. Objectives of and basic direction-setting for waterworks policy;
4. Prospect for demand and a management plan for wide-area waterworks;
5. Prospect for demand and a management plan for local waterworks;
6. Prospect for demand and a management plan for village waterworks;
7. Prospect for demand and a management plan for household water for agricultural and fishing villages;
8. Prospect for demand and a management plan for industrial waterworks;
9. Securing water sources and plans to enhance alternative water sources;
10. A plan to improve and replace existing waterworks facilities;
11. Deleted; <Jun. 8, 2010>
12. A plan to improve the management system of waterworks business;
13. A plan to advance waterworks technology;
14. Securing human resources specializing in waterworks, and education and training plans;
15. Investment in waterworks business and fund-raising plans;
16. Matters relating to improvements in the quality of tap water and relevant service;
17. Matters relating to the informatization of waterworks facilities;
18. Matters relating to the connective operation of waterworks;
19. Matters relating to the establishment of a system to respond to the occurrence of a tap water pollution accident;
20. A plan for the installation and management of general waterworks and industrial waterworks under Articles 43 and 48, based on the details under subparagraphs 1 through 19.
(3) The Minister of Environment may request the heads of related central administrative agencies, the Mayors/Do Governors, and the heads of related institutes or organizations to submit materials necessary for the formulation of the master plans. <Amended on Jan. 11, 2022>
(4) When intending to formulate or modify a master plan (excluding any modification to the matter specified in paragraph (2) 20), the Minister of Environment shall consult in advance with the heads of relevant central administrative agencies and the Mayors/Do Governors. <Amended on Jan. 11, 2022>
(5) Where any important matter in the master plan is revised due to changes, etc. in policies for water supply and waterworks installation, the Minister of Environment may request the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun within a Metropolitan City) to modify their plans for waterworks installation and management under Article 5 (1). <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018; Jan. 11, 2022>
(6) The Minister of Environment shall review the feasibility of a master plan and modify it accordingly when five years have passed since the formulation of the master plan. <Amended on Jan. 11, 2022>
(7) Where the Minister of Environment has formulated a master plan pursuant to paragraph (1) or has revised a master plan pursuant to paragraph (6), he or she shall publicly notify such plan without delay. <Added on Nov. 14, 2011; Jan. 11, 2022>
[Title Amended on Jan. 11, 2022]
[Moved from Article 5; previous Article 4 moved to Article 5 <Jan. 11, 2022>]
 Article 5 (Formulation of Plans for Waterworks Installation and Management)
(1) To install and manage general waterworks and industrial waterworks in a proper and reasonable manner, the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, and the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun within a Metropolitan City; hereafter the same shall apply in this Article) shall formulate their plans for waterworks installation and management (hereinafter referred to as the "plan for waterworks installation and management"), every 10 years, based on the master plan for national waterworks: <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018; Jan. 11, 2022>
1. Deleted; <Jan. 11, 2022>
2. Deleted. <Jan. 11, 2022>
(2) Deleted. <Jan. 11, 2022>
(3) Where the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun intends to formulate a plan for waterworks installation and management, he or she shall obtain prior approval therefor from the Minister of Environment. Where he or she intends to modify any important matter prescribed by Presidential Decree, such approval shall be obtained. <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018; Jan. 11, 2022>
(4) Where the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun intends to formulate or revise a plan for waterworks installation and management pursuant to paragraphs (1) through (3), he or she shall make it conform to the relevant urban/Gun master plan under Article 18 of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act. <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; May 25, 2010; Apr. 14, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018; Jan. 11, 2022>
(5) Where the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun formulates or modifies a plan for waterworks installation and management pursuant to paragraph (1) or (3), he or she shall give public notice thereof without delay and notify the Minister of Environment of the details thereof. <Amended on Jun. 8, 2018; Jan. 11, 2022>
(6) Where any waterworks extends over two or more Special Metropolitan Cities, Metropolitan Cities, Special Self-Governing Cities, Special Self-Governing Provinces, and Sis/Guns (excluding a Gun in a Metropolitan City) or where other special reasons exist, a Do Governor, the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun designated by Presidential Decree shall formulate a plan for waterworks installation and management. <Amended on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011; Jan. 11, 2022>
(7) A plan for waterworks installation and management shall include the following matters: <Amended on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011; Nov. 26, 2019; Mar. 31, 2020; Jan. 11, 2022>
1. Basic guidelines for the installation and management of the waterworks (excluding the exclusive waterworks);
2. Matters concerning mid-and long-term supply of and demand for tap water;
3. Matters relating to the securing of alternative water sources;
4. Matters concerning areas to which tap water is supplied;
5. Preservation of water sources and the designation and management of water-source protection areas;
6. Arrangement, structure, and providing capacity of the waterworks (excluding the exclusive waterworks);
7. Securing necessary financial sources for the waterworks business and the priorities of the waterworks business;
8. Matters relating to the survey on the current status of water pipes and washing, renewal, and replacements thereof;
9. Matters relating to the improvement of the management and financial systems of the waterworks business;
10. Matters concerning integrated water service districts in areas where the operation of wide-area waterworks and local waterworks need to be integrated.
11. Matters relating to improvements in the quality of tap water and the relevant service;
12. Matters relating to the informatization of waterworks facilities;
13. Matters necessary to upgrade waterworks facilities according to the outcomes of the technical checkup under Article 74 (1);
14. Matters relating to the connective operation of local waterworks with a neighboring local government;
15. Other matters prescribed by Presidential Decree, which are necessary for the operation of waterworks facilities and efficiency of the waterworks business.
(8) Deleted. <Jun. 8, 2018>
(9) Where five years elapse after a plan for waterworks installation and management is publicly notified pursuant to paragraph (5), the relevant Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor, Special Self-Governing City Mayor, Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of the relevant Si/Gun shall review the validity of such plan and shall reflect the outcomes therein. <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018; Jan. 11, 2022>
[Title Amended on Jan. 11, 2022]
[Moved from Article 4; previous Article 5 moved to Article 4 <Jan. 11, 2022>]
 Article 6 (Implementation of Water-Demand Control Target System)
(1) To enhance the efficiency of waterworks services and to strengthen the control of demand for tap water, a Mayor/Do Governor shall set a target for water-demand control for each Si/Gun/Gu (referring to an autonomous Gu; hereinafter the same shall apply) within his or her jurisdiction, taking into account the appropriate amount water consumption per capita, and shall also formulate a comprehensive plan (hereafter referred to as "comprehensive plan" in this Article) every five years to attain such target and obtain approval therefor from the Minister of Environment. The same shall apply where any comprehensive plan already formulated is intended to be amended. <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; Mar. 23, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018>
(2) The head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall develop a program (hereafter referred to as "implementation program" in this Article) that contains the following matters to implement a comprehensive plan, and shall obtain approval therefor from a Mayor/Do Governor. The same shall apply to a modification to implementation programs: Provided, That in case of the Special Metropolitan City, a Metropolitan City, or a Special Self-Governing City, the Mayor shall develop and implement implementation programs concerning matters falling under subparagraphs 1 and 2: <Amended on Jun. 8, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011; Nov. 26, 2019>
1. Annual target for reducing water leakage and its project plan;
2. Annual target for increasing flowing water (referring to volume which may impose and collect charges among total water supply volume produced from the waterworks by the waterworks business operator) and its project plan;
3. Annual target for wider installation of water-saving facilities, including water-saving equipment and used-water purification waterworks;
4. Other matters prescribed by Presidential Decree for conserving water and raising the efficiency of water saving.
(3) With respect to a Si/Gun/Gu that fails to attain the water-demand control target set under paragraph (1), the Minister of Environment and the heads of the relevant administrative agencies may elect not to grant approval, permission, etc. for any of the following projects and acts that are to be implemented or done by the relevant Si/Gun/Gu. The same shall also apply to the Special Metropolitan City, a Metropolitan City, a Special Self-Governing City, a Do and a Special Self-Governing Province (hereinafter referred to as "City/Do") as well as a Si/Gun/Gu that fail to obtain approval for their respective comprehensive plans and implementation plans without good cause: <Amended on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011>
1. General waterworks businesses;
2. Urban development projects, and development of industrial complexes, tourist resorts, etc.
(4) The Minister of Environment and the heads of the relevant central administrative agencies may differentiate their assistance to a Si/Gun/Gu according to the progress of the water-demand control target under paragraph (1).
 Article 7 (Designation of Water-Source Protection Areas)
(1) The Minister of Environment may designate an area that is deemed necessary for securing water sources and conserving the quality of water as an area for the protection of water sources (hereinafter referred to as "water-source protection area") or may modify the designation.
(2) Where the Minister of Environment designates a water-source protection area or modifies the designation thereof pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she shall without delay publicly announce such designation or modification.
(3) None of the following activities shall be allowed within the water-source protection areas designated and publicly announced pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2): <Amended on May 17, 2007; Jul. 28, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011; Jun. 4, 2013; Jan. 17, 2017; Jan. 11, 2022>
1. Using or dumping water pollutants or specific substances harmful to water quality under subparagraphs 7 and 8 of Article 2 of the Water Environment Conservation Act, toxic chemicals under subparagraph 7 of Article 2 of the Chemicals Control Act, pesticides under subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the Pesticide Control Act, wastes under subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the Wastes Control Act, sewage and excreta under subparagraphs 1 and 2 of Article 2 of the Sewerage Act, or animal excreta under subparagraph 2 of Article 2 of the Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta: Provided, That this shall not apply to any of the following activities:
(a) Using hazardous chemical substances under subparagraph 7 of Article 2 of the Chemicals Control Act as water treatment agents (referring to water treatment agents under subparagraph 5 of Article 3 of the Management of Drinking Water Act), neutralizers, disinfectants, or reagents in water intake facilities; water purification facilities; public wastewater treatment facilities under subparagraph 17 of Article 2 of the Water Environment Conservation Act; public sewage treatment plants under subparagraph 9 of Article 2 of the Sewerage Act; or testing institutes, analyzing institutes, or research institutes affiliated to the State or a local government;
(b) Using hazardous chemical substances under subparagraph 7 of Article 2 of the Chemicals Control Act or alternative hazardous chemical substances in a place of business that has used such hazardous chemicals before the enforcement date (referring to January 29, 2012) of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act. No. 10976), the date of public notice of hazardous chemical substances under subparagraph 7 of Article 2 of the Chemicals Control Act, or the date of the public announcement of such water source protection zones.
2. Other activities prohibited by Presidential Decree that have the risk of obviously polluting water sources.
(4) Any person who intends to conduct any of the following activities in a water-source protection area designated and publicly announced pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) shall obtain permission from the competent Special Self-Governing City Mayor, Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of the competent Si/Gun/Gu: Provided, That in the case of insignificant activities prescribed by Presidential Decree, he or she shall file a report on such activities: <Amended on May 25, 2010; Jul. 28, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011>
1. Construction, enlargement, remodeling, reconstruction, relocation, alteration of purposes, or removal of buildings or other structures;
2. Cultivating or felling standing trees and bamboo;
3. Excavation, banking, or other diversion of the shape or quality of the land.
(5) Upon receipt of a report under the proviso, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of paragraph (4), a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall review the details of the report and accept it if it is deemed that the report complies with this Act. <Newly inserted on Nov. 26, 2019>
(6) Procedures for designation of the water-source protection areas and matters necessary for the standards for permission under paragraphs (1) through (4) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2007; Nov. 26, 2019>
 Article 7-2 (Restrictions on Establishment of Factories in Regions other than Water-Source Protection Areas)
(1) No factory under subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the Industrial Cluster Development and Factory Establishment Act shall be established in regions prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as upper regions of water-source protection areas, or upper or lower regions of water intake facilities (referring to water intake facilities for wide-area waterworks and local waterworks).
(2) Where a water intake facility under paragraph (1) is established in an area within the jurisdiction of a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu or a water intake facility in such area is altered, the Special Self-Governing City Mayor, Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall give public notice thereof without delay, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Added on Dec. 30, 2013>
(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may grant approval for the establishment of factories prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment in the regions prescribed by Presidential Decree, among the regions on which restrictions are imposed, in consideration of influences on water supply resources. In such cases, where water-source protection areas fall under the jurisdiction of the head of another Si/Gun/Gu, they shall consult in advance with the head of the relevant Si/Gun/Gu. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
(4) Any person who has established a factory upon obtaining approval under paragraph (3) shall observe the rules prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment for the protection of water supply resources. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
[This Article Added on Jul. 25, 2010]
 Article 7-3 (Establishment and Operation of System for Management of Information of Water Sources)
(1) The Minister of Environment shall establish and operate a system for the management of information about the following matters (hereinafter referred to as "water-sources information management system") for the management of water quality in water-source protection areas and the areas in which the establishment of factories is restricted pursuant to Article 7-2:
1. Information about waterworks facilities for intake or processing water and current status of water supply;
2. Information about the current status of designation of water-source protection areas, the status of land use, water quality, and occurrences of pollutants;
3. Information about current condition of the areas where the establishment of factories is restricted pursuant to Article 7-2 and sites for factories;
4. Information about other necessary matters concerning the control of water quality in water sources.
(2) The Minister of Environment may request the head of a central administrative agency, a local government, a public institution under Article 4 of the Act on the Management of Public Institutions, or any other related institution to furnish him or her with data or information, as necessary. In such cases, the head of an institution upon receipt of such request shall comply therewith, unless extenuating circumstances exist.
(3) Necessary matters concerning the establishment and operation of the water-sources information management system shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
[This Article Added on Mar. 24, 2014]
 Article 8 (Management of Water-Source Protection Areas)
(1) A water-source protection area shall be managed by a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu having jurisdiction over the water-source protection area. <Amended on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011>
(2) Where a water-source protection area extends over two or more Sis/Guns/Gus or where other special reasons exist, the water-source protection area under consideration shall be managed by the Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(3) The Minister of Environment may evaluate the management status of the water-source protection areas, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment, and may request the head of the relevant administrative agency to take measures necessary for the proper management of the relevant areas.
 Article 8-2 (Water Quality Control Plans for Water-Source Protection Areas)
(1) A Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall formulate and implement, on a five-year basis, water quality control plans for the water-source protection areas within his or her jurisdiction.
(2) The Minister of Environment shall review the validity of the water quality control plans formulated pursuant to paragraph (1) and may request the competent authority to modify any of the plans, if necessary.
(3) The Minister of Environment shall evaluate the results of implementation of the water quality control plans formulated pursuant to paragraph (1) and may request a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu to take necessary measures.
[This Article Added on Dec. 30, 2013]
 Article 9 (Residents Support Program)
(1) The Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (hereafter in this Article through Article 11 referred to as "Management Authority") who manages the water-source protection area under Article 8 (1) or (2), may develop and execute the program for supporting residents living within water-source protection areas and other persons engaged in farming and fishing within such an area (hereinafter referred to as the "resident support program"), as prescribed by Presidential Decree. In such cases, the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall obtain approval therefor from the Mayor/Do Governor.
(2) The types of the residents support programs shall be as follows:
1. Program for increasing the residents' income;
2. Program for promoting the residents' welfare;
3. Educational program for the residents' children;
4. Other programs as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(3) The procedures for developing and executing the residents support program and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 10 (Fund Raising)
(1) The fund necessary for the residents support program shall be raised by the Management Authority from the following financial resources:
1. Contributions from the waterworks business operator who takes benefits from the designation of the water-source protection area;
2. Borrowed money;
3. Profits incurred from the management of the money under subparagraphs 1 and 2;
4. Transfers from general accounts of local governments and other special accounts.
(2) Waterworks business operators under paragraph (1) 1 shall contribute, as prescribed by Presidential Decree, part of the proceeds from his or her waterworks business.
(3) The State may allot a subsidy from the Special Account for Environmental Improvement to cover part of the necessary expenses, taking into consideration the size of the fund raised pursuant to paragraph (1) and the required expenses.
(4) The Management Authority shall distinguish the fund raised under paragraph (1) from the other money and shall manage it as a separate account.
 Article 11 (Bearing Expenses Incurred in Managing Water-Source Protection Areas)
(1) Where a waterworks business operator benefits from the designation and management of a water-source protection area, he or she shall bear expenses incurred in managing the relevant water-source protection area and operating water-pollution prevention facilities prescribed by Presidential Decree, within the limit of the benefits that he or she gains, and according to the criteria for the expense-bearing ratio prescribed by Presidential Decree after consulting thereon with a Management Authority in charge of the relevant water-source protection area. <Amended on Jul. 28, 2011>
(2) Where consultation held under paragraph (1) fails to reach agreement, the amount of expenses to be borne by the waterworks business operator shall be determined in any of the following manners:
1. Where the relevant Sis/Guns/Gus belongs to the jurisdiction of the same City/Do, it shall be determined by the competent Mayor/Do Governor;
2. Where the relevant Sis/Guns/Gus belongs to the jurisdiction of a different City/Do, it shall be determined through a consultation between the competent Mayors/Do Governors;
3. Where a waterworks business operator is not a local government, it shall be determined through a consultation between the relevant waterworks business operator and the Mayor/Do Governor in charge of the relevant water-source protection area.
