공포번호 30088
공포일 2019-09-24
Ministry of Education
제1장 총칙
Article 1 (Purpose)
제2조(학교의 설립기준)
Article 2 (Establishment Standards for Schools)
제3조(사립학교의 설립인가 신청)
Article 3 (Application for Authorization on Establishment of Private Schools)
제4조(사립학교의 폐교인가 신청)
Article 4 (Application for Authorization on Closure of Private Schools)
제5조(사립학교의 변경인가 신청)
Article 5 (Application for Authorization on Modification of Authorized Matters of Private Schools)
제6조 삭제 <2005. 1. 29.>
Article 6 Deleted.
Article 7 (Annex School)
Article 8 (Guidance for Encouragement of Learning)
제9조(학교규칙의 기재사항 등)
Article 9 (Matters to Be Specified in School Regulations)
제10조(학생의 평가)
Article 10 (Assessment of Students)
제11조(평가의 대상 구분)
Article 11 (Classification of Institutions to Be Assessed)
제12조(평가의 기준)
Article 12 (Standards for Assessment)
제13조(평가의 절차ㆍ공개 등)
Article 13 (Procedures and Disclosure of Assessment)
제13조의2(교육통계조사의 조사내용)
Article 13-2 (Matters to Be Examined through Educational Statistics Surveys)
제13조의3(교육통계조사의 절차 및 결과 공개 등)
Article 13-3 (Procedures for Educational Statistics Surveys and Disclosure of Result Thereof)
제13조의4(국가교육통계센터의 지정 및 업무 위탁)
Article 13-4 (Designation of National Educational Statistics Center and Entrustment of Affairs)
제2장 의무교육
제14조(위탁시의 협의)
Article 14 (Consultation of Entrustment)
제15조(취학아동명부의 작성 등)
Article 15 (Making List of Schoolchildren)
제16조(입학기일 등의 통보)
Article 16 (Notification of Admission Date)
제17조(취학의 통지 등)
Article 17 (Notice of School Enrollment)
제18조(입학할 학교의 변경)
Article 18 (Change of Schools to Enter)
제19조(귀국 학생 및 다문화학생 등의 입학 및 전학)
Article 19 (Admission and Transfer of Students Returning from Overseas and Multicultural Students)
제20조 삭제 <2008. 5. 27.>
Article 20 Deleted.
제21조(초등학교의 전학절차)
Article 21 (Procedures for Change of Schools at Elementary Schools)
제22조 삭제 <2016. 10. 18.>
Article 22 Deleted.
제23조 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
Articles 23 and 24 Deleted.
제24조 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
제25조(초등학교 및 중학교의 장의 취학 독촉ㆍ경고 및 통보)
Article 25 (Urging, Warning, and Notification of School Enrollment by Heads of Elementary Schools and Middle Schools)
제25조의2(의무교육관리위원회의 설치)
Article 25-2 (Establishment of Compulsory Education Management Committee)
제26조(읍ㆍ면ㆍ동의 장 및 교육장의 취학 독촉ㆍ경고 및 보고)
Article 26 (Urging and Warning for School Enrollment and Reporting by Head of Eup/Myeon/Dong and Heads of District Offices of Education)
Article 27 (Measures for Encouragement of School Enrollment)
제27조의2(취학관리 전담기구의 설치)
Article 27-2 (Establishment of Organization Exclusive for Management of School Enrollment)
제28조(취학 의무의 면제ㆍ유예)
Article 28 (Exemption or Postponement of Obligation of School Enrollment)
제28조의2(행정정보의 공동이용)
Article 28-2 (Administrative Data Matching)
제29조(유예자의 학적관리 등)
Article 29 (School Register Management for Persons Granted Postponement)
제3장 학생 및 교직원
제1절 학생
Section 1 Students
제30조(학생자치활동의 보장)
Article 30 (Guarantee of Students' Self-Governing Activities)
제31조(학생의 징계 등)
Article 31 (Discipline of Students)
제31조의2(퇴학 조치된 자의 재심청구 등)
Article 31-2 (Application for Reexamination by Person Expelled from School)
제31조의3(징계조정위원회의 조직 등)
Article 31-3 (Organization of Discipline Mediation Committees)
제31조의4(징계조정위원회의 운영 등)
Article 31-4 (Operation of Discipline Mediation Committee)
제2절 교직원
Section 2 Teachers and Staff
제32조 삭제 <2005. 1. 29.>
Article 32 Deleted.
