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Act No. 6353, Jan. 16, 2001

Amended by Act No. 6815, Dec. 26, 2002

Act No. 7015, Dec. 30, 2003

Act No. 7159, Jan. 29, 2004

Act No. 7218, Sep. 23, 2004

Act No. 7805, Dec. 30, 2005

Act No. 7989, Sep. 27, 2006

Act No. 8389, Apr. 27, 2007

Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008

Act No. 9088, Jun. 5, 2008

Act No. 9089, Jun. 5, 2008

Act No. 9992, Feb. 4, 2010

Act No. 10412, Dec. 27, 2010

Act No. 10445, Mar. 9, 2011

Act No. 10878, Jul. 21, 2011

Act No. 11620, Jan. 23, 2013

Act No. 11713, Mar. 23, 2013

Act No. 12673, May 28, 2014

Act No. 12869, Dec. 30, 2014

Act No. 13339, Jun. 22, 2015

Act No. 13511, Dec. 1, 2015

Act No. 13578, Dec. 22, 2015

Act No. 13579, Dec. 22, 2015

Act No. 14122, Mar. 29, 2016

Act No. 14839, Jul. 26, 2017

Act No. 15344, Jan. 16, 2018

Act No. 15556, Apr. 17, 2018

Act No. 16526, Aug. 27, 2019

Act No. 17340, Jun. 9, 2020

Act No. 17343, Jun. 9, 2020

Act No. 17347, Jun. 9, 2020

Act No. 17671, Dec. 22, 2020

Act No. 18069, Apr. 20, 2021

Act No. 18642, Dec. 28, 2021

Act No. 18727, Jan. 11, 2022

Act No. 18863, Jun. 10, 2022

Act No. 19574, Aug. 8, 2023

Act No. 19990, Jan. 9, 2024

 Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the national economic development, and further to the elevation of quality of citizens’ life and the development of human society by creating the basis for development of science and technology, innovating science and technology, and strengthening the national competitiveness.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 2 (Fundamental Concepts)
The fundamental concepts of this Act are to harmonize scientific and technological innovation with the natural environment and social ethical values based upon human dignity, to make sure that such innovation becomes a driving force for the development of economy and society, that the autonomy and creativity of the scientists and engineers are respected, and that the natural science, humanities and social science evolve in a balanced, inter-connected manner.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 3 (Relationship to Other Statutes)
When other statutes concerning science and technology are enacted or amended, they shall be commensurate with the purpose and fundamental concepts of this Act.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 4 (Responsibilities of the State and Ethics of Scientists and Engineers)
(1) The State shall formulate and implement comprehensive policies for scientific and technological innovation and the development of economy and society through innovation.
(2) Local governments shall formulate and implement the policies for promoting local science and technology in consideration of State’s policies and local characteristics.
(3) The State and a local government shall enact or amend any statutes, regulations, or municipal ordinances in conformity with the purpose of this Act. <Added on Aug. 27, 2019>
(4) Enterprises, educational institutions, research institutes, science- and technology-related institutions and organizations, etc. shall actively perform scientific and technological activities and make utmost efforts so as to maximize utilization of their outcomes. <Added on May 28, 2014; Aug. 27, 2019>
(5) Scientists and engineers shall voluntarily perform scientific and technological activities, and also in a faithful manner in consideration of social and ethical impacts of science and technology, and shall realize the fundamental concepts of this Act and contribute to the development of science and technology by demonstrating their own ability and creativity, recognizing that the role of science and technology is crucial for the development of economy and society. <Amended on May 28, 2014; Aug. 27, 2019>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 5 (Emphasis on Science and Technology Policy and Fostering Open Innovation)
(1) The Government shall provide proactive support for boosting creative research and development and open innovation activities in the fields of science and technology by mobilizing necessary resources to the maximum extent to ensure that science and technology play a pivotal role in resolving economic and social issues and achieving future-oriented strategies through the formulation and implementation of science and technology policies. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; May 28, 2014>
(2) The Government shall formulate and implement policies necessary for facilitating scientification and computerization in formulating and executing policies.
(3) The Government shall widen participation of non-governmental specialists or relevant organizations in the process of formulating and executing science and technology policies in order to enhance the transparency and rationality of science and technology policies, and shall devise the means for gathering diverse opinions from the general public.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
[Title Amended on Dec. 27, 2010]
 Article 6 (Construction of National Science and Technology Innovation System)
(1) The Government shall construct an effective national science and technology innovation system so that enterprises, educational institutions, research institutes, and science- and technology-related institutions and organizations actively engage in activities to innovate science and technology conforming to the knowledge-based economic society. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
(2) The Government shall create an environment and basis for building the national science and technology innovation system under paragraph (1), and formulate and implement policies necessary for enterprises, educational institutions, research institutes, and science- and technology-related institutions and organizations or their members to smoothly exchange, connect and share human resources, knowledge, information, etc. among themselves. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 7 (Master Plans for Science and Technology)
(1) The Government shall set mid- and long-term policy objectives and directions relating to the development of science and technology in order to efficiently achieve the purpose of this Act, and shall finalize them after deliberation by the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology under the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Advisory Council on Science and Technology"). <Amended on May 28, 2014; Jan. 16, 2018>
(2) The Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate a master plan for science and technology (hereinafter referred to as "master plan"), every five years, in consideration of mid- and long-term policy objectives and directions under paragraph (1) and plans, policies, etc. for science and technology formulated by the relevant central administrative agencies, and shall finalize the master plan after deliberation by the Advisory Council on Science and Technology. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; May 28, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017; Jan. 16, 2018>
(3) A master plan shall include the following: <Amended on Mar. 9, 2011; May 28, 2014; Apr. 20, 2021>
1. The objectives for developing science and technology, and basic direction-setting for policies thereof;
2. The direction-setting for promoting policies for industry and human resources relating to scientific and technological innovation, and policies for regional technological innovation, and similar policies;
3. Increasing investments in science and technology;
4. Promoting science and technology research and development and fostering cooperative and convergent research and development;
4-2. Securing future promising technologies;
5. Cultivating capabilities for scientific and technological innovation by enterprises, educational institutions, and science- and technology-related institutions and organizations;
6. Disseminating research and development outcomes, fostering technology transfer and commercialization, and invigorating technology-based startups;
6-2. Discovering and fostering science and technology-based growth engine industries;
6-3. Improving quality of life and resolution of economic and social issues as well as global problems, through the utilization of science and technology;
7. Advancing basic research;
8. Diversifying science and technology education and elevating the quality thereof;
9. Training human resources in science and technology and promoting the utilization thereof;
10. Expanding and managing scientific and technological knowledge and information resource and constructing the distribution systems;
11. Advancing local science and technology;
12. Fostering the internationalization of science and technology;
13. Fostering inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation of science and technology;
14. Fostering the promotion of scientific and technological culture;
15. Fostering scientific and technological innovation in non-governmental sectors;
15-2. Improving the systems for or legal provisions of encouraging scientific and technological innovation;
15-3. Encouraging the creation, protection, and utilization of science and technology-based intellectual property and building infrastructure therefor;
15-4. Realization of science and technology for enhancing social values, taking into account characteristics, such as gender;
16. Other important matters prescribed by Presidential Decree concerning the advancement of science and technology.
(4) The heads of relevant central administrative agencies and the heads of local governments shall formulate and pursue annual implementation plans, according to the relevant master plan.
(5) The Minister of Science and ICT shall annually compile and check the implementation plans for the relevant year in accordance with paragraph (4) and the records of actual achievements for the previous year and submit them to the Advisory Council on Science and Technology for deliberation, and the detailed matters thereon shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 1, 2015; Jul. 26, 2017; Jan. 16, 2018; Aug. 27, 2019>
(6) The heads of central administrative agencies and the heads of local governments shall follow the relevant mater plan in devising the plans for science and technology. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
(7) When necessary for setting the mid- and long-term policy objectives and directions pursuant to paragraph (1), or for formulating a master plan, the Minister of Science and ICT may request the head of a relevant central administrative agency, local government, educational institution and research institute, or science- and technology-related institution and organization to submit necessary materials. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; May 28, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