(3) Where consultation held under paragraph (2) 2 and 3 fails to reach agreement, the Minister of the Interior and Safety shall determine the amount of such expenses, after seeking opinions from the relevant Mayor/Do Governor and consulting with the head of the relevant central administrative agency. <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
 Article 12 (Management Principles for Waterworks Business)
(1) Waterworks business shall be in principle managed by the State, local governments and the Korea Water Resources Corporation: Provided, That the same shall not apply where the supply of tap water by private business operators on behalf of local governments, etc. is deemed necessary.
(2) The waterworks business operator shall make efforts to establish a water rate system based on a reasonable cost calculation, to maintain and expand waterworks-related facilities, and to improve technology on waterworks.
(3) In establishing the water rate system under paragraph (2), every waterworks business operator shall work to lead consumers to save water and to secure expenses for consumers to pay for their supplied water and financial resources necessary to ensure the continuity of his or her projects from the revenues of water rate.
(4) Waterworks business operators that are local governments shall endeavor to enhance the management efficiency through the connective operation, etc. with other waterworks business operators and to improve the self-sufficiency of water by securing and conserving water sources in their jurisdictional areas. <Added on Nov. 26, 2019>
 Article 12-2 (Special Cases concerning Water Rates Caused by Disasters)
Where it is deemed difficult to pay water rates due to a disaster under subparagraph 1 of Article 3 of the Framework Act on the Management of Disasters and Safety, a water supply operator may reduce or exempt water rates, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Added on Jan. 23, 2024]
 Article 13 (Prohibition against Seeking Profits)
(1) Any person shall be prohibited from marketing tap water after bottling tap water or re-treating it using equipment, etc.
(2) The Minister of Environment, the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor and the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City) may take measures necessary to suspend the supply of tap water against anyone who has violated paragraph (1) and remove his or her equipment, etc. <Amended on Nov. 14, 2011>
 Article 14 (Certification of Materials or Products for Waterworks)
(1) Any person who intends to manufacture or import materials or products for waterworks that come into contact with water among waterworks facilities (excluding water intake facilities, water reservation facilities and raw water conveyance facilities) shall in advance obtain certification as to whether such materials or products for waterworks meet hygiene and safety standards prescribed by Presidential Decree from the Minister of Environment.
(2) No one shall manufacture, import, supply or sell any of the following materials or products for waterworks: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply where any entity prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Ordinance, such as a school or research institution, manufactures or imports such materials or products for waterworks for testing or research purposes: <Amended on Dec. 12, 2017>
1. Where he or she fails to obtain certification under paragraph (1);
2. Where materials or products do not meet standards under paragraph (8) as a result of a periodic inspection under paragraph (6) or occasional inspection under paragraph (7).
(3) Any person who intends to install general waterworks or private-use waterworks shall use materials or products for waterworks which meet the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree, and shall use materials or products for waterworks certified pursuant to paragraph (1) for materials or products that comes into contact with water.
(4) Any person who has obtained certification from the Minister of Environment pursuant to paragraph (1) shall indicate such certification on every material or product for waterworks or the package thereof.
(5) No one shall indicate a certification mark on any material or product for waterworks not certified under paragraph (1) or the package thereof.
(6) A person who has obtained certification pursuant to paragraph (1) shall undergo periodic inspections conducted by the Minister of Environment on relevant materials and products for waterworks. <Added on Dec. 30, 2013; Nov. 26, 2019>
(7) A person who has obtained certification pursuant to paragraph (1) shall undergo an inspection (hereinafter referred to as "occasional inspection") by the Minister of Environment where there are reasons prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment, such as cases where damage has occurred to customers or it is deemed that damage is likely to occur to customers due to deterioration in the quality of materials or products for waterworks. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013; Dec. 12, 2017; Nov. 26, 2019>
(8) The following shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment: <Added on Dec. 12, 2017; Nov. 26, 2019>
1. Scope of materials and products for waterworks which should be certified pursuant to paragraph (1), certification methods and procedures, and fees;
2. Methods of indication under paragraph (4);
3. Intervals of periodic inspections under paragraph (6);
4. Standards, methods, procedure, fees, etc. for periodic inspections and occasional inspections under paragraph (6).
[This Article Wholly Amended on May 25, 2010]
 Article 14-2 (Revocation of Certification)
(1) Where a person who receives certification pursuant to Article 14 falls under any of the following, the Minister of Environment may revoke such certification or require him or her to suspend the manufacture, import, supply or sale or to make improvements for a period not exceeding six months, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment: Provided, That where he or she falls under subparagraph 1, 3 or 4, the Minister of Environment shall revoke such certification: <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013; Dec. 12, 2017>
1. Where he or she obtains certification by fraud or other improper means;
2. Where he or she fails to undergo a periodic inspection under Article 14 (6);
3. Where materials or products for waterworks do not meet standards of periodic inspections or occasional inspections under Article 14 (8), or he or she refuses, interferes with or evades such inspections;
4. Where he or she is unable to continue business operations due to permanent business closure or any other cause or event;
5. Where he or she manufactures or imports a material or product in a different manner from the certified matters.
(2) No person whose certification is revoked pursuant to paragraph (1) shall re-file an application for certification before the lapse of the following periods classified as follows, whichever is relevant: <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013; Jan. 27, 2016; Dec. 12, 2017>
1. Where certification is revoked pursuant to paragraph (1) 1, 2, 3 or 5: Six months from the date of revocation;
2. Where certification is revoked pursuant to paragraph (1) 4: One month from the date of revocation.
[This Article Added on Jul. 25, 2010]
 Article 14-3 (Designation of Inspection Institutions)
(1) The Minister of Environment may designate an inspection institution to professionally perform affairs concerning certification under Article 14 (1) and have it conduct testing and inspections to ascertain whether materials and products for waterworks meet hygiene and safety standards.
(2) A person who intends to be designated as an inspection institution pursuant to paragraph (1) shall file an application for such designation to the Minister of Environment after meeting the following standards, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment:
1. It shall be an institution accredited as a testing and inspection institution pursuant to Article 23 of the Framework Act on National Standards in the field related to hygiene and safety standards under Article 14 (1);
2. It shall meet the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree in terms of technical personnel, facilities and equipment, etc. necessary for testing and inspection.
(3) If an inspection institution designated pursuant to paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as "inspection institution") intends to modify any important matter prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as the location or trade name of the designated matters, it shall obtain approval of such modification from the Minister of Environment.
(4) The Minister of Environment shall periodically verify whether the inspection institution meet the standards under paragraph (2).
(5) An inspection institution shall comply with matters prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as the methods of inspection, preparation and retention of records of inspection results, and period of inspection.
(6) Matters necessary for the procedures and methods of designation of an inspection institution under paragraph (1), the procedures and methods for the approval for modification under paragraph (3), the procedures and cycle of verification, etc. under paragraph (4) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
[This Article Added on Nov. 26, 2019]
[Previous Article 14-3 moved to Article 14-5 <Nov. 26, 2019>]
 Article 14-4 (Revocation of Designation of Inspection Institutions)
(1) Where an inspection institute falls under any of the following, the Minister of Environment may revoke the designation or order to suspend business for a specified period not exceeding six months: Provided, That in cases falling under subparagraph 1 or 2, such designation shall be revoked:
1. Where it has obtained the designation by fraud or other improper means;
2. Where it fails to meet the standards under Article 14-3 (2) as a result of verification pursuant to paragraph (4) of that Article;
3. Where it fails to comply with the matters under Article 14-3 (5);
4. Where it fails to continue the designated business for not less than one month without good cause.
(2) The Minister of Environment shall not designate a person as an inspection institution again within one year from the date the person has its designation revoked pursuant to paragraph (1).
(3) Standards and detailed procedures of administrative disposition, such as the revocation of designation under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
[This Article Added on Nov. 26, 2019]
[Previous Article 14-4 moved to Article 14-6 <Nov. 26, 2019>]
 Article 14-5 (Recommendation of Collecting of Products)
(1) In any of the following cases, the Minister of Environment may recommend a business operator who manufactures, imports, supplies, or sells the relevant materials or products for waterworks to take measures to collect, destroy, exchange, refund, or improve the relevant products, etc. or take other necessary measures (hereinafter referred to as "collecting, etc."): <Amended on Dec. 12, 2017>
1. Where the business operator fails to indicate a mark under Article 14 (4) or indicates a mark different from certification he or she has obtained;
2. Where materials or products for waterworks do not meet standards of periodic inspections or occasional inspections under Article 14 (8).
(2) Where a business operator takes measures following recommendation pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she shall report matters prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as the result of such measures, to the Minister of Environment.
(3) Where a business operator recommended to take measures pursuant to paragraph (1) fails to follow the recommendation without good cause, the Minister of Environment may publicly announce the fact thereof.
(4) Matters necessary for recommending collecting, etc. pursuant to paragraph (1), reporting pursuant to paragraph (2), and publicly announcing pursuant to paragraph (3), shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Added on Jan. 27, 2016]
[Moved from Article 14-3; previous Article 14-5 moved to Article 14-7 <Nov. 26, 2019>]
 Article 14-6 (Order to Perform Collection of Products)
(1) Where a business operator falls under any of the following, the Minister of Environment may order him or her to perform collection, etc. in accordance with procedures prescribed by Presidential Decree and publicly announce the fact thereof: <Amended on Dec. 12, 2017; Nov. 26, 2019>
1. Where the business operator manufactures, imports, supplies or sells products, etc. not certified, in violation of Article 14 (2);
2. Where the business operator who has received a recommendation under Article 14-5 (1) fails to comply with such recommendation without good cause.
(2) Where a business operator takes the relevant measures following an order issued pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she shall report matters prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as the result of such measures, to the Minister of Environment.
(3) Where a business operator fails to follow an order issued pursuant to paragraph (1), the Minister of Environment may conduct collecting, etc. of the relevant products, etc. by himself or herself. In such cases, expenses incurred in collecting, etc. may be collected from the relevant business operator.
(4) Matters necessary for issuing orders and publicly announcing collecting, etc. pursuant to paragraph (1), reporting pursuant to paragraph (2), and taking measures and collecting expenses pursuant to paragraph (3), shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Added on Jan. 27, 2016]
[Moved from Article 14-4; Previous Article 14-6 moved to Article 14-8 <Nov. 26, 2019>]
 Article 14-7 (On-Site Inspection)
(1) The Minister of Environment may require relevant public officials to conduct on-site inspections in order to recommend or order business operators to perform collection, etc. or require business operators to submit necessary data.
(2) A relevant public official who conducts an on-site inspection pursuant to paragraph (1) shall carry an identity document indicating his or her authority and produce it to the relevant persons.
[This Article Added on Dec. 12, 2017]
[Moved from Article 14-5 <Nov. 26, 2019>]
 Article 14-8 (Request for Withdrawal of Recommendation
(1) Where a business operator who receives a recommendation or order to perform collection, etc. or business operator who has interest in the relevant recommendation or order has an objection, he or she may request the Minister of Environment to withdraw such recommendation or order, in whole or in part, within 30 days from the date he or she becomes aware that there is such recommendation or order. <Amended on May 26, 2020>
(2) In response to a request under paragraph (1), the Minister of Environment shall decide whether to withdraw his or her recommendation or order, in whole or in part, within 30 days: Provided, That where he or she is unable to make his or her decision within that period due to extenuating circumstances, he or she may extend the period by up to 30 days.
(3) A person who receives an order under Article 14-6 (1) may file an administrative appeal under the Administrative Appeals Act irrespective of whether an application under paragraph (1) has been filed. <Amended on Nov. 26, 2019>
(4) Procedures, methods, etc. for filing an application under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Added on Dec. 12, 2017]
[Moved from Article 14-6 <Nov. 26, 2019>]
 Article 15 (Installation of Water-Saving Fixtures)
(1) Where any person intends to construct any buildings under Article 2 (1) 2 of the Building Act or facilities prescribed by ordinance of the local government, he or she shall install water-saving fixtures to economize and efficiently use tap water. <Amended on Jul. 28, 2011; Nov. 26, 2019>
(2) Any person who conducts lodging business (excluding lodging facilities having not more than ten rooms) and public bath business under Article 2 (1) 2 and 3 of the Public Health Control Act or sports facility business under Article 10 (1) of the Installation and Utilization of Sports Facilities Act or who installs public toilets under subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the Public Toilets Act, shall install water-saving fixtures and devices. <Amended on Nov. 14, 2011>
(3) When any person who conducts lodging business, public bath business or sports facility business or who installs public toilets fails to install water-saving fixtures and devices under paragraph (2), a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may order him or her to install such water-saving fixtures and devices. <Amended on May 25, 2010; Jul. 24, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011>
(4) A person who intends to manufacture or import water-saving fixtures prescribed in paragraphs (1) through (3) to sell them on the domestic market shall indicate the water-saving grade on the relevant water-saving fixtures. <Added on Dec. 24, 2018; Aug. 17, 2021>
(5) Matters necessary for indicating grades on water-saving fixtures under paragraph (4) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Added on Dec. 24, 2018>
 Article 15-2 (Registration of Water-Saving Business)
(1) A person who intends to engage in any of the following business (hereinafter referred to as "water-saving business") shall be equipped with the facilities, equipment, and technical capacity that meet the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree and shall have the business registered with the Minister of Environment:
1. Management and maintenance of facilities and equipment for the distribution and supply of water for the reduction of leakage in facilities or areas to which water is supplied (including investment in improving such facilities);
2. Installation of water-saving fixtures and devices under Article 15;
3. Other business prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment as those for saving water.
(2) The Minister of Environment may provide technical assistance and other necessary assistance to the persons that have their business registered pursuant to paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as "water-saving business operators").
[This Article Added on Dec. 30, 2013]
 Article 15-3 (Revocation of Registration of Water-Saving Business)
Where any water-saving business operator falls under any of the following, the Minister of Environment may revoke the relevant registration or suspend the assistance under Article 15-2 (2), as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment: Provided, That the Minister of Environment shall revoke the registration in cases of falling under subparagraph 1:
1. Where a person has his or her business registered pursuant to Article 15-2 (1) by fraud or other improper means;
2. Where a water-saving business operator lends his or her registration certificate to any third person to aid and abet the person to engage in the business specified in any subparagraph of Article 15-2 (1);
3. Where a water-saving business no longer meets the standards for the registration under Article 15-2 (1);
4. Where a water-saving business operator fails to commence his or her business without good cause within three years after he or she has his or her business registered or has no result from his or her business performance continuously for at least three years.
[This Article Added on Dec. 30, 2013]
 Article 15-4 (Restriction on Registration of Water-Saving Business)
No person who has his or her registration revoked pursuant to Article 15-3 shall file for the registration pursuant to Article 15-2 (1) again before the lapse of one year from the date of revocation of the registration.
[This Article Added on Dec. 30, 2013]
 Article 16 (Indicating Volume of Water Used by Water-Using Appliances)
Any person who intends to manufacture or import a water-using appliance to sell such appliance in the Republic of Korea, shall indicate the volume of water usage in the energy efficiency rating under Article 15 (2) of the Energy Use Rationalization Act, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Added on Jul. 28, 2011]
 Article 17 (Authorization for General Waterworks Business)
(1) A person who intends to engage in general waterworks business shall obtain authorization from the Minister of Environment, a Mayor/Do Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun; hereinafter referred to as "authorizing agency"), whoever is the competent authority specified in any of the following subparagraphs, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. The same shall also apply where he or she intends to modify the authorized matters (excluding an a modification to insignificant matters prescribed by Presidential Decree): <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; May 25, 2010; Jul. 28, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018>
1. Wide-area waterworks and local waterworks that are installed by a local government (excluding wide-area waterworks and local waterworks falling under subparagraphs 3 and 4) and wide-area waterworks other than those installed by a local government: The Minister of Environment;
2. Deleted; <Jun. 8, 2018>
3. Wide-area waterworks and local waterworks, the volume of which is not more than 10,000 tons a day, installed by a local government in the jurisdiction of a Do or Self-Governing Province: A Do Governor or a Special Self-Governing Province Governor;
4. Wide-area waterworks and local waterworks, the volume of which is not more than 100,000 tons a day, installed by a local government in the jurisdiction of the Special Metropolitan City, a Metropolitan City or Special Self-Governing City: The Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, or a Special Self-Governing City Mayor;
5. Village waterworks: The Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor or the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City).
(2) The Mayor/Do Governor shall pre-consult with the Minister of Environment to grant authorization under paragraph (1) 3 or 4. <Amended on Jun. 8, 2018>
(3) When having granted the authorization for the general waterworks business pursuant to paragraph (1), an authorizing agency shall without delay give a public notice thereof. <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; May 25, 2010; Jul. 28, 2011>
(4) Deleted. <Jun. 8, 2018>
(5) Where the Mayor/Do Governor authorizes general waterworks (excluding village waterworks), he or she shall notify the Minister of Environment of authorized matters without delay. <Added on Jul. 28, 2011>
 Article 18 (Standards for Facilities)
(1) Where a general waterworks business operator installs waterworks facilities, the business operator shall take into consideration the safety of the waterworks facilities in the event of an earthquake and shall ensure that the general waterworks meet the standards as prescribed by Presidential Decree depending on the quality, quantity, geographical condition of the raw water, on the types of the waterworks, and on the scale of relevant facilities.
