공포번호 1705
공포일 2021-06-09
Nuclear Safety and Security Commission
Article 1 (Purpose)
제2조(원료물질ㆍ공정부산물 취급자 및 가공제품 제조업자의 등록)
Article 2 (Registration of Handlers of Raw Materials or Residues and Manufacturers of Processed Products)
제3조(취급자 및 등록제조업자의 등록변경 신고)
Article 3 (Reporting on Registration Changes of Handlers and Registered Manufacturers)
제4조(취급자 및 등록제조업자의 지위승계 신고)
Article 4 (Reporting on Succession to Status of Handlers and Registered Manufacturers)
제5조(원료물질ㆍ공정부산물 및 가공제품의 수출입 신고)
Article 5 (Export and Import Declaration on Raw Materials, Residues, and Processed Products)
제6조(기록ㆍ보관 및 보고의 기준)
Article 6 (Recording, Retention, and Reporting)
제7조(공정부산물의 처리ㆍ처분 또는 재활용 신고)
Article 7 (Handling, Disposal, or Recycling of Residues)
Article 7-2 (Medical Examinations)
제8조(결함 가공제품에 대한 조치결과의 보고)
Article 8 (Reporting on Results of Measures Taken against Defective Processed Products)
제8조의2(감시기의 운영ㆍ관리기준 및 조치명령)
Article 8-2 (Criteria for Operating and Managing Monitors and Orders to Take Measures)
제9조(유의물질 검출 보고사항)
Article 9 (Matters to be Reported upon Detecting Suspected Substance)
제10조(유의물질 조사ㆍ분석)
Article 10 (Investigation of and Analysis on Suspected Substances)
제11조(생활주변방사선 전문기관의 지정)
Article 11 (Designation of Institutions Specializing in Radiation in Natural Environment)
부칙 <제1027호, 2013. 6. 21.>
ADDENDA <Ordinance of the Prime Minister No. 1027, Jun. 21, 2013>
부칙 <제1301호, 2016. 7. 15.>
ADDENDUM <Ordinance of the Prime Minister No. 1301, Jul. 15, 2016>
부칙 <제1554호, 2019. 7. 16.>
ADDENDUM <Ordinance of the Prime Minister No. 1554, Jul. 16, 2019>
부칙 <제1705호, 2021. 6. 9.>
ADDENDUM <Ordinance of the Prime Minister No. 1705, Jun. 9, 2021>