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Notice table
Title 2020 Seoul International Forum on Translation and Interpreting
Date 2020-11-26 Name admin
Attachment 2020 Seoul International Forum on Translation and Interpreting.pdf Hits 1142

* Title : 2020 International Forum on Translation and Interpreting

* Theme : Interface between law and language : Legal translation and interpreting

* Date : December 3~4, 2020

* Format : Online Webinar

* Languages : Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, and French

* Pre-registration :

Notice table
Title 2020 Seoul International Forum on Translation and Interpreting
Date 2020-11-26
Attachment 2020 Seoul International Forum on Translation and Interpreting.pdf
Name admin Hits 1142

* Title : 2020 International Forum on Translation and Interpreting

* Theme : Interface between law and language : Legal translation and interpreting

* Date : December 3~4, 2020

* Format : Online Webinar

* Languages : Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, and French

* Pre-registration :