
전체 : 98건, 페이지 1/10
법령명검색 목록표
번호 제목 등록일 첨부 조회
1 재활용제품(再活用製品) 외 10998건 2024-07-18 105
2 119구급대 외 2509건 2021-10-06 2320
3 형평과 선(善)에 따라 (ex aequo et bono or as amiable compositeur) 2019-10-21 3074
4 증거방법 (a reference to evidence) 2019-10-21 1544
5 신청취지와 신청원이 된 사실을 적은 신청서 (statements of the facts supporting his or her claim) 2019-10-21 2058
6 신청서 (statement of claim) 2019-10-21 1952
7 답변서 (statement of defense) 2019-10-21 2335
8 검증조서 (evidence examination reports) 2019-10-21 1280
9 증인신문조서 (reports on the examination of witnesses) 2019-10-21 1511
10 해태 (default) 2019-10-21 1451
11 법원에 증거조사를 촉탁하다 (request a court to take evidence) 2019-10-21 1430
12 증거조사기일 (evidence-taking meeting) 2019-10-21 1226
13 변론하다 (present own's case) 2019-10-21 1279
14 변경·정지·취소 (modification, suspension, termination) 2019-10-21 1322
15 본안에 대해 인용하다 (succeed on the merits of the claim) 2019-10-21 1612
16 본안 (merits of the case/claim) 2019-10-21 2111
17 제적 초본 (certified extract of archived family register) 2019-10-21 1485
18 제적 등본 (certified copy of archived family register) 2019-10-21 3236
19 호적 (family registration) 2019-10-21 1302
20 주민등록증 (resident registration certificate) 2019-10-21 3436
21 등ㆍ초본 (certified copy or extract) 2019-10-21 1403
22 초본 (certified extract) 2019-10-21 1242
23 제적부 (archived family register) 2019-10-21 1192
24 세무사 (certified public tax accountant) 2019-10-17 1294
25 역세권 (station's sphere of influence) 2019-10-17 1682
26 어린이놀이시설 (children's play facilities) 2019-10-17 1534
27 계류장 (apron; mooring) 2019-10-17 1435
28 장애인재활상담사 (rehabilitation counselor) 2019-10-17 1081
29 기간통신사업자 (facilities-based telecommunications business entity) 2019-10-17 2853
30 소형항공운송사업자 (small-scale air operator) 2019-10-17 1257
31 국내/국제항공운송사업자 (domestic/international air operator) 2019-10-17 1527
32 상시감사 (continuous auditing) 2019-10-17 1112
33 연간섭취한도 (annual limit on/of intake (ALI)) 2019-10-17 1200
34 개인사업자 (sole proprietor/sole trader) 2019-10-17 3118
35 자영업자 (self-employed person) 2019-10-17 1185
36 우선허용ㆍ사후규제 원칙 (permit-first-regulate-later principle) 2019-10-17 1172
37 근속연수 (number of years of continuous service) 2019-10-17 2326
38 식품안전관리인증기준 (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)) 2019-10-17 1596
39 고객응대근로자 (customer service employee) 2019-10-17 1886
40 청소년유해매체물 (media product harmful to youth) 2019-10-17 1594
41 성과공유기업 (achievement-sharing enterprise) 2019-10-17 1191
42 총액인수 (firm-commitment underwriting) 2019-10-17 1412
43 폭발력 (explosive yield) 2019-10-17 3399
44 침해 (breach) 2019-10-17 1088
45 부도어음 (dishonored note/bill) 2019-10-17 1445
46 불량자산 (distressed assets) 2019-10-17 1062
47 주식의 분산도 (stock dispersion level) 2019-10-17 1249
48 주주분포 (shareholder composition) 2019-10-17 1023
49 예비전력 (reserve forces) 2019-10-17 997
50 광고 내용의 실증 (advertising claim substantiation ) 2019-10-10 1348
51 심리부검 (psychological autopsy) 2019-10-10 1067
52 항공운송사업자 (air operator) 2019-10-10 1363
53 소상공인 (micro enterprise) 2019-10-10 1804
54 자본전입 (transfer to capital) 2019-10-10 1180
55 이익준비금 (earned surplus reserve) 2019-10-10 1550
56 상품 매출액에 연동되는 임차료 (turnover rent) 2019-10-10 1351
57 피난안전구역 (refuge area) 2019-10-10 1724
58 익명처리된 개인정보 (anonymised personal information) 2019-10-10 1203
59 어업지도선 (fisheries supervision vessel) 2019-10-10 1267
60 설계지진 (design earthquake) 2019-10-10 1110
61 내진등급 (seismic classification) 2019-10-10 1155
62 내진설계 (seismic design) 2019-10-10 2280
63 내진보강 (seismic retrofitting) 2019-10-10 1128
64 분할 (divestiture) 2019-10-10 1081
65 징계부가금 (disciplinary surchage) 2019-10-10 1176
66 생물작용제 (biological agent) 2019-10-10 1945
67 기준시가 (assessed value) 2019-10-10 1045
68 인터넷전문은행 (Internet-only bank) 2019-10-10 1608
69 수용기관 (institutional corrections facility) 2019-10-10 1245
70 교정기관 (calibrating institute) 2019-10-10 1148
71 휴대물품 (carry-on items; carry-ons) 2019-10-10 1010
72 자동차종합검사 (comprehensive motor vehicle inspection) 2019-10-10 1558
73 국내거소신고번호 (domestic residence report number) 2019-10-10 2663
74 단량체 (monomer) 2019-10-10 974
75 고분자화합물 (polymer) 2019-10-10 1068
76 수송분리중간체 (transported isolated intermediate) 2019-10-10 1652
77 현장분리중간체 (on-site isolated intermediate) 2019-10-10 1787
78 혼합물 (mixture) 2019-10-10 965
79 하위사용자 (downstream user) 2019-10-10 1048
80 기존화학물질 (phase-in substance) 2019-10-10 3800
81 민자도로 (public-private parnership road) 2019-10-10 1049
82 통지기한 (time limit for notification) 2019-10-01 1341
83 소방회전익항공기 (fire helicopter) 2019-10-01 1009
84 과세하다 (assess tax) 2019-10-01 1103
85 정보격차 (digital divide) 2019-10-01 1520
86 정보주체 (information subject) 2019-10-01 1627
87 경형자동차 (compact motor vehicle ) 2019-10-01 1155
88 영상정보처리기기 (video processing system) 2019-10-01 1468
89 유아 (young child) 2019-10-01 1110
90 어린이, 아동 (child) 2019-10-01 1022
91 내부회계관리제도 (internal accounting control system) 2019-10-01 5707
92 청소년 (youth) 2019-10-01 1065
93 보조기기 (assistive device) 2019-10-01 1862
94 세계잉여금 (net budget surplus) 2019-07-12 1493
95 시가표준액 (assessed value) 2019-07-12 1405
96 보육 (child care) 2019-07-12 1377
97 영유아 (infants and young children) 2019-07-12 1290
98 물질안전보건자료 (material safety data sheets) 2019-07-12 1650
이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음