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Wholly Amended by Presidential Decree No. 18424, Jun. 11, 2004

Amended by Presidential Decree No. 18617, Dec. 30, 2004

Presidential Decree No. 18716, Feb. 25, 2005

Presidential Decree No. 18842, May 26, 2005

Presidential Decree No. 18932, Jun. 30, 2005

Presidential Decree No. 19252, Dec. 30, 2005

Presidential Decree No. 19252, Dec. 30, 2005

Presidential Decree No. 19549, Apr. 27, 2006

Presidential Decree No. 19513, Jun. 12, 2006

Presidential Decree No. 19808, Dec. 29, 2006

Presidential Decree No. 19808, Dec. 29, 2006

Presidential Decree No. 20060, May 16, 2007

Presidential Decree No. 20492, Dec. 28, 2007

Presidential Decree No. 20492, Dec. 28, 2007

Presidential Decree No. 20492, Dec. 28, 2007

Presidential Decree No. 20650, Feb. 22, 2008

Presidential Decree No. 20741, Feb. 29, 2008

Presidential Decree No. 20888, Jun. 27, 2008

Presidential Decree No. 21086, Oct. 20, 2008

Presidential Decree No. 21086, Oct. 20, 2008

Presidential Decree No. 21310, Feb. 6, 2009

Presidential Decree No. 21721, Sep. 10, 2009

Presidential Decree No. 21721, Sep. 10, 2009

Presidential Decree No. 22029, Feb. 12, 2010

Presidential Decree No. 22029, Feb. 12, 2010

Presidential Decree No. 22835, Apr. 4, 2011

Presidential Decree No. 22835, Apr. 4, 2011

Presidential Decree No. 23014, Jul. 4, 2011

Presidential Decree No. 23277, Nov. 1, 2011

Presidential Decree No. 23277, Nov. 1, 2011

Presidential Decree No. 23644, Feb. 29, 2012

Presidential Decree No. 23759, May 1, 2012

Presidential Decree No. 23899, Jun. 29, 2012

Presidential Decree No. 23899, Jun. 29, 2012

Presidential Decree No. 24200, Nov. 27, 2012

Presidential Decree No. 24380, Feb. 20, 2013

Presidential Decree No. 24425, Mar. 23, 2013

Presidential Decree No. 24504, Apr. 22, 2013

Presidential Decree No. 24504, Apr. 22, 2013

Presidential Decree No. 24896, Dec. 4, 2013

Presidential Decree No. 25000, Dec. 16, 2013

Presidential Decree No. 25648, Oct. 8, 2014

Presidential Decree No. 25648, Oct. 8, 2014

Presidential Decree No. 25751, Nov. 19, 2014

Presidential Decree No. 25840, Dec. 9, 2014

Presidential Decree No. 26233, May 6, 2015

Presidential Decree No. 26233, May 6, 2015

Presidential Decree No. 26566, Sep. 25, 2015

Presidential Decree No. 26654, Nov. 18, 2015

Presidential Decree No. 26233, Dec. 30, 2015

Presidential Decree No. 27787, Jan. 10, 2017

Presidential Decree No. 27823, Jan. 31, 2017

Presidential Decree No. 28878, May 8, 2018

Presidential Decree No. 29029, Jul. 3, 2018

Presidential Decree No. 29374, Dec. 18, 2018

Presidential Decree No. 30200, Nov. 5, 2019

Presidential Decree No. 31046, Sep. 22, 2020

Presidential Decree No. 31380, Jan. 5, 2021

Presidential Decree No. 31614, Apr. 6, 2021

Presidential Decree No. 32163, Nov. 30, 2021

Presidential Decree No. 32998, Nov. 15, 2022

Presidential Decree No. 33382, Apr. 11, 2023

Presidential Decree No. 33657, Aug. 1, 2023

Presidential Decree No. 33692, Aug. 30, 2023

Presidential Decree No. 33910, Dec. 5, 2023

Presidential Decree No. 34449, Apr. 23, 2024

 Article 1 (Scope of Application)
(1) Except as otherwise provided in other statutes or regulations, this Decree shall apply to examinations for the appointment of State public officials in general service and foreign service officers (hereinafter referred to as "public officials"): Provided, That Articles 20, 20-2 through 20-5, 21 through 23, 23-2, 23-3, 23-4, 24, 25, and 36 through 46 shall not apply to public officials who work during the term of office on a contractual basis. <Amended on Dec. 18, 2018>
(2) Where this Decree applies to specialized public officials who work during the term of office on a contractual basis (including specialized public officials who have an alternative work schedule and work during the term of office on a contractual basis) and public officials who work temporarily during the term of office on a contractual basis, the ranks shall be deemed to include positions of specialized public officials who work during the term of office on a contractual basis (including specialized public officials who have an alternative work schedule, and work during the term of office on a contractual basis) and public officials who work temporarily during the term of office on a contractual basis corresponding thereto. <Amended on Dec. 16, 2013>
(3) Where this Decree applies to public officials in postal service, public officials in postal service in Grades I and II shall be deemed public officials in general service in Grade VI; public officials in postal service in Grades III, IV, V, and VI shall be deemed public officials in general service in Grade VI; public officials in postal service in Grade VII shall be deemed public officials in general service in Grade VII; public officials in postal service in Grade VIII shall be deemed public officials in general service in Grade VII; and public officials in postal service in Grade IX shall be deemed public officials in general service in Grade IX.
(4) Where this Decree applies to specialized public officials, chief specialized officers shall be deemed public officials in general service in Grade III or IV, and specialized officers shall be deemed public officials in general service in Grade V. <Newly Inserted on Jan. 10, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Dec. 4, 2013]
 Article 2 (Principles of Administration of Examinations)
(1) Examinations for the appointment of public officials shall be administered for each grade and, for a special series of class, examinations for the appointment of public officials may be administered, divided into each sub-series: Provided, That where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary to fill vacancies in a smooth manner, he/she may administer examinations for the appointment of public officials, divided into each geographical area in which they are scheduled to work, each agency in which they are scheduled to work, and each area in which they reside; and, where he/she deems it necessary to promote the appointment of persons with disabilities (referring to persons with disabilities under the Act on the Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities; hereinafter the same shall apply) or persons in the low income bracket (referring to recipients under the National Basic Living Security Act or persons eligible for support under the Single-Parent Family Support Act for at least two consecutive years; hereinafter the same shall apply) to positions of public officials, he/she may administer an examination for the appointment of public officials by separating a portion of the number of persons to be selected so that only persons with disabilities or persons in the low income bracket may take such examination; and, where subjects tested in examinations provided for in Article 7 are identical among examinations, he/she may conduct examinations by combining the series of classes and sub-series. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Sep. 22, 2020>
(2) The Minister of Personnel Management shall prescribe specific matters concerning the calculation of the period during which persons in the low income bracket under paragraph (1) belong to the low income bracket. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 3 (Examination Administering Agencies)
(1) The Minister of Personnel Management shall administer any of the following examinations, and the competent Minister (hereinafter referred to as "competent Minister") under subparagraph 3 of Article 2 of the Decree on the Appointment of Public Officials shall administer other examinations in accordance with a human resource management plan formulated pursuant to Article 8 of the Decree on the Appointment of Public Officials: Provided, That where the competent Minister administers an examination for employment (hereinafter referred to as "competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials") under the main clause of and the proviso of Article 28 (2) of the State Public Officials Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), he/she shall consult with the head of a central agency in charge of personnel management under Article 6 (1) of the Act about the necessity of the examination, methods of the examination, etc., as prescribed by the Minister of Personnel Management: <Amended on Sep. 10, 2009; Apr. 4, 2011; Nov. 1, 2011; Nov. 27, 2012; Feb. 20, 2013; Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 4, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014; May 6, 2015>
1. Open competitive examinations for the employment of public officials at least in Grade V, and examinations for the promotion of public officials to Grade V;
2. Open competitive examinations for the employment of public officials in the series of classes of correction, protection, prosecution, narcotics investigation, immigration control, administration, tax matters, customs, social welfare, audit and inspection, industry (referring to the sub-series of general machinery, electricity, chemical engineering), agriculture (referring to the sub-series of general agriculture), infrastructure (referring to the sub-series of urban planning, general civil engineering, architecture, traffic facilities, urban transportation planning), the series of classes of computerization in Grade VI or lower;
3. Open competitive examinations for the employment of foreign service officers and open competitive examinations (hereinafter referred to as "examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates") under the proviso of Article 10 (1) of the Foreign Service Officials Act;
4. Competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials in Grade V (excluding public officials who work during the term of office on a contractual basis);
5. Competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials in Grade VII (excluding public officials who work during the term of office on a contractual basis) the Minister of Personnel Management deems necessary.
(2) The competent Minister may delegate his/her authority to administer an examination under paragraph (1) to the head of the agency under his/her jurisdiction to whom authority to appoint public officials has been delegated pursuant to Article 5 of the Decree on the Appointment of Public Officials or the head of the agency superior to the aforesaid agency. <Amended on Sep. 10, 2009>
(3) Where the head of the examination administering agency (including the head of the examination administering agency, to whom authority to administer the examination has been delegated pursuant to paragraph (2)) deems it necessary, he/she may administer the examination for the appointment of public officials wholly or partially in cooperation with the head of another agency conducting examinations or a non-governmental institution, or by entrusting such examination to the said head or institution. In such cases, necessary matters concerning the registration of candidates for appointment and recommendation for the appointment of public officials, and the implementation of the examination in cooperation with the head of another agency administering examinations or a non-governmental institution or by entrusting such examination to the said head or institution shall be prescribed by relevant agencies through consultation among the said agencies. <Amended on Jun. 29, 2012>
(4) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) 4, where it is necessary for the competent Minister to urgently fill vacancies or to select persons in the special fields or specific positions, he/she may directly conduct a competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials in Grade V in consultation with the Minister of Personnel Management. <Newly Inserted on Apr. 4, 2011; Nov. 1, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 4 (Duties of Heads of Examination Administering Agencies)
(1) The head of the examination administering agency shall take charge of the public announcement and implementation of the examination, determination, and notification of persons who pass the examination, preparation of a list of candidates for appointment, and other matters necessary to conduct the examination.
(2) In order to conduct an examination in a smooth manner, the head of an examination administering agency may request the head of another examination administering agency and the head of the administrative agency related to the relevant examination to provide cooperation necessary to administer the examination, such as preparation of the place where the examination is to be conducted and the dispatch of proctors, and may request relevant agencies to provide cooperation necessary to maintain order.
(3) Where it is necessary when the head of the examination administering agency determines those passing the examination, he/she shall gather related data from the heads of schools from which they graduated and utilize such data.
(4) Where persons with disabilities take an examination, the head of an examination administering agency may provide the persons with disabilities with necessary accommodations in accordance with the types and degrees of disabilities.
(5) Where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary for efficient and fair management of matters concerning the administration of the examination under paragraph (1), he/she may establish an advisory committee consisted of nongovernmental experts, relevant public officials, etc. and require the advisory committee to deliberate on matters concerning the administration of the examination, such as the implementation of the examination, determination of persons who pass the examination. <Newly Inserted on Nov. 27, 2012>
(6) The head of an examination administering agency may communicate the kind of and scores (grades), etc. in the examinations under Article 5 (2) and (4) to any of the following agencies or institutions, at the request of the relevant applicant: <Newly Inserted on Aug. 1, 2023>
1. Other agencies that administer examinations for public officials;
2. Public institutions under the Act on the Management of Public Institutions;
3. Local government-invested public corporations or local public agencies under the Local Public Enterprises Act;
4. Other agencies deemed necessary by the Minister of Personnel Management.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 5 (Methods of Examinations)
(1) Applicants who ultimately pass an examination shall be determined through a written examination, oral examination, practical examination, document screening, etc.
(2) A written examination shall be administered to examine the level of general education, knowledge necessary to perform the relevant duties, and the ability to apply knowledge.
(3) An oral examination shall be administered to examine the attitude and bearing as a public official, the ability and competence, etc. necessary to perform the relevant duties, and all the following elements of assessment shall be rated as excellent, fair, or poor, respectively: Provided, That if the head of an examination administering agency deems it necessary, other elements of assessment may be added and rated as excellent, fair, or poor: <Amended on Aug. 1, 2013>
1. Communication and sympathy: The ability to communicate and sympathize with the public, etc.;
2. Commitment and passion: Commitment to the State and passionate attitude towards duties;
3. Creativity and innovativeness: Creativity and the ability to drive innovation;
4. Ethics and responsibility: The sense of ethics and responsibility as a public official.
(4) A practical examination shall be administered to examine knowledge, skills or physical aptitude necessary to perform the relevant duties through the method of a test, practice, or display of practical skills.
(5) Document screening shall be conducted in writing through the examination of whether qualifications, work history, etc. of applicants related to the performance of the relevant duties meet the prescribed criteria, and applicants shall be judged as either qualified or disqualified.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 6 (Steps of Examinations)
(1) In the examination for appointment conducted, which is divided into a primary examination, secondary examination and tertiary examination, the applicants who fail to pass the primary examination shall not be invited to the secondary examination; and the applicants who fail to pass the secondary examination shall not be invited to the tertiary examination: Provided, That the head of the examination administering agency may administer examination for a grade whose details of duties are special by changing the sequence of the steps of the examination administered. In such cases, unless applicants pass the examination in the preceding step, such applicants shall not be invited to the examination in the following step.
(2) Where the head of the examination administering agency administers a competitive examination, etc. for employment of experienced public officials, an examination for changing jobs, and an examination for the general promotion of public officials to Grade V step by step pursuant to paragraph (1), in which case he/she deems it necessary, notwithstanding paragraph (1), he/she may administer the examination in the following step before he/she determines the applicants who pass the examination in the preceding step. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 7 (Subjects Tested in Examination)
(1) Subjects tested in all of the kinds of examinations shall be as specified in attached Tables 1 and 2: Provided, That among the subjects tested in examinations specified in attached Tables 1 and 2, the subjects tested in the following examinations shall be replaced with the ones provided for in the relevant subparagraphs: <Amended on Nov. 27, 2012; Oct. 8, 2014; May 6, 2015; Dec. 18, 2018; Nov. 30, 2021>
1. English, among the subjects tested in the primary examination of the following: The English proficiency test prescribed in attached Table 3:
(a) The open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V;
(b) The examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates;
(c) The open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VII (including the open competitive examination for the employment of foreign service officers corresponding thereto).
2. A foreign language as an optional subject, among the following examinations: A foreign language proficiency test prescribed in attached Table 3-2 limited to the foreign languages prescribed in attached Table 3-2:
(a) The primary examination of the examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates in the field of general diplomacy;
(b) The secondary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of foreign service officers equivalent to Grade VII in the series of class of consular affairs;
3. The History of Korea among the subjects tested in the primary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials falling under any item of subparagraph 1: The Korean History Proficiency Test prescribed in Attached Table 4.
(2) The competent Minister shall determine the subjects to be tested in examinations for occupational groups, the series of classes and sub-series not prescribed in attached Table 1 in accordance with the details of duties to be performed. In such cases, the subjects tested in the examination shall be at least two subjects including the subjects tested in the examination related to duties to be performed.
(3) Where public officials are employed through a competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials, etc. pursuant to Article 28 (2) 6, 8 and 12 of the Act, notwithstanding paragraph (1), the subject tested in the primary examination shall be the History of Korea; and the head of the examination requesting agency shall determine the subjects to be tested in the secondary examination based on the following classification in consultation with the head of the examination administering agency: <Amended on Sep. 10, 2009; Nov. 1, 2011>
1. In case of employment under Article 28 (2) 6 and 12 of the Act: One subject among the subjects tested in the secondary examination of competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials, etc. for each grade to which they are scheduled to be appointed under attached Table 1;
2. In case of employment under Article 28 (2) 8 of the Act: One subject among foreign languages and one subject among the subjects tested in the secondary examination of competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials for each grade to which they are scheduled to be appointed under attached Table 1.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 8 (Change of Subjects Tested in Examination)
(1) Where the head of the examination requesting agency (in case of an open competitive examination for employment, referring to the head of the examination administering agency, and in case of an examination the Minister of Personnel Management directly administers pursuant to Article 26 (3), referring to the Minister of Personnel Management; hereafter the same shall apply in this Chapter) administers a competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials under the main clause, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of Article 28 (2) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials"), notwithstanding Article 7 (1) and (3), he/she may determine different subjects tested in the examination. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014; Dec. 5, 2023>
(2) Where the head of the examination requesting agency deems it inappropriate to conduct an examination on the subjects of the examination under Article 7 (1) and (3) in consideration of the unique characteristics of duties or the correlation between duties and subjects tested, he/she may change, reduce, or increase the number of subjects tested in the examination. <Newly Inserted on Dec. 5, 2023>
(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), the following subjects shall not be otherwise determined, or changed, reduced, or increased: <Newly Inserted on Dec. 5, 2023>
1. Subjects tested in examination for changing jobs;
2. Compulsory subjects from among the examination subjects for each grade to which test takers are scheduled to be appointed as specified in attached Tables 1 and 2 in the examination not intended for a large number of people under the proviso of Article 28 (2) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "examination for employment not intended for a large number of people").
(4) Notwithstanding Article 7 (1) and (3), the primary and secondary phases of the written part of the competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials in Grade V, etc. and the examination for the employment of foreign service officers in Grade V (referring to the examination under the main clause of and the proviso of Article 10 (3) of the Foreign Service Officials Act; hereinafter referred to as "competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced persons for positions of foreign service officers") under Article 3 (1) 4 and the competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced persons for positions of public officials in Grade VII under Article 3 (1) 5 may be concurrently administered. In such cases, the language and logic field, the data interpretation field, and the situation analysis field which are the subjects tested in the primary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of persons for positions of public officials at least in Grade V specified in attached Table 1 may be the subjects tested in the examination. <Newly Inserted on Apr. 4, 2011; Nov. 1, 2011; Jun. 29, 2012; Oct. 8, 2014; May 6, 2015; Dec. 5, 2023>