(2) Deleted. <May 25, 2010>
 Article 19 (Inspection for Water Quality at Time of Completion of Construction)
 Article 19 (Inspection for Water Quality at Time of Completion of Construction)
(1) If a general waterworks business operator has completed the construction of waterworks, the business operator shall undergo an inspection of the water quality as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) Unless having undergone an inspection of water quality as under paragraph (1), the general waterworks business operator shall not provide tap water.
 Article 20 (Protection of Waterworks)
Any person shall be prohibited from installing waterworks connected to the existing tap-water pipelines of the general waterworks or modifying or damaging the general waterworks without having obtained a prior approval therefor from the general waterworks business operator.
 Article 21 (Management of Waterworks)
(1) The management right of general waterworks shall be held by a general waterworks business operator: Provided, That the waterworks management right of water-supply facilities shall be held by a person prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) Notwithstanding the proviso of paragraph (1), any general waterworks business operator may examine the current condition of water-supply facilities and the quality of tap water after obtaining consent thereto from the owner or the manager of the relevant water supply facilities: Provided, That a general waterworks business operator shall examine water-supply facilities, with consent thereto from the owner or manager of the facilities, to ensure that the facilities have been properly installed, when tap water is supplied to newly installed facilities. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
(3) Any person who is supplied with tap water by a general waterworks business operator may request the general waterworks business operator to examine the current condition of the water-supply facilities and the quality of the tap water that is supplied to him or her.
(4) The standards and procedure for the examination of water-supply facilities under paragraphs (2) and (3) and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Added on Dec. 30, 2013>
(5) Where a general waterworks business operator finds, as a result of the examination conducted under paragraph (2) or (3), that water-supply facilities fall short of the standards for the examination under paragraph (4) or tap water falls short of the water quality standards under Article 26 (2), he or she may recommend the owner or the manager of the water-supply facilities to wash, renew, or replace the water-supply facilities and take other necessary measures, as prescribed by ordinance of the competent local government. In such cases, the general waterworks business operator may grant a subsidy or a loan for part of the costs incurred in washing, renewing, or replacing the water-supply facilities, as prescribed by ordinance of the competent local government. <Amended on Nov. 14, 2011; Dec. 30, 2013>
(6) A general waterworks business operator shall appoint a person who meets standards prescribed by Presidential Decree as the manager responsible for waterworks to perform the duties prescribed by Presidential Decree, including technical management of waterworks. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
(7) A general waterworks business operator shall place certified operation managers of the water purification facilities in the water purification facilities to manage the facilities according to the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree, taking into account the scale, etc. of the water purification facilities, so as to ensure the efficient operation and management of the water purification facilities. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
(8) A general waterworks business operator shall place a certified operation managers of the waterworks pipe network facilities in the waterworks pipe network facilities to manage the facilities according to the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree, taking into account the scale, etc. of the waterworks pipe network facilities, so as to ensure the efficient operation and management of the waterworks pipe network facilities. <Amended on Mar. 31, 2020>
(9) A general waterworks business operator shall endeavor to implement the following measures to save energy required for the operation and management of waterworks and to efficiently operate and manage waterworks: <Added on Nov. 26, 2019; Mar. 31, 2020>
1. Use of renewable energy under subparagraph 2 of Article 2 of the Act on the Promotion of the Development, Use and Diffusion of New and Renewable Energy;
2. Utilization of an energy-saving water purification process;
3. Use of energy-saving materials and products.
 Article 21-2 (Management of Water Pipe Network)
A general waterworks business operator that is a local government shall manage and maintain the water pipe network efficiently and systematically, as prescribed by Presidential Decree, to prevent water pollution in the course of the supply of tap water and to improve flowing water rate (referring to the rate of the flowing water among total water supply volume) by reducing water leakage. <Amended on Mar. 31, 2020>
[This Article Added on Nov. 26, 2019]
[Title Amended on Mar. 31, 2020]
 Article 21-3 (Designation of Areas for Priority Control of Water Pipe Network)
(1) The Minister of Environment may designate an area in which water pollution occurs or is likely to occur due to the deterioration, etc. of the water pipe network as an area for priority control of the water pipe network (hereinafter referred to as "priority control area"), after consultation with the competent general waterworks business operator (referring to a general waterworks business operator that is a local government; hereafter in this Article the same shall apply).
(2) Where a ground for designation of priority control area arises in the jurisdiction of a general waterworks business operator or where he or she deems it necessary to revoke the designation thereof, he or she may request the Minister of Environment to designate or revoke the designation thereof.
(3) A general waterworks business operator shall conduct the regular measurement of water quality, etc. in the priority control area under his or her jurisdiction, formulate a plan for the improvement of pipe network and submit it to the Minister of Environment.
(4) The Minister of Environment may subsidize necessary expenses for the maintenance of water pipe network in priority control area.
(5) When it is deemed necessary to revoke the designation of a priority control area in cases where a ground for the designation thereof ceases to exist, where a necessity to maintain such designation has significantly declined, or in other similar cases, the Minister of Environment may revoke the designation.
(6) Matters necessary for the standards and procedures for the designation of a priority control area under paragraph (1), the measurement of water quality under paragraph (3), the formulation of a plan for the improvement of pipe network, and the procedures for the revocation of designation under paragraph (5) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
[This Article Added on Mar. 31, 2020]
 Article 21-4 (Registration of Agency Business for Managing Water Pipe Network)
(1) A person who intends to engage in any of the following duties (hereinafter referred to as "agency business for managing water pipe network") shall be equipped with personnel and equipment, etc. that meets the requirements prescribed by Presidential Decree and shall have the business registered with the Minister of Environment:
1. Washing of water pipe network;
2. Management of water leakage, such as investigation and recovery of water supply networks;
3. Examination and improvement of water supply networks;
4. Other duties prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment falling under the operation and management of water pipe network.
(2) Where an important matter prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment is modified among the matters registered pursuant to paragraph (1), such as technical personnel, such modification shall be registered.
(3) A person who has registered an agency business for managing water pipe network pursuant to paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as "agency for managing water pipe network") shall comply with the matters to be observed, prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as recording and keeping, etc. of the matters related to the management of water pipe network.
(4) Matters necessary for the procedures, etc. for the registration of an agency business for managing water pipe network and the registration of modification thereof pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
[This Article Added on Mar. 31, 2020]
 Article 21-5 (Revocation of Registration of Agency Business for Managing Water Pipe Network)
Where an agency business for managing water pipe network falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the Minister of Environment may revoke the registration of the agency business for managing water pipe network or order to suspend the whole or part of business operations for a period not exceeding six months: Provided, That such registration shall be revoked in cases falling under subparagraph 1:
1. Where it files for registration under Article 21-4 (1) by fraud or other improper means;
2. Where it fails to initiate business operations within one year after filing for registration under Article 21-4 (1) 1 or has closed the business continuously for at least one year without good cause;
3. Where it ceases to meet registration requirements under Article 21-4 (1);
4. Where the distributor fails to file for registration of modification, in violation of Article 21-4 (2), or has filed for such registration by fraud or other improper means;
5. Where it fails to comply with the matters to be observed under Article 21-4 (3);
6. Where it provides agent services for managing water pipe network in violation of an order to suspend business operations.
(2) No person whose registration is revoked pursuant to paragraph (1) shall file for the registration under Article 21-4 (1) again before the lapse of one year from the date of revocation of the registration.
(3) Detailed criteria for administrative dispositions under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment in consideration of the type, severity, etc. of the relevant offense.
[This Article Added on Mar. 31, 2020]
 Article 22 (Invitation of Private Capital for Waterworks Business)
The State or local governments may invite private capital to cover, in whole or in part, costs involved in the waterworks business, as prescribed by the Act on Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure.
 Article 23 (Entrustment of Operation and Management of Waterworks Facilities)
(1) Every general waterworks business operator (referring to a general waterworks business operator that is a local government; hereafter in this Article the same shall apply) may, as prescribed by Presidential Decree, entrust all or some of the affairs relating to the operation and management of waterworks (hereinafter referred to as "waterworks management affairs") to a specialized institute prescribed by Presidential Decree or a waterworks business operator that is a local government, to efficiently operate and manage the waterworks business. In such cases, a general waterworks business operator may entrust waterworks management affairs jointly with another general waterworks business operator. <Amended on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011>
(2) Where a general waterworks business operator intends to entrust waterworks management affairs pursuant to paragraph (1), the general waterworks business operator shall conclude a contract for entrustment with a person to be entrusted with waterworks management affairs (hereinafter referred to as "entrustee"), as prescribed by Presidential Decree, and shall report the following to the Minister of Environment without delay, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment: <Amended on Nov. 14, 2011>
1. Where the general waterworks business operator has concluded the contract for entrustment, the fact of the conclusion thereof, or where the general waterworks business operator has changed the details of the contract for entrustment, the fact of the change thereof;
2. Where the general waterworks business operator has canceled the contract for entrustment, the fact of the cancellation thereof.
(3) For the purposes of applying Articles 28, 28-2, 29, 32, 33 (1), 36, 37 and 61, an entrustee shall be deemed a general waterworks business operator within the scope of the entrusted waterworks management affairs. <Amended on Nov. 14, 2011>
(4) Where a general waterworks business operator entrusts the waterworks management affairs, the general waterworks business operator shall guide and supervise an entrustee when the entrustee performs the relevant entrusted affairs. In such cases, the general waterworks business operator may request the entrustee to file reports and submit materials to ensure the safe and appropriate supply of tap water if necessary.
(5) Every general waterworks business operator shall establish and operate a Waterworks Management Entrustment Review Committee to deliberate on matters concerning the waterworks management affairs. <Added on May 25, 2010>
(6) The chairperson of each Waterworks Management Entrustment Review Committee shall be appointed by the relevant general waterworks business operator from among public officials of Grade III to Grade V in charge of waterworks-related affairs, and its members shall be comprised of no more than 15 persons, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Added on May 25, 2010>
(7) The functions and operation of a Waterworks Management Entrustment Review Committee and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Added on May 25, 2010>
 Article 23-2 (Inspections of Actual Conditions of Operation and Management of Waterworks Facilities)
(1) The Minister of Environment may inspect the actual conditions (hereafter referred to as "inspection of the actual conditions" in this Article) on the operation and management of water supply facilities in order to improve the quality of water supply services.
(2) The Minister of Environment may establish and operate computer networks for an efficient inspection on actual conditions and the sharing of relevant information.
(3) Matters necessary for indexes, methods, etc. for the inspection of the actual conditions shall be determined and announced by the Minister of Environment.
[This Article Added on Nov. 14, 2011]
 Article 24 (Certified Operation Managers of Water Purification Facilities)
(1) Any person who intends to be a certified operation manager of water purification facilities shall either pass a qualifying examination for certified operation managers of water purification facilities conducted by the Minister of Environment or apply for the issuance of a certificate of qualification to the Minister of Environment after satisfying the qualification requirements prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as completion of training courses.
(2) Grades of certified operation managers of water purification facilities under paragraph (1) shall be Grade I, II, and III.
(3) The qualification for Grade I or II certified operation managers of water purification facilities shall be granted to those who have passed a national examination, and the qualification for Grade III shall be granted to those who meet the qualification requirements prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as completion of training courses.
(4) None of the following persons shall become a certified operation manager of water purification facilities:
1. A minor or a person under adult guardianship;
2. A person declared bankrupt and not yet reinstated;
3. A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment without labor or a heavier punishment for violating this Act, the Sewerage Act, the Drinking Water Management Act, or the Act on Promotion and Support of Water Reuse and for whom two years have yet to pass from the date the execution of the sentence is terminated (including where the execution of the sentence is deemed to be terminated) or the execution of the sentence is exempted;
4. A person who is in a stay period after having been sentenced to a stay of the execution of imprisonment without labor or a heavier punishment for violating this Act, the Sewerage Act, the Drinking Water Management Act, or the Act on Promotion and Support of Water Reuse;
5. A person for whom three years have not passed his or her qualification was revoked pursuant to Article 25 (excluding cases where his or her qualification was revoked due to the reason specified in Article 24 (4) 1 or 2.
(5) The Minister of Environment shall issue certificates of qualifications to persons who have passed the qualifying examination under paragraph (1) or those who have applied for the issuance of certificates of qualifications after satisfying the qualification requirements under that paragraph.
(6) No person who has obtained a certificate of qualification of a certified operation manager of water purification facilities pursuant to paragraph (5) shall lend his or her certificate to any other person.
(7) No person shall borrow a certificate of qualification of a certified operation manager of water purification facilities or make arrangement therefor.
(8) Qualifications for taking the qualifying examination to be certified operation managers of water purification facilities under paragraph (1), subjects of the examination, methods of the examination, partial exemption from the examination, procedures for issuing certificates, and other matters necessary for the examination shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(9) In order to efficiently operate training courses for certified operation managers of water purification facilities under paragraph (1), the Minister of Environment may entrust the business affairs related to the operation of the training courses to an institution or organization prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Aug. 16, 2023]
 Article 24-2 (Sanctions against Persons who Cheated on Examination)
For applicants that cheated on the qualifying examination to be certified operation managers of water purification facilities, the Minister of Environment shall suspend or invalidate such examination or revoke the determination of passing the examination, and shall suspend his or her qualification to apply for the examination for three years, starting from the day when the examination was suspended or invalidated or the determination of passing the examination was revoked. <Amended on May 26, 2020>
[This Article Added on Jan. 27, 2016]
 Article 25 (Revocation of Qualifications for Certified Operation Managers of Water Purification Facilities)
(1) Where a certified operation manager of water purification facilities falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the Minister of Environment may revoke his or her qualification or suspend his or her qualification within the scope of not more than 3 years: Provided, That if he or she falls under subparagraph 1 or 2, his or her qualification shall be revoked: <Amended on Aug. 16, 2023>
1. Where he or she has acquired qualifications by fraud or other improper means;
2. Where he or she falls under any of the provisions of Article 24 (4) 1 through 5;
3. Where the supply of tap water to residents has harmfully affected their health on the grounds of poor operation and management of the water purification facilities, which has been caused by intention or gross negligence;
4. Where he or she has lent his or her certificate of qualification to any other person, in violation of Article 24 (6).
(2) Standards for revoking or suspending the qualifications of certified operation managers of water purification facilities under paragraph (1) shall be set by Ministerial Decree of Environment taking into account the grounds of dispositions and the severity of violations.
 Article 25-2 (Certified Operation Manager of Water Pipe Network Facilities)
(1) A person who intends to be a certified operation manager of water pipe network facilities shall apply for the issuance of a certificate of qualification to the Minister of Environment after satisfying the qualification of requirements prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) None of the following persons shall become a certified operation manager of water pipe network facilities:
1. A minor or a person under adult guardianship;
2. A person declared bankrupt and not yet reinstated;
3. A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment without labor or a heavier punishment for violating this Act, the Sewerage Act, the Drinking Water Management Act, or the Act on Promotion and Support of Water Reuse and for whom two years have yet to pass from the date the execution of the sentence is terminated (including where the execution of the sentence is deemed to be terminated) or the execution of the sentence is exempted;
4. A person who is in a stay period after having been sentenced to a stay of the execution of imprisonment without labor or a heavier punishment for violating this Act, the Sewerage Act, the Drinking Water Management Act, or the Act on Promotion and Support of Water Reuse;
5. A person for whom three years have yet to pass from the date his or her qualification pursuant to Article 25 was revoked (excluding cases where his or her registration was revoked as he or she had fallen under Article 24 (2) 1 or 2.
(3) The Minister of Environment shall issue a certificate to a person who files an application for issuing a certificate after satisfying the qualification of requirements under paragraph (1).
(4) No person who has obtained a certificate of certified operation manager of water pipe network facilities pursuant to paragraph (3) shall lend his or her certificate to any other person.
(5) No person shall borrow a certificate of certified operation manager of water pipe network facilities or make arrangements therefor. <Added on Jan. 11, 2022>
(6) The Minister of Environment may collect fees from a person who intends to be issued (or re-issued) a certificate of certified operation manager of water pipe network facilities pursuant to paragraph (3), as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Amended on Jan. 11, 2022>
(7) Matters necessary for the grade and scope of duties of certified operation managers of water pipe network facilities and procedures, etc. for the issuance of a certificate under paragraph (3) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Jan. 11, 2022>
[This Article Added on Mar. 31, 2020]
 Article 25-3 (Revocation of Qualification of Certified Operation Manager of Water Pipe Network Facilities)
(1) Where any certified operation manager of water pipe network facilities falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the Minister of Environment may revoke his or her qualification or suspend his or her qualification within the scope of not more than 3 years: Provided, That if he or she falls under subparagraph 1 or 2, his or her qualification shall be revoked:
1. Where he or she has acquired qualifications by fraud or other improper means;
2. Where he or she falls under any subparagraph of Article 25-2 (2);
3. Where the supply of tap water to residents has harmfully affected their health on the grounds of poor operation and management of the water pipe network, which has been caused by intention or gross negligence;
4. Where he or she lends his or her certificate to any other person, in violation of Article 25-2 (4).
(2) Standards for revoking or suspending the qualifications of certified operation manager of water pipe network facilities under paragraph (1) shall be set by Ministerial Decree of Environment taking into account the grounds of dispositions and the severity of violations.
