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Wholly Amended by Act No. 8358, Apr. 11, 2007

Amended by Act No. 8459, May 17, 2007

Act No. 8486, May 25, 2007

Act No. 8769, Dec. 21, 2007

Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008

Act No. 8863, Feb. 29, 2008

Act No. 9020, Mar. 28, 2008

Act No. 9235, Dec. 26, 2008

Act No. 9534, Mar. 25, 2009

Act No. 10219, Mar. 31, 2010

Act No. 10350, Jun. 8, 2010

Act No. 10711, May 24, 2011

Act No. 11690, Mar. 23, 2013

Act No. 11998, Aug. 6, 2013

Act No. 12297, Jan. 21, 2014

Act No. 12442, Mar. 18, 2014

Act No. 13089, Jan. 28, 2015

Act No. 13738, Jan. 6, 2016

Act No. 14476, Dec. 27, 2016

Act No. 14671, Mar. 21, 2017

Act No. 14995, Oct. 31, 2017

Act No. 15089, Nov. 28, 2017

Act No. 15867, Dec. 11, 2018

Act No. 16302, Mar. 26, 2019

Act No. 16477, Aug. 20, 2019

Act No. 16943, Feb. 4, 2020

Act No. 17091, Mar. 24, 2020

Act No. 18277, Jun. 15, 2021

Act No. 18818, Feb. 3, 2022

 Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Act is to ensure public safety by prescribing matters concerning the export and import, filling, storage, sale, and use of liquefied petroleum gas, and the safety control of gas appliances and to ensure proper supply and use of liquefied petroleum gas by rationally regulating liquefied petroleum gas business.
 Article 2 (Definitions)
The terms used in this Act are defined as follows: <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
1. The term "liquefied petroleum gas" means liquefied gas (including vaporized gas) primarily composed of propane or butane;
2. The term "liquefied petroleum gas export or import business" means the business of exporting or importing liquefied petroleum gas;
3. The term "liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer" means a person who conducts the business of exporting or importing liquefied petroleum gas after registration (including where registration is exempted) pursuant to Article 17;
4. The term "liquefied petroleum gas filling business" means the business of supplying liquefied petroleum gas by filling containers (including the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas to other storage tanks through pipelines; hereinafter the same shall apply) or tanks fitted to motor vehicles with liquefied petroleum gas stored in a storage facility;
5. The term "liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity" means a person who has obtained permission to conduct liquefied petroleum gas filling business pursuant to Article 5;
6. The term "business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas" means the business of supplying liquefied petroleum gas as a fuel through pipelines according to the demand of general consumers;
6-2. "Business of supplying liquefied petroleum gas pipelines" means the business of supplying liquefied petroleum gas to general consumers through oil pipelines laid underground in roads, etc. among business of collective supply of liquefied petroleum gas, which is prescribed by Presidential Decree;
7. The term "collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas" means a person who has obtained permission to conduct the business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas pursuant to Article 5;
7-2. The term "liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier" means a person who has obtained permission for business of supplying liquefied petroleum gas pipelines pursuant to Article 5 among collective suppliers of liquefied petroleum gas;
8. The term "liquefied petroleum gas sales business" means the business of selling liquefied petroleum gas filled in containers or supplying liquefied petroleum gas filled in tanks fitted to motor vehicles (referring to tanks the size, etc. of which meet standards prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) to storage facilities not exceeding the size prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy;
9. The term "liquefied petroleum gas dealer" means a person who has obtained permission to conduct liquefied petroleum gas sales business pursuant to Article 5;
10. The term "entrusted business of transporting liquefied petroleum gas" means the business of transporting liquefied petroleum gas to supply it to small storage tanks by using tanks fitted to motor vehicles prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy after having been entrusted with the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas by a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity or liquefied petroleum gas dealer prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy;
11. The term "business entity entrusted with transporting liquefied petroleum gas" means a person who has obtained registration of the entrusted business of transporting liquefied petroleum gas pursuant to Article 9;
12. The term "gas appliance manufacturing business" means the business of manufacturing appliances to use liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel gases under the Urban Gas Business Act;
13. The term "gas appliance manufacturer" means a person who has obtained permission to conduct gas appliance manufacturing business pursuant to Article 5;
14. The term "liquefied petroleum gas storage facility" means a specific place where liquefied petroleum gas of not less than a certain amount prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy is stored in containers or storage tanks;
15. The term "person who stores liquefied petroleum gas" means a person who has obtained permission to build a liquefied petroleum gas storage facility pursuant to Article 8;
16. The term "liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc." means a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, a collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas, a liquefied petroleum gas dealer, a business entity entrusted with transporting liquefied petroleum gas, a gas appliance manufacturer, and a person who stores liquefied petroleum gas;
17. The term "precise safety diagnosis" means that an institution specializing in gas safety control detects potential risk factors and the causes thereof in gas supply facilities using equipment and technology in order to prevent gas accidents.
 Article 3 (Forecasts of Conditions of Supply of and Demand for Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy shall every year forecast the conditions of supply of and demand for liquefied petroleum gas for the following five years for stable supply of and demand for liquefied petroleum gas in the whole country, as prescribed by Presidential Decree. In such cases, he or she shall take into account the following:
1. Demand for liquefied petroleum gas;
2. Production and exports and imports of liquefied petroleum gas;
3. Capacity of storage facilities of liquefied petroleum gas;
4. Other important matters that could affect the supply of and demand for liquefied petroleum gas.
 Article 3-2 (Policy regarding Use and Supply of Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy shall formulate and implement policy regarding the use and supply of liquefied petroleum gas every two years based on forecasts of supply and demand conditions under Article 3.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Oct. 31, 2017]
 Article 4 (Relationship to Other Statutes)
(1) The High-Pressure Gas Safety Control Act and the Urban Gas Business Act shall apply to matters not prescribed in this Act concerning liquefied petroleum gas.
(2) Where a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity or liquefied petroleum gas dealer sells liquefied petroleum gas, Article 10 of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act shall not apply thereto.
 Article 5 (Permission to Conduct Business)
(1) Any person who intends to conduct liquefied petroleum gas filling business, gas appliance manufacturing business, or business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas shall obtain permission for each place of business from the Special Self-Governing City Mayor, the Special Self-Governing Province Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (in the case of the head of a Gu, referring to the head of an autonomous Gu; hereinafter referred to as the "head of a Si/Gun/Gu").
(2) Any person who intends to conduct liquefied petroleum gas sales business shall obtain permission for each store from the head of a Si/Gun/Gu. In such cases, where any liquefied petroleum gas dealer who has obtained permission sells liquefied petroleum gas filled in containers, he or she may sell liquefied petroleum gas filled in containers only in areas of the Special Metropolitan City, a Metropolitan City, Special Self-Governing City, Do or Special Self-Governing Province (hereinafter referred to as "City/Do") having jurisdiction over areas in a Special Self-Governing City, Special Self-Governing Province, or Si/Gun/Gu (in cases of a Gu, referring to an autonomous Gu; hereinafter referred to as "Si/Gun/Gu") in which he or she has obtained permission to sell liquefied petroleum gas filled in containers: Provided, That even in the case of a Si/Gun/Gu within the jurisdiction of another City/Do, where such Si/Gun/Gu abuts on a Si/Gun/Gu in which he or she has obtained permission to sell liquefied petroleum gas filled in containers, he or she may sell liquefied petroleum gas filled in containers.
(3) Where any person intends to change any important matter prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, among matters permitted pursuant to paragraph (1), (2) or (7), he or she shall obtain permission therefor from the head of a Si/Gun/Gu: Provided, That where he or she intends to change any minor matter prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, among permitted matters, he or she shall report thereon. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
(4) Upon receipt of a report on change prescribed in the proviso of paragraph (3), the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall examine the details thereof and accept such report if it complies with this Act. <Newly Inserted on Feb. 3, 2022>
(5) Types of permission and the scope of business subject to permission under paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree, and facility standards and technical standards with regard to the filling, collective supply, or sale of liquefied petroleum gas and the manufacturing of gas appliances shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
(6) Any liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity may establish a place of business to supply liquefied petroleum gas filled in containers. In such cases, a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity which intends to establish a place of business shall meet the requirements for facilities, etc., prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
(7) Where a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity intends to establish places of business pursuant to paragraph (6), he or she shall obtain permission for each place of business from the head of a Si/Gun/Gu, and facility standards and technical standards of a container storage facility built in a place of business shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
(8) Where the head of a Si/Gun/Gu grants permission or permission to make any change or receives a report on change pursuant to paragraphs (1) through (3) or paragraph (7), he or she shall notify the chief of a fire station having jurisdiction over the location of the place of business, store, or business office within seven days from the date on which he or she grants permission or accepts the report. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
(9) Where any liquefied petroleum gas dealer sells liquefied petroleum gas filled in containers to general consumers, the head of a Si/Gun/Gu having jurisdiction over the sales area shall supervise his or her sale, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and order him or her to take necessary measures following the results of his or her supervision. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
 Article 6 (Criteria for Permission)
(1) Where an application for permission or an application for permission to make any change under Article 5 (1) through (3) or (7) is filed, the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall grant permission except where the contents of such application fall under any of the following: <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
1. Where he or she deems that the commencement of business or any change in business interferes with the protection of the life of the people and the prevention of property damage and the occurrence of accidents;
2. Where an applicant lacks funds and technical capability necessary to appropriately conduct business;
3. Where the relevant facility is built in an area where the construction of such facilities is prohibited in consideration of access roads, urban planning, population density, etc.;
4. Where it is deemed that safety is not secured according to the results of a technical review conducted by Korea Gas Safety Corporation under Article 28 of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Control Act (hereinafter referred to as "Korea Gas Safety Corporation");
5. Where an applicant fails to meet any of the following requirements, in cases of the business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas:
(a) He or she shall own a supply facility prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (hereinafter referred to as "supply facility");
(b) He or she shall have the right to use and manage a supply facility for at least five years pursuant to a lease agreement, etc.;
(c) Where he or she intends to supply liquefied petroleum gas to a multi-unit dwelling newly built for sale, he or she shall have the right to use and manage a supply facility pursuant to a lease agreement, etc. concluded with the project owner of such multi-unit dwelling during the period in which the project owner constructs and manages the multi-unit dwelling;
6. Where an applicant violates any restriction under other statutes or regulations.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), permission for or permission for change of the business of supplying liquefied petroleum gas pipelines, among the business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas referred to in Article 5 (1) and (3), shall be granted only where the following requirements are met: <Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019>
1. The relevant business is of an economic scale appropriate for the public interest and general demand;
2. The relevant applicant has financial resources and technical capabilities necessary to properly conduct such business;
3. The relevant applicant has the capability to establish and maintain supply facilities as appropriate for the stable supply of urban gas;
4. He or she shall have the right to use and manage pipelines supply facilities under his or her ownership or lease agreement, etc.
(3) Detailed matters regarding the requirements under paragraph (1) 1 through 3 shall be prescribed by ordinance of the relevant local government. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(4) Detailed standards for administrative disposition specified in paragraph (2) shall be determined by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. <Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019>
(5) The head of a Si/Gun/Gu may determine detailed criteria for granting permission for a business of supplying liquefied petroleum gas pipelines, or establish and publicly notify an area for such supply, among collective supply business of liquefied petroleum gas to suit regional characteristics, within the scope of the criteria for granting permission under paragraph (2). In such cases, he or she shall hold a consultation with the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019>
 Article 7 (Grounds for Disqualification)
None of the following persons shall obtain permission under Article 5 or registration under Article 9: <Amended on Jan. 6, 2016>
1. A person under adult guardianship;
2. A person declared bankrupt who has not been reinstated;
3. A person sentenced to imprisonment without labor or greater punishment for violating Article 172, 172-2, 173, 173-2, 174 (excluding an attempted crime under Article 164 (1), 165, or 166 (1)), or 175 (excluding any person who has prepared or conspired for the purpose of committing a crime under Article 164 (1), 165, or 166 (1)) of the Criminal Act, the High-Pressure Gas Safety Control Act, the Urban Gas Business Act, or this Act in whose case two years have not passed since the execution of his or her punishment was completed (including where his or her punishment is deemed completed) or was exempted;
4. A person who is under suspension of the execution of imprisonment without labor or greater punishment declared by a court for having committed a crime provided in subparagraph 3;
5. A person in whose case two years have not passed since permission or registration was revoked (excluding cases where permission or registration was revoked because he or she fell under grounds for disqualification under subparagraph 1 or 2) pursuant to Article 13;
6. A corporation whose representative falls under any of subparagraphs 1 through 5.
 Article 8 (Permission to Build Storage Facilities)
(1) Any person who intends to build liquefied petroleum gas storage facilities shall obtain permission from the head of a Si/Gun/Gu for each liquefied petroleum gas storage facility.
(2) Where any person intends to change any important matter prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, among matters permitted pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she shall obtain permission from the head of a Si/Gun/Gu: Provided, That where he or she intends to change any minor matter prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, among permitted matters, he or she shall report such matters to the head of a Si/Gun/Gu.
(3) Upon receipt of a report on change under the proviso of paragraph (2), the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall review of the details thereof and accept such report if it complies with this Act. <Newly Inserted on Feb. 3, 2022>
(4) Criteria for permission and the scope of business subject to permission under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree, and facility standards and technical standards of liquefied petroleum gas storage facilities shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