(5) Where the Minister of Personnel Management administers an examination for the general promotion of public officials to Grade V, notwithstanding Article 7 (1), he/she may decrease the number of subjects tested in the examination. <Newly Inserted on Jun. 29, 2012; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014; Dec. 5, 2023>
(6) Subjects for examination determined otherwise pursuant to paragraph (1) or subjects to be tested in examination changed, reduced, or increased pursuant to paragraph (2), and subjects for examination under paragraph (4) shall be publicly announced pursuant to Article 47 or notified to applicants. <Amended on Apr. 4, 2011; Jun. 29, 2012; Dec. 5, 2023>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 9 (Designation of Subjects Tested in Examination)
(1) Where the head of the examination requesting agency deems that it is necessary to administer the examination by designating a specific subject among the subjects that should be selected in the subjects tested in the examination under Article 7 (1) in consideration of the special characteristics of the duties or the correlation between the duties and subjects tested in the examination, he/she may designate such subject in consultation with the head of the examination administering agency.
(2) Where the head of the examination requesting agency deems it necessary, he/she may limit the covered range of the questions about the subjects tested in the examination under Articles 7 (1) and (3) and 8 (1) in consultation with the head of the examination administering agency.
(3) In case of an examination for general promotion, where the head of the examination requesting agency intends to designate the subjects tested in the examination or to limit covered range of the questions about the subjects tested in the examination pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2), he/she shall consult with the head of the examination administering agency one year before the date he/she requests for the examination.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 10 (Simultaneous Implementation of Practical Examination)
(1) Where the head of the examination requesting agency deems it necessary, notwithstanding Articles 22, 24, 29, 37, 39 and 43, he/she may administer a practical examination simultaneously or add a subject tested in the practical examination as a special subject tested in consultation with the head of the examination administering agency when he/she administers the examination about the subjects under Articles 7 and 8. In such cases, he/she may set the perfect score of subjects tested in the examination conducted together with the practical examination or the perfect score of the practical examination added as a special subject tested differently from that of the other subjects tested. <Amended on May 6, 2015>
(2) Where the practical examination is administered pursuant to paragraph (1), the head of the examination requesting agency shall determine the specific method of conducting the practical examination, the method of determining the successful applicants and other matters necessary to conduct the practical examination. <Newly Inserted on May 6, 2015>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
[Title Amended on Jan. 5, 2021]
 Article 11 (Perfect Score in Subjects Tested in Examination)
(1) Where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary, he/she may determine the perfect score in some subjects tested in the examination under attached Tables 1 and 2 differently from the perfect score in the other subjects tested in the examination. In such cases, he/she shall publicly announce the details thereof in the Official Gazette, and the details thereof publicly announced shall apply one year after the date of the public announcement thereof.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the perfect score for each compulsory subject in the secondary examination of an open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V specified in attached Table 1 shall be determined equal. <Amended on Nov. 15, 2022>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 12 (Level of Questions)
The level of the questions in the examinations for appointment shall be high enough to examine matters based on the following classification: Provided, That the Minister of Personnel Management may separately determine the level of questions for the examination in a special grade: <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
1. Examinations for public officials at least in Grade V: Ability and knowledge necessary to plan and manage policies;
2. Examinations for public officials in Grades VI and VII: Ability and knowledge necessary to perform specialized administrative affairs;
3. Examinations for public officials in Grade VIII or lower: Basic ability and knowledge necessary to perform administrative affairs;
4. Deleted. <Dec. 4, 2013>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 13 (Appointment of Examiners)
(1) The head of the examination administering agency may appoint or commission any of the following persons as examiners in charge of making questions and grading the tests for the examination, oral examination, practical examination, document screening and other matters necessary to conduct the examination. In such cases, the examiners in charge of making questions and grading the tests for each subject in the written examination, and examiners in charge of the oral examination and document screening shall be at least two persons (the examiners in charge of the oral examination portion of the examination for the employment of public officials at least in Grade V shall be at least three persons); and at least half of the examiners shall be public officials belonging to another administrative agency or civilians, as prescribed by the Minister of Personnel Management: <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
1. A person who has specialized knowledge or ability in the field of the relevant duties;
2. A person who has specialized knowledge concerning the devising of the questions for the examination;
3. A person who has thorough knowledge of the practical business concerning the duties to which the public officials are scheduled to be appointed.
(2) A person appointed or commissioned as an examiner pursuant to paragraph (1) shall faithfully implement the matters to be attended to in the preparation of questions for the examination and the matters to be observed, such as a written oath, requested by the head of the examination administering agency.
(3) Where there is an examiner who has performed an act significantly compromising the confidence in the examination in violation of paragraph (2), the head of the examination administering agency shall notify the heads of all central administrative agencies and the agency to which such examiner belongs, of the list of such examiners. In such cases, he/she shall request the head of the agency to which the relevant examiner belongs to take appropriate measures, such as a disciplinary action against the examiner.
(4) Where the head of the examination administering agency receives a notification pursuant to paragraph (3), he/she shall not appoint or commission the relevant examiner as an examiner of any examination under this Decree or other examinations for appointment of State public officials for five years from the date he/she receives such notification.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 14 (Physical Examination)
(1) Where the appointing authority employs public officials (including the selection of persons to work as probationers under Article 26-4 (1) of the Act; hereafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), he/she shall conduct physical examinations under Article 3-2 of the Regulations on Physical Examination for Employment of Public Officials, and he/she shall not employ any person who fails to meet the criteria for passing the physical examination as a public official: Provided, That where he/she employs any former State public official or local public official who retired as a State public official, to whom the same criteria for passing physical examination apply, within six months from the date he/she retires, and appoints a person who works as a probationer pursuant to Article 26-4 (1) of the Act as a public official, he/she need not conduct a physical examination. <Amended on Oct. 8, 2014; Sep. 25, 2015>
(2) Where the appointing authority or the appointment recommendation authority transfers a public official to whom different criteria for failing to pass physical examination under Article 4 of the Regulations on Physical Examination for Employment of Public Officials apply, he/she may conduct a physical examination pursuant to paragraph (1).
(3) Notwithstanding the main clause of paragraph (1), in any of the following cases, documents issued by the National Health Insurance Service showing the results of a general health checkup may be submitted in lieu of conducting a physical examination under Article 52 (2) 1 of the National Health Insurance Act: <Newly Inserted on Dec. 5, 2023>
1. Where the appointing authority or the appointment recommendation authority employs public officials of a series of classes or sub-series taking into account the unique characteristics of their duties;
2. Where the appointing authority or the appointment-recommendation authority employs public officials to a position determined in consideration of the unique characteristics of their duties and other factors in a competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 15 (Grounds for Disqualification for Taking Examinations)
(1) No person who is not eligible to be appointed as a public official pursuant to the Act or other statutes or regulations shall take an examination for appointment.
(2) Whether a person is disqualified for taking an examination under paragraph (1) shall be determined as of the scheduled date of the final examination (hereinafter referred to as "scheduled date of the final examination") of the relevant examination: Provided, That in case of an examination for the employment of public officials not intended for a large number of people, where the head of the examination requesting agency is different from the head of the examination administering agency , whether a person is disqualified for taking an examination under paragraph (1) shall be determined as of the date the examination is requested. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 16 (Age Eligible to Take Examinations)
(1) A person who intends to take an examination for the employment of public officials shall be at least 18 years of age in the year to which the scheduled date of the final examination belongs: Provided, That a person who intends to apply for an examination for the employment of public officials in the series of class of correction or protection shall be at least 20 years of age in the year to which the scheduled date of the final examination belongs. <Amended on Nov. 15, 2022>
(2) Where the head of the examination administering agency deems the application of the age eligible to take an examination under paragraph (1) difficult or inappropriate because he/she should quickly fill vacancies or because of other extraordinary circumstances, he/she may, as an exception, determine the age eligible to take an examination for an examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower after obtaining approval from the Minister of Personnel Management. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 4, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 17 (Prohibition of Restriction Based on Educational Background)
Except as otherwise prescribed by this Decree and other statutes or regulations, educational background shall not be a cause for restriction from taking an examination for employment of public officials.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 18 (Certificate of Qualification Necessary to Take Examinations)
(1) A person who takes an examination for the employment of public officials in the grades prescribed in attached Table 5 and examination for changing jobs shall hold a certificate of qualification prescribed in the aforesaid attached Table.
(2) Article 15 (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis to whether an applicant holds a certificate of qualification under paragraph (1). In such cases, "whether he/she has a reason for disqualification for taking an examination" shall be deemed "whether he/she holds a certificate of qualification." <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 19 (Exceptions to Eligibility to Take Examinations)
(1) Where the head of the examination administering agency deems that he/she will be unable to fill vacancies if he/she applies Article 18, he/she may choose not apply Article 18 after obtaining approval from the Minister of Personnel Management. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
(2) In case of an open competitive examination for employment, where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary, in consideration of the appointment of the persons who pass the examination to the region to which the successful exam takers have a connection and other regional characteristics, he/she may conduct the examination by limiting the eligibility to sit for the examination to persons who have been residing in a certain region for a certain period.
(3) In case of a competitive examination for employment of experienced public officials, where the head of the examination administering agency only deems it extraordinarily necessary for the performance of duties of the positions to which public officials are scheduled to be appointed, he/she may administer the examination by limiting the eligibility to sit for the examination, by measures such as imposing of age, education background, and residence requirements. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 20 (Success of Males or Females in Examination Exceeding the Number of Persons to Be Selected)
(1) Where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary to provide more opportunities for equal appointment of public officials to males and females, notwithstanding Articles 23, 23-3, 23-4, 25, 30, and 40, he/she may allow males or females to pass the examination exceeding the number of persons to be selected so that males or females may temporarily account for more than the percentage of the number of persons to be selected in each step of the examination conducted. <Amended on Nov. 27, 2012; Dec. 18, 2018>
(2) Where the head of the examination administering agency allows males or females to pass the examination pursuant to paragraph (1), he/she shall determine the kinds of examinations intended to be administered for such purposes, the percentage of the employment objective, methods of determining the persons who pass the examination, and other matters necessary to conduct examinations.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 20-2 (Success of Local Talented People in Examination Exceeding the Number of Persons to Be Selected)
(1) Where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary to provide more opportunities for appointment of local talented people to positions of public officials, notwithstanding Articles 23, 23-3, 23-4, and 25, he/she may allow local talented people to pass the examination exceeding the number of persons to be selected so that the local talented people may temporarily account for more than a certain percentage of the number of persons to be selected in an examination falling under any item of Article 7 (1) 1. <Amended on Oct. 8, 2014; Dec. 18, 2018>
(2) The term "local talented people" in paragraph (1) means graduates and prospective graduates of the universities located in the areas other than Seoul Metropolitan City or people who ultimately graduated from the said schools, left schools without completing the course, are attending the said schools, or are temporarily withdrawing from the said schools, located in areas other than Seoul Metropolitan City.
(3) Where the head of the examination administering agency allows local talented people to pass the examination pursuant to paragraph (1), he/she shall determine the local talented people eligible to pass the examination, a percentage of the employment objective, methods of determining the persons who pass the examination, and other matters necessary to conduct the examination.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 20, 2013]
 Article 20-3 (Provision of More Opportunities for Employment of Persons with Severe Disabilities)
(1) Where necessary to provide more opportunities for appointment of persons with severe disabilities (referring to persons with severe disabilities under the Act on the Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities; hereafter the same shall apply in this Article) to the positions of public officials, the head of the examination administering agency, who conducts a competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials, may allow persons with severe disabilities only to apply for the relevant competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011>
(2) Where the head of the agency conducts a competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials pursuant to paragraph (1), the head of the agency conducting such examination shall determine the kinds of duties for which such examination is conducted, the kinds of disabilities a person may have and still apply for an examination for each kind of duties, and other matters necessary to conduct the examination. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011>
(3) The Minister of Personnel Management shall formulate and implement the necessary plans, such as identification of the kinds of duties suitable for persons with disabilities to perform and the provision thereof to the head of the examination administering agency, to provide more opportunities for the appointment of persons with severe disabilities to positions of public officials. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 20-4 (Examinations for Employment of People in Low-Income Bracket)
(1) Where the head of the examination administering agency administers an open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade IX and competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials in Grade IX, he/she shall administer such examinations so that people in the low-income bracket may be employed in accordance with the following classifications, as determined by the Minister of Personnel Management: <Amended on Oct. 8, 2014; Nov. 19, 2014>
1. Open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade IX: At least two percent of the number of persons to be selected;
2. Competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials in Grade IX: At least one percent of the number of persons to be selected.
(2) Notwithstanding Article 25, the head of the examination administering agency may allow people in the low-income bracket who obtain a score higher than the score obtained by successful applicants at an examination other than a separate examination intended for persons with disabilities and people in the low-income bracket, from an open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade IX conducted separately, so that only people in the low-income bracket may apply for the examination pursuant to the proviso of Article 2 (1), to pass the examination exceeding the number of persons to be selected in each step of the examination conducted. <Newly Inserted on Nov. 1, 2011; Jun. 29, 2012>
(3) Where the head of the examination administering agency allows people in the low-income bracket to pass the examination pursuant to paragraph (2), he/she shall determine people eligible to pass the examination, methods of determining people who pass the examination, and other matters necessary to conduct the examination. <Newly Inserted on Nov. 1, 2011>
(4) Deleted. <Dec. 4, 2013>
[This Article Newly Inserted on Feb. 6, 2009]
[Title Amended on Nov. 1, 2011]
 Article 20-5 (Success of Persons with Disabilities in Examination Exceeding Number of Persons to Be Selected)
(1) Notwithstanding Article 25, the head of the examination administering agency may allow persons with disabilities who obtain a score higher than the score obtained by successful applicants at an examination other than a separate examination intended for persons with disabilities and people in the low-income bracket, from an open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower and the open competitive examination for the employment of foreign service officers in Grade IV or lower (hereinafter referred to as "open competitive examination, etc. for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower") conducted separately, so that only persons with disabilities may apply for the examination pursuant to the proviso of Article 2 (1), to pass the examination exceeding the number of persons to be selected in each step of the examination administered. <Amended on Jun. 29, 2012>
(2) Where the head of the examination administering agency allows persons with disabilities pass the examination pursuant to paragraph (1), he/she shall determine persons with disabilities eligible to pass the examination, methods of determining persons with disabilities who pass the examination, and other matters necessary to administer the examination.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Nov. 1, 2011]
 Article 21 (Series of Classes for Which Examinations Are to Be Administered by Means of Open Competitive Examinations for Employment of Public Officials in Grade V)
A series of classes for which examinations are to be conducted by means of open competitive examinations for the employment of public officials in Grade V shall be as specified in attached Table 6.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Oct. 8, 2014]
 Article 22 (Methods of Open Competitive Examinations for Employment of Public Officials in Grade V)
(1) An open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V shall be conducted by dividing it into a primary examination, secondary examination, and tertiary examination. <Amended on Oct. 8, 2014>
(2) In principle, the primary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V shall be administered using multiple-choice questions, and fill-in-the-blank items may be included therein. <Amended on Oct. 8, 2014>
(3) In principle, the secondary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V shall be conducted using essay items, and subjective short-answer items for each subject may be included therein. <Amended on Oct. 8, 2014>
(4) The tertiary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V shall be administered by means of an oral examination or practical examination; Provided, That where the head of the examination administering agency deems necessary due to the extraordinary characteristics of duties, he/she may administer both the oral examination and the practical examination; in such cases, the head of the examination administering agency or the competent Minister shall determine the method of determining persons who pass the practical examination. <Amended on Sep. 10, 2009; Oct. 8, 2014>
