Presidential Decree No. 13699, Jul. 21, 1992
Amended by Presidential Decree No. 13823, Dec. 31, 1992
Presidential Decree No. 13811, Dec. 31, 1992
Presidential Decree No. 14070, Dec. 31, 1993
Presidential Decree No. 14255, May 4, 1994
Presidential Decree No. 14450, Dec. 23, 1994
Presidential Decree No. 14494, Dec. 31, 1994
Presidential Decree No. 15137, Aug. 8, 1996
Presidential Decree No. 15465, Aug. 19, 1997
Presidential Decree No. 15817, Jun. 24, 1998
Presidential Decree No. 16081, Dec. 31, 1998
Presidential Decree No. 16379, Jun. 8, 1999
Presidential Decree No. 16605, Nov. 27, 1999
Presidential Decree No. 16953, Aug. 17, 2000
Presidential Decree No. 16954, Aug. 17, 2000
Presidential Decree No. 17698, Aug. 8, 2002
Presidential Decree No. 17739, Sep. 11, 2002
Presidential Decree No. 17816, Dec. 26, 2002
Presidential Decree No. 18039, Jun. 30, 2003
Presidential Decree No. 18312, Mar. 17, 2004
Presidential Decree No. 18457, Jun. 29, 2004
Presidential Decree No. 18978, Jul. 27, 2005
Presidential Decree No. 19463, Apr. 28, 2006
Presidential Decree No. 19865, Feb. 1, 2007
Presidential Decree No. 20082, Jun. 4, 2007
Presidential Decree No. 20383, Nov. 15, 2007
Presidential Decree No. 20428, Nov. 30, 2007
Presidential Decree No. 20476, Dec. 28, 2007
Presidential Decree No. 21077, Oct. 8, 2008
Presidential Decree No. 21098, Oct. 29, 2008
Presidential Decree No. 21324, Feb. 13, 2009
Presidential Decree No. 21629, Jul. 16, 2009
Presidential Decree No. 22499, Nov. 19, 2010
Presidential Decree No. 22556, Dec. 28, 2010
Presidential Decree No. 22967, Jun. 8, 2011
Presidential Decree No. 23488, Jan. 6, 2012
Presidential Decree No. 23664, Mar. 13, 2012
Presidential Decree No. 25085, Jan. 14, 2014
Presidential Decree No. 25273, Mar. 24, 2014
Presidential Decree No. 26309, Jun. 9, 2015
Presidential Decree No. 28886, May 15, 2018
Presidential Decree No. 29450, Dec. 31, 2018
Presidential Decree No. 30127, Oct. 15, 2019
Presidential Decree No. 31453, Feb. 17, 2021
Presidential Decree No. 31614, Apr. 6, 2021
Presidential Decree No. 32223, Dec. 16, 2021
Presidential Decree No. 33256, Feb. 21, 2023
Presidential Decree No. 34384, Apr. 2, 2024
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 19, 2010]
Article 2 Deleted. <Aug. 17, 2000> |
Article 3 Deleted. <Aug. 17, 2000> |
Article 4 (Scope of Motor Vehicles Subject to Environmental Improvement Charges) |
(1) | Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
3. | A motor vehicle for which the compulsory execution procedure, such as a public auction, is in progress from the date of delivery to the executive organ before the date when the successful bid price is paid. |
(3) | Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
(4) | Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
(5) | Although a motor vehicle registered under the Motor Vehicle Management Act falls under any of the following subparagraphs, it shall not be subject to the imposition of an improvement charge, unless the registration thereof is canceled: |
1. | Where the motor vehicle is exported after a declaration thereof is made to the head of the competent customs office; |
2. | Where the motor vehicle is irrecoverable or unusable due to any destruction, demolition or breakdown caused by any natural disaster, fire, or traffic accident, etc.; |
4. | Where the motor vehicle is deemed unusable due to any ground specified by Ministerial Decree of Environment. |
(6) | The owner of a motor vehicle falling under any of the subparagraphs of paragraph (2) or the owner of a motor vehicle falling under any of the subparagraphs of paragraph (5) shall submit a document attesting the grounds to the Minister of Environment. <Amended on Jun. 9, 2015> |
(7) | Deleted. <Oct. 15, 2019> |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 19, 2010]
Article 5 (Persons Subject to Improvement Charges) |
(1) | Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
(2) | Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
(3) | A person subject to the imposition of an improvement charge on a motor vehicle shall be a person who owns the motor vehicle as of the reference date of imposition: Provided, That when the owner of a motor vehicle is changed during the imposition period, a person subject to the imposition of the improvement charge shall be determined based on the ownership period. |
(4) | If no person subject to imposition exists as of the reference date of imposition due to the disuse of a motor vehicle during the imposition period, the last owner of the motor vehicle during the imposition period shall be deemed a person subject to imposition. <Amended on Jun. 9, 2015> |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 19, 2010]
Article 6 (Motor Vehicles Eligible for Reduction of and Exemption from Improvement Charges) |
(1) | Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
(2) | Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
(3) | Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
(4) | Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
(5) | "Motor vehicles ... prescribed by Presidential Decree" in Article 9 (3) 8 of the Act means any of the following motor vehicles: |
1. | Motor vehicles recognized and publicly notified by the Minister of Environment as emitting considerably reduced quantities of exhaust gases by using a mixture of diesel and other fuel or by attaching a diesel particulate filter; |