(5) When the head of a Si/Gun/Gu grants permission or permission to make any change or receives a report on change pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2), he or she shall notify the chief of a fire station having jurisdiction over the location of the liquefied petroleum gas storage facility of matters permitted or reported within seven days from the date on which he or she grants permission or accepts a report. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
 Article 9 (Registration of Business Entities Entrusted with Transporting Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
(1) Any person who intends to conduct the entrusted business of transporting liquefied petroleum gas shall file for registration with the head of a Si/Gun/Gu.
(2) Where any person intends to change any important matter prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, among matters registered pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she shall file for registration of such changes with the head of a Si/Gun/Gu: Provided, That he or she intends to change any minor matter prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, he or she shall report such matter to the head of the Si/Gun/Gu.
(3) Where the head of a Si/Gun/Gu receives a report under the proviso of paragraph (2), he or she shall examine the details thereof and accept the report if it complies with this Act. <Newly Inserted on Feb. 3, 2022>
(4) Criteria for registration and the scope of matters subject to registration under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
(5) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) through (4), matters necessary to conduct the entrusted business of transporting liquefied petroleum gas shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
 Article 10 (Registration of Manufacturing of Foreign Gas Appliances)
(1) Any person who intends to manufacture gas appliances in a foreign country to export them to the Republic of Korea shall file for registration with the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(2) Where any person intends to change any important matter prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, among matters registered pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she shall file for registration of such change with the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy: Provided, That he or she intends to change any minor matter prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, he or she shall report such matter to the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(3) Any person who has obtained registration pursuant to paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as "foreign gas appliance manufacturer") shall regularly renew registration for each period prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(4) Criteria for registration and the scope of matters subject to registration, such as technical capabilities of persons who intend to file for registration under paragraph (1) or renewal of registration under paragraph (3) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(5) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy shall notify a person who has filed a report on change under the proviso of paragraph (2) of whether the report is accepted, within three days from the date of receipt of the report. <Newly Inserted on Feb. 3, 2022>
(6) Where the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy fails to notify a person who has filed a report of whether his or her report is accepted or whether the processing period is extended pursuant to statutes or regulations related to processing civil petitions within the period prescribed in paragraph (5), the report shall be deemed accepted on the day following the expiration date of such period (referring to the extended or re-extended period if the processing period is extended or re-extended under the statutes or regulations related to processing civil petitions). <Newly Inserted on Feb. 3, 2022>
(7) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) through (6), facility standards and technical standards regarding the manufacturing of gas appliances, and other matters necessary for registration shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
 Article 11 (Reporting on Commencement of Business)
(1) In any of the following cases, a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. shall file a report with the head of a Si/Gun/Gu under Article 5 or 8 (hereinafter referred to as "permitting authority") or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu under Article 9 (hereinafter referred to as "registering authority"), as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy: <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
1. Where they intend to commence business or the use of their liquefied petroleum gas storage facilities or close their business;
2. Where they intend to suspend business or the use of their liquefied petroleum gas storage facilities for a specific period or resume their business or the use of their liquefied petroleum gas storage facilities after the suspension thereof.
(2) Where the permitting authority or the registering authority receives a report under paragraph (1), he or she shall examine the details thereof and accept the report if it complies with this Act. <Newly Inserted on Feb. 3, 2022>
 Article 12 (Succession to Status of Business Entities)
(1) Any of the following persons who intends to succeed to the status of a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. shall file a report with the permitting authority or the registering authority, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy:
1. Where a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. transfers its business or liquefied petroleum gas storage facility, the transferee;
2. Where a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc., which is a corporation, merges with another corporation, the surviving or resulting corporation following merger or consolidation.
(2) Where a person, who has acquired facilities of a liquefied petroleum gas business entity in their entirety, etc. in accordance with any of the following procedures, intends to succeed to the status of the previous liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc., he or she shall file a report with the permitting authority or the registering authority, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy:
1. Auction under the Civil Execution Act;
3. Sale of seized property under the National Tax Collection Act, the Customs Act, or the Local Tax Collection Act;
4. Other procedures corresponding to the provisions of subparagraphs 1 through 3.
(3) Where a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. is deceased and the successor intends to succeed to the status of the liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc., the successor shall file a report with the permitting authority or the registering authority within 30 days from the date of the predecessor’s death, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(4) The permitting authority or the registering authority shall, in receipt of a report under paragraphs (1) through (3), examine the details thereof and accept such report if it complies with this Act: Provided, That where a person who intends to succeed to the status of a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. (excluding a person who intends to succeed to the status of a person who stores liquefied petroleum gas) falls under any ground for disqualification prescribed in any subparagraph of Article 7, the relevant report shall not be accepted.
(5) Where the report under paragraph (1) or (2) is accepted, the transferee, a corporation established by the surviving or resulting corporations following merger or consolidation, or a person who acquires the facilities of a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. in their entirety shall succeed to the status of the previous liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. from the date of such transfer, merger, consolidation, or acquisition.
(6) Where the report under paragraph (3) is accepted, the successor shall succeed to the status of the predecessor as a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc., and permission for or registration of the liquefied petroleum gas business of the predecessor shall be deemed permission for or registration of the liquefied petroleum gas business of the successor during the period from the date of death of the predecessor to the date of acceptance of the report.
[This Article Wholly Amended on Feb. 3, 2022]
 Article 13 (Revocation of Permission or Registration)
(1) Where a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. falls under any of the following, the permitting authority or the registering authority may revoke permission granted to them or registration obtained by them, or require them to suspend business or the use of their liquefied petroleum gas storage facilities or impose restrictions on their business or the use of their liquefied petroleum gas storage facilities for a specified period not exceeding six months: Provided, That in the case of subparagraph 1, 2, 7, or 9-4, the permitting authority or the registering authority shall revoke such permission or registration: <Amended on Nov. 28, 2017; Aug. 20, 2019>
1. Where such entity obtains permission under Article 5 or 8 or obtains registration under Article 9 by fraud or other improper means;
2. Where such entity fails to commence business or the use of its liquefied petroleum gas storage facilities within one year from the date on which the entity obtained permission or filed for registration without good cause or fails to conduct business activities or to use its liquefied petroleum gas storage facilities for at least one year;
3. Where such entity causes significant harm to the public or users by intention or negligence;
4. Where such entity fails to meet any criteria for permission under Article 5, 6, or 8 or any criteria for registration under Article 9;
5. Where such entity sells liquefied petroleum gas outside its sales areas under Article 5 (2) or violates an order under paragraph (8) of the same Article;
6. Where such entity fails to obtain permission to make any change, in violation of the main clause of Article 5 (3) or the main clause of Article 8 (2) or to file for registration of any changes, in violation of the main clause of Article 9 (2);
7. Where such entity falls under any of the grounds for disqualification under Article 7;
8. Where such entity refuses to supply gas, or requests or recommends another business entity to refuse to supply gas without good cause;
9. Where such entity violates any of the provisions of Article 23 (1) through (3);
9-2. Where it violates Article 23-2 (1);
9-3. Where it violates Article 23-2 (2);
9-4. Where a business operator installs or retrofits business facilities for the purpose of supplying short of the correct quantity, in violation of both Article 23-2 (1) and (2), or acquires or leases the business facilities installed or retrofitted, and supplies liquefied petroleum gas below the correct quantity by using such means;
10. Where such entity violates any supply regulation under Article 25 (1);
11. Where such entity sells or delivers liquefied petroleum gas, or stores, transports, or keeps liquefied petroleum gas for sale or delivery, in violation of Article 26 (3);
12. Where such entity refuses, interferes with, or evades quality inspections under Article 27 (2);
13. Where such entity violates Article 30 (1) or (2);
14. Where such entity violates Article 32 (1) or (2);
15. Where such entity violates an order under Article 33 (1);
16. Where such entity fails to comply with any request of a consumer, in violation of Article 33 (3);
17. Where such entity violates Article 34 (1) or (2);
18. Where such entity violates Article 36 (1) or (2);
19. Where such entity fails to undergo a regular inspection or occasional inspection, in violation of Article 37 (1);
20. Where such entity fails to undergo any inspection, in violation of Article 39 (1);
21. Where such entity fails to comply with an order to recall or order to make an official announcement, in violation of Article 40 (2);
21-2. Where gas appliances manufactured fail to indicate the information required to be provided, in violation of Article 40 (4);
22. Where such entity refuses an order to make adjustments under Article 53;
23. Where such entity sells liquefied petroleum gas at a price higher than the maximum selling price under Article 23 of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 64 (2);
24. Where such entity transfers, leases, or uses (including filling gas) containers, etc. not inspected or reinspected, or displays such containers, etc. for sale, in violation of Article 17 (5) of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Control Act.
(2) Where a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. falls under any of the following, the permitting authority or the registering authority shall not apply paragraph (1) for six months from the date on which the corporation falls under subparagraph 6 of Article 7 or the succession of the successor who has succeeded to the status begins:
1. Where the successor who has succeeded to the status of a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. falls under any of subparagraphs 1 through 5 of Article 7;
2. Where the corporation falls under subparagraph 6 of Article 7.
(3) Where a person ordered to suspend business pursuant to paragraph (1) continues to conduct the business during the period of suspension, the permitting authorities or the registering authorities shall revoke the permission or registration. <Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019>
(4) Criteria for dispositions on each offense under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, in consideration of the cause and severity of an offense. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
 Article 14 (Penalty Surcharges)
(1) Where a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. falls under any of Article 13 (1) 3 through 6, 13 (1) 8, 9, 9-2, 9-3, or 10 through 24, but the suspension of or restriction on their business is likely to cause serious inconvenience to consumers or serious harm to the public interest, the permitting authority or the registering authority may impose a penalty surcharge not exceeding 40 million won on them in lieu of an order to suspend business or impose restrictions on the business. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(2) The amounts of penalty surcharges based on the types and degree of offences subject to penalty surcharges under paragraph (1) or other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(3) Where a person liable to pay a penalty surcharge under paragraph (1) fails to pay it by the payment deadline, the permitting authority or the registering authority shall collect it pursuant to the Act on the Collection of Local Administrative Penalty Charges. <Amended on Mar. 24, 2020>
 Article 15 (Revocation of Registration of Foreign Gas Appliance Manufacturers)
Where a foreign gas appliance manufacturer or a person who has filed for renewal of registration pursuant to Article 10 (3) falls under any of the following, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may revoke his or her registration or impose restrictions on the importation of foreign gas appliances into the Republic of Korea for a fixed period not exceeding six months: Provided, That where he or she falls under subparagraph 1, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy shall revoke his or her registration:
1. Where he or she obtains registration under Article 10 (1) by fraud or other improper means;
2. Where he or she fails to meet criteria for registration under Article 10 (4);
3. Where he or she sells or uses foreign gas appliances without having undergone an inspection, in violation of the main clause of Article 39 (1);
4. Where he or she violates an order to recall, exchange, or refund and an order to disclose such fact under Article 40 (2);
5. Where he or she fails to mark matters that should be marked on gas appliances manufactured, in violation of Article 40 (4).
 Article 16 (Succession to Effect of Dispositions)
Where a person succeeds to the status of a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. pursuant to Article 12, he or she shall succeed to the effect of the suspension of business or the imposition of restrictions under Article 13 (including a penalty surcharge imposed in lieu of an order to suspend business or impose restrictions pursuant to Article 14) on the former liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc., and where the procedures for the disposition are being performed, such procedures may be taken in relation to the person who succeeds to the status: Provided, That this shall not apply where the person who succeeds to the status (excluding a person who succeeds to the status by inheritance) proves that he or she is unaware of such disposition or offense when he or she succeeds to the status.
 Article 17 (Registration of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Export or Import Business)
(1) Any person who intends to conduct liquefied petroleum gas export or import business shall file for registration with the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, as prescribed by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply where he or she falls under any of the subparagraphs of Article 9 (1) of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act.
(2) Where any person who has filed for registration under paragraph (1) intends to change any matters prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as the size of a liquefied petroleum gas storage facility, among matters registered, he or she shall have filed for registration of any changes with the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(3) Requirements for registration of liquefied petroleum gas export or import business under paragraph (1), such as facility standards, shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(4) Articles 7, 12, and 16 shall apply mutatis mutandis to grounds for disqualification, succession to the status, and succession to the effect of disposition of liquefied petroleum gas exporters or importers. In such cases, "liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc." shall be construed as "liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer", "Article 13" and "permission or registration" in subparagraph 5 of Article 7 shall be construed as "Article 21" and "registration", respectively.