(5) Where both the oral examination and the practical examination are administered, the oral examination shall be administered intended for persons who pass the practical examination.
(6) A person who fails to pass the tertiary examination shall be exempted from the primary examination, limited to the next examination: Provided, That this shall apply only where the person submits an application form of the relevant examination from which he/she intended to be exempted. <Newly Inserted on Oct. 8, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
[Title Amended on Oct. 8, 2014]
 Article 23 (Determination of Success in Open Competitive Examinations for Employment of Public Officials in Grade V)
(1) Persons who pass the primary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V shall be determined one by one beginning with the persons who obtain the highest scores, in consideration of the scores in the examination, the number of applicants for the secondary examination, etc. within 10 times the number of persons to be selected from among persons who satisfy all the requirements in order of the following subparagraphs: <Amended on Dec. 18, 2018>
1. Receiving passing score for the English proficiency test specified in attached Table 3 and passing grade in the Korean History Proficiency Test specified in attached Table 4, respectively;
2. To score at least 60 percent of the perfect score in the test for the Constitution;
3. Obtaining scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject other than English, the History of Korea, and the Constitution, and at least 60 percent of the total scores from all the subjects.
(2) Persons who pass the secondary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V shall be determined one by one beginning with the persons who obtain the highest total scores in all subjects, in consideration of scores in the examination, the number of applicants for the tertiary examination, etc. within 150 percent of the number of persons to be selected (where the number of persons to be selected does not exceed three, within the number of persons obtained by adding two to the number of persons to be selected; hereinafter the same shall apply) from among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject: Provided, That where both the practical examination and the oral examination are administered in the tertiary examination pursuant to the proviso of Article 22 (4), persons who pass the secondary examination may be determined within twice the number of persons to be selected. <Amended on Apr. 4, 2011; Oct. 8, 2014>
(3) The results of evaluation of the oral examination of the tertiary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V shall be divided into the following grades: <Amended on Apr. 22, 2013; Oct. 8, 2014; Aug. 1, 2023>
1. Where a majority of examiners assess all the elements of assessment under Article 5 (3) as "excellent": "Excellent";
2. Where a majority of examiners assess at least two elements of assessment under Article 5 (3) as "poor", or a majority of examiners assess the same element of assessment as "poor": "Poor";
3. In cases other than subparagraphs 1 and 2: "Fair".
(4) Where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary to secure objectivity and fairness of the oral examination in accordance with the standards prescribed by the Minister of Personnel Management in consideration of grades under paragraph (3), the number of applicants, the number of persons to be selected, the method of oral examination, etc., he/she may administer an additional oral examination for the applicants who have received a grade of "excellent" or "poor." In such cases, notwithstanding paragraph (3), an applicant who has received a grade same as the grade of the first oral examination shall be deemed to have received the grade of the final oral examination, and an applicant who has received a grade different from the grade of the first oral examination shall be deemed to have received a grade of "fair". <Newly Inserted on Apr. 22, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
(5) Persons who ultimately pass the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V shall be determined through the following methods in accordance with the grade of the oral examination under paragraphs (3) and (4) and the scores in the secondary examination: <Newly Inserted on Apr. 22, 2013; Oct. 8, 2014>
1. Applicants who have received the grade of "excellent" shall be deemed to have passed the examination: Provided, That where the number of applicants who have received the grade of "excellent" exceeds the number of persons to be selected, such applicants shall be deemed to have passed the examination one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest scores in the secondary examination until the number of such persons reaches the number of persons to be selected;
2. Applicants who have received the grade of "fair" shall be deemed to have passed the examination one by one beginning with persons who obtain high scores in the secondary examination until the number of such persons including the number of applicants who have received the grade of "excellent" reaches the number of persons to be selected;
3. Applicants who have received the grade of "poor" shall be deemed to have failed to pass the examination.
(6) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), where the number of applicants for the tertiary examination is expected to be less than the number of persons to be selected due to circumstances in which persons who pass the secondary examination forgo to take the tertiary examination when persons who pass the secondary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V are determined, additional persons who pass the secondary examination may be determined one by one beginning with the persons who obtain the highest total scores in all subjects among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject within the original number of persons who pass the secondary examination. <Amended on Apr. 22, 2013; Oct. 8, 2014>
(7) Where it is necessary to fill vacancies due to circumstances in which persons who ultimately pass the examination waive their appointment to positions of public officials, the head of the examination administering agency may determine additional persons who pass the examination one by one beginning with the persons who obtain the highest scores in the secondary examination among those who have not failed to meet the standards for passing the examination within six months from date of announcement of the persons who pass the examination. <Newly Inserted on Apr. 22, 2013; Jan. 31, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
[Title Amended on Oct. 8, 2014]
 Article 23-2 (Methods of Examinations for Selection of Foreign Service Officer Candidates)
(1) Examinations for the selection of foreign service officer candidates may be administered by dividing them into the following fields in accordance with the demand, etc. for foreign and trade affairs. In such cases, examinations for the selection of foreign service officer candidates may be administered by dividing the number of persons to be selected into the combination of related regions and languages in cases under subparagraph 2 and the related specialty fields in cases under subparagraph 3:
1. Field of general diplomacy: Field in which candidates are selected to respond to demand for the affairs concerning foreign affairs and trade as a whole;
2. Field of regional diplomacy: Field in which candidates are selected to respond to demand for the affairs concerning foreign affairs and trade in a specific region;
3. Field of specialty in diplomatic relations: Field in which candidates are selected to respond to demand for the affairs that require specialty, such as the affairs concerning international trade or international law.
(2) An examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates shall be conducted by dividing it into a primary examination, secondary examination, and tertiary examination. In such cases, the details of the implementation of each step of each examination shall be as follows: <Amended on Oct. 8, 2014; Dec. 18, 2018>
1. Field of general diplomacy: Articles 22 (2) through (6) shall apply mutatis mutandis;
2. Field of regional diplomacy: Any item of the following shall apply:
(a) A primary examination: A written examination of multiple-choice questions;
(b) A secondary examination: A document screening. In such cases, notwithstanding Article 5 (5), persons who pass document screening may be determined in accordance with the standards appropriate for the duties to which the public officials are scheduled to be appointed which the head of the examination administering agency has prescribed;
(c) A tertiary examination: An oral examination: Provided, That the head of the examination administering agency conducting examinations may administer the oral examination by dividing it into two phases to verify the expertise including knowledge of the relevant field.
(3) Persons who have not been appointed, among those who have completed the regular course of study under Article 6 (1) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy Act, shall be exempted from the primary examination among the examinations under paragraph (2), limited to the first examination administered after they have not been appointed: Provided, That this shall apply where they submit an application form for the relevant examination. <Newly Inserted on Oct. 8, 2014>
(4) In case of the field of regional diplomacy among examinations for the selection of foreign service officer candidates, where an applicant meets the requirements for a career in the examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates under attached Table 2-2 of the Decree on the Appointment of Foreign Service Officers, the standard score in the foreign language proficiency test that replaces a foreign language as an optional subject shall apply thereto by dividing the standard score pursuant to attached Table 3-2. <Amended on Oct. 8, 2014>
(5) The head of the examination administering agency may assess the ability to use foreign languages, such as conversation and the ability to construct sentences, concerning the foreign languages not prescribed in attached Table 3-2 among the optional subjects in the primary examination of the examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates in the language certification test conducted before the tertiary examination. <Amended on Oct. 8, 2014; Dec. 30, 2015>
[This Article Newly Inserted on Nov. 27, 2012]
[The amended provisions of Article 23-2 (2) 2 of the Addenda to the Presidential Decree No. 29374 (Dec. 18, 2018) shall be effective until December 31, 2020 pursuant to Article 2 of the Addenda to that Act]
 Article 23-3 (Determination of Pass in Examination for Selection of Foreign Service Officer Candidates in Field of General Diplomacy)
(1) Persons who pass the primary examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates shall be determined in order of scores specified in subparagraph 3 from the highest, in consideration of scores in the examination, the number of applicants for the secondary examination, etc., within 10 times the number of persons to be selected from among persons who meet all requirements in order of the following: In such cases, the number of persons exempted from the primary examination pursuant to Article 23-2 (2) 1 and paragraph (3) of the same Article shall not be included within 10 times the number of persons to be selected: <Amended on Dec. 18, 2018>
1. To obtain at least the relevant passing score or grade in the English proficiency test specified in attached Table 3, in the foreign language proficiency test specified in attached Table 3-2, and in the Korean History Proficiency Test specified in attached Table 4;
2. To score at least 60 percent of the perfect score in the test for the Constitution;
3. To score at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject other than English, the History of Korea, and the Constitution, and at least 60 percent of the total scores of all subjects.
(2) Persons who pass the secondary examination of the examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates in the field of general diplomacy shall be determined one by one beginning with the persons who obtain the highest total scores in all subjects, in consideration of scores in the examination, the number of applicants for the tertiary examination, etc., within 1.5 times the number of persons to be selected from among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject: Provided, That where the ability to use foreign languages is assessed by the language certification test pursuant to Article 23-2 (5), persons who pass the secondary examination may be determined in consideration of scores in the examination, the number of applicants for the tertiary examination, etc. within five times the number of persons to be selected. <Amended on Oct. 8, 2014; Dec. 30, 2015; Dec. 18, 2018>
(3) The results of assessment of the oral examination of the tertiary examination of the examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates in the field of general diplomacy shall be divided into the following grades: <Amended on Apr. 22, 2013; Dec. 18, 2018; Aug. 1, 2023>
1. Where a majority of examiners assess all the elements of assessment under Article 5 (3) as "excellent": "Excellent";
2. Where a majority of examiners assess at least two elements of assessment under Article 5 (3) as "poor", or a majority of examiners assess the same element of assessment as "poor": "Poor";
3. In cases other than subparagraphs 1 and 2: "Fair".
(4) Where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary to secure objectivity and fairness of the oral examination in accordance with the standards prescribed by the Minister of Personnel Management in consideration of grades under paragraph (3), the number of applicants, the number of persons to be selected, the method of oral examination, etc., he/she may administer an additional oral examination for the applicants who have received a grade of "excellent" or "poor." In such cases, notwithstanding paragraph (3), an applicant who has received a grade same as the grade of the first oral examination shall be deemed to have received the grade of the final oral examination, and an applicant who has received a grade different from the grade of the first oral examination shall be deemed to have received a grade of "fair". <Newly Inserted on Apr. 22, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
(5) Persons who ultimately pass the examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates in the field of general diplomacy shall be determined through the following methods in accordance with the grade of the oral examination under paragraphs (3) and (4) and the scores in the secondary examination: Provided, That where the ability to use foreign languages is assessed by the language certification test pursuant to Article 23-2 (5), persons who ultimately pass the examination shall be determined from among those who obtain the score higher than the standard score in the language certification test prescribed in attached Table 6-2: <Newly Inserted on Apr. 22, 2013; Dec. 30, 2015; Dec. 18, 2018>
1. Applicants who have received the grade of "excellent" shall be deemed to have passed the examination: Provided, That where the number of applicants who have received the grade of "excellent" exceeds the number of persons to be selected, such applicants shall be deemed to have passed the examination one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest scores in the secondary examination until the number of such persons reaches the number of persons to be selected;
2. Applicants who have received the grade of "fair" shall be deemed to have passed the examination one by one beginning with persons who obtain high scores in the secondary examination until the number of such persons including the number of applicants who have received the grade of "excellent" reaches the number of persons to be selected;
3. Applicants who have received the grade of "poor" shall be deemed to have failed to pass the examination.
(6) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), where the number of applicants for the tertiary examination is expected to be less than the number of persons to be selected due to circumstances in which persons who pass the secondary examination choose not to take the tertiary examination when persons who pass the secondary examination of the examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates in the field of general diplomacy are determined, additional persons who pass the secondary examination of the examination may be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest total scores in all subjects among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject within the original number of persons who have passed the secondary examination. <Amended on Apr. 22, 2013; Dec. 28, 2018>
(7) Where it is necessary to fill vacancies due to circumstances in which persons who ultimately pass the examination choose not to be admitted to the course of study under Article 6 (1) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy Act, the head of the examination administering agency may determine additional persons who pass the examination one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest scores in the secondary examination among those who have not failed to meet standards for passing the examination within six months from the date of announcement of persons who ultimately pass the examination. <Newly Inserted on Apr. 22, 2013; Jan. 31, 2017>
[This Article Newly Inserted on Nov. 27, 2012]
[Title Amended on Dec. 18, 2018]
 Article 23-4 (Determination of Pass in Examination for Selection of Foreign Service Officer Candidates in Field of Regional Diplomacy and Specialty in Diplomatic Relations)
(1) In the primary examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates in the field of regional diplomacy and specialty in diplomatic relations, a person who passes the examination shall be determined in order of scores specified in subparagraph 3 from the highest, in consideration of scores in the examination, the number of applicants for the secondary examination, etc., within 10 times the number of persons to be selected by combination of related regions and languages or the related specialty fields under the latter part of Article 23-3 (1), with the exception of the subparagraphs, from among persons who meet all requirements in order of the following. In such cases, the number of persons exempted from the primary examination pursuant to Article 23-2 (3) shall not be included within 10 times the number of persons to be selected:
1. To obtain at least the relevant passing score or grade in the English proficiency test specified in attached Table 3, in the foreign language proficiency test specified in attached Table 3-2 (excluding the case the ability to use foreign languages is assessed by the language certification test pursuant to Article 23-2 (5)), and in the Korean History Proficiency Test specified in attached Table 4;
2. To score at least 60 percent of the perfect score in the test for the Constitution;
3. To score at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject other than English, the History of Korea, and the Constitution, and at least 60 percent of the total scores of all subjects.
(2) In the secondary examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates in the field of regional diplomacy and specialty in diplomatic relations, a person who passes the examination shall be determined if a person who has passed the primary examination is deemed appropriate for the duties after screening his/her qualification, career, cover letter, duty performance plan, and others.
(3) In the tertiary examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates in the field of regional diplomacy and specialty in diplomatic relations, a person for whom a majority of examiners assess at least two elements of assessment specified in Article 5 (3) as "poor", or the same element as "poor" fails the examination. <Amended on Aug. 1, 2023>
(4) The head of the examination administering agency determines persons who finally pass the examination from among those with good assessment results in order of scores excluding those who have failed under paragraph (3): Provided, That where public announcement is made in advance pursuant to Article 47 (1), which allows to score each element of assessment differently from Article 5 (3), a person who finally passes the examination is determined by the results of such assessment in order of scores.
(5) Notwithstanding paragraph (4), where an oral examination is administered in two phases pursuant to the proviso of Article 23-2 (2) 2 (c), a person who passes the examination shall be determined pursuant to paragraphs (3) and (4), but persons who pass the first phase oral examination shall be determined in the scope of the three times the number of persons to be selected, and those who have passed shall be subject to the second phase oral examination and may be determined as persons who finally pass the examination.
(6) When it is necessary to fill a vacancy due to some reasons, including a case a person who has finally passed withdraws admission to a course under Article 6 (1) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy Act, the head of the examination administering agency may determine persons who additionally pass the examination, from among persons whose failures are not attributed to paragraph (3) in order of scores for the tertiary examination from the highest: Provided, That where an oral examination is conducted in two phases pursuant to the proviso of Article 23-2 (2) 2 (c), a person who additionally passes the examination may be determined in order of scores for the second phase oral examination.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Dec. 18, 2018]
[The amended provisions of Article 23-4 of the Presidential Decree No. 29374 (Dec. 18, 2018) shall be effective until December 31, 2020 pursuant to Article 2 of the Addenda to that Act.]
 Article 24 (Methods of Open Competitive Examinations for Employment of Public Officials in Grade VI or Lower)
(1) An open competitive examination, etc. for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or Lower), etc. shall be administered by dividing the examination into a primary examination, secondary examination and tertiary examination: Provided, That where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary, he/she may concurrently administer the primary examination and secondary examination. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011>
(2) Where the primary examination and secondary examination of the open competitive examination, etc. for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower are concurrently administered pursuant to the proviso of paragraph (1), the combined examination shall be conducted using multiple-choice questions, as a rule.
(3) Deleted. <Dec. 4, 2013>
(4) Article 22 (2) through (6) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the examinations under paragraph (1): Provided, That where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary, he/she may administer the secondary examination under the main clause of paragraph (1) using multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank items only. <Amended on Dec. 4, 2013; Dec. 18, 2018>
