a register of workers
abandonment (abandon)
abandonment (abandon) ; desertion (desert)
abandonment ; dumping ; throwing away
abandonment/desertion/exposure of a baby
abbreviation ; abbreviated name
abduction ; kidnapping ; hijacking
abeyance of proceeding
ability of argument ; capacity to plead
ability to perceive
ability to repay the debt
ability to support
ability to work ; labor ability
abolishment of reorganization procedures
absence (be absent)
absentee report
absentee voting/ballot
absolute acceptance
absolute cleanup zone
abuse ; misusage ; misappropriation ; misfeasance
abuse of a right
abuse of authority
abuse of one’s official authority (abuse one’s official authority)
abuse/mistreatment/maltreatment of child by hard labor
academic degree ; degree
academic research organization/group
academic researcher on narcotic drugs
Academy of Arts
acceptance (accept)
acceptance (accept) ; approval (approve)
acceptance (accept) ; receipt (receive)
acceptance by intervention
acceptance of a bribe
acceptance of a bribe for good offices
acceptance of a bribe for mediation
acceptance of a report (accept a report)
acceptance of appeal
acceptance of complaint
acceptance of delegation
acceptance of payment/performance
acceptance of property
accessory document ; document attached ; supplementary document ; appendix
accident ; disasters
accident ; trouble ; mishap
accident during fire-fighting activities
accident insurance contract ; contract of accident insurance
accident/non-life insurance ; property and casualty insurance
accommodation (accomodate)
accommodation/negotiable bill
accomplices ; co-offenders
accomplishment ; exploit ; merits ; distinguished service
accord and satisfaction ; payment in substitutes
account ; accounting
account book
account of an appropriation for a bad/irrecoverable debt ; fund account of a bad/irrecoverable debt ; account to cover a bad/irrecoverable debt
accounting agency/organ
accounting corporation/firm
accounting document/statement
accounting information
accounting officer/personnel ; staff in charge of accounting
accounting organ
accounting practice
accounting principle
accounting report
accounting rule
accounting transactions
accounting/calculation of deficits disposal ; deficits disposal accounts
accounting/treasury official ; public official in charge of accounts
accounts ; bills
accounts in foreign fund
accounts receivable
accredited qualification
accrued revenues
accumulated depreciation
accumulated other comprehensive income
accumulation (accumulate)
accumulation of premiums ; accumulated amount of premiums
accused case
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) patient
acquired property
acquisition (acquire) ; obtainment (obtain)
acquisition (acquire) ; obtainment (obtain)
acquisition and loss ; acquisition and forfeit ; gain and loss
acquisition by prescription
acquisition by succession (acquire by succession)
acquisition by transfer ; taking over
acquisition of a right
acquisition of fruits
acquisition of nationality
acquisition of nationality by acknowledgement
acquisition of nationality by birth
acquisition of nationality through naturalization
acquisition of nationality through reinstatement of nationality
acquisition of ownership
acquisition of stocks/shares
acquisition of treasury stock ; acquisition of one’s own stock
acquisition tax
acquisition tax rate
acquisition value/amount
acquisitive prescription
acquittal of a (public) prosecution
across-the-board/blanket application
act ; feasance
act by unlawful acquisition ; improper/unfair acquisition ; improper/unfair obtainment
act for value
act inter vivos
act of an offense ; act of violating regulations
act of bearing
act of bearing the obligation/debt
act of conflicting interest
act of contributing ; act of making a contribution
act of cornering and hoarding ; act of cornering goods or failing to sell them ; act of buying up goods and indisposition to sell such goods
act of corruption
act of declaring/manifesting an intention
act of delegation of authority ; act of delegation
act of disposal/disposition
act of establishment/creation
act of evading/circumventing law
act of exemption from liability
act of God
act of maintaining a resale price
act of management
act of paying off liabilities/debts from the National Treasury ; act of burdening the National Treasury with liabilities/debts
act of procedure ; procedural acts ; act of litigation
act of repairing/repair
act of trust
act of use/using/utilization/utilizing
act of violation/infringement
Act related to building/construction ; building/construction-related Act
act relating to checks
acting as agent ; performance on behalf (perform on behalf)
acting director/person ; locum tenens ; proxy
acting for authority ; vicarious exercise of authority
acting on behalf of (act on behalf of)
acting President ; person acting for the President
action on bill
activities in Antarctica
activities related to vocational training
actor ; violator
Acts of the Republic of Korea ; domestic Acts
actual carrier
actual fact
actual penalty/punishment/sentence
actual right/power/authority
actual taxation
actual trading
actual/real name registration
actual/stage performance
adaptation (adapt) ; adjustment (adjust)
addiction ; poisoning ; toxicosis
addition and/or reduction/subtraction (add and/or reduce/subtract)
