대한민국 영문법령

Questions about licensing of copyright in the Statutes of the Republic of Korea

The materials that the Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI) prepares and posts are a literary work that is protected under the Copyright Act, and the copyright belongs to KLRI. Any unauthorized duplication and dissemination of the material prepared and posted by KLRI is prohibited.

For any queries relating to the copyright for the citation of any materials provided by KLRI on its websites or in printed materials and publications, please complete the following form and send the form to us for a response.

Copyright Policy

All materials provided by the Korea Legislation Research Institute (“KLRI”) through its web services (including its web-site, online services of the Statutes of the Republic of Korea, etc.) are materials entitled to protection by the Copyright Act and KLRI has all rights to such materials.

No person is permitted, without authorization, to reproduce or distribute any material provided by KLRI through its web services.

All materials published or contents provided by the KLRI are protected by the Copyright Act and KLRI has the copyright to such materials and contents.

No unauthorized person may reproduce or distribute any material or content provided by the KLRI.

Any person who engages in any of the following acts may be subject to criminal punishment: forging or falsifying any material produced by KLRI for its provision or submission as supporting information; use or provision of any material produced by the KLRI without indicating the source of the relevant material; attributing any material produced by the KLRI to any other institution as the producer of the relevant material, etc.

For the purpose of news reporting, review, education, research, etc., any person may quote materials produced by the KLRI up to a reasonable extent in accordance with fair practices. In such cases, however, quotations shall be limited to part of a work.

A web-site may have a ‘simple link’ or ‘direct link’ to any web services of KLRI on any of its web-pages.

Please note that a ‘frame link’ or ‘embedded link’ constitutes infringement of copyright.

Any one may personally use materials provided by KLRI or reproduce such materials for the purpose of domestic use or any similar use, not for profit.

However, a company, a non-profit company or an organization may not reproduce any material of KLRI even for internal use.

Various information provided by KLRI has been collected, processed and compiled for convenience of citizens, and does not have legal or official authority.

Thus, it shall be used only for reference.

In any of the following cases, KLRI has sole discretion to discontinue the provision of information:

If a user is likely to hinder any of the originally intended functions of the web service of KLRI by breaching any of the conditions of use;

If the use of information provided by KLRI substantially violates any third party's right;

If any information provided by KLRI is misused for a crime or any other misconduct;

If necessary for the effective provision of data by KLRI to take any of the following measures for any other reason:

- Preventing inconvenience to people that may be caused by a delay or an error in updating data, typographical errors in data entry, etc.;

- Preventing confusion, loss, etc. that may be caused by forgery, falsification or malicious alteration of information;

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Since KLRI has sole discretion to change the means, methods, etc. for distributing information, including the Open API for its data, joint-user institutions are kindly requested to check from time to time whether there is any change, and joint-user institutions are responsible for any and all problems that might arise as a consequence of their failure to check for a change.

For more information about the matters explained above, please do not hesitate to contact the officer in charge of operating the web-site of KLRI

( tel 044-861-0313,  mail  law@klri.re.kr)