(5) Notwithstanding paragraph (4), where the primary and secondary examinations are concurrently administered pursuant to the proviso of paragraph (1), Article 22 (6) shall not apply mutatis mutandis. <Newly Inserted on Dec. 18, 2018>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
[Title Amended on Dec. 4, 2013]
 Article 25 (Determination of Persons Who Pass Open Competitive Examination for Employment of Public Officials in Grade VI or Lower)
(1) Persons who pass the primary examination of the open competitive examination, etc. for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest scores in consideration of scores in the examination within five times the number of persons to be selected among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject: Provided, That persons who pass the primary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VII (including an open competitive examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates corresponding thereto) shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest scores in consideration of scores in the examination within 10 times the number of persons to be selected among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject in the rest of subjects excluding English and the History of Korea, who obtain the score not lower than the relevant passing score and grade in the English proficiency test specified in attached Table 3 and in the Korean History Proficiency Test specified in attached Table 4, respectively. <Amended on May 6, 2015; Dec. 18, 2018>
(2) Persons who pass the secondary examination (including cases where the primary examination and secondary examination are concurrently administered pursuant to the proviso of Article 24 (1)) of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower shall be determined, in consideration of scores in the examination, the number of applicants for the tertiary examination, etc., within 1.5 times (or two times where both the oral examination and the practical examination are administered in the tertiary examination pursuant to Article 24 (2)) the number of persons to be selected, in accordance with the following classifications: <Amended on Nov. 30, 2021>
1. Open competitive examinations for the employment of public officials in Grade VII and open competitive examinations for the employment of foreign service officers in the series of class of foreign service information technology equivalent thereto:
(a) Where the primary examination and secondary examination are concurrently administered: Persons who pass the examination shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest total scores in the subjects excluding English and the History of Korea, among those who score at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject excluding English and the History of Korea, who obtain the score not lower than the relevant passing score and grade in the English proficiency test specified in attached Table 3 and in the Korean History Proficiency Test specified in attached Table 4, respectively;
(b) Where the primary examination and secondary examination are not concurrently administered: Persons who pass the examination shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest total scores in the examination, among those who score at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject;
2. Open competitive examinations for the employment of foreign service officers in the series of class of consular affairs equivalent to open competitive examinations for the employment of public officials in Grade VII:
(a) Where the primary examination and secondary examination are concurrently administered: Persons who pass the examination shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest total scores in the subjects excluding English, the History of Korea, and a foreign language as an optional subject, among those who score at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject excluding English, the History of Korea, and a foreign language as an optional subject, who obtain the score not lower than the relevant passing score and grade in the English proficiency test specified in attached Table 3, in a foreign language proficiency test specified in attached Table 3-2, and in the Korean History Proficiency Test specified in attached Table 4, respectively;
(b) Where the primary examination and secondary examination are not concurrently administered: Persons who pass the examination shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest total scores in the subjects excluding a foreign language as an optional subject, among those who score at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject excluding a foreign language as an optional subject, who obtain a score not lower than the relevant passing score and grade in a foreign language proficiency test specified in attached Table 3-2;
3. Examinations, other than those referred to in subparagraphs 1 and 2: Persons who pass those examinations shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest total scores in those examinations among those who score at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject.
(3) The results of evaluation of the oral examination of the tertiary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower shall be divided into the following grades: <Amended on Dec. 4, 2013; Aug. 1, 2023>
1. Where a majority of examiners assess all the elements of assessment under Article 5 (3) as "excellent": "Excellent";
2. Where a majority of examiners assess at least two elements of assessment under Article 5 (3) as "poor", or a majority of examiners assess the same element of assessment as "poor": "Poor";
3. In cases other than subparagraphs 1 and 2: "Fair".
(4) Where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary to secure objectivity and fairness of the oral examination in accordance with standards prescribed by the Minister of Personnel Management in consideration of the grades under paragraph (3), the number of applicants, the number of persons to be selected, the method of the oral examination, etc., he/she may administer an additional oral examination for applicants who have received the grade of "excellent" or "poor." In such cases, notwithstanding paragraph (3), an applicant who has received the grade same as the grade of the first oral examination shall be deemed to have received the grade of the final oral examination, and an applicant who has received the grade different from the grade of the first oral examination shall be deemed to have received the grade of "fair". <Newly Inserted on Dec. 4, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
(5) Persons who ultimately pass the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower shall be determined through the following methods in accordance with the grade of the oral examination under paragraphs (3) and (4) and the scores in the secondary examination: <Amended on Dec. 4, 2013>
1. Applicants who have received the grade of "excellent" shall be deemed to have passed the examination: Provided, That where the number of applicants who have received the grade of "excellent" exceeds the number of persons to be selected, such applicants shall be deemed to have passed the examination one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest scores in the secondary examination until the number of such persons reaches the number of persons to be selected;
2. Applicants who have received the grade of "fair" shall be deemed to have passed the examination one by one beginning with persons who obtain high scores in the secondary examination until the number of such persons including the number of applicants who have received the grade of "excellent" reaches the number of persons to be selected;
3. Applicants who have received the grade of "poor" shall be deemed to have failed to pass the examination.
(6) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), where the number of applicants for the tertiary examination is expected to be less than the number of persons to be selected due to circumstances in which persons who pass the secondary examination choose not to take the tertiary examination when persons who pass the secondary examination of an open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower, etc. are determined, additional persons who pass the secondary examination of the examination may be determined within the original number of persons who have passed the secondary examination, in accordance with the classifications provided in the subparagraphs of paragraph (2). <Amended on Nov. 30, 2021>
(7) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), where the number of applicants for the tertiary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower is less than the number of persons to be selected, a special tertiary examination may be administered after determining persons who additionally pass the secondary examination within 1.5 times the number of persons less than the number of persons to be selected (where the number of persons less than the number of persons to be selected is not more than three, referring to the number of persons less than the number of persons to be selected, plus two persons) in accordance with the classifications provided in the subparagraphs of paragraph (2): <Amended on May 6, 2015; Nov. 30, 2021>
1. Deleted; <Nov. 30, 2021>
2. Deleted. <Nov. 30, 2021>
(8) Notwithstanding the main clause of paragraph (2) and paragraph (7), where the number of persons who pass the secondary examination exceeds the number of persons to be selected or 1.5 times the number of persons less than the number of persons to be selected because all persons who obtain the same score are determined to be persons who pass the secondary examination, persons who pass the secondary examination may be determined in excess of 1.5 times the number of persons less than the number of persons to be selected. <Newly Inserted on Dec. 4, 2013>
(9) Where it is necessary to fill vacancies due to circumstances such as where persons who successfully pass the examination choose to waive their appointment, the head of the examination administering agency may identify additional persons for appointment from among those who have failed to meet the criteria for failure within six months from the date of the announcement of persons who ultimately pass the examination in accordance with the classifications under the subparagraphs of paragraph (2). In such cases, for an open competitive examination for the employment of public officials of Grade IV in which the primary and secondary examinations are conducted concurrently, successful applicants shall be determined in the order of their total scores from among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent out of the perfect score in each subject, and in the case of tied total scores, those with higher second examination scores shall be appointed. <Amended on May 6, 2015; Jan. 31, 2017, Nov. 30, 2021; Dec. 5, 2023>
1. Deleted; <Nov. 30, 2021>
2. Deleted. <Nov. 30, 2021>
(10) Where it is necessary to fill vacancies even after the head of the examination administering agency has determined additional successful candidates pursuant to paragraph (9), he/she may further determine successful candidates through a separate tertiary examination after determining those who pass the secondary examination in accordance with the classification under the subparagraphs of paragraph (2), and the number of persons determined in this manner shall not exceed 1.5 times (if the number of persons who falls short of the number of persons to be selected does not exceed three, the number shall be limited to the number of such persons plus two) the number of persons who fall short of the number of persons to be selected. In such cases, applicants who have received a grade of “poor” in an oral part of the earlier tertiary examination shall be deemed additional determined successful candidates in the secondary examination under the former part of this paragraph. <Newly Inserted on Dec. 5, 2023>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
[Title Amended on Dec. 4, 2013]
 Article 26 (Procedures for Requesting Competitive Examination for Employment of Experienced Public Officials)
(1) Where the appointing authority or the appointment recommendation authority intends to employ public officials through a competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials, he/she shall request the head of the examination administering agency to conduct the competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials along with information about grades to which public officials are appointed, reasons why employment through the competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials (hereinafter referred to as "competitive employment, etc. of experienced public officials") is required, and other necessary matters. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011>
(2) Where the head of the examination administering agency receives a request under paragraph (1), in which case he/she deems it appropriate to appoint public officials through the competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials, he/she shall administer the relevant examination. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011>
(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) and Article 3 (1), the Minister of Personnel Management may directly administer competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials under Article 28 (2) 11 of the Act and other competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials he/she deems necessary. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
[Title Amended on Nov. 1, 2011]
 Article 27 (Eligibility to Take Competitive Examinations for Employment of Experienced Public Officials)
(1) Persons eligible to take competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials under Article 16 (1) 2 of the Decree on the Appointment of Public Officials shall be those who hold a certificate of qualification for the duties to which public officials are scheduled to be appointed among certificates of qualification for each grade to which public officials are scheduled to be appointed prescribed in attached Tables 7 and 8: Provided, That where the competent Minister deems it necessary, he/she may allow persons who hold any of the following certificates of qualification to take the examination: <Amended on Sep. 10, 2009; Nov. 1, 2011>
1. A certificate of qualification not prescribed as a certificate of qualification for each grade to which public officials are scheduled to be appointed prescribed in attached Tables 7 and 8, which is a national certificate of qualification under the National Technical Qualifications Act or other statutes or regulations;
2. A certificate of qualification the competent Minister deems equal to a certificate of qualification for each grade to which public officials are scheduled to be appointed prescribed in attached Tables 7 and 8, which is a private certificate of qualification under Article 19 of the Framework Act on Qualifications;
3. A certificate of qualification the competent Minister deems equal to a certificate of qualification for each grade to which public officials are scheduled to be appointed prescribed in attached Tables 7 and 8, which is a certificate of qualification recognized as a national certificate of qualification pursuant to statutes or regulations among certificates of qualification obtained in a foreign country.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), where the competent Minister deems that it is impracticable to apply the standards under paragraph (1) due to the special characteristics of duties to which public officials are scheduled to be appointed or other extraordinary circumstances, he/she may determine certificates of qualification differently for each grade to which public officials are scheduled to be appointed as prescribed in attached Tables 7 and 8 or may shorten the basic period of experience required, and may allow persons who hold any of the following certificates of qualification related to the duties to which public officials are scheduled to be appointed to take the examination in consultation with the Minister of Personnel Management: <Amended on Sep. 10, 2009; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014; Aug. 1, 2023>
1. A private certificate of qualification not authorized by the State pursuant to Article 19 of the Framework Act on Qualifications;
2. A certificate of qualification not recognized as a national certificate of qualification among certificates of qualification obtained in a foreign country.
(3) Eligibility to take a competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials under Article 16 (1) 3 of the Decree on the Appointment of Public Officials shall be limited to cases where applicants have work experience equivalent to the grade to which public officials are scheduled to be appointed according to the classifications specified in attached Table 9 for at least three years in the field identical or similar to the details of affairs of the series of classes to which public officials are scheduled to be appointed: Provided, That the grade to which public officials in extraordinary civil service who receive remuneration equivalent to that of the grade corresponding to public officials in general service are scheduled to be appointed shall follow the remuneration standards, and the competent Minister shall determine the grade to which experienced public officials in the field of duties not prescribed in attached Table 9 are scheduled to be appointed in consideration of the details of the relevant duties, difficulty, the level of responsibility, etc. <Amended on Sep. 10, 2009; Nov. 1, 2011>
(4) The period of work experience required for eligibility to take competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials shall be calculated based on the scheduled date of the final examination (in case of an examination for the employment of public officials not intended for a large number of people, where the head of the examination requesting agency is different from the head of the examination administering agency, referring to the date the examination is requested). In such cases, where the period of work experience required is calculated, the period during which applicants have worked on a non-regular basis in the field of duties related to the grade to which public officials are scheduled to be appointed may be fully or partially included in the period of work experience, as prescribed by the Minister of Personnel Management. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
[Title Amended on Nov. 1, 2011]
 Article 28 (Restrictions on Eligibility to Take Examinations for Employment of Public Officials Not Intended for Large Number of People)
Eligibility to take examinations for the employment of public officials not intended for a large number of people to the same grade based on the same requirements shall be limited to three times; and where an applicant fails to pass the examination because he/she obtains a score less than 40 percent of the perfect score in at least one subject on the primary examination or the secondary examination (in case of public officials at least in Grade V and foreign service officers at least in Grade V, applicable to the primary examination only) of the examination for the employment of public officials not intended for a large number of people, he/she shall not take the examination for the employment of public officials not intended for a large number of people to the same grade based on the same requirements again within six months from the date he/she takes the primary examination. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
[Title Amended on Nov. 1, 2011]
 Article 29 (Methods of Competitive Examinations for Employment of Experienced Public Officials)
(1) Except in any of the following cases, competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials shall be administered by means of a written examination, and at least one examination from among oral examination, practical examination, or document screening shall be administered additionally: Provided, That where a public official in general service who retired to become a public official in non-career service or in career service of another type falling under Article 28 (2) 1 of the Act is reappointed to a position of a public official in general service in the grade in which he/she holds office at the time of his/her retirement: <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Jun. 29, 2012; Mar. 23, 2013 Mar. 23, 2013; Apr. 22, 2013; Dec. 4, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014; May 6, 2015; May 8, 2018; Dec. 5, 2023>
1. For those falling under Article 28 (2) 1, 2, 4, and 10 of the Act (in cases falling under Article 28 (2) 4 of the Act, only applicable to those who graduated from or completed the course of study at an educational institution designated by the Minister of Personnel Management, which aims at the training of public officials), document screening shall be administered and at least one examination from among an oral examination and practical examination shall be additionally administered;
1-2. Where those falling under Article 28 (2) 2, 3, 8, or 10 of the Act are employed as public officials who temporarily work during the term of office on a contractual basis or public officials who have an alternative work schedule, and work during the term of office on a contractual basis, document screening and an oral examination shall be administered, as determined by the Minister of Personnel Management;
2. Where public officials who retired among those falling under Article 28 (2) 3 of the Act are reappointed to the grade in which they held office before their retirement within three years, and where those who have passed a bar examination are appointed to positions of public officials in the occupational group of administration, document screening and an oral examination shall be administered;
3. Document screening shall be administered for those who fall under Article 28 (2) 5 of the Act;
4. For persons falling under Article 28 (2) 7 of the Act, at least one examination shall be administered, chosen from among written examination, oral examinations, practical examinations, or document screening;
5. Where eligibility to take an examination is limited to those who meet requirements under Article 28 (2) 2, 3 and 10 of the Act among persons falling under Article 28 (2) 13 of the Act, the document screening shall be administered and at least one examination from among an oral examination and practical examination shall be additionally administered.
(2) Notwithstanding the main clause of paragraph (1), with the exception of its subparagraphs, in cases falling under any of the following, a written examination may be exempted: Provided, That where a written examination is exempted on the grounds falling under subparagraph 1, a document screening and oral examination shall be administered: <Newly Inserted on May 8, 2018; Dec. 5, 2023>
1. Where a person falling under Article 28 (2) 3 of the Act is appointed through a competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials;
2. Where a person appointed to an open position is employed through competitive employment, etc. of experienced public officials;