additional amount of gift/donation
additional charge
additional clauses
additional deduction
additional deduction for a small number of eligible persons for deduction
additional distribution
additional expense ; incidental expense ; incidental cost
additional joint security
additional monetary sanction
additional money for retirement benefits
additional money of the bereaved family’s pension ; bereaved family pension supplement
additional paid-in capital ; paid-in capital in excess of par/value
additional payment on refund of national taxes
additional record/entry ; supplementary note
additional tax ; penalty
additional tax ; surtax ; supertax
additional tax amount ; penalty amount
additional tax for negligent entry/register/record ; penalty for negligent entry/register/record
additional tax for unfaithful/untruthful payment ; additional tax on payment in negligent manner ; penalty for unfaithful/untruthful payment
additional tax on an understated return/report ; penalty for an understated return/report
additional/supplementary registration
additionally estimated/computed/assessed taxation
additives as preservatives
adjoining neighbors ; adjacent land owner
adjournment (adjourn)
adjudicating court ; court which renders adjudication ; court having jurisdiction over a judgment
adjudicating/ruling authority/agency
adjudication (adjudge) ; declaration (declare) ; conviction (convict) ; pronouncement (pronounce)
adjudication for compensation ; compensation decision/judgment
adjudication for correction
adjudication on a constitutional complaint
adjudication on a jurisdictional dispute
adjudication on constitutionality
adjudication on dissolution of a political party
adjudication on impeachment
adjudication on the constitutionality of an Act
adjudication/declaration/sentence of bankruptcy
adjusted trial balance
adjuster of damage
adjustment by the reduction of amount
adjustment of damage ; damage assessment
adjustment of international tax
administration for local autonomy ; administration of local government
administration of referendum ; administrative matters pertaining to referendum
administration of supplied funds ; credit management
administrative action
administrative affairs ; general affairs
administrative agency
administrative agency concerned ; related/relevant administrative agency
administrative agency/authority
administrative agency/office
administrative agency/office/authority
administrative appeal
administrative appeal procedure
administrative assistance
administrative case
administrative conciliation/coordination
administrative consultative council
administrative control/management
administrative court
administrative disposition/measure
administrative district/zone
administrative division of the higher civil service examination
administrative efficiency
administrative expenses
administrative fine
administrative fine case
administrative guidance
administrative information
administrative inspection
administrative investigation
administrative litigation
administrative litigation case
administrative officer
administrative officer for registration
administrative organization
administrative plan
administrative procedure
administrative property
administrative regulation
administrative scrivener
administrative Si
administrative supervision
administrative/executive power/authority
administrative/executive power/authority
administrator of inherited property
administrator/manager of tax payment
admissibility of evidence
admissibility to a party ; capacity for being a party ; capacity to sue
adopted child by will
adopted son-in-law
adopted/foster child
adoption by a foreigner
adoption institution/agency
adoption relation certificate
adoption report ; report of adoption
adoptive parents and adopted child
adoptive relationship ; parent-child relationship by adoption
adoptive/foster father
adoptive/foster mother
adoptive/foster parents ; parents by adoption
adoptive/foster parents ; parents by adoption
advance acceptance of a bribe
advance payment
advance payment ; advance
advance payment amount
advance payment of expenses
advance pricing agreement
advance reimbursement ; reimbursement in advance
advance/previous notice of taxation
advance/previous/prior consultation
advance/prior notice
advance/prior notice/notification
advanced technology enterprise
advanced technology industry
advances for customers
adverse opinion
advertisement (advertise)
advertisement (advertise) ; publicity (publicize ; give publicity to) ; propagation (propagate) ; propaganda (make propaganda)
advertisement for prize
advice ; consultation ; counsel
adviser ; counsellor ; consultant
advisory committee
Advisory Committee for Employment Insurance
Advisory Council/Committee for Employment Policy
Advisory Group for Evaluation of Regional Development Projects
advisory/consulting organ/agency
aerial light/lighting
aeronautical engineer/mechanic
aeronautical technology
affairs entrusted ; entrusted/consignment business
affected area
affiliated ; assigned
affiliated body
affiliated enterprise/business/company ; subsidiary enterprise/business/company
affiliated enterprise/business/company ; subsidiary enterprise/business/company
affiliated person
affiliation with a political party
affinity ; relation by marriage
affirmation of the non-existence
affirmation/confirmation of nullity, etc.