 Article 18 (Conditional Registration)
(1) Any person who intends to file an application for registration under Article 17 may file an application for conditional registration with the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy on condition that he or she has facilities specified in requirements for registration within a period prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy in receipt of an application for conditional registration under paragraph (1) shall examine such application and notify an applicant whether he or she accepts conditional registration within a period prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(3) Where any person who has been conditionally registered under paragraph (2) files an application for registration under Article 17, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy shall accept registration after he or she verifies whether the application for registration meets requirements for registration.
(4) Where any person who has obtained conditional registration under paragraph (2) fails to have facilities specified in requirements for registration within a period under paragraph (1) without good cause, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy shall revoke such conditional registration.
(5) Criteria for conditional registration and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
 Article 19 (Reporting of Commencement, Suspension, and Closure of Business)
(1) Any liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer shall commence business within a period prescribed by Presidential Decree from the date on which he or she obtains registration under Article 17.
(2) Where any liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer commences, suspends, or closes business, he or she shall report the commencement, suspension, or closure of his or her business to the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(3) When the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy receives a report under paragraph (2), he or she shall examine the details thereof and accept the report if it complies with this Act. <Newly Inserted on Feb. 13, 2022>
 Article 20 (Obligation to Stockpile Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
(1) For the stabilization of the supply of and demand for liquefied petroleum gas and its prices, liquefied petroleum gas exporters or importers shall stockpile liquefied petroleum gas, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) A liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer may have a person who meets requirements prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as facility standards, perform his or her obligation to stockpile liquefied petroleum gas under paragraph (1) on his or her behalf.
 Article 21 (Revocation of Registration)
(1) Where a liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer falls under any of the following, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy shall revoke the registration of such liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer:
1. Where he or she obtains registration under Article 17 (1) by fraud or other improper means;
2. Where he or she closes liquefied petroleum gas export or import business;
3. Where he or she fails to commence business within the period prescribed under Article 19 (1) or fails to perform liquefied petroleum gas export or import business for at least one year after the commencement of his or her business without good cause;
4. Where he or she falls under any of the grounds for disqualification under the subparagraphs of Article 7 (excluding a corporation that replaces its representative by a representative who has no grounds for disqualification within six months).
(2) Where a liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer falls under any of the following, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may revoke the registration of such liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer, or order him or her to fully or partially suspend business for a fixed period not exceeding six months:
1. Where he or she fails to meet any requirement for registration under Article 17 (3);
2. Where he or she violates the obligation to stockpile liquefied petroleum gas under Article 20;
3. Where he or she sells or delivers liquefied petroleum gas falling short of quality standards, or stores, transports, or keeps such liquefied petroleum gas for sale or delivery, in violation of Article 26 (3);
4. Where he or she sells or delivers liquefied petroleum gas which has not undergone quality inspections under Article 27 (1), or refuses, interferes with, or evades a quality inspection under paragraph (2) of that Article;
5. Where he or she refuses, interferes with, or evades an inspection under Article 55 (1);
6. Where he or she violates an order under Article 21 (1) of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 64 (2) or measures under Article 22 (1) of that Act;
7. Where he or she commits any act prohibited under Article 39 of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act.
(3) Criteria for disposition on each offense under paragraph (2) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(4) Where any person ordered to suspend business pursuant to paragraph (2) continues to conduct his or her business during the period of suspension, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy shall revoke the registration of liquefied petroleum gas export or import business or order him or her to close his or her place of business.
 Article 22 (Penalty Surcharges)
(1) Where a liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer falls under any of Article 21 (2) 3 through 7, but the suspension of business is likely to cause serious inconvenience to consumers or harm to the public interest, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may impose a penalty surcharge not exceeding two billion won on him or her, in lieu of such suspension.
(2) Where a liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer fails to meet requirements for registration under Article 17 (3), but the suspension of business is likely to cause serious inconvenience to consumers or harm to the public interest, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may impose a penalty surcharge of not more than the amount equivalent to the exports or imports of liquefied petroleum gas during the period in which he or she fails to meet any requirement for registration on him or her, in lieu of suspension of business under Article 21 (2).
(3) Where a liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer fails to fulfill his or her stockholding obligation under Article 20, but the suspension of business is likely to cause serious inconvenience to consumers or harm to the public interest, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may impose a penalty surcharge of not more than the amount equivalent to the quantity less than the quantity of obligatory liquefied petroleum gas reserves during the period in which he or she fails to perform his or her stockholding obligation in lieu of the suspension of business under Article 21 (2).
(4) Types of offenses on which penalty surcharges are imposed pursuant to paragraph (1), amounts of penalty surcharges based on the degree of offenses, methods of calculation of penalty surcharges under paragraphs (2) and (3), and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(5) Where any person liable to pay a penalty surcharge under paragraphs (1) through (3) fails to pay the penalty surcharge by the payment deadline, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy shall collect the penalty surcharge in the same manner as delinquent national taxes are collected, or revoke the disposition of imposition of the penalty surcharge under paragraphs (1) through (3) and impose the disposition of the suspension of liquefied petroleum gas export or import business pursuant to Article 21 (2).
(6) Amounts imposed and collected pursuant to paragraphs (1) through (3) shall be vested in special accounts for energy and resources-related projects under the Act on the Special Accounts for Energy and Resources-Related Projects.
 Article 23 (Indication of Quantity of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Filled)
(1) Where a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity fills a container with liquefied petroleum gas, he or she shall indicate the quantity of liquefied petroleum gas filled and his or her trade name on the container. In such cases, necessary matters concerning the types of containers on which such indication should be made, methods of making the indication, the details of the indication, etc. shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(2) Where a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity measures the quantity of liquefied petroleum gas filled to make an indication under paragraph (1), he or she shall not exceed any tolerance prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(3) No liquefied petroleum gas dealer shall deface any indication under paragraph (1) or reduce the quantity of liquefied petroleum gas filled in a container.
 Article 23-2 (Obligation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Filling Business Entities to Fill Correct Quantity of Gas Paid For)
(1) Where a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity fills a container fixed to a motor vehicle with liquefied petroleum gas, he or she shall not short the quantity of liquefied petroleum gas paid for, deviating beyond the tolerance limits prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(2) Where a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity fills a container fixed to a motor vehicle with liquefied petroleum gas, he or she shall not install or retrofit business facilities or use the business facilities installed or retrofitted by transfer or lease for the purpose of shorting the quantity of liquefied petroleum gas.
(3) Specific standards for installation or retrofitting under paragraph (2) and business facilities subject to such standards shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(4) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may require a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity under paragraph (1) to conduct an inspection, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, regarding short supply by a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity or the installation, retrofitting, etc. of business facilities under paragraph (2).
(5) Where a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity violates paragraph (1) or (2), the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may announce such violation, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(6) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may subsidize all or some of expenses incurred in conducting quality inspections to the head of a Si/Gun/Gu who conducts quality inspections pursuant to paragraph (4) or a person who conducts quality inspections entrusted pursuant to Article 61 (3) 1-2. In such cases, methods of subsidizing expenses incurred in conducting quality inspections, etc. shall be prescribed and publicly notified by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 24 (Methods of Sale)
Where a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity or liquefied petroleum gas dealer sells liquefied petroleum gas to general consumers, or a business entity entrusted with transporting liquefied petroleum gas transports and supplies liquefied petroleum gas to general consumers, he or she shall comply with methods of supply prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
 Article 25 (Supply Regulations)
(1) Where a collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas intends to formulate supply regulations regarding the rates of liquefied petroleum gas and other terms of supply, he or she shall report such supply regulations to the permitting authority. The same shall apply where he or she intends to change any important matter prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy among matters reported. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
(2) Upon receipt of a report or report on change under paragraph (1), the permitting authority shall examine the details thereof and accept the report if it complies with this Act. <Newly Inserted on Feb. 3, 2022>
(3) Matters necessary for the details to be included in supply regulations under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
 Article 26 (Maintenance of Quality of Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
(1) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may establish quality standards of liquefied petroleum gas to ensure appropriate quality of liquefied petroleum gas. In such cases, where he or she establishes quality standards that has an effect on the atmospheric environment, he or she shall consult with the Minister of Environment in advance.
(2) Where the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy formulates quality standards of liquefied petroleum gas pursuant to paragraph (1), he or she shall publicly announce such quality standards.
(3) Each liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer, liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas, liquefied petroleum gas dealer, and petroleum refining business entity and dealer of petroleum by-products under the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act shall maintain the quality of liquefied petroleum gas in compliance with quality standards under paragraph (1), and shall not sell or deliver it, or store, transport, or keep it for sale or delivery with the knowledge that it fails to meet any quality standard.
 Article 27 (Quality Inspections of Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
(1) Where any liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer, petroleum refining business entity and dealer of petroleum by-products under the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act intends to sell or deliver liquefied petroleum gas, he or she shall undergo quality inspections to determine whether liquefied petroleum gas meets quality standards under Article 26 (1) by a quality inspection institution designated pursuant to Article 25 (1) of that Act or the Korea Petroleum Quality and Distribution Authority established under Article 25-2 of that Act: Provided, That a person who has inspection personnel and inspection equipment and has obtained approval from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may conduct a self-inspection in lieu of a quality inspection by a quality inspection institution. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(2) Where necessary to maintain quality of liquefied petroleum gas, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may conduct quality inspections of liquefied petroleum gas which a liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer, liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas, liquefied petroleum gas dealer, and a petroleum refining business entity and dealer of petroleum by-products under the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act sell or deliver, or store, transport or keep for sale or delivery.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), cases prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, such as liquefied petroleum gas sold or delivered for export, shall be excluded from the subject of the quality inspection of liquefied petroleum gas. <Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019>
(4) Where a quality inspection under paragraph (2) finds that the quality of the relevant liquefied petroleum fails to meet any quality standard prescribed under Article 26 (1), the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may publish such fact, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(5) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may subsidize all or some of expenses incurred in conducting quality inspections to the head of a Si/Gun/Gu who conducts quality inspections pursuant to paragraph (2) or a person who conducts quality inspections entrusted pursuant to Article 61 (3) 2. In such cases, methods of subsidizing expenses incurred in conducting quality inspections, etc. shall be prescribed and publicly announced by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(6) Matters necessary for quality inspections under the main clause of paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), the methods and procedures for conducting self-inspections under the proviso of paragraph (1), the procedures for publication under paragraph (4), etc. shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
 Article 28 Deleted. <Mar. 26, 2019>
 Article 29 (Restrictions on Filling Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Motor Vehicles)
(1) Any person who intends to use liquefied petroleum gas as a fuel for a motor vehicle shall have his or her motor vehicle fuel tank filled with liquefied petroleum gas at a liquefied petroleum gas filling station, but shall not directly fill it himself or herself: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply to cases prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, such as where he or she runs out of fuel during the operation of a motor vehicle or it is necessary to fill the fuel tank to repair a motor vehicle.
(2) Matters necessary for methods of filling liquefied petroleum gas, etc. under the proviso of paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
 Article 30 (Obligation of Suppliers)
(1) When a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas, or liquefied petroleum gas dealer (hereinafter referred to as "gas supplier") supplies liquefied petroleum gas to consumers (excluding a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc.; hereafter the same shall apply in this Article), he or she shall conduct safety inspections of facilities of such consumers and provide instructions necessary to prevent harm to consumers, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(2) Where the safety inspection under paragraph (1) finds that a consumer's facility fails to meet any facility standard and technical standard under Article 44 (1), a gas supplier shall advise such consumer to improve the relevant facility.
(3) Where the consumer of liquefied petroleum gas fails to improve his or her facility even after he or she was advised to improve pursuant to paragraph (2), the gas supplier shall take measures to prevent harm, such as the disconnection of gas supply, and report such fact, without delay, to the head of a Si/Gun/Gu having jurisdiction over the area in which the consumer is located.