[This Article Added on Mar. 31, 2020]
 Article 26 (Standards for Water Quality)
(1) The drinking water that is supplied by the waterworks shall not include the substance falling under any of the following subparagraphs: <Amended on May 26, 2020>
1. The substance that is contaminated, or likely to be contaminated, with pathogenic germs, bacteria, or viruses;
2. An inorganic or organic substance that has the possibility to affect negatively the state of health;
3. The substance that can exert an aesthetic influence;
4. Other substances that can exert a negative influence on the state of health.
(2) Necessary matters concerning the standards for water quality under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
(3) The Minister of Environment may designate the items that need to be monitored, such as micro-pollutants in raw water or processed water, as the monitored items of drinking water for the establishment of the water quality standards under paragraph (2). In such cases, further details about the items to be designated as the monitored items of drinking water, the procedures for the designation, the standards for each monitored item of drinking water, and the testing cycle shall be determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Environment. <Added on Dec. 30, 2013>
(4) Where a Mayor/Do Governor deems it necessary to protect health of residents, he or she may prescribe any of the following matters by municipal ordinance of the City/Do: Provided, That this shall not apply to the wide-area waterworks that supply raw water or processed water to the areas of two or more Cities/Dos: <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
1. Tightening of the water quality standards under paragraph (2) or the standards for the monitoring of drinking water for each monitored item under paragraph (3);
2. The water quality standards and testing methods for any item other than the items included in the water quality standards under paragraph (2) or the standards for the monitoring of drinking water for any items other than the monitored items under paragraph (3) and the testing methods for such items.
 Article 26-2 (Reporting on Violation of Water Quality Standards)
(1) Where water quality standards under Article 26 (2) are violated, a general waterworks business operator shall immediately report an item of violations of the water quality standards, a plan for measures, etc. to the head of the competent river basin environmental office or the head of the competent regional environmental office (hereinafter referred to as "head of a regional environmental office").
(2) The head of a regional environmental office who has received a report pursuant to paragraph (1) shall immediately review the appropriateness of a plan for measures and report it to the Minister of Environment, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
(3) Where it is difficult to supply tap water safely and appropriately, including cases where tap water fails to meet water quality standards under Article 26 (2), the Minister of Environment may dispatch an official who controls the scene and coordinates related affairs thereto, whose qualification meets the requirements prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment, to the scene of an accident for prompt response to the accident, control over the situation, and collection and notification of information on the accident.
(4) Cases where an official who controls the scene and coordinates related affairs thereto may be dispatched pursuant to paragraph (3), procedures and methods of the dispatch, and the duties of the official who controls the scene and coordinates related affairs thereto shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(5) A general waterworks business operator in the area where an official who controls the scene and coordinates related affairs is dispatched pursuant to paragraph (3) shall provide proactive cooperation to an official who controls the scene and coordinates affairs related thereto so that he or she may smoothly perform his or her duties at the scene of the accident, and where a general waterworks business operator determines and executes major issues, he or she shall consult with the official who controls the scene and coordinates affairs related thereto.
[This Article Added on Nov. 26, 2019]
 Article 27 (Notification on Details of Violations of Water Quality Standards)
(1) Where tap water fails to meet the water quality standards under Article 26 (2) or where it falls under any of the grounds prescribed by Presidential Decree, a general waterworks business operator shall inform residents in his or her jurisdiction of the details of the violation thereof and take measures necessary to improve the water quality. <Amended on Nov. 14, 2011>
(2) Matters necessary for the timing, details, methods, etc. of notification under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Amended on Nov. 14, 2011>
[Title Amended on Nov. 14, 2011]
 Article 28 (Water Purification Standards)
(1) General waterworks business operators shall comply with the water purification standards prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment in order to prevent tap water that is supplied for drinking from being contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms: Provided, That the same shall not apply where groundwater that is not affected by surface water is used as a water source and the water source is granted certification prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Amended on Nov. 14, 2011; Dec. 30, 2013>
(2) Where a general waterworks business operator certified under the proviso of paragraph (1) falls under any of the following cases, the Minister of Environment shall revoke such certification: <Amended on Nov. 14, 2011>
1. Where he or she is certified by fraud or other improper means;
2. Where the relevant water source certified ceases to meet the standards for certification under paragraph (3).
(3) The scope of facilities that should meet the water purification standards under the main sentence of paragraph (1), standards for certification, period of certification, procedures for certification, and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Added on Nov. 14, 2011>
(4) General waterworks business operators shall install and operate water purification facilities that comply with standards for turbidity, etc. of processed water prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment so that they can meet water purification standards under the main sentence of paragraph (1). <Added on Nov. 14, 2011>
(5) General waterworks business operators shall conduct regular inspections to ascertain whether processed water meets the standards under paragraph (4). In such cases, necessary matters relating to inspection items, period, methods, etc. shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Added on Nov. 14, 2011>
(6) General waterworks business operators shall prepare and retain the outcomes of inspections conducted pursuant to paragraph (5), as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment, and report the outcomes thereof to the Minister of Environment. <Added on Nov. 14, 2011>
(7) Where the outcomes of an inspection under paragraph (5) fail to meet standards under paragraph (4), general waterworks business operator shall take necessary measures, such as the improvement of water supply facilities, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Added on Nov. 14, 2011>
(8) Where a general waterworks business operator fails to meet water purification standards under the main sentence of paragraph (1), the Minister of Environment may order the general waterworks business operator to take necessary measures, such as the improvement of water supply facilities. <Added on Nov. 14, 2011>
 Article 28-2 (Fact-Finding Survey on Spread of Pathogenic Microorganisms)
(1) Each general waterworks business operator shall conduct a fact-finding survey on the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, such as virus, on processed water for the efficient operation of water purification facilities, and report the findings thereof to the Minister of Environment.
(2) Matters necessary for facilities subject to survey, the timing, items, methods of survey, details, procedures, etc. of a report on the findings thereof under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
[This Article Added on Nov. 14, 2011]
 Article 29 (Inspection of Water Quality and Analysis of Water Quantity)
(1) A general waterworks business operator shall, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment, inspect water quality and analyze water quantity, such as the quantity of collected water, processed water, and supplied water, to check whether the raw and processed water is in compliance with the standards prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
(2) In order to inspect water quality, a general waterworks business operator shall install inspection facilities that meet the criteria prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(3) Where a general waterworks business operator inspects water quality and analyzes water quantity pursuant to paragraph (1), the business operator shall prepare and retain records the inspection and analysis, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment, and shall immediately disclose the results of the inspection of water quality and the analysis of water quantity through the business operator's website, etc. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
(4) The Minister of Environment shall install and operate a computer network that can process the records of inspections of water quality and analyses of water quantity prepared pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (3). <Added on Dec. 30, 2013>
(5) Where a general waterworks business operator makes a false announcement to the general public or a false report to the Minister of Environment with regard to the results of the inspection of water quality or the analysis of water quantity under paragraph (1), the Minister of Environment may request the waterworks business operator to take disciplinary action against the person in charge of the inspection and analysis. In such cases, the waterworks business operator shall comply with such request, unless there is a compelling reasons not to do so. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
 Article 29-2 (Fact-Finding Survey on Drinking Tap Water)
(1) The Minister of Environment shall conduct a fact-finding survey on drinking tap water every three years to supply safe and high-quality tap water to citizens.
(2) Where it is necessary for the fact-finding survey under paragraph (1), the Minister of Environment may request the heads of relevant central administrative agencies, the heads of local governments, the heads of relevant institutions or organizations, etc. to provide necessary data or information. In such cases, the head of the relevant central administrative agency, etc. so requested shall comply therewith unless there is a compelling reason not to do so. <Added on Jan. 11, 2022>
(3) The scope, methods, procedures, and other matters for fact-finding surveys under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Jan. 11, 2022>
[This Article Added on Mar. 31, 2020]
 Article 30 (Tap-Water Quality Evaluation Committee)
(1) A Tap-Water Quality Evaluation Committee mandated to perform the following duties shall be established under the jurisdiction of the Special Metropolitan City, a Metropolitan City, a Special Self-Governing City, a Special Self-Governing Province and a Si/Gun (excluding a Gun in a Metropolitan City): <Amended on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011>
1. Execution of the periodical inspections of tap water and publication of the outcomes of the inspections;
2. Advices given to waterworks business operators about the control of water quality and the operation of waterworks;
3. Selection of places subject to the periodical inspections under subparagraph 1.
(2) The Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor or the head of a Si/Gun shall formulate a plan to operate the tap water evaluation committee each year. <Added on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011>
(3) When the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor or the head of a Si/Gun formulates a plan to operate the tap water evaluation committee or revises such plan, he or she shall report the formulation or modification thereof to the Minister of Environment according to methods and procedures prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Added on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011>
(4) Matters necessary for the composition and operation of the tap water evaluation committees under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on May 25, 2010>
 Article 31 (Tap-Water Quality Report)
(1) Every general waterworks business operator shall publish a tap water quality report not less than once a year and deliver the tap water quality report to each of the residents, who is supplied with tap water in his or her water-supply area.
(2) Matters necessary for the details of the tap water quality report under paragraph (1) and ways to publish and deliver the report, etc. shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
 Article 32 (Medical Checkup)
(1) As for persons who discharge their duties at and around the water intake facilities, the water purification facilities, and the water supply facilities and other persons who reside within the area for the said facilities, every general waterworks business operator shall provide them with a medical checkup, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Amended on May 26, 2020>
(2) As for any person who is deemed to have a disease which is likely to harm other people as a result of the medical checkup conducted under paragraph (1), every general waterworks business operator shall not have such person work for his or her waterworks business or reside within the area of such facilities. <Amended on May 26, 2020>
(3) Article 29 (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the preparation and retention of the records of medical checkups under paragraph (1).
 Article 33 (Sanitary Measures)
(1) Each general waterworks business operator shall disinfect his or her waterworks, inspect water quality, and take every possible sanitary measures for his or her waterworks (hereinafter referred to as "sanitary measures, including disinfection").
(2) Where the owner or manager (with respect to any multi-family housing under Article 2 (1) 1 of the Multi-Family Housing Management Act, the head of any maintenance office under Article 64 of that Act shall be deemed the manager of any building or facilities; hereafter the same shall apply in paragraphs (3) through (5) and Article 36 (1)) of any building or facilities that require a lot of tap water and exceed the scale prescribed by Presidential Decree has installed a water tank, he or she shall report to the general waterworks business operator, as prescribed by Presidential Decree: Provided, That this shall not apply where the general waterworks business operator holds the waterworks management right. <Added on Jan. 16, 2024>
(3) The owner or manager of a building or facility under paragraph (2) shall take sanitary measures, such as disinfection, for water supply facilities (excluding the part for which a general waterworks business operator has the waterworks management right). In such cases, the general waterworks business operator may subsidize part of the expenses necessary for the water quality inspection, as prescribed by ordinance of the relevant local government. <Amended on Jan. 27, 2016; Nov. 26, 2019; Jan. 16, 2024>
(4) The owner or manager of any of the following buildings or facilities, the scale of which exceeds the scale prescribed by Presidential Decree, shall periodically check the water supply pipes (excluding the portion on which the general waterworks business operator holds the waterworks management right), as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment, and take possible measures necessary to wash, renew, or replace them according to the outcome of the checking (hereinafter referred to as the "measures, including washing"): <Amended on Jan. 27, 2016; Nov. 15, 2022; Jan. 16, 2024>
1. Superstores under subparagraph 3 of Article 2 of the Distribution Industry Development Act;
2. Buildings prescribed by Presidential Decree among multi-family housing under subparagraph 3 of Article 2 of the Housing Act;
3. Transportation facilities specified in Article 2 (2) 8 of the Building Act;
4. Medical facilities specified in Article 2 (2) 9 of the Building Act;
5. Facilities prescribed by Presidential Decree, among education and research facilities specified in Article 2 (2) 10 of the Building Act;
6. Facilities prescribed by Presidential Decree, among facilities installed by the State or local governments specified in Article 2 (2) 11 through 13 of the Building Act;
7. Business facilities specified in Article 2 (2) 14 of the Building Act;
8. Facilities prescribed by Presidential Decree, among correctional facilities and military installations installed by the State or local governments specified in Article 2 (2) 23 of the Building Act;
9. Facilities prescribed by Presidential Decree, among correctional facilities and military installations installed by the State or local governments specified in Article 2 (2) 24 of the Building Act;
10. Other facilities prescribed by municipal ordinances, which are deemed necessary for safe supply of tap water.
(5) Each general waterworks business operator shall guide and supervise sanitary measures taken by the owner or manager of a building or facilities under paragraph (2) or (4) to disinfect or wash them. <Amended on Jan. 16, 2024>
(6) Matters necessary for sanitary measures, including disinfection, measures, including washing, the frequency and items of inspection of water quality, the guidance and supervision under paragraphs (1) through (3) and (5), shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment: Provided, That sanitary measures, including disinfection, for buildings or facilities except the buildings or facilities, the scale of which exceeds the scale provided for in paragraph (3), may be prescribed by ordinance of the relevant local government. <Amended on Jan. 16, 2024>
[Title Amended on Jan. 16, 2024]
 Article 33-2 (Sanitation and Safety Certification of Water Purification Plants)
(1) The Minister of Environment may certify a water purification plant of a general waterworks business operator equipped with waterworks facilities capable of supplying sanitary and safe raw water or processed water by removing harmful factors that may occur in the process of supplying raw water or processed water as a water purification plant with sanitation and safety (hereinafter referred to as "sanitation and safety certification of a water purification plant").
(2) A general water supply operator which intends to obtain sanitation and safety certification of a water purification plant pursuant to paragraph (1) shall apply for certification to the Minister of Environment by meeting the following requirements in accordance with the certification standards prescribed by the Ministry of Environment:
1. It shall have waterworks facilities that meet the standards prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment;
2. A sanitation and safety management plan shall be formulated and submitted;
3. It shall meet other certification standards prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
(3) The validity period of the sanitation and safety certification of a water purification plant shall be three years from the date on which a general waterworks business operator obtains the certification.
(4) Where a general waterworks business operator who has obtained sanitary and safety certification of a water purification plant intends to maintain such certification after the expiration of the validity period of certification under paragraph (3), he or she shall obtain re-certification from the Minister of Environment, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
(5) The Minister of Environment shall issue a certificate to a water purification plant that has obtained sanitation and safety certification, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
(6) No person shall produce, use, or indicate a certificate or similar certification mark pursuant to paragraph (5) without first obtaining a sanitation and safety certification for a water purification plant pursuant to paragraph (1).
(7) Methods and procedures for sanitation and safety certification of a water purification plant under paragraph (1) and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
[This Article Added on Jan. 23, 2024]
 Article 33-3 (Revocation of Sanitation and Safety Certification of Water Purification Plants)
(1) The Minister of Environment may revoke sanitation and safety certification that a general waterworks business operator has obtained pursuant to Article 33-2 (1), as prescribed by Presidential Decree, in any of the following cases: Provided, That such certification shall be revoked in the case of subparagraph 1:
1. Where he or she obtains certification by fraud or other improper means;
2. Where water quality standards under Article 26 (2) are violated;
3. Where water purification standards under Article 28 are violated;
4. Where certification standards under Article 33-2 (2) are not met;
5. Where a waterworks business is permanently or temporarily closed pursuant to Article 42.
(2) Matters necessary for detailed standards, procedures, etc. for revocation of certification under paragraph (1) shall be determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Environment.