affixation of signature/name and seal (affix signature and seal ; put name and seal)
affixation/inscription/subscription/endorsement of name
affixture of a seal (seal ; affix a seal)
agencies of various levels
agency ; institution ; organization ; organ
agency ; substitutional institution/agency/organ
agency contract ; proxy contract
agency in possession
agency litigation
agent by appointment ; de facto agent ; agent in fact
aggravated confinement
aggravated punishment (aggravatingly punish)
aggravated theft
aggravation for multiple offenses committed by multiple acts
aggravation for repeat offenses
aggregate ; collection ; collected item
aggregate goods insurance
aggregating (aggregate) ; adding (add)
agreed interest
agreed interest rate ; agreed rate of interest
agreement (agree)
agreement (agree) ; consent (consent)
agreement on possession
Agreement on Textiles and Clothing
agreement/convention certificate
agreement/settlement between labor and management
agricultural and fishery disaster
agricultural and fishery disaster insurance
Agricultural and Fishery Disaster Re-Insurance Fund
agricultural and fishery product
agricultural and fishing village
Agricultural and Fishing Villages Collaborative Cooperation Fund
agricultural business entity
agricultural company
agricultural cooperative
agricultural corporation
agricultural crops/products
agricultural disaster
agricultural facility
agricultural genetic resources
agricultural machinery register
agricultural partnership
agriculture and fishery development bond
agro-industrial complex ; complex for agriculture and industry
aid (aid)
aids ; relief money
air ; atmosphere
air conditioner
air navigation facilities
air pollutant
air pollutant emission facility
air pollution level ; degree of air pollution
air pollution prevention facility ; facility to prevent air pollution
air services agreement
air traffic business entity
air traffic controller
air transportation
air transportation brokerage business
air transportation business
air/atmospheric pollution
aircraft ; airplane
aircraft handling business
aircraft handling business entity
aircrew ; flight attendant
airline ; airway ; air route
airport development project/business
airport district
airport facilities
airport zone
airwork operator
alcohol ; liquor ; alcoholic beverage
alcoholic beverage sales business ; liquor sales business
alcoholic beverage sales business license ; liquor sales business license
alcoholic beverage sales business licensee ; liquor sales business licensee
algorithm ; clue to solution
alien registration ; registration of an alien
alien registration card
alien registration number
all the members/partners ; all members of the company
all the reported bankruptcy creditors
all/entire subjects
alleged fact
all-inclusive table
alloted charges for vocational training
allotment (allot) ; allocation (allocate)
allotment ; contribution ; alloted amount
allotment ; distribution ; apportionment ; division
allowance ; benefit ; remuneration ; salary ; wage
allowance ; stipend
allowance for good attendance
allowance for night work
allowance for voluntary retirement/resignation before the age limit ; early voluntary retirement allowance ; honorable retirement allowance
allowances and bonus ; bonus
alteration of a right
alteration of the purpose of use
alternative trading system
alternative/optional claim
ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
Ambassador for Human Rights in North Korea
amendment of/to a bill of prosecution
amendment period
ammunition ; priming material
amnesty ; pardon
amortization (amortize) ; invalidation (invalidate) ; retirement (retire) ; cancellation (cancel)
amortization expense
amount ; amount of money
amount borne by causers
amount discrepancy/difference in (currency) conversion/exchange
amount exceeding the par/face value
amount for recourse
amount guaranteed ; guaranteed amount ; amount of security money
amount imposed according to tax base
amount liable for deposit
amount obtained by unjust enrichment
amount of a bad/irrecoverable debt ; bad/irrecoverable debt expenses
amount of advance payment ; prepayment
amount of bond margin
amount of charge/allotment ; share to be borne
amount of claim/credit ; claim/credit amount
amount of compensation ; compensation ; (amount of) damages
amount of corporate tax ; corporate tax amount
amount of deduction ; deducted amount
amount of deficits ; deficiencies ; amount of loss
amount of deficits ; deficiencies ; amount of loss
amount of delinquent taxes 조세의 경우 ; amount in arrears 그 밖의 경우
amount of imposition ; imposition amount
amount of income
amount of income generated in the Republic of Korea ; amount of income generated from a domestic source
amount of income subject to tax reduction and/or exemption ; tax-reduced/tax-cut and/or tax-exempt income amount
amount of income/revenue
amount of investment/contribution ; investment amount
amount of lawsuit costs ; amount of costs of the lawsuit
amount of liquidation income ; liquidation income amount
amount of loss ; deficit
amount of money for release from provisional seizure/attachment
amount of net assets
amount of net working capital
amount of performance
amount of redemption/repayment
amount of shares to be borne ; allotment ; one’s share ; sharing of costs