(6) | "Persons of distinguished service to the State or persons with disabilities prescribed by Presidential Decree" in Article 9 (3) 9 (b) of the Act means each of the following persons: <Amended on May 15, 2018; Dec. 31, 2018; Apr. 6, 2021> |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Jan. 14, 2014]
[Title Amended on Jun. 9, 2015]
Article 7 (Reduction of and Exemption from Improvement Charges) |
(1) | Pursuant to Article 9 (3) of the Act, an improvement charge shall be exempted for any of the following motor vehicles: Provided, That where the Minister of Environment determines and publicly notifies a period of exemption for any motor vehicle pursuant to subparagraph 4, an improvement charge shall be exempted only for such period: <Amended on Jun. 9, 2015> |
1. | Motor vehicles falling under Article 9 (3) 1 of the Act; |
2. | Deleted; <Jun. 9, 2015> |
3. | Deleted; <Jun. 9, 2015> |
4. | Motor vehicles prescribed in Article 9 (3) 8 of the Act; |
5. | One motor vehicle prescribed in Article 9 (3) 9 of the Act. |
(2) | Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
(3) | Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Jan. 14, 2014]
Article 8 (Procedures for Imposition and Collection of Improvement Charges) |
(1) | When an improvement charge is calculated pursuant to the main clause of Article 9 (4) of the Act, it shall be calculated in proportion to the number of days based on each of the following dates: <Amended on Jun. 9, 2015; Oct. 15, 2019> |
1. | The date of new registration; |
2. | The date of registration cancellation; |
3. | The date the relevant motor vehicle is excluded or exempted from the imposition of the improvement charge; |
4. | The date of change of the place of registration (limited to cases where the regional coefficient prescribed in Article 15 changes due to the change of the place of registration); |
5. | The date of registration of ownership transfer. |
(2) | "Cases prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as where the registration of motor vehicles subject to the imposition of improvement charges is canceled" in the proviso of Article 9 (4) of the Act means any of the following cases: <Added on Oct. 15, 2019> |
1. | Where the registration of a motor vehicle subject to the imposition of an improvement charge is canceled; |
2. | Where the ownership of a motor vehicle subject to the imposition of an improvement charge is transferred; |
3. | Where a motor vehicle subject to the imposition of an improvement charge becomes subject to the exclusion or exemption from such imposition. |
(3) | Where the Minister of Environment intends to impose and collect improvement charges, he or she shall send a notice of payment of the improvement charges stating the amount of the improvement charges (including the amount to be paid in case of a lump sum payment under Article 9 (7) of the Act), the payment period specified in the Appendix of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "payment period"), and the payment place, etc. no later than five days prior to the payment period. <Amended on Oct. 15, 2019> |
(4) | A person liable to pay an improvement charge shall pay the charge by the payment deadline; and if he or she is unable to pay the charge by the payment deadline due to a natural disaster or any other unavoidable cause, he or she shall pay it within five days from the date such cause ceases to exist. <Amended on Oct. 15, 2019> |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 19, 2010]
Article 8-2 (Reimbursement of Collection Expenses) |
(1) | An amount that the Minister of Environment pays as collection expenses to a Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, a Special Self-Governing City, a Do Governor, or a Special Self-Governing Province Governor (hereinafter referred to as "Mayor/Do Governor") or the head of a large city with a population of at least one million persons specified in Article 198 (2) 1 of the Local Autonomy Act (hereinafter referred to as "Special Si") pursuant to Article 9 (5) of the Act shall be 10/100 of the improvement charges collected; and the Minister of Environment may increase the amount by up to 30/100 of the improvement charges collected from a Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Special Si who collects improvement charges above the collection rate determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Environment. <Amended on Oct. 15, 2019; Apr. 2, 2024> |
(2) | Where the Minister of Environment increases an amount to be paid as collection expenses pursuant to paragraph (1), the increase shall be calculated based on an amount collected by each Si (including an administrative Si in a Special Self-Governing Do), Gun, or Gu (referring to an autonomous Gu) and be paid to a relevant Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a relevant Special Si. <Amended on Apr. 2, 2024> |
(3) | A Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Special Si shall use an amount paid as collection expenses pursuant to paragraph (1) to cover the expenses incurred in imposing and collecting improvement charges and the expenses incurred in relation to environmental improvement in an area under his or her jurisdiction. <Amended on Apr. 2, 2024> |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 19, 2010]