(4) Qualification of and the number of inspectors, inspection equipment, and inspection standards necessary for safety inspections under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
 Article 30-2 (Safety ㅊontrol Agents of Gas-Using Facilities)
(1) Gas suppliers shall conduct safety control of gas-using facilities under the safety control regulations referred to in Article 31 (including safety control duties incidental to the duties of suppliers referred to in Article 30; hereafter the same shall apply in this Article). Where part of the duties of gas using facilities is to be vicariously performed efficiently, a person who meets the qualifications prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (hereinafter referred to as "safety control agent of gas using facilities") may be permitted to perform part of such duties vicariously.
(2) No safety control agent of gas-using facilities shall construct a boiler using liquefied petroleum gas as fuel among gas-using facilities vicariously conducting safety control duties pursuant to paragraph (1).
(3) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may require a safety control agent of gas-using facilities to submit data concerning the cost of installation of gas-using facilities which he or she imposes on gas users, and where he or she deems it necessary for the protection of gas users and the promotion of public interest, he or she may publish all or part of the content thereof.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 31 (Safety Control Regulations)
(1) A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. (excluding a business entity entrusted with transporting liquefied petroleum gas; hereafter the same shall apply in this Article) shall establish safety control regulations including matters prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy concerning safety maintenance of their facilities, containers, gas appliances, etc., and submit such safety control regulations to the permitting authority when they commence business. In such cases, they shall submit a written opinion of Korea Gas Safety Corporation along with the safety control regulations.
(2) A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. prescribed by Presidential Decree shall give priority to safety in all management activities, such as management principles, organizational management, data and information management, facilities management, and safety education for employees, and include necessary matters in safety control regulations under paragraph (1), to ensure comprehensive safety.
(3) A gas appliance manufacturer shall include the gas appliance manufacturing process, self-inspection method, etc. in safety control regulations under paragraph (1).
(4) Where the permitting authority deems it necessary to ensure safety, it may order a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. to amend safety control regulations under paragraph (1).
(5) Any person (including a safety management agent of gas-using facilities) and his or her employees who have submitted safety control regulations under paragraph (1) shall observe the safety control regulations, and prepare and keep records of implementing such safety management regulations. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(6) The permitting authority shall verify and evaluate whether a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. (including a safety management agent of gas-using facilities) and his or her employees comply with the safety control regulations referred to in paragraph (1), as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(7) Matters necessary for guidelines for preparation of safety control regulations and presentation of opinions by Korea Gas Safety Corporation under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
 Article 32 (Maintenance of Safety of Facilities and Containers)
(1) A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. (excluding a business entity entrusted with transporting liquefied petroleum gas) shall maintain liquefied petroleum gas filling facilities, collective supply facilities, sales facilities, facilities of places of business, storage facilities, or gas appliance manufacturing facilities in compliance with facility standards and technical standards under Article 5 (5) and (7) or 8 (4). <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
(2) Where a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity intends to fill containers with liquefied petroleum gas, he or she shall inspect the safety of containers in advance, and fill liquefied petroleum gas in containers meeting safety standards, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(3) Where necessary to efficiently manage containers, a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity or liquefied petroleum gas dealer may entrust the inspection of containers to an inspection agency under Article 35 of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Control Act.
 Article 33 (Improvement of Facilities and Safety Maintenance Thereof)
(1) Where the head of a Si/Gun/Gu who receives a report pursuant to Article 30 (3) deems that a facility fails to meet facility standards and technical standards under Article 44 (1), he or she may order the relevant gas supplier to discontinue or restrict the supply of liquefied petroleum gas, and shall order a consumer to take necessary measures, such as repairing or improving the facility that uses liquefied petroleum gas in compliance with the standards, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(2) No person shall arbitrarily remove or alter any facility owned by a gas supplier without prior consultation therewith.
(3) Where a consumer makes the following requests, a gas supplier shall comply with such requests within two days unless there is good cause not to do so:
1. Where the consumer requests the gas supplier to improve a facility in order to comply with an order issued by the head of a Si/Gun/Gu under paragraph (1);
2. Where the consumer requests the gas supplier to remove a facility because they fail to reach an agreement under paragraph (2).
 Article 34 (Safety Supervisors)
(1) A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. and specific user of liquefied petroleum gas under Article 44 (2) shall appoint a safety supervisor before they commence business or use liquefied petroleum gas, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, to assign duties to ensure the safety of facilities, containers, gas appliances, etc. and to prevent any harm: Provided, That for facilities prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy where multiple users use liquefied petroleum gas using storage equipment, among facilities which specific users of liquefied petroleum gas use, a business entity which supplies liquefied petroleum gas to such facilities shall appoint a safety supervisor.
(2) Where a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. or specific user of liquefied petroleum gas appoints or dismisses a safety supervisor under paragraph (1), or a safety supervisor retires, they shall immediately report such fact to the permitting authority, the registering authority, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu, and appoint a new safety supervisor within 30 days from the date of dismissal or retirement: Provided, That where it is impracticable to appoint a replacement safety supervisor within 30 days, the period may be extended with approval of the permitting authority, the registering authority, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu.
(3) Where a safety supervisor falls under any of the following, a person who has appointed the safety supervisor pursuant to paragraph (1) shall designate a deputy to the safety supervisor and require the deputy to the safety supervisor to temporarily assume the duties of the safety supervisor on his or her behalf, as prescribed by Presidential Decree: <Amended on Jan. 6, 2016>
1. Where the safety supervisor is unable to perform his or her duties temporarily due to travel, illness, or other reasons;
2. Where another safety supervisor is not appointed at the time the safety supervisor is dismissed or retires.
(4) A safety supervisor shall perform his or her duties conscientiously, and a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. and specific user of liquefied petroleum gas under Article 44 (2) and their employees shall give due regard to the safety supervisor's opinion on safety and comply with his or her advice.
(5) Where a safety supervisor prescribed by Presidential Decree fails to perform his or her duties conscientiously, the permitting authority, the registering authority, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may request the liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. or the specific user of liquefied petroleum gas under Article 44 (2) who has appointed such safety supervisor to dismiss him or her.
(6) Where the permitting authority, the registering authority, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu requests for dismissal of a safety supervisor pursuant to paragraph (5), it or he or she shall notify the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy of the fact that the relevant safety supervisor fails to conscientiously perform his or her duties.
(7) If a report filed under paragraph (2) has no defect in the matters stated therein and the documents appended thereto and meets the formalities prescribed in statutes or regulations, etc., the report shall be deemed to be filed as at the time the report reaches the receiving authority. <Newly Inserted on Feb. 3, 2022>
(8) The types, qualification, number, and scope of duties of safety supervisors, a period for which a deputy acts on behalf of a safety supervisor, and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
 Article 34-2 (Approval of Facility Work Plans)
(1) Where a liquefied petroleum supplier intends to perform works to install or alter gas supply facilities prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, he or she shall obtain approval of such work plan from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, or the head of the relevant Si/Gun/Gu after meeting all requirements, such as the facility standards, technical standards and standards for human resources, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. The same shall also apply to any modification to important matters prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy from among approved matters.
(2) Where a liquefied petroleum supplier intends to perform construction works of gas supply facilities prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, from among works to install or alter gas supply facilities, he or she shall report a plan for such works to the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy or the head of the relevant Si/Gun/Gu, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. The same shall apply to any modification to important matters prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy from among reported matters.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), where gas supply facilities are installed or altered at the cost of liquefied petroleum gas users pursuant to the Housing Act or any other statute, a person that performs construction works of such gas supply facilities may apply for approval of the work plan or approval of modification thereto, or report the work plan or any modification thereto, on behalf of the relevant liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier. In such cases, the person that performs construction works of such gas supply facilities shall notify the urban gas business entity thereof.
(4) Any of the following persons shall undergo a technical review of the Korea Gas Safety Corporation on the relevant work plan in advance, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy:
1. A person that intends to obtain approval of a work plan under paragraph (1) or approval of modification thereto;
2. A person that intends to report a work plan under paragraph (2) or report any modification thereto;
3. A person that intends to perform works to install or alter gas supply facilities prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, other than the gas supply facilities under paragraphs (1) and (2).
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 34-3 (Use of Public Land)
(1) Where an urban gas business entity needs to install gas supply facilities above or under the ground of public land managed by the State, a local government or any other public institution, he or she may use the public land upon obtaining permission from the relevant manager to the extent that the utility of such public land is not compromised.
(2) Any manager of public land under paragraph (1) shall not refuse the use of the public land without good cause.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 35 (Construction of Facilities and Preservation and Submission of Construction Records)
(1) Any person who intends to construct liquefied petroleum gas filling facilities, collective supply facilities, sales facilities, facilities of the place of business, storage facilities, or facilities for the use of liquefied petroleum gas (hereinafter referred to as "liquefied petroleum gas facilities") shall be a person who has registered his or her gas facility construction business pursuant to Article 9 of the Framework Act on the Construction Industry (hereinafter referred to as "gas facility construction contractor").
(2) A gas facility construction contractor who intends to perform and manage any works to install or alter gas supply facilities or gas-using facilities in excess of the scale prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy shall inform in advance a liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier of the details of construction to ensure that the relevant liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier may examine impacts on the construction plan of gas supply facilities, gas supply capacity, etc., as prescribed by Ordinance of Trade, Industry and Energy. The liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier shall inform such gas facility supplier and persons who intend to use liquefied petroleum gas of the results of their examination. <Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019>
(3) Where a gas facility construction contractor performs any works to install or alter gas supply facilities or gas-using facilities, he or she shall perform and manage such works in conformity with the facility standards and technical standards for each facility prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019>
(4) When a gas facility construction contractor constructs liquefied petroleum gas facilities, he or she shall do so in compliance with facility standards and technical standards under Articles 5 (5) and (7), 8 (4), and 44 (1). <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019; Feb. 3, 2022>
(5) When a gas facility construction contractor completes the construction or alteration of liquefied petroleum gas facilities, he or she shall prepare and preserve the construction records, as-built drawings (where they have been input in the computer auxiliary memory, such input data are acceptable; hereinafter the same shall apply), and other necessary documents (hereinafter referred to as "construction records, etc."), as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(6) A gas facility construction contractor shall provide a copy of construction records, etc. to a person who has ordered the construction or alteration of liquefied petroleum gas facilities, and submit a copy of as-built drawings to the head of a Si/Gun/Gu, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(7) Upon receipt of a copy of construction records, etc. under paragraph (6), a gas supplier and a person who stores liquefied petroleum gas shall preserve a copy of as-built drawings among construction records, etc., as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
[Title Amended on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 36 (Safety Verification and Final Inspections)
(1) Where a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas (excluding a liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier), liquefied petroleum gas dealer, or person who stores liquefied petroleum gas performs works prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, such as works to lay facilities underground, during construction or alteration of liquefied petroleum gas filling facilities, collective supply facilities, sales facilities and storage facilities, he or she shall receive verification of safety for each construction process of such works from the permitting authority, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy: Provided, That where a person, other than a collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas, constructs liquefied petroleum gas collective supply facilities, a construction contractor who has performed such works shall undergo safety verification. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(2) Where a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. (excluding a liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier and a business entity entrusted with transporting liquefied petroleum gas) complete construction or alteration of liquefied petroleum gas filling facilities, collective supply facilities, sales facilities, facilities of the place of business or storage facilities, or gas appliance manufacturing facilities, they shall undergo final inspections by the permitting authority before they use such facilities: Provided, That where a person, other than a collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas, completes construction of liquefied petroleum gas collective supply facilities, a construction contractor of such works shall undergo the final inspection. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(3) Standards for safety verification and final inspections under paragraphs (1) and (2), and other matters necessary for inspections shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
 Article 36-2 (Construction Supervision)
(1) A liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier (in cases falling under the former part of Article 34-2 (3), referring to a person who builds the relevant gas supply facilities). Where the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy executes installation works or alteration works on gas supply facilities prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, he or she shall be subject to supervision by a permitting agency.
