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Title [call for papers] 2021 Seoul International Forum on Translation and Interpreting
Date 2021-03-16 Name admin
Attachment Hits 1399

2021 Seoul International Forum on Translation and Interpreting (Seoul IFTI)



15 July 2021


Ewha Research Institute of Translation Studies(ERITS, and Korea Legislation Research Institute(KLRI, are joining hands with the National Assembly Library of Korea to co-host 2021 Seoul International Forum on Translation and Interpreting (Seoul IFTI).

Following the first forum held in November 2020 as a webinar which ended as a great success with over 900 pre-registrations, this year’s event will also take place on the web. The theme of the 2021 forum is “Ethics and Professionalism in Translation & Interpreting”.

Ethics and professionalism are critical issues in the practice, training and research of translation and interpreting as they cut across various aspects of the T&I profession including service quality, roles and responsibilities of translators and interpreters, working conditions, rights and advocacy, industry and market practices as well as T&I education and training. Unfortunately, however, there appears to be a relative dearth of academic discussion on these important topics.

The 2021 Seoul IFTI intends to explore ethics and professionalism from diverse perspectives. The event is especially timely and meaningful as the scope of studies on T&I ethics extends to include non-professional translation and interpreting such as crowd-sourced translation and machine translation. The forum will allow key stakeholders, such as practitioners, researchers, trainers and various industry actors to get together to discuss the way forward for the development of T&I and make useful suggestions for language policies on the national level.

The conference will feature Prof. Anthony Pym (University of Melbourne) and Prof. Cornelia Zwischenberger (University of Vienna) as keynote speakers.

We invite contributions from researchers, practitioners, trainers, and students who are interested in topics related to ethics and professionalism in translation and interpreting. Possible topics for consideration include (but are not limited to):

Legal translation and interpreting

Conference interpreting and community interpreting

Non-professional translation and interpreting

Translator and interpreter ethics

Translation and interpreting ethics

T&I education and ethics

Machine translation and post-editing

Translation for publication

T&I best practices and professionalism


Please note the following details about the forum for your submission.


## Submission Instructions

Please submit your abstract (150~200 words) no later than 5 April 2021 by email to:

Prof. Yuhee Lee,

(Please include your name, affiliation, and bio note of not more than 100 words in your email.)


## Notification of Acceptance

Authors will be notified of their acceptance by 12 April 2021.


## Submission of Presentation Materials

Accepted presenters are advised to submit their presentation materials (e.g. PPT files) by 4 May 2021.

(Pre-recording of presentations over Zoom will be scheduled individually with the presenters)


## Important Dates:

  • Submission of abstracts: 5 April 2021

  • Notifications: 12 April 2021

  • Submission of presentation materials (PPT): 4 May 2021

  • Web-streaming: 15 July 2021


Please contact us at if you have any questions. We look forward to your participation.

Notice table
Title [call for papers] 2021 Seoul International Forum on Translation and Interpreting
Date 2021-03-16
Name admin Hits 1399

2021 Seoul International Forum on Translation and Interpreting (Seoul IFTI)



15 July 2021


Ewha Research Institute of Translation Studies(ERITS, and Korea Legislation Research Institute(KLRI, are joining hands with the National Assembly Library of Korea to co-host 2021 Seoul International Forum on Translation and Interpreting (Seoul IFTI).

Following the first forum held in November 2020 as a webinar which ended as a great success with over 900 pre-registrations, this year’s event will also take place on the web. The theme of the 2021 forum is “Ethics and Professionalism in Translation & Interpreting”.

Ethics and professionalism are critical issues in the practice, training and research of translation and interpreting as they cut across various aspects of the T&I profession including service quality, roles and responsibilities of translators and interpreters, working conditions, rights and advocacy, industry and market practices as well as T&I education and training. Unfortunately, however, there appears to be a relative dearth of academic discussion on these important topics.

The 2021 Seoul IFTI intends to explore ethics and professionalism from diverse perspectives. The event is especially timely and meaningful as the scope of studies on T&I ethics extends to include non-professional translation and interpreting such as crowd-sourced translation and machine translation. The forum will allow key stakeholders, such as practitioners, researchers, trainers and various industry actors to get together to discuss the way forward for the development of T&I and make useful suggestions for language policies on the national level.

The conference will feature Prof. Anthony Pym (University of Melbourne) and Prof. Cornelia Zwischenberger (University of Vienna) as keynote speakers.

We invite contributions from researchers, practitioners, trainers, and students who are interested in topics related to ethics and professionalism in translation and interpreting. Possible topics for consideration include (but are not limited to):

Legal translation and interpreting

Conference interpreting and community interpreting

Non-professional translation and interpreting

Translator and interpreter ethics

Translation and interpreting ethics

T&I education and ethics

Machine translation and post-editing

Translation for publication

T&I best practices and professionalism


Please note the following details about the forum for your submission.


## Submission Instructions

Please submit your abstract (150~200 words) no later than 5 April 2021 by email to:

Prof. Yuhee Lee,

(Please include your name, affiliation, and bio note of not more than 100 words in your email.)


## Notification of Acceptance

Authors will be notified of their acceptance by 12 April 2021.


## Submission of Presentation Materials

Accepted presenters are advised to submit their presentation materials (e.g. PPT files) by 4 May 2021.

(Pre-recording of presentations over Zoom will be scheduled individually with the presenters)


## Important Dates:

  • Submission of abstracts: 5 April 2021

  • Notifications: 12 April 2021

  • Submission of presentation materials (PPT): 4 May 2021

  • Web-streaming: 15 July 2021


Please contact us at if you have any questions. We look forward to your participation.