제33조 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
Articles 33 through 36 Deleted.
제34조 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
제35조 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
제36조 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
제36조의2(교감의 미배치)
Article 36-2 (Non-Assignment of Assistant Principals)
제36조의3 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
Articles 36-3 and 36-4 Deleted.
제36조의4 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
Article 36-5 (Teachers in Charge of Classes)
제37조 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
Articles 37 through 39 Deleted.
제38조 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
제39조 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
제40조(특수학교 등의 교원)
Article 40 (Teachers of Special Schools)
제40조의2(전문상담순회교사의 배치기준)
Article 40-2 (Standards for Allocating Specialized Itinerant Counselors)
제40조의3 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
Article 40-3 Deleted.
제41조(교원의 자격)
Article 41 (Qualifications for Teachers)
제42조(산학겸임교사 등)
Article 42 (Industrial-Educational Teachers)
제4장 학교
제1절 통칙
Section 1 General Provisions
Article 43 (Subjects)
Article 44 (Semesters)
Article 45 (Number of School Days)
Article 46 (Organization of Classes)
제47조(휴업일 등)
Article 47 (School Holidays)
제48조(수업운영방법 등)
Article 48 (Methods of Operating Lessons)
제48조의2(자유학기의 수업운영방법 등)
Article 48-2 (Methods of Operating Lessons during Free Learning Semesters)
Article 49 (Lesson Time)
제49조의2(학교생활기록 작성을 위한 행정정보의 공동이용)
Article 49-2 (Administrative Data Matching for Preparation of School Records)
제50조(수료 및 졸업 등)
Article 50 (Completion and Graduation)
Article 51 (Number of Classes and Number of Students)
Article 52 (Student Allocation Plans)
제53조(조기진급ㆍ조기졸업 등)
Article 53 (Early Promotion and Early Graduation)
제54조(학습부진아 등에 대한 교육 및 시책)
Article 54 (Education and Policies for Students with Learning Disabilities)
제55조(교과용도서의 사용)
Article 55 (Use of Textbooks)
제56조(학교의 통합운영)
Article 56 (Integrated Operation of Schools)
Article 57 (Branch of School)
제57조의2(학생의 안전대책 등)
Article 57-2 (Safety Measures for Students)
제2절 학교운영위원회
Section 2 School Governance Committees
제58조(국ㆍ공립 학교운영위원회의 구성)
Article 58 (Composition of National and Public School Governance Committees)
제59조(위원의 선출 등)
Article 59 (Election of Members)
제59조의2(회의 소집)
Article 59-2 (Convocation of Meetings)
제59조의3(회의록 작성 및 공개)
Article 59-3 (Preparation of Minutes and Publications Thereof)
제59조의4(의견 수렴 등)
Article 59-4 (Gathering of Opinions)
제59조의5(위원의 제척 등)
Article 59-5 (Exclusion of Members)
제60조(심의결과의 시행 등)
Article 60 (Implementation of Results of Deliberation)
Article 60-2 (Subcommittees)
Article 61 (Corrective Order)
제62조(조례 등에의 위임)
Article 62 (Delegation to Municipal Ordinances)
제63조(사립학교의 운영위원회)
Article 63 (Governance Committees of Private Schools)
Article 64 (School Development Fund)
제3절 삭제
Section 3 Deleted
제65조 삭제 <2005. 1. 29.>
Article 65 Deleted.