amount of tax
amount of tax revenues
amount of the corporation income
amount of the refund of national taxes ; amount of national tax refund
amount of the tax payment by annual installment
amount of unpaid tax ; amount of nonpayment of tax
amount of wage ; wage amount
amount to be (punitively) collected ; (punitive) collection amount
amount to be borne by the National Treasury
amount/money of expenditures
amount/money of revenues/income
amount/value of bond/debenture ; amount of claim/credit ; claim/credit amount
amusement business affecting public morals ; business which may affect public morals
amusement district
amusement facility
amusement park ; resort
amusement place business ; business of amusement establishment
analogous promoter
ancient-city district
ancillary/auxiliary orders
annexed island ; island annexed
annual (reporting) period ; fiscal year
annual expenditure/allowance
annual paid vacation/leave
annual report
annual salary system
annual/yearly installment
annuity/pension insurance
anonymous ; undisclosed
anonymous/undisclosed association
anonymous/undisclosed partner/member
Antarctic area
Antarctic environment
Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings
Antarctic Treaty Consultative Party
antenna power
anti-public order
anti-state activity
anti-state organization
apartment house/building
apparent representation ; ostensible/apparent agency
apparent representation director
appeal ; appeal on points of fact and law
appeal ; application for appeal/objection
appeal ; objection (object) ; disobedience (disobey) ; dissatisfaction (dissatisfy)
appeal ; petition ; complaint
appeal ; petition of appeal/objection ; request for appeal/objection
appeal for performance of obligation
appeal/adjudgment/ruling for affirmation/confirmation of nullity, etc.
appeal/objection period
appeal/petition/complaint review
appeals commission
appearance in court
appellate brief ; statement of grounds/reasons for final appeal
appellate brief ; statement of reason for appeal
appellate court ; court of appeal
appellate court ; court of appeal
appellate instance ; proceedings of appeal
appellate judgment ; judgment in an appellate trial
appellate trial ; trial on appeal
appellate trial judge
appellate tribunal
appendant nature
applicable Act
applicable provisions
applicable time limit
applicant ; person who makes an application
applicant for a patent
applicant for a public summons
applicant for mining rights ; applicant for mining
applicant for registration ; registration applicant
application (apply)
application (apply)
application (apply)
application ability
application for a job ; employment application
application for a patent ; patent application
application for a public summons
application for a ruling/adjudication (apply for a ruling/adjudication)
application for a utility model registration
application for an objection against trademark registration
application for approval (apply for approval)
application for challenge
application for change of date
application for compulsory auction
application for construction/building permission
application for correction/rectification
application for design registration
application for examination as evidence (apply for examination as evidence)
application for inspection/perusal ; inspection application
application for international patent ; international patent application
application for job-offering
application for mining rights
application for payment in kind
application for purchase
application for registration
application for registration
application for registration
application for registration ; registration application
application for registration of service mark
application for remedy
application for taking-over
application for tax reduction and/or exemption
application for the exemption/release (make an application/apply for the exemption/release)
application for the registration of trademark (apply for the registration of trademark)
application mutatis mutandis (apply mutatis mutandis)
application to make an insurance contract ; application for an insurance policy
application/request for a retrial (apply for/request a retrial) ; request for re-deliberation (request re-deliberation)
application/request for auction
application/request for delivery
application/request for designation of date
application/request for provisional seizure/attachment
application/request for reduction and/or exemption
appointed party
appointment (appoint)
appointment (appoint)
appointment (appoint) ; designation (designate) ; nomination (nominate)
appointment (appoint) ; nomination (nominate)
appointment ; designation
appointment and dismissal/removal
appointment based on one's transfer
appointment of a director
appointment of an acting director/person
appointment of an auditor
appraisal (appraise)
appraisal (appraise) ; estimation (estimate)
appraisal and assessment
appraisal and assessment institution
appraisal business entity
appraisal fee ; charge for appraisal
appraisal institution
appraisal report ; written appraisal
appraisal report ; written appraisal
appraisal right by a stockholder/shareholder
appraisal system
appraisal/evaluation of assets
appraisal/valuation of property
appraised price
appraised value