3. Where competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials are administered in accordance with personnel rotation plans (except for a personnel rotation plan under paragraph (10)) implemented by the Minister of Personnel Management.
(3) Notwithstanding the main clause of paragraph (1), with the exception of its subparagraphs, where competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials for a special field determined by the Minister of Personnel Management under Article 28 (2) 6 of the Act are administered, a methods falling under any of the following shall apply: <Newly Inserted on May 8, 2018>
1. A written examination shall be conducted and at least one examination from among oral examination, practical examination, and document screening shall be additionally administered;
2. An oral examination shall be administered and at least one examination from among practical examination and document screening shall be additionally administered.
(4) In cases falling under subparagraph 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 11 of that paragraph (in cases falling under Article 28 (2) 7 of the Act, only applicable to cases following a personnel exchange plan conducted by the Minister of Personnel Management pursuant to Article 32-2 of the Act or where prior consultation with the Minister of Personnel Management has been held pursuant to Article 32-2 of the Act), the head of the agency conducting an examination may employ persons pursuant to the proviso, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of Article 28 (2) of the Act, may employ persons through an examination for the employment of public officials not intended for a large number of people. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; May 8, 2018; Dec. 5, 2023>
(5) In cases falling under any subparagraph of paragraph (1), in which case the head of the agency conducting examinations administers a competitive examination for the employment of experienced pubic officials, notwithstanding the subparagraphs of paragraph (1), he/she may additionally administer a written examination. <Newly Inserted on Nov. 1, 2011; May 8, 2018>
(6) In the case of a competitive examination for the employment of experienced pubic officials, where the number of persons who apply for document screening is three times the number of persons to be selected, notwithstanding Article 5 (5), the head of the examination administering agency may determine persons who pass document screening in accordance with standards appropriate for the duties to which such persons are scheduled to be appointed he/she has prescribed. In such cases, the number of persons who pass document screening shall be at least three times the number of persons to be selected. <Amended on Sep. 10, 2009; Apr. 4, 2011; Nov. 1, 2011; Oct. 8, 2014; May 8, 2018>
(7) With regard to the methods of examinations under paragraph (1), Article 22 shall apply mutatis mutandis to examinations for the employment of public officials at least in Grade V and foreign service officers at least in Grade V; and Article 24 shall apply mutatis mutandis to examinations for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower and foreign service officers in Grade IV or lower: Provided, That the primary examination and secondary for the employment of public officials at least in Grade V and foreign service officers at least in Grade V may be concurrently administered through competitive examinations for the employment of experienced public officials may be administered using multiple-choice questions. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Dec. 4, 2013; May 8, 2018>
(8) In a competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials among public officials in general service and foreign service officers or competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced foreign service officers, they shall be exempted from the examination of overlapping subjects tested among the subjects tested in the examination under Article 7 (1) and (2): Provided, That this shall not apply to the subjects in which the method of examination is different, or which are elective. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Dec. 4, 2013; Oct. 8, 2014; May 8, 2018>
(9) Where persons assigned to positions are employed through the competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials of changed kinds or kinds of public officials added as plural positions because kinds of public officials appointed to specific positions are changed, or changed to plural positions due to changes to the table of organization and the fixed number of persons, in which case duties which they are in charge of remain unchanged and the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary, he/she may exempt them from the primary examination. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; May 8, 2018>
(10) Where the Minister of Personnel Management conducts competitive recruitment, etc. for career service positions of local public officials as State public officials pursuant to Article 28 (2) 7 of the Act in accordance with a personnel rotation plan between State public officials and local public officials conducted by the Minister of Personnel Management, they shall be exempt from the examination. <Amended on Dec. 5, 2023>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
[Title Amended on Nov. 1, 2011]
 Article 30 (Determination of Success in Competitive Examinations for Employment of Experienced Public Officials)
(1) Success in a competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials shall be determined as follows: <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Apr. 4, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Apr. 22, 2013; Oct. 8, 2014; Nov. 19, 2014; May 6, 2015; May 8, 2018>
1. In case of the competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials, persons who pass the primary examination shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest scores in consideration of scores in the examination within five times the number of persons to be selected among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject and scores at least 60 percent of the total scores in all subjects; and persons who pass the secondary examination shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain high scores in consideration of scores in the examination, the number of applicants for the tertiary examination, etc. within 150 percent of the number of persons to be selected among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject and scores at least 60 percent of the total scores in all subjects: Provided, That where the primary examination and secondary examination are concurrently administered pursuant to Article 29 (7), persons who pass the concurrent primary examination and secondary examination shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest scores in consideration of scores in the examination, the number of applicants for the tertiary examination, etc. within 150 percent of the number of persons to be selected among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject and scores at least 60 percent of the total scores in all subjects;
2. Notwithstanding subparagraph 1, Article 23 (6) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the secondary examination (where the primary examination and secondary examination are concurrently administered, referring to the examination concurrently administered) of the competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials;
3. In case of an examination for the employment of public officials not intended for a large number of people, persons who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject and scores at least 60 percent of the total scores in all subjects at the primary examination and the secondary examination respectively shall be persons who pass the primary examination and the secondary examination, respectively: Provided, That where the primary examination and secondary examination is concurrently administered pursuant to Article 29 (7), persons who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject and scores at least 60 percent of the total scores in all subjects shall be persons who pass the examination;
4. Notwithstanding subparagraphs 1 and 3, in case of a written examination of a competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V and competitive examination for the employment of foreign service officers in Grade V under Article 3 (1) 4 and competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VII under Article 3 (1) 5, persons who pass the written examination thereof shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest scores within 10 times the number of persons to be selected among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject: Provided, That where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary to expand opportunities for the appointment of persons who have an extensive career background, he/she may additionally determine persons who pass the examination in comprehensive consideration of requirements, etc. for application for the examination other than the score in the examination, as prescribed by the Minister of Personnel Management.
(2) In case of an oral examination of the tertiary examination of the competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials, where a majority of examiners assess at least two elements of assessment specified in Article 5 (3) as "poor", or a majority of examiners assess the same element of assessment as "poor", persons who obtain the grade of "poor" shall fail to pass the oral examination: Provided, That in case of an oral examination of the competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials, the head of the examination administering agency may determine persons who pass the oral examination one by one beginning with persons whose assessment grade is excellent among those who meet the criteria for passing the oral examination, or determine persons who pass the oral examination one by one beginning with persons whose assessment grade is excellent by scoring each element of assessment differently from the method of assessment prescribed in Article 5 (3) after making a public announcement under Article 47 (2). <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Apr. 22, 2013; Aug. 1, 2023>
(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary when he/she determines persons who pass the oral examination of the competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials and the final suitability review, he/she may determine persons who pass the examination by applying Article 23 (3) and (5) mutatis mutandis. In such cases, an "open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V" shall be deemed a "competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials". <Newly Inserted on Apr. 22, 2013; Oct. 8, 2014>
(4) In case of a competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials, where it is necessary to fill vacancies due to circumstances in which persons who ultimately pass the examination choose not to be appointed to positions of public officials or retire after appointment or any other similar circumstance, the head of an examination administering agency may additionally determine persons who pass the examination within six months from the date of announcement of persons who pass the examination. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Apr. 22, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014; Jan. 31, 2017; Sep. 22, 2020>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
[Title Amended on Nov. 1, 2011]
 Article 31 (Preferential Treatment for Persons Holding Certificate of Qualification)
(1) Deleted. <May 6, 2015>
(2) Where a person who holds a certificate of qualification prescribed in attached Table 12 among certificates of qualification under the National Technical Qualifications Act or other statutes or regulations takes an examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower (in case of a competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials; only applicable to cases where a written examination is administered, but excluding the series of classes prescribed in attached Table 5 and competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials under Article 28 (2) 2 of the Act), a score based on a percentage specified in attached Table 11 shall be added to the score in each subject in the written examination not exceeding the highest score within five percent of the perfect score in the subject of the examination. Where he/she holds at least two certificates of qualification eligible for recognition of an additional score, only one certificate of qualification advantageous to him/her shall be used to add an additional score. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Dec. 4, 2013>
(3) Deleted. <May 6, 2015>
(4) The addition of a score under paragraph (2) shall only apply to persons who obtain the score at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject, and any subject replaced with an examination under each subparagraph of Article 7 (1) pursuant to aforesaid paragraph shall be excluded from subjects eligible for the additional score. <Amended on May 6, 2015; Jan. 31, 2017>
(5) The addition of a score under paragraph (2) shall not apply to a written examination administered pursuant to the main clause, with the exception of the subparagraphs, of Article 7 (1), and the latter part of Article 8 (4) whose subjects tested in the examination are the language and logic field, data interpretation field, and situation awareness field. <Newly Inserted on May 6, 2015; Dec. 18, 2018; Dec. 5, 2023>
(6) Where an applicant obtains a score at least equal to a certain passing score (grade) in the Korean History Proficiency Test (referring to the test conducted under the supervision of the National Institute of Korean History) in examinations that may be converted to scores, such as the written examination or document screening of competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials, the head of the examination administering agency may add a score within five percent of the perfect score in the examination or the perfect score in a subject tested in the examination. In such cases, where a written examination is administered for each subject, scores may be added to each subject. <Newly Inserted on May 6, 2015>
(7) The head of the examination administering agency shall determine the passing score (grade), percentage of addition, etc. under paragraph (6). <Newly Inserted on May 6, 2015>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
[Title Amended on Nov. 18, 2015; Dec. 18, 2018]
 Article 31-2 (Preferential Treatment for Persons Who Died or Were Injured for Public Good)
(1) Where any of the following persons takes an examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower, the head of the examination administering agency shall add scores to the score in each subject (excluding subjects replaced with examinations under the subparagraphs of Article 7 (1) pursuant to that paragraph) of the applicant in accordance with the following classifications pursuant to Article 36-2 (1) 2 or 3 of the Act: Provided, That this shall not apply where there is a subject in which the applicant has obtained a score less than the perfect score or the examination cannot be converted to a score: <Amended on Jan. 31, 2017>
1. Persons in whose case five percent of the perfect score in each subject is added:
(a) Persons who fall under Article 36-2 (1) 2 of the Act;
(b) Persons who were injured for public good eligible for the protection of employment pursuant to Article 13 of the Act on Honorable Treatment of and Support for Persons Who Died or Were Injured for Public Good among those who fall under Article 36-2 (1) 3 of the Act;
2. Persons in whose case three percent of the perfect score in each subject is added: A spouse or child of a person falling under subparagraph 1 (b).
(2) Where a person eligible for the addition of a score under paragraph (1) becomes a person eligible for support for employment pursuant to any of the following, only one additional score selected by a test taker shall be awarded: <Amended on May 8, 2018; Apr. 6, 2021>
1. Article 29 of the Act on the Honorable Treatment of and Support for Persons, etc. of Distinguished Service to the State;
(3) Persons who pass an examination for employment by receiving an additional score pursuant to paragraph (1) shall not exceed 10 percent (where the number of persons to be selected is calculated based on the additional score, the said number shall be rounded down) of the number of persons to be selected in the examination for employment: Provided, That this shall not apply where the number of applicants is equal to or less than the number of persons to be selected.
(4) Where a score is added pursuant to paragraph (1), the head of the examination administering agency shall determine the method of determining persons who pass the examination and other matters necessary to administer the examination.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Nov. 18, 2015]
[Title Amended on Dec. 18, 2018]
 Article 32 (Calculation of Scores Obtained on Examination for Employment)
(1) Scores under Articles 23, 23-3, 23-4, 25, and 30 shall be calculated down to two decimal places. <Amended on Jun. 29, 2012; Nov. 27, 2012; Dec. 18, 2018; Nov. 5, 2019>
(2) Where there are persons who obtain the same score in excess of the number of persons to be selected in the process of determining success in an open competitive examination for the employment of public officials, competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials, and examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates, such persons who obtain the same score shall be deemed persons who pass the relevant examination. In such cases, the same score obtained by multiple persons shall be calculated down to two decimal places. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Nov. 27, 2012>
(3) Where there are persons in the same grade in excess of the number of persons to be selected in the process of determining success in an oral examination under the proviso of Article 30 (2), the oral examination intended for persons in the same grade shall be administered again until the number of persons reaches the number of persons to be selected to determine persons who pass the oral examination.
(4) Deleted. <Nov. 5, 2019>
(5) Deleted. <Nov. 5, 2019>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 33 (Methods of Calculation of Period of Application for Examination by Persons Scheduled to Be Discharged from Military Service)
The period of six months preceding the scheduled date of discharge from service under Article 16 (2) of the Support for Discharged Soldiers Act shall be counted from the scheduled date of the final examination of the examination for employment which persons scheduled to be discharged from service intend to take.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 34 (Documents to Be Submitted by Applicants)
(1) A person who intends to apply for an examination for employment and examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates shall submit a copy of an application form (including submission through the information and communications network) prescribed by the head of the examination administering agency. <Amended on Nov. 27, 2012>
(2) Where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary, he/she shall verify the following documents through administrative data matching (hereinafter referred to as "administrative data matching") under Article 36 (1) of the Electronic Government Act with regard to persons who pass the secondary examination: Provided, That where any person who passes the secondary examination does not consent to the confirmation thereof or the head of the examination administering agency cannot verify the documents through administrative data matching, the person who passes the secondary examination shall submit such documents within the period determined by the head of the examination administering agency: <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Dec. 4, 2013; May 6, 2015; Jan. 31, 2017>
1. A physical examination report (only applicable to cases where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary while conducting the competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials) under the Regulations on Physical Examination for Employment of Public Officials;
2. An abridged transcript of a resident registration card including the details of military service (only applicable to cases where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary);
3. Documents related to scholastic records (only applicable to cases where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary);
4. A copy of a certificate of qualification (only applicable to a certificate of qualification meeting the requirements for application for the examination under Article 18);
5. A certificate of a recipient under the National Basic Living Security Act;
6. A certificate of a disabled person under the Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities;
7. A certificate of a single-parent family under the Single-Parent Family Support Act.
(3) Where an applicant files an application for privilege of addition to the scores in the examination, the head of the examination administering agency shall verify the following documents through administrative data matching: Provided, That where the applicant who files an application for privilege of addition to the scores in the examination does not consent to the confirmation thereof or the head of the examination administering agency cannot verify the documents through administrative data matching, the applicant shall submit documents within the period determined by the head of the examination administering agency: <Amended on Sep. 10, 2009; Feb. 12, 2010; May 6, 2015; Jan. 31, 2017; Apr. 11, 2023>
1. A certificate of a person eligible for support for employment, issued by the Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs;
2. A copy of a certificate of technical qualification (only applicable to the certificate of technical qualification obtained before the written examination is conducted) under the National Technical Qualifications Act;
3. A certificate of a person who died or was injured for public good under the Act on Honorable Treatment of and Support for Persons Who Died or Were Injured for Public Good.
(4) An applicant who intends to replace subjects tested in the examination pursuant to Article 7 (1) shall submit document(s) specifying the kind of and scores (grades) in the examination he/she intends to replace (including submission through the information and communications network) in accordance with the method determined by the head of an examination administering agency. <Amended on May 6, 2016>
(5) Deleted. <Apr. 23, 2024>
(6) The head of an examination administering agency may communicate the kind of and scores (grades), etc. in the examination submitted under paragraph (4) to any of the following agencies or institutions, at the request of the relevant applicant: <Newly Inserted on Sep. 22, 2020; Aug. 1, 2023>
1. Other agencies that administer examinations for public officials;
2. Public institutions under the Act on the Management of Public Institutions;
3. Local government-invested public corporations or local public agencies under the Local Public Enterprises Act;