제4절 중학교
Section 4 Middle Schools
제66조(중학교 입학 등의 허가)
Article 66 (Permission for Admission to Middle Schools)
제67조(중학교 입학 시기 등)
Article 67 (Timing for Admission to Middle Schools)
제68조(중학교 입학방법)
Article 68 (Methods for Admission to Middle Schools)
제69조(체육특기자 등의 입학방법)
Article 69 (Methods for Admission by Student Athletes)
Article 70 (Committees for Management of Middle School Admission Sortition)
제71조(중학교 배정원서의 제출)
Article 71 (Submission of Allocation Forms for Middle Schools)
제72조 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
Article 72 Deleted.
Article 72-2 (Application Fees)
제73조(중학교의 전학 등)
Article 73 (Transfer to Middle Schools)
Article 74 (Transfer Admission)
제75조(귀국학생 및 다문화학생 등의 입학ㆍ전학 및 편입학)
Article 75 (Admission, Transfer, and Transfer Admission of Students Returning from Overseas and Multicultural Students)
제75조의2(방송통신중학교의 설치ㆍ운영)
Article 75-2 (Establishment and Operation of Air and Correspondence Middle Schools)
Article 76 (Specialized Middle Schools)
제76조의2(특성화중학교 지정ㆍ운영위원회)
Article 76-2 (Designation and Governance Committee for Specialized Middle Schools)
제5절 고등학교
Section 5 High Schools
제76조의3(고등학교의 구분)
Article 76-3 (Classification of High Schools)
제77조(고등학교 입학전형의 실시권자)
Article 77 (Administrator of Admission Process for High Schools)
제78조(입학전형기본계획의 수립 및 공고)
Article 78 (Formulation and Public Announcement of Master Plan for Admission Process)
Article 79 (Committee for High School Admission Process)
제80조(선발시기의 구분)
Article 80 (Classification of Selection Time)
제81조(입학전형의 지원)
Article 81 (Applications for Admission Process)
제81조의2(학생모집의 특례)
Article 81-2 (Special Cases on Registration of Students)
Article 82 (Methods of Admission Process)
제82조의2(북한이탈주민의 입학전형에 관한 특례)
Article 82-2 (Special Cases on Admission Process for North Korean Refugees)
Article 83 (Method of Selection Examination)
제84조(후기학교의 신입생 선발 및 배정방법)
Article 84 (Methods of Selecting and Assigning New Students of Second Group of Schools)
제85조(전기학교 지원자의 후기학교 지원)
Article 85 (Application for Second Group of Schools by Applicants for First Group of Schools)
제86조(추가 선발 및 배정)
Article 86 (Additional Selection and Assignment)
제87조(체육특기자 등에 대한 배정)
Article 87 (Assignment of Student Athletes)
Article 88 (Application Fees)
제88조의2 삭제 <2015. 9. 15.>
Article 88-2 Deleted.
제89조(고등학교의 전학 등)
Article 89 (Transfer to High Schools)
제89조의2(귀국학생 등의 입학ㆍ전학 및 편입학)
Article 89-2 (Admission, Transfer, and Transfer Admission of Returning Students)
Article 90 (Special-Purpose High Schools)
제90조의2(특수목적고등학교 지정ㆍ운영위원회)
Article 90-2 (Designation and Governance Committees of Special-Purpose High Schools)
Article 91 (Specialized High Schools)
제91조의2(특성화고등학교 지정ㆍ운영위원회)
Article 91-2 (Designation and Governance Committees of Specialized High Schools)
제91조의3(자율형 사립고등학교)
Article 91-3 (Autonomous Private High Schools)
제91조의4(자율형 공립고등학교)
Article 91-4 (Autonomous Public High Schools)
Article 92 (Application Mutatis Mutandis)
제92조의2(고등학교 학생 등에 대한 취학 관리)
Article 92-2 (Management of Enrollment of High School Students)
제93조(시간제ㆍ통신제과정의 설치 등)
Article 93 (Establishment of Part-Time and Correspondence Systems)
제94조(방송통신고등학교의 설치)
Article 94 (Establishment of Air and Correspondence High Schools)
제95조 삭제 <2013. 2. 15.>
Article 95 Deleted.