appraised/estimated amount/value
appraiser ; expert
apprentice judge
approach surface
approach zone
appropriate/proper reserve income
appropriate/reasonable price
appropriation (appropriate) ; allocation (allocate) ; application (apply)
appropriation (appropriate) ; earmarking (earmark) ; inclusion (include) ; counting (count)
appropriation for a bad/irrecoverable debt
appropriation for a bad/irrecoverable debt ; allowance for bad debts
appropriation for the payment of a debt ; appropriation for performance
appropriation fund/money
approval (approve)
approval (approve)
approved exporter
appurtenance ; accessories
appurtenance ; equipment ; parts
appurtenances ; appendage ; attachment ; belongings
appurtenant ; appurtenance ; accessories and parts ; components
appurtenant facility
appurtenant land
aptitude ; temperament ; nature
aquatic ecosystem
aquisition for value
arable/tillable land
arbitral award
arbitral award
arbitral award
arbitral institution
arbitral tribunal
arbitrary purchase and sale
arbitration (arbitrate)
arbitration ; arbitral proceeding ; procedure for arbitration
arbitration agreement
arbitration agreement/compromise
arbitration clause
arbitration committee
arbitration procedure
architectural work
area of special concern
area/zone of prevention of radio wave disturbance
armed forces of the Republic of Korea ; national armed forces
arrangement on mutual aid ; terms and conditions of mutual aid
arrears ; arrearages
arrest ; seizure ; capture
arrest warrant
arrival of maturity date
arrival of time
arson ; incendiarism
arterial facility
article in the possession
article retained ; retained article
articles of incorporation/association ; bylaws
articles/bylaws of a corporation
artificial insemination
artificial island
artificial pregnancy
artificial reproduction
asbestos-related diseases
ascendant ; ancestor
assailant ; perpetrator ; victimizer
assembly ; council
assembly/association of bondholders
assembly/congregation of related persons
assertion (assert) ; allegation (allege) ; insistence (insist) ; advocacy (advocate) ; averment (aver)
assessed value
assets for non-business use
assets revaluation reserve
assets revaluation reserve
assigned/commissioned judge
assignment of position
assignment order
assistance (assist)
assistance (assist) ; aid (aid) ; subsidy (subsidize)
assistant deputy director ; assistant vice-director
Assistant Minister
assistant nurse
assisting body
associated enterprise
associated local government
association of local governments
association with limited liability
association/federation of enterprises/businesses
assumed change in yield
assumption of obligation/debt
at sight
at the time of the commencement of inheritance
at the time when this Act enters into force
athletic specialty school
atmospheric phenomena
attachment (attach) ; annexation (annex) ; appending (append)
attendance/appearance in person ; attendance/appearance of the principal
attention (pay attention to)
attorney-at-law ; advocate ; counsel
attorney-at-law ; legal counsel ; advocate
attorney-at-law belonging to the Korean Bar Association
attorney-at-law fee
Attorneys Disciplinary Committee
Attorneys Disciplinary Committee of the Korean Bar Association
Attorneys Disciplinary Committee of the Ministry of Justice
auction ; open bid
auction applicant ; applicant for auction
auction court ; court of auction
auction of a ship/vessel
auction price
auction procedure
audience ; spectator
audience gallery ; spectator gallery
audio/sound recording
audio-visual ; viewing
audit and inspection
audit and inspection official
audit and inspection record
audit and inspection system
audit report ; audit and inspection report
authentic copy
authenticated copy of judgment
author’s economic right
author’s moral right
authoritative/authentic interpretation
authorities concerned ; competent authorities ; relevant authorities
authority ; dignity
authority ; power
authority of agency/representation
authority of devolvement/attribution
authority of legal representation
authority of management ; management authority
authority of taxation ; authority to impose taxes
authority to appoint ; authority of appointment
authority to collect national taxes
authority to dispose ; disposition authority
authority to dispose ; disposition authority
authority to issue/give an order
authority to oversee
authority to prosecute ; prosecution authority
authorization (authorize)
authorization of completion ; authorization on completion ; completion authorization
authorization of composition
authorization of notarial acts/affairs
autograph (autograph)
autograph ; handwriting
automobile accident compensation consolidation insurance
automobile accident compensation liability insurance
automobile road
automobile transportation
automobile transportation business
autonomous administrative agency
autonomous affairs
autonomous high school
auxiliary organ ; affiliated/attached institution
average monthly amount of remuneration
average tax amount
average wage
aviation business
aviation insurance
aviation personnel
aviation/navigation safety facility
avoidance (avoid) 일반, 조세의 경우 ; refrainment (refrain) 재판관, 각종 위원 등 사람의 "회피"의 경우
avoidance of tax (avoid taxes)
avoidance power ; right to deny ; right of denial