(8) The Minister of Science and ICT shall report a master plan to the National Assembly. <Added on Aug. 27, 2019>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 7-2 (Mid- and Long-Term Investment Strategies for National Research and Development)
(1) For the strategic investment of the budget for national research and development projects under Article 12-2, the Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate a mid- and long-term investment strategy for national research and development on a five-year basis (hereinafter referred to as "mid- and long-term investment strategy") in consultation with the head of a relevant central administrative agency according to the relevant master plan and shall finalize such strategy after deliberation by the Advisory Council on Science and Technology.
(2) A mid- and long-term investment strategy shall include the following:
1. The objectives of mid- and long-term investment for national research and development, and the direction-setting thereof;
2. The fields of national research and development and how to allocate investment resources for each stage of progress;
3. Ways to share roles between national research and development projects and private research and development projects;
4. Other matters concerning the strategic investment of the budget for national research and development projects prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(3) The Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate an annual implementation plan that includes the direction-setting of, and the standards for, national research and development investment according to the relevant mid- and long-term investment strategy and shall implement such plan.
(4) The Government shall reflect mid- and long-term investment strategies in establishing policies for the fields of science and technology, promoting projects, and adjusting budgets, except in extenuating circumstances such as fiscal adjustment by the Government.
(5) Matters necessary for formulating mid- and long-term investment strategies and implementation plans under paragraph (3) and for implementing such strategies and plans shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Added on Jun. 9, 2020]
 Article 8 (Comprehensive Plans for Advancing Local Science and Technology)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate a comprehensive plan every five years for advancing local science and technology to expedite advancement of local science and technology after deliberation by the Advisory Council on Science and Technology, and shall inform the heads of local governments of the comprehensive plan. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017; Jan. 16, 2018>
(2) The comprehensive plan for advancing local science and technology formulated under paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as "comprehensive plan for advancing local science and technology") shall include the following: <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; May 28, 2014>
1. Support for research and development projects;
2. Support for construction of infrastructure for science and technology;
3. Dissemination of outcomes and promotion of industrialization of advancement of local science and technology;
3-2. Matters concerning the strengthening of capabilities for scientific and technological innovation by any such enterprises, educational institutions, research institutes, science- and technology-related institutions and organizations, etc. as are located at local districts;
4. Support for the training of human resources in local science and technology and industrial manpower, and for the construction of the distribution systems for scientific and technological information;
5. Other matters necessary for the advancement of local science and technology.
(3) The Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate and implement an annual implementation plan for the comprehensive plan for advancing local science and technology. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(4) The Government may, within the budget, provide contributions or subsidies to cover all or part of the expenses incurred in performing the projects under paragraph (2) executed by local governments, and any such enterprises, educational institutions, research institutes, science- and technology-related institutions and organizations, etc. as are located at local districts. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 8-2 (Preparation of Annual Reports)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT shall prepare an annual report on the implementation plans and the records of actual achievements of the master plan, mid- and long-term investment strategy, and comprehensive plan for advancing local science and technology and submit them to the National Assembly before the opening of a regular session of the National Assembly annually. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017; Jun. 9, 2020>
(2) An annual report under paragraph (1) shall include the following: <Amended on Aug. 27, 2019; Jun. 9, 2020>
1. Main contents of the master plan;
2. The records of actual achievements for the previous year and the implementation plans for the relevant year, which are compiled pursuant to Article 7 (5);
2-2. Main contents of the mid- and long-term investment strategy;
2-3. The annual implementation plan under Article 7-2 (3);
2-4. Actual achievements of the annual implementation plan under subparagraph 2-3 for the previous year;
3. Main contents of the comprehensive plan for advancing local science and technology;
4. The annual implementation plan under Article 8 (3);
5. The records of major actual achievements for the previous year of the annual implementation plan under subparagraph 4;
6. The result of checking the implementation plan and actual achievements under subparagraphs 2, 2-3, 4 and 5;
7. Other matters regarding development of science and technology prescribed by Presidential Decree, which need to be reported to the National Assembly.
[This Article Added on Dec. 1, 2015]
 Article 8-3 (Enactment of Municipal Ordinances)
A local government may prescribe matters necessary for formulating and implementing policies to facilitate the advancement of local science and technology by its municipal ordinance.
[This Article Added on Aug. 27, 2019]
 Article 8-4 (Establishment of Advisory Organization Specializing in Science and Technology)
(1) The head of a central administrative agency and the head of a local government may establish and operate an advisory organization composed of specialized institutions, organizations, etc. related to science and technology (hereinafter referred to as "advisory organization specializing in science and technology") where necessary to facilitate the formulation and implementation of science and technology policies.
(2) The State may provide the necessary administrative and financial support to ensure the smooth operation of an advisory organization specializing in science and technology established under the jurisdiction of a local government.
(3) Matters necessary for the composition and operation of an advisory organization specializing in science and technology established and operated by the head of a central administrative agency shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree, and matters necessary for the composition and operation of an advisory organization specializing in science and technology established and operated by the head of a local government shall be prescribed by ordinance of the local government to the extent prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Added on Jun. 10, 2022]
 Article 9 Deleted. <Jan. 16, 2018>
 Article 9-2 Deleted. <Jan. 16, 2018>
 Article 9-3 Deleted. <Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 9-4 Deleted. <Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 9-5 Deleted. <Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 9-6 Deleted. <Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 9-7 Deleted. <Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 9-8 Deleted. <Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 9-9 Deleted. <Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 9-10 Deleted. <Jan. 16, 2018>
 Article 9-11 Deleted. <Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 9-12 Deleted. <Mar. 23, 2013>
 Article 10 Deleted. <Jan. 16, 2018>
 Article 11 (Promotion of National Research and Development Projects)
(1) The head of a central administrative agency shall formulate and implement policies to conduct national research and development projects in the fields under his or her jurisdiction according to the master plan. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
(2) Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2020>
(3) Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2020>
(4) Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2020>
(5) Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2020>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 11-2 Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2020>
 Article 11-3 Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2020>
 Article 11-4 Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2020>
 Article 11-5 Deleted. <May 28, 2014>
 Article 12 (Survey, Analysis and Evaluation of National Research and Development Projects)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT shall conduct a survey, analysis and evaluation (hereinafter referred to as "evaluation, etc.") of national research and development projects annually. In such cases, evaluation-related matters shall be governed by the Act on the Performance Evaluation and Management of National Research and Development Projects. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) The Minister of Science and ICT may avoid conducting a survey on and analysis of the national research and development projects in the field of national defense, which are prescribed by Presidential Decree, notwithstanding the former part of paragraph (1). <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) The Minister of Science and ICT may request the relevant central administrative agencies, local governments, related education and research institutes, corporations or organizations participating in the national research and development projects to submit necessary materials in order to conduct an evaluation, etc. of the national research and development projects, and the agencies, corporations or organizations in receipt of such request shall comply therewith in the absence of special circumstances. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(4) Where the heads of relevant central administrative agencies promote the national research and development projects under their jurisdictions, they shall reflect the results of evaluation, etc. in such projects to achieve maximum efficiency in investments in research and development.
(5) Matters necessary for the scope, methods of, and procedures for the survey and analysis under the former part of paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(6) Deleted. <Dec. 27, 2010>