제5장 학력 및 자격인정
제1절 학력인정
Section 1 Acknowledgement of Academic Background
제96조(초등학교 졸업자와 동등의 학력인정)
Article 96 (Acknowledgement of Academic Background Equivalent to Elementary School Graduates)
제97조(중학교 졸업자와 동등의 학력인정)
Article 97 (Acknowledgement of Academic Background Equivalent to Middle School Graduates)
제98조(고등학교 졸업자와 동등의 학력인정)
Article 98 (Acknowledgement of Academic Background Equivalent to High School Graduates)
제98조의2(학력심의위원회의 설치ㆍ운영 등)
Article 98-2 (Establishment and Operation of Academic Background Deliberative Committee)
제98조의3(학력인정과 학년결정을 할 수 있는 학교 등)
Article 98-3 (Schools That May Acknowledge Academic Background and Determine Academic Year)
제98조의4(고등학교 학년결정 입학)
Article 98-4 (Grade Decision and Admission to High Schools)
제2절 자격인정
Section 2 Acknowledgement of Qualifications
제99조(초등학교 졸업자와 동등한 자격인정)
Article 99 (Acknowledgement of Qualifications Equivalent to Elementary School Graduates)
제100조(중학교 제2학년 수료자와 동등한 자격인정)
Article 100 (Acknowledgement of Qualifications Equivalent to Those Who Have Completed Second-Year Course of Middle Schools)
제101조(중학교 졸업자와 동등한 자격인정)
Article 101 (Acknowledgement of Qualifications Equivalent to Middle School Graduates)
제102조(고등학교 제1학년 수료자와 동등한 자격인정)
Article 102 (Acknowledgement of Qualifications Equivalent to Those Who Have Completed First-Year Course of High Schools)
제103조(고등학교 졸업자와 동등한 자격인정)
Article 103 (Acknowledgement of Qualifications Equivalent to High School Graduates)
제104조(종전의 사범학교 졸업자와 동등한 자격인정)
Article 104 (Recognition of Qualifications Equivalent to Former Normal School Graduates)
제5장의2 교육비 지원
제104조의2(교육비 지원 대상 및 기준 등)
Article 104-2 (Students Eligible for Assistance with Educational Expenses and Standards for Such Assistance)
제104조의3(교육비 지원 통지 및 지원 내용의 제공 등)
Article 104-3 (Notification of Decision on Assistance with Educational Expenses and Provision of Details of Support)
제104조의4(가구원 및 금융정보 등의 범위)
Article 104-4 (Scope of Members of Household and Financial Information, etc.)
제104조의5(금융정보등의 요청 및 제공)
Article 104-5 (Requests for, and Provision of, Financial Information, etc.)
제104조의6(자료의 제공 요청 및 갱신)
Article 104-6 (Requests for Provision of Data and Renewal Thereof)
제104조의7(비용 징수의 통지)
Article 104-7 (Notification of Collection of Expenses)
제6장 보칙
제105조(학교 및 교육과정 운영의 특례)
Article 105 (Special Cases on Operation of Schools and Curricula)
제105조의2(공모 교장의 자격 등)
Article 105-2 (Qualifications for Principals Selected through Open Recruitment Procedures)
제105조의3(특수목적고등학교 등 지정위원회)
Article 105-3 (Committee for Designation of Special-Purpose High Schools)
제105조의4(자율학교등 지정ㆍ운영위원회)
Article 105-4 (Designation and Governance Committee of Autonomous Schools)
제105조의5(자율형 사립고등학교의 학교운영 정상화)
Article 105-5 (Normalization of School Operation of Autonomous Private High Schools)
제105조의6 삭제 <2015. 9. 15.>
Article 105-6 Deleted.
