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Act No. 8993, Mar. 28, 2008

Amended by Act No. 11690, Mar. 23, 2013

Act No. 14410, Dec. 20, 2016

Act No. 15022, Oct. 31, 2017

Act No. 16444, Aug. 20, 2019

Act No. 17799, Dec. 29, 2020

Act No. 17829, Jan. 5, 2021

Act No. 18191, May 18, 2021

 Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the prevention and eradication of corruption offenses and the establishment of integrity and proper order in the international community through the eradication of the economic factors that foster such corruption offenses by providing for the confiscation and return of property acquired through corrupt practices, or the collection of an equivalent value thereof, in the special cases established under this Act, with a view to the efficient implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and other relevant international agreements.
 Article 2 (Definitions)
The terms used in this Act are defined as follows: <Amended on Dec. 20, 2016; Aug. 20, 2019>
1. The term "corruption offense" means any of the predicate offenses prescribed in the attached Table committed with the purpose of obtaining by unlawful or unjust means any corporeal or social gains, or to aid or abet another in obtaining the same;
2. The term "property acquired through corrupt practices" means proceeds of crime or property derived from proceeds of crime:
(a) The term "proceeds of crime" means property derived from the act of committing a corruption offense or property acquired as compensation for such act;
(b) The term "property derived from proceeds of crime" means property acquired as the fruit of proceeds of crime, property acquired as a consideration for proceeds of crime, and property acquired as a consideration for these properties, or property acquired through the holding or disposal of proceeds of crime;
3. The term "property of the victim of a predicate offense" means property acquired from a victim of any of the following or property acquired through the holding or disposal of property acquired from a victim of such offense;
(a) A crime [limited to a crime committed by a group as described in Article 114 of the Criminal Act; a crime committed by deceiving other persons through fund-raising business without permission that is defined in the Act on the Regulation of Conducting Fund-Raising Business without Permission or through multi-level marketing that is defined in subparagraph 5 of Article 2 of the Act on Door-to-Door Sales; and a crime classified as telecommunications-based financial fraud that is defined in subparagraph 2 of Article 2 of the Special Act on the Prevention of Loss Caused by Telecommunications-Based Financial Fraud and Refund for Loss (hereinafter such crimes referred to as "specific frauds")] falling within Articles 347, 347-2, and 351 (applicable only to habitual offenders under Article 347 and 347-2) among the crimes of fraud and extortion described in Chapter XXXIX of PART II of the Criminal Act; and crime (limited to the specific frauds) falling within Articles 347, 347-2, and 351 (applicable only to habitual offenders under Articles 347 and 347-2) of the Criminal Act in Article 3 of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Economic Crimes;
4. The term "property subject to execution, etc." means property or the value of such property for which mutual assistance is sought in any of the following cases:
(a) Where a foreign state makes a request for mutual assistance to execute a final and conclusive judgment of the confiscation of property or the collection of an equivalent value of such property or to preserve property for confiscation or for the collection of an equivalent value of such property;
(b) Where a request for mutual assistance is made to a foreign state for executing a final and conclusive judgment of the confiscation of property or the collection of an equivalent value of such property or for preserving property for confiscation or for the collection of an equivalent value of such property;
5. The term "requesting State" means a State making a request to the Republic of Korea for mutual assistance, in connection with a criminal case relating to an act constituting a corruption offense, in executing a final and conclusive judgment of confiscation of property or the collection of an equivalent value of such property or in preserving property for confiscation or for the collection of an equivalent value of such property.
 Article 3 (Confiscation of Property Acquired through Corrupt Practices)
(1) Property acquired through corrupt practices may be confiscated: Provided, That if other statutes or regulations require the confiscation of property acquired through corrupt practices, such property shall be confiscated in accordance with that statutes or regulations.
(2) If property acquired through corrupt practices to be confiscated pursuant to paragraph (1) is commingled with any property other than property acquired through corrupt practices, the portion equivalent to the ratio of the property acquired through corrupt practices to the property resulting from the intermix of the property acquired through corrupt practices and any other properties (hereinafter referred to as "commingled property") may be confiscated.
 Article 4 (Requisites for Confiscation)
(1) Confiscation under Article 3 shall be limited to cases where property acquired through corrupt practices or commingled property does not belong to any person other than the offender: Provided, That if after the offense is committed, a person other than the offender obtains property acquired through corrupt practices or commingled property, while knowing of the offense (excluding cases where the acquisition of property acquired through corrupt practices or commingled property falls under the proviso of Article 4 of the Act on Regulation and Punishment of Criminal Proceeds Concealment), such property acquired through corrupt practices or commingled property may be confiscated even in cases where such property belongs to a person other than the offender.
(2) If property acquired through corrupt practices or commingled property belongs to a person other than the offender by inheritance or gift without consideration, or at a significantly low price, the whole or part of the property acquired through corrupt practices or commingled property may be confiscated even in cases where the person did not know of the offense when he or she acquired such property.
(3) In cases where property over which a surface right, a mortgage, or any other right or incumbrance exists is confiscated pursuant to Article 3, such right or incumbrance shall continue to exist where a person other than the offender acquired such before the commission of the offense or did not know of the offense when he or she acquired such after the commission of the offense.