(7) Deleted. <Dec. 27, 2010>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 12-2 (Allotment and Coordination of Budget for National Research and Development Projects)
(1) The head of a central administrative agency related to a national research and development project shall submit his or her opinion on the investment priority of the relevant national research and development project for a subsequent year to the Minister of Economy and Finance and the Minister of Science and ICT by no later than October 31 annually. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017; Jun. 9, 2020>
(2) The head of each relevant central administrative agency shall submit to the Minister of Science and ICT, by no later than January 31 annually, a mid-term project plan for new projects scheduled to last for a period of at least five consecutive fiscal years, from the current fiscal year in which the plan is submitted to the Minister of Economy and Finance and for major continuing projects determined by the Minister of Economy and Finance, which are submitted to the Minister of Economy and Finance pursuant to Article 28 of the National Finance Act. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) The Minister of Science and ICT shall review mid-term project plans prescribed in paragraph (2), refer them to the Advisory Council on Science and Technology for deliberation, and notify the Minister of Economy and Finance and the heads of relevant central administrative agencies of the direction-setting of and the standards for national research and development investment under Article 7-2 (3) by no later than March 15 annually. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 30, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017; Jan. 16, 2018; Jun. 9, 2020>
(4) The head of a relevant central administrative agency shall submit to the Minister of Science and ICT by no later than May 31 annually, the budget request for national research and development projects out of the agency’s budget requests submitted to the Minister of Economy and Finance pursuant to Article 31 (1) of the National Finance Act. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Dec. 30, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
(5) As to the opinion on the investment priorities for national research and development projects, and the mid-term project plan and the budget request submitted by the head of each relevant central administrative agency pursuant to paragraphs (1), (2) and (4), the Minister of Science and ICT shall prepare the following, as prescribed by Presidential Decree, in connection with the survey, analysis, and evaluation of the national research and development projects prescribed in Article 12, refer them to the Advisory Council on Science and Technology for deliberation, and inform the Minister of Economy and Finance of the results thereof by no later than June 30 annually: <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 9, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; May 28, 2014; Dec. 30, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017; Jan. 16, 2018>
1. The objectives of the national research and development projects and the direction-setting for promotion thereof;
2. Investment priorities for the national research and development projects for each field and project;
3. The direction-setting for allocating the budget for national research and development projects and details of allocation and coordination of the budget for major national research and development projects prescribed by Presidential Decree;
3-2. Details of distributions and adjustments of the budget including the expenses required to operate the National Research Council of Science and Technology and other government-funded science and technology research institutes under the Act on the Establishment, Operation and Fostering of Government-Funded Science and Technology Research Institutes, specific research institutes under the Specific Research Institutes Support Act, the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology under the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Act, and other research institutes prescribed by the Presidential Decree;
4. Coordination of and linkage among similar or overlapping national research and development projects;
5. Appropriateness of investment in large-scale national research and development projects and direction-setting for targeted promotion and improvement thereof;
6. Division of duties among ministries and agencies for national research and development projects involving multiple ministries and agencies;
7. Matters concerning the advancement of basic research and local science and technology;
8. Matters concerning support for technological innovation of small and medium enterprises;
9. Other matters necessary for enhancing the efficiency of investment in national research and development projects.
(6) Where necessary to efficiently formulate matters referred to in the subparagraphs of paragraph (5) for each field of national research and development projects, the Minister of Science and ICT may designate an institution specializing in supporting such matters, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. In such cases, the Minister of Science and ICT may fully or partially subsidize expenses incurred in conducting such support affairs. <Added on Dec. 28, 2021>
(7) Notwithstanding paragraphs (2) and (4), submission of the mid-term business plan and the budget request that are determined by the Minister of National Defense in consultation with the Minister of Science and ICT among the mid-term project plans and the budget requests for national research and development projects in the national defense field may be omitted. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017; Dec. 28, 2021>
(8) The Minister of Economy and Finance shall draw up a budget for a subsequent year by reflecting the outcomes of deliberation by the Advisory Council on Science and Technology under paragraph (5) therein, except in extenuating circumstances, including fiscal adjustment by the Government. <Added on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jan. 16, 2018; Dec. 28, 2021>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
[Title Amended on Mar. 23, 2013]
 Article 12-3 (Submission of Opinions about Selection of Projects Subject to Preliminary Feasibility Studies)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT may conduct technology evaluation of a national research and development project prescribed by Presidential Decree for which an application has been filed by the head of a central administrative agency to be selected as a project subject to a preliminary feasibility study pursuant to Article 38 (2) of the National Finance Act, and may submit his or her opinion as to whether it is eligible before the Minister of Economy and Finance selects projects subject to a preliminary feasibility study. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) With respect to the national research and development projects subject to technology evaluations under paragraph (1), the Minister of Economy and Finance shall select projects subject to a preliminary feasibility study from among the national research and development projects for which the Minister of Science and ICT has submitted his or her opinion that they are eligible after conducting technology evaluations thereof. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) Standards for, methods of conducting technology evaluation under paragraph (1), and other necessary matters shall be as determined by the Minister of Economy and Finance in consultation with the Minister of Science and ICT. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Added on Dec. 27, 2010]
 Article 13 (Science and Technology Forecasting)
(1) The Government shall periodically forecast development trends in science and technology and accompanying changes in future society, and shall reflect the outcomes of such forecast in science and technology policies. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
(2) The Government shall endeavor to discover and develop new technologies based on the forecasts under paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as "science and technology forecasting"). <Amended on May 28, 2014>
(3) When necessary for forecasting science and technology, the Minister of Science and ICT may request the head of a relevant central administrative agency, the head of a relevant local government, the head of an enterprise, educational institution, or research institute, and the head of a science- and technology-related institution or organization to submit necessary materials. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; May 28, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
[Title Amended on May 28, 2014]
 Article 14 (Technology Assessment and Evaluation)
(1) The Government shall conduct a prior assessment on impact of the developments of new science and technology on economy, society, culture, ethics, environment, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "technology assessment"), and reflect outcomes thereof in the policies.
(2) The Government shall evaluate the level of advancement of core technologies of national importance (hereinafter referred to as "technology evaluation") to promote the development of science and technology, and formulate and implement the policies to enhance the relevant technological levels.
(3) The Government conducts a technology assessment, it shall ensure that the analysis of characteristics, such as gender, is reflected in consideration of the nature of a target technology. <Added on Apr. 20, 2021>
(4) Matters necessary for the scope of, and procedure, etc. for, the technology assessment and evaluation shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Apr. 20, 2021>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 15 (Advancement of Basic Research)
In order to advance basic research serving as the foundation for scientific and technological innovation, the Government shall formulate and implement comprehensive policies, such as those for invigorating research conducted by academia- and government-funded research institutes, boosting mutual linkage and cooperation among them, and reliably supporting research funds. <Amended on Feb. 4, 2010; Mar. 9, 2011; May 28, 2014>
[Title Amended on Mar. 9, 2011]
 Article 15-2 (Promotion of Risk-Taking in Research and Development)
(1) The Government shall actively promote and support risk-taking in research and development, and endeavor to give priority to securing financial resources incurred therein, in order to achieve innovation in science and technology.
(2) The Government shall formulate and implement policies to develop a culture to foster risk-taking in research and development, such as the encouragement of creativity in research, and the adoption of proposal and performance evaluations focusing on the ripple effects of research.