Article 105-7 (Hearings)
제106조(학교의 폐쇄)
Article 106 (Closure of Schools)
제106조의2(권한의 위임 및 업무의 위탁)
Article 106-2 (Delegation of Authority and Entrustment of Duties)
제106조의3(민감정보 및 고유식별정보의 처리)
Article 106-3 (Management of Sensitive Information and Personally Identifiable Information)
제106조의4(규제의 재검토)
Article 106-4 (Re-Examination of Regulation)
제107조(과태료의 부과기준)
Article 107 (Criteria for Imposition of Administrative Fines)
부칙 <제15664호, 1998. 2. 24.>
부칙 <제15772호, 1998. 4. 11.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 15772, Apr. 11, 1998>
부칙 <제16137호, 1999. 2. 27.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 16137, Feb. 27, 1999>
부칙 <제16522호, 1999. 8. 7.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 16522, Aug. 7, 1999>
부칙 <제16729호, 2000. 2. 28.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 16729, Feb. 28, 2000>
부칙 <제17023호, 2000. 12. 27.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 17023, Dec. 27, 2000>
부칙 <제17115호, 2001. 1. 29.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 17115, Jan. 29, 2001>
부칙 <제17142호, 2001. 3. 2.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 17142, Mar. 2, 2001>
부칙 <제17390호, 2001. 10. 20.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 17390, Oct. 20, 2001>
부칙 <제17895호, 2003. 1. 29.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 17895, Jan. 29, 2003>
부칙 <제18282호, 2004. 2. 17.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 18282, Feb. 17, 2004>
부칙 <제18312호, 2004. 3. 17.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 18312, Mar. 17, 2004>
부칙 <제18551호, 2004. 9. 23.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 18551, Sep. 23, 2004>
부칙 <제18690호, 2005. 1. 29.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 18690, Jan. 29, 2005>
부칙 <제19057호, 2005. 9. 29.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 19057, Sep. 29, 2005>
부칙 <제19507호, 2006. 6. 12.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 19507, Jun. 12, 2006>
부칙 <제19655호, 2006. 8. 24.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 19655, Aug. 24, 2006>
부칙 <제19856호, 2007. 2. 1.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 19856, Feb. 1, 2007>
부칙 <제20003호, 2007. 4. 12.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20003, Apr. 12, 2007>
부칙 <제20056호, 2007. 5. 16.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 20056, May 16, 2007>
부칙 <제20116호, 2007. 6. 28.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20116, Jun. 28, 2007>
부칙 <제20635호, 2008. 2. 22.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 20635, Feb. 22, 2008>
부칙 <제20740호, 2008. 2. 29.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20740, Feb. 29, 2008>
부칙 <제20790호, 2008. 5. 26.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 20790, May 26, 2008>
부칙 <제20792호, 2008. 5. 27.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 20792, May 27, 2008>
부칙 <제21087호, 2008. 10. 20.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21087, Oct. 20, 2008>
부칙 <제21102호, 2008. 11. 5.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 21102, Nov. 5, 2008>
부칙 <제21162호, 2008. 12. 12.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21162, Dec. 12, 2008>
부칙 <제21214호, 2008. 12. 31.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21214, Dec. 31, 2008>
부칙 <제21215호, 2008. 12. 31.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 21215, Dec. 31, 2008>
부칙 <제21375호, 2009. 3. 27.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21375, Mar. 27, 2009>
부칙 <제21688호, 2009. 8. 18.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 21688, Aug. 18, 2009>
부칙 <제21767호, 2009. 10. 7.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21767, Oct. 7, 2009>
부칙 <제21809호, 2009. 11. 5.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 21809, Nov. 5, 2009>
부칙 <제22062호, 2010. 2. 26.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 22062, Feb. 26, 2010>
부칙 <제22151호, 2010. 5. 4.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22151, May 4, 2010>
부칙 <제22234호, 2010. 6. 29.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22234, Jun. 29, 2010>
부칙 <제22542호, 2010. 12. 27.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 22542, Dec. 27, 2010>
부칙 <제22625호, 2011. 1. 17.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22625, Jan. 17, 2011>
부칙 <제22712호, 2011. 3. 18.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22712, Mar. 18, 2011>
부칙 <제22955호, 2011. 6. 7.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 22955, Jun. 7, 2011>
부칙 <제23116호, 2011. 9. 6.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23116, Sep. 6, 2011>