[This Article Added on Jan. 23, 2024]
 Article 34 (Reports on Water-Tank Cleaning Business)
(1) Any person who intends to conduct the cleanup business for the sanitary control of water-tanks (hereinafter referred to as "water-tank cleaning business") shall meet the criteria for human resources, equipment, and facilities as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment, and then report his or her intended business to a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu. The foregoing shall also apply to a modification to important matters prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment, from among the reported matters. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2007; May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011>
(2) A Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu upon receipt of a report prescribed in the former part of paragraph (1) or a report on modification prescribed in the latter part of that paragraph shall examine it and accept the report if it conforms to this Act. <Added on Nov. 26, 2019>
(3) Any person whose report on his or her water-tank cleaning business has been accepted pursuant to paragraph (2) (hereinafter referred to as "water-tank cleaning business operator") shall report to the competent Special Self-Governing City Mayor, Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of the competent Si/Gun/Gu if he or she intends to close his or her business permanently or temporarily. <Amended on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011; Nov. 26, 2019>
(4) Any person who is ordered to close his or her place of business pursuant to Article 35 (1) shall be prohibited from filing a report on the water-tank cleaning business within one year from the date on which he or she is given such order. <Amended on Nov. 26, 2019>
 Article 35 (Suspension of Water-Tank Cleaning Business)
(1) Where a water-tank cleaning business operator falls under any of following subparagraphs, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may order him or her to suspend his or her business upon fixing a period not exceeding three months or to close his or her place of business: <Amended on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011>
1. Where he or she has filed a report required under Article 34 by fraud or other improper means; or conduct the water-tank cleaning business without filing such report;
2. Where he or she has failed to meet the criteria for reporting under Article 34 (1);
3. Where he or she has violated this Act or any order or other dispositions issued or taken under this Act.
(2) The criteria for dispositions prescribed in paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
 Article 36 (Education)
(1) Any of the following persons shall undergo the education administered by the Minister of Environment concerning the management of waterworks, as prescribed by Presidential Decree: <Amended on Mar. 31, 2020>
1. An owner or manager of the building or the facility under Article 33 (2);
2. A water-tank cleaning business operator;
3. A general waterworks business operator;
4. An agency for managing water pipe network.
(2) Every general waterworks business operator, every water-tank cleaning business operator, and every agency for managing water pipe network shall cause the operators of waterworks, employees in charge of water-tank cleaning, and agency business for managing water pipe network to undergo the education under paragraph (1), as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Mar. 31, 2020>
(3) The Minister of Environment may entrust the educational task under paragraphs (1) and (2) to the institutions or organizations designated by Presidential Decree.
 Article 37 (Emergency Stop of Water Supply)
(1) Having perceived the fact that tap water has the possibility to inflict damage on the state of health, every general waterworks business operator shall, without delay, cease the supply of tap water.
(2) Where a general waterworks business operator stops the supply of tap water pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she shall make the situation known to the Mayor/Do Governor, the residents of the district concerned and the heads of the relevant agencies, and take necessary measures, such as the inspection of water quality and the supply of emergency water.
(3) Any person who has discovered the fact that the water provided by a general waterworks business operator has the possibility to inflict damage on the state of health shall, without delay, notify the general waterworks business operator thereof.
 Article 38 (Terms and Conditions of Water Supply)
(1) A general waterworks business operator shall determine the terms for rates for tap water, costs incurred in installing water supply facilities, and other conditions for the supply of tap water, as prescribed by Presidential Decree, and shall obtain approval thereof from the competent authorizing agency before commencing the supply of tap water; and such approval shall be obtained where such business operator intends to modify any of the approved matters: Provided, That a waterworks business operator is a local government, such terms and conditions shall be prescribed by ordinance of the relevant local government. <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; Jul. 28, 2011>
(2) A general waterworks business operator and the competent authorizing agency under the main sentence of paragraph (1) shall ensure that all costs incurred in installing the relevant waterworks be recovered by the service fees for tap water, in setting forth the terms and conditions for the supply of tap water or approving therefor.
(3) Where general waterworks business operators determine service fees for tap water, he or she shall publicly announce the production cost of the service fees, the unit price of service fees, the deficiency in revenue, the plan for covering budgetary deficiency, etc., as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment: Provided, That Articles 11 and 12 of the Act on the Management of Public Institutions shall apply to general waterworks business operators that are the public institutions prescribed in Article 4 of that Act. <Added on Dec. 30, 2013>
(4) General waterworks business operators may give a discount on service fees for tap water to the following persons and the public facilities prescribed by Presidential Decree, including educational facilities and social welfare facilities, as prescribed by Presidential Decree: <Added on May 25, 2010; Dec. 30, 2013; Nov. 26, 2019>
1. A person who is 65 years of age or older;
2. A person with a disability governed by the Act on the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities;
3. A beneficiary under the National Basic Living Security Act or a person in the next needy class;
4. Other persons prescribed by municipal ordinance, who are deemed necessary by the local government to have a discount on service fees.
 Article 39 (Obligations to Supply Tap Water)
(1) No general waterworks business operator shall refuse to supply tap water, without good cause prescribed by Presidential Decree, to a person who wants to have tap water supplied. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
(2) Where general waterworks business operators are not able to supply tap water for a while due to extenuating circumstances, he or she shall determine the area and period, for which and in which tap water is not to be supplied, and give a public notice of them in advance.
(3) General waterworks business operators shall give a written notice to a relevant person of the grounds for refusal to supply tap water and that fact he or she will refuse to supply tap water unless such grounds are ceased allowing at least two years of grace period. <Added on May 25, 2010>.
 Article 40 (Supply of Tap Water to Area Other Than Area to Which Tap Water is Supposed to be Supplied)
If the Minister of Environment deems it necessary for the convenience of the general consumers or for other public interests, he or she may cause the relevant local government that is a waterworks business operator to supply tap water to the area other than the area to which it is supposed to supply tap water. <Amended on May 26, 2020>
 Article 41 (Supply of Tap Water in Urgent Situation)
(1) Where the Mayor/Do Governor deems it necessary to cope with an urgent situation, such as a natural disaster, he or she may order the relevant waterworks business operator to supply tap water to other waterworks business operators, upon determining the period, volume, and methods: Provided, That if the relevant waterworks business operator is the Mayor/Do Governor, the Minister of Environment shall issue the order.
(2) Rates for tap water supplied pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be determined through consultation between the relevant waterworks business operators.
(3) Where the consultation under paragraph (2) does not lead to an agreement, the relevant waterworks business operators may apply for mediation by the competent environmental dispute mediation committee under the Environmental Dispute Adjustment Act, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Jul. 28, 2011>
(4) Deleted. <Jul. 28, 2011>
 Article 42 (Permanent or Temporary Closure of Waterworks Business)
After having started to supply tap water, no general waterworks business operator shall permanently or temporarily close all or part of the general waterworks business: Provided, That this shall not apply where such business operator has obtained, from the authorizing agency, permission for permanent or temporary closure of business in compliance with the standards for granting permission for permanent or temporary closure of business, which are prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 43 (Special Cases concerning Waterworks Installed by the State)
(1) Where the Minister of Environment deems that a local government, as a general waterworks business operator, is unable or difficult to install water service facilities for general waterworks due to financial, technical, or geographical circumstances, he or she may directly install the water service facilities for general waterworks. <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; Mar. 23, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018>
(2) The Minister of Environment may delegate the management of water service facilities for general waterworks installed pursuant to paragraph (1) to the relevant local government or may entrust management to the Korea Water Resources Corporation. <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; Mar. 23, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018>
(3) Where the Minister of Environment intends to install waterworks pursuant to paragraph (1) or intends to delegate or entrust the management of waterworks pursuant to paragraph (2), he or she shall pre-consult thereon with the Minister of the Interior and Safety: Provided, That this shall not apply to facilities installed by the Minister of Environment and entrusted to the Korea Water Resources Corporation. <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017; Jun. 8, 2018>
(4) The Minister of Environment may require the Korea Water Resources Corporation to supply tap water of wide-area waterworks to general consumers, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. In such cases, he or she shall first obtain consent from the relevant Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of the relevant Si/Gun (excluding a Gun in a Metropolitan City). <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018>
 Article 44 (Purchase of Waterworks)
(1) In any of the following cases where any person (excluding the State), other than a local government, conducts the general waterworks business located within the jurisdiction of the local government, the local government under consideration may purchase, from the said general waterworks business operator, the waterworks-related facilities, their affiliated land and building, and other things (hereinafter referred to as the "waterworks, etc."), after having obtained approval of the Mayor/Do Governor for doing so:
1. Where the relevant waterworks business operator has not improved the water supply conditions after having received the order for the modification of the water supply conditions under Article 65;
2. Where the area to which tap water is to be supplied needs to be expanded;
3. Where tap water which is being supplied is apprehended to inflict damage on the state of health, being deficient in terms of the criteria for the water quality under Article 26.
(2) Where a local government intends to purchase the waterworks-related facilities, etc. of the general waterworks pursuant to paragraph (1), the local government shall consult with the general waterworks business operator concerned on the price and other conditions for the purchase.
(3) Where the consultation under paragraph (2) fails to lead to a satisfactory conclusion, the local government and the general waterworks business operator may apply for the adjudication on the matter under consideration by the relevant land expropriation committee.
(4) The Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works Projects Therefor shall apply mutatis mutandis to the adjudication by the relevant land expropriation committee under paragraph (3) and the adjudication on the objection raised and its legal effect, etc.
 Article 45 (Hydrant)
Every general waterworks business operator shall install and manage a hydrant necessary for the prevention of a fire at the site of his or her waterworks.
 Article 46 (Legal Fiction as Authorization and Permission under Other Statutes)
(1) Where any person who intends to engage in a general waterworks business has obtained authorization for the general waterworks business pursuant to Article 17 (1), in relation to authorization, permission, consent, license, approval, designation, or cancellation (hereinafter referred to as "authorization, permission, etc.) in the following subparagraphs, he or she shall be deemed to have obtained authorization, permission, etc. for the matters which an authorizing agency has consulted in advance with the head of each relevant administrative agency and where the public notice of authorization has been given, the public notice or public announcement under the following statutes shall be deemed given or made: <Amended on Dec. 27, 2007; Mar. 21, 2008; Jun. 9, 2009; Apr. 15, 2010; May 31, 2010; Jul. 28, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011; Jan. 14, 2014; Jun. 3, 2014; Jul. 20, 2021; Dec. 27, 2022; Jan. 30, 2024>
1. Determination of an urban management plan under Article 30 of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act (limited to infrastructure under subparagraph 6 of Article 2 of that Act), permission to engage in development activities under Article 56 (1) of that Act, designation of an operator of an urban planning facility project under Article 86 of that Act, and authorization of an implementation plan under Article 88 of that Act;
2. Permission to occupy and use public waters under Article 8 of the Public Waters Management and Reclamation Act, approval or reporting of implementation plans concerning occupation and use under Article 17 of that Act, licenses to reclaim public waters under Article 28 of that Act, consultation on or approval for reclamation conducted by the State, etc. under Article 35 of that Act, and approval of implementation plans on reclamation of public waters under Article 38 of that Act;
3. Deleted; <Apr. 15, 2010>
4. Permission to execute river-related construction works under Article 30 of the River Act, and permission to occupy rivers under Article 33 (1) 2 through 5 of that Act;
5. Permission to execute road construction works under Article 36 of the Road Act, and permission to occupy and use roads under Article 61 of that Act;
6. Permission to divert farmland under Article 34 of the Farmland Act;
7. Permission to divert forest and reporting thereon under Articles 14 and 15 of the Mountainous Districts Management Act, permission to temporarily use mountainous districts and reporting thereon under Article 15-2 of that Act, and permission to fell standing trees, etc. and reporting thereon under Articles 36 (1) and (5) and 45 (1) and (2) of the Creation and Management of Forest Resources Act: Provided, That the protection forest for genetic forest resources, seed-growing forest, and experimental forest under the Creation and Management of Forest Resources Act shall be excluded;
8. Permission to alter land form, etc. under Article 21-2 of the Grassland Act and permission to divert grassland and reporting thereon under Article 23 of that Act;
9. Permission for felling, etc. under Article 14 of the Erosion Control Work Act, and cancellation of land treated for erosion control under Article 20 of that Act;
10. Examination on publication of maps, etc. under Article 15 (4) of the Act on the Establishment and Management of Spatial Data;
11. Designation of a project operator under Article 16 (1) of the Industrial Sites and Development Act, and approval of an implementation plan under Articles 17 (1), 18 (1), and 19 (1) of that Act;
12. Permission to open a private road under Article 4 of the Private Road Act;
13. Permission to relocate neglected graves under Article 27 (1) of the Act on Funeral Services.
(2) Where an authorizing agency intends to grant authorization for the general waterworks business pursuant to Article 17 (1) and where the business plan submitted to obtain authorization under consideration includes one of the subject matters specified in the subparagraphs of paragraph (1), the authorizing agency shall pre-consult thereon with the head of the relevant administrative agency.
(3) Where the general waterworks business operator that is the State or a local government is deemed to have obtained authorization, permission, etc. in accordance with other statutes pursuant to paragraph (1), it may be exempt from the charge or usage fee imposed by the relevant statutes: Provided, That this shall not apply to the charges for preservation of farmland imposed under Article 38 of the Farmland Act and the charges for formation of substitute grassland imposed under Article 23 (6) of the Grassland Act.
(4) Except as otherwise provided for in paragraphs (1) through (3), Articles 24 through 26 of the Framework Act on Administration shall apply to the standards, effects, etc. of the legal fiction as authorization, permission, etc. <Added on Jan. 30, 2024>
[Title Amended on Jan. 30, 2024]
 Article 47 (Village Waterworks)
(1) The State and a local government shall provide the technical and financial assistance necessary for the hygienic management of village waterworks.
(2) The Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, and the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City) shall properly operate and manage the village waterworks in their jurisdiction, as prescribed by ordinance of the relevant local government. <Amended on May 25, 2010; Jul. 28, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011>
(3) The Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, and the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall formulate and take measures to prevent pollution of village waterworks due to the burying of carcasses of livestock, etc. under Article 22 (2) of the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases, and shall report the actual conditions of management of village waterworks to the Minister of Environment, each year, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Added on Nov. 14, 2011>
 Article 48 (Industrial Waterworks Installed by the State)
(1) The State shall provide water for industrial use to an industrial complex under subparagraph 8 of Article 2 of the Industrial Sites and Development Act after having installed industrial waterworks facilities, or shall order another waterworks business operator to install industrial waterworks and provide water for industrial use to the industrial complex. <Amended on Jul. 28, 2011; Aug. 4, 2011>
(2) The State may install industrial waterworks and supply water for industrial use to a factory (limited to a factory, the site area of which is at least 300,000 square meters, established in a waterworks supply area in the master plan for national waterworks formulated under Article 4 (1)) under subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the Industrial Cluster Development and Factory Establishment Act or may order another waterworks business operator to install industrial waterworks and supply water for industrial use to such factory. <Added on Jul. 28, 2011; Jan. 11, 2022>
 Article 49 (Authorization for Industrial Waterworks Business)
(1) Any person who intends to engage in an industrial waterworks business shall obtain authorization from the Minister of Environment or a Mayor/Do Governor in accordance with either of the following subparagraphs, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. The same shall also apply where he or she intends to modify the authorized matters (excluding a modification to insignificant matters prescribed by Presidential Decree): <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018>
1. Industrial waterworks with a facility capacity of more than 10,000 tons per day: The Minister of Environment;
2. Industrial waterworks with a facility capacity not exceeding 10,000 tons per day: A Mayor/Do Governor.
(2) Where a Mayor/Do Governor intends to grant authorization under paragraph (1) 2, he or she shall pre-consult with the Minister of Environment. <Amended on Jun. 8, 2018>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Jul. 28, 2011]
 Article 49-2 (Special Cases concerning Supply of Treated Sewage by Industrial Waterworks Business Operators)
Where it is necessary for the reasonable use of limited water resources, industrial waterworks business operators may provide the treated sewage under subparagraph 5 of Article 2 of the Act on Promotion and Support of Water Reuse, other than raw or processed water, through industrial waterworks, after treating it properly for industrial use.
[This Article Added on Jan. 11, 2022]
 Article 50 (Provisions Applicable Mutatis Mutandis)
Articles 17 (3) and (5), 18, 20, 21 (1) and (6), 23, and 38 through 46 shall apply mutatis mutandis to industrial waterworks and industrial waterworks business. <Amended on Jul. 28, 2011; Dec. 30, 2013>
 Article 51 (Exclusive Waterworks Installed by the State)
Matters concerning the exclusive waterworks installed by the State shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree, unless otherwise expressly prescribed by this Act.
 Article 52 (Authorization for Private-Use Waterworks)
(1) A person who intends to install the private-use waterworks shall obtain authorization from the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor and the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City) and the requirements for such authorization shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2007; May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011>
(2) When it is intended to modify important matters prescribed by Presidential Decree among the authorized matters pursuant to paragraph (1), authorization thereof shall be obtained and when it is intended to modify other matters, a report thereon shall be filed.