(3) In order to promote risk-taking in research and development, the Government may implement national research and development projects by allowing two or more research institutes or researchers to compete on the same research subject.
(4) The Government may implement national research and development projects by not making advance payments of expenses for research and development but by organizing an open competition on risk-taking research and development objectives, to pay, within the budget, the expenses or monetary rewards to any research institute or researcher that has shown outstanding outcomes as a result of the performance evaluation.
(5) Expenditure on national research and development projects, requiring mid- to long-term investment, which involve risk-taking or innovation, may be disbursed over the course of several years within the ceiling on the total amount of the expenditure and annual installments determined and approved in advance by the National Assembly in accordance with Article 23 of the National Finance Act.
(6) Matters necessary for the implementation of national research and development projects, the creative conduct of research, etc. to promote risk-taking in research and development under paragraphs (2) through (5) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Added on Dec. 22, 2020]
 Article 16 (Support for Scientific and Technological Innovation in Private Sector)
(1) In order to support research and development in the private sector, such as enterprises, to encourage the sharing and joint use of technologies between enterprises and to promote the commercialization, etc. of technologies, the Government shall formulate and implement diverse policies, including human resources supply, tax systems, financial supports, preferential purchases, certification of new excellent technologies and new excellent products, etc. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
(2) The Government shall implement the policies prescribed in paragraph (1) preferentially for technology-intensive small or medium enterprises and technology-based startups. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
[Title Amended on May 28, 2014]
 Article 16-2 (Protection and Security of Research and Development Outcomes)
(1) The Government shall actively provide support so that outcomes of national research and development projects as well as research and development in the private sector (hereinafter referred to as "research and development outcomes") worthy of protection may be protected through the establishment, etc. of the intellectual property rights.
(2) Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2020>
(3) Deleted. <Jun. 9, 2020>
[This Article Added on May 28, 2014]
 Article 16-3 (Dissemination of Research and Development Outcomes, and Technology Transfer and Commercialization)
(1) The Government shall formulate and implement policies concerning the following to encourage dissemination of research and development outcomes, and transfer and commercialization of technologies:
1. Management and distribution of information on the following matters: diffusion of research and development outcomes; transfer of technology relevant to such outcomes; and commercialization thereof;
2. Fostering the organs established, for the following matters, at institutions or organizations as established educational institutions and research institutes: diffusion of research and development outcomes; transfer of technology relevant to such outcomes; and commercialization thereof;
3. Training professional human resources;
4. Exchanges of and cooperation with respect to human resources, technologies, infrastructure, etc. among enterprises, educational institutions, research institutes, and science- and technology-related institutions and organizations;
5. Revitalization of technology evaluation, and financial assistance for technologies;
6. Other matters necessary for promoting the dissemination of research and development outcomes, and transfer and commercialization of technologies.
(2) The heads of central administrative agencies may implement projects according to policies under paragraph (1), and may request enterprises, educational institutions, research institutes, and science- and technology-related institutions and organizations to perform any relevant projects and may then provide contributions or subsidies to cover all or part of the expenses incurred in performing such projects.
(3) For the efficient implementation of projects under paragraph (2), the heads of central administrative agencies may designate specialized institutions for performing any task of planning, etc. of the said projects, etc. on behalf thereof and provide contributions or subsidies to cover all or part of the expenses incurred in performing such task.
[This Article Added on May 28, 2014]
 Article 16-4 (Promotion of Technology-Based Startups)
(1) The Government shall formulate and implement policies necessary for promoting technology-based startups by accelerating convergence with various sectors including culture, based on creative ideas, new technologies, scientific technologies and information and communication technologies, and for strengthening scientific and technological innovation capabilities of small and medium enterprises and venture companies. <Amended on Dec. 22, 2015>
(2) With respect of implementing projects according to the policies prescribed in paragraph (1), Article 16-3 (2) and (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis.
(3) The heads of central administrative agencies may designate a specialized agency for each region to comprehensively support relevant affairs to ensure that the policies referred to in paragraph (1) are successfully put in place in each region. <Added on Dec. 22, 2015>
(4) The Government and local governments may provide contributions or subsidies to cover all or part of the expenses incurred in operating the specialized agency referred to in paragraph (3) and implementing projects within the budget. <Added on Dec. 22, 2015>
(5) Matters necessary for the designation and operation, etc. of the specialized agency under paragraph (3) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Added on Dec. 22, 2015>
[This Article Added on May 28, 2014]
 Article 16-5 (Discovery and Fostering of Growth Engines)
(1) The Government shall formulate and implement policies necessary for discovering and fostering growth engines based on science and technology.
(2) When formulating policies under paragraph (1), the Government shall include the following:
1. Development and commercialization of key technologies in each field of growth engines;
2. Securing and training professional human resources in each field of growth engines;
3. Schemes to create jobs and market in each field of growth engines;
4. Improvement of the relevant systems and regulations for promoting investment in growth engines of the private sector, including enterprises;
5. Other matters necessary for discovering and fostering growth engines.
[This Article Added on May 28, 2014]
 Article 16-6 (Solving Social Issues by Utilizing Science and Technology)
(1) The Government shall formulate and implement policies necessary for improving the quality of life and resolving economic and social issues, global problems, etc. based on the use of science and technology.
(2) Matters necessary for formulating and implementing policies under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Added on May 28, 2014]
 Article 16-7 (Prevention of Adverse Effects of Science and Technology)
The Government shall devise measures necessary to prevent research and development outcomes or scientific and technological activities from causing harm to the State, society or an individual, or undermining ethical values.
[This Article Added on May 28, 2014]
 Article 16-8 (Promotion of Industry-Academia-Research Cooperation)
The Government shall formulate and implement policies necessary for encouraging cooperation among the State, local governments, enterprises, educational institutions, and research institutes.
[This Article Added on May 28, 2014]
 Article 17 (Promotion of Collaborative and Convergent Research and Development)
(1) The Government shall formulate and implement policies to foster and encourage collaborative research and development between and among enterprises, educational institutions, research institutes, and science- and technology-related institutions and organizations, or between any two parties of them. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
(2) The Government shall formulate and implement policies to encourage civilian-military collaborative research and development, and to foster technical cooperation between civilians and the military. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
(3) The Minister of Science and ICT may recommend or arrange mutual exchanges among scientists and engineers in the agencies related to collaborative and convergent research and development at the request of the heads of related institutions, where deemed necessary for collaborative and convergent research and development for research and development tasks of national importance. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(4) The Government shall formulate and implement policies to foster convergent research and development between new technologies or between new technologies, academia, culture, art, and industry. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 17-2 (Promotion of Linkages between Research and Development and Training of Human Resources)
For the purpose of increasing the efficiency of investment in national research development and reinforcing research competitiveness, the Government shall prepare schemes to promote them by linking the research and development and the training of human resources and shall formulate necessary polices. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
[This Article Added on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 18 (Promotion of Internationalization of Science and Technology)
(1) The Government shall formulate and implement policies regarding the following matters for promoting international cooperation in the fields of science and technology with foreign governments, international organizations, or foreign agencies and organizations related to research and development in order to contribute to the development of the international community and to take science and technology in the Republic of Korea to the next level: <Amended on May 28, 2014; Apr. 17, 2018>
1. Promoting international joint research and development;
2. International exchanges of human resources in science and technology, and attracting and utilizing outstanding human resources in science and technology overseas;