[Moved from Article 11; previous Article 8-2 moved to Article 8-3 <Oct. 15, 2019>]
Article 8-3 (Installment Payments) |
(1) | Where the amount of an improvement charge to be paid exceeds 500,000 won, the Minister of Environment may permit installment payment of all or part of any of the following amounts upon receipt of an application of a person liable to pay the charge, in accordance with Article 9 (6) of the Act: <Amended on Jan. 14, 2014; Oct. 15, 2019> |
1. | Where the amount to be paid is not more than two million won, an amount exceeding 500,000 won; |
2. | Where the amount to be paid exceeds two million won, an amount exceeding 25/100 of the amount. |
(2) | The deadline for installment payment prescribed in paragraph (1) shall be not later than three months from the first day of the month following the month in which the payment deadline falls; and the amount shall be paid in three installments over the period: Provided, That the person liable for such payment may determine the number of installments as less than three at his or her own choice. <Amended on Oct. 15, 2019> |
(3) | The amount to be paid in installments pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) shall, in principle, be divided into equal monthly installments, and the deadline for each installment payment shall be the last day of each month. |
(4) | A person who intends to make installment payment pursuant to paragraph (1) shall submit to the Minister of Environment an application for the installment payment of an environmental improvement charge (including an electronic application form) within five days after the payment period begins; and the Minister of Environment shall give a written notice to the applicant of whether to approve the installment payment. <Amended on Oct. 15, 2019> |
(5) | The Minister of Environment may collect an amount related to installment payment in a lump sum if the person liable for payment who has received a notice of installment payment pursuant to paragraph (4) falls under any of the following subparagraphs. In such cases, the Minister of Environment shall give a prior notice thereof to the person liable for payment: <Amended on Feb. 17, 2021> |
1. | Where the person liable for payment fails to pay the amount of installment payment by the given deadline; |
2. | Where it is deemed impracticable to collect the full amount of installment payment by the deadline for installment payment, due to any ground referred to in any subparagraph of Article 9 (1) of the National Tax Collection Act or other grounds equivalent thereto. |
(6) | Deleted. <Oct. 15, 2019> |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 19, 2010]
[Title Amended on Jan. 14, 2014]
[Moved from Article 8-2 <Oct. 15, 2019>]
Article 9 (Ex Officio Adjustment of Improvement Charges) |
(1) | Where an improvement charge imposed or collected pursuant to Article 8 or 8-3 falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the Minister of Environment shall recalculate and adjust the improvement charge. If any difference exists between the amount already paid and the amount adjusted, the difference shall be re-imposed or refunded: <Amended on Oct. 15, 2019> |
1. | Where the person liable to pay the improvement charge is mistakenly entered; |
2. | Where the motor vehicle subject to the improvement charge or the method of calculating the improvement charge is mistakenly applied; |
3. | Deleted; <Jun. 9, 2015> |
4. | Where the amount of installment payment is miscalculated. |
(2) | In cases of re-imposition or refund pursuant to paragraph (1), the Minister of Environment shall give a written notice of the amount, the payment period, the place of payment, and other necessary matters. <Amended on Oct. 15, 2019> |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 19, 2010]
Article 10 (Application for Adjustment of Improvement Charges) |
(1) | A person who has received a notice of payment or installment payment of an improvement charge pursuant to Article 8 (3) or 8-3 (4) may file an application for adjusting the improvement charge within 30 days of receipt of the notice of payment or installment payment of the improvement charge, if he or she falls under any of the subparagraphs of Article 9 (1). <Amended on Oct. 15, 2019> |
(2) | Upon receipt of an application for adjustment prescribed in paragraph (1), the Minister of Environment shall, within 30 days, give notice of the processing result to the applicant or a new person liable for payment. If any difference exists between the amount already paid and the amount adjusted, the difference shall be re-imposed or refunded pursuant to Article 9 (2). |
(3) | No application for adjustment under paragraph (1) shall affect the deadline for payment of the improvement charge. |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 19, 2010]
Article 11 (Payment of Improvement Charges by Credit Card) |
(1) | "Agencies prescribed by Presidential Decree" in Article 9-2 (1) of the Act means any of the following agencies (hereafter in this Article referred to as "payment agency"), which are agencies providing services for payment by credit cards, debit cards, etc. (hereafter in this Article referred to as "credit cards, etc.") using the information and communications network: |
1. | The Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute established with the permission of the Financial Services Commission pursuant to Article 32 of the Civil Act; |
2. | An agency designated and publicly notified by the Minister of Environment as a payment agency in consideration of its facilities, capacity to perform duties, size of capital, etc. |
(2) | In return for providing services for payment of improvement charges by credit cards, etc., a payment agency may receive payment service fees of up to 10/1,000 of the amount paid, as determined by the Minister of Environment. |
[This Article Added on Oct. 15, 2019]
[Previous Article 11 moved to Article 8-2 <Oct. 15, 2019>]
Article 12 Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
Article 13 Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
Article 14 (Basic Amount of Charges per Motor Vehicle) |
(1) | The basic amount of charges per motor vehicle prescribed in Article 10 of the Act shall be an amount obtained by multiplying the standard amount of imposition by the charge assessment index publicly notified by the Minister of Environment. <Amended on Jun. 9, 2015> |
(2) | The basic amount of charges pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be as specified in Appendix 6-2. <Amended on Jun. 9, 2015> |
(3) | A charge assessment index prescribed in paragraph (1) shall be calculated annually by multiplying the charge assessment index of the previous year by the price fluctuation index reflecting the price inflation rate of the previous year. |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 19, 2010]
[Title Amended on Jun. 9, 2015]
Article 15 (Assessment Coefficients of Improvement Charges) |
The pollution-inducing coefficient, regional coefficient, and coefficient of motor vehicle age prescribed in Article 10 of the Act shall be as specified in Appendix 7. <Amended on Jun. 9, 2015> [This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 19, 2010]
Article 16 Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
Article 17 Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
Article 17-2 Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2015> |
Article 18 (Other Uses of Improvement Charges) |
"Other purposes prescribed by Presidential Decree" in subparagraph 3 of Article 11 of the Act means each of the following: 1. | Subsidization of environmental science and technology development expenses; |
2. | Subsidization of expenses incurred in surveying and analyzing the current state of environmental pollution; |
3. | Subsidization of environmental policy research and development expenses; |
4. | Other purposes deemed by the Minister of Environment to be necessary for environmental improvement. |
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 19, 2010]
Article 19 Deleted. <Jun. 4, 2007> |
Article 20 Deleted. <Jun. 4, 2007> |
Article 21 Deleted. <Jun. 4, 2007> |
Article 22 Deleted. <Jun. 4, 2007> |
Article 23 Deleted. <Jun. 4, 2007> |
Article 24 Deleted. <Jun. 4, 2007> |
Article 25 Deleted. <Jun. 4, 2007> |
Article 26 Deleted. <Jun. 4, 2007> |
Article 27 Deleted. <Jun. 4, 2007> |
Article 28 (Delegation of Authority) |
(1) | The Minister of Environment shall delegate the following authority to a Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Special Si pursuant to Article 22 of the Act: <Amended on Nov. 19, 2010; Oct. 15, 2019; Feb. 21, 2023; Apr. 2, 2024> |
1. | Imposition and collection of improvement charges prescribed in Article 9 (1) of the Act; |
2. | Receipt of attesting documents prescribed in Article 4 (6); |
3. | Notice of installment payment and notice of lump-sum collection prescribed in Article 8-3; |
4. | Compulsory collection of improvement charges prescribed in Article 20 (1) and (2) of the Act; |
4-2. | A disposition on deficits, and a disposition on delinquency, of improvement charges under Article 21 of the Act; |
5. | Adjustment of improvement charges prescribed in Articles 9 and 10. |
(2) | Deleted. <Jun. 4, 2007> |
(3) | When a Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Special Si has performed business affairs delegated under paragraph (1), he or she shall report the results thereof to the Minister of Environment without delay. <Amended on Nov. 19, 2010; Apr. 2, 2024> |
(4) | A Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Special Si to whom authority is delegated pursuant to paragraph (1) shall pay the improvement charges collected into the special account for environmental improvement pursuant to Article 45 of the Framework Act on Environmental Policy, no later than the 10th day of the month following the month in which such charges are collected. <Amended on Nov. 19, 2010; Apr. 2, 2024> |
Article 29 (Processing of Personally Identifiable Information) |
1. | Imposition and collection of improvement charges prescribed in Article 9 of the Act; |
2. | Compulsory collection of improvement charges prescribed in Article 20 of the Act. |
3. | Affairs related to a disposition on deficits, and a disposition on delinquency, of improvement charges under Article 21 of the Act. |
[This Article Added on Jan. 6, 2012]
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 13699, Jul. 21, 1992>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Timing for Imposing Environmental Improvement Charges on Motor Vehicles)
Provisions concerning imposition, etc. of environmental improvement charges on motor vehicles powered by diesel as prescribed in Article 2 of the Addenda to the Act shall apply, beginning on July 1, 1993: Provided, That with regard to motor vehicles used for the motor vehicle transport service pursuant to subparagraph 2 of Article 2 of the Motor Vehicle Transport Business Act, such provisions shall apply, beginning on July 1, 1996. Article 3 (Applicability to Environmental Improvement Charges for Facilities)
The provisions of Articles 4 through 17 concerning the environmental improvement charges for facilities shall apply, beginning with the first imposition period commencing on or after July 1, 1992. Article 5 (Relationship with Other Statutes or Regulations)
Any citation of the provisions of the previous Enforcement Decree of the Environmental Preservation Act by other statutes or regulations as at the time this Decree enters into force shall be deemed a citation of this Decree or the relevant provisions of this Decree in lieu of the previous provisions, if any provisions corresponding thereto exist in this Decree.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 13811, Dec. 31, 1992>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 1993.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 13823, Dec. 31, 1992>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 14070, Dec. 31, 1993>
(1) | (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. |
(2) | (Applicability) This Decree shall apply, beginning with an improvement charge for the first half of the year 1994: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 6 (1) 12 and 8-2 and Appendix 3 shall apply, beginning with an improvement charge for the latter half of the year 1993, the payment of which falls on or after January 1, 1994. |
(3) | (Relationship with Other Statutes or Regulations) Any citation of the previous provisions by other statutes or regulations as at the time this Decree enters into force shall be deemed a citation of this Decree or the relevant provisions of this Decree in lieu of the previous provisions, if any provisions corresponding thereto exist in this Decree. |
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 14255, May 4, 1994>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 14450, Dec. 23, 1994>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Appendixs 3, 6 and 7 (excluding the amendment to the location column of the Nakdong River Water Quality Inspection Office in the amended provisions of Appendix 3) shall enter into force on January 1, 1995, and the amendment to the location column of the Nakdong River Water Quality Inspection Office in Appendix 3 shall enter into force on March 1, 1995.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 14494, Dec. 31, 1994>
(1) | (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 1995. |
(2) | (Period of Application to Facilities Eligible for Reduced Charges) The amended provisions of Article 7 (1) shall remain in force until December 31, 1997. <Amended on Aug. 19, 1997> |
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 15137, Aug. 8, 1996>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 15465, Aug. 19, 1997>
(1) | (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 5 and 6 shall enter into force on January 1, 1998. |
(2) | (Applicability to Reduction of Improvement Charges) The amended provisions of Article 7 (2) shall apply, beginning with the first improvement charges imposed after this Decree enters into force. |
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 15817, Jun. 24, 1998>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 16081, Dec. 31, 1998>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 1999.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 16379, Jun. 8, 1999>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on August 9, 1999.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 16605, Nov. 27, 1999>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Improvement Charges)
(1) | The amended provisions of Articles 4 (3) and 17 and Appendixs 4, 5 and 7 shall apply, beginning with the first improvement charges imposed after this Decree enters into force. |
(2) | The amended provisions of Articles 5 (2) and 8 (1) 3 shall apply, beginning with improvement charges, the imposition period of which begins on or after January 1, 2000. |
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 16953, Aug. 17, 2000>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 16954, Aug. 17, 2000>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 17698, Aug. 8, 2002>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 17739, Sep. 11, 2002>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Period of Validity)
The amended provisions of Article 7 (3) shall only apply to improvement charges imposed between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2004. Article 3 (Applicability)
(1) | The amended provisions of Articles 4 (1) 2 and 4 (3) and (4) and of subparagraph 5 of Article 6 shall apply, beginning with the first improvement charges imposed after this Decree enters into force. |
(2) | The amended provisions of the latter part of Article 8-2 (6) shall apply, beginning with the first installment payment made with permission therefor after this Decree enters into force. |
(3) | The amended provisions of Appendix 4, subparagraph 4 of the Notes of subparagraph 3 (c) of Appendix 7, and subparagraph 4 of Appendix 7 shall apply, beginning with the first improvement charges imposed on or after January 1, 2003. |
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 17816, Dec. 26, 2002>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 2003.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 18039, Jun. 30, 2003>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on July 1, 2003.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 18312, Mar. 17, 2004>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 18457, Jun. 29, 2004>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on July 1, 2004. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 18978, Jul. 27, 2005>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on July 28, 2005.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 19463, Apr. 28, 2006>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on April 30, 2006.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 19865, Feb. 1, 2007>
(1) | (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. |
(2) | (Applicability) The amended provisions of subparagraph 2 of the Notes of item (a), subparagraph 2 of the Notes of item (b) and subparagraph 2 of the Notes of item (c) of subparagraph 3 of Appendix 7 shall apply respectively, beginning with the first improvement charges imposed after this Decree enters into force. |
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 20082, Jun. 4, 2007>
This Decree shall enter into force on July 4, 2007.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20383, Nov. 15, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20428, Nov. 30, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20476, Dec. 28, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of subparagraph 1 of Appendix 7 shall enter into force on January 1, 2008.
Article 2 (Applicability)
The amended provisions of Articles 5 (2), 8 (1) and 11 (1) and (2) and of Appendix 6-2 and subparagraphs 3 (c) and 4 of Appendix 7 shall apply, beginning with the first improvement charges imposed on or after January 1, 2008.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21077, Oct. 8, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21098, Oct. 29, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 21324, Feb. 13, 2009>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21629, Jul. 16, 2009>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22499, Nov. 19, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on November 26, 2010.
Article 2 (Applicability)
The amended provisions of Articles 7 (4) and 11 (2) and of Appendix 7 shall apply, beginning with improvement charges imposed for the latter half of the year 2010.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22556, Dec. 28, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 28, 2011.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22967, Jun. 8, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on June 9, 2011.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23488, Jan. 6, 2012>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23664, Mar. 13, 2012>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Imposition of Improvement Charges)
The amended provisions of Article 8 shall apply, beginning with the first improvement charges for which the cause of imposition occurs after this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25085, Jan. 14, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Installment Payment of Environmental Improvement Charges)
Installment payment of environmental improvement charges prescribed in the amended provisions of Article 8-2 (1) shall apply, beginning with environmental improvement charges imposed for the first half of the year 2014.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25273, Mar. 24, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 26309, Jun. 9, 2015>
This Decree shall enter into force on July 1, 2015.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 28886, May 15, 2018>
This Decree shall enter into force on July 1, 2018: Provided, That the amended provisions of subparagraphs 1 and 2 of Article 29 shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 29450, Dec. 31, 2018>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on July 1, 2019.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 30127, Oct. 15, 2019>
This Decree shall enter into force on October 17, 2019.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 31453, Feb. 17, 2021>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 31614, Apr. 6, 2021>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on April 6, 2021.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 32223, Dec. 16, 2021>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 13, 2022. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 33256, Feb. 21, 2023>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 34384, Apr. 2, 2024>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.