(3) When an installer of the private-use waterworks intends to close or discontinue the use of such private-use waterworks for a specified period, file a report thereon with the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor or the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City). <Amended on May 25, 2010; Nov. 14, 2011>
 Article 53 (Provisions Applicable Mutatis Mutandis to Private-Use Waterworks)
Articles 14, 14-2, 18, 19, 21 (6), 26, 29 (1) and (3) (excluding the provisions concerning disclosure through the business operator's website, etc.), 32, 33, 37, and 61 shall apply mutatis mutandis to private-use waterworks. <Amended on May 25, 2010; Dec. 30, 2013>
 Article 54 (Provisions Applicable Mutatis Mutandis to Private-Use Industrial Waterworks)
Articles 21 (6), 52, and 61 shall apply mutatis mutandis to private-use industrial waterworks. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
 Article 55 (Small Water Supply Systems)
(1) The Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor or the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City) shall perform an inspection of water quality for small water supply systems, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Amended on May 25, 2010; Jul. 28, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011>
(2) Where the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City) deems it necessary to protect health of residents or hygienic management of small water supply systems or to maintain the water quality in consideration of the regional characteristics, he or she may, as prescribed by ordinance of the relevant local government, prepare and apply the standards for water quality and frequency of inspection of water quality more stringent than those prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Added on Nov. 26, 2019>
(3) The Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City) shall endeavor to upgrade and manage small water supply systems, as prescribed by ordinance of the relevant local government. <Amended on May 25, 2010; Jul. 28, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011; Nov. 26, 2019>
(4) The State and local governments may provide technical and financial assistance necessary for the installation and sanitary management of small water supply systems. <Amended on Nov. 26, 2019>
(5) The Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, and the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall formulate and take measures to prevent pollution of small water supply facilities due to the burying of carcasses of livestock, etc. under Article 22 (2) of the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases, and report the actual conditions on management of small water supply systems to the Minister of Environment each year, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Added on Nov. 14, 2011; Nov. 26, 2019>
(6) The Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun (excluding the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City) shall implement policies to support the management of small water supply systems, which include designating a person who has expertise in waterworks and meets the requirements prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment as the manager of small water supply systems. <Added on Nov. 26, 2019>
 Article 55-2 (Special Cases concerning Facilities for Supplying Tap Water in Military Unit Area)
The State and local governments may provide technical and financial support necessary for the installation of facilities for supplying tap water and sanitation in military unit areas, where it is difficult to install the water service facilities for general waterworks due to geographical conditions, etc.
[This Article Added on Dec. 1, 2015]
 Article 56 (Establishment of Korea Water and Wastewater Works Association)
(1) Waterworks business operators, public sewerage management authorities under Article 18 of the Sewerage Act, persons who run the business related to waterworks (including sewerage; hereafter in this Chapter the same shall apply), persons who are engaged in the academic and research field related to waterworks, and persons prescribed by Presidential Decree, may establish the Korea Water and Wastewater Works Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Association"), in order to perform the research and development of waterworks to develop the necessary waterworks technologies, and to contribute, in any other way, to the development of waterworks.
(2) The Association shall be a corporation.
(3) The Association shall come into being when the establishment therefor is registered at the place where its principal office is located.
(4) Expenses incurred in the projects of the Association shall be met from member fees paid by members, such as waterworks business operators, and proceeds from projects and the State, local governments and the Korea Water Resources Corporation may subsidize some expenses within budgetary limits.
(5) When the Association is established pursuant to paragraph (1), waterworks business operators (excluding private waterworks business operators) and every public waterworks management authority shall become ex officio members.
 Article 57 (Executive officers of Association and How to Elect Them)
(1) The Association shall have a chairperson, directors and an auditor.
(2) Businesses of the Association shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(3) Matters necessary for the fixed number, the term of office, the election method, etc. for the exclusive members of the Association shall be prescribed by its articles of association.
 Article 58 (Supervision)
The Minister of Environment may cause the Association to investigate and research the matters concerning waterworks or to make some report deemed to be necessary for the fulfillment of the business works concerned. <Amended on May 26, 2020>
 Article 59 (Application Mutatis Mutandis of the Civil Act)
With regard to the Association, the provisions concerning the aggregate corporation in the Civil Act shall be applicable mutatis mutandis, except for the cases as prescribed by this Act.
 Article 60 (Expropriation and Use of Land)
(1) When it is necessary for conducting waterworks business, the waterworks business operator may expropriate or use land, articles, and rights under Article 3 of the Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works Projects (hereinafter referred to as "land, etc.").
(2) When authorization for the waterworks business is granted and the public notice of such authorization is given under Article 17 (1) and (3) (including cases to which Article 17 (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50), such authorization shall be deemed the project approval and public notice of the project approval granted under Articles 20 (1) and 22 of the Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works Projects, respectively; and notwithstanding Articles 23 (1) and 28 (1) of the Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works Projects, an application for adjudication shall be filed by the time of completion of waterworks construction.
(3) Except as provided in this Act, the Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works Projects shall apply mutatis mutandis to the expropriation or use of land, etc. <Amended on May 26, 2020>
 Article 60-2 (Compensation for Use of Underground Portion of Land)
(1) Where a waterworks business operator intends to use the underground portion of the land of another to perform waterworks, he or she shall compensate for the use thereof in consideration of the use value of the land, the depth of the underground site, and the level of interference with the use of the land.
(2) Specific compensation standards and methods for the use of the underground portion under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Added on Dec. 12, 2017]
 Article 60-3 (Registration of Establishment of Partitioned Superficies)
(1) Where a waterworks business operator reaches an agreement on the use of the underground portion of the land with an owner of or a person who has the right to use the land, etc. pursuant to the Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works Projects, the waterworks business operator shall establish or transfer partitioned superficies.
(2) Where a waterworks business operator receives a decision to expropriate or use the land by which he or she establishes or transfers partitioned superficies pursuant to the Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works Projects, he or she may individually apply for the registration of establishment or the registration of transfer of partitioned superficies by applying Article 99 of the Registration of Real Estate Act mutatis mutandis.
(3) Procedures for registration of a divided surface right created for the use of the underground portion of land shall be prescribed by the Supreme Court Regulations.
(4) Notwithstanding Articles 280 and 281 of the Civil Act, partitioned superficies under paragraphs (1) and (2) shall exist until the date waterworks exist.
[This Article Added on Dec. 12, 2017]
 Article 61 (Entry into Third Party's Land)
(1) When it is necessary to conduct the waterworks business or to inspect the water-supply facilities, any waterworks business operator may enter the land of a third party or temporarily use it. When it is particularly necessary, he or she may alter the positions of or may remove standing trees, bamboo, clay and rocks, or others.
(2) Articles 130 (2) through (8) and 131 of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases prescribed in paragraph (1). In such cases, an "implementer of an urban/Gun planning facility project" shall be construed as a "waterworks business operator" in this Act. <Amended on Apr. 14, 2011>
 Article 62 (Supervision and Control)
When it is deemed necessary for the installation plan for the waterworks and the management of the waterworks business in order to preserve and improve the quality of tap water, efficiently operate and manage waterworks, the Minister of Environment may request the relevant waterworks business operator to modify the plan for the business, or may issue an order to improve the management of the relevant business, or may take other necessary measures.
 Article 63 (Measures against Violators of Statutes or Regulations)
(1) Where a waterworks business operator or an installer of exclusive waterworks fall under any of the following subparagraphs, the competent authorizing agency shall revoke authorization thereof under this Act: <Amended on Jul. 28, 2011; May 26, 2020>
1. Where the operator or installer fails to commence or complete the construction work of the authorized waterworks or exclusive waterworks even after one year has elapsed from the scheduled date for commencement or completion of the construction work;
2. Where the operator or installer fails to supply tap water even after six months have elapsed from the scheduled date for commencement of water supply of the authorized waterworks;
3. Where the operator or installer has obtained authorization, permission, or approval under this Act by fraud or other improper means.
(2) Where a waterworks business operator (including an entrustee) or an installer of exclusive waterworks falls under any of the following, the authorizing agency may revoke authorization under this Act, issue an order to suspend the effect of authorization; suspend relevant construction work; or rebuild, relocate, alter, or remove a structure; or take other necessary measures: <Amended on Jul. 28, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011; Dec. 30, 2013; Mar. 31, 2020; Jan. 16, 2024>
1. Where it has sold bottled tap water or sold it through re-treatment with apparatus, etc., in violation of Article 13 (1);
2. Where it has modified the authorized matters without having obtained authorization under the latter part, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of Article 17 (1) or the latter part, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of Article 49 (1);
3. Where such waterworks falls short of the standards for facilities under this Act, in violation of Article 18 (including cases to which that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50 or 53);
4. Where it fails to undergone an examination of water or has supplied tap water without having undergone such examination, in violation of Article 19 (including cases to which that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53);
5. Where it fails to designate a manager of the waterworks facilities under Article 21 (6) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50, 53, or 54) or fails to place a certified operation manager of water purification facilities under paragraph (7) of that Article or a certified operation manager of water pipe network facilities under paragraph (8) of that Article;
6. Where it fails to report the conclusion of an entrustment contract under Article 23 (2) (including to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50);
7. Where it fails to inform residents of the details of violation of standards for water quality or take necessary measures, in violation of Article 27 (1);
8. Where it fails to comply with the water purification standards under the main sentence of Article 28 (1) (including the cases to which the aforementioned provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to take measures issued pursuant to Article 23 (3)) or fails to comply with an order issued under paragraph (8) of that Article (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23 (3));
9. Where it fails to inspect water quality and analyze water quantity, in violation of Article 29 (1), or prepare and retain records of inspections and analyses, in violation of paragraph (3) of that Article (including cases to which that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3) and 53);
10. Where it fails to deliver a tap water quality report, in violation of Article 31 (1);
11. Where it has violated the provisions concerning medical checkups required under Article 32 (including cases to which that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3) and 53);
12. Where it fails to take sanitary measures, including disinfection, under Article 33 (1) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3) and 53) or fails to guide or supervise pursuant to paragraph (5) of that Article;
13. Where it fails to require the operating personnel of waterworks facilities to undergo the education, in violation of Article 36 (including cases to which that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23 (3));
14. Where it has violated the provisions concerning emergency stop of water supply under Article 37 (including cases to which that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3) and 53);
15. Where it fails to obtain the approval or the approval for the modification from the authorizing agency, in violation of Article 38 (1) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50);
16. Where it refuses to supply tap water without good cause, in violation of Article 39 (including cases to which that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50) or fails to give public notice in advance when it is unable to supply tap water due to any unavoidable cause;
17. Where it fails to comply with an order to supply tap water in urgent situations under Article 41 (1) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50);
18. Where it closes its general waterworks business permanently or temporarily without having obtained permission from the authorizing agency, in violation of Article 42 (including cases to which that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50);
19. Where it fails to install and manage a hydrant at the site of the waterworks, in violation of Article 45 (including cases to which that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50);
20. Where it has done an act specified in Article 61 (1) without having obtained permission or consent under Article 130 (2) through (4) of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act applied mutatis mutandis under Article 61 (2) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3), 53, and 54);
21. Where it fails to comply with an order to take measures under Article 62;
22. Where it fails to comply with an order to improve pursuant to Article 64 (1) through (4);
23. Where it fails to comply with an order to modify pursuant to Article 65;
24. Where it refuses, obstructs, or evades an inspection or fails to file a report, in violation of Article 66 (1).
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 27, 2007]
 Article 64 (Improvement Orders)
(1) Where any authorizing agency admits that the waterworks do not meet the criteria therefor as prescribed by this Act, it may give the order for the improvement of the relevant facilities to the relevant waterworks business operator or the installer of the relevant exclusive waterworks by fixing a period.
(2) Where any authorizing agency admits that the management state of the waterworks is remarkably bad, it may give necessary orders to the relevant waterworks business operator or the installer of the relevant exclusive waterworks.
(3) Where an act of God or other accidents resulting in the pollution of water, etc. negatively affect or are apprehended to negatively affect the supply of tap water to a great extent, the relevant authorizing agency may issue necessary orders to the relevant waterworks business operators or the installer of the relevant exclusive waterworks.
(4) The Minister of Environment may, ex officio, conduct investigations into a tap water pollution accident that occurs in water purification facilities operated by a general waterworks business operator and may order the waterworks business operator to improve the operation and management of the facilities, if necessary, as a result of the investigations. <Added on Dec. 30, 2013>
(5) Upon receipt of the order of improvement pursuant to paragraphs (1) through (4), a person shall perform improvements as ordered or shall formulate and submit a performance plan, within one month, unless there is a compelling reason not to do so. <Added on Dec. 30, 2013>
(6) Article 131 of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act shall apply mutatis mutandis where an order issued by the authorizing agency pursuant to paragraphs (1) through (4) causes any loss. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
 Article 65 (Modification of Terms for Supplying Tap-Water)
Where it is deemed remarkably unjust that the terms for rates for tap water, the burden of costs incurred in installing water supply facilities, or other conditions for supplying tap water, which are determined by the waterworks business operator, other than a local government, under the main sentence of Article 38 (1), the competent authorizing agency may order the waterworks business operator to modify them.
 Article 66 (Demand for Reports)
(1) Any authorizing agency may have the relevant public officials enter the waterworks-related facilities to inspect relevant documents, facilities, equipment and water quality or have a waterworks business operator or an installer of exclusive waterworks file a necessary report in order to verify whether the standards for facilities (including standards for use of materials and products for waterworks under Article 14 (3)) and water quality of waterworks are met. <Amended on May 25, 2010>
(2) Any person who performs an inspection as prescribed in paragraph (1) shall carry the voucher of his or her authority and show it to the relevant persons.
 Article 67 (Jurisdiction over Waterworks)
The jurisdiction of the Mayor/Do Governor over the waterworks business whose facilities extend over two or more Cities or Dos or any exclusive waterworks, shall be determined through their consultation and shall be exercised accordingly.
 Article 68 (Compulsory Collection of Tap-Water Rates)
(1) If a person who has been supplied with tap water fails to pay the rates for the supplied tap water, the costs incurred in installing the water supply facilities, or the charges borne by causers under Article 71 (hereafter referred to as "rates, etc." in this Article), the waterworks business operator that is a local government may collect an additional charge, not exceeding 3/100 of the amount to be paid, as prescribed by ordinance of the local government. In such cases, such rates, costs, or charges and such additional charges shall be collected in the same matter as delinquent local taxes. <Amended on Jan. 11, 2022>
(2) A local government who supplied tap water to the area, other than its jurisdiction pursuant to Article 40 may delegate or entrust the local government which has jurisdiction over the relevant area with the compulsory collection prescribed in paragraph (1), as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(3) A local government which is a waterworks business operator shall grant 4/100 of the collected money to another local government delegated or entrusted with the compulsory collection pursuant to paragraph (2).
 Article 69 (Limitation on Use of Income)
No waterworks business operator, other than the Korea Water Resources Corporation, shall use the income from the waterworks business for anything but the expenses incurred for the waterworks business itself or matters prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 70 (Bearing of Costs for Installation of Waterworks)
Costs for installing the waterworks (excluding any water-supply facilities) shall be borne by the relevant waterworks business operator.
 Article 71 (Charges Borne by Causers)
(1) In performing waterworks construction, a waterworks business operator may require a person who has incurred expenses (including any person who has caused new installation, enlargement, etc. of waterworks facilities as a result of constructing a housing complex, industrial facilities, etc. that consume a large volume of tap water), or a person who has operated a business or has done an act that inflicts damage to waterworks facilities to bear all or some of costs incurred in performing the waterworks construction, maintaining the waterworks facilities, or preventing damage to waterworks facilities.
(2) The criteria for computing the charges under paragraph (1), the collection methods of the relevant charges, and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(3) Charges under paragraph (1) may be used only as expenses incurred in relation to construction, such as the new installation, enlargement, relocation, reinstallation, and improvement of waterworks. <Added on Jul. 28, 2011>
 Article 72 (Payment of Water Rates)
Any person supplied with tap water from a waterworks business operator that is a local government or a person liable to pay charges under Article 71 (1) to a waterworks business operator that is a local government may pay relevant water rates or such charges by credit card or debit card under the Specialized Credit Finance Business Act or by means of electronic currency, electronic payment, etc. through information and communications networks, as prescribed by ordinance of the relevant local government.
[This Article Added on Jul. 28, 2011]
 Article 73 (Research and Development of Technologies)
(1) To promote the research and development of technologies for waterworks, the Minister of Environment may formulate a plan for the research and development of technologies, entrust an institution, organization, or business operator under any subparagraph of Article 5 (1) of the Environmental Technology and Industry Support Act with the research and development, and assist such institution, organization, or business operator. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
(2) To fulfill efficiently the education or training of the persons that engage in the field of waterworks, the Minister of Environment may develop a plan for the education or training concerning waterworks and may entrust the educating and training task to a professional waterworks research institute with providing necessary support.
(3) The Minister of Environment and the heads of local governments may implement policies that are designed to provide technical guidance and training programs for technicians in order to support manufacturers specializing in making waterworks, machinery and materials and to train waterworks specialists.
 Article 74 (Technical Diagnosis on Waterworks)
(1) Waterworks business operators shall conduct every five years the technical diagnosis on the relevant waterworks, including water purification plants and waterworks pipe network, as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment and develop and implement a plan for improving the waterworks taking into account the results of such technical diagnosis.
(2) Waterworks business operators may have such person as prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment conduct technical diagnosis under paragraph (1).
(3) Waterworks business operators shall notify the authorizing agency of the results of the technical diagnosis and the results of the formulation and implementation of a plan for the improvement of waterworks under paragraph (1) by the deadline prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment. <Amended on Dec. 30, 2013>
(4) Matters to be observed, such as standards for equipment and methods of conducting technical diagnosis under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Added on Nov. 26, 2019>
 Article 74-2 (Evaluation Outcomes of Technical Diagnosis)
(1) The Minister of Environment may evaluate the outcomes of technical diagnosis in order to enhance the expertise and accuracy of technical diagnosis under Article 74.
(2) The Minister of Environment may request waterworks business operators to submit data necessary for the evaluation under paragraph (1). In such cases, waterworks business operators requested to submit data shall comply with such request unless there is good cause.