3. Overseas advancement of domestic research institutes, and attracting foreign research institutes into the Republic of Korea;
4. Promoting the joint use of facilities and equipment for research and development, and knowledge and information relating to science and technology;
5. International cooperation in the fields of science and technology, such as passing down policies and institutions related to science and technology for the advancement and welfare improvement of developing countries;
6. Expansion of the activities of domestic human resources in science and technology into international organizations, and support for attracting and hosting such international organizations and international events related to science and technology, into the Republic of Korea;
7. Multilateral cooperation in science and technology through international organizations.
(2) In order to efficiently implement the policies for science and technology cooperation under paragraph (1), the Minister of Science and ICT may designate an agency specializing in supporting the implementation, and provide contributions or subsidies to cover all or part of the expenses incurred in conducting such support affairs. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) Matters necessary for science and technology cooperation, including the designation of a specialized agency under paragraph (2) and the promotion of international collaborative research, shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 19 (Inter-Korean Exchanges and Cooperation in Science and Technology)
(1) The Government shall implement policies to facilitate inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation in the fields of science and technology.
(2) The Government shall, in order to implement the policies prescribed in paragraph (1), conduct surveys and research on policy, established rules and regulations, current status, etc. in science and technology of the North.
(3) The Government may, as prescribed by Presidential Decree, designate specialized institutions to be in charge of exchange and cooperation projects, surveys, research, etc. referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) and make contributions to cover all or part of the expenses incurred in conducting said projects.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 20 (Establishment of Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning)
(1) The Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning (hereinafter referred to as the "Evaluation and Planning Institute") shall be established to support the formulation and coordination of policies on science and technology, evaluation of national research and development projects, etc. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
(2) The Evaluation and Planning Institute shall be a corporation.
(3) The Evaluation and Planning Institute shall be duly formed when the registration for its incorporation is completed at the registry office at the seat of its principal place of business.
(4) The Evaluation and Planning Institute shall perform the following affairs: <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; May 28, 2014; Jan. 16, 2018>
1. Support for the formulation and coordination of major policies and plans deliberated on by the Advisory Council on Science and Technology;
2. Support for the allocation and adjustment of the budget for the national research and development projects deliberated on by the Advisory Council on Science and Technology;
3. Support for evaluations, etc. of national research and development projects under Article 12;
4. Forecasting future science and technologies;
5. Technology assessment and technology evaluation under Article 14;
6. Research planning, evaluation and management of the national research and development projects prescribed by Presidential Decree for performing affairs referred to in subparagraphs 1 through 5.
(5) The Evaluation and Planning Institute shall establish neutrality and objectivity with respect to the relevant central administrative agencies and local governments and their subordinate agencies, government-funded research institutions, etc.
(6) The Government may make contributions to cover all or part of the expenses incurred in the establishment and operation of the Evaluation and Planning Institute and costs for conducting projects, within the budget. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
(7) Except as provided in this Act and the Act on the Management of Public Institutions, the provisions concerning an incorporated foundation in the Civil Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Evaluation and Planning Institute.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 20-2 (Affiliated Institutions)
The Evaluation and Planning Institute may have affiliated institutions as prescribed in the articles of association under the authorization by the Minister of Science and ICT. <Amended on Jun. 9, 2020>
[This Article Added on Apr. 17, 2018]
 Article 21 (Expansion of Investment in Science and Technology)
(1) The Government shall secure the funds necessary to foster the development of science and technology in a steady and stable manner. <Amended on Dec. 22, 2015>
(2) The Government shall reflect its target levels of national research and development investment under Article 7-2 (3) and the action plan therefor in the master plan and the mid- and long-term strategy to raise the necessary funds under paragraph (1). <Amended on Jun. 9, 2020>
(3) The head of a local government shall endeavor to ensure a sustainable increase in the ratio of the budget for research and development in the total budget of the local government annually.
(4) The Government shall prepare measures necessary for the private sector, including enterprises, to actively invest in research and development. <Added on May 28, 2014>
(5) The Government shall endeavor to efficiently expend its investment resources in comprehensive consideration of phases, etc. of research and development performance process.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 22 (Science and Technology Promotion Fund)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT shall establish the Science and Technology Promotion Fund (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund") to efficiently support the advancement of science and technology and the promotion of a scientific and technological culture. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) The Fund shall be established with the following resources: <Amended on Jul. 21, 2011; Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017; Aug. 27, 2019>
1. Contributions and loans by the Government;
2. Contributions by those, other than the Government;
3. Proceeds from the operation of the Fund;
4. Proceeds from lottery tickets distributed pursuant to Article 23 (1) of the Lottery Tickets and Lottery Fund Act;
5. Deposits from the Public Capital Management Fund under the Public Capital Management Fund Act;
6. Royalties generated from national research and development projects subsidized by the Fund;
7. Donations by individuals, corporations, or organizations;
8. Other revenues prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(3) The Fund shall be expended for the following purposes: <Amended on Jan. 23, 2013; May 28, 2014; Dec. 22, 2015; Mar. 29, 2016; Jan. 9. 2024>
1. Support for science- and technology-related research and academic activities, and projects for the advancement of science and technology, including human resources training and international exchanges;
2. Contributions, investments, or loans prescribed by Presidential Decree, which constitute support to related enterprises, educational institutions, research institutes, science- and technology-related institutions and organizations, etc. intending to conduct science and technology research and development or commercialize research and development outcomes;
3. Investment of the operational funds of the Fund in venture businesses prescribed in Article 2 (1) of the Special Act on the Promotion of Venture Businesses, or in new technology business entities prescribed in subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the Korea Technology Finance Corporation Act within the extent prescribed by Presidential Decree;
4. Support for corporations and organizations established to contribute to the advancement and development of science and technology, the development of science and technology culture, and the promotion of the welfare of scientists and engineers, or support for science museums registered pursuant to the Act on Establishment, Operation and Promotion of Science Museums;
5. Providing support for the construction of national or public science museums, and to secure exhibition facilities, equipment for exhibition, and related subsidiary facilities;
6. Support for the projects referred to in Article 8 (2) 1 through 4;
7. Repayment of principal of, and interest on, the deposit from the Public Capital Management Fund under the Public Capital Management Fund Act;
8. Expenditure of expenses incurred in the creation, operation, and management of the Fund;
9. Support for persons who have rendered distinguished service to science and technology pursuant to the Act on the Honorable Treatment of and Support for Persons of Distinguished Service to Science and Technology.
(4) The Fund shall be operated and managed by the Minister of Science and ICT, but the Minister of Science and ICT may entrust a corporation, etc. engaged in the business related to the advancement of science and technology with all or some of the duties relevant to the operation and management of the Fund, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(5) Where the Fund is operated and managed pursuant to paragraph (4), factors such as the environment, society, and governance may be taken into consideration. <Added on Aug. 8, 2023>
(6) Any donator under paragraph (2) 7 may earmark his or her donations, such as support for a certain individual, corporation or organization. <Added on Jul. 21, 2011; Aug. 8, 2023>
(7) Other matters necessary for operating and managing the Fund shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Jul. 21, 2011; Aug. 8, 2023>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 23 (Training and Utilization of Human Resources in Science and Technology)
(1) The Government shall train and develop creative and diversely talented human resources in science and technology to address the change in and development of science and technology, and take the following measures to improve the conditions for the activities of scientists and engineers:
1. Formulating prospects for mid- and long-term supply of, and demand for, human resources in science and technology;
2. Formulating plans to train and supply human resources in science and technology;
3. Fostering technological training and re-education of human resources in science and technology;
4. Formulating measures to secure qualitative improvements to science and technology education;