(2) Where a liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier has performed works to install or alter gas supply facilities under paragraph (1), he or she shall not use the gas supply facilities unless such facilities are determined by the relevant supervisor to be appropriate for use.
(3) Business entities subject to supervision criteria therefor, under paragraph (1) and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 37 (Regular Inspections and Occasional Inspections)
(1) A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. (excluding a business entity entrusted with transporting liquefied petroleum gas and a gas appliance manufacturer) shall undergo regular inspections or occasional inspections by the permitting authority, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy: Provided, That a person prescribed by Presidential Decree may be exempted from all or some regular inspections.
(2) Business entities subject to, and standards for, regular inspections or occasional inspections under paragraph (1), and other matters necessary for inspections shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
 Article 38 (Precise Safety Diagnosis and Safety Evaluation)
(1) A liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, a person who stores liquefied petroleum gas, and a business entity who supplies liquefied petroleum gas pipelines shall regularly undergo a detailed safety inspection and safety evaluation conducted by Korea Gas Safety Corporation on the places of business, storage places, or pipelines prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(2) Matters necessary for the timing and standards for precise safety diagnosis and safety evaluation under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
 Article 39 (Importation and Inspection of Gas Appliances)
(1) Any person who has manufactured or imported gas appliances (including a foreign gas appliance manufacturer) shall undergo inspections by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (limited to a foreign gas appliance manufacturer) or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu before he or she sells or uses such gas appliances: Provided, That gas appliances prescribed by Presidential Decree may be exempted from all or some inspections.
(2) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall apply the stamp or marking of necessary matters on gas appliances that have passed the inspection under paragraph (1), as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(3) No gas appliances subject to inspections but not inspected pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be transferred, leased, or used or displayed for sale.
(4) Standards, period, and other matters necessary for inspections under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
 Article 40 (Ensuring Safety of Gas Appliances)
(1) Where the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy deems it necessary to ensure the safety of gas appliances, he or she may designate the types of gas appliances and require gas appliance manufacturers to obtain certification under Article 15 of the Industrial Standardization Act before the manufacturers sell such gas appliances.
(2) Where the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu deems it necessary for the safety control of gas appliances, he or she may collect gas appliances on the market for inspection, and where any inspection finds that gas appliances have any critical defect, he or she may order the manufacturer or importer of such gas appliances (including a foreign gas appliance manufacturer) to recall, exchange, or refund them, and to officially announce such fact.
(3) Methods for collecting gas appliances, procedures for recall, exchange or refund, and methods for making official announcements under paragraph (2) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(4) Each manufacturer or importer of gas appliances (including a foreign gas appliance manufacturer) shall indicate the manufacturer, manufacturing date, purpose, method of use, guarantee period, etc. of gas appliances on such gas appliances, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Nov. 28, 2017>
(5) No person shall retrofit any gas appliance (referring to where the structure or performance of appliances is altered and excluding insignificant alterations prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy), and each gas appliance user shall use gas appliances according to the indications under paragraph (4).
 Article 41 (Safety Education)
(1) Any person who conducts affairs related to the safety control of liquefied petroleum gas business entities, etc., construction contractors and specific users of liquefied petroleum gas (excluding persons who use liquefied petroleum gas as fuel for motor vehicles) shall receive safety education conducted by the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, a Metropolitan City Mayor, the Special Self-Governing City Mayor, a Do Governor, or the Special Self-Governing Province Governor (hereinafter referred to as the "Mayor/Do Governor"). <Amended on Dec. 11, 2018>
(2) A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc., construction contractor, and specific user of liquefied petroleum gas shall have persons subject to education under paragraph (1) (hereafter referred to as "persons subject to safety education" in this Article), among their employees, receive safety education.
(3) The scope of persons subject to safety education, the period of education, curricula, and other matters necessary for safety education shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
 Article 42 Deleted. <Dec. 11, 2018>
 Article 43 Deleted. <Dec. 11, 2018>
 Article 44 (Construction and Inspections of Facilities Using Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
(1) Any person who intends to use liquefied petroleum gas shall be equipped with facilities using liquefied petroleum gas and gas appliances in compliance with facility standards and technical standards prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(2) Where a gas facility construction contractor completes construction of facilities using liquefied petroleum gas of a person prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy who intends to use liquefied petroleum gas (hereinafter referred to as "specific user of liquefied petroleum gas"), or alteration prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, he or she shall undergo the final inspection by the head of a Si/Gun/Gu before the specific user of liquefied petroleum gas uses such facilities.
(3) A specific user of liquefied petroleum gas may use facilities using liquefied petroleum gas only where the relevant facilities using liquefied petroleum gas have passed the final inspection under paragraph (2).
(4) A specific user of liquefied petroleum gas shall undergo regular inspections of facilities using liquefied petroleum gas by the head of a Si/Gun/Gu, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy: Provided, That among specific users of liquefied petroleum gas, those who are prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy may be exempted from regular inspections of facilities using liquefied petroleum gas.
(5) The head of a Si/Gun/Gu who conducts the final inspection pursuant to paragraph (2) shall notify the chief of the competent fire station of matters prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(6) Standards for and the period of the final inspection and regular inspections under paragraphs (2) and (4), and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(7) When the head of a Si/Gun/Gu, the chief of a police station, or the chief of a fire station deems that a specific user of liquefied petroleum gas is likely to cause harm, in violation of this Act or an order under this Act, he or she may temporarily prohibit the specific user’s use of liquefied petroleum gas or seal his or her facilities using liquefied petroleum gas or temporarily place them in custody.
(8) A gas supplier shall confirm whether facilities using liquefied petroleum gas have undergone a final inspection under paragraph (2) and regular inspections under paragraph (4) before he or she supplies liquefied petroleum gas to facilities using liquefied petroleum gas of a specific user of liquefied petroleum gas.
(9) The head of a Si/Gun/Gu may disclose the result of a final inspection and regular inspection under paragraphs (2) and (4). <Newly Inserted on Jun. 15, 2021>
(10) Matters necessary for the subject, scope, and methods of disclosure of inspection results specified in paragraph (9) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Newly Inserted on Jun. 15, 2021>
 Article 44-2 (Safety Devices of Facilities to Use)
(1) When a person who has manufactured or imported gas appliances, such as gas boilers, (including a foreign gas appliance manufacturer) sells such gas appliances, he or she shall include safety devices, such as carbon dioxide alarm systems.
(2) Where a person prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, such as an operator of lodging business under the Public Health Control Act, uses gas appliances such as gas boiler, he or she shall install safety devices, such as carbon dioxide alarm.
(3) The categories of the gas appliances referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2), the period of education, curricula, and other matters necessary for the education shall be determined by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Feb. 4, 2020]
 Article 45 (Detailed Standards)
(1) The Gas Technical Standards Committee under Article 33-2 of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Control Act may formulate standards that prescribe detailed specifications, specific numerical values, specific methods of testing, etc. in detail that meet standards within any of the following standards (hereinafter referred to as "detailed standards"): <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019; Feb. 3, 2022>
1. Facility standards and technical standards concerning the filling, collective supply, and sale of liquefied petroleum gas and the manufacturing of gas appliances under Article 5 (5);
2. Facility standards and technical standards for container storage facilities under Article 5 (7);
3. Facility standards and technical standards for liquefied petroleum gas storage facilities under Article 8 (4);
4. Facility standards and technical standards concerning the manufacturing of gas appliances under Article 10 (7);
5. Standards for safety verification and final inspections under Article 36 (3);
6. Standards for construction supervision under Article 36-2 (1);
7. Standards for regular inspections and occasional inspections under Article 37 (2);
8. Standards for precise safety diagnosis and safety evaluation under Article 38 (2);
9. Standards for inspections of gas appliances under Article 39 (4);
10. Facility standards and technical standards for facilities using liquefied petroleum gas under Article 44 (1);
11. Standards for final inspection and regular inspections under Article 44 (6).
(2) Detailed standards shall be approved by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy following deliberation and resolution by the Gas Technical Standards Committee under paragraph (1), as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(3) Where detailed standards are approved pursuant to paragraph (2), the Gas Technical Standards Committee under paragraph (1) shall, without delay, make public the contents of such detailed standards through its website, etc., and the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy shall publicly announce his or her approval of the detailed standards on the Official Gazette.
(4) Where anything meets detailed standards, it shall be deemed to meet the standards to which such detailed standards correspond, among the standards under the subparagraphs of paragraph (1).
(5) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) through (4), procedures for the establishment and amendment of detailed standards shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
 Article 46 (Support for Improvement of Safety Control)
(1) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Mayor/Do Governor, and the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (excluding the Special Self-Governing City Mayor and the Special Self-Governing Province Governor; hereafter the same shall apply in this Article) may provide support where it is necessary to improve the safety control and distribution structure of gas.
(2) Where necessary to provide support under paragraph (1), the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Mayor/Do Governor, and the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may request Korea Gas Safety Corporation to take measures for safety control. In such cases, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Mayor/Do Governor, and the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall subsidize Korea Gas Safety Corporation to subsidize the expenses incurred in taking measures for safety control.
 Article 47 (Support for Installation of Small Liquefied Petroleum Gas Storage Tanks and Pipeline Networks and Creation of Safety Control System)
(1) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Mayor/Do Governor and the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (excluding the Special Self-Governing City Mayor and the Special Self-Governing Province Governor) may subsidize projects to install small liquefied petroleum gas storage tanks and pipeline networks in areas where urban gas under subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the Urban Gas Business Act is not supplied in order to improve the safety and convenience of liquefied petroleum gas and the creation of safety control system prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(2) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, a Mayor/Do Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may designate a support institution to efficiently provide necessary support under paragraph (1), as prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019>
(3) Matters necessary for supporting and promoting projects under paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019>
[Title Amended on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 48 (Measures Taken by Permitting Authority)
(1) The permitting authority, the registering authority, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may order persons who have obtained permission or registration under this Act, specific users of liquefied petroleum gas, or users of liquefied petroleum gas to take measures necessary to prevent harm, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) If deemed urgent or inevitable because harm has occurred or is likely to occur at any time due to facilities for filling, collective supply, sale, the place of business, entrusted transportation, storage, or use of liquefied petroleum gas of a person who has obtained permission or registration under this Act, a specific user of liquefied petroleum gas or a user of liquefied petroleum gas or his or her containers or gas appliances (hereafter referred to as "facilities, etc." in this paragraph), the permitting authority, the registering authority, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may order such person to relocate the facilities, etc., suspend or restrict the use thereof, or disuse liquefied petroleum gas contained in the facilities, etc. or seal them.
(3) Where an order or measure under paragraph (2) is issued or taken to maintain public safety without any reason attributed to a business entity, the permitting authority, the registering authority, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall make reasonable compensation for any loss inflicted on the relevant business entity, as prescribed by Presidential Decree: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply to cases due to a natural disaster, war or other force majeure.
 Article 49 (Prohibition of Smoking in Liquefied Petroleum Gas Filling Station for Motor Vehicles)
No person shall smoke in any filling station where liquefied petroleum gas is filled into motor vehicles that use it as a fuel.
 Article 49-2 (Information Support for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Pipelines)
(1) A Mayor/Do Governor and the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall establish and operate an information network to support excavation works necessary for providing information, publicity, etc., and perform other duties of providing information on the verification of pipelines laid underground to prevent damage to liquefied petroleum gas pipelines that may occur due to drilling, piling, excavating sites, or other excavation of ground (hereinafter referred to as "excavation works").
(2) A Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may entrust affairs concerning the provision of information under paragraph (1) to a specialized institution, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 49-3 (Identification of Status of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Pipelines Laid Underground)
(1) Business prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas . A person who intends to perform excavation works in an area permitted for business prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy or business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas (excluding those prescribed by Presidential Decree; hereafter in Chapter V the same shall apply) among liquefied petroleum gas filling business shall request a Mayor/Do Governor, the head of a Si/Gun/Gu, or a specialized institution entrusted under Article 49-2 (hereinafter referred to as "entrusted agency, etc.") to identify whether a liquefied petroleum gas pipeline is laid under the relevant land before performing such excavation works: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply to excavation works prescribed by Presidential Decree which are deemed not to cause any risk to liquefied petroleum gas pipelines.
(2) The entrusted agency, etc. in receipt of a request under paragraph (1) shall be a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity or collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas (referring to a person who has obtained permission to conduct the business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas under paragraph (1); hereafter the same shall apply in Chapter V) of the Act shall be notified of the fact.