(3) The Minister of Environment may request waterworks business operators to correct or supplement the outcomes of the technical diagnosis pursuant to the outcomes of the evaluation under paragraph (1).
(4) Matters necessary for the items, methods and procedures, etc. for the evaluation under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ministerial Decree of Environment.
[This Article Added on Nov. 26, 2019]
[Previous Article 74-2 moved to Article 74-3 <Nov. 26, 2019>]
 Article 74-3 (Establishment and Operation of National Waterworks Information Center)
(1) The Minister of Environment may establish and operate a national waterworks information center (hereafter in this Article referred to as the "Center") for the efficient management and utilization of outcomes of inspections of water quality and analyses of water quantity, current conditions of facilities for the production and supply of water, and data about the evaluation of waterworks services. <Amended on Nov. 26, 2019>
(2) Where the Minister of Environment deems it necessary for the operation of the Center, he or she may request waterworks business operators to submit relevant data.
(3) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2), necessary matters concerning the establishment and operation of the Center shall be determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Environment.
[This Article Added on Dec. 30, 2013]
[Moved from Article 74-2 <Nov. 26, 2019>]
 Article 74-4 (Establishment and Operation of Basin Waterworks Support Centers)
(1) The Minister of Environment may establish and operate a basin waterworks support center (hereafter in this Article referred to as "support center") to support waterworks management affairs and related technologies and policies, etc. of waterworks business operators that are local governments.
(2) Where the Minister of Environment deems it necessary for the operation of the support center, he or she may request waterworks business operators that are local governments to submit relevant data.
(3) Matters necessary for the establishment and operation of support centers, requests for submission of data, etc. under paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Environment.
[This Article Added on Mar. 31, 2020]
 Article 75 (Subsidies from National Treasury)
The State may provide any waterworks business operator with a subsidy or a loan to cover costs incurred in relation to the waterworks business: Provided, That where a waterworks business operator that is a local government installs any waterworks, improves the deteriorated waterworks, or operates seawater desalination facilities, all or some of such costs may be subsidized, as prescribed by Presidential Decree by taking account of the financial self-support level of the relevant local government. <Amended on Jul. 28, 2011>
 Article 76 (Assistance to Persons Migrating from Area to Be Submerged Due to Construction of Dams for Waterworks Business)
 Article 77 (Sale or Rent of State-Owned Land)
As for the land which is categorized as the miscellaneous property of the State and which is directly necessary for the waterworks business, the State may sell or rent it, by means of a contract ad libitum, to the relevant waterworks business operator, notwithstanding Article 43 of the State Property Act. <Amended on Jan. 30, 2009>
 Article 77-2 (Use of State-Owned Property without Compensation)
Where a local government intends to install any of the following facilities in order to use State-owned property directly for official or public purposes or for non-profit public projects on the site for the wide-area waterworks or industrial waterworks, the State may allow the local government to use such State-owned property without compensation, notwithstanding Article 34 of the State Property Act:
1. Water pipelines;
2. Sewage culverts under subparagraph 6 of Article 2 of the Sewerage Act;
3. Roads and parking lots prescribed in subparagraph 6 (a) of Article 2 of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act;
4. Parks prescribed in subparagraph 6 (b) of Article 2 of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act.
[This Article Added on Jan. 11, 2022]
 Article 78 (Delegation or Entrustment of Authority)
(1) The Minister of Environment may partially delegate his or her authority under this Act to a Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a regional environmental office, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2007; Feb. 29, 2008; May 25, 2010; Jul. 28, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018>
(2) The Minister of Environment may partially entrust his or her business affairs under this Act to the following institutions, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Added by May 25, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 30, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018; Nov. 26, 2019>
1. The Korea Environment Corporation;
2. The Korea Water Resources Corporation;
3. The Association;
4. The Korea Water Technology Certification Agency under the Act on Development of Water Management Technologies and on Promotion of Water Industry;
5. The Human Resources Development Service of Korea prescribed in the Human Resources Development Service of Korea Act.
 Article 79 (Hearings)
Where the Minister of Environment, a Mayor/Do Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu intends to take any of the following dispositions, he or she shall hold a hearing: <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; May 25, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 30, 2013; Jun. 8, 2018; Nov. 26, 2019; Mar. 31, 2020>
1. Revocation of the certification that is granted under Article 14-2 (1);
1-2. Revocation of the designation of an inspection institution under Article 14-4;
2. Revocation of the registration of a water-saving business under Article 15-3;
2-2. Revocation of the registration of an agency business for managing water pipe network under Article 21-5;
3. Revocation of the qualification of a certified operation manager of water purification facilities under Article 25;
3-2. Revocation of the qualification of a certified operation manager of water pipe network facilities under Article 25-3;
4. An order to close a place of business for cleaning water tanks under Article 35;
5. Revocation of the authorization for a waterworks business under Article 63.
 Article 80 (Legal Fiction of Public Officials for Purposes of Penalty Provisions)
Where any person performs activities by proxy or is entrusted with activities under Articles 14-3 and 23 (including the cases applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50) and Article 78 (2), and any of its executives or employees shall be deemed a public official for the purposes of Articles 129 through 132 of the Criminal Act. <Amended on May 25, 2010; Nov. 26, 2019>
 Article 81 (Penalty Provisions)
Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than five years or by a fine not exceeding 50 million won: <Amended on Jul. 28, 2011; Mar. 24, 2014>
1. A person who conducts waterworks business without having obtained authorization under the former part, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of Article 17 (1), or the former part, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of Article 49 (1);
2. A general waterworks business operator (including an entrustee) or installer of the private-use waterworks that fails to cease the supply of tap water without delay, in violation of Article 37 (1) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3) and 53).
 Article 82 (Penalty Provisions)
Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than three years or by a fine not exceeding 30 million won: <Amended on Mar. 24, 2014; Jan. 27, 2016; Nov. 26, 2019>
1. A person who sells tap water bottled or re-treated by using instruments, etc., in violation of Article 13 (1);
2. A person who fails to follow an order for collecting, etc. pursuant to Article 14-6 (1).
 Article 83 (Penalty Provisions)
Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than two years or by a fine not exceeding 20 million won: <Amended on May 25, 2010; Jul. 28, 2011; Dec. 30, 2013; Mar. 24, 2014; Dec. 12, 2017; Mar. 31, 2020; Jan. 11, 2022; Aug. 16, 2023; Jan. 16, 2024>
1. A person who breaches the prohibition or restriction under Article 7 (3) or (4);
1-2. A person who obtains certification under Article 14 (1) by fraud or other improper means;
1-3. A person who fails to obtain certification or manufactures, imports, supplies or sells products, etc. not meeting standards of periodic inspections or occasional inspections under Article 14 (8), in violation of Article 14 (2);
1-4. A person who uses materials or products for waterworks, the certification of which is not obtained, or which falls short of standards, in violation of Article 14 (3);
1-5. A person who indicates a certification mark to materials or products for waterworks, the certification of which is not obtained, or the packaging thereof, in violation of Article 14 (5);
2. A waterworks business operator that revises the authorized matters without having obtained authorization under the latter part, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of Article 17 (1), or the latter part, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of Article 49 (1);
3. A person who installs water tanks which are not in conformity with the standards, in violation of Article 18 (3);
4. A person who installs waterworks facilities connected to the existing tap water pipelines, or alters or damages waterworks facilities, in violation of Article 20 (including cases to which that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50);
5. A person who lends his or her certificate to any other person, in violation of Article 24 (6) or 25-2 (4);
5-2. A person who borrows a certificate or makes arrangement therefor, in violation of Article 24 (7) or 25-2 (5);
6. A general waterworks business operator (including an entrustee), installer of private-use waterworks, or owner or manager of buildings or facilities who fails to take sanitary measures, including disinfection, or measures, including washing, in violation of Article 33 (1), (3), and (4) (including cases to which said provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3) and 53);
7. A general waterworks business operator (including an entrustee) or installer of private-use waterworks that fails to make the situation known to the residents of the relevant district or fails to take necessary measures, such as the inspection of water quality and the supply of emergency water, in violation of Article 37 (2) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3) and 53);
8. A waterworks business operator that fails to obtain authorization from an authorizing agency or who revises the details of the authorization granted by the authorizing agency, in violation of Article 38 (including the cases to which the aforementioned provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50);
9. A waterworks business operator that fails to comply with an order for the urgent supply of tap water under Article 41 (1) (including the cases to which the aforementioned provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50);
10. A waterworks business operator that permanently or temporarily closes all or any part of the waterworks business without having obtained permission under Article 42 (including cases to which that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50);
11. A waterworks business operator that fails to conduct the technical diagnosis on waterworks facilities under Article 74 (1).
 Article 84 (Penalty Provisions)
Any of the following persons shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three million won: <Amended on Mar. 31, 2020>
1. A person who operates an agency business for managing water pipe network without filing for registration in violation of Article 21 (4) 1 or who files for registration by fraud or other improper means;
1-2. A person who runs the water-tank cleaning business without having filing a report on it in violation of Article 34 (1) or who files a report thereon by fraud or other improper means;
2. A person who continues to run the water-tank cleaning business after having received an order for the closure of the place of water-tank cleaning business pursuant to Article 35;
3. Deleted; <Jul. 28, 2011>
4. A person (including an entrustee) who does an act described in Article 61 (1) without obtaining permission or consent under Article 130 (2) through (4) of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act which is applied mutatis mutandis under Article 61 (2) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3), 53, and 54).
 Article 85 (Penalty Provisions)
Any of the following persons shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two million won: <Amended on Nov. 14, 2011; Dec. 30, 2013; Nov. 26, 2019; Nov. 26, 2019>
1. A waterworks business operator or installer of the exclusive waterworks who provides tap water without having undergone the inspection of the quality of water, in violation of Article 19 (2) (including the cases to which the aforementioned provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53);
1-2. A general waterworks business operator who fails to report to the head of a regional environmental office, in violation of Article 26-2 (1);
2. Deleted; <Jul. 28, 2011>
3. A general waterworks business operator who fails to inform residents of details of violations, in violation of Article 27 (1);
4. A general waterworks business operator (including an entrustee) that fails to comply with an order to take measures, in violation of Article 28 (8) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23 (3));
5. A general waterworks business operator or installer of private-use waterworks that fails to perform the inspection of water quality or the analysis of water quantity under Article 29 (1) (including the cases to which the aforementioned provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3) and 53);
6. Deleted; <May 25, 2010>
7. A general waterworks business operator (including an entrustee) or installer of the private-use waterworks that fails to arrange for a medical checkup under Article 32 (1) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3) and 53);
8. A general waterworks business operator (including an entrustee) or installer of the private-use waterworks that allows the person, admitted to have a disease which is likely to harm other people, to work for the waterworks business or to reside within the area of the facilities, in violation of Article 32 (2) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3) and 53);
9. A waterworks business operator that refuses, without good cause, to supply tap water, in violation of Article 39 (1) (including the cases to which the aforementioned provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 50);
10. Deleted; <May 25, 2010>
11. A person who installs the exclusive waterworks without having obtained authorization under Article 52 (including the cases to which the aforementioned provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 54);
12. A waterworks business operator that violates a request for modification of business plans, order for improvement of business management and other necessary measures and orders, in violation of Article 62;
13. A waterworks business operator or installer of exclusive waterworks that fails to comply with an order issued for the improvement of facilities under Article 64 (1) through (4).
 Article 86 (Joint Penalty Provisions)
When the representative of a corporation, or an agent, employee or other servant of the corporation or an individual commits a violation under Articles 81 through 85 in connection with the business of the corporation or the individual, in addition to the punishment on such violator, the corporation or the individual shall be punished by each relevant Article: Provided, That this shall not apply where such corporation or individual has not been negligent in giving due attention and supervision concerning the relevant duties to prevent such violation.
[This Article Wholly Amended on May 25, 2010]
 Article 87 (Administrative Fines)
(1) Any of the following persons shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding 10 million won. <Amended on Jul. 12, 2017; Aug. 17, 2021>
1. A person who violates matters to be observed under Article 7-2 (4);
2. A person who refuses, interferes with or evades a periodic inspection or occasional inspection under Article 14 (6).
3. A person who fails to install a water-saving fixture or water-saving device, in violation of Article 15 (1) or (2).
(2) Any of the following persons shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding five million won: <Amended on Dec. 12, 2017; Dec. 24, 2018; Nov. 26, 2019; Aug. 17, 2021; Jan. 23, 2024>
1. A person who manufactures, imports, supplies, or sells products, etc. different from those certified pursuant to Article 14 (1);
2. A person who fails to report the result, etc. of measures following a recommendation or order to perform collection, etc. pursuant to Article 14-5 (2) or 14-6 (2);
3. A person who refuses, interferes with or avoids an on-site inspection under Article 14-7 or who fails to submit data (including the person who submit false data);
4. A person who fails to indicate or falsely indicates the water-saving grade, in violation of Article 15 (4).
5. A person who produced, used, or indicates a certificate or similar certification mark pursuant to Article 33-2 (5) without first obtaining a sanitation and safety certification for a water purification plant pursuant to Article 33-2 (1), in violation of Article 33-2 (6).
(3) Any of the following persons shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding three million won: <Amended on May 25, 2010; Jul. 28, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011; Dec. 30, 2013; Jan. 27, 2016; Nov. 26, 2019; Aug. 16, 2023>
1. Deleted; <Jan. 27, 2016>
2. A person who fails to indicate certification, in violation of Article 14 (4) or indicates certification differently from certified matters;
3. Deleted; <Aug. 17, 2021>
3-2. A person who fails to indicate the volume of water usage on a water-using appliance, in violation of Article 16 or who describes the volume of water usage with a false label;
3-3. A waterworks business operator or an installer of private-use waterworks that fails to appoint a waterworks manager, in violation of Article 21 (6) (including cases to which that provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 50, 53, and 54);
3-4. A general waterworks business operator that fails to place a certified operation manager of water purification facilities, in violation of Article 21 (7);
4. A waterworks business operator that fails to report the conclusion of a contract for entrustment, in violation of Article 23 (2) (including cases to which the aforementioned provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50);
4-2. A general waterworks business operator (including an entrustee) that violates Article 28 (4), (5), (6), or (7) (including cases to which those paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23 (3));
4-3. A general waterworks business operator (including an entrustee) that fails to inspect the actual conditions of the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, in violation of Article 28-2 (1) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23 (3));
5. A general waterworks business operator that fails to provide a report on tap water quality, in violation of Article 31 (1);
6. A waterworks business operator that fails to install a fire hydrant on waterworks, in violation of Article 45 (including cases to which the aforementioned provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50);
7. A person who interferes with or refuses acts, such as entry into land, necessary for the performance of waterworks or an inspection of water supply facilities under Article 61 (1) without good cause;
8. A person who fails to observe matters under Article 74 (4);
9. A person who fails to submit data necessary for the evaluation without good cause, in violation of Article 74-2 (2).
(4) Any of the following persons shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding one million won: <Amended on May 25, 2010; Jul. 28, 2011; Nov. 14, 2011; Dec. 30, 2013; Jan. 27, 2016; Nov. 26, 2019; Mar. 31, 2020; Jan. 16, 2024>
1. A person who fails to file a report, in violation of the proviso of Article 7 (4);
2. A person who fails to follow an implementation order issued by a Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu under Article 15 (3);
3. Deleted; <Jun. 8, 2010>
3-2. Deleted; <Jul. 28, 2011>
3-3. Deleted; <Jul. 28, 2011>
3-4. Deleted; <Jul. 28, 2011>
4. A general waterworks business operator (including an entrustee) that fails to prepare and retain records of inspections of water quality and analyses of water quantity or fails to disclose such records through the business operator's website, etc., or an installer of private-use waterworks that fails to prepare and retain records of inspections of water quality and analyses of water quantity, in violation of Article 29 (3) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3) and 53);
5. A general waterworks business operator (including an entrustee) or installer of private-use waterworks that fails to prepare and retain a record on the medical checkup, in violation of Article 32 (3) (including cases to which that paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 23 (3) and 53);
5-2. A person who fails to report the status of installation of water tanks to a general waterworks business operator or makes a false report thereon, in violation of Article 33 (2);
6. A person who closes his or her business permanently or temporarily without reporting thereon, in violation of Article 34 (3);
7. Any of the following persons who fail to undergo education about the management of waterworks or who fail to cause any other person to undergo such education, in violation of Article 36 (including cases to which that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23 (3)):
(a) Any owner or manager of building or facilities;
(b) Any water-tank cleaning business operator;
(c) Any general waterworks business operator (including an entrustee);
(d) Any agency for managing water pipe network.
8. A waterworks business operator that fails to give public notice in advance on an area in which and the period during which tap water cannot be provided, in violation of Article 39 (2) (including cases to which the aforementioned provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50);
9. A waterworks business operator or installer of exclusive waterworks that refuses, or interferes with, or evades an inspection or that fails to file a necessary report, as prescribed in Article 66 (1).