5. Increasing the number of the higher educational institutions to train high-quality human resources in science and technology.
(2) The Minister of Science and ICT shall devise measures to facilitate the utilization and exchanges of human resources in science and technology, and build a database for information on human resources in science and technology and make it readily available to users. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) The heads of central administrative agencies may designate institutions to be in charge of conducting technical training and further education for human resources in science and technology, under paragraph (1) 3, and further provide contributions or subsidies to cover all or a portion of the expenses incurred in performing such projects. <Added on May 28, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 24 (Training Female Scientists and Engineers)
The Government shall devise policies to train and utilize female scientists and engineers to strengthen national science and technology capacity, and shall formulate and implement policies necessary to enable female scientists and engineers to fully demonstrate their quality and capabilities. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 25 (Discovering and Fostering Scientific Talents)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate plans for discovering and fostering scientific talents for early discovery and systematic fostering of scientific talents, and shall take necessary measures. <Amended on May 28, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) The Minister of Science and ICT may designate an agency to professionally support the early discovery and fostering of scientific talents under paragraph (1) and fully or partially subsidize expenses incurred in conducting such supporting affairs. <Amended on May 28, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
(3) Matters necessary for designating a specialized agency under paragraph (2) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 26 (Management and Distribution of Knowledge and Information about Science and Technology)
(1) The Government shall formulate and implement the following policies so as to promote the production, distribution, management and utilization of knowledge and information about science and technology as well as national research and development projects:
1. Collection, analysis and processing of the knowledge and information about science and technology as well as national research and development projects and building up of a database thereof;
2. Buildup and operation of the network of knowledge and information about science and technology as well as national research and development projects;
3. Fostering, etc. of institutions for management and distribution of knowledge and information about science and technology as well as national research and development projects.
(2) The Government shall formulate and implement policies necessary for evaluating and protecting the value of knowledge, including a system for protection of intellectual property rights, to ensure that knowledge and information about science and technology as well as national research and development projects can be smoothly managed and distributed.
(3) Where deemed necessary for efficiently managing and distributing knowledge and information about science and technology as well as national research and development projects under paragraph (1), the Government may designate institutions to be in charge of providing support therefor and subsidize the expenses incurred in operating the institutions, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 26-2 (Surveys and Analysis of Scientific and Technological Statistics and Indexes)
(1) The Government shall survey and analyze scientific and technological statistics and indicators with respect to domestic and overseas scientific and technological activities, research and development outcomes, etc. to utilize them in implementing policies regarding science and technology.
(2) The Government shall formulate and implement policies for improving scientific and technological statistics and indicators under paragraph (1).
(3) Where the Government surveys and analyzes the scientific and technological statistics and indicators pursuant to paragraph (1), it shall ensure that the analysis of characteristics, such as gender, is reflected in consideration of the characteristics of individual scientific and technological statistics and indicators. <Added on Apr. 20, 2021>
(4) If necessary to investigate and analyze technological statistics and indicators, the Minister of Science and ICT may request the heads of relevant central administrative agencies, the heads of local governments, the heads of enterprises, educational institutions, research institutes, or science- and technology-related institutions or organizations to submit necessary materials. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017; Apr. 20, 2021>
(5) If necessary to survey and analyze technology trade statistics, the Minister of Science and ICT may request the Minister of Economy and Finance to submit any such materials as prescribed by Presidential Decree. In such cases, the Minister of Economy and Finance may provide any such requested materials, notwithstanding Articles 21 and 22 of the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017; Apr. 20, 2021>
(6) Matters necessary for the subject and method of surveys and analysis under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Added on Apr. 20, 2021>
[This Article Added on May 28, 2014]
 Article 27 (Establishment of National Science and Technology Standard Classification System)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT shall establish the National Standard Classification System for Science and Technology in consultation with the heads of relevant central administrative agencies to ensure the efficient management of the information, human resources and research and development projects, etc. relevant to science and technology, and shall develop and apply the national science and technology standard classification table. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) The Government shall endeavor to ensure wide utilization of the national science and technology standard classification table under paragraph (1).
(3) The Minister of Science and ICT may designate a specialized agency to steadily improve and develop the national science and technology standard classification table, and may subsidize expenses incurred in its operation. <Amended on Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
(4) Matters necessary for procedures for establishing the national science and technology standard classification table and for the designation of a specialized agency under paragraphs (1) through (3) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 27-2 (Promotion of Creation, Protection, and Utilization of Intellectual Property, and Construction of Infrastructure Therefor)
The Government shall pursue the creation, protection, and utilization of intellectual property based on science and technology and the building of infrastructure therefor.
[This Article Added on May 28, 2014]
 Article 28 (Establishment, Expansion, Advancement, Management, and Utilization of Facilities and Equipment for Research and Development)
(1) The Government shall formulate and promote policies for establishment, expansion, and advancement of facilities and equipment for research and development required for the promotion of efficient and balanced research and development, and for management, operation, joint use, and disposal of them. <Amended on Jun. 22, 2015; Jan. 11, 2022>
(2) Where deemed necessary to promote the establishment, expansion, advancement, management, operation, joint use, and disposal of facilities and equipment for research and development under paragraph (1), the Government may designate an agency to take charge of supporting it, and subsidize all or some of expenses incurred in operating it. <Amended on Jun. 22, 2015; Jan. 11, 2022>
(3) The Minister of Science and ICT shall determine and publicly notify standard guidelines for the establishment, management, operation, joint use, and disposal of facilities and equipment for research and development under paragraph (1) in consultation with the heads of relevant central administrative agencies. <Added on Jun. 22, 2015; Jul. 26, 2017; Jan. 11, 2022>
(4) Matters necessary for targets subject to the standard guidelines under paragraph (3), procedure, etc. of establishing the guideline shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Added on Jun. 22, 2015>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
[Title Amended on Jun. 22, 2015; Jan. 11, 2022]
 Article 29 (Creation of and Support for Science Research Complexes)
(1) The Government may create a science research complex or support creation thereof to enhance efficiency through organic mutual linking of industrial, academic, and research circles by gathering at a single place, and to attract or foster domestic and overseas high-tech ventures.
(2) The head of a central administrative agency may, within the budget, fully or partially subsidize expenses incurred in conducting a project for the creation of a science research complex under the jurisdiction of a local government. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 30 (Promotion of Scientific and Technological Culture and Fostering of Creative Human Resources)
(1) The Minister of Education and the Minister of Science and ICT shall formulate and implement policies to raise citizens' level of understanding and knowledge regarding science and technology, to develop the scientific and technological culture in which science and technology becomes pervasive throughout all sectors of society and the citizens may demonstrate their creativeness, and to foster creative human resources. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; May 28, 2014; Nov. 19, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) The Minister of Education and the Minister of Science and ICT shall foster and support the following institutions and organizations in charge of the activities of scientific and technological culture and fostering of creative human resources to effectively achieve the objectives prescribed in paragraph (1): <Amended on Jan. 23, 2013; Mar. 23, 2013; May 28, 2014; Nov. 19, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Science museums registered pursuant to the Act on Establishment, Operation and Promotion of Science Museums;
2. The Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity established pursuant to Article 30-2 (1);
3. Other institutions or organizations relevant to the activities of scientific and technological culture determined by the Minister of Science and ICT.