부칙 <제23184호, 2011. 9. 30.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 23184, Sep. 30, 2011>
부칙 <제23241호, 2011. 10. 25.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 23241, Oct. 25, 2011>
부칙 <제23303호, 2011. 11. 23.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 23303, Nov. 23, 2011>
부칙 <제23314호, 2011. 11. 23.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23314, Nov. 23, 2011>
부칙 <제23396호, 2011. 12. 28.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 23396, Dec. 28, 2011>
부칙 <제23435호, 2011. 12. 30.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23435, Dec. 30, 2011>
부칙 <제23658호, 2012. 3. 13.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 23658, Mar. 13, 2012>
부칙 <제23746호, 2012. 4. 20.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 23746, Apr. 20, 2012>
부칙 <제23975호, 2012. 7. 24.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 23975, Jul. 24, 2012>
부칙 <제24148호, 2012. 10. 29.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24148, Oct. 29, 2012>
부칙 <제24377호, 2013. 2. 15.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 24377, Feb. 15, 2013>
부칙 <제24423호, 2013. 3. 23.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24423, Mar. 23, 2013>
부칙 <제24810호, 2013. 10. 30.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24810, Oct. 30, 2013>
부칙 <제25050호, 2013. 12. 30.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 25050, Dec. 30, 2013>
부칙 <제25184호, 2014. 2. 18.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 25184, Feb. 18, 2014>
부칙 <제25375호, 2014. 6. 11.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25375, Jun. 11, 2014>
부칙 <제25532호, 2014. 8. 6.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 25532, Aug. 6, 2014>
부칙 <제25819호, 2014. 12. 9.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 25819, Dec. 9, 2014>
부칙 <제25840호, 2014. 12. 9.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25840, Dec. 9, 2014>
부칙 <제25918호, 2014. 12. 30.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25918, Dec. 30, 2014>
부칙 <제25961호, 2015. 1. 6.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25961, Jan. 6, 2015>
부칙 <제26521호, 2015. 9. 15.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 26521, Sep. 15, 2015>
부칙 <제26551호, 2015. 9. 25.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 26551, Sep. 25, 2015>
부칙 <제26683호, 2015. 11. 30.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 26683, Nov. 30, 2015>
부칙 <제26855호, 2015. 12. 31.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 26855, Dec. 31, 2015>
부칙 <제27056호, 2016. 3. 25.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27056, Mar. 25, 2016>
부칙 <제27252호, 2016. 6. 21.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27252, Jun. 21, 2016>
부칙 <제27424호, 2016. 8. 2.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 27424, Aug. 2, 2016>
부칙 <제27546호, 2016. 10. 18.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27546, Oct. 18, 2016>
부칙 <제27616호, 2016. 11. 29.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27616, Nov. 29, 2016>
부칙 <제27751호, 2016. 12. 30.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27751, Dec. 30, 2016>
부칙 <제27773호, 2017. 1. 10.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 27773, Jan. 10, 2017>
부칙 <제27960호, 2017. 3. 27.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 27960, Mar. 27, 2017>
부칙 <제28012호, 2017. 5. 8.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 28012, May 8, 2017>
부칙 <제28112호, 2017. 6. 20.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 28112, Jun. 20, 2017>
부칙 <제28444호, 2017. 11. 28.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 28444, Nov. 28, 2017>
부칙 <제28516호, 2017. 12. 29.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 28516, Dec. 29, 2017>
부칙 <제28521호, 2017. 12. 29.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 28521, Dec. 29, 2017>
부칙 <제28628호, 2018. 2. 9.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 28628, Feb. 9, 2018>
부칙 <제28686호, 2018. 2. 27.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 28686, Feb. 27, 2018>
부칙 <제29180호, 2018. 9. 18.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 29180, Sep. 18, 2018>
부칙 <제29203호, 2018. 10. 2.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 29203, Oct. 2, 2018>
부칙 <제29421호, 2018. 12. 24.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 29421, Dec. 24, 2018>
부칙 <제29950호, 2019. 7. 2.>
ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 29950, Jul. 2, 2019>
부칙 <제30088호, 2019. 9. 24.>
ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 30088, Sep. 24, 2019>