(3) Upon receipt of notification under paragraph (2), the liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity or collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas shall identify whether high-pressure gas pipelines are laid under relevant land, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(4) Where identification under paragraph (3) reveals that liquefied petroleum gas pipelines are laid underground, the relevant excavation worker, liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, and collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas shall take the following measures, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, before commencing excavation works:
1. Indicating the location of the field of excavation works and the location of liquefied petroleum gas pipelines laid underground;
2. Notifying the Information Support Center of the indication under subparagraph 1;
3. Measures prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy to prevent any accident due to excavation works, such as installation of facilities necessary for protecting liquefied petroleum gas pipelines, provision of drawings marking the location, etc. of liquefied petroleum gas pipelines laid underground, etc.
(5) Where the Information Support Center receives confirmation that no underground pipelines have been found through identification under paragraph (3) or receives notification under paragraph (4) 2, it shall give notice to the relevant excavation worker that he or she may commence excavation works, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(6) No excavation workers shall perform excavation works before receiving notice of the commencement of excavation works under paragraph (5) from the Information Support Center.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 49-4 (Gas Safety Impact Assessment)
(1) Persons prescribed by Presidential Decree who intend to perform excavation works in an area where the business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas is permitted shall prepare documents for gas safety impact assessment (hereinafter referred to as "assessment document") and submit them to the head of the relevant Si/Gun/Gu. In such cases, a written opinion of the Korea Gas Safety Corporation shall be attached to the assessment document.
(2) A person who prepares an assessment document shall include the opinions of liquefied petroleum gas filling business entities and collective suppliers of liquefied petroleum gas who manage liquefied petroleum gas pipelines affected by excavation works in the details of the assessment document.
(3) Where the head of a Si/Gun/Gu deems it necessary to supplement an assessment document, he or she may require the person that has submitted the assessment document to supplement it.
(4) A person that has submitted an assessment document pursuant to paragraph (1) (including a person that has supplemented the assessment document under paragraph (3)) shall perform excavation works according to the details of the assessment document.
(5) Matters concerning the preparation and submission of applications for qualification approval shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 49-5 (Consultation on Excavation Works and Round Inspections)
(1) A person who intends to perform excavation works prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy in an area where business prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy or business of collective supply of liquefied petroleum gas is permitted, which are prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, to protect liquefied petroleum gas pipelines; A collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas shall consult on safety measures, etc., and a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity or collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas requested for consultation shall comply therewith except in extenuating circumstances: Provided, That this shall not apply to a person who has submitted an assessment report to the head of a Si/Gun/Gu under the former part of Article 49-4 (1).
(2) Once a business operator who owns pipelines outside the place of business and a person who intends to perform excavation works have consulted with each other pursuant to paragraph (1), they shall prepare a written agreement, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and comply with the terms and conditions of the written agreement.
(3) Where a liquefied petroleum gas pipeline passes through railroad (including urban railroad) or road construction works and other places of work prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity or collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas who manages such liquefied petroleum gas pipelines and the implementer of such works shall establish a system to monitor, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and regularly conduct round inspections.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 49-6 (Compliance with Standards for Prevention of Damage to Liquefied Petroleum Gas Pipelines)
Any person who intends to perform excavation works in an area where a business prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy is permitted among liquefied petroleum gas filling business and business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas, shall perform excavation works in accordance with the standards for preventing damage to liquefied petroleum gas pipelines prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 49-7 (Safety Measures for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Pipelines)
(1) Where excavation works are performed in an area where permission for business has been granted to a business prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy or to a collective supply business of liquefied petroleum gas, among liquefied petroleum gas filling business, the operator of either business shall endeavor to take safety measures prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy to liquefied petroleum gas pipelines.
(2) An operator of a liquefied petroleum gas filling business and a business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas under paragraph (1) shall prepare and keep drawings of liquefied petroleum gas pipelines which include the locations of the liquefied petroleum gas pipelines laid and other matters prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 50 (Establishment of Trade Associations)
(1) Liquefied petroleum gas business entities, etc. may establish a trade association for each business under Articles 5, 8, and 9 (hereinafter referred to as "trade association") after obtaining authorization from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) A trade association shall be a corporation.
(3) Matters to be included in the articles of association of a trade association and matters necessary for its operation, supervision, etc. shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(4) Except as provided in this Act, the provisions concerning incorporated associations in the Civil Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to trade associations.
 Article 51 (Activities)
A trade association may conduct the following activities:
1. Survey and research for the promotion and development of liquefied petroleum gas business;
2. Activities that would contribute to smooth supply of and demand for liquefied petroleum gas;
3. Mutual-aid programs to make up for any loss, etc.;
4. Activities entrusted by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy;
5. Other activities prescribed by its articles of association, incidental to those activities under subparagraphs 1 through 4.
 Article 52 (Mutual-Aid Programs)
(1) Where a trade association intends to operate a mutual-aid program under subparagraph 3 of Article 51, it shall obtain permission from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) Liquefied petroleum gas business entities, etc. that join a mutual-aid program under paragraph (1) shall contribute their shares of expenses incurred in operating the mutual-aid program.
(3) The ratio of contributions under paragraph (2) shall be approved by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(4) Details of mutual aid programs under paragraph (1) and matters necessary for their operation shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 53 (Orders to Make Adjustments)
Where the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy or the Mayor/Do Governor deems it necessary to balance supply and demand and to ensure the safety of liquefied petroleum gas, he or she may order liquefied petroleum gas exporters or importers, liquefied petroleum gas filling business entities, collective suppliers of liquefied petroleum gas, and liquefied petroleum gas dealers to make necessary adjustments, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 54 (Guidance and Supervision)
The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy shall guide and supervise each Mayor/Do Governor or the head of each Si/Gun/Gu (excluding the Special Self-Governing City Mayor and the Special Self-Governing Province Governor), as prescribed by Presidential Decree, on safety control affairs, including various inspections of gas facilities or gas appliances for the public safety or the prevention of the occurrence of harm related to the supply and use of gas.
 Article 55 (Reporting and Inspections)
(1) Where necessary for the stabilization of the supply of and demand for liquefied petroleum gas and its prices, the safety control and the establishment of order in distribution of liquefied petroleum gas, etc., the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Mayor/Do Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (excluding the Special Self-Governing City Mayor and the Special Self-Governing Province Governor) may order trade associations, liquefied petroleum gas exporters or importers, liquefied petroleum gas business entities, etc., specific users of liquefied petroleum gas, and construction contractors to report or submit documents on their affairs, or may require any public official under his or her jurisdiction or any person entrusted with part of his or her authority pursuant to Article 61 to inspect filling facilities, collective supply facilities, sales facilities, facilities of places of business, facilities for entrusted transportation and storage facilities of liquefied petroleum gas, gas appliance manufacturing facilities, containers, gas appliances, related books, documents, and other articles in places of business, factories, work places, or warehouses. In such cases, necessary matters concerning methods of making reports or submitting documents shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(2) Any public official or employee of a person entrusted with authority who conducts an inspection pursuant to paragraph (1) shall carry a certificate of identification indicating his or her authority and produce it to relevant persons.
 Article 56 (Notification of Accidents)
(1) Where any of the following accidents occurs in connection with facilities or products of a liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. or of a specific user of liquefied petroleum gas, they shall immediately notify Korea Gas Safety Corporation of such accident, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and Korea Gas Safety Corporation shall report the notified matters to the permitting authority, the registering authority, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu:
1. Accident in which a person died;
2. Accident in which a person is injured or poisoned;
3. Accident that causes an explosion or fire due to a gas leak;
4. Accident that results in the evacuation of people or the disconnection of gas supply due to damage to a gas facility or gas leak;
5. Other accidents prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, in which a gas facility was damaged or gas leak occurred.
(2) Where Korea Gas Safety Corporation in receipt of notification pursuant to paragraph (1) deems it necessary to prevent the recurrence of an accident and other gas accident, it may conduct investigations into such accident to find out the cause, details, etc. of the accident.
 Article 57 (Purchasing Insurance)
(1) Liquefied petroleum gas business entities, etc., importers of gas appliances, construction contractors of liquefied petroleum gas facilities under Article 35, and specific users of liquefied petroleum gas shall purchase insurance in order to compensate for any harm or loss of body, life, or property of other persons due to an accident: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply where they join a mutual aid program under Article 52.
(2) Types of insurance under paragraph (1), eligibility and procedures for purchasing insurance, and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(3) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may require insurance companies in consultation with the Financial Services Commission to subsidize some of their profits from insurance under paragraph (1) (excluding insurance operating profits of a mutual aid program under Article 52) to persons who perform for prevention of liquefied petroleum gas accident every three years within three months from the end of the third business year, and necessary matters concerning such subsidies shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 57-2 (Use of Any Other Person's Land)
(1) Where it is necessary for a liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier to conduct his or her business, he or she may install gas pipeline facilities on any other person’s land to the extent of not interfering with the current method of use. In such cases, the liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier shall consult in advance with the owner or occupant of such land about the method of installation, and the period of existence of, gas pipeline facilities.
(2) A liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier shall duly compensate for any loss caused by his or her installation of electric power transmission lines over or in the underground space of the land owned by another person under paragraph (1).
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 58 (Reporting and Disclosure of Sales Prices)
(1) Persons prescribed by Presidential Decree, who are liquefied petroleum gas exporters or importers, liquefied petroleum gas filling business entities, collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas, and liquefied petroleum gas dealers, shall report the sales prices of liquefied petroleum gas to the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(2) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may disclose the sales prices of liquefied petroleum gas set by liquefied petroleum gas exporters or importers, liquefied petroleum gas filling business entities, collective suppliers of liquefied petroleum gas, and liquefied petroleum gas dealers to the extent that the disclosure of the sales prices does not violate trade secrets under subparagraph 2 of Article 2 of the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act for the promotion of competition by improving transparency in trade and the rationalization of the prices of liquefied petroleum gas.
(3) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy may entrust affairs concerning the reporting and disclosure of the sales prices of liquefied petroleum gas under paragraphs (1) and (2) to an institution or organization prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(4) Specific procedures and methods concerning the reporting and disclosure of the sales prices of liquefied petroleum gas under paragraphs (1) through (3) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 59 (Hearings)
Where the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, the permitting authority, or the registering authority intends to revoke permission or registration pursuant to Article 13 (1), or revoke registration pursuant to Article 21 (1) or (2), he or she or the authority shall hold hearings.
 Article 60 (Fees)
(1) Any of the following persons shall pay a fee, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy: <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
1. A person who intends to obtain permission or permission to make any change under Article 5 (1) through (3) or (7);
2. A person who intends to obtain permission under Article 8 (1) or permission to make any change under the main clause of paragraph (2) of the same Article;
3. A person who intends to file for registration of, or registration of changes of, a business entity entrusted with transporting liquefied petroleum gas under Article 9 (1) and (2);
4. A person who intends to file for registration of the manufacturing of foreign gas appliances or registration of changes thereof, or renewal of registration under Article 10 (1) through (3).
(2) Each of the following persons shall pay a fee or educational expenses, as prescribed by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy: <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
1. A person who intends to undergo a quality inspection under Article 27 (1);
2. A person who seeks an opinion from Korea Gas Safety Corporation on safety control regulations under the latter part of Article 31 (1);
3. A person who intends to undergo a final inspection of installation or alteration works of a liquefied petroleum gas filling facility, collective supply facility, sales facility, facility of the place of business, storage facility, or gas appliance manufacturing facility under Article 36 (2);
4. A person who intends to undergo a construction supervision under Article 36-2 (1);
5. A person who intends to undergo a regular inspection under Article 37 (1);
6. A person who intends to undergo precise safety diagnosis or safety evaluation under Article 38 (1);
7. A person who intends to undergo inspections of gas appliances under Article 39 (1);
8. A person who intends to receive safety education under Article 41 (1);
9. A person who intends to undergo a final inspection of a facility using liquefied petroleum gas pursuant to Article 44 (2);
10. A person who intends to undergo a regular inspection of a facility using liquefied petroleum gas pursuant to Article 44 (4);
11. Any person who intends to hear the opinions of the Korea Gas Safety Corporation concerning gas safety impact assessment under Article 49-4 (1).
