공포번호 16929
공포일 2020-02-04
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
Article 1 (Purpose)
Article 2 (Legal Personality)
Article 3 (Offices)
Article 4 (Capital)
Article 5 (Registration)
제6조(유사명칭의 사용금지)
Article 6 (Prohibition of Use of Similar Title)
제7조(사장의 대표권 제한)
Article 7 (Restrictions on Power of Representation of President)
제8조(대리인의 선임)
Article 8 (Appointment of Proxy)
제9조(비밀누설 금지 등)
Article 9 (Prohibition against Divulgence of Confidential Information)
Article 10 (Projects)
제11조(경비 및 수수료의 부담)
Article 11 (Liability for Expenses and Fees)
제12조(손익금의 처리)
Article 12 (Disposal of Profit and Loss)
제12조의2(재무건전성의 유지)
Article 12-2 (Maintenance of Financial Soundness)
Article 13 (Subsidies)
제14조(감독 등)
Article 14 (Supervision)
제15조(다른 법률과의 관계)
Article 15 (Relationship to Other Statutes)
Article 16 (Penalty Provisions)
Article 17 (Administrative Fines)
부칙 <제3830호, 1986. 5. 12.>
ADDENDUM <Act No. 3830, May 12, 1986>
부칙 <제4541호, 1993. 3. 6.>
ADDENDA <Act No. 4541, Mar. 6, 1993>
부칙 <제4968호, 1995. 8. 4.>
ADDENDA <Act No. 4968, Aug. 4, 1995>
부칙 <제5982호, 1999. 5. 24.>
ADDENDA <Act No. 5982, May 24, 1999>
부칙 <제6978호, 2003. 9. 29.>
ADDENDUM <Act No. 6978, Sep. 29, 2003>
부칙 <제8600호, 2007. 8. 3.>
ADDENDUM <Act No. 8600, Aug. 3, 2007>
부칙 <제8852호, 2008. 2. 29.>
ADDENDA <Act No. 8852, Feb. 29, 2008>
부칙 <제9332호, 2009. 1. 7.>
ADDENDUM <Act No. 9332, Jan. 7, 2009>
부칙 <제10488호, 2011. 3. 30.>
ADDENDA <Act No. 10488, Mar. 30, 2011>
부칙 <제11435호, 2012. 5. 23.>
ADDENDA <Act No. 11435, May 23, 2012>
부칙 <제11690호, 2013. 3. 23.>
ADDENDA <Act No. 11690, Mar. 23, 2013>
부칙 <제12286호, 2014. 1. 21.>
ADDENDUM <Act No. 12286, Jan. 21, 2014>
부칙 <제14665호, 2017. 3. 21.>
ADDENDUM <Act No. 14665, Mar. 21, 2017>
부칙 <제15572호, 2018. 4. 17.>
ADDENDUM <Act No. 15572, Apr. 17, 2018>
부칙 <제16794호, 2019. 12. 10.>
ADDENDUM <Act No. 16794, Dec. 10, 2019>
부칙 <제16929호, 2020. 2. 4.>
ADDENDA <Act No. 16929, Feb. 4, 2020>