(3) The Minister of Education and the Minister of Science and ICT may provide contributions or subsidies to cover all or a portion of the expenses incurred in relation to projects performed by the institutions or organizations referred to in paragraph (2). <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; May 28, 2014; Nov. 19, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
(4) Deleted. <May 28, 2014>
(5) Deleted. <May 28, 2014>
(6) Deleted. <May 28, 2014>
(7) Deleted. <May 28, 2014>
(8) Deleted. <May 28, 2014>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 30-2 (Establishment of Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity)
(1) The Minister of Science and ICT shall establish the Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity (hereinafter referred to as the "Foundation") to support building systems for promoting science and technology culture and fostering creative human resources. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(2) The Foundation shall be a corporation.
(3) The Foundation shall be established as at the time when it files for registration for its incorporation at the location of its principal office.
(4) The Foundation shall conduct the following projects: <Amended on Nov. 19, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
1. Survey, research, and policy development, for promoting the culture of science and technology and supporting the fostering of creative human resources;
2. Project for promotion and dissemination of the citizens' understanding of science and technology;
3. Development of science curricula and programs to foster creative human resources;
4. Support for fostering and training experts for education of creative human resources;
5. Support for developing scientific culture and art convergence programs related to promoting science and technology and fostering creative human resources;
6. Other projects designated or entrusted by the Minister of Education and the Minister of Science and ICT.
(5) The Minister of Science and ICT may make contributions to cover the expenses incurred in establishing and operating the Foundation, within the budget. <Amended on Jul. 26, 2017>
(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of the State Property Act, the Government may grant or lease, free of charge, any state property to the Foundation as prescribed by Presidential Decree, where necessary for implementing any project falling under any subparagraph of paragraph (4).
(7) Except as provided in this Act and the Act on the Management of Public Institutions, the provisions concerning an incorporated foundation in the Civil Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Foundation.
[This Article Added on May 28, 2014]
 Article 31 (Preferential Treatment of Scientists and Engineers)
(1) The Government shall endeavor to take measures to boost the morale of scientists and engineers, including establishing a social atmosphere wherein scientists and engineers are respected and treated preferentially, and creating an environment in which stable scientific and technological activities may be performed. <Amended on May 28, 2014; Jun. 9, 2020>
(2) The Government shall take measures necessary to permanently preserve and honor the achievements of scientists and engineers, who have enhanced the prestige of the Republic of Korea.
(3) The Government shall formulate and implement policies for according appropriate rewards for excellent research and development outcomes achieved by scientists and engineers, and for promoting commercialization of the outcomes. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
(4) The Minister of Science and ICT may allow scientists and engineers who meet certain qualification standards to autonomously file for registration, as prescribed by Presidential Decree, in order to provide preferential treatment to scientists and engineers and to expand job opportunities. <Amended on Mar. 23, 2013; Jul. 26, 2017>
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
 Article 32 (Fostering Government-Funded Research Institutes)
(1) The Government shall proactively foster government-funded research institutes, research support agencies, education and research institutions, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "government-funded research institutes, etc.") to efficiently perform national research and development projects. <Amended on Feb. 4, 2010; May 28, 2014>
(2) The Government shall create such conditions and provide such support that government-funded research institutes, etc., may conduct research and development activities in autonomous and stable circumstances, in conformity with the objective of its establishment. <Added on May 28, 2014>
(3) The heads of related central administrative agencies shall evaluate the Research Council referred to in Article 18 of the Act on the Establishment, Operation and Fostering of Government-Funded Science and Technology Research Institutes (hereafter referred to as the "Research Council" in this Article) and affiliated government-funded research institutes, etc. prescribed by Presidential Decree, and submit the results thereof to the Minister of Science and ICT: Provided, That in cases of the government-funded research institutes under the jurisdiction of the Research Council, the Research Council shall evaluate them and submit the results to said Minister. <Amended on Feb. 4, 2010; Dec. 27, 2010; Mar. 23, 2013; May 28, 2014; Jul. 26, 2017>
(4) Deleted. <Dec. 27, 2010>
(5) Necessary matters concerning the subject-matter, scope, methods, and procedures, etc. of evaluation under paragraph (3) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Feb. 4, 2010; May 28, 2014>
 Article 33 (Fostering of Non-Profit Science and Technology Corporations and Organizations)
(1) The Government shall foster non-profit corporations or organizations established for performing or supporting promotion of science and technology and academic activities related thereto. <Amended on May 28, 2014>
(2) The Government may provide contributions or subsidies to cover the expenses incurred in the business promotion of the corporations or organizations under paragraph (1).
(3) The corporations or organizations to be fostered pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 4, 2010]
[Title Amended on May 28, 2014]
 Article 34 (Creation of Safe Research Environment)
The Government shall formulate and implement policies necessary for ensuring a safe environment for research centers in the fields of science and technology established in universities, colleges, research institutes, etc.
[This Article Added on May 28, 2014]
 Article 35 (Improvement of Science- and Technology-Related Regulation)
(1) The Government shall check and improve science- and technology-related regulations to relax or eliminate unnecessary regulatory measures hindering scientific and technological innovation. <Amended on Jun. 9, 2020>
(2) The Government shall establish such systems and legal provisions in consistence with changes in overseas or domestic circumstances regarding science and technology.
[This Article Added on May 28, 2014]
 Article 36 (Legal Fiction as Public Officials for Purposes of Applying Penalty Provisions)
Any executive officer or employee of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning prescribed in Article 20 shall be deemed a public official in application of penalty provisions under Articles 129 through 132 of the Criminal Act.
[This Article Added on Dec. 22, 2015]
ADDENDA <Act No. 6353, Jan. 16, 2001>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Repealed Acts)
Article 3 (Transitional Measures)
(1) The provisions of the previous special Act shall govern the matters on the formulation, promotion and the submission of actual achievements of promotion and reports thereon with respect to the five-year plans for scientific and technological innovation and implementation plans by business year pursuant to the Special Act on Innovation in Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the "previous special Act") to be repealed under Article 2 of the Addenda at the time this Act enters into force, by not later than the time master plans for science and technology under Article 7 is formulated.
(2) The comprehensive plans for the promotion of local science and technology under the previous special Act at the time of enforcement of this Act shall be considered to have been established under Article 8.
(3) The Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation established under the previous special Act at the time this Act enters into force shall be considered to be the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning established under Article 20.
(4) The Korea Science Foundation established under the previous special Act at the time of enforcement of this Act shall be considered to have been established under Article 30.
(5) The Fund for the promotion of science and technology established under the Science and Technology Promotion Act (hereinafter referred to as the "previous Act") to be abolished under Article 2 of the Addenda at the time of enforcement of this Act shall be considered to have been established under Article 22.
Article 4 Omitted.
Article 5 (Relationship to Other Statutes and Regulations)
Where the previous special Act or the previous statutes is cited in other statutes and regulations as at the time this Act enters into force, and where there are corresponding provisions in this Act, the corresponding provisions in this Act shall be considered to have been cited in lieu of the previous provisions.
ADDENDA <Act No. 6815, Dec. 26, 2002>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 Omitted.
Article 3 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 7015, Dec. 30, 2003>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 7159, Jan. 29, 2004>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on April 1, 2004. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 7218, Sep. 23, 2004>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 32 (2) shall enter into force on the enforcement date of the Act on the Establishment, Operation and Fostering of Government-Funded Science and Technology Research Institutes, Etc.; and the amended provisions of Articles 9 (3), (4), (6) and (7), 12 (1) and (2) and 32 (3) shall enter into force on the enforcement date of Presidential Decree concerning the organization of the headquarters in charge of innovation affairs of science and technology at the Ministry of Science and Technology as referred to in Article 29 (1) and (2) of the Government Organization Act.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 7805, Dec. 30, 2005>
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 7989, Sep. 27, 2006>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 22 (3) 2 and 2-2 shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8389, Apr. 27, 2007>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force two months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 Omitted.