(3) Expenses incurred by the Information Support Center in performing the business affairs related to verification of the status of underground liquefied petroleum gas pipelines under Article 49-3 shall be borne by a liquefied petroleum gas filling facility and a collective supply facility, as determined and publicly notified by the Minster of Trade, Industry and Energy. <Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019>
 Article 61 (Delegation and Entrustment of Authority)
(1) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy or a Mayor/Do Governor (excluding the Special Self-Governing City Mayor and the Special Self-Governing Province Governor) may delegate part of his or her authority under this Act to a Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (excluding the Special Self-Governing City Mayor and the Special Self-Governing Province Governor), as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, a Mayor/Do Governor, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (excluding the Special Self-Governing City Mayor and the Special Self-Governing Province Governor) may entrust Korea Gas Safety Corporation with the following affairs within his or her authority under this Act, as prescribed by Presidential Decree: <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019; Jun. 15, 2021>
1. Verification as to whether safety control regulations under Article 31 (6) are observed and evaluation of the state of their compliance;
2. Receipt of copies of as-built drawings under Article 35 (6);
3. Safety verification under Article 36 (1);
4. Final inspections under Article 36 (2);
5. Construction supervision under Article 36-2 (1);
6. Regular inspections and occasional inspections under the main clause of Article 37 (1);
7. Inspections of imported gas appliances under the main clause of Article 39 (1);
8. Collection and inspection of gas appliances on the market under Article 40 (2);
9. Provision of safety education under Article 41 (1);
10. Deleted; <Dec. 11, 2018>
11. Final inspection of facilities using liquefied petroleum gas and the disclosure of results thereof under Article 44 (2) and (9);
12. Orders to take measures to prevent harm under Article 48 (1);
13. Orders to suspend the use of facilities, etc. under Article 48 (2);
14. Guidance and confirmation on inspection activities conducted by an inspection agency under Article 35 of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Control Act.
(3) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may entrust Korea Gas Safety Corporation, a quality inspection institution designated pursuant to Article 25 (1) of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act, the Korea Petroleum Quality and Distribution Authority under Article 25-2 of that Act, and an inspection agency under Article 35 of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Control Act, with the following affairs under his or her authority under this Act, as prescribed by Presidential Decree: <Amended on Mar. 21, 2017; Aug. 20, 2019; Jun. 15, 2021>
1. Inspection to ascertain whether any liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity has supplied the quantity of liquefied petroleum gas, and installation, retrofitting, etc. of business facilities under Article 23-2 (4);
2. Quality inspections of liquefied petroleum gas under Article 27 (2);
3. Inspection of gas appliances under the main clause of Article 39 (1): Provided, That an inspection of imported gas appliances shall be excluded;
4. Regular inspections of facilities using liquefied petroleum gas and the disclosure of the results thereof under Article 44 (4) and (9).
(4) Among the authorities of the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy under this Act, the duties of receiving applications for registration of liquefied petroleum gas export or import business under Article 17 (1) and for registration of changes thereof (including conditional registration under Article 18 of the Act) as well as verifying the details of applications therefor may be entrusted to the Korea Petroleum Quality and Distribution Authority established under Article 25-2 of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 62 (Requests for Dispositions)
(1) Where Korea Gas Safety Corporation discovers a violation of this Act or an order under this Act in the course of investigating an accident under Article 56 (2) or exercising the authority entrusted pursuant to Article 61, it may notify the Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (excluding the Special Self-Governing City Mayor and the Special Self-Governing Province Governor) of such violation or request him or her to take necessary measures against the person who has committed such violation.
(2) The Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (excluding the Special Self-Governing City Mayor and the Special Self-Governing Province Governor) in receipt of a request under paragraph (1) shall take necessary measures without good cause.
 Article 63 (Legal Fiction as Public Officials for Purposes of Applying Penalty Provisions)
Where the provisions of Articles 129 through 132 of the Criminal Act are applied, executives and employees of an institution or organization engaged in conducting affairs entrusted pursuant to Article 58 (3), and executives and employees of Korea Gas Safety Corporation, the Korea Petroleum Quality and Distribution Authority or an inspection agency under Article 35 of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Control Act engaged in conducting affairs entrusted pursuant to Article 61 (2) or (4) shall be deemed public officials.
 Article 64 (Application Mutatis Mutandis of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act)
(1) Articles 18, 19, 19-2, and 20 of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to import or sales dues of liquefied petroleum gas.
(2) Articles 21 through 23 of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to adjustments to the supply of and demand for liquefied petroleum gas in emergency.
 Article 65 (Penalty Provisions)
(1) Any person who interferes with the supply of liquefied petroleum gas by causing damage to gas facilities of a collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas or obstructing the function thereof shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not less than one year nor more than 10 years or by a fine not exceeding 150 million won.
(2) Any person who obstructs the supply of liquefied petroleum gas by damaging the liquefied petroleum gas pipelines of gas users or by impairing the function thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than five years or by a fine not exceeding 50 million won. <Newly Inserted on Dec. 20, 2019>
(3) Any person who retrofits and sells gas appliances or retrofits gas appliances for sale in violation of Article 40 (5) shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than three years or by a fine not exceeding 30 million won. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(4) Any person who commits a crime referred to in paragraph (1) by negligence in the course of conducting affairs or by gross negligence, shall be punished by imprisonment without labor for not more than seven years or by a fine not exceeding 20 million won. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(5) Any person who commits a crime referred to in paragraph (2) by negligence in the course of conducting affairs or by gross negligence, shall be punished by imprisonment without labor for not more than two years or by a fine not exceeding 20 million won. <Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019>
(6) Any person who inflicts an injury upon another person by leaking or exploding gas by committing a crime referred to in paragraphs (4) and (5), shall be punished by imprisonment without labor for not more than 10 years or by a fine not exceeding 100 million won, and any person who has caused another person's death shall be punished by imprisonment without labor for not less than one year but not more than 10 years or by a fine not exceeding 150 million won. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(7) Any person who interferes with the supply and use of gas by manipulating gas supply facilities or facilities using gas (where a liquefied petroleum gas dealer supplies liquefied petroleum gas, only referring to gas facilities owned by such liquefied petroleum gas dealer) without the consent of liquefied petroleum gas business entities, etc., (excluding a business entity entrusted with transporting liquefied petroleum gas and a gas appliance manufacturer) or of a user of liquefied petroleum gas shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than one year or by a fine not exceeding 10 million won. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(8) Where liquefied petroleum gas business entities, etc., (excluding a business entity entrusted with transporting liquefied petroleum gas and a gas appliance manufacturer) or a person working at a gas supply facility or facility using gas of liquefied petroleum gas obstructs the supply of gas without good cause, he or she shall be subject to the same punishment as provided in paragraph (7). <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(9) Liquefied petroleum gas business entities, etc., (excluding a business entity entrusted with transporting liquefied petroleum gas and a gas appliance manufacturer) or a person who makes any changes to gas supply facilities or facilities using gas (where a liquefied petroleum gas dealer supplies liquefied petroleum gas, only referring to gas facilities owned by such liquefied petroleum gas dealer) without the consent of a user of liquefied petroleum gas shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five million won. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
(10) Any attempt to commit any of the offenses under paragraphs (1), (2), and (7) shall be punished. <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
 Article 66 (Penalty Provisions)
(1) Any person who conducts liquefied petroleum gas export or import business without obtaining registration under Article 17 (1) shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than five years or by a fine not exceeding 200 million won.
(2) Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than three years or by a fine not exceeding 100 million won:
1. A person who violates any of his or her obligation to stockpile liquefied petroleum gas under Article 20;
2. A person who violates any measure under Article 22 (1) of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 64 (2).
(3) Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than two years or by a fine not exceeding 20 million won: <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
1. A person who conducts liquefied petroleum gas filling business, business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas, or gas appliance manufacturing business without obtaining permission under Article 5 (1);
2. Any person who performs excavation works without requesting verification of the status of underground high-pressure gas pipelines under Article 49-3 (1);
3. Any person that performs excavation works without submitting an assessment document under the former part of Article 49-4 (1);
4. Any person who performs excavation works without consultation under the main clause of Article 49-5 (1) or who fails to comply with a request for consultation without just cause;
5. A person who fails to comply with the rules prescribed by consultation, in violation of Article 49-5 (2);
6. A person who fails to establish a joint monitoring system or conduct circuit inspections on a regular basis, in violation of Article 49-5 (3);
7. Any person that performs excavation works without complying with the standards under Article 49-6;
8. Any person who fails to prepare and preserve drawings of liquefied petroleum pipelines under Article 49-7 (2);
9. A person who violates an order under Article 21 (1) of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 64 (2).
 Article 67 Deleted. <Dec. 11, 2018>
 Article 68 (Penalty Provisions)
Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than one year or by a fine not exceeding 10 million won: <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019; Feb. 3, 2022>
1. A person who conducts liquefied petroleum gas sales business, or who establishes the place of business or builds a liquefied petroleum gas storage facility of a liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity without obtaining permission under Article 5 (2) and (7), or Article 8 (1);
2. A person who changes any permitted matter without obtaining permission to change, in violation of the main clause of Article 5 (3) or the main clause of Article 8 (2);
3. A person who conducts the entrusted business of transporting liquefied petroleum gas without obtaining registration under Article 9 (1);
4. A person who changes any registered matter without filing for registration of changes under the main clause of Article 9 (2);
5. A person who installs or retrofits business facilities for the purpose of supplying short of the correct quantity, or acquires or leases the business facilities installed or retrofitted, in violation of both Article 23-2 (1) and (2), and supplies liquefied petroleum gas falling short of the correct quantity;
6. A person who sells or delivers liquefied petroleum gas, or stores, transports or keeps it for sale or delivery, in violation of Article 26 (3);
7. A person who fails to undergo an inspection under Article 27 (1) or who refuses, interferes with, or evades a quality inspection under paragraph (2) of that Article;
8. A person who violates Article 30 (1) or 32 (1);
9. A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. or construction contractor who fails to undergo an inspection under Article 36 (2);
10. Any person who installs and operates a gas supplying facility without being determined appropriate pursuant to Article 36-2 (2);
11. A gas appliance manufacturer or importer who fails to undergo an inspection under the main clause of Article 39 (1);
12. A person who transfers, leases, or uses any un-inspected gas appliance, or displays any such gas appliance for sale, in violation of Article 39 (3);
13. Any business operator who fails to verify the status of underground liquefied petroleum gas pipelines under Article 49-3 (3);
14. A person who fails to take measures prescribed in subparagraphs of Article 49-3 (4).
15. Any excavation worker who performs excavation works before receiving notice of commencement of excavation works, in violation of Article 49-3 (6);
16. Any person that performs excavation works not in compliance with the assessment document under Article 49-4 (4);
17. A person who violates an order under Article 53;
18. A liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity or liquefied petroleum gas dealer who sells liquefied petroleum gas at a price higher than the maximum selling price under Article 23 of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 64 (2).
 Article 69 (Penalty Provisions)
Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than six months or by a fine not exceeding five million won: <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
1. A person who fails to make an indication under Article 23 (1) or makes a false indication, or conduct any measurement exceeding the tolerance limits under paragraph (2) of that Article;
2. A person who destroys an indication of the quantity of liquefied petroleum gas filled, etc. or reduces the quantity of liquefied petroleum gas, in violation of Article 23 (3);
2-2. Any person who supplies liquefied petroleum gas short of the correct quantity, in violation of Article 23-2 (1);
2-3. A person who installs or retrofits business facilities for the purpose of falling short of the fixed quantity, or uses the business facilities installed or retrofitted by acquisition or lease, in violation of Article 23-2 (2);
3. A liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas, liquefied petroleum gas dealer, or person who stores liquefied petroleum gas who fails to undergo safety verification under Article 36 (1);
4. A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. which fails to undergo a regular inspection or occasional inspection under the main clause of Article 37 (1);
5. A liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, person who stores liquefied petroleum gas, or a liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier who fails to undergo precise safety diagnosis or safety evaluation under Article 38 (1);
6. A person who fails to make an indication under Article 40 (4).
 Article 69-2 (Penalty Provisions)
Any safety control agent of gas-using facilities who builds a boiler using liquefied petroleum gas as a fuel in violation of Article 30-2 (2) shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 10 million won.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Aug. 20, 2019]
 Article 70 (Penalty Provisions)
Any of the following persons shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five million won: <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
1. A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. or a specific user of liquefied petroleum gas who fails to appoint a safety supervisor, in violation of Article 34 (1);
2. A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. or a specific user of liquefied petroleum gas who violates Article 34 (2);
3. A person who performs construction works not in compliance with facility standards and technical standards, in violation of Article 35 (4).
 Article 71 (Penalty Provisions)
Any of the following persons shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three million won: <Amended on Feb. 3, 2022>
1. A person who sells liquefied petroleum gas outside his or her sales area under Article 5 (2);
2. A liquefied petroleum gas dealer who violates an order under Article 5 (9);
3. A collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas who violates supply regulations under Article 25 (1);
4. A liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas, or liquefied petroleum gas dealer who violates Article 30 (2);
5. A liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity which fails to inspect the safety of containers or fills containers not meeting standards with liquefied petroleum gas, in violation of Article 32 (2);
6. A gas supplier who violates an order under Article 33 (1);
7. A gas supplier who fails to improve or remove any of his or her facilities without good cause, in violation of Article 33 (3);