4. Other agencies deemed necessary by the Minister of Personnel Management.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 35 (Application Fees)
(1) Applicants for the examinations for the employment of public officials and examinations for the selection of foreign service officer candidates shall pay an application fee based on the following classifications by the use of a revenue stamp: Provided, That where any applicant submits an application form through the Internet, he/she shall pay an application fee by means of electronic money, electronic payment, etc. using an information and communication network: <Amended on Nov. 27, 2012; Dec. 4, 2013>
1. Examination for the employment of public officials at least in Grade V: 10,000 won;
1-2. Examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates: 10,000 won;
2. Examination for the employment of public officials in Grades VI and VII: 7,000 won;
3. Examination for the employment of public officials in Grades VIII and IX: 5,000 won.
(2) In any of the following cases, an application fee under paragraph (1) shall be returned: <Amended on Jun. 29, 2012; Oct. 8, 2014; Nov. 15, 2022>
1. Where the application fee is erroneously paid or overpaid: the amount of the application fee erroneously paid or overpaid;
2. Where the applicant fails to take the examination for reasons attributable to the examination administering agency: the full amount of the application fee paid;
3. Where the applicant withdraws his/her intention of taking the examination during the period of receiving application forms or within three days from the day after the deadline: the full amount of the application fee paid;
4. If an applicant withdraws his/her intention of taking an examination before the date of examination (excluding cases falling under subparagraph 3) and where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary, the amount determined by the head; in such cases, the head of the examination administering agency shall publicly announce the amount when he/she publicly announces the relevant examination pursuant to Article 47.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the head of an examination administering agency may exempt any of the following persons from paying an application fee, as determined by the Minister of Personnel Management: <Newly Inserted on Apr. 4, 2011; Jun. 29, 2012; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014; Sep. 22, 2020; Nov. 30, 2021; Aug. 1, 2023; Dec. 5, 2023>
1. Recipients or the second-lowest income bracket under the National Basic Living Security Act;
2. Persons eligible for support under the Single-Parent Family Support Act;
3. Recipients under the Disability Pension Act.
4. Persons who have at least two minor children.
(4) Where the head of the examination administering agency intends to exempt an applicant from an application fee pursuant to paragraph (3), he/she shall verify whether the applicant is eligible for exemption through administrative data matching: Provided, That where the applicant does not consent to the verification thereof or the head of the examination administering agency cannot verify documents through administrative data matching, the applicant shall submit the relevant documents within the period determined by the head of the examination administering agency. <Newly Inserted on Jan. 31, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 36 (Transfer of Public Officials Belonging to National Assembly)
Where the head of the agency conducting an examination wishes public officials belonging to the National Assembly, a court, the Constitutional Court, or the National Election Commission to be transferred to the agency, he/she shall follow the method of a competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials under Article 28 (2) 3 of the Act: Provided That where requirements for qualification for appointment to the relevant grade, the minimum number of years required for promotion, and subjects tested in the open competitive examination for employment are same as those of the competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials, applicants shall be exempted from the written examination in such subjects. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 37 (Methods of Examinations for Changing Jobs)
(1) An examination for changing jobs of public officials at least in Grade V and foreign service officers at least in Grade V shall be administered by dividing it into the primary examination and secondary examination using multiple-choice questions (fill-in-the-blank items may be included); and where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary, he/she may administer an oral examination or practical examination. In such cases, where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary, he/she may exempt public officials from the primary examination.
(2) The primary examination and secondary examination for changing jobs of public officials in Grade VI or lower and foreign service officers in Grade IV or lower shall be concurrently administered using multiple-choice questions; and where the head of the examination administering agency deems it necessary, he/she may administer a practical examination.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the secondary examination for public officials at least in Grade V in the series of classes of correction, protection, prosecution, narcotics investigation, immigration control, railroad police, administration, tax matters, customs, social welfare, statistics, audit and inspection, and librarianship, and foreign service officers at least in Grade V in the series of classes of foreign affairs and trade and consular affairs specified in attached Tables 1 and 2 shall be administered using essay items, and short-answer questions may be included therein. <Amended on Feb. 20, 2013; Dec. 16, 2013>
(4) Deleted. <Dec. 4, 2013>
(5) An examination for changing jobs where a person who passes the bar examination is appointed to a position of a public official in the occupation group of administration shall be administered by means of an oral examination and document screening.
(6) Where subjects tested in the examination overlap each other among the subjects tested in the examination under Article 7 (1) and (2) in the examination for changing jobs among public officials in general service and among foreign service officers, public officials, and foreign service officers shall be exempted from such subjects in the examination: Provided, That this shall not apply to subjects whose method of examination is different or which are elective. <Amended on Dec. 4, 2013>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 38 (Determination of Success in Examination for Changing Jobs)
(1) Persons who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject and at least 60 percent of the total score in all subjects in the primary examination and the secondary examination respectively shall be determined to be persons who pass the primary examination and the secondary examination: Provided, That where the primary examination and secondary examination is concurrently administered pursuant to Article 37 (2), persons who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject and at least 60 percent of the total score in all subjects shall be determined to be persons who pass the combination of primary examination and secondary examination.
(2) The main clause of Article 30 (2) or paragraph (3) of that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an oral examination is administered pursuant to Article 37 (1) and (5). In such cases, a "competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials" shall be deemed an "examination for changing jobs." <Amended on Apr. 22, 2013>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 39 (Methods of Open Competitive Examinations for Promotion to Grade V)
(1) An open competitive examination for promotion to Grade V shall be administered by dividing it into the primary examination, the secondary examination, and the tertiary examination.
(2) Article 22 (2) through (5) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the examination under paragraph (1).
(3) A person who passes the primary examination of the open competitive examination for promotion to Grade V shall be exempted from the primary examination of the next open competitive examination for promotion to Grade V only: Provided, That this shall be limited to cases where he/she is eligible to take the relevant examination from the primary examination of which he/she intends to be exempted.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 40 (Determination of Success in Open Competitive Examinations for Promotion to Grade V)
(1) Persons who pass the primary examination of the open competitive examination for promotion to Grade V shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain high scores in consideration of scores in the examination within five times the number of persons to be selected among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject and at least 60 percent of the total score in all subjects; and persons who pass the secondary examination thereof shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the high total scores in all subjects in consideration of the number of persons to be selected, scores in the examination, conditions of filling vacancies, etc. among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject.
(2) The main clause of Article 30 (2) or paragraph (3) of that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the determination of persons who pass the tertiary examination and final suitability review of the open competitive examination for promotion to Grade V. In such cases, a "competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials" shall be deemed an "open competitive examination for promotion to Grade V." <Amended on Apr. 22, 2013>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 41 (Public Officials Eligible for Open Competitive Examination for Promotion to Grade V)
Where the Minister of Personnel Management deems it necessary to promote a balance of opportunities for promotion among agencies or to select capable public officials, he/she shall administer an open competitive examination for promotion to Grade V intended for public officials in Grade VI in whose case their appointment and promotion are restricted or their eligibility to take the examination is not being suspended, whose minimum number of years required for promotion under Article 31 of the Decree on the Appointment of Public Officials has elapsed. In such cases, whether or not they are eligible to take the examination shall be determined as at the scheduled date of the final examination. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 42 (Request for Examination for General Promotion to Grade V)
(1) Where the appointment recommendation authority requests the head of the agency conducting an examination to conduct the examination for general promotion to Grade V, he/she shall request the head of the examination administering agency to conduct the relevant examination for the number of persons equivalent to at least twice but no more than five times the total number of vacancies summing up the number of vacancies and expected vacancies one by one beginning with persons whose grade is the highest, excluding those whose appointment and promotion are restricted or eligibility take the examination is not being suspended in the list of candidates for promotion to Grade V as at the date the agency is requested to administer the examination within the period fixed by the Minister of Personnel Management. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
(2) The competent Minister shall determine the total number of vacancies under paragraph (1) in accordance with the human resource management plan for each agency formulated pursuant to Article 8 of the Decree for the Appointment of Public Officials, and maintain the appropriate balance between the number of persons to be employed through the open competitive examination and the number of persons to be employed through the competitive examination of experienced public officials for public officials in general service at least in Grade V of the relevant agency. <Amended on Sep. 10, 2009; Nov. 1, 2011>
(3) A person who has authority to make recommendations for and request the appointment of public officials may make requests for an examination for general promotion to Grade V under Article 40-4 (1) of the Act and Article 35-2 (1) 1 through 3 of the Decree on the Appointment of Public Officials up to four times for each public official eligible for promotion to Grade V. In such cases, notwithstanding the rule regarding taking the examination at least twice but no more than five times under paragraph (1), he/she may request the head of the relevant examination administering agency to conduct the examination; and where he/she requests the head of the relevant examination administering agency to conduct the examination for general promotion for reasons under Article 35-2 (1) 1 and 2 of the Decree on the Appointment of Public Officials, he/she may request the head of the relevant examination administering agency to administer the examination for only persons eligible to take the examination for general promotion.
(4) Where the head of the relevant examination administering agency administers the examination for general promotion to fill the total number of vacancies, he/she shall conduct the relevant examination once a year for each agency or each series of classes: Provided, That where the number of persons who pass the examination is less than the total number of vacancies or other special reasons are recognized, he/she may administer an additional examination.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 43 (Methods of Examinations for General Promotion to Grade V)
(1) An examination for general promotion to Grade V shall be conducted by dividing it into the primary examination and the secondary examination, using multiple-choice questions (fill-in-the-blank items may be included) or essay items (subjective short-answer items may be included; hereafter the same shall apply in paragraph (2)): Provided, That where the Minister of Personnel Management deems it necessary, the primary examination and secondary examination may be concurrently administered, and an oral examination or practical examination may be conducted. <Amended on Jun. 29, 2012; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
(2) The competent Minister may request the Minister of Personnel Management to administer the secondary examination of the examination for general promotion to Grade V using essay items. In such cases, he/she shall request the relevant secondary examination using essay items one year before the date the relevant examination is requested to be conducted. <Amended on Jun. 29, 2012; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
(3) Persons who pass the primary examination shall be exempted from the primary examination of the next examination for general promotion to Grade V which they take after meeting the requirements for taking the relevant examination.
(4) An examination for general promotion where persons who pass the bar examination are appointed to positions of public officials in the occupational group of administration shall be administered by means of an oral examination and document screening.
(5) Persons who hold a doctoral degree and a certificate of qualification (or a license), who are exempted from a written examination of the competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials for public officials in Grade V and the competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced foreign service officers for foreign service officers in Grade V pursuant to Article 28 (2) 2 and 10 of the Act and Article 29 (1) of this Decree, take an examination for general promotion to Grade V in the series of classes corresponding to such doctoral degree and certificate of qualification (or such license), the examination for general promotion to Grade V may be administered by means of an oral examination and document screening. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Oct. 8, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 44 (Determination of Success in Examinations for General Promotion to Grade V)
(1) Persons who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject and at least 60 percent of the total scores in all subjects in the primary examination of the examination for general promotion to Grade V shall be determined to be persons who pass the primary examination portion thereof, and, among those who obtain scores at least 40 percent of the perfect score in each subject in the secondary examination thereof (including cases where the primary examination and secondary examination are concurrently administered pursuant to the proviso of Article 43 (1)), persons who pass the secondary examination shall be determined one by one beginning with persons who obtain the highest total scores in the ratio of 70 percent of scores in the examination and 30 percent of the evaluation scores in the list of candidates for promotion until they reach the number of persons requested to pass the secondary examination. <Amended on Jun. 29, 2012>
(2) The main clause of Article 30 (2) or paragraph (3) of that Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the determination of persons who pass the oral examination and final suitability review under Article 43 (1), (4), and (5). In such cases, a "competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials" shall be deemed an "examination for general promotion to Grade V." <Amended on Apr. 22, 2013>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 45 (Suspension of Eligibility to Take Examination for General Promotion)
For any of the following persons in the examination for general promotion to Grade V, his/her eligibility to take an additional examination to be administered in the relevant year shall be suspended:
1. Where he/she fails to pass the examination because he/she obtains a score in at least one subject in the primary examination less than 40 percent of the perfect score;
2. Where he/she fails to take the examination without justifiable reasons, such as a sickness or the performance of duties under other statutes or regulations.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 46 (Calculation of Scores in Examination for Changing Jobs and Examination for Promotion)
(1) Scores under Articles 38, 40, and 44 shall be calculated down to two decimal places.
(2) Where there are persons who obtain the same scores in excess of the number of persons to be selected when determining success in the open competitive examination for promotion and the examination for general promotion, all such persons who obtain the same scores shall be determined to be persons who pass the examination. In such cases, the same score obtained by several persons shall be calculated down to two decimal places (in case of the examination for general promotion, the same score shall be calculated down to three decimal places).
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 47 (Public Announcement of Examination)
(1) Where the head of the agency conducting examinations intends to administer an open competitive examination for employment, open competitive examination for promotion, or examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates, he/she shall publicly announce such examination in daily newspapers, broadcasting, or the Internet, or by other effective means no later than 20 days before the date of examination, so that all applicants may know the following: Provided, That matters required to be publicly announced in advance, such as the schedule of the open competitive examination for employment and the examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates, shall be publicly announced no later than 90 days before the date of examination; and, where he/she alters the details of the public announcement due to reasons beyond his/her control, he/she shall publicly announce the details of the alteration thereof no later than seven days before the date of examination: <Amended on Feb. 12, 2010; May 1, 2012; Nov. 27, 2012>
1. Matters provided for in Article 37 of the Act;
2. Subjects tested in the examination and a percentage allocation of the scores;
3. Time and Method of announcement of persons who pass the examination;
4. Place where application forms are delivered; the place where application forms are received; and the deadline for the receipt thereof;
5. Matters concerning various special favors and benefits to persons who pass the examination;
6. Other matters necessary to administer the examination.
(2) Where the head of the agency conducting examinations intends to conduct a competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials, he/she shall publicly announce matters under the subparagraphs of paragraph (1) on the website, etc. of the agency conducting examinations no later than 10 days before the closing date for receipt of applications for the relevant examination, so that all persons eligible to take the examination may know those matters: Provided, That where he/she alters the details of the public announcement for reasons beyond his/her control, he/she shall publicly announce the details of the alteration thereof no later than seven days before the date of examination. <Amended on Feb. 12, 2010; Nov. 1, 2011; Nov. 15, 2022>
(3) Where the number of persons who take the examination is equal to or less than the number of persons to be selected (including cases where there is no person who takes the examination) after public announcement under paragraph (2), the head of the examination administering agency may determine the date of examination again and publicly announce the competitive examination for the employment of experienced public officials under the main clause of paragraph (2) again. <Newly Inserted on Feb. 12, 2010; Nov. 1, 2011>
(4) To select public officials who work during the term of office on a contractual basis, the head of the examination administering agency need not publicly announce the examination in any of the following cases, notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2): <Newly Inserted on Dec. 4, 2013; Oct. 8, 2014>
1. Where he/she incurs too much expenses in conducting the examination for employment when he/she employs specialized public officials who work the term of office on a contractual basis or there are other extraordinary reasons corresponding thereto;
2. Where he/she employs foreigners and North Korean refugees under subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the North Korean Refugees Protection and Settlement Support Act as public officials who work during the term of office on a contractual basis, in which case there are reasons beyond his/her control;
3. Where he/she employs public officials who work during the term of office on a contractual basis within six months for filling vacancies of persons who take a leave of absence or to implement a project for a short period;
4. Where he/she employs public officials who temporarily work during the term of office on a contractual basis.