(5) Administrative fines provided for in paragraphs (1) through (4) shall be imposed and collected by the Minister of Environment, a Mayor/Do Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Feb. 29, 2008; May 25, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jan. 27, 2016; Jun. 8, 2018>
(6) Deleted. <May 25, 2010>
(7) Deleted. <May 25, 2010>
ADDENDA <Act No. 8370, Apr. 11, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 19 (56) of the Addenda shall enter into force on July 4, 2007, the amended provisions of Articles 7 (3) 1 and 56 (1) on September 28, 2007, the amended provisions of Articles 68 and 71 on January 4, 2008, respectively.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Enforcement Date)
Pursuant to the proviso of Article 1 of the Addenda, the previous provisions of Articles 5 (3) 1 and 39 (1) that correspond to the amended provisions of Articles 7 (3) 1 and 56 (1) shall apply until the amended provisions of Articles 7 (3) 1 and 56 (1) enter into force.
Article 3 (Period of Validity)
The amended provisions of subparagraph 15 of Article 3, Article 14, and Article 87 (1) 1 and (2) 1 shall remain valid until September 27, 2007, and the amended provision of Article 72 shall remain valid until January 3, 2008.
Article 4 (Applicability to Collection of Charges Borne by Causers)
The part of the amended provisions of Article 51 (1) of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 8208), which governs the collection of charges borne by causers who have caused the costs to be incurred in performing the waterworks construction, shall begin to apply to charges borne by causers, which are imposed for the first time on or after January 4, 2008.
Article 5 (Transitional Measures concerning Designation of Water-Source Protection Areas)
Any water-source protection area designated on or before December 15, 1992 pursuant to the previous provisions of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 4429) shall be deemed the water-source protection area designated pursuant to this Act.
Article 6 (Transitional Measures concerning Authorization on General Waterworks Business)
The person who has received authorization on general waterworks business on or before August 3, 1994 pursuant to the previous provisions of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 4781) shall be deemed to have received authorization pursuant to this Act.
Article 7 (Transitional Measures concerning Authorization on Exclusive Waterworks)
The person who has received authorization on exclusive waterworks on or before March 1, 1998 pursuant to the previous provision of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 5396) shall be deemed to have received authorization pursuant to this Act.
Article 8 (Transitional Measures concerning Small Water Supply System)
The small water supply systems which supply water for a population of less than 100 persons or supply water less than 20 cubic meters a day pursuant to the previous provision as at the time the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 5396) entered into force on March 1, 1998 shall be deemed the small water supply system designated pursuant to subparagraph 14 of Article 3.
Article 9 (Applicability to Installation of Used-Water Purification Waterworks and Rain-Utilization Facilities)
The amended provisions of Articles 14 (1) and (4), and 16 shall apply to the construction permit granted on or after the date when the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 6449) enters into force.
Article 10 (Transitional Measures concerning Change of Authority)
Acts, such as administrative disposition, done by the Special Metropolitan City Mayor and a Metropolitan City Mayor and acts, such as report, done toward the Special Metropolitan City Mayor and a Metropolitan City Mayor on or before September 29, 2001 pursuant to the previous provisions of Articles 5 (4), 21 (1) and (2), and 21-3 (1) of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 6449) shall be deemed the acts done by the Special Metropolitan City Mayor and a Metropolitan City Mayor and the acts done toward the Special Metropolitan City Mayor and a Metropolitan City Mayor pursuant to this Act.
Article 11 (Transitional Measures concerning Korea Tap-Water and Waterworks Association)
(1) The Korea Waterworks and Sewerage Association to be established pursuant to Article 39 of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 6449) shall comprehensively succeed to the rights and responsibilities of the Korea Tap-Water and Waterworks Association pursuant to the previous provision.
(2) The Korea Tap-Water and Waterworks Association as at the time when the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 6449) entered into force on September 29, 2001 shall be deemed to have dissolved pursuant to Article 77 of the Civil Act as at the time the Korea Waterworks and Sewerage Association is established pursuant to Article 39 of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 6449).
Article 12 (Applicability to Bearing of Installation Costs for Waterworks)
The amended provision of Article 70 shall apply to the water purification facility installed on or after the date when the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 6828) entered into force.
Article 13 (Transitional Measures concerning Succession to Position of Waterworks Business Operator)
The business operator of wide-area waterworks installed or under installation as at the time the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 6828) entered into force on December 26, 2002 may succeed to the position of the waterworks business operator who is being supplied with water from the relevant wide-area waterworks pursuant to the proviso of the previous provisions of Article 52-2 (1) after refunding or paying by proxy the amount of the expense for installing water purification facility. In such cases, he or she shall consult with the relevant waterworks business operator in advance.
Article 14 (Refund of Expense Borne for Installation of Waterworks)
The refund of the amount that has been borne to cover the installation expense for water-purification facility pursuant to Article 12 of the Addenda shall be the same amount as the investment amount pursuant to the previous Article 52-2 (3) as at the time the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 6828) entered into force.
Article 15 (Transitional Measures concerning Tap-Water Quality Evaluation Committee)
The selection, etc. of objects of inspection by the Tap-Water Quality Evaluation Committee pursuant to the previous provisions of Article 19-2 on or before June 30, 2006, the date when the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 7777) entered into force shall be deemed to have been executed by the Tap-Water Evaluation Committee pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-2 of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 7777).
Article 16 (Transitional Measures concerning Collection of Charges Borne by Causers)
The charges imposed on persons who have inflicted damage under the previous provisions in force before January 4, 2008, the date the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 8208) enters into force, shall be deemed the charges borne by causers imposed pursuant to that Act.
Article 17 (General Transitional Measures concerning Disposition)
The acts by administrative agencies and acts against administrative agencies pursuant to the previous provisions as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed the acts by administrative agencies and acts against administrative agencies pursuant to this Act corresponding thereto.
Article 18 (General Transitional Measures concerning Penalty Provisions and Administrative Fines)
The application of the penalty provisions and administrative fines to an act committed before this Act enters into force shall be governed by the previous provisions.
Article 19 Omitted.
Article 20 (Relationship to Other Statutes or Regulations)
Where the previous Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act or a provision thereof is cited in other statutes or regulations as at the time this Act enters into force, this Act or the corresponding provision in this Act shall be deemed to have been cited in place of the previous provision if there is a corresponding provision in this Act.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8466, May 17, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 8805, Dec. 27, 2007>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8819, Dec. 27, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 9 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8820, Dec. 27, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 9 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8976, Mar. 21, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 10 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 9401, Jan. 30, 2009>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 11 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 9774, Jun. 9, 2009>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 19 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10272, Apr. 15, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 14 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10317, May 25, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 2 (6), 23 (1), 23 (5) through (7), 30 (2) through (4), 38 (3) and 39 (3) shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation, the amended provisions of Articles 7-2 and 87 (1) 1 six months after the date of its promulgation, the amended provisions of Articles 14, 14-2, 16, 18 (2), 53, 66 (1), subparagraph 1 of Article 79, subparagraphs 1-2 through 1-4 of Article 83, Article 87 (2) 1 and 2, and subparagraphs 3-2 through 3-4 of Article 87 (3) one year after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Establishment of Rain-Utilization Facilities)
The amended provisions of Article 16 (1) shall begin to apply to the first permission for construction after the enforcement of the said amended provisions.
Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Certification of Materials and Products to be Used for Waterworks)
Materials and products used for waterworks, manufactured or imported before the enforcement of the amended provisions of Article 14, may be supplied, sold or used from the enforcement date of the amended provisions until six months elapse after the enforcement date of the said amended provisions notwithstanding the said amended provisions.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Deliberation Committee on Entrustment of Waterworks Management)
The committee for deliberating on entrustment established before this Act enters into force, shall be deemed the committee for deliberating on the entrustment of waterworks management established under this Act.
Article 5 (Transitional Measures concerning Penalty Provisions)
The application of penalty provisions to acts committed before this Act enters into force shall be governed by the previous provisions.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10331, May 31, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 13 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10359, Jun. 8, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 8 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10599, Apr. 14, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 9 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10976, Jul. 28, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Village Waterworks and Small Water Supply Facilities)
(1) Village waterworks which has received authorization or authorization for change from the head of a Gu or the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City before this Act enters into force shall be deemed received authorization or authorization for change from the Special Metropolitan City Mayor or a Metropolitan City Mayor pursuant to this Act.
(2) Small water supply facilities designated by the head of a Gu or the head of a Gun in a Metropolitan City before this Act enters into force shall be deemed designated by the Special Metropolitan City Mayor or a Metropolitan City Mayor pursuant to this Act.
ADDENDA <Act No. 11020, Aug. 4, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 11 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 11085, Nov. 14, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions concerning a Special Self-Governing City and the Mayor thereof shall enter into force on July 1, 2012.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Installation of Water-Saving Fixtures)
A person who conducts sport facilities business (excluding country club business) under Article 10 (1) of the Installation and Utilization of Sports Facilities Act and a person who installs public toilets under subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the Public Toilets Act as at the time this Act enters into force shall install water-saving fixtures and water-saving devices in accordance with the amended provisions of Article 15 (2) within one year after this Act enters into force.
ADDENDA <Act No. 11690, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
(1) This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
(2) Omitted.
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 11862, Jun. 4, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on January 1, 2015.
Articles 2 through 12 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 12141, Dec. 30, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Formulation of Water Quality Control Plans for Water-Source Protection Areas)
A Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Self-Governing Province Governor, and the head of the relevant Si/Gun/Gu shall formulate the first water quality control plan under the provisions of Article 8-2 within one year after this Act enters into force.
Article 3 (Applicability to Period of Restriction on Certification)
The amended provisions of Article 14-2 (2) 2 shall apply where the certification is revoked after this Act enters into force.
Article 4 (Applicability to Technical Diagnosis of Waterworks)
The amended provisions of Article 74 (3) shall apply to where technical diagnosis shall be conducted after this Act enters into force.
ADDENDA <Act No. 12248, Jan. 14, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 25 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 12518, Mar. 24, 2014>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 7-3 shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 12738, Jun. 3, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Article 2 Omitted.
Article 3 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 12844, Nov. 19, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amendments to the statutes to be amended pursuant to Article 6 of the Addenda, which were promulgated before this Act enters into force but the enforcement dates of which have yet to arrive, shall enter into force on the enforcement dates of the respective statutes.
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 13166, Feb. 3, 2015>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Grounds for Disqualification of Persons Declared Incompetent)
"Incompetent persons under adult guardianship" in the amended provisions of Article 24 (2) 1 shall be deemed to include persons upon whom a declaration of incompetence remains effective under Article 2 of the Addenda to the Civil Act (Act No. 10429).
ADDENDUM <Act No. 13529, Dec. 1, 2015>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 13878, Jan. 27, 2016>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 24-2 shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Measures against Persons who Cheated on Examination)
The amended provisions of Article 24-2 shall begin to apply to the first qualifying examination for certified operation managers of water purification facilities conducted after the same amended provisions enter into force.
Article 3 (Transitional Measures following Enforcement of the Housing Act (Act No. 13805))
"Subparagraph 3 of Article 2" in the amended provisions of Article 33 (2) and (3) 2 shall be construed as "subparagraph 2 of Article 2" until August 11, 2016.
ADDENDA <Act No. 14532, Jan. 17, 2017>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amendments to the statutes to be amended pursuant to Article 6 of the Addenda, which were promulgated before this Act enters into force but the enforcement dates of which have yet to arrive, shall enter into force on the enforcement dates of the respective statutes.
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 14839, Jul. 26, 2017>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amendments to the statutes to be amended pursuant to Article 5 of the Addenda, which were promulgated before this Act enters into force but the enforcement dates of which have yet to arrive, shall enter into force on the enforcement dates of the respective statutes.
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 15193, Dec. 12, 2017>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 60-2 and 60-3 shall enter into force one year after the date of the promulgation thereof.
Article 2 (Applicability to Compensation for Use of Underground Portion of Land)
The amended provisions of Article 60-2 shall begin to apply to cases where a waterworks business operator uses the underground portion of the land of another for the first time to install water works after the aforesaid provisions enter into force.
Article 3 (Applicability to Period of Existence of Partitioned Superficies)
The amended provision of Article 60-3 (4) shall begin to apply to cases where a waterworks business operator establishes or transfers partitioned superficies concerning the use of the underground portion of the land of another for the first time to install water works after the aforesaid provisions enter into force.
ADDENDA <Act No. 15624, Jun. 8, 2018>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amendments to the statutes to be amended pursuant to Article 4 of the Addenda, which were promulgated before this Act enters into force but the enforcement dates of which have yet to arrive, shall enter into force on the enforcement dates of the respective statutes.
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 16082, Dec. 24, 2018>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 16607, Nov. 26, 2019>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 7 (5) and (6), 21 (8), 24 (2) 3 through 5, 34 (2) through (4), 78 (2), and 87 (4) 6 shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation and the amended provisions of subparagraph 30 of Article 3 shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Formulation of Basic Plans for Waterworks Installation and Management)
The amended provisions of Article 4 (7) 15 shall begin to apply from the first formulation of the basic plan for waterworks installation and management after this Act enters into force.
Article 3 (Applicability to Technical Diagnosis)
The amended provisions of Article 74 (4) shall begin to apply from the first technical diagnosis after this Act enters into force.
Article 4 (Applicability to Evaluation Outcomes of Technical Diagnosis)
The amended provisions of Article 74-2 shall begin to apply from the first evaluation of technical diagnosis conducted after this Act enters into force.
Article 5 (Transitional Measures concerning Designation of Inspection Institutions)
A person designated as an inspection institution pursuant to the previous provisions before this Act enters into force shall be deemed designated as an inspection institution pursuant to the amended provisions of Article 14-3: Provided, That he or she shall be re-designated as an inspection institution after meeting the standards under the amended provisions of Article 14-3 by the date on which one year elapses after this Act enters into force.
Article 6 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 17178, Mar. 31, 2020>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 4 (7), 5 (2), 29-2, and 74-4 shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Amended Provisions of Article 74-4)
The amended provisions of Article 74-4 shall be deemed Article 74-3 until November 26, 2020.
Article 3 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 17326, May 26, 2020>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the following amended provisions shall enter into force on the date specified in each of the following subparagraphs:
1. and 2. Omitted;
3. The amended part of Article 14-8 (1) of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act (Act No. 16607) in Article 17: November 27, 2020;
4. through 6. Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 18284, Jun. 15, 2021>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 18310, Jul. 20, 2021>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 18419, Aug. 17, 2021>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Indication of Water-Saving Grades of Water-Saving Fixtures)
The amended provisions of Article 15 (4) shall begin to apply where water-saving fixtures are manufactured or imported after this Act enters into force.
ADDENDA <Act No. 18750, Jan. 11, 2022>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 4, 5, 48, and 77-2 shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Additional Charges)
The amended provisions of Article 68 (1) shall begin to apply where such rates for supplied tap water, costs incurred in installing water-supply facilities, or charges borne by causers under Article 71 are imposed on or after the date this Act enters into force.
Article 3 (Applicability to Use of State Property without Compensation)
The amended provisions of Article 77-2 shall begin to apply where permission is granted or updated for the use of State property without compensation on or after the date the amended provisions enter into force.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Comprehensive National Waterworks Plans and Basic Plans for Installation and Management of Wide-Area Waterworks and Industrial Waterworks)
The comprehensive plan for national waterworks and the basic plan for improvement of waterworks concerning wide-area waterworks and industrial waterworks, which were formulated and have been implemented by the Minister of Environment pursuant to the previous provisions in force as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed the master plan for national waterworks formulated under the amended provisions of Article 4.
Article 5 (Transitional Measures concerning Basic Plans for Installation and Management of General Waterworks and Industrial Waterworks)
A basic plan for waterworks installation and management formulated and implemented by the head of a local government pursuant to the previous provisions in force as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed a plan for waterworks installation and management under the amended provisions of Article 5.
Article 6 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 19045, Nov. 15, 2022>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 19117, Mar. 27, 2022>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 Omitted.
Article 3 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 19662, Aug. 16, 2023>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 87 (3) 3-4 shall enter into force two years after the date of their promulgation.
Article 2 (Special Cases concerning Qualifying Examinations for Certified Operation Managers of Water Purification Facilities)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 24, the qualifying examination for certified operation managers of water purification facilities under the previous provisions shall be conducted for three years after the promulgation of the amended provisions.
ADDENDA <Act No. 20036, Jan. 16, 2024>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Report on Installation of Water Tanks)
A person who is operating a water tank as at the time this Act enters into force shall file a report thereon pursuant to the amended provisions of the main sentence of Article 33 (2) within one year after this Act enters into force.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 20118, Jan. 23, 2024>
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 20172, Jan. 30, 2024>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Objections)
The amended provisions concerning objections shall begin to apply from dispositions made after this Act enters into force.
Articles 3 through 5 Omitted.
Article 6 (Applicability to Amendment of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act)
The provisions concerning the period for consultation and consultation deemed held between administrative agencies for the legal fiction of authorization, permission, etc. under other statutes shall apply to cases where consultation on the legal fiction of authorization, permission is requested after this Act enters into force.
Articles 7 through 12 Omitted.