8. A gas appliance manufacturer or importer who fails to comply with an order to recall or order to disclose under Article 40 (2).
 Article 72 (Joint Penalty Provisions)
Where the representative of a corporation or an agent or employee of, or any other person employed by, a corporation or an individual commits any violation referred to in Articles 65 through 71 in connection with the business affairs of the corporation or individual, the corporation or individual shall, in addition to punishing the violator accordingly, be punished by a fine prescribed in the relevant Article: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply where such corporation or individual has not been negligent in giving due attention and supervision concerning the relevant business affairs to prevent such violation.
 Article 73 (Administrative Fines)
(1) Any of the following persons shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding 20 million won:
1. A liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer who fails to comply with an order to report or submit documents under Article 55 (1) or makes a false report;
2. A liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer who fails to report under Article 58 (1) or makes a false report.
(2) Any of the following persons shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding 10 million won: <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019>
1. A person who fails to file for registration of changes under Article 17 (2) or falsely files for registration of changes;
2. A person who fails to report the commencement, suspension, or closure of business under Article 19 (2) or makes a false report thereof;
3. Any person who fails to enter into a written agreement under Article 49-5 (2) or enters into a false written agreement;
4. A liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer who refuses to undergo inspections under Article 55 (1).
(3) Any of the following persons shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding three million won: <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019; Feb. 3, 2022>
1. A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. which fails to report under the proviso of Article 5 (3), the proviso of Article 8 (2), or the proviso of Article 9 (2);
2. A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. which fails to report under Article 11;
3. A person who fails to report under Article 12 (1) through (3);
4. A collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas who fails to report under Article 25 (1);
5. Deleted; <Mar. 26, 2019>
6. A person who fills liquefied petroleum gas into his or her motor vehicle tank for himself or herself, in violation of the main clause of Article 29 (1);
7. A safety control agent who fails to submit data pursuant to Article 30-2 (3) or submits a false data;
8. A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. which fails to submit safety control regulations under Article 31 (1) to the permitting authority;
9. A gas appliance manufacturer who violates Article 31 (3);
10. A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. which fail to comply with an order to amend safety control regulations under Article 31 (4);
11. A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. or a specific user of liquefied petroleum gas who violates Article 34 (3);
12. A construction contractor of gas facilities who fails to prepare and preserve construction records, etc. or prepares false construction records, etc., in violation of Article 35 (5);
13. A construction contractor of gas facilities who fails to provide a copy of construction records, etc. to a person placing an order or to submit a copy of as-built drawings to the head of a Si/Gun/Gu, in violation of Article 35 (6);
14. A gas supplier or person who stores liquefied petroleum gas who fails to preserve a copy of as-built drawings, in violation of Article 35 (7);
15. A person who fails to receive safety education, in violation of Article 41 (1);
16. A person who fails to require persons subject to safety education under Article 41 (2) to receive education;
17. A trade association, liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc., specific user of liquefied petroleum gas or construction contractor that refuses to undergo an inspection under Article 55 (1);
18. A person who fails to subscribe to insurance, in violation of Article 57 (1);
19. A liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas, or liquefied petroleum gas dealer who fails to make a report under Article 58 (1) or makes a false report.
(4) Any of the following persons shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding two million won: <Amended on Aug. 20, 2019; Feb. 4, 2020>
1. A liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, liquefied petroleum gas dealer, or business entity entrusted with transporting liquefied petroleum gas who violates a method of supplying liquefied petroleum gas under Article 24;
2. A liquefied petroleum gas filling business entity, collective supplier of liquefied petroleum gas, or liquefied petroleum gas dealer who violates Article 30 (3);
3. A person who fails to comply with any safety control regulations under Article 31 (5) or prepare and keep records of the implementation thereof (including safety control agents of gas-using facilities);
4. A person who arbitrarily removes or modifies gas facilities without consultation under Article 33 (2);
5. A person who retrofits gas appliances (excluding a person falling under Article 65 (3)), in violation of Article 40 (5);
6. A user of liquefied petroleum gas who fails to be equipped with facilities using liquefied petroleum gas and gas appliances, in violation of Article 44 (1);
7. A construction contractor of gas facilities who fails to undergo a final inspection under Article 44 (2);
8. A specific user of liquefied petroleum gas who uses facilities using liquefied petroleum gas without passing a final inspection, in violation of Article 44 (3);
9. A specific user of liquefied petroleum gas who fails to undergo a regular inspection under Article 44 (4);
10. A gas supplier who supplies liquefied petroleum gas without verifying whether facilities using liquefied petroleum gas have undergone a final inspection and a regular inspection, in violation of Article 44 (8);
10-2. Any person who has sold gas appliances that do not contain safety devices, in violation of Article 44-2 (1);
11. A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc., specific user of liquefied petroleum gas or user of liquefied petroleum gas who fails to comply with an order under Article 48 (1);
12. A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc., specific user of liquefied petroleum gas, or user of liquefied petroleum gas which fails to comply with an order under Article 48 (2);
13. A trade association, liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc., specific user of liquefied petroleum gas, or construction contractor which fails to comply with an order to report or submit documents under Article 55 (1) or makes a false report;
14. A liquefied petroleum gas business entity, etc. or specific user of liquefied petroleum gas which fails to notify the occurrence of a gas accident under Article 56 (1).
(5) Any of the following persons shall be subject to an administrative fine not exceeding one million won:
1. A consumer of liquefied petroleum gas who fails to comply with an order under Article 33 (1);
2. A person who smokes in violation of Article 49.
(6) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, the competent Mayor/Do Governor or the head of the competent Si/Gun/Gu (excluding the Special Self-Governing City Mayor and the Special Self-Governing Province Governor) shall impose and collect administrative fines under paragraphs (1) through (5), as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
ADDENDA <Act No. 13089, Jan. 28, 2015>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Re-Examination of Regulation)
The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy shall examine the appropriateness of the system of the disclosure of persons who violate quality standards under the amended provisions of Article 27 (3) within three years from the enforcement date of this Act, and take measures, such as the abolition, mitigation, or maintenance of the system.
Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Sale of Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
Notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 5 (2), where a business entity permitted to conduct liquefied petroleum gas sales business pursuant to the previous provisions before the Safety Control and Business Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Act (Act No. 6976) enters into force entered into a safety supply contract with consumers before March 29, 2004, who are in an area where such business entity was allowed to sell liquefied petroleum gas filled in containers but is no longer allowed to sell any longer pursuant to the amended provisions of Article 5 (2), the business entity may sell liquefied petroleum gas filled in containers until the safety supply contract expires or the safety supply contract is terminated.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Incompetents)
Persons whose declaration of incompetence or quasi-incompetence remains in effect pursuant to Article 2 of the Addenda to the Civil Act (Act No. 10429) shall be deemed a person under adult guardianship under the amended provisions of subparagraph 1 of Article 7.
Article 5 (Transitional Measures concerning Registration of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Export or Import Business)
(1) Any person who files an application for registration or obtains registration of petroleum export or import business (limited to liquefied petroleum gas export or import business) pursuant to Article 9 of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed to have filed an application for registration or have obtained registration of liquefied petroleum gas export or import business pursuant to the amended provisions of Article 17 (1).
(2) Any person who files an application for conditional registration or obtains conditional registration pursuant to Article 11 of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed to have filed an application for conditional registration or have obtained conditional registration pursuant to the amended provisions of Article 18 (1).
Article 6 (Transitional Measures concerning Grounds for Disqualification of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Exporters or Importers)
Where a person who conducts liquefied petroleum gas export or import business as at the time this Act enters into force falls under any ground for disqualification under the amended provisions of Article 7 applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the amended provisions of Article 17 (4) due to a reason which occurred before this Act enters into force, notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 17 (4), Article 6 of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 9 (4) of the aforesaid Act shall apply to such person.
Article 7 (Transitional Measures concerning Succession to Status of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Exporters or Importers)
Where a liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer succeeds to the status pursuant to the amended provisions of Article 12 applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the amended provisions of Article 17 (4) due to a reason which occurred before this Act enters into force, notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 12, Article 7 of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act applied mutatis mutandis pursunat to Article 9 (4) of the aforesaid Act shall apply to such liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer.
Article 8 (Transitional Measures concerning Administrative Measures)
Articles 13 and 14 of the Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act shall apply to administrative measures (including penalty surcharges) for offenses committed by liquefied petroleum gas exporters or importers before this Act enters into force.
Article 9 (Transitional Measures concerning Penalty Provisions)
Where penalty provisions are applied to offenses committed before this Act enters into force, the previous provisions shall apply thereto: Provided, That Articles 44, 44-2, 45, and 46 of the previous Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act shall apply to the application of penalty provisions to any offense committed by a liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer before this Act enters into force.
Article 10 (Transitional Measures concerning Administrative Fines)
Article 49 of the previous Petroleum and Alternative Fuel Business Act shall apply to the application of administrative fines to any offense committed by a liquefied petroleum gas exporter or importer before this Act enters into force.
Article 11 Omitted.
Article 12 (Relationship to Other Statutes or Regulations)
Where the previous Safety Control and Business of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Act or any provision thereof is cited by any other statute or regulation as at the time this Act enters into force, this Act or the relevant provisions hereof shall be deemed to be cited, in lieu of the previous provision, if such provisions corresponding thereto exists in this Act.
ADDENDA <Act No. 13738, Jan. 6, 2016>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 28 shall enter into force on January 1, 2017, and the amended provisions of Article 34 (3) shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Exception to Restrictions on Use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas as Fuel)
In cases of passenger vehicles that use liquefied petroleum gas under the amended provisions of Article 28, exception to restrictions on the use of liquefied petroleum gas shall apply where five years have passed after the registration of passenger vehicles based on January 1, 2017.
ADDENDA <Act No. 14476, Dec. 27, 2016>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force three months from the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 14671, Mar. 21, 2017>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 67 shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 14995, Oct. 31, 2017>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 15089, Nov. 28, 2017>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Indication of Manufacturing Date on Gas Appliances)
The amended provisions of Article 40 (4) shall begin to apply to gas appliance manufactured or imported after this Act enters into force.
ADDENDA <Act No. 15867, Dec. 11, 2018>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Penalty Provisions)
The previous provisions of this Act shall apply to cases of imposing penalties on violations committed before this Act enters into force.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 16302, Mar. 26, 2019>
This Act shall enter into force on the date of promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 16477, Aug. 20, 2019>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Transitional Measures concerning Sale of Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
(1) Any person who has filed an application for permission for business of supplying liquefied petroleum gas pipelines or has obtained permission under the previous provisions as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed to have filed an application for permission for business of supplying liquefied petroleum gas pipelines or obtained permission among the amended provisions of subparagraph 6-2 of Article 2 and business of collectively supplying liquefied petroleum gas pursuant to Article 5 (1).
(2) With the exception of facilities under paragraph (1), among facilities established pursuant to the former provisions as at the time this Act enters into force pursuant to the former provisions, as at the time this Act enters into force, a supplier of liquefied petroleum gas to facilities corresponding to liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supply facilities pursuant to the amended provisions of subparagraph 6-2 of Article 2 shall obtain permission for business of supplying pipelines among liquefied petroleum gas collective supply projects under subparagraph 6-2 of Article 2 and Article 5 (1) within six months from the enforcement date of this Act.
Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Agents of Gas-Using Facilities)
Any agent conducting part of duties related to the safety control of gas-using facilities under the safety control regulations referred to in Article 31 pursuant to the previous provisions as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed a safety control agent of gas-using facilities under the amended provisions of Article 30-2.
Article 4 (Transitional Measures concerning Construction Supervision)
A liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier who has obtained the safety verification pursuant to the previous provisions as at the time this Act enters into force shall be deemed verified under the amended provisions of Article 36-2.
(2) A liquefied petroleum gas pipeline supplier subject to safety verification pursuant to the previous provisions as at the time this Act enters into force shall undergo construction supervision pursuant to the amended provisions of Article 36-2.
ADDENDA <Act No. 16943, Feb. 4, 2020>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Tariff Schedule)
The amended provisions of Article 2 (1) shall begin to apply to gas appliance manufactured or imported after this Act enters into force.
Article 3 (Transitional Measures concerning Establishment of Election Campaign Offices by Political Parties)
A user of liquefied petroleum gas who has installed gas appliances according to the previous standards as at the time this Act enters into force shall install safety devices in accordance with the amended provisions of Article 44-2 (2) within one year from the date this Act enters into force.
ADDENDA <Act No. 17091, Mar. 24, 2020>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
Articles 2 through 5 Omitted.
ADDENDUM <Act No. 18277, Jun. 15, 2021>
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA <Act No. 18818, Feb. 3, 2022>
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Applicability to Succession to Status of Business Entities)
The amended provisions of Article 12 shall begin to apply to cases where reasons for the succession of status arise after this Act enters into force.
Article 3 Omitted.