(5) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), the head of the examination administering agency may set a different deadline for the public announcement as determined by the Minister of Personnel Management if necessary to urgently recruit human resources due to the occurrence of a disaster, etc. <Newly Inserted on Sep. 22, 2020; Nov. 15, 2022>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 48 (Postponement or Alteration of Examinations)
Where the head of the examination administering agency deems it difficult to conduct the examination on the date publicly announced due to an act of God or other reasons beyond his/her control, he/she may postpone all or part of the examination or conduct the examination after altering the date publicly announced. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
[This Article Newly Inserted on Apr. 4, 2011]
 Article 49 (Inspection of Examinations)
(1) The Minister of Personnel Management shall inspect the implementation of examinations of each agency and may request the competent Minister to take corrective measures where he/she deems that matters concerning the implementation of examinations violate statutes or regulations or the administration of examinations is especially inappropriate. <Amended on Sep. 10, 2009; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
(2) Unless the head of the agency requested to take corrective measures pursuant to paragraph (1) has a proper reason for not taking corrective measures, he/she shall without delay take necessary measures and notify the Minister of Personnel Management of the result thereof. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 49-2 (Inspection of Competitive Examinations, etc. for Employment of Experienced Public Officials)
(1) Where the competent Minister conducts a competitive examination, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials under Article 28 (2) of the Act, he/she shall inspect whether the employment process has been conducted appropriately prior to the announcement of persons who ultimately pass the examination, as determined by the Minister of Personnel Management. <Amended on Nov. 1, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Nov. 19, 2014; Sep. 22, 2020>
(2) Deleted. <Sep. 22, 2020>
[This Article Newly Inserted on Apr. 4, 2011]
[Title Amended on Nov. 1, 2011]
 Article 50 (Payment of Stipends to Examiners)
Stipends shall be paid to examiners, examination proctors and examination developers within the budget.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 51 (Measures against Cheaters)
(1) A person who engages in any of the following acts in an examination for appointment shall be punished by a suspension or annulment of the examination, or his/her success in the examination shall be canceled, and his/her eligibility to take examinations under this Decree or other examinations for the appointment of State public officials shall be suspended for five years from the date such measures are imposed: <Amended on Feb. 12, 2010; Oct. 8, 2014; Nov. 19, 2014>
1. Copying another test taker's answer or showing his/her answer to another test taker;
2. Requesting another person to take the examination on his/her behalf or taking the examination on behalf of another person;
3. Communicating with others concerning the details of the relevant examination using a communications device, other signals, etc.;
4. Having or using unauthorized materials;
5. Having an undue influence on the result of the examination by making a false statement in certificates concerning the examination, such as matters concerning military service, an additional score, scores in the English proficiency test and the Korean History Proficiency Test, or by forging or altering such documents;
6. Taking a prohibited drug or using a prohibited method prescribed and announced by the Minister of Personnel Management for the purpose of having an influence on a practical examination measuring physical strength under Article 5 (4) by means of practice;
7. Having an influence on the result of the examination taken by him/her or another person by other improper means.
(2) A person who engages in any of the following acts in an examination for appointment shall be punished by a suspension or annulment of the examination:
1. Reading examination questions before the commencement of the examination;
2. Answering questions before the commencement of the examination or after the completion of the examination;
3. Having a communications device or electronic calculator not allowed;
4. Other acts prescribed and announced by the head of the examination administering agency as criteria for suspension or annulment of the examination, which have an influence on fair administration of the examination.
(3) No person whose eligibility to take an examination has been suspended because he/she committed cheating in the examination for the appointment of State public officials or local public officials shall take any examination under this Decree during the period of suspension of his/her eligibility.
(4) Where the head of the examination administering agency imposes dispositions under paragraph (1), he/she shall notify the persons on whom dispositions are imposed of the fact along with the reasons therefor, and publish the list of such persons in the Official Gazette. In such cases, the head of the agency conducting examinations shall notify the Minister of Personnel Management of the results of such dispositions. <Amended on May 8, 2018>
(5) Where a person who committed cheating is a public official, the head of the examination administering agency shall request the competent disciplinary committee to vote for disciplinary action or the head of the agency to which the public official belongs to take disciplinary action.
(6) The head of the examination administering agency shall confirm whether a test taker falls under paragraph (1) 6, as prescribed by the Minister of Personnel Management. <Newly Inserted on Oct. 8, 2014; Nov. 19, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 51-2 (Revocation of Success in Examination for Persons Involved in Misconduct in Recruitment)
(1) "Misconduct prescribed by Presidential Decree, etc." in the former part of Article 45-3 (1) of the Act means undermining the fairness of an employment examination, such as intervening in or having undue influence on the employment examination, in violation of statutes or regulations.
(2) Where the head of the examination administering agency or the appointing authority intends to revoke success in an examination or appointment under the former part of Article 45-3 (1) of the Act, he/she shall submit it for deliberation by a deliberative committee on misconduct in recruitment under Article 51-3 (1).
(3) The head of the examination administering agency or the appointing authority shall notify the parties of the following matters no later than 10 days before a meeting of a deliberative committee on misconduct in recruitment prescribed in Article 51-3 (1), under the latter part of Article 45-3 (1) of the Act:
1. Details of and reasons for revoking success in the examination or appointment;
2. Explanation deadline;
3. Explanation methods;
4. Measures to be taken if no explanation is provided;
5. Other matters necessary for explanation.
(4) Where a party in receipt of a notice under paragraph (3) fails to provide an explanation by the deadline specified in paragraph (3) 2 without good cause, the head of the examination administering agency or the appointing authority need not give an additional opportunity to provide explanation.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Nov. 30, 2021]
 Article 51-3 (Establishment of Deliberative Committee on Misconduct in Recruitment)
(1) A deliberative committee on misconduct in recruitment (hereafter in this Article, referred to as "deliberative committee") shall be established under the jurisdiction of the head of the examination administering agency or the appointing authority to deliberate on whether to revoke success in an examination or appointment under the former part of Article 45-3 (1) of the Act.
(2) A deliberative committee shall be comprised of at least five but not more than seven members, including one chairperson.
(3) The chairperson of a deliberative committee shall be the head of the examination administering agency, the appointing authority, or a public official nominated by the head of the examination administering agency or the appointing authority.
(4) The members of a deliberative committee shall be the following persons:
1. A person nominated by the head of the examination administering agency or by the appointing authority, from among public officials whose ranks are higher than the ranks assigned or to be assigned to the person subject to the revocation of success in an examination or appointment (including public officials who are members of the Senior Executive Service);
2. A person commissioned by the head of the examination administering agency or the appointing authority, from among persons with extensive knowledge of and experience in the field of personnel, law, or labor.
(5) Any resolution of a deliberative committee shall require the concurring vote of a majority of the incumbent members.
(6) If necessary for deliberation, a deliberative committee may demand relevant persons to attend its meeting, present opinions, or submit articles of evidence.
(7) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) through (6), matters necessary for the organization and operation, etc. of a deliberative committee shall be determined by the Minister of Personnel Management.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Nov. 30, 2021]
 Article 52 (Issuance of Certificate of Success in Examination)
(1) Where a person who passes the examination for appointment applies for an issuance of the certificate of success in the examination, etc., the head of the examination administering agency shall issue a certificate of success in the examination, etc.
(2) A person who intends to be issued a certificate of success in the examination, etc. shall pay a fee of 200 won per copy by using a revenue stamp: Provided, That where he/she applies for an issuance of the certificate of success in the examination, etc. through the Internet, he/she shall pay a fee by means of electronic money, electronic payment, etc. using the information and communications network; and where he/she is issued a certificate of success in the examination, etc. in electronic form, the fee shall be waived. <Amended on Apr. 4, 2011>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 6, 2009]
 Article 53 (Processing of Sensitive Information and Personally Identifiable Information)
Where unavoidable to conduct the examination and affairs regarding employment under this Decree, the head of the examination administering agency may process the information on health under Article 23 of the Personal Information Protection Act or the data containing resident registration numbers under subparagraph 1 of Article 19 of the Enforcement Decree of that Act or alien registration numbers under subparagraph 4 of that Article.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Apr. 23, 2024]
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 18424, Jun. 11, 2004>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on June 12, 2004: Provided, That matters concerning an examination for the selection of high-level administrative officials in the amended provisions of Articles 7, 22 and 23, and attached Table 1 and 3 shall enter into force on January 1, 2005.
Article 2 (Applicability to Subjects Tested in Primary Examination of Examination for Selection of High-level Administrative Officials, etc.)
Notwithstanding the provisions of attached Tables 1 and 2, the provisions of attached Table 2-2 shall apply to the subjects tested in the primary examination of an examination for the selection of high-level administrative officials and examination for the selection of high-level foreign service officers conducted in 2005 and 2006.
Article 3 (Applicability to Determination, etc. of Success in Oral Examination)
The amended provisions of Articles 5 (3), 23 (3), 25 (3), 29 (3), 30 (2), 38 (2), 40 (2) and 44 (2) shall apply beginning with the first examination publicly announced and conducted after this Decree enters into force.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Transfer of Personnel Management Function)
A person who passes an examination conducted by the Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs pursuant to the former provisions at the time this Decree enters into force shall be deemed a person who passes an examination conducted by the Central Personnel Committee, and, where consultation with the Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs was held or approval of the Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs was obtained in other examinations, and examinations were conducted in accordance with standards or procedures prescribed by Ordinance, instructions, established regulations, etc. of the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs prescribed by the Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs, consultation with the Central Personnel Committee shall be deemed held or approval of the Central Personnel Committee shall be deemed obtained, or examinations shall be deemed conducted pursuant to Presidential Decree or instructions, established regulations, etc. prescribed by the Central Personnel Committee.
Article 5 (Transitional Measures Following Repeal, etc. of Regulations on Exemption from Primary Examination of Examination for Selection of High-level Administrative Officials, etc.)
(1) Persons who meet requirements for exemption from the primary examination of the next examination pursuant to the former provisions of Article 12-2 (5) and (6) (referring to the provisions prior to amendment pursuant to the Decree on Examinations for the Appointment of Public Officials amended by Presidential Decree No. 17496) among those who passed a primary examination of an examination for the selection of high-level foreign service officers conducted before December 31, 2003 and an examination for the selection of high-level administrative officials conducted before December 31, 2004 shall be exempted from the primary examination of the next examination.
(2) Persons who meet the requirements for exemption from the primary examination of an examination for the selection of high-level technical officials conducted before December 31, 2003 shall be exempted from the primary examination of the first examination (referring to the examination in the series of classes which the persons initially passed, which is conducted for the first time) for the selection of high-level administrative officials in the relevant series of classes after 2004.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 18617, Dec. 30, 2004>
(1) (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 2005.
(2) (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted) The former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 18716, Feb. 25, 2005>
(1) (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
(2) and (3) Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 18842, May 26, 2005>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 4 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 18932, Jun. 30, 2005>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on July 1, 2005.
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 19252, Dec. 30, 2005>
(1) (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 20-2 and attached Table 3 shall enter into force on January 1, 2007, respectively.
(2) Deleted <Feb. 20, 2013>
(3) (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted) The former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 19459, Apr. 27, 2006>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on May 1, 2006. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 4 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 19513, Jun. 12, 2006>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on July 1, 2006.
Articles 2 through 4 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 19808, Dec. 29, 2006>
(1) (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 2007: Provided, That the amended provision of Article 23 (2) shall enter into force on January 1, 2008.
(2) (Applicability to Exemption from Primary Examination Following Reorganization of Series of Classes and Sub-series) Where the series of classes or sub-series in which persons took a primary examination at first are altered pursuant to this Decree when they are exempted from the primary examination of the next examination pursuant to the former provisions (referring to the provisions before they are amended pursuant to the Decree on Examinations for the Appointment of Public Officials amended by Presidential Decree No. 17496) of Article 12-2 (5) and (6), among those who passed the primary examination of the examination for the selection of high-level technical officials conducted before December 31, 2003 or the examination for the selection of high-level administrative officials conducted before December 31, 2004, they are deemed to have passed the primary examination in the series of classes or sub-series altered.
(3) (Exceptions to Subjects Tested in Examination in Series of Classes of Protection) In case of an examination in the series of classes of protection to be conducted in 2007, the examination may be conducted in subjects tested in the series of classes of protection and the series of classes of probation under the former provisions.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 20060, May 16, 2007>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20492, Dec. 28, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 5, the proviso to Article 22 (4), and Article 37 (2) shall enter into force on January 1, 2009.
Article 2 (Applicability)
The amended provisions of Articles 4 (4), 5 (4), 20-3, the proviso to Article 22 (4) and Article 37 (2) shall apply beginning with the first examination publicly announced after the respective enforcement date of the relevant Articles.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20650, Feb. 22, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Examinations Being Conducted)
(1) The former provisions shall apply to any examination(s) being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force: Provided, That the head of the agency conducting the examination may also apply the amended provisions of attached Table 4 to the examination being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force in consideration of the steps being taken in the examination, the number of persons to be employed, the number of persons who take the examination and other circumstances.
(2) Where the head of the agency conducting the examination intends to apply the amended provisions of attached Table 4 to the examination being conducted pursuant to the proviso to paragraph (1), he/she shall make a public announcement of the examination again pursuant to Article 47.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20741, Feb. 29, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20888, Jun. 27, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 21086, Oct. 20, 2008>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 16 (1), 17 and 19 (1) and attached Table 4 shall enter into force on January 1, 2009.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21310, Feb. 6, 2009>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability)
(1) The former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the head of the agency conducting the examination may also apply the amended provisions to the examination being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force in consideration of the steps being taken in the examination, the number of persons to be selected, and other circumstances after making a public announcement of the alteration thereof. In such cases, the head of the agency conducting the examination shall take measures lest reliance interest of persons who take the relevant examination should be infringed unreasonably.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21721, Sep. 10, 2009>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the part concerning the subjects tested in the sub-series of design among the series of classes of facilities and the part concerning the name of the series of classes of communication in the amended provisions of attached Table 1 shall enter into force on February 17, 2010, and the part concerning the subjects tested in a secondary examination for the employment of public officials in Grades VIII and IX in the series of classes of administrative affairs of public prosecution and of narcotics investigation in the amended provisions of attached Table 1, and the amended provisions of attached Tables 2 and 10 shall enter into force on January 1, 2011. <Amended on Feb. 12, 2010>
Article 2 (Transitional Measures)
The former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22029, Feb. 12, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 7 (1), 23 (1) and 51 (1) 5, and attached Tables 1 (limited to the part concerning compulsory subjects tested in the primary examination of an examination for the employment of public officials at least in Grade V) 2 and 4 shall enter into force on January 1, 2012.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures)
The former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22835, Apr. 4, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provision of Article 35 (3) shall enter into force on January 1, 2012.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures)
The former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force.
Article 3 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23014, Jul. 4, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That ... (omitted) ... the amended provisions of Article 4 (hereinafter referred to as "amended provisions related to public officials in technical service in Grade X") of Addenda shall enter into force on May 24, 2012.
Articles 2 through 4 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23277, Nov. 1, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 2012: Provided, That the part concerning the subjects tested in the examination for the sub-series of accounting of the series of classes of administrative affairs in the amended provisions of Articles 5 and 34 (4), and attached Table 1, the part concerning master craftsmen of the Republic of Korea in the amended provisions of attached Table 7, the part concerning the certificate of qualification for the sub-series of accounting of the series of classes of administrative affairs in the amended provision of subparagraph 2 (a) of attached Table 8, and the amended provisions of attached Table 12 shall enter into force on the date of their promulgation; the part concerning subjects tested in the secondary examination for the employment of, changing jobs of, and promotion to public officials in Grades VIII and IX in the sub-series of audit and inspection of the series of classes of audit and inspection shall enter into force on January 1, 2013; and the part concerning subjects tested in the examination for the sub-series of computational development of the series of classes of computation in the amended provisions of attached Table 1 shall enter into force on January 1, 2014. <Amended on Jun. 29, 2012>
Article 2 (Transitional Measures)
The former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force.