Article 3 Omitted.
Article 4 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. Provided, That ... <omitted> ... the amendments to the statutes to be amended pursuant to Article 6 of the Addenda, which were promulgated before this Act enters into force but the enforcement dates of which have yet to arrive, shall enter into force on the enforcement date of the relevant statute.
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 9088, Jun. 5, 2008>
(1) (Enforcement Date) This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
(2) (Transitional Measures concerning Change of Name of Korea Science Foundation) The Korea Science Foundation shall, as at the time this Act enters into force, be deemed the Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity under this Act.
(3) Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 9089, Jun. 5, 2008>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 9992, Feb. 4, 2010>
(1) (Enforcement Date) This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 11, 11-2 through 11-5 and 15-2 shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
(2) (Applicability to Restriction on Participation) The amended provisions of Article 11-2 shall begin to apply from the first person in charge of research, research institutions, participant enterprises or implementation enterprises which have been participating in research and development projects as at the time this Act enters into force.
(3) (Applicability to Collection of Royalties) The amended provisions of Article 11-4 shall begin to apply from the first agreement on the contents of a license, royalties, payment method of royalties, etc., which is concluded after this Act enters into force.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10412, Dec. 27, 2010>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Matters to be Deliberated and Resolved on by the Council)
(1) Matters concerning the master plans, comprehensive plans for the advancement of local science and technology, national research and development projects, etc. which have been deliberated on by the National Science and Technology Committee in accordance with the previous Article 9 (2) as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed to have been deliberated and resolved on by the Committee under the amended provisions of Article 9-7.
(2) Acts done by the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, such as requests for submission of necessary data and recommendations and acts done to the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, such as submission of data, in connection with formulation of master plans, integration of implementation plans for a subsequent year and actual achievements during the previous year, science and technology forecasts, promotion of cooperative and convergent research and development, establishment of the national standard classification system for science and technology, etc. under the former Articles 7, 13, 17 and 27 as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed acts done by and to the Committee under this Act.
ADDENDA <Act No. 10445, Mar. 9, 2011>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 Omitted.
Articles 3 through 4 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 10878, Jul. 21, 2011>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 11620, Jan. 23, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 4 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 11713, Mar. 23, 2013>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures after Abolition of the National Science and Technology Commission)
(1) Acts done by the National Science and Technology Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission"), such as public notices, requests for submission of data, and recommendations, as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed acts done by the Minister of Science and ICT.
(2) Acts done to the Commission, such as submission of data, as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed done to the Minister of Science and ICT.
Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Matters Deliberated and Resolved)
Matters which have been deliberated and resolved on by the Committee under the former provisions of Article 9-7 as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed to have been deliberated and resolved on by the Council, notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 9 (2).
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Terms of Office of Members)
The terms of office of the members commissioned under the former Article 9-2 (2) as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed terminated at the same time as this Act enters into force.
Article 5 (Transitional Measures concerning Dispatched Public Officials, etc.)
Public officials or executive officers and employees of the related institutions, corporations, organizations, etc. dispatched to the Council under the former Article 9-12 as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed dispatched to the Ministry of Science and ICT.
Article 6 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 12673, May 28, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 9-2 (2) through (9), 11-2 (1) and (5) through (7), 12-2 (5), 16-6, 26-2 (4) and (5), 30 and 30-2 shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Restriction on Participation in National Research and Development Projects)
The amended provisions of Article 11-2 (1) shall begin to apply from the first national research and development task performed under an agreement concluded after the said amended provisions enter into force.
Article 3 (Applicability to Additional Monetary Sanction)
The amended provisions of Article 11-2 (5) shall begin to apply from the first national research and development task performed under an agreement concluded after the said amended provisions enter into force.
Article 4 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 12844, Nov. 19, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 12869, Dec. 30, 2014>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 11-2 (5) and (6) shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Exceptions to Allocation, Adjustment, etc. of Budget of National Research and Development Projects)
(1) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 12-2 (3), "March 15" shall be deemed "March 25" with regard to the direction of and standard for government investment in research and development to be notified in 2015.
(2) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 12-2 (4), "May 31" shall be deemed "June 10" with regard to a budget request related to a national research and development project to be submitted in 2015.
(3) Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 12-2 (5), "June 30" shall be deemed "July 10" with regard to matters to be informed in 2015.
ADDENDA <Act No. 13339, Jun. 22, 2015>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Restriction on Participation in National Research and Development Projects)
The amended provisions of Article 11-2 (1) shall begin to apply from the first research and development task carried out under an agreement concluded after the enforcement of this Act.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 13511, Dec. 1, 2015>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 13578, Dec. 22, 2015>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 36 shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Restrictions on Participation)
The amended provisions of Article 11-2 shall begin to apply from the first national research and development project performed under an agreement after this Act enters into force.
ADDENDA <Act No. 13579, Dec. 22, 2015>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into one year after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 Omitted.
Article 3 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 14122, Mar. 29, 2016>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 14839, Jul. 26, 2017>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
(1) This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That among the Acts amended in accordance with Article 5 of the Addenda, amendments to Acts, which were promulgated before this Act enters into force, but the dates on which they are to enter into force have yet to arrive, shall enter into force on the enforcement dates of the respective Acts.
Articles 2 through 7 Omitted.
ADDENDA <Act No. 15344, Jan. 16, 2018>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Matters for Deliberation)
The matters that have undergone deliberation by the Advisory Council on Science and Technology under the previous provisions when this Act enters into force shall be deemed to have undergone deliberation by the Advisory Council on Science and Technology under the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology Act, notwithstanding the amended provisions of this Act.
Article 3 Omitted.
Article 4 (Relationship with Other Statutes or Regulations)
Where other statutes and regulations have cited the Medical Device Information and Technology Assistance Center as at the time this Act enters into force, they shall be considered to have cited the National Institute of Medical Device Safety Information under this Act in lieu of the previous provisions.
ADDENDA <Act No. 15556, Apr. 17, 2018>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Establishment of Affiliated Institutions of the Evaluation and Planning Institute)
The affiliated institutions established under the previous provisions as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed institutions authorized by the Minister of Science and ICT under the amended provisions of Article 20-2.
ADDENDA <Act No. 16526, Aug. 27, 2019>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Reporting of Master Plans to the National Assembly)
The amended provisions of Article 7 (8) shall begin to apply to master plans finalized by the Minister of Science and ICT after this Act enters into force.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 17340, Jun. 9, 2020>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 17343, Jun. 9, 2020>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on January 1, 2021.
Articles 2 through 8 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 17347, Jun. 9, 2020>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 17671, Dec. 22, 2020>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 18069, Apr. 20, 2021>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 18642, Dec. 28, 2021>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 18727, Jan. 11, 2022>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 18863, Jun. 10, 2022>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 19574, Aug. 8, 2023>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 19990, Jan. 9, 2024>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 Omitted.
Article 3 Omitted.