 Article 5 (Collection of Equivalent Value)
(1) In cases where it is impossible to confiscate property acquired through corrupt practices or it is determined inappropriate to confiscate such property due to the nature of the property, the current use of the property, a right held over the property by a person other than the offender, or other circumstances, the equivalent value of the property shall be collected from the offender.
(2) Paragraph (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the collection of an equivalent value from any person other than the offender under Article 4 (1) or (2).
 Article 6 (Special Cases concerning Property of Victims of Predicate Offenses)
(1) If property under Article 3 is the property of the victim of a predicate offense but it is deemed exceedingly difficult for the victim of the predicate offense to recover damages because he or she is not able to exercise his or her right against the offender seeking return of the property or compensation for his or her damages on the property, such property may be confiscated or an equivalent value thereof may be collected.
(2) The property of the victim of a predicate offense, which has been confiscated or an equivalent value of which has been collected pursuant to this Act, shall be returned to the victim.
(3) Matters necessary for the return of the property of the victim of a predicate offense, such as the conditions and procedures for the return of the property, and other relevant matters, shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 7 (Facilitation of International Mutual Assistance)
When a foreign state requests the return of property subject to execution, etc. in relation to a criminal case of an act constituting a corruption offense in the foreign state, mutual assistance may be provided for such request, except for those cases falling under any of the following subparagraphs:
1. Where an act involved in the offense for which mutual assistance is requested was committed within the territories of the Republic of Korea and it is held that the act does not constitute a corruption offense under relevant statutes and regulations of the Republic of Korea;
2. Where the requesting State has not made a guaranty to the extent that it will accept and respond to a request for mutual assistance of the same kind if the Republic of Korea makes such a request;
3. Where the requesting State has not made a guaranty that the property subject to execution, etc. will be conveyed to the original owner of the property subject to execution, etc., the victim of the offense, or any other person who has a legitimate right;
 Article 8 (Application Mutatis Mutandis of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Prevention of Illegal Trafficking in Narcotics)
As to confiscation of property, collection of an equivalent value of property, and international mutual assistance under this Act, Articles 19 through 63, 64 (2) and 65 through 78 of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Prevention of Illegal Trafficking in Narcotics shall apply mutatis mutandis.
 Article 9 (Receipt of Request for Return and Delivery of Property Subject to Execution, etc.)
The receipt of a request for return and the delivery to a requesting State of property subject to execution, etc. shall be carried out by the Minister of Foreign Affairs: Provided, That if circumstances require an emergency action or exceptional circumstances exist, the Minister of Justice may carry out such disposition, subject to the prior consent of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 10 (Dispatch of Written Request for Return)
Upon receiving a request from a requesting State for the return of property subject to execution, etc., the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall dispatch a written request for return to the Minister of Justice. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 11 (Decision on Return of Property Subject to Execution)
(1) Upon receiving a request from a requesting State for the return of property subject to execution, etc., the Minister of Justice may decide to return the property in whole or in part: Provided, That if the requesting State withdraws the request for return, if the value of the property subject to execution, etc. is insignificant, or if it is determined that returning the property subject to execution, etc. is inconsistent with the protection of an important interest of the Republic of Korea, such as national sovereignty, national security, peace and order, or social morals and customs, the foregoing shall not apply.
(2) When the Minister of Justice makes a decision to return, in whole or in part, property subject to execution, etc., he or she shall order the chief prosecutor of the district prosecutor's office considered competent for execution of the return (hereinafter referred to as the "chief prosecutor") to take measures necessary for the international mutual assistance sought under Article 7 and to hold the property subject to execution, etc. in his or her custody for the purpose of returning the property.
(3) The Minister of Justice, if deemed necessary even before making a decision under paragraph (2), may order the chief prosecutor to take measures necessary for the international mutual assistance under Article 8 or to hold property subject to execution, etc. in his or her custody temporarily in any of the following cases:
1. Where it is determined to be fairly probable that a request for the return of the property subject to execution, etc. will be met;
2. Where it is expected that a requesting State will make a request for the return of the property.
 Article 12 (Consultation on Return)
The Minister of Justice shall consult with the Minister of Foreign Affairs where it is impossible under this Act to return property subject to execution, etc., where it is deemed appropriate not to return such property, or where he or she intends to postpone the return. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 13 (Measures by Chief Prosecutor)
(1) The chief prosecutor who has been ordered pursuant to Article 11 (2) shall order a prosecutor under his or her supervision to take measures necessary for the return of property subject to execution, etc.
(2) Upon termination of the custody of property subject to execution, etc. for the purpose of returning, the chief prosecutor who has been ordered pursuant to Article 11 (2) shall deliver the property subject to execution, etc. to the Minister of Justice without delay.
 Article 14 (Transfer of Property Subject to Execution)
(1) Upon receiving property subject to execution, etc. delivered in accordance with Article 13, the Minister of Justice shall transfer it to the authority of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013>