Article 3 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23644, Feb. 29, 2012>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That ... (omitted) ... the amended provisions of Articles 2 and 3 of Addenda shall enter into force on July 22, 2012.
Articles 2 through 4 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23759, May 1, 2012>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Article 2 (Applicability to Public Announcement of Examination)
Matters that amend the deadline for making a public announcement of the examination, etc. in this Decree shall apply beginning with examinations conducted after January 1, 2013.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23899, Jun. 29, 2012>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 32, attached Tables 1 (excluding the part concerning the series of classes of correction and the part amending the amended provisions of attached Table 1 of the Decree on Examinations for the Appointment of Public Officials amended by Presidential Decree No. 23277) and 13 shall enter into force on January 1, 2013.
Article 2 (Applicability to Return of Application Fees)
The amended provision of Article 35 (2) shall apply beginning with application fees paid to take examinations for the employment of public officials conducted after this Decree enters into force.
Article 3 (Transitional Measures Following Adjustment of Subjects Tested for Series of Classes of Correction)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of attached Table 1, subjects tested in examinations for the sub-series of correction in the series of classes of correction conducted by December 31, 2012 shall be subjects tested in examinations for the sub-series of correction in the series of classes of correction under the former attached Table 1.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted)
The former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24200, Nov. 27, 2012>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Determination of Success in Secondary Examination of Open Competitive Examinations, etc. for Employment of Public Officials in Grade VI or Lower)
The amended provisions of Article 25 (6) and (7) shall apply beginning with open competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of public officials in Grade VI or lower conducted after this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24380, Feb. 20, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24425, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That among Presidential Decrees amended pursuant to Article 6 of Addenda, amended parts of Presidential Decrees which were promulgated before this Decree enters into force, the enforcement dates of which have not come, shall enter into force on the enforcement date of the relevant Presidential Decrees, respectively.
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24504, Apr. 22, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 2014: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 29 (1) 5, and attached Tables 1, 8 and 12 shall enter into force on April 23, 2013.
Article 2 (Applicability)
The amended provisions of Articles 5 (3), 23 (3) through (7), 23-3 (3) through (7), 25 (3) through (9), 30 (1) through (4), 38 (2), 40 (2) and 44 (2) shall apply beginning with the examination publicly announced after January 1, 2014. <Amended on Dec. 4, 2013>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24896, Dec. 4, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on December 12, 2013.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Former Public Officials in Technical Service Who Retired to Become Public Officials in Non-Career Service)
Notwithstanding the amended provision of Article 29 (1), where a person who retired to become a public official in non-career service while in office as a public official in technical service before this Decree enters into force is employed as a public official in general service equivalent to the grade of the former public official in technical service pursuant to Article 28 (2) 1 of the Act, he/she shall be exempted from the examination.
Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Methods of, Procedures for Administration, etc. of Examinations Being Conducted)
The former provisions shall apply to methods of, procedures for administration, etc. of examinations being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25000, Dec. 16, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 8 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25648, Oct. 8, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 20-2 (1) (limited to matters concerning the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade VII), 20-4 (1), 22 (6), the latter part of Article 23 (1), Article 23-2 (2) through (5), Article 23-3 (1), and the proviso to Article 23-3 (2) shall enter into force on January 1, 2015, and the amended provisions of attached Tables 1 and 3-2 shall enter into force on January 1, 2016.
Article 2 (Applicability of Exemption from Primary Examination)
(1) The amended provisions of Article 22 (6) and the latter part of Article 23 (1) shall apply beginning with persons who fail to pass the tertiary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V publicly announced after this Decree enters into force.
(2) The amended provisions of Articles 23-2 (2) and (3) and 23-3 (1) shall apply beginning with persons who fail to pass the tertiary examination of the examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates publicly announced after this Decree enters into force and persons who have not been appointed yet among those who have completed the regular course of study under Article 6 (1) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy Act, who have been selected through examinations for the selection of foreign service officer candidates publicly announced after this Decree enters into force.
Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted)
The former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25751, Nov. 19, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That among Presidential Decrees amended pursuant to Article 5 of Addenda, amended parts of Presidential Decrees which were promulgated before this Decree enters into force, the enforcement dates of which have not come, shall enter into force on the enforcement date of the relevant Presidential Decrees, respectively.
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25840, Dec. 9, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 2015.
Articles 2 through 16 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 26233, May 6, 2015>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of the following subparagraphs shall enter into force on the dates based on the classification under the relevant subparagraphs:
1. The amended provisions of the former part of subparagraph 1 of the remarks of attached Table 3, the former part of subparagraph 1 of the remarks of attached Table 3-2, and the remarks of attached Table 4: Date on which six months have elapsed after the promulgation of the amended provisions of this Decree;
2. The amended provisions concerning alteration of subjects tested in competitive examinations, etc. for the employment of experienced public officials in prosecution service at least in Grade V, examinations for changing jobs and examinations for general promotion among the amended provisions of attached Table 1: January 1, 2016;
3. The amended provisions of Articles 7 (1), 23 (1), 23-3 (1), 25 (1), (2), (6), (7) and (9), 31 (1), (3) and (4), and attached Tables 1 (limited to matters concerning the Constitution in the primary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V), 2, 3 (excluding remarks), 5 (excluding matters concerning the sub-series of information protection of the series of classes of computerization) and 10: January 12, 2017.
Article 2 (Applicability to Adjustment of Period of Recognition of Qualification Examination Replacing English and Foreign Languages as Optional Subjects)
The amended provisions of the former part of subparagraph 1 of the remarks of attached Table 3 and the former part of subparagraph 1 of the remarks of attached Table 3-2 shall apply beginning with persons whose test score has been confirmed true and correct in accordance with the method of explanation announced by the head of the agency conducting the examination pursuant to the amended provisions of the latter part of subparagraph 1 of the remarks of attached Table 3 and the latter part of subparagraph 1 of the remarks of attached Table 3-2, which is a test the period of validity of the score in which prescribed by the relevant company that conducts the English proficiency test, such as the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); and the foreign language proficiency test expires after the date on which one month has elapsed after the promulgation of this Decree.
Article 3 (Exceptions to Exemption from Primary Examination of Open Competitive Examinations for Employment of Public Officials in Grade V and Examinations for Selection of Foreign Service Officer Candidates Following Alteration of Subjects Tested)
(1) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 23 (1) and attached Table 1 (limited to matters concerning the inclusion of the Constitution), persons who meet the requirements for exemption from the primary examination of the next examination pursuant to Article 22 (6) among those who have failed to pass the tertiary examination of the open competitive examination for the employment of public officials in Grade V conducted before the enforcement date under subparagraph 3 of Article 1 of Addenda shall be exempted from the primary examination of the next examination.
(2) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 23-3 (1) and attached Table 2, persons who meet the requirements for exemption from the primary examination of the next examination pursuant to Article 22 (6) among those who have failed to pass the tertiary examination of the examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates conducted before the enforcement date under subparagraph 3 of Article 1 of Addenda shall be exempted from the primary examination of the next examination.
(3) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 23-2 (3) and attached Table 2, persons who meet the requirements for exemption from the primary examination of the next examination pursuant to Article 23-2 (3), who have not been appointed yet, among those who have completed the regular course of study under Article 6 (1) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy Act, who have been selected through examinations for the selection of foreign service officer candidates conducted before the enforcement date under subparagraph 3 of Article 1 of Addenda, shall be exempted from the primary examination of the next examination.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Repeal of Additional Score of Certificate of Qualification in Fields of Communication, Information Processing and Office Management)
"Paragraph (2)" in the amended provision of Article 31 (5) shall be deemed "paragraphs (2) and (3)" until December 31, 2016.
Article 5 (Transitional Measures concerning Exemption from Primary Examination Following Alteration of Subjects Tested in Examinations for General Promotion of Public Officials to Grade V)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of attached Table 1 (limited to matters concerning the alteration of subjects tested in examinations for general promotion of public officials in prosecution service to Grade V), among those who have passed the primary examination of the examination for general promotion of public officials in prosecution service to Grade V conducted in 2015, persons who fall under Article 43 (3) shall be exempted from the primary examination of the next examination.
Article 6 (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted)
The former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 26566, Sep. 25, 2015>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 6 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 26654, Nov. 18, 2015>
This Decree shall enter into force on November 19, 2015.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 26820, Dec. 30, 2015>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions (limited to the part concerning the Constitution in the primary examination of open competitive examinations for the employment of public officials at least in Grade V) of attached Table 1 shall enter into force on January 1, 2017.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted)
The former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted at the time this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27787, Jan. 10, 2017>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force one month after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 and 3 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27823, Jan. 31, 2017>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Period of Determination of Persons Who Additionally Pass Examination)
The amended provisions of Articles 23 (7), 23-3 (7), 25 (9) and 30 (4) shall also apply to examinations for the determination of persons who ultimately pass examinations after this Decree enters into force, which were publicly announced before this Decree enters into force.
Article 3 (Applicability to Special Favor in Examinations for Employment to Persons Who Died or Were Injured for Public Good)
The amended provision of Article 31-2 (1) shall apply beginning with the examination publicly announced after this Decree enters into force.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Articles 34 (2) 5 through 7 and (3) 3, and 35 (4), the former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted, final successful applicants at which have not been announced, at the time this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 28878, May 8, 2018>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted)
Notwithstanding the amendments to Articles 29 and 51 (4), the former provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted as at the time this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 29029, Jul. 3, 2018>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 29374, Dec. 18, 2018>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 2019: Provided, That the amendments to Articles 7 (1), 24, 25, and 31 (5), and attached Tables 1, 2 (limited to the amendments to the row of compulsory subjects of the primary examination of open competitive examinations for the employment of public officials in Grade IV or lower belonging to the functional category and subcategory of foreign affairs consul, or functional category and subcategory of diplomatic information technology) and 4 shall enter into force on January 1, 2021.
Article 2 (Valid Period)
The amended provisions of Articles 23-2 (2) 2 and 23-4 shall be effective until December 31, 2020.
Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Person Who Fails Tertiary Examination for Selection of Foreign Service Officer Candidates in Field of Regional Diplomacy or Specialty in Diplomatic Relations)
Notwithstanding the amendments to Article 23-2 (2) 2, a person who has failed the tertiary examination for the selection of foreign service officer candidates in the field of regional diplomacy or specialty in diplomatic relations shall be exempt from the primary examination only for the next examination: Provided, That he/she shall submit an application for the next examination to be exempt from the primary examination.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 30200, Nov. 5, 2019>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 32 (1), (4), and (5) and attached Tables 1 and 13 shall enter into force on January 1, 2022.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 32 (1), (4), and (5) and attached Tables 1 and 13, the previous provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted as at the time of the enforcement date prescribed in the proviso of Article 1 of the Addenda.
ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 31046, Sep. 22, 2020>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of attached Table 4 of the Decree on Public Officials Appointment Examinations (Presidential Decree No. 29374) shall enter into force on January 1, 2021.
Article 2 (Applicability to Period of Recognition of Proficiency Tests Replacing Subjects)
The amended provisions of attached Tables 3, 3-2, and 4 shall also apply to examinations which were publicly announced before this Decree enters into force and for which persons who ultimately pass examinations are determined on or after the date this Decree enters into force.
Article 3 (Special Cases concerning Subjects Tested in for Employment of Public Officials of Grades VI and VII for Sub-Series to Be Newly Established)
Of the amended provisions of the fields stating compulsory subjects tested in the primary examination for the employment of public officials in Grades VI and VII, for the sub-series of the operation of marks under the series of classes of maritime affairs and fisheries and the sub-series of data under the series of classes of computerization in attached Table 1, "language and logic field, the data interpretation field, and the situation analysis field" shall be construed as "Korean language (including Chinese characters)" until December 31, 2020.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Determination of Additional Persons Who Pass Examination)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 30 (4), the previous provisions shall apply where persons who ultimately pass the examination were announced before this Decree enters into force.
Article 5 (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Articles 47 (5), 49-2 (1) and (2), and attached Tables 1, 5, 8, 11, and 12, examinations being conducted as at the time this Decree enters into force shall be governed by the previous provisions.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 31380, Jan. 5, 2021>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 31614, Apr. 6, 2021>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on April 6, 2021.
Articles 2 and 3 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 32163, Nov. 30, 2021>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 7 (1) 2 and 25 (2) (limited to the provisions where a foreign language as an optional subject in an open competitive examination for the employment of foreign service officers equivalent to Grade VII in the series of class of consular affairs is replaced with a foreign language proficiency test), attached Table 1, and subparagraph 1 of Note of attached Table 3-2 shall enter into force on January 1, 2024; and the amended provisions of Articles 51-2 and 51-3 shall enter into force on December 9, 2021.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 35 (3) and attached Tables 8 and 12, the previous provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted as at the time this Decree enters into force.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 32998, Nov. 15, 2022>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of the following subparagraphs shall enter into force on the dates based on the classification under the relevant subparagraphs:
1. The amended provisions of attached Tables 4 and 5 (limited to matters regarding the sub-series of the maritime affairs and fisheries, aviation, and cooking): January 1, 2023;
2. The amended provisions of Article 16 (1), attached Table 5 (limited to matters regarding the sub-series of computerization), and attached Table 12: January 1, 2024;
3. The amended provisions of Article 11 (2) and attached Tables 1 and 2: January 1, 2025.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted)
(1) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Articles 35 (2) 4 and 47 (2) and (5), the previous provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted as at the time this Decree enters into force.
(2) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of attached Table 5 (limited to matters regarding the sub-series of maritime affairs and fisheries, aviation, facilities, and cooking), the previous provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted as at the time of the enforcement date prescribed in subparagraph 1 of Article 1 of the Addenda.
(3) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 16 (1), attached Table 5 (limited to matters regarding the sub-series of computerization), and attached Table 12, the previous provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted as at the time of the enforcement date prescribed in subparagraph 2 of Article 1 of the Addenda.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 33382, Apr. 11, 2023>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on June 5, 2023.
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 33657, Aug. 1, 2023>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the following amended provisions shall enter into force on the dates prescribed in the relevant subparagraphs:
1. The amended provisions of Articles 5 (3), 23 (3), 23-3 (3), 23-4 (3), 25 (3), 30 (2), and 35 (3): January 1, 2024;
2. The amended provisions of attached Table 12: January 1, 2025.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted)
(1) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Articles 4 (6), 27 (2), and 34 (6) and attached Tables 7 and 8, the previous provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted as at the time this Decree enters into force.
(2) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Articles 5 (3) and 35 (3), the previous provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted as of the enforcement date under subparagraph 1 of Article 1 of the Addenda.
(3) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of attached Table 12, the previous provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted as of the enforcement date under subparagraph 2 of Article 1 of the Addenda.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 33692, Aug. 30, 2023>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 33910, Dec. 5, 2023>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the following amended provisions shall enter into force on the dates prescribed in the relevant subparagraphs:
1. The amended provisions of Article 35 (3) of the Decree on Public Officials Appointment Examinations, as partially amended by Presidential Decree (Decree No. 33657): January 1, 2024;
2. The amended provisions of the latter part of Article 25 (9), and paragraph (10) and the amended provisions of subparagraph 2 of attached Table 1 of the Decree on Public Officials Appointment Examinations, as partially amended by President Decree (Decree No. 32998): January 1, 2025.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Examinations Being Conducted)
(1) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Articles 8, 14 (3), and 29, the previous provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted as at the time this Decree enters into force.
(2) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of the latter part of Article 25 (9) and (10), the previous provisions shall apply to examinations being conducted as at the enforcement date under subparagraph 2 of Article 1 of the Addenda.
Article 3 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 34449, Apr. 23, 2024>
This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)