(2) When the Minister of Justice transfers property subject to execution, etc. pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she may set forth conditions with which the requesting State is expected to comply in regard to the use and return of the property subject to execution, etc. and may request the Minister of Foreign Affairs to call on the requesting State to guarantee compliance with the said conditions. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013>
(3) Upon receiving the request under paragraph (2) from the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall take appropriate measures and notify the Minister of Justice of the results thereof. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 15 (Request for Recovery of Overseas Property Acquired through Corrupt Practices)
(1) The Minister of Justice may make a request to a foreign state for international mutual assistance in executing a final and conclusive judgment of the confiscation of property or the collection of an equivalent value of such property or in preserving property for confiscation or for the collection of an equivalent value of such property. In such cases, the Minister of Justice may also make a request for the return of property subject to execution, etc.
(2) When the Minister of Justice makes a request for the recovery of property subject to execution, etc. pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she shall dispatch a written request for recovery to the Minister of Foreign Affairs: Provided, That if circumstances require an emergency action or exceptional circumstances exist, the written request for recovery may directly be dispatched to the relevant foreign state, subject to the prior consent of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013>
(3) If the Director General of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials intends to request a foreign state to provide mutual assistance in preserving property for confiscation or for the collection of an equivalent of such property, he or she shall send a written request for mutual assistance to the Minister of Justice. <Newly Inserted on Jan. 5, 2021>
 Article 16 (Dispatch of Written Request for Recovery)
Upon receiving a written request for recovery from the Minister of Justice under Article 15, the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall dispatch the request to the relevant country: Provided, That if it is deemed inappropriate to request such recovery in light of diplomatic relations, the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall consult with the Minister of Justice on the matter. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 17 (Recovery of Overseas Property Subject to Execution)
(1) The recovery of property subject to execution, etc. from a foreign state shall be carried out by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013>
(2) The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall transfer the property recovered for execution, etc. to the authority of the Minister of Justice. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 18 (Disposition of Overseas Property Subject to Execution)
(1) If the property delivered for execution, etc. is property other than money, the Minister of Justice may assign a prosecutor to liquidate it or to assess its value.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), property subject to execution may be destroyed, if there is no one willing to purchase it or if it is obvious that there will be no one willing to purchase it even if a sale were to be attempted because the value of the property recovered for execution, etc. is significantly low or the property has no economic utility.
(3) If necessary to make a request to a foreign state for mutual assistance in selling property subject to execution, etc., the prosecutor may send a written request for sale to the Minister of Justice, and the Minister of Justice shall, if deemed reasonable to make the request for mutual assistance, send it to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 19 (Protection of Informants of Corruption Offenses)
As to the protection of informants of corruption offenses, Articles 3 through 17 of the Act on Protection of Specific Crime Informants shall apply mutatis mutandis.
 Article 20 (Application Mutatis Mutandis of Criminal Procedure Act)
(1) As to the execution and disposition of confiscation and collection of an equivalent value under this Act, the Criminal Procedure Act shall apply mutatis mutandis, except as specially provided for in this Act, unless the application mutatis mutandis contradicts the nature of the aforesaid Act.
(2) The disposition of property subject to execution, etc. under Article 18 shall be carried out in compliance with the procedure prescribed in the regulations on confiscated articles and collection under Article 11 of the Prosecutors' Office Act.
 Article 21 (Going through Prosecutor General)
The issuance of any order or sending of documents from the Minister of Justice to a chief prosecutor or prosecutor, or the sending of any report or documents from the chief prosecutor or prosecutor to the Minister of Justice under this Act shall go through the Prosecutor General: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply to the Director General of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials or prosecutors under his or her supervision. <Amended on Jan. 15, 2021>
ADDENDUM <Act No. 8993, Mar. 23, 2008>
This Act shall enter into force on the date when the United Nations Convention against Corruption becomes effective for the Republic of Korea.
ADDENDA <Act No. 11690, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
(1) This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
(2) Omitted.
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 14410, Dec. 20, 2016>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 15022, Oct. 31, 2017>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 15 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 16444, Aug. 20, 2019>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability concerning Property of Victims of Predicate Offenses)
The amended provisions of subparagraph 3 of Article 2, subparagraphs 1 and 4 of the attached Table shall apply to the cases under investigation or pending in courts as at the time this Act enters into force.
ADDENDA <Act No. 17799, Dec. 29, 2020>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 26 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 17829, Jan. 5, 2021>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 18191, May 18, 2021